Book of Amos 22: Fall to ASSYRIA

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turn in your Bible to the Book of Amos chapter 5 and as you're turning there let me remind you of a few things first of all we're in the third section of this book which is actually three sermons now in these three sermons Amos is trying to convince the Israelites the what he had prophesied about them were against him was really going to happen because they just didn't believe it and the reason they didn't believe it it's because they're God's chosen people so in their mind they were safe God would never bring judgment upon them he might bring judgment upon the Gentiles of the pagans in fact they know he's going to bring judgment upon them but in their mind he would never bring judgment upon them or at least that's what they thought so to convince them that God was going to bring judgment upon them Amos preached three sermons now we've already finished the first two sermons so tonight we're going to be starting the third sermon and let me just warn you it might take us four or five weeks to get all the way through it because it is quite a bit longer than the other two sermons it actually takes up two chapters chapter five in Chapter six in fact take a look the outline that I gave you earlier because I want you to understand that when you're reading through the Minor Prophets these aren't just random prophecies that are put together willy-nilly no there's a structure to it so let me kind of take you through this so that you'll understand it's not just the Book of Amos every one of the prophets has a certain structure to the book so look at this outline the first section is the introduction and in the intro you have the theme of the book the theme is the Lord roars from Zion and if you remember when we were studying the intro to the book and we were talking about this theme I told you that a lion roars for only one of four reasons one of the reasons and one of the main reasons that of it Amos is drawing their attention to is that a lion roar or when he wants to call back members of the pride to the den he wants them to come back to the den and so the Lord is rowing from Zion what he wants is for Israel to come back to the covenant to come back to Jerusalem what they are practicing is idolatry so the Lord is roaring and telling them to come back to Jerusalem back to the Covenant the second reason to the lion might roar is to let anyone know that if they're not a member of the pride they're considered to be prey and so the Lord is roaring and he's telling them that if you make a conscious decision not to be part of my covenant then I will not see you as part of the Deanna's as part of true Israel therefore you will be praying and my judgment will come upon you so that's the introduction the second section is the eight judgments in these eight judgments Amos is pronouncing judgment on six different Gentile nations or what we would call pagan nations the other two judgments are pronounced upon of course Judah in Israel and of course with Israel they just don't think that's possible and that brings us to the third section and it's the three sermons on judgment now if you if you'll notice in these three sermons the first sermon dealt with Israel's present situation in other words it addressed what Israel was doing and what they were guilty of at the time that Amos was prophesying to them in fact if you go and you look back there he says these are seven things that you're guilty of that you're doing right now so he talked about Israel's present sinful condition the second sermon dealt with Israel's past in other words it addressed the calamities that God had brought upon Israel in the past trying to get them to repent and we talked about that last week God sent this plague God sent famine God sent drought and they should have seen with these calamities coming that they're proud of that part of the curse that comes upon those who don't keep the Covenant but still they refuse to repent and return to the Lord the third sermon addressed Israel's future in other words what was going to happen to Israel since they have refused to repent and to return to the Lord the fourth section is the five visions of judgment the vision of the locusts the visions of the fire the vision of the plumb line and you have the opposition of Amaziah that's an interlude everyone knows one in the interlude is right in literature it's parenthetical information in fact if you're going through the book of Revelation most people don't realize that it's written in chronological order but the reason it throws them is because every once in a while you have an interlude and an interlude is parenthetical information information that you need to know so in the midst of these five visions of judgment all of a sudden he goes okay here's some parenthetical information and mazaya opposed amos and there's a little story about that and then it goes back to the rest of the visions the vision of the summer fruit the vision of the stricken doorpost and then the last section tells us what's going to happen to Judah in Israel in the last days that's any that's a very exciting section in this book and that's what it climaxes with that's what it ends with and it leaves us in a in a positive perception of the book that God is a good God and this is what's going to happen in the end so now that you know that turn with me to verse 1 in chapter 5 which is the intro to the third sermon it says listen you people of Israel listen to this funeral song I am singing now I want you to