Bonanza - Showdown, Full Episode classic western tv series

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] crepes [Music] bring up make it fast this whole Tommy death well it looks like we made a clean party I sure sleep sound in Virginia City don't then let's go [Music] damn ponderosas over in that direction well I reckon I can find it you know what you're gonna do when you get there we've been over 97 times Pardo just once more all right I go to the Ponderosa and a higher on as a hand and I keep my ears open and if a search party comes down this way I'll let you know first especially if it's a platoon from the army then what Milan when things quiet down I come on back and we light out mark that big old dead tree will be a mile and a half south of here you'll see a big granite boulder leads into a box canyon that's where we'll be waiting you just let ol Sam take care of it you're my eyes in my ears I'm dependent on you Sam let's go Sam cover up those hoofprints they'll probably want to know where you came from tell him about that ranch he used to work on that fella was always talking about the fun DeRosa that oughta convince him what if it doesn't right what if somebody starts getting extra nosy you got a gun haven't you Sam [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I told you was too much horse for you you're next Bronk buster that's what they call me hey Joe you ain't been making no rash promises to Helle McClure have you had a chance you sure because that comes her poetry Sheriff right now yeah well know what they won I don't know but now me always sort of wet for June weddings with lots of apple blossoms well you know a fella could do a lot worse than La McClure oh excuse me old pieces well are you gonna ride this thing or not coming up you'll excuse me ladies it's time for your writing now we'll see some fun stay with me boy right here [Laughter] well I'm glad somebody enjoyed it I'm sorry I didn't know it showed what can we do for you well you wouldn't happen to have an easy job in a cool place now would you yeah but my brothers and I take all of those what else you do well I've accidentally managed to break a horse or two in my day and we'll we just happen to have one on hand yeah well I was hoping you'd take my word for it what's this cowboy wants to try his luck in that hammerhead river busted any brokes before button one or two I guess if you ain't for sure right now it'd be a real good time to back out no no I don't reckon I'd want to do that [Applause] you think we should let him do it well this is hide some colors have to learn the hard way that's what I call riding horse oh you gotta admit I tired him out a little bit you might as well face it Joe some people just better with horses and others nice right kid I'm not a Cartwright Sam Kirby he's my brother's a horse and a Little Joe ok hi pleased to meet you you're looking for a job Sam well dad LEM said you might be hiring some hands ed left your friend of his well he ramrodded or not but I work for it down in Arizona the Barbie I see yeah ed give you a letter to show yeah I got it packed in the saddlebag there if you really want to see it you say you got it you got it hi don't let in here oh he's meaner than ever still thinks mighty I had the Ponderosa though well we pay 30 a month punkin beans when you just hired yourself a hand now as far as bosses are concerned we got them here here and up here looks like it well covered I've been on the telegraphed every lawman in the territory so I believe we've got him pretty well sealed in that is within this general radius yeah Oh boys come in please you know mr. McClory sheriff coffee mr. McClure Ella gettin all set for that birthday party Sonny I'm hoping we'll be able to have a birthday party little Joe well why what's the matter mr. McClure's bank was robbed last night I thought that Bank was putting a robber proof yeah so did I how much they get away with just about all there was right now we'd be lucky if we could pay off five cents on the dollar boys that information is not to leave this room I mean the people don't know about it well they know we've been hit but they don't know how bad we can't afford to have a run on the bank right now if we can get that money back by the 1st of the month we got a chance to whether they'll be fine done any idea who did it sheriff yeah it could have been a John Potter Bunch he pulled a job just about like this something bootlegger well what are we waiting for now wait a minute Joe the sheriff has plenty of help up north he's holding us responsible for the Ponderosa chances are they'll hold up for a while anyway let's think cools down a bit I were to say the word that they don't all up on our land he'll keep your eyes open for anything unusual you know smoke tracks it had naught to be there drifters they got a lot more money in the other hand anything like that well we'll let you know if we see anything Roy much obliged you've been warned rocky that won't come down this way at all but it don't do no I'm gonna make sure my along have mr. McClure I sure hope Ellie