Book of Amos 15: The 7 MAJOR Sins of Israel

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if you would turn with me to the Book of Amos chapter 2 and as you're turning there let me remind you that we're in the second section of the book we're almost ready to finish this section and move on to the third section but we're still in the second section which is the from a pronouncement of judgment upon 8 different nations six of those nations are heathen nations or what we would call Gentile nations the other two are Judah and Israel now in chapter 2 verses 6 through 16 Amos pronounced judgment upon Israel and it came as a complete shock to them and let me explain why up to this point Amos had pronounced judgment on seven different nations Syria Philistia Phoenicia Edom Amon Moab and Judah now to the Jewish people 7 is the number of completion so after Amos pronounced judgment upon Judah the seventh nation the Israelites just naturally assumed that the list was complete and that Amos would begin prophesying on a completely new and different topic and his prophecy would be something good because in the Jewish culture the number 8 signifies a new beginning which is a good thing and not a bad thing now let me give you some examples to illustrate what I'm talking about how many of you are familiar with Jewish numerology you really need to be familiar with it because if you don't understand the symbolism of certain numbers you really miss what the Bible is saying so let me kind of explain why the number 8 signifies a new beginning and also that it's a good thing and not a bad thing I'm gonna give you some examples to illustrate what I'm talking about the eighth day of the first week it's the first day of a new week and it's also the day that Jesus was resurrected if you remember Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week the eighth day and with his resurrection we have new life which is good another example is Noah's Ark there were eight people on Noah's Ark and those eight people repopulated the earth so it was a new beginning and it was good if you remember when Noah offered the sacrifice it was a sweet-smelling aroma God said I'm never going to curse the world again but this is a good thing the Feast of Bernanke's lasts for seven days and the eighth day is a holy convocation now the Feast of Tabernacles is the last of seven feast if you remember the feast there the feast of Passover the feast of unleavened bread the feast of firstfruits the feast of Pentecost the Feast of Trumpets the feast of the great day of atonement and the feast of tabernacles so it is the last of the seven feast and the holy convocation on the eighth day symbolizes the new beginning and ultimately it symbolizes a new dispensation because these feasts are prophetic oh they're telling us what's going to happen in the future the spring feasts were to tell us what was going to happen when the Messiah came the first time the fall feast our prophecies of what's going to happen when set when Jesus comes the second time so when we talk about this eighth day we're talking about a new beginning this that this eighth day is a new beginning but it also symbolizes a new dispensation you see one day in a cosmic week is a thousand years and let me explain what I mean by that a regular week consists of seven days if I tell you I want you to come back here in a week I'm telling you I want you to come back here the same day or I want you to come back next Wednesday but there's seven days that will come so regular week consists of seven days but a cosmic week consist of seven thousand-year days now the concept of a cosmic week is based on Psalms chapter 90 verse number four and it's not going to come up on the screen because I didn't give it to them but you can turn in your Bible to see what I'm talking about turn with me if you would in your Bible or on your phone or your iPad to Psalms chapter 90 verse number four notice what it says for a thousand years in your sight or like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night so what this is saying is to God a thousand years is like one day in fact Peter quotes this when he's talking to the people that say just like you skeptics do well they've been saying that Jesus is going to come back forever and he still hasn't come back he wants to talk about you don't understand God is very patient and he's loving and he wants to give everyone a chance to repent but there will come a day that he does it but he quotes Psalms chapter 90 verse number 4 and this is what he says in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 8 look that up in your Bible if you don't have your Bible write that down 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 8 go home and read it here's what it says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day so the concept of a day being equivalent to a thousand years from God's perception of time is based on Psalms chapter 90 verse number four and all of the prophets and the Apostles pick up on that now according to ancient Jewish eschatology at the end of the sixth cosmic day the millennium will begin in other words after six thousand years the millennium is going to start and it will last for a thousand years which is the seventh cosmic day and at the end of the millennium eternity begins which is the eighth cosmic day and it never ends because it's something new and it's better than good it's perfect in fact let me kind of elaborate on this if you don't mind how many of you know when Adam and Eve when was Adam and Eve created is there a specific date does anyone know what did the Jews believe well the Jews looking at the genealogies from the Bible in fact we did this when we went through the book of the book of Genesis it actually