underline the phrase funeral song that phrase is translated from the Hebrew word kena and it refers to a dirge everyone knows what a dirge is right a dirge is one of the components of a funeral service it can be a funeral song a poem or even a piece of music like Chopin's funeral march everyone knows what Chopin's funeral march is right duh don't don't don't don't don't don't anyone ever heard that that's got like oh well why do we think because we associate that with a funeral that's a dirge now sometimes you go to a funeral someone gets up and they read a poem it's a it's a very sad poem it's something that maybe makes you think of them well that's what a dirge is it's either a funeral song it's a poem or it's even a piece of music that's a component of the few servus now here's what's interesting a dirge is spoken or sung and a person's funeral which means that person is dead but Amos is saying it before Israel's actual death and exile what he's doing is he's telling Israel listen to your funeral now it might seem creepy to you but I'm the type of person that thinks about my funeral if Jesus Christ doesn't come back what do I want said and here's what I'm thinking if I get to the point where I'm in my 80s and it maybe looks like Jesus isn't going to return before I die I'm probably going to preach my own sermon have them video it because I'm not quite sure people will get it right I think about those things you know but you're not that way can you imagine one of your children coming up to you and saying you know I've written your eulogy you'd probably be going what yes what listen to this this is what I'm gonna say when you die and you're probably gonna think why are you talking about this I don't want to think about my death but here's what's interesting Amos is singing this funeral song before Israel's actual death in exile what he's doing is he's telling Israel listen to your own funeral now this isn't a eulogy that's a different component of a funeral service you say a eulogy is that part of the funeral service where you speak good things about that person maybe you get up and you tell a few stories and maybe you talk about certain characteristics that I had their personality how they helped people how they were a person of love that's a eulogy but people this isn't the eulogy this is a dirge it's a lamentation over the demise of Israel and the shameful way that she died but Israel doesn't know that until Amos starts singing this funeral song this dirge you think when Amos told Israel to listen to this dirts this funeral song that he was singing they naturally wanted to know well who died but he doesn't tell them he just says listen and then he goes into the dirge in verse 2 so look at verse number 2 the Virgin Israel has fallen never to rise again she lies abandoned on the ground with no one to help her up now I want you to underline the word fallen in your Bible fallen is translated from the Hebrew word not fall does that sound familiar to any of you not all well it should if you were here Sunday morning because I said a word that's very similar to this word last Sunday when I was talking about the Nephilim you see not fall and net fall are related they both mean to fall but in the context that Amos is using it Natha means to fall in battle or in other words to be defeated militarily and it's a euphemism for the death of a nation when they've been defeated in a war as an example the Nazis spelled to the Allies on May the 7th 1945 do you remember that so when Amos sung and his dirge Israel has fallen everyone knew what that meant it meant that Israel had been defeated on the battlefield and as a result the nation was dead and those who survived had been carried into captivity now remember this hasn't happened yet but Amos was singing it as if it had already happened so this is a prophetic alert that's what makes this so unique he's saying just like I talked about if one of your children came and said listen to the eulogy I've written about you this is Amos coming as a listen to this dirge that I'm going to sing about you and all of a sudden he says you're gonna fall on the battlefield and who survives is going to be carried into captivity because this is a prophetic alert now notice the last part of verse 2 it says the Virgin Israel has fallen never to rise again she lies abandoned on the ground with no one to help her up in other words Israel has been wounded too severely to recover on her own her only hope is for someone to come along and help her but there's no one to help her because she's been abandoned by everyone including God so she died on the battleground in the prime of her life now why do I say in the prime of her life we'll look at the title that Amos gave her he called her virgin Israel now the word virgin is translated from the Hebrew word medulla and EndNote only referred to a person who has never had sex but it also refers to a young person in fact this hebrew word actually comes from a kid from an Akkadian word and in the Akkadian language this word meant marriage' below 'men in other words that refer to a young woman who had reached the age where she could take a husband somewhere around the age of 13 14 to 15 so in Hebrew it meant young virgin not just virgin young virgin but my point is this in the eighth century BC Israel was still in her youth she was enjoying a successful political military and economic season and she still had the best years of her life ahead of her but because of her sinfulness she died prematurely which makes a mr. Jeevan Saturn virgin Israel young