can have that birthday party I hope so too little Joe we're waiting to hear from Fort McCabe we're trying to get help from the Army well I'm sure they'll wanna help so do we tom then I think about some of the small ranchers around here I just not man enough to tell them that they've worked five 10 15 years for nothing it's a tough thing to face up to they're not tell that's enough of that kind of talk they'll find Pardo in his outfit you'll mark my words and I hope so thank you been long man so long boy [Music] let's finish breaking those horses pop now forget about the horses for now there's still time to do some looking before it starts getting dark you boys saddle up and tell horse of them in hey pop I was just thinking about what the sheriff said about Drifters know what about him well we just hired one a little while ago I just thought I'd mention it come on Joe just because he got rode you doesn't mean he's a bank robber look I told you to stop kidding me wait a minute now wait a minute what about this new man ed lamps enemies all right fellow there by the corral Sam Kirby and the gray shirt modified limp vouchers for a man that's good enough for me tell Hassan the medicine [Music] well cover more ground if we split up in twos Joe you take the Arroyo and everything east right fine Boston yes sir even on South as far as the wash Adam and I'll take the West spot all right take em Anna let's get busy okay yeah bird-dogging out of it [Applause] [Music] mmm-hmm I don't know about you I think I'm going to stretching them don't you think it's getting kind of late should we get back yeah after I work out his teen wonder how the others are doing I don't know I hope they're doing better we are [Music] buddy you find something yeah [Music] let's push here it's been broke all fresh you wouldn't know that go there well Australia maybe well I don't see no tracks Gilead [Music] well it uh it's deer brush maybe some Indian took it first fire maybe just me and you take a look around in here [Music] ha what's the trouble do nothing I guess it's from back there it looked like he was drawing down on you who all same here well I just heard somebody coming I just wanted to be sure Joe you're letting this whole thing spook you boy yeah I guess so I reckon he was right about that beer brush well let's get only a supper [Music] [Applause] [Music] a surefire supper today I never had roast beef that good in my whole life get your gear stowed away no I better get to it want some help no thanks I don't have that much immediately exam dis holler do you suppose it's something serious I don't know I think the cats got his tongue no I was just thinking about La McClure oh no doubt having no doubt now I was thinking about Sam Kirby well now you can't still be stewing about him breaking that horse this morning I told you that had nothing to do with it no it's like I was telling you before supper he's all bothered because he thought he caught a little say I'm drawing down on me I'll turn to wash forget that Joey told you how that happened didn't he yeah he told me what's the matter with [Music] no no I was just just something about him [Music] well on Friday we recover the south and the west part then yesterday we took the East and this morning we split up and swept north no none of us Adam found something I didn't know what kept you well Sam saw some smoke up around bitter Creek turned out to be Holly Ludlow's posse yeah always been watching the dating road doing I know you son I couldn't say Sheriff I don't think I know you Roy this is Sam Kirby he's working for us now since when since Friday hard on Friday huh where we were Thursday night Sam you mean the night the bank was robbed mm-hmm I was on the trail you can prove that of course not unless you want to take the word of my horse Sam's all right sheriff he had Lemp seen him up here from the Barbie Oh how's old ed meaner than a snake well I guess sheriff apparently you got a message for you from Park McKay thanks Rudy get McClaren come to town for the picnic mr. Cod ride oh you mean LM aclu's birthday party and that was being caught up wasn't it looks like they call it back on again you know about ladies and parties and such they say it's gonna be real do hot dogs that's what I call real good news and here's some more good news the army is gonna bust loose to the whole troop of horse soldiers there's a be here tomorrow afternoon tomorrow well that is good news Sheriff that changes things considerably now we can organize the search that I really mean something Tomiko be happy to hear about that I'm separated who's that young feller in there Joe that's the new Han we hired why well nothing I just thought maybe I saw him in town with two other men the night the bank was robbed are you sure really sure looks like the feller I seen well maybe you ought to come in there and tell the sheriff oh no wait a minute I hate that sure anyway it was kind of a dark night that night [Music] I'll see you back to the Ponderosa mr. Cartwright all right Sam how'd you go to the picnic Sam no no I'm not much good at picnics you