tells us when Adam and Eve were created tells you how long they lived and so we can go and we can look at certain things and we can calculate back the Jews believed that Adam and Eve were were created and 4004 BC how many of you knew that you should know that because I've taught this before alright now in this period of time there is something called a cosmic week and the reason it's called a cosmic week is because the Greek word for world is Osmos if you listen to the the Russians they refer to their astronauts as cosmonauts why did they refer to those cosmonauts presume going up to be able to see the world cosmos is the word for world so the way God perceives time in the world is different than we do according to Psalms chapter 9 verse number 4 to him a day as a thousand years a thousand years as a day forgot so when we look at this we see that Adam and Eve were created in 4004 BC now Jesus comes when when was Jesus born I taught on the Christmas star how many of you remember you came to that series and we looked at when the Christmas star would have taken place we looked at all the things about a cosmic week when was he born he would have been born on the Feast of Trumpets I explained why not gonna go into that you can go back and look at that series but September the 11th 3 BC now here's what's interesting at the end of a thousand years you come to you would come to 4 BC but he's born on September the 11th which is going to start the Feast of Trumpets but now he's going to come in at 3 BC he's going to begin a new cosmic day so you've got 4000 years until Jesus Christ comes which is the equivalent to for cosmic days is everyone with me everyone following what I say okay now from Jesus to when he was crucified when was he crucified it's been a little cross here and resurrected you guys don't remember I taught him this in Easter one time I believe that he was crucified in 32 BC some say he was crucified in 30 BC others say 33 BC but the reason I believe it's 32 BC is because he had to fulfill the feast of Passover and the feast of Passover took place on a Thursday Jesus gave us the sign of Jonah he said as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights so so the son Manby in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights that means that Jesus had to be crucified on a Thursday why because if we count them off we know that he was resurrected on the first day of the week which would have been a Sunday all right everyone with me Sabbath it's Saturday for the Jews that's the last day of the week the first day of the next week is on a Sunday but he was but he was resurrected before the Sun came out so if we look at he was on Thursday he was crucified and he died to around 3:00 p.m. when the high priest said it is finished Jesus said it is finished and he gave up the ghost so you still had a little bit of time there so you got Thursday Friday Saturday and before the Sun came up he was resurrected and then if you look at three days and three nights you have Thursday night Friday night Saturday night and before the Sun came out Jesus was resurrected so he had to be crucified on a Thursday Passover took place in 32 BC on a Thursday everyone with me now this is what's interesting from this point four thousand we are now at 2016 how many years from here we think of this as zero but he was born at 3 BC we've got this period 32 BC so we've got this age he's around 34 years old when it comes because we're not gonna count 0 everyone with me but here we are at 2016 how many years have passed since Jesus was crucified it's not rocket science people is math approximately 2,000 years right so we've got four days or what we would call for cosmic days because to God we're looking at a cosmic week a day is a thousand years a thousand years as a day so we've got four thousand years to Jesus Christ and then we've got almost two cosmic days here two thousand years now here's what's kind of interesting Jesus starts from this four thousand year he starts the next day which is list but this is a day here because we have four days when one day makes five one day right here makes and we're gonna be sick so we're gonna start something in just a minute and I'm gonna talk about that but here's what's interesting he starts the fifth cosmic day what does the number five signify in Hebrew numerology Jewish numerology anyone now how many of you have carpenters anyone a carpenter how many of you work with your hands around power tools hold up your hands do you have all five fingers do you have all five fingers by the grace of God you're saying if you work with your hands you need to understand something if you work with your hands around power tools it's only by the grace of God that by the time you reach your own age and you retire you have all of your fingers that's a good way to remember that the number five symbolizes and signifies grace Jesus Christ came and began the fifth cosmic day he ushered in the dispensation of grace everyone with me so now we're in this period of grace because of what Jesus did but there's this period when does he actually ushered in he doesn't actually bring in this period of grace until he's crucified so this cosmic period doesn't start until right here we're here right now now when we get to the sixth cosmic day or to the end of the sixth cosmic day that means we're at the end of six thousand years four thousand years 2,000 years 6000 years but if we're actually looking about this time somewhere in this area everyone with me everyone understand where I'm going with this because this is very important because you need to understand that once we get to the end of the sixth day we start the sabbatical year of the car or the sabbatical day of the cosmic week it's known as a