Israel has fallen never to rise again now look at verse number three the sovereign Lord says when the city sends a thousand men to battle only a hundred will return when a town sends a hundred only ten will come back alive now verse three is part of the dirge the prophetical dirge and in and Amos tells how Israel fell never to rise again they fell in battle and they didn't just die in battle they were decimated but before we look at that let me point out something in this verse Amos employ standard Israel i israelite military terminology for troops you see Israel soldiers were organized by tens fifties hundreds and thousands let me give you a couple of examples to illustrate what I'm talking about turn with me if you would to the book of Exodus chapter 18 verse number 21 this is the great advice that Jethro Moses father-in-law gave to Moses when he saw him trying to in a sense decide between legal issues between all the people if they had some type of disagreement if they got into an argument or there's some type of squabble they would come before Moses and Moses would make a decision and he did that from daylight to dark and Jethro watches this he says this is not good so he gives this advice to Moses notice what he says but select from all the people some capable honest men who fear God and hate bribes appoint them as leaders over groups of 1150 and 10 and again this is talking about Moses delegating authority to people who had the leadership gift Balea that the ability to lead to help him in his job but Israel's military used the very same numerical division for their troops look with me if you would in the book of 1st Samuel chapter 18 verse 13 notice what it says finally Saul sent him away and pointed him commander over a thousand men and David faithfully led his troops into battle you see Saul wasn't really giving him a chance because he saw the leadership ability and he felt threatened by David but finally he goes ahead and he puts him in charge of a thousand men in other words David became what we would call a general but I want you to notice that the word troops is plural now many times we'll use it that way but you need to understand in the way the Hebrew was set up it means that there were more divisions than just a thousand men and they were all in one group now you see this one thousand men were divided into groups of one hundred groups of 50 in groups of ten look at 1st Samuel chapter 25 verse 5 and I'll show you what I'm talking about P talking about David sent 10 of his young men to Carmel with this message for no ball you see scouting parties messenger parties and reconnaissance parties were usually groups of 10 as well as armor bearers look with me if you would in 2nd Samuel chapter 18 verse 15 it says 10 of Joe ABS young armor bearers then surrounded Absalom and killed him now this is what's interesting of course we know Joab Joe absolute one that took these three daggers and he stabbed Absalom but when he stood back he had 10 armor bears now most of us don't understand what that means because we think of an armor bearer just someone who carries the sword for him and the shield and says I'm here here's your here's your shield kind of like a knight who has his armor-bearer you ever wheat you watch that the person's jousting they joust they come back and his armor-bearer head gives him another one of the does that called what the loan is it a chanst what is that anyways you know what I'm talking about oh we tend to think of that as an armored bear but what we don't realize that's not what an armored bear really was an armored bear was actually a bodyguard in fact they were what we would call royal guards or personal guards so if you were a general you didn't just have an armor bearer you had armor bearers you had royal guards you had personal guards because the enemy always wants to take out the generals always wants to take out the lieutenant's and so if you're high up you have armor bearers they're on there not just people that polish your your armor now they're there to protect you they're there to help you and so here's what's interesting the higher you went up and you would normally have armor bearers and there were ten of them so you had groups of tenez armor bearers you also sent ten ounces of reconnaissance groups when David sent the ten out as a messenger it's because that's what they were doing they were they were a group of messengers but they didn't go with one or two they winning groups of ten and then you had troops of fifty they were usually your engineers or your tactical teams but the reason Israel set up the military like this is because they went all the way back to X's chapter 18 verse 21 to the advice that Jethro gave and they said if this is the right way to set up leadership this is the right way to set up leadership in the military and so that's how the militaries were set up everyone with me but my point is this Amos was employing standard Israelite military terminology for troops you see a city wouldn't send out troops of ten or 50 to battle they would send out troops of 100 or 1000 depending upon the enemy and the size of their city if they could only muster a hundred soldiers these hundred soldiers were part of another or group of soldiers from other cities so now that you know that look back at verse number three says the sovereign Lord says when a city sends a thousand men to battle only a hundred will return when a town not a city a town since a hundred only ten will come back alive so a city sends a thousand men a town sends a hundred men do you see that