Book of Amos 23: The DAY of the Lord

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turn in your Bible to the Book of Amos chapter 5 and as you're turning there let me remind you of a few things first of all we're in the third section of the book which is actually three sermons now in these three sermons Amos is trying to convince the Israelites that what he had prophesied against them was really going to happen because they simply didn't believe it and the reason they didn't believe it was because they were God's chosen people so in their mind they were safe God would never bring judgment upon them the Gentiles yes his chosen people No so they thought that they were safe and that was their mentality so to convince them that God was going to bring judgment upon them Amos preached three sermons now last time we started on the third sermon and we covered the first 17 verses so tonight we're going to pick up where we left off which is verse 18 so if you would turn with me to Amos chapter 5 and let's read verses 18 through 20 this is a prick opee in fact when I tried to divide up what I'm going to cover I try to look at the different perk of peace and try to break it in that everyone knows what a per copy is right it is a it's a group of verses that makes a complete thought so I don't want to cut something in half I want to keep everything in context and so what I do is I look at that and I say okay what's the next / in opee complete thought the group of verses that's there and let's cover that and tonight we're going to be covering verses 18 through 20 notice what it says what sorrow waits you who say if only the day of the Lord were here you have no idea of what you were wishing for that day will bring darkness not liked and that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion only to meet a bear escaping from the bear he leans his hand against a wall in his house and he's bitten by a snake yes the day of the Lord will be dark and hopeless without a ray of hope or joy now how many of you know what the day of the Lord is I mean you know what the day of the Lord is or what it's referring to because this is a term that she's quite frequently in the Bible in fact for those of you who've been reading your Bible through in a year if you've been doing that for several years I'm sure you across this phrase the day of the Lord but most people have no idea what this means in fact I'll be honest with you the majority of pastors don't know what that phrase means they think it's referring to the end times how many of you would have guessed that the day of the Lord refers to the end times yeah more specifically the seven-year tribulation period and it does refer to that at times but not every time sometimes it refers to other events so let me explain what the day of the Lord is and let me begin by giving you a definition and if I were you I would write this definition down and let me explain why you will run across this phrase many times to the prophets if you're reading through the Book of Isaiah the Book of Jeremiah the Book of Ezekiel through the minor prophets even in the New Testament you will run across this phrase if you don't know what it means it will cause mass confusion this is why I would write down this definition because you need to know what the day of the Lord is and what I would do when you write that down as I would slide it in my Bible and I would keep it there so you could refresh your memory from time to time when you come across this phrase so here's the day of the Lord this is a definition the day of the Lord is a term that was used by the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles to signify a time in which God intervenes either directly or indirectly as an act of judgment and/or salvation in order to change the present world order and that's a long definition isn't it but it's so important I'm going to read it again so you have time to either snap a picture of it or write it down so here goes the day of the Lord is a term that was used by Old Testament prophets and by newts and by the New Testament apostles to signify a time in which God intervenes either directly or indirectly as an act of judgment and/or salvation in order to change the present world order so most of the time it does refer to the end times and more specifically the seven-year tribulation period because the tribulation period is a direct result of God intervening and brings bringing judgment upon the world in fact the seven vials that are poured out upon the earth in Revelation chapter 16 verses 1 through 17 are referred to as the wrath of God they are God's judgment upon the earth it's literally his judgment being poured out upon this earth look at Revelation chapter 16 verse 1 I'll show you what I'm talking about and I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth so the day of the Lord does refer to the seven-year tribulation period but it can also refer to other events in fact any event in which God actively intervenes as an act of judgment and/or salvation to change the present world order is referred to as the day of the Lord any event and let me give you some examples the Assyrian captivity in 722 BC was referred to as the day of the Lord in fact Amos is the one who referred to it as that he referred to it as the day of the Lord here in Amos chapter 5 verse 18 that passage of Scripture that we read the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC when the Jews were carried into captivity was referred to as the day of the Lord it was a day of judgment in which God used the Babylonians to punish the Judeans or Judah but it also changed the present World Order in other words the Assyrians will