period of rest what does the Bible say that period of rest is the millennium Jesus returns he sets up his kingdom on this earth and he rules for a thousand years after he rules we're going to put millennium here that's a thousand years that's why it's called the millennium after that thousand years you have what the great white throne judgment and then you have a new heaven and a new earth and the new Jerusalem comes down and that begins on the eighth day in a cosmic week people it is a new beginning and it's not just good it's perfect now I've gotten off on this so that you can understand why the number 8 is so significant the number 8 means it's a new beginning it's good the number seven means it's complete this is six thousand years until we get to the millennium then there's another thousand years which makes seven thousand years if you look at it as cosmic days it is seven days seven is the number of completion God's going to bring everything to completion it's not in completion at the millennium why because Satan is only locked up for a time for a thousand years but he's going to be let loose and when he's let loose you still have this final revolt against God but after the end of that it is complete it's finished it's done and we start the new day everyone with me alright but my point is this has nothing to do with this we're changing after amos pronounce judgment on judah the seventh nation the is righteous naturally assumed that the list was complete and that amos would begin prophesying on a new and different topic and that would be something good because they're all familiar with jewish numerology because after all every nation that amos pronounce judgment on was an enemy of israel including judah so after amos pronounce judgment on judah they expected to hear something good from amos and they were shocked because amos big and pronouncing judgment on them so let's look at the judgment that he pronounced on them and as we look at this let me just make this little comment it was very important that he do this because had he not done it this way they would have been putting up walls of defense every time he was talking about them and the sin they'd done in the judgment that was coming they were going okay he's going to get to us he's going to get to us and finally he gets to the seven the one which is Judah and they go whew completion finished he's gonna start a new subject and it's going to be good so all of a sudden they let their defenses down alright let's hear it and that's when Amos pops up look at Amos chapter two let's read verses 6 through 16 thus says the Lord notice that the word Lord is in all caps what does that mean it means that's y'all way that is the redeeming covenant-keeping Name of God if you don't have it if you're not in the covenant relationship with him you can't use that name he is not Yahweh to you he is Elohim one of the other names if you really lost this agusi Zola because all is the devil anyways that's not even close I shouldn't even say that but anyways thus says the Lord for three transgression of Israel and for four I will not turn away its punishment because they sell the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals they trample on the heads of the pours on the dust of the ground and they deny justice to the oppressed a man and his father go into the same girl to defile my holy name and you guys know what that is that's a euphemism to have sex with it a father and a son go to the same girl they lie down by every altar on clothes taken in pledge and they drink wine bought with unjust fines yet it was I who destroyed the amorite before them whose height was like the height of the Cedars and who was as strong as the Oaks yet I destroyed his fruit above and his roots beneath also it was I who brought you up from the land of Egypt elechi 40 the years through the wilderness to possess the land of the amorite I raised up some of your sons as prophets and some of your younger men as Nazarites it is not so oh you children of Israel says the Lord but you gave the Nazarites to drink and commended the Prophet saying do not prophesy behold I am well weighed down by you as a cart a cart full of sheaves his way down there for flight shall perish from the Swift the strong shall not strengthen his power nor shall the mind he deliver himself he shall not stand who handles the bold the Swift of foot shall not escape nor shall he who rides a horse be able to deliver himself the most courageous men of might shall flee naked in that day says the Lord oh my gosh all the other judgments on the other nations were to three sentences or verses at the max he starts in verse 6 he goes all the way to the end of chapter 2 to verse chapter 2 chapter 3 what is happening here God is twice as tough on the nation of Israel as he was on the seven other nations and let me show you why I say that look at verse number six that says the Lord for three transgressions of Israel for for I will not turn away it's punishment because they sell the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals now I want you to notice that Amos begins this pronouncement of judgment with the common Hebrew ISM for three transgressions and for four and by now you should know what that means what does that mean well it means that they were guilty of multiple sins and these sins had filled a cup of God's wrath up to the brim but the fourth sin caused the cup of God's wrath to overflow and now that it's overflowing God's wrath cannot be stopped now at this point Amos deviates from the normal pattern instead of naming once in the fourth sin the sin that caused the cup of God's wrath to overflow he lists seven sins he doesn't list all the sins that caused it to get filled full to the brim he's now talking