Bonanza - Springtime | Episode 68 | CLASSIC WESTERN | Full Episode | English

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[Music] in the springtime a young man's fancy likely turns to thoughts of well many things anything in fact that'll make him forget the long hard winter and think of all the fun and good times that lie ahead lazy is a fat sound of summertime [Music] [Applause] [Music] get up [Music] [Music] go look [Applause] i wonder where haas is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh well it was awfully nice of you to show up how would you go to sleep on your cozy little seat and fall off on the ground yeah the mules remind me so much of you too i just didn't want to keep their company no longer very funny but what happened to the rest of the polls oh that burn it they fell off of that wagon when the mules bolted forward i was down there trying to roll it through the mud and that burned mules and mud and snow yeah we're tired of hungry steers and green wood and i'm sick and tired of you two moaning and groaning so let's finish stacking these poles [Music] hey what's the matter with you two and post too heavy for you why don't you watch where you're going no no no no he did it on purpose what are you talking about all right that's about enough joe if you're looking for a fight you're gonna find it look now we ain't got time there's too much work to do now start picking those things up and watch it this time adam you stay out of this side where you get off telling me what to do anyhow because i'm older than you are and smarter oh look course is right it's none of your business stay out of it oh you're pushing all right oh target [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well just because you've got mountains around here made of silver doesn't mean i am for fifteen dollars for pete's sake you want the thing you don't shoot man springs aren't much good let's not mention the harness look at the rim on that wheel it's almost worn through i'll replace it for three dollars three dollars all right all right i told you forget about this i'll give you a good price on a brand new one a hundred dollars to take a man from one place to another a fool and his money are soon potted tell you what it will do though i'll give you thirty dollars for the whole raid and that includes that mag including the horse pitfall creature you're a sure man of pure kindness all right sir all right take it and may the theft fly easy on your conscience [Music] boys stacking timber you cure it for a new branding fan nothing ruins a place like neglect well as i said the boys are building a new one it's been a hard winter snow's been especially heavy this year that's a good thing to get a head start on the spring you know the early bird catches the worm i know i know i wonder where those boys are anxious to meet your boys benjamin yeah i haven't seen him since they were children they must be big men now yeah they are great oaks some little acorns they're three fine boys jed hard workers and good head on their shoulders they're close to each other's brothers should be she pulled green ah pulled off you pull if you knew the hole was right here what you're backing this afar for why don't you say something cause you didn't ask me older brother now why don't you stop arguing and start pushing that smartest thing's been said today yeah get up [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what in the world i do so [Music] all right [Music] okay go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop it did you hear what i said i stopped [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now what's going on here what is going on here what's the matter what's the matter my foot is smash that's what's the matter you satisfied yeah let me help [Music] these high tickets are your son benjamin cartwright [Music] my sons [Music] so would you please stop that what the pounding [Music] doctor just how how serious is this well it's hard to say he has a very painful foot there better keep him off his feet uh oh several days at least you know a man of his years it's hard to say how really serious it could be well we'll do all we can for him doctor i know my way out ben good night good night boys thank you for coming doctor well well now you know how he is as a result of your 10 year old school boys which show more sense did you realize that will you stop that pounding do you realize that man started with nothing on his back but his clothes he accomplished everything strictly on his own i wanted to show him what we've done with the ponderosa i wanted him to meet my sons well he has i don't know what's gotten into the three of you lately dad burn it paul we've been working for two weeks mud belly deep to a tall couch rain dang near every day yeah when it didn't snow look we haven't been in virginia city for almost a month personally i'm sick of the ponderosa right now oh you are are you you listen to me young man i still run this ranch i'm still your father and as long as you continue to live on the pandorosi you'll do exactly as i say and that includes volunteering to perform any errands or business deals mr milbank has been forced to delay while he recuperates and we're going up and tell him so right [Music] [Applause] now [Music] come in i hope i didn't awaken you no i was having a little trouble dropping off well jedediah the uh boys have been worrying about your affairs and they insist that you let them take care of whatever business you came out here for oh that's very thoughtful as a matter of fact there are a few little things ah i suppose they might handle it oh of course they can why each one of them has taken care of the ponderosa by himself on occasion oh i don't want to take any of them away from his work no no no no no we insist well never put off till tomorrow what you can do today here we are let's see yes exactly three little items that need attention here's a small piece of land i own been hanging onto it until the railroad realizes they need it for a watering stop i