no longer the world dominant power the Babylonians became the world dominant power and they changed everything in the known world at that time so it was referred to as the day of the Lord the destruction of Babylon was also referred to as the day of the Lord sometimes we get to thinking that the day of the Lord only refers to God the Christians and/or the Jews but now the day of the Lord can refer to judgment coming upon other nations in fact as I said the destruction of Babylon was also referred to as the day of the Lord and let me prove that to you look with me if you wouldn't Isaiah chapter 13 verses 1 through 4 tene notice what it says Isaiah the son of a mosque received this message concerning the destruction of Babylon the world dominant power at that time raised a signal flag on a bare hilltop calling up an army against Babylon wave your hand to encourage them as they march into the palaces of the high and mighty I the LORD have dedicated these soldiers for this task yes I have called mighty warriors to express my anger and they will rejoice when I am exhausted hear the noise on the mountains listen as the vast armies march it is the noise and shining of many nations the Lord of heavens armies has called this army together they come from distant countries from beyond the farthest horizons they are the Lord's weapons to carry out his anger in other words God is using these armies as his weapons but notice this with them talking about these armies he will destroy the whole and screaming terror for the day of the Lord do you see that phrase there it is this does not refer to the seven years a period of tribulation this does not refer to the end of times this refers to the specific time when the Babylonians were were conquered and destroyed in a new world order came into place but here it is for the day of the Lord has arrived the time for the Almighty to destroy in other words he's going to change the present World Order because he's bringing judgment upon Babylon he goes further every arm is paralyzed with fear every heart mounts and people are terrified pangs of anguish gripped them like those of a woman in labor they look helplessly at one another their faces aflame with fear for see here's that phrase the day of the Lord is coming the terrible day of his fury and fierce anger the land will be made desolate and all the sinners destroyed with it the heavens will be black above them the stars will give no light the Sun will be dark when it rises and the moon will provide no life I've the Lord will the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin in fact let me stop here and just kind of go off on the tangent anyone mind if I chase a rabbit right here what are the three purposes of the tribulation that seven year period of tribulation do you remember the first purpose is what to put an end to wickedness and wicked people according to the Book of Isaiah what's the second main purpose to see the greatest revival of all you see the rapture is going to occur before the seven year period of tribulation some believe it's going to happen at the midpoint but the majority of us are pre-trib but what that means is when the Christians are taken out and those who maybe were raised in church but Jesus isn't Lord those who never made that decision but maybe grandma did when they see this rapture take place they're going to realize something's happening and when the seven year period of tribulation comes you're going to see one of the greatest revivals of all time that's the second purpose of the tribulation the third purpose of the tribulation is for Israel to come to repentance for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah to turn their eyes to Him and to plead for him to return when that takes place is the book of Zechariah says Jesus will return so that's the three purposes of the tribulation I want you to remember that but I want you to see on the great day of the Lord this is not referring to that time this is referring to the day that the Babylonians were conquered in the Old Testament period but notice is said I the Lord will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin so when God intervenes as an act of judgment and it changes the present world order then it's referred to as the day of the Lord so let's keep reading I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty I will make people scarce or than God more rare than the fine gold of Ophir for I will shake the heavens the earth will move from its place for the Lord of heavens armies displace his wrath in the day of his fierce anger everyone in Babylon will run around like a hunted gazelle like sheep without a shepherd they will try to find their own people and flee to their own land now as you can clearly see any event in which God intervenes as an act of judgment and/or salvation and I'm going to explain why I keep saying and/or salvation to change the world order the present world order is referred to as the day of the Lord now let me give you some New Testament examples because this price isn't just used in the Old Testament it's also used in the New Testament look with me if you wouldn't 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 through 3 now if you're wondering why I'm spending so much time on this you can't understand the Bible - you understand this phrase because many times it will just say in that day and it's referring to the day of the Lord if you don't know what the day of the Lord is you're lost so notice what this is first Thessalonians now brothers and sisters about times and dates we do not need to write to you for you know very well that the day of the Lord there's that phrase will come like a thief