about this fourth sin because oh no no those are just four since there's seven sins in other words there just wasn't just one major sin that caused the cup of God's wrath to overflow there were seven major sins now what does the number seven signify it signifies completion or completeness now whenever you complete something you're finished as an example if you complete a project then you're finished with it if you're taking a test and you complete the test you're finished when I complete the Book of Amos we will be finished with it well in this regard God is saying and Amos is saying that their sin is complete and God is finished with him it's over and he doesn't say this to Judah Judah gets carried away into captivity Cyrus makes the command they come back now as I told you the Assyrians were defeated by the Babylonian or the tribes that were carrying captivity they got to come back at that period - but they never revived as a nation they never did they were finished in fact they don't actually come back until you get to the time of rest the Millennium but you need to understand he lists seven sins which means your sins are complete and God is finished with you and we'll see exactly how that's carried out when we get to the end of this so what were the seven sins that they were guilty of well let me give them to you and then we're gonna go through each one of them individually don't worry about writing these down I'm gonna go through them very quickly and then we're gonna look at each one of them individually and it will come up on the screen so you can write it down then all right so here are the seven sins they were guilty of number one they were lending money to the poor with the sole intent of taking possession of their mortgaged property through foreclosure oh yeah the only reason they were lending money the only reason they were helping the poorest because they had an ulterior motive I'm gonna lend them money knowing they can't pay it back so that I can foreclose on their property and it can be mine I can seize it number two they were walking all over the poor through unscrupulous business practices number three they were preying on the vulnerable and taking advantage of them sexually number four when they foreclosed on the poor they were taking every last thing that they had including the clothes on their back number five they were abusing their power and authority by living unjust fines in order to support their own selfish pleasures number six they were coercing the Nazarites into breaking their vows and they were silencing God's profits and last but not least they were ungrateful to God for the grace and mercy that he had showed towards them in their nation now these sins might not seem as evil to you as those committed by the pagan nations but I want you to assure you in God's eyes they are in fact they're not only just as evil in God's eyes he considers them to be almost more evil but we don't see it because we don't understand what theologians call ethical monotheism how many of you know what ethical monotheism is well this is a term you need to write down we have lost this into church today and let me explain something the reason I chose the Book of Amos to go through it is because Amos or I should say the nation of Israel that Amos is prophesying to this nation of Israel is America today this is America today and we need to understand that we're guilty of the very same things and the early church knew something that the church today doesn't know we think if we believe in Jesus Christ but we treat anyone people to other people any way that we want to that we're going to make it to heaven and let me tell you there in the church wasn't like that let me just explain something to you every one of the disciples with the exception of John was martyred I should say apostles we refer to that kind of synonymously the twelve disciples of Jesus but I'm talking about the Apostles those who walked with Jesus those who lived with Jesus those a every one of them were martyred martyred with the exception of John and the only reason John was is because they tried to kill him they tried to boil him in oil and they couldn't understand it because they was bullying and they put him in it Christian tradition tells us and it couldn't kill him so they exiled him to the Isle of Patmos because God wasn't finished with him he wrote the book of Revelation but you need to understand that persecution began somewhere around early 60s Peter and Paul were both martyred both martyred in Rome and let me tell you what it did to the early church in the early church if you wanted to become a Christian you had to go through a three-year process before you were baptized and you didn't get to partake of the church's blessings you didn't get to protect the communion until you were baptized but the reason it was a three-year process is because they understood that if you become a Christian you're going to be persecuted and if you're going to be persecuted you have to be able to stand and if you can't stand you're gonna make the whole church look bad and so they literally would look at your life and if you were involved in something that was bad if you were involved in some type of business that was against Christian principles you weren't allowed to be baptized and you weren't you didn't become part of the church and we've lost that today I don't make any apologies for it because the truth of the matter is were we want people to accept Jesus and come in but in a sense we have so watered it down that you raise your hand to receive Jesus and then you go live your life any way that you want to well they had a term called ethical monotheism and we still have it today and it's what the Bible teaches so if you don't know what