one's large enough to have a thousand men the others not large enough to do that it's small but it still has a hundred men but regardless of whether it's a city that sends out a thousand soldiers or town that sends out a hundred soldiers only ten percent will come back alive ninety percent of their soldiers Amos is saying we'll die in battle in other words their army is going to be decimated by the enemy they will fall and never rise again yeah now think about this during World War two thirteen million soldiers served in the German army and 4.3 million died now 4.3 million is the number that the Germans give us there are those that say no that was underestimated because when they got chaotic at the end there was actually about 5.3 million that died but the Germans say no we kept good records and the truth of the matter is the Germans were meticulous at keeping records we know that because of the Holocaust people they kept meticulous records and the German people say that 4.3 million of their soldiers died which means only 33 percent of their soldiers died 67% of their soldiers actually survived the war they might have lost a limb but they survived now compare those numbers to Israel's losses 33 percent of German soldiers died in World War two ninety percent of Israel soldiers died in their war with Assyria 67 percent of Germany soldiers survived World War two only ten percent of Israel soldiers survived the war with Assyria Wow no wonder northern Israel would never rise again and they didn't all their young men died in the war with Assyria and the 10% that didn't die were carried into captivity now we're going to find out when we get to chapter 9 verses 11 through 15 that Israel will be supernaturally raised up to live as a nation again but it's only through the miraculous power of Yahweh and it's only in the last days and at that time they won't be a divided Kingdom you won't have Judah in Israel they will be a United Kingdom once again look at Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 19 and I'll show you what I'm talking about I love the Book of Ezekiel one of my favorite books if you've never heard me teach on the wonderful prophecy it's the most amazing prophecy because it actually predicts the exact year the exact month and the exact day that Israel would become a nation again and it happened just as Ezekiel said it's probably one of the most misunderstood prophecies in the entire Bible but if you understand what it's saying you realize that everything that the Bible says is true and will come to pass as it says now let's read Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 19 it says this is what the sovereign Lord says now notice that the word Lord is in all caps what does that mean it's translated from the Hebrew word for God Yahweh and Yahweh is the redeeming covenant keeping name of God only those in covenant with him have a right to use that name so he says this is what the sovereign Lord says I will take Ephraim and the northern tribes and join them to Judah I will make them one piece of wood in my hand now remember sometimes northern Israel was called Israel and at other times it was called Ephraim why was it called Ephraim does anyone know it's because ev'ry receive the birthright if you remember the reason the brothers got so mad at Joseph is because Joseph was to receive the birthright most of us don't understand what it means when it talks about he received a coat of many colors what it meant is he was designated to have the birthright when the oldest left with his father's concubine it negated his right to be the firstborn and to receive the right of the firstborn and as a result of that it gave the father the right to choose who was most worthy and the most worthy one was Joseph and that's why Joseph he wasn't a tattletale that's why his father would send him out to check on everything and come back and give a report now his brothers didn't like it because he was the youngest but he was also the most responsible so he was chosen to have the birthright now here's what's interesting course we know the story he was sold into slavery he went down into Egypt he rose up in Potiphar's house and he was in just the accuse of of rape and as a result of that he was thrown into prison and of course he miraculously comes out he's able to to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh and he rises to this position where no one is higher than him except for Pharaoh and here's what's interesting there's this famine and all of these other nations around them are also experienced in the famine so in order to get food to be able to survive they have to go to Egypt so Egypt spoils he takes all of the riches of all of the nations around them but even the Israel lights are affected by it and so of course his brothers come in and they're seeking for this and you all know the story they're finally reunited and then Jacob and his sons they come to is or they come to Egypt and when they're in Egypt they have the best of everything in the land of Goshen but eventually another favor comes up and the Pharaoh doesn't know who Joseph is but here's what we forget Joseph received the birthright Joseph received the birthright he gets a double portion and so Jacob decides to give it when he decides to give the double portion of Joseph he decides not to give it to Joseph but to give it to Joseph two sons Manasseh and Ephraim who is the oldest Manasseh so when those two son come he's getting ready to give the birth right he's going to give the blessing people don't understand most of them