had word of squatters moved onto it let one in next thing your property is overrun think you can chase them off son yes sir mr milbank i think i can chase him off boss as a small ranch on this map is located exactly at the spot i need for a fattening station for my cattle i've made out a bill of sale in advance all you have to do is fill in the correct amount i'll pay a lot more than the land's worth buy it yes sir i'll get it mr milbank now this is a little different i sold a nice little ranch here couple paid me half rest supposed to be paid a certain amount each year payment's overdue i want the ranch back a victim why don't you give them a little more time maybe they'll come up with the money i've given them enough time time waits for no man a victim why don't you die there you can relax now everything is being taken care of yes men friends in need are friends indeed [Music] oh maybe we'll be lucky and drown at least i won't have to put up youtube for a couple of days do a good job boys good luck thanks [Music] hello hello in there come on out all right i'm gonna count to five one two three four five how do you stranger you're a psych for sore eyes i come up from the crick as soon as i see you crossing it uh parley is my name and welcome i don't get much company up here why why this is the first chance i've had to chin with a soul in weeks now you know who this property belongs to no who jedediah milbank nice name now he's from san francisco and he doesn't like squatters overrunning his property jedediah that's a bible name ain't it i guess so it must come from a nice family you know folks don't read the bible like they used to i still do well you can tell him that i'll i'll watch out first place for him while he's busy up there to san francisco well no no no he wants you to get off his property he does what for because it is not yours now you got to get off he planning on using it he gonna farm it maybe well he's not gonna farm it he's gonna wait and sell it to the railroad well that's the difference in folks i look at this land i see tall meadow grass and pretty spring poppies and that nice little crick over there running along snickering at the white-tailed deer that come down to drink and jedidiah milbank all he sees is something to sell to the railroads bible name too well all i'd like to see is you packing your things and getting off the property uh you got a badge uh i don't see it you a sheriff no no i haven't got a badge but i got a gun and i don't want to have to use it now that's a right smart idea son why man can get himself killed using a thing like that now i said i don't want to have to use it but i'm not going to spend the whole day passing time with a stubborn can't anchor his old squatter stubborn cantankerous me what you ain't said a neighborly word unless uh get your blazers off of here is the way you pass a time of day all right all right i'm sorry i'm sorry if i i didn't put it to you the way you'd like but i made it plain get off the property no i just assume not what did you say uh i just assume not now look old man i'm sick and tired of arguing now get your things and get off the land son you move too fast you gotta learn to relax so you can think about what you're doing i don't know i know i know what i'm saying hey hey look calm me down will you hey coming down here i didn't mean that bear trap for you why just put it there to keep the bear out of my tote sack well fine and let me down now listen you you just gotta learn to relax well it's the best thing in the world for you the the blood will all rush to your head and refresh your mind i ain't doing this land no harm there's plenty of fish fresh game for the shooting wood for a fire water well the land gives a man everything he needs just as a good lord intended it hey please call me down it's making me dizzy hey come on look up at the sky son look up at the sky you had your mind on little things look up at the sky how could i possibly look at the sky oh hey come on cut me down now i don't want you to think that i don't appreciate you coming to visit me but you you're a kind of a strong-minded boy you just got to learn to relax oh wait come on come here take it over and i'll be back you hey i don't see how anybody can trade this beautiful blue sky and warm sun for a mess of greenbacks and silver okay okay old man you got me sold on the sun the sky and the wind but i've been sitting here for over an hour and i haven't even got a nibble yet i've been telling you boy you got a nervous hand on that pool and the fish you know it look you just have to learn how to relax mark can i relax with you catching all the fish well i'll tell you son you know what day it is no it's the first day of spring that's what it is so what about it what about it what means that you can forget about the rain and the snow or winter and start enjoying living again you know i never thought about it that way oh man you know maybe that's because i've never been hung upside down before so i could think straight yeah oh boy boy you got one you got one hey hey hey did you ever did you ever see a fish like that your whole life no boy i ain't never seen a fish like that ever before fresh tender trout fried nice and crisp with hot biscuits um let's go oh wait wait wait a minute wait what for yeah you got to learn to relax old man look if you're as hungry as i am we're gonna stay a while and catch another one plus of course you're repaired no boy i ain't no hurry what a fish [Music] things will get better we'll paint the house i'll make some furniture and the baby will be company for you soon we tried it we came out here to the middle of nowhere to be farmers instead of city people close to the land you said was close to god but it just didn't work look this isn't a home this is a shack the other things came first we knew that you agreed oh yes but i know enough to admit a mistake this has been a terrible year paul when we never see anyone we never have any time for anything but plowing and building and clearing the land annie this'll be