ethical monotheism is write down this definition here's what it is ethical monotheism is the worship of the one true God monotheism monotheistic we believe in one God ethical monotheism is the worship of the one true God by practicing and adhering to the values of morals that he's revealed to us in other words it's the belief that I can't truly worship God or truly love God if I don't live by and practice the values and moral principles that he's revealed to us through the Bible people that's what ethical monotheism is if I say that I love God but I don't treat others the way that God tells me to treat them that I'm lying I don't really love God because if I really loved God I would keep his Commandments I would hid here to his principles oh wait a minute that's what Jesus said look at John chapter 14 verse 15 jesus said if you love me you will keep my Commandments yeah he's talking about ethical monotheism so to love God I've got to love others and I've got to treat them the way that God says I should treat them and if I don't that I really don't love God and you can't help but as you read through the Bible to see this over and over again not only in the New Testament but it's really emphasized in the New Testament in fact notice what John says in 1st John chapter 4 verse 20 and 21 he says if someone says I love God but he hates a Christian brother and sister that person is a liar pretty strong words you guys think I'm smart key he's calling you a liar for if we don't love people we can see how can we love God whom we cannot see and he has given us this command not suggestion those who love God must also love their Christian brothers and sisters so according to God's Word to truly love him and to worship Him is to love others and to treat others the way God says we should and from the very beginning God has emphasized this not just in the New Testament Jesus didn't come and teach something new in fact look back at the 10 commandments notice what the team Commandments say the first four Commandments have to do with our relationship with God I'm God alone thou shalt have no other gods before me number two that should not make any Gravette graven image in other words idols number three that should not take the name of of God in vain number four that should remember the Sabbath and keep it holy so all four of those commands and the Ten Commandments deal with my relationship with God but let's keep going because the last six Commandments have to do with my relationship with others number five honor your father and mother number six thou shalt not kill number seven thou shalt not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shalt not bear false witness and last but not least out shalt not covet so in order to have a right relationship with God I have to have a right relationship with others and if I don't have a right relationship with others then I don't truly love God and I don't truly worship Him in spirit and in truth and that's why Jesus will say to many of us depart from me I never knew you this is this principle called ethical monotheism and Jesus comes along and he emphasizes this a lawyer came to him and said Jesus watched the greatest commandment and he didn't bat an eye he didn't blink he didn't have to think about it he told him exactly what it was turn to Matthew chapter 22 verses 32 6 through 39 notice what it says master which is the Great Commandment in the law in fact I don't like the way that that's translated because actually in the Greek it says what is the greatest what's the number one commandment out of the 613 commandments in the Torah which one is the greatest what's the most important jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul with all thy mind this is the first and it doesn't mean it's the first commandment there's the Ten Commandments we can look I'm God what it means is by first is top priority this is number one and it's the greatest commandment then he goes further and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself then do you see that the second greatest commandment is just as important as the first greatest commandment that's what Jesus meant by the statement the second is likened to the first he meant it's just as important now listen to me because this is very important you cannot truly love God and truly worship God if you don't treat others the way you're supposed to and that's what ethical monotheism is all about now once you understand that you can understand why God is so upset with Israel and why God is so upset with America today in his eyes what the Israel we're doing was just as evil if not more than the human atrocities these pagan nations for committing and the reason I say is not more is because they had something the pagan nations didn't have they had God's revelation they had the Word of God God had revealed to them through his word how they should treat others and he had told them if you don't treat others the way I tell you to treat others you don't really love me and you can't really worship me now having said that I want to look at each sin individually starting in verse 6 because we read over this we go what's that mean well it's really quite simple and I'm gonna make it simple for you notice what it says in verse 6 Amos chapter 2 that says the Lord for three transgressions of Israel and for four I will not turn away its punishment because they sell the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals they sell the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals now this first sin has to do with with money lenders taking advantage of the poor using the Torah prohibited a Jew from charging interest on a loan to another Jew how many of you knew that if you were a Jew and Israelite you could not give