in the night in other words you won't know when it's coming that's why there's no need for times and dates let me just tell you right up front no one knows that time no one knows the day or the hour except God so it's going to come like a thief in the night now I want you to notice that it doesn't say that he's going to come and be a thief he says he comes all hi Cathy f-- there's a big fit difference between being a thief and being like a thief what does a thief - a thief steals things and a thief at night still think seals things when no one's looking and you can't see what they're doing this is referring to the rapture it doesn't say that Jesus is going to be a thief he says he's going to come like a thief in the night and he's going to take the world's treasure what is the world's treasure the pearl of great price the church the church and no one's gonna see when it happens it's gonna happen just like that the dead in Christ will rise first and then those of us who are alive on this earth at that time we will be snatched up to meet the Lord in the air and that is the rapture so he tells us now brothers and sisters about times and dates we do not read need to write to you for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night so he's referring to the rapture as the day of the Lord while people are saying peace and safety destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape now as I said this event is referring to the rapture for believers it's a wonderful day of salvation in which our mortal bodies are transformed into in mortal bodies but for those who aren't raptured people that's a horrible day because shortly after that this seven-year period of tribulation begins so for believers it's a great thing salvation has come for unbelievers it's a horrible thing because judgment is coming so here the great day of the Lord is an event where God intervenes in an act not only of judgment but also of salvation because those of us who are saved are going to be caught up to meet the Lord those of us are not are going to be judged and it changes the present World Order now look at 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 10 through 13 he talks about it here and this is really an interesting passage of Scripture because he's going to refer to the great day of the Lord here - two different things in one passage of Scripture notice what it says but the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief again he's giving an illustration he won't come as a thief but he'll come like a thief that's what that means then the heavens will pass away with the terrible noise and the very elements themselves would disappear and fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this what holy and godly lives you should live looking forward to the day of God so the day of the Lord is also referred to as the day of God and hurrying it alone on that day he will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames but we are looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth he has promised a world filled with God's righteousness now in this context the day of the Lord refers to several different things it refers to the rapture where the Lord comes like a thief and he takes the pearl of great price no one sees it happen it just boom takes place no one was expecting it before they knew it all the Christians were gone and it refers to the time after the Millennium when God brings forth the new heaven and the new earth so in this one passage of Scripture we see this term used to refer to two different things it's referring to the rapture but it's also referring to the destruction of the ODE heaven and earth in order to make way for the new heaven and earth and those two things are approximately 1,000 years apart but both events are referred to as the day of the Lord Wow so what is the day of the Lord well I gave you the definition it's a term that's used to refer to any event in which God intervenes either directly or indirectly now why did I say either directly or indirectly because on the day of the Lord when it came time to judge the Babylonians he'd intervened indirectly through the armies of other nations but at the rapture he intervenes directly Jesus comes right yeah during the seven-year period of tribulation that judgment is poured out by who angels so it's indirectly so I'm giving you this definition explaining it it's a term that's used to refer to any event in which God intervenes either directly or indirectly as an act of judgment and/or salvation why do I say and/or because at the rapture it's both it's a day of salvation for those who are saved it's a day of judgment for those who are not and then it goes further in this in order to change the present world order every time one of these things takes place the day of the Lord takes place a new world order has come something in this world the order of this world has changed it's a big event it's not just God pouring judgment upon someone or God bringing judgment you've never had the day of the Lord happened in your personal life that doesn't mean that God hasn't judged you it doesn't mean that God hasn't saved you it doesn't mean that God hasn't intervened in your life but it didn't change the present World Order the day of the Lord changes the present World Order as everyone went to me this is like a seminary class but you can get it because I make it so simple now listen to me because this is very important the day of the Lord is eschatological in the sense that it brings an end to the present world order so there is a new world order all right so it's always eschatological in other words it's always working towards God's ultimate plan