never seen the kind of picnics we have around well I think I'll just ride on back to the ranch arms won't you come on do you good well some other time Joe and me are gonna look pretty silly packing you all well with that angry well maybe he's got something better to do huh all right you win I'll go well hope you got some of that blueberry fast yes sir I show radish a couple of them's blueberry pies full supper now for the team of Adam Cartwright and probably foolish Ellie I wouldn't do all this work for just any girl I hope you know how much I like you you mean I'm the only girl you ever cared the picnic basket for a little Joe well let's just say you're the only girl I'd carry one for now no joke I tried right in front of all these people yeah well you know we could go behind that wagon all right all right I'll get the rest of the groceries the pickle for pause card right ma'am me it was a great big ol horse fly here and III would I know what you was just you cart right but isn't one thing it's the other there'll be no II freshmen certain until after the games yes'm Miss Ellie ain't that your pickle fork over there I don't seem hard hard ride remember ma'am I'm just a growing boy [Music] hey Sam hey Sam come in what you doing sitting over there all by yourself I'm just watching well I ain't no way to do it a picnic you gotta get around here and meet some of these pretty gals oh no don't bother I'm I'm fine yeah but you'll be a lot funnier when you meet some of these gaps come in Miss Ellie Miss Ellie I want you to meet a friend of mine this here Sam Kirby how do you do mr. Kirby my pleasure man hey you better be nice to Miss Ellie her father owns a bank is that so old you duel excuse me I better find pawing at him and learn him something about you ma'am horseshoes do you like picnics mr. Kirby well I don't exactly know you don't know you see this is the first one I've ever been to didn't they have picnics where you grew up not hardly kind of a place was that I don't think you'd much want to hear about it I'm sorry I didn't mean to be inquisitive it's my fault right I didn't mean to give you a short answer that's all right if you'll excuse me I've got to finish setting this table is there anything I can do to help you thank you I didn't think I was gonna party today at all that's all you heard about the bank being robbed yeah I heard puppet then awfully upset and mom and me too naturally I guess you would be so many people trusted papa the Wilsons and Ludlow's even the cart rides I think it would just kill pop if they were to lose everything [Music] [Applause] well I I don't see where it's his fault he feels responsible to his friends doesn't matter now anyway we had some real good news today I suppose you mean about the army coming in yeah female wonderful yeah wonderful Ali have you seen the napkins yes miss you naked in that basket over there well come on girl the party can't wait all day mind set in the mouth of course that makes you me it was nice meeting you mr. Kirby I hope to see you again thank you ma'am well as a matter of fact at the dance next Thursday didn't amount to much but the card right boy usually come why don't you come along with him thank you ma'am I think I'd like that Thursday yes ma'am Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you trying to do Kirby I wouldn't say I was trying to do anything a little Joe mr. Kirby and I were only talking I sure I saw the way he was talking kind of looked at me like he was trying to put his arm around you Joe Cartwright what business is this of yours Cartwright I'm making you my business Kirby just because I got out with you once or twice it doesn't give you the right to think of me as your personal property now you stay out of this Ellie it's a lot of questions I wanted to ask you Kirby now's as good a time as any well I'm not answering any questions you know you're gonna answer this one where were you Thursday night [Music] Joe dakari please [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] it's alright folks everything's alright boys were just getting a little hungry that's all I think mr. McClure would like us to adjourn to the tables for a little food yes friends over here they're fried chicken Sam we didn't mean no harm we we didn't know your back to start up like that he's supposed to be all right if I went along now where do you want to go Sam back to the ranch if it's all right of course it's on Sam Little Joe didn't mean nothing we just want you to have a good day that's all hi Sam put this on and cover your back [Music] well it was much of a picnic for him oh you reckon what do a man's back like that but the only thing I could finish bullwhip [Music] why are you all looking at all forget it Joey somebody look at meet you well right was I supposed to do it didn't have to poke him oh I didn't have to poke him look he's the one who threw the first punch come on now you've been down on him ever since he rode that horse I told you that's got nothing to do with it well what is it then Joe what do you got against that boy all right I'll tell you Rudy told