a loan to another Jew in charged interest but you could to a foreigner and here's what's kind of interesting let me go a little bit further when we get to the medieval period in the in the church the church picks up on this and they understand that the things that are written in the Old Testament they're meant to be a lesson for us and as a result of being a lesson for us what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to apply so the church came in and they killed themselves economically and they said we can't charge interest but the Jews can because they're not brothers of ours and so here's what the Jews did the Jews knew because of the tour that they couldn't charge interest to Jews but they could afford us which meant the Jews the Gentiles so the Jews became the bankers and that's why they always prosper didn't matter how much that you came in and you and you persecuted and they would prosper but let me let me just show you what this says that the Torah prohibited you from charging a loan now charging interest on the loan to other juice look with me in Deuteronomy chapter 23 verses 19 and 20 do not charge interest on the loans you make the felt to a fellow Israelite whether you loan money or food or anything else you may charge interest to foreigners but you may not charge interest to Israelites o the Lord your God may bless you and everything you do in the land that you are about to enter and occupy now look at Exodus chapter 22 25 says the very same thing a little bit different if you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy do not treat it like a business deal charge no interest you do it to the foreigners you can do it to the Gentiles and the pagans but you can't do it to your brothers and sisters so if you can't charge interest on a loan to a fellow Jew what's the incentive to do so well you should do it out of love and compassion but that ties up your money and it keeps you from making money instead of making money with your money you're letting someone else make money with your money because you're not eating any interest so to get around this the Jews would make the borrower put something up as collateral and if they didn't pay they would foreclose and take their collateral now there's nothing wrong with wanting collateral for a loan in fact God didn't tell the Jews they couldn't do it in fact that's what he encouraged you're going to give someone alone you need to understand they probably are poor because they don't follow good business principles so if you give them a loan they're probably not gonna be able to pay you back how many of you learn that lesson the hard way oh yeah oh yeah so God didn't tell them they couldn't yeah make them put up collateral they don't pay you back then you get this as worth just as much so there's nothing wrong with 1 in collateral for a loan but what they were doing at this time that Amos was getting onto them for was they were setting up loans that had a high probability of failure so they could foreclose on the property and actually make money on it if they lost they made money if they didn't lose it make anything they lose anything but they didn't make anything and they made sure that the collateral was worth more than the loan but not only that they would foreclose on the property if the borrower failed to live up to the contract in any way if that was a dollar short or a day late they foreclosed not only did they get to keep the collateral but also any payment that had been made up into that time until the forfeiture so they paid everything on time but they were a day late you not only got to keep that money but you got to go and collect the collateral and they were doing this purposely now if they were short even the price of sandals which was cheap too bad too sad that's business and people this is what Amos was talking about look at verse number 6 again thus says the Lord for three transgressions of Israel for four I will not turn away it's punishment because they sell the righteous in other words these people are honest hard-working people this doesn't mean righteous in the sit that sense that they don't sin this word righteous in the Hebrew means honest hard-working people he says because they sell the honest hard-working people for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals now if all of the collateral wasn't there then they had to sell themselves into slavery so that they could pay their debt so the lender got the collateral and he got the money for them being sold into debt and if they were short even the price of sandals too bad so sad businesses business and they would try and set these contracts up so that they would fail their intent was not to help them their intent was to take advantage of them and let me tell you we have that in America today you want these short loans let me tell you they ought to be outlawed they take advantage of the poor someone needs new tires can't go to work they go they borrow $300 and you pay 24% interest they never get out of debt and by the time they pay that off they need another $300 and all those little cards that come at Christmas time let me tell you that's an abomination to God because that's what these people were doing now let me tell you wrong with the church today is that we don't stand up and say that this type of work this is is wrong it's an ethical I've said this and I us always say this all work is honorable as long as as long as what as long as it's not illegal or immoral and there's a lot of things they're immoral and there are people that are making lots of money off of the poor because they catch them in that place and they squeeze them and they know they're probably not gonna make it but I can get their car sign this place here you can't pay off