but in doing so it can either be within the flow of history or in an absolute and final sense at the end of all history now let me say that again to make sure you understand what I'm saying and I'm gonna kind of tear it apart as I go the day of the Lord refers to any event in which God actively intervenes in order to bring an end to the present World Order such as what happened in 722 BC when the northern tribes of Israel were carried into captivity and the Assyrians became the world dominant power at that time it also applies to what happened in 586 BC when Judah was carried into captivity in Babylon became the world dominant power and it also referred to 70 AD when the temple was destroyed in the Roman so the Jews into slavery and they were scattered all over the world those things all took place within the flow of history but they changed the present World Order at that time and the prophets refer to those events as the day of the Lord the day God intervened in human history as an act of judgment and/or salvation now in the last days God will intervene and he will bring about an end to the present World Order in an absolute and final sense at the end of all history there will come a time at the very end after the great white throne judgment after the New Jerusalem comes down on the new earth and it's established that a new and final world order will exist that is the final day of the Lord now scholars refer to that time as the great day of the Lord the day when God brings an end to the present world in an absolute and final sense but even that when we talk about the end times takes place over span of approximately a thousand years let me show you what I'm talking about when we talk about the day of the Lord we're not talking about in those Old Testament things we're looking towards the future and when we talk about the day of the Lord we're talking about one thing and we're also talking about many things we're talking about the day that the Lord intervenes he comes in and intervenes in it's as an act of judgment and what salvation so when the rapture takes place God's going to intervene and he's going to change this present world order because all the Christians are going to be gone and shortly after that there is a little bit of time between the rapture and the seven-year period of tribulation see most of us think that the rapture starts the tribulation how many of you believe that that's all right that's all right what starts the tribulation the Antichrist signs the seven-year peace treaty with Israel when that is signed that's the beginning of the tribulation we think and we believe that the tribulation will start very soon after the rapture because the person who's keeping the evil one from coming to the surface is the church we are salt we are what's preserving this world we are Christians when we're taken out of the way there would probably be a little war that allows the Antichrist to come in that shortly after that we'll start the seven-year peace treaty that is the point where God will start intervening and he will pour his judgment out of on them the last three-and-a-half years of course of the are the seven vials of God's wrath that's God's judgment coming on it's referred to as the time the Jacob's trouble it's going to be so bad we're gonna see those three purposes take place first of all God is going to put a wig in into wickedness and wicked people secondly you're going to have the greatest revival the world has ever seen and last but not least the Jews will realize that they rejected Jesus as the Messiah that he was the true Messiah they will then turn to him and ask him to return and at that point Jesus will return again he's intervening it's many times the Bible will talk about the day of the Lord when Jesus returns other times when it says the day of the Lord it's referring to the rapture other times it's referring to the tribulation but each time you see a change in the world order when all the Christians are taken out of the way there's a change in the present world order and the end when the Antichrist comes on the scene and he he signs the seven-year peace treaty and starts the seven years tribulation there's a change in the present World Order and then when Jesus returns there's a big change in the present world order then you have a thousand years of Jesus reigning on the earth the millennium and then you have the great white throne judgment God intervenes one more time everyone who's an unbeliever their bodies will be resurrected also reunited to their souls they stand before God and they're judged that is the great day of the Lord and then after that while that's taking place the ODE heaven and earth are consumed and God creates a new heaven and earth and God is intervening at that time that is referred to as the day of the Lord so all of these things refer to the great day of the Lord so it's not just one event it's any event in which God intervenes as an act of judgment and/or salvation in order to change the present world order everyone with me if you understand that as you're reading through the Bible here we are in the Book of Amos and they're praying they're hoping for the day of the Lord and says you don't know what you're hoping for because what it's gonna what happen is the Assyrians are going to conquer you well he's not referring to the end time he's referring to 722 BC everyone with me so now that you know what the day of the Lord is let's go back and read verses 18 through 20 in Amos chapter 5 he didn't realize you had to understand all of that to understand this did you what sorrow awaits you who say if only the day of the Lord was here or we're here you have no idea what