me he saw him in town Thursday night I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with a bank robbery hey Joe that's gone a bit too far a bit boy it's a pretty serious charge Joe you have any real evidence to support it how rody told me thought he saw him in town he thought he saw him in town I do call that real evidence crying it's not I'm sorry I should have known better huh look maybe I better right after I'm telling I'm sorry yeah good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] you come on coach [Music] [Applause] me Sam [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Sam how's the boy just fine fertile things quieten down no you're getting hot there's an army troop of cavalry get it in from Fort McKay the one I'm gonna do in Virginia City tomorrow afternoon but son I'm afraid I didn't say that Oh we'll have plenty of time where are the classes well I got them all spotty yeah sure I had a good long look at the map and the Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office they must have trusted you pretty good yeah they trusted me fine why no reason where'd you get the new person Adam Cartwright he gave it to me okay but there I gotta hand it to you you sure got away with you Sam yeah all right we'll take out of here in the morning for the cavalry bulls in now what's so funny god right fella given you is next Rommels [Music] as one thing still left for you to do Sam I want you to go back to Ponderosa it spent a little more time with your friends why tell for one thing you might want to return that vest you think of a tenant on me Sam you better forget it now what makes you say that I don't know I just said it I'll get back to that ranch and find out which way the soldiers are coming in part of do I have to go back there yeah you have to go back there [Music] don't you find him looks like he was trailing Sam Ramos me thought you might be interested you know yeah let's Joe Cartwright a small world Lenny Kirby I thought you said you had him fooled no not all of us what's that mean nothing just keep them here I'm going back to the ranch are you going soft Sam good time up get on back to Ponderosa before those cards get suspicious and find out which way those horse soldiers are coming in you hear I hear you that's your little job toss me Sam I thought just be with you but you thought wrong it's funny he wrote out of town right after you did yeah I felt kind of bad about what happened at the picnic today when after you to tell you we're sorry oh well you tell him I said not to lose any sleep Sam I haven't known you for very long but uh couches a friend let me tell you something a man's only got one friend one guy in the whole world he can count on who go out on a limb for him and that's himself all right hey a sheriff's inside sheriff wants to talk to you Sam but why me why don't you ask him about yourself [Music] that is limp I tried to convince him to stick it out in this territory but he never didn't think his country to mount too much hard outdoors donut yeah pretty well out there and all that golden silver right here under his feet yeah lumber and cattle Sam yeah you know sheriff yeah huh sit down Sam no thanks sheriff tells me had some information about you I thought you'd want to be here when he told us that's not you Mr Carr dragon seems sheriff coffee here got to worrying about 2:00 this morning after we left his office well that was real nice of you to Sheriff I sent a telegraph message about you down to Barbie ranch hold that limp here's the answer it says they'll let you go more than six months back on account of your prison record in Texas to check on that too didn't after is that the whole story funny thing about a prison record mr. Cartwright they say you do your time and you pay your press don't you believe it Sam did you serve your time out eight years and I was pardoned I suppose they left that out so we're now Roy what's all this about since when do we round a man is paid for his mistake it wasn't exactly a mistake not just what does that mean he murdered his father in cold blood he's what he's saying true yeah some he was my stepfather and he needed killing nobody needs killing he did I was six years old when my mother died you know what he did when we come back from the funeral he took a whip to me just to show you he says just to show you things are gonna be different from now on that was my stepfather say from then on he beat me everyday I can remember step when he was too drunk and it was he did that to you back he did so I waited I waited till I figured I could handle him and I waited till he was stone-cold sober I wanted him to know what was happening and who was doing it that's premeditated murder yeah and then one night he came for me and I was ready and I killed him I was 14 years old and that's what you served your sentence for for 10 years I served eight I think you better come along with me boy sure if I'm not going anywhere with you Kirby you haven't got a chance against the four of us Sam you sample prep Agha for the way alright then what's the charge against him