this $300 I get your car and I get the $250 that you were paying on that plus the interest and now you can't make it so sad too badly the car is mine plus the two hundred and fifty dollars and these people are members of these golf courses and golf clubs that they're doing it off the poor sorry it bothers me so that was the first thing they were guilty of they were lending money to the poor with the sole intent of taking possession of their mortgage property through foreclosure if you wanted to write him down as we go through that's it individual that's a very first sin the name is says you're guilty of is America guilty of that do the rich take advantage of the poor do they look to see where they can put all these little fine lines in here what was Wells Fargo just convicted of they will know if you had sixty dollars in your account and you over charged in your account and they're gonna have a finance fee of maybe fifteen dollars on it so what would happen is if you made a if you had sixty dollars in your account and and you did something for fifteen dollars okay I have enough in there they would wait and they wouldn't charge it yet and then the day later you come in and you do something for sixty dollars well now that's seventy five dollars you've overdrawn so they would do the FIR the last one first to make sure you're overdrawn so they can do twice and thank god they're coming and say you can't do that but that's accepted business practice these type of things are happening all the time in America it's what we do I want you to understand something every sin of the seven sins that I listed America is guilty of we're getting to this point now where America is and this is what we don't understand things are going to get bad before the rapture occurs things are going to get bad but how bad it gets for America depends on America I never thought I'd see the day when we have two worthless candidates for president and let me say this one is worthless but the other is evil and if a Christian can vote for another person who condones the murder of the innocent and will not speak for the voiceless and that's what abortion is someone who will come in and say that same-sex marriage is right yeah I feel like do you like Jesus and making a little whip and driving people out and actually say that we need to change our religious beliefs let me tell you're persecution is coming but I'll tell you what's worse I don't mind a persecution that's just a part of it jesus said we would have it what scares me is the judgment of God because let me tell you something people you might think persecution is bad and it's not what's bad is when the judgment of God comes on our nation and we're in a pivotal point here I never thought we would get to this point but here's the bad thing about momentum once momentum comes it takes an act of God to push it back and go the other way and we have reached that place it's amazing to me that people get upset when you say all lives matter it's amazing to me when you think that if you date someone for three times it's okay to sleep with them it's amazing to me to say that if if you love someone enough to say you know what I love you but I'm going to tell you what the Bible says those who do these things will not enter the kingdom of heaven where hate monger now the hatemongers are the ones that Pat them on the back and say it's okay and God loves you and when they die they're in a hell and they wonder who didn't tell that's not love let me tell you the greatest love I can have for you is to look at you right in the eye and tell you if you don't treat others the way that God tell you to treat them you don't love God if you don't follow his moral principles if you don't follow his values you don't love God just read first John and I say all this because the church has failed and praying for its nation I doubt very seriously that more than 10% of you pray every day firmly with tears in your eyes that God would change America and you don't know what's going to happen to your children it's a done deal that's gonna happen Canada their Prime Minister is going to legalize marijuana in this spring recreational marijuana we already have the other states that are voting on it this coming next Tuesday I can guarantee you within four or five years more than half the states will legalize recreational marijuana and this is what we're this is this is what our kids are going to grow up in and you don't think that God's not gonna judge us as we go through these seven sins there's a reason I chose the Book of Amos because we are at a critical tipping point and unless the church wakes up and the church understands ethical monotheism if I don't follow the Word of God if I'm more loyal to a political party if I'm more loyal to my job if you're more loyal to your Union then you are to the principles of God you don't love God you're a liar is what John says and people we're already at a critical time we're already at the point we're the generation I still believe we have fifteen to twenty more years but what's going to happen in this next 15 or 20 years is up to us as Christians and we need to understand that
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 3,319
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: 7 major sins of israel, judgement on israel, book of amos bible study, amos, prophetic literature, minor prophets, book of amos, minor prophets amos, book of amos summary, book of amos 2, book of amos explained, amos bible study, amos old testament, book of amos israel, book of amos 7 sins, book of amos sermon series, book of amos sermon, cornerstone fellowship, allen nolan
Id: gYV75jJ_pqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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