that will go through the book Genesis what the blessing is the blessing was given to the person of birthright and it was really a big deal everyone understood this is the person who's getting the birthright because he's receiving the blessing everyone with me all the other children would get a blessing but they didn't get the blessing and so Joseph brings his two sons and he sets them before them and he puts Manasseh where jacob's right hand will go in his head and he pussied for him where his left hand would go on his hand so he can bless them but he wants his right hand to be here because Manasseh is gonna get the birthright or so Joseph thanks because instead of him receiving the double portion instead of him getting the blessing it's gonna fall to his two sons that's why you have two tribes Manasseh and Ephraim instead of the tribe of Joseph everyone with me and then Jacob pulls us fast when he throws a curveball he crosses his hands and he goes and he puts his right hand on each for him and he puts his left hand on a nasa and joseph thinks oh dad he can't see bless his heart his cataracts so he says no no no no dad you've got your hands on the wrong ones and he tries to straighten his own and it kind of ticks jacob off he's like bleep my hands oh I know what I'm doing and he crosses his hands again and he gives Ephraim the birthright he gives him the blessing he gives Manasseh a blessing but he gives Ephraim D blessing so Ephraim now has the birthright the Kings will come from the tribe of Judah but the birthright went to Ephraim so when Israel ends you to split up it's actually Israel but it splits into two kingdoms that Rio Boehm then this northern tribe the ten northern tribes are referred to as Israel but sometimes they're referred to as Ephraim why because they are the leaders of that they have the birthright everyone with me now that's very important because as you're reading through the Old Testament sometimes it will refer to Ephraim and you think is it referring to the tribe no sometimes it is content because of the context but most of the time it's referring to the ten northern tribes so what this is saying is that in the last days Israel and Judah will be united once again Ephraim and Judah will be reunited it's talking about the ten northern tribes the two southern tribes will be reunited in the last days so what Amos is prophesying is that Israel will fall to the Syrians and will never rise again until until the last days and then they will supernaturally rise again because of Yahweh in fact let's read Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 19 again except this time let's keep reading until we get to verse 25 in fact you can continue on after that but I only have so much time notice what it says starting in verse 19 this is what the sovereign Lord says I will take ephraim and the northern tribes and join them to Judah I will make them one piece of wood in my hand then hold out the pieces of wood you have inscribed so the people can see them and give them this message from the sovereign Lord I will gather the people of Israel from among the nation's I will bring them home to their own land from the places where they have been scattered I will unify them into one nation on the mountains of Israel one king will rule them all no longer will they to be divided into two nations or into two kingdoms they will never again pollute themselves with their idols and vile images and rebellion for I will save them from their sinful backsliding I will cleanse them then they will truly be my people and I will be their God my servant David will be their king and they will have only one shepherd they will obey my regulations and be careful to keep my decrees they will live in the land I gave my servant Jacob the land where their ancestors lived they and their children and their grandchildren after them will live there how long forever generation after generation and my servant David will be their prince forever just as we will receive a resurrected body that's reunited with or so so that we can reign and rule with Jesus so will David and David will be the Vizier he will sit on the throne of Israel Jesus is the king of all the earth the king of kings but David will come back and he will rule over this United Kingdom again that is the honor that was given to him and it will be fulfilled the way that God prophesied it would be now listen to me we're in the process of seeing this prophecy come to pass no it's not been fulfilled yet at least not completely and it won't be until the Millennium but it has begun how has it begun all of these Jews all over the world and especially in Eastern Europe and northern Africa are coming back to Israel and as they come back to Israel they're coming from all of these different places it's the only nation that's ever been completely torn apart and all of its citizens gone into exile and for 2,000 years have been dead but in the very month the very day the very year that Ezekiel prophesied they would become a nation again they became a nation and all of these Israelites have been coming back because the prophecy has begun but it hasn't been completed yet it won't be completed until Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation and when he returns that all of Israel will be act there and when you look at the at the land that they're going to rule from it's going to be all the way from the rivers all the way to the Nile you see how far it's going to go to the west and to the east it's an amazing piece of property and every one of the tribes are going