you are wishing for that day will bring darkness not light in that day you will be like a man who runs from a line only to meet a bear escaping from the bear he leans his hand against a wall in his house and he's bitten by a snake a Viper yes the day of the Lord there's that phrase will be dark and hopeless without a ray of joy or hope you say the Israelites were under the impression that the day of the Lord would usher in more of Yahweh's blessings they were under the impression that God was going to intervene in order to change the present world order by putting them on top they're God's chosen people it just makes sense that if God is going to change the present world order he's going to change it by making us at the top in other words God is going to make us the dominant world power so they were literally saying at the time of Mavis if only the day of the Lord were here if only God would intervene to change this present world order yes and bring judgment upon all of the other nations so Amos told him oh it's coming alright but it's going to turn out but it's not going to turn out the way that you think it is in fact you have no idea what you're actually wishing for because the that day will bring darkness not light it will be bring evil not good it will bring judgment not salvation it will change the present world order by making Assyria the dominant world power and you as well as all of the other nations around you will become their captives look at verse 18 you see what I'm talking about notice what a missed totem what sorrow awaits you who say if only the day of the Lord were here you have no idea what you're wishing for that day will bring darkness not light and then Amos uses a simile to illustrate what that day will be like and I'm glad he did because we will understand what he's talking about with this simile everyone knows what a simile is right if you don't let me let me explain what a simile is assembly is a figure of speech that compares one thing to something completely different in order to emphasize or illustrate the point the speaker's trying to make let me give you a couple of examples so you'll know what a simile is if I say he's as brave as a lion that's a simile I'm comparing a man to a lion to illustrate just how brave he is if I say she's crazy like a fox anyone ever heard that crazy like a fox people that's a simile I'm comparing this woman to a fox to make the point that her behavior is just a ruse to conceal how cunning she really is she might look like she's crazy but uh-uh uh-uh that's just a ruse honey that woman knows exactly what she's doing and she's cunning she's crazy like a fox people that's a simile well verse 19 is a simile in order to demonstrate or to illustrate what the day of the Lord will be like Amos compares Israel to a man who goes from one catastrophe to catastrophe to another and each time he thinks he's escaped something worse happens till till finally death bites him look at verse 19 I'll show you what I'm talking about in that day the day of the Lord you will be like a man who runs from a lion only to meet a bear escaping from the bear he leans his hand against a wall in his house and he's bitten by a Viper a snake now in the days of Amos there were lions and bears in Israel in fact if you remember as a shepherd David killed both a lion and a bear I remember when he's talking to Saul and he says I've killed a lion and I've killed a bear and when children made fun of the prophet Elijah by calling him a bald man he cursed them and what happened two bears came out and mauled 42 of those children don't make fun of my balls head people look at 2nd Kings chapter 2 verses 23 and 24 oh yeah don't be doing at least not to my face I might curse you in the name of the Lord Elijah left Jericho went up to Bethel as he was walking along the road a group of boys from the town began mocking and making fun of him go away Baldy they chanted now you need to understand when it talks about the mocking him that means more than just mocking probably they were throwing stones at him now this is a man of God they're touching God's anointed they're not only making fun of him but the throwing sticks and stones at him so guess what he does he lies you turned around and looked at them oh yeah and he cursed them in the name of the Lord then two bears came out of the woods and mauled 42 of them don't make me curse you people that's teasing but my point is this in the days of Amos there were both lions and bears so it wasn't unusual as you were walking in the country or maybe you were taking care of your animals or even on the farm to see a bear or lion come around that wasn't unusual so to illustrate just how bad the day of the Lord would be for Israel Amos used to assimilate in which he compared Israel to a man and this man came across a lion and he had to run for his life and he no sooner got away from the lion when he came across a bear and again he had to run for his life but he outruns the bear and he finally makes it to his house but he's out of breath and out of breath he finally thinks he's safe he's inside his home and he leans up against the wall of his home and of course at that time their homes were made out of stone and guess what an Israeli Viper that's actually a certain type of snake much like our rattlesnake but much more venomous very deadly is lying in the rocks he doesn't see it because of the color of it it blends right in he puts his hand up there and it strikes him and bites him and he died that is what the day of the Lord will be like for them that's what Amos is telling them it will be a dark day without a ray of joy or hope in fact look at verse 20 and we'll close with this