no charge don't need any he can't prove where he was Thursday night he's got a prison record that's enough to take him in that's not enough to take a man off this ranch now what does that mean Ben boy half the people in this territory couldn't prove where they were Thursday night that's for a man having a prison record once he served his sentence is there a spade and that's it the boy stays here you're refusing to cooperate with the law I'm refusing to allow the lock the boy up without a valid reason no law in the world says you can do that I could deputize some men well sheriff I reckon you better get you a whole bunch of them all right Ben but is your responsibility then you're sticking your neck out a country mile because a few minimum stake you're gonna have to count for it well Sam looks like Little Joe and the rest of us all your new shirt yep you go down and get the best in fines and with pearl buttons and all Sam and what's been said he has been sitting that's the last of it I want you to know that you have a home in the Ponderosa with just as long as you want it Paul you'll have to excuse them he has some theories about people going out on a limb guess they kind of fell apart huh that's where you're mistaken y'all just made me see how right I am so I got a home in the Ponderosa have I well I can't use it Sam look what are we saving forget it just don't you do me any favors and don't you expect any [Music] nope well gun into him I guess he's not used to being treated like a human being my little Joe didn't come back with him oh boy you probably got halfway out and decided to go back make up daily should have been home hours ago strange boy that's an Kirby man I guess that's what happens when you never been given a helping hand and he got himself so far out on that limb he didn't quite know how to get himself off uh been a hard day pop better get the bed don't worry about Little Joe Paul King take care of himself a nice good night Anna good night doc Paul he's showing off worried about Joey now you know how he always is about him yeah where are you going I'll be right back you think you're leaving me help [Applause] didn't even wait till morning huh why so touchy Sam no reason I just want to get out of here so nothing my father said made any difference to ya why don't you Cartwright's leave me alone I'm full up to here and here's your vest I don't want it Sam is it really the kindness that's killing your is it something else I just don't like a lot of people asking me questions why not what have you got to hide who says I got anything to hide Little Joe right about you all along that's what's bothering you Sam [Music] [Music] Adam [Music] Adam you around it's like I got hit in the head Kirby slammed into me and ran off I guess anisole fooled and particularly me I think the sheriff is right about him Little Joe - you might have the answer - to his whereabouts let's get hor someone get saddled up it pick up his trail suppose it turns light what's more you're wasting your time which way what time you were getting here we gotta get moving what are you doing to him did you find out you find out which way the horse soldiers were coming in no I didn't get a chance maybe we still have a chance he probably knows which way they're coming in why don't we just have you make him tell us yeah why don't you make me talk Sam come on after all you're practically one of the family how what are you waiting for you asking that living with the car droids is making you go soft it's his kind of put you in jail and took eight years out of your life you forgetting that oh I'm not forgetting that but I know the car drives well enough to know that he won't talk if we stay here any longer we'll never get out of here let's get going now he'll never get out of here when my pawn brothers find out I didn't come home all night them and the cavalry will be all over the place you're not gonna make it maybe we won't but you won't be alive to know it'd kill him hold it link he just gave us the answer yeah yeah take him with us Joe Cartwright riding out there in front and if we could trouble from any of the other Cartwright's he gets a bullet right in the back like work dramas go get Andy saddle up the horses flank get the money out of the cave all right pardon [Music] you sure waited long enough he took ten years of my life well I just hope I didn't take ten years off my life - I don't worry you got friends now friends it'll stick by you I know that I'll be alright what about those other two and let's pick him up [Music] looks like Little Joe didn't wait for the army he's got Sam with him looks like he's wrong about Sam oh yeah looks like we were all wrong about Sam Kirby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Western Mania
Views: 1,923,167
Rating: 4.3884993 out of 5
Keywords: Bonanza, western tv show, 1960s tv show, ponderosa, lorne greene, dan blocker, pernell roberts, michael landon, bank robbery, Television Program (Award Discipline)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2013
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