to get their portion of land but in the very middle of course will be the tribe of Judah and of course there will be the ezekiel temple that's there the people all this is going to take place and it's going to and it's going to be completely fulfilled during the Millennium now before we go on to verse 4 let me explain the structure of the first 17 verses the name is chapter 5 verse 4 you see begins a new section of prophecy but the funeral dirge in verses 1 through 3 relates to it you see chapter 5 verses 1 through 17 is actually deliberately structured as a chiasm with the doxology in verses 8 and 9 at the center of it now does everyone know what a chiasm is and it will not know what a chiasm is all right let me explain what a chiasm is a chiasm is a figure of speech or a literary device in which words grammatical constructions or concepts are repeated in reverse order in the same or a modified form to make a larger point or a major point so in essence you say something or you write something and then you turn around and you say the very same thing or you write the very same thing but you do it in reverse order and your purpose in doing that is to make it a larger point everyone with me now let me show you how this particular chiasm is structured here it is the first 17 verses take a look at this and verses 1 through 3 in chapter 5 amos laments over the death of the nation do you see that and then he calls them to seek your way and live in verses 4 through 6 amos then makes the accusation that there's no justice in israel that's verse 7 and verse number 8 amos sings a hymn to yahweh and of course yahweh is his name is the climax that's the pivot point and then he says the very same thing except in reverse order and he works backwards Amos sings a hymn to Yahweh in verse 9 he then accuses Israel of having no justice in verses 10 through 13 then Amos caused them to seek Yahweh and live in verses 14 through 15 and then he's back to the place he started in verses 1617 where he laments over the death of the nation now here's what I want you to see a lament over the death of the nation is the very same thing as a lament over the death of the nation so verses 1 & 3 the very thing same thing is said in verses 16 through 17 but it was the first thing here it's the last thing the next thing is Amos caused them to seek Yahweh and live in verses 4 through 6 B corresponds with B call to seek your way in live verses 14 through 15 the next thing he does is a miscues 'as him of having no justice well if you notice C and C correspond he accuses them of no justice now he doesn't say it in the same way he says it in a different way but he's saying the very same thing everyone with me a corresponds to a B corresponds to B C corresponds to C D corresponds with D the top a with the top or the bottom of a the top B with the bottom B everyone with me do you see that and the turning point the pivot point is Yahweh is his name and why is that important because Yahweh is the covenant-keeping name of God if you're in covenant with him you've got it made if you're not in covenant with Yahweh well this thing a funeral dirge on your behalf so notice what Amos writes up to verse 8 and then he begins writing the same thing in a little bit different way but in reverse order everyone sees that right he's basically saying the very same thing in a different way but in reverse order can you see that good but the reason he does that is because he's trying to emphasize a major point in other words throughout these verses Amos is making numerous points so as we go through these first 17 verses I'm going to pull out all of these things and he makes numerous points but through the use of this literary device known as a chiasm he's trying to make a major point so you've got all these different points but he doesn't want you to miss the major point and the major point is this because of Israel's refusal to repent and return to God Israel will fall never to rise again that's the major point until when the last days in fact look back at the chiasm and notice the first point he makes in verses 1 through 3 and the last point he makes in verses 16 through 17 look at a at the top and a at the bottom it's the very same point the first point he made and the last point he made just the same it's meant to be the same now when you read those verses you'll see that he says it in a different way but he's saying the very same thing and it's the major point he's trying to make which is what because of Israel's refusal to repent and return to God Israel will fall and never rise again until four last days but we don't find out that they're going to rise again until we get to chapter 9 verses 11 through 15 I'm just getting ahead of myself because I've read the whole book you see when I get ready to teach a book verse by verse one of the things I do is I read through that book many times and I'm just making notes without reading any other books I'm just reading the thing and I'm going through and I'm i'm doing it pericope by pericope in other words topic by topic I'm coming in and this is a one whole paragraph and so I study that paragraph I go on and so I've read the whole book I know where this is going and where this is going is because of Israel's sin they're going to die as a nation they will never rise again until the last days the days we're living in we're the generation that will get to see the Lord Jesus Christ return again I truly believe that if I get to live to be in my early 80s I will see the rapture I believe that with my whole heart in fact let's