verse yes the day of the Lord will be dark and hopeless without a ray of joy or hope and people that's exactly what it was like when this Syrians came when the Syrians came they came to one city in northern Israel and many of them escaped and they ran to another city it was like a lion coming at them and they ran from it and they got here but soon as they got there Assyria was there too so it's like running into a bear and they finally run to the capital of Samaria that's there and when they're there they think they're safe and at the very exact moment they think they're safe boom Assyria lays siege to the city destroys all of it and carries them into captivity and they were the very ones that were saying oh if only the day of the Lord were here and he says you don't know what you're wishing for because for you it will be a day of judgment and I'll be honest with you I think that Amos is very pertinent to America because I think there is coming a new world order I believe that we're living in the end times we're living at this time that we're getting very close to the rapture and I believe that God is going to intervene I believe that he's going to directly intervene it's going to be Jesus who is very god of very God according to the Nicene Creed and he is going to call forth the dead out of the graves the physical bodies to be reunited with their souls and those of us who are alive are going to be snatched up from this earth to meet the Lord in the air and there's going to be a change in the present World Order and very shortly after that will be that seven-year tribulation period so many people in America who are saying let's pray for God they might not be saying the very same words that they said because they're not religious they're not saying oh that the day of the Lord would be here but they're saying I we need to pray for our country and they're not even saved they don't even know what they're saying I really don't want to be praying for God to step in because what they're praying for will not be a day of light it will be a day of darkness it won't have a ray of joy or hope now for those of us who are saved it will be it will be a wonderful day of salvation and that's why I said it is any event in which the Lord or God intervenes in an act of judgment and/or salvation because when the rapture occurs it's both its judgment for those who are left behind it's salvation for those who are bought or who are taken up look with me if you would in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18 and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope I told Shirley just this week I wasn't even thinking about this sermon we got to talking about some of the people that have died recently in our city and I said you know if I didn't have hope if I didn't know that my mom was in heaven if I didn't know but very shortly her body is going to be resurrected gonna be Rinat ed with her so I'm gonna see my mom as she was when she was about 28 years old if I didn't know that I'd have a very difficult time with this life I do not understand people who aren't Christians because when death comes I don't know how they deal with it but it says and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope for since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again we also believe that when Jesus returns the day of the Lord that event when God intervenes Jesus intervenes because he's gone not only as an act of judgment it could be as an act of salvation for since we believe that Jesus has died and was raised to life of us to believe that when Jesus returns God will bring back with him the believers who have died in other words their souls their spirit we tell you this directly from the Lord we are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven the commanding shout and the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God first the Christians who have died will rise from the graves now wait a minute said those who have died are coming back with him how can they rise from the grave if they're coming back from well their soul went to be with the Lord the problem is they have a spiritual body but not a physical body and so that soul is going to come back with the Lord but their body is going to be resurrected and it's going to be restored it's going to become an immortal body it's gonna become a celestial body and it's going to be reminded with their soul and he says first and Christians who have died will rise from their graves then together with them we who are alive still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air then we will be with the Lord forever it will be a great day of salvation for us but for those who aren't raptured it will be a horrible day of judgment it will be like running from a lion only to find yourself confronted with a bear and then you run from the bear and you think you have safety and you place your hand up because you're so tired from running and death finally bite you that's how the day of the Lord will be pattern is prophecy in the Bible
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: the day of the lord amos part 23, amos the day of the lord bible study, amos the day of the lord, the day of the lord amos, amos the day of the lord sermon, The Book of Amos, book of amos bible study, amos explained, book of amos, prophetic literature, cornerstone fellowship, cornerstone church, life changing, weekly sermon podcast, allen nolan, el dia del señor amos parte 23, amos el dia del señor biblia estudio, el dia del señor amos, amos el día del señor sermón
Id: EaavOnmiy4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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