take a look at those verses this is Amos chapter 9 verses 11 through 15 this is the very last part of the book we're gonna do something that we normally don't like to do how many of you when you're reading a novel and it gets really suspenseful and you're not sure that the the protagonist in the story is actually gonna leave what do you do you go this might turn out bad so what do you do you turn to the back of the book and you read the last little bit right and you go oh he's still alive okay I can finish the book how many of you do that how many of you can't stand to do that okay well I want you to understand if we didn't turn to the back we would look at this and we would go now I can't take it so I went to the back of the book and read here's a miss chapter 9 verses 11 through 15 in that day what day the day of the Lord now the day of the Lord is not one day it's a period of time the great day of the Lord is when the Lord starts all of this we're gonna see the rapture and this is going to be the seven-year tribulation the first three and a half years of the tribulation the last three and a half years is Jacob's trouble it's the Great Tribulation that comes upon all the world and then of course the appearance of Jesus Christ and then we go into the Millennium and what most of us don't realize all of that's referred to as the day of the Lord so it's kind of like all together because in order for us to get to Jesus Christ coming back and for us to be a part of that we have to have these other things it all works together you see I can't come back with Jesus unless I get a glorified body right so we're gonna have to have a rapture and because of Who I am in Christ because Jesus bore God's wrath upon the cross for me that I don't have to go through God's wrath the bones that are poured out so of course I'm going up in the rapture but there's a purpose for the tribulation how many of you remember the three purposes of the tribulation three what are they to put it into wickedness and wicked people yeah very few people make it out of tribulation because wickedness is going to be punished what's the second purpose one of the greatest revivals you're ever going to see things are gonna get bad and people gonna turn to the Lord they're gonna say where is pastor Allen why you believe us he must have been raptured they're gonna run they're gonna break in to Cornerstone they're gonna get my series on Revelation they're gonna read they're gonna watch the DVDs they're gonna read it they're gonna go this is what's gonna happen and you're gonna see 144,000 Jews and they're gonna be preaching and you're gonna see the grace revival ever but what's the main reason what's the main purpose of the tribulation jesus said I will not return until the Jews look upon me and repent and they tell me and they call for me to come back and that's gonna happen the Jews are gonna look upon him whom they pierced they're gonna repeat they're gonna say Jesus was the Messiah and then almost like in one day all of the Jews are going to become messianic juice and they're gonna mourn and at that point Jesus can come back that's the purpose of the tribulation the three purposes of the tribulation we see all of these things have to happen for Jesus to come back and then BOOM we go into the Millennium so all of this is the great day of the Lord okay finishing this up real quick we're reading this in that day well I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and close up the breaches thereof and I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as of the days of ode we're going back to the glory days of David and Solomon that they may possess the remnant remnant of Edom and of all the heathen which are called by my name because even the Gentiles are coming in you've got Gentiles that are coming to Jesus say if the Lord that do with this this is a minor prophet talking about Gentiles you bet you Amos Abraham is a blessing to all the nations behold the days come saith the Lord that the plough man shall overtake the Reaper and the Treader or drapes him that soweth seed and the mountains shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt and I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel and they shall build the way cities ooh he's going to bring back the captain all these people that were taking a captivity of Israelites are coming back to the land and they shall build the way cities and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine thereof they shall also make gardens and eat the fruit of them and I will plant them upon the land and they shall no more be pulled up out of the land which I've given them saith the LORD thy God in other words the house of David will be restored in the last days not two kingdoms one kingdom one United Kingdom now this is where we're going to stop and next week this is where we will pick up
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 2,455
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Israel, dirge, fall to the assyrians, book of amos bible study, book of amos, minor prophet amos, Amos, eschatology, bible study book of amos, prophetic literature, minor prophets, Old Testament, Bible Study, cornerstone fellowship, Allen Nolan, amos explained, Fall to the Assyrians (Amos Part 22), israels fall to assyrians, israels fall to assyria, sermon on amos israels fall, sermon on amos chapter 5, amos chapter 5 bible study, book of amos chapter 5 explained
Id: Lr7DxIs16jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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