a good place someday everything we've done will be worth it it's beautiful here it'll be a good way to live never will paul that man came here last night out of the blue and he is offering us every cent we paid for this place plus our 300 profit now why can't you just thank god and take it [Music] you can't buy the way i feel about this place that's what you said to me last summer remember [Music] here you are man sit down mr cartwright it's ready it sure does smell good some bread fresh baked you bet hey nothing smells like fresh baked bread paul we thank thee for these thy gifts which we have received from thy bounty o lord amen well folks said you'd make up your mind by tonight i reckon this is sort of a celebration dinner ain't it there's too much of us here we don't want to sell i'll tell you old man middlebank really wants this place he wants it for a feeding station for his cattle he told me to pay anything i had to do to get it he did yes ain't no using us arguing back and forth like a couple mule traders tell you what i'll do i'll give you a thousand dollars instead of the 300. now that ought to be fair to you and satisfy old man mailbank a thousand dollars oh thank you paul did you hear it this place is not for sale mr cartwright ah why it'd be like selling our own flesh for a thousand dollars paul i didn't i didn't mean this now no it's nothing i'm sorry please go ahead and eat [Music] she'll uh be all right having a baby all alone has been making her kind of nervous lately yeah women's sort of funny like that i reckon filled your lamp thanks i uh is that offer still good [Music] then we'll take it be leaving first thing in the morning maybe you'd give me a hand with a packing in the morning [Music] yeah i'll help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep there she is paul everything in the house it wasn't nailed down i certainly thank you mr curry glad to help you yeah you better get a line over that stuff otherwise the first good rut you hit it'll all come tumbling up the front seat with you thanks again i uh think i'll take a look around i don't want to forget anything so [Music] [Music] i was taking a walk and look what i found paul aren't they sweet so that's where she's been she must behind him someplace three or four weeks old look at him so tiny oh i'm not scared anymore paul that sounds silly but i just feel different it's the morning you always feel good in the morning oh i found something else in the back of the barn look violence pilots are for a man to give to a woman not vice versa oh cough oh i don't want to go anymore i just want to have a dozen children and stay right here on our own phone for the rest of our lives what are we going to do i don't know i i signed the bill on sale this morning oh you've got to make him give it back paul i really want it more than anything in the whole world well i ain't gonna give it to you [Music] hey what i will i'll make you crazy trade for what i'll trade you this bill of sales that puppy wife's got never was a very sharp trader knowing bible thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] company coming company i wonder who now isn't that just like a woman wanting to know something before she could possibly don't better set another plate man coming in this time of day will be hungry dad there's not enough for another person well we'll just stretch what we got then it's already stretched a man coming in this late's got a right to expect something to eat now we'll not let him go hungry in our house howdy howdy adam cartwright ted hack you're just in time to set for supper oh thanks you look tired you come all the way from town yeah it's a long way sure is come on in mama this is adam cartwright hello this is my boy ray right my daughter barbara barbara well you will get some of that trail dust off you and i'll go out and take care of your horse you know it isn't often we get somebody out here to share something i think you ought to know that i was sent out here by jedidiah milbank well man can't talk business on an empty stomach you go ahead and have your supper we'll talk later well you say so thank you mo you can go ahead and sir separate now i don't want you to worry none about me not eating i've had a kind of an upset stomach lately touch a colic i reckon i can't keep nothing down now you kids mind your manners i'll go put your horse away [Music] hackett's folly that's what i called him i figured a prize bull would give me a prime herd and pay for himself in the long run that's what we've done on the ponderosa improve the stock he was a fine animal then with the late snows bear came down out of the hills got a hold of wolf following his pen one night and broke his neck yeah we lost a lot of cattle to mountain lions worst winter we ever had i heard the ruckus went out and got the bear but well he's the most expensive beef we've eaten around here in a long time costs good money every cent we made on the crops for the past two years that did it huh that's just the beginning we still figured we were ahead the ten calves though folly sired for us then with the bad winter i had to buy feed for them then all the two of them drowned when the spring thaw flooded the creek well look maybe if i told mr milbank what happened no no one of the things we liked about this place when we bought it was that had a good windmill and a pump we could always irrigate 10 acres if a dry spell come along pump broke and it takes 200 to get a new one why don't you fix the owen even if we could fix it we need a new cylinder we can't even afford that we were ambitious probably tried to do too much without setting anything away for a rainy day we hate losing the place we're not going to cry about it no sir my name's theodore theodore stands for the gifts of god the good lord's given me plenty of these gifts in my day and i'm sure not going to start complaining when he takes a few of them away from me well i guess i better look to the stock before i turn in i'm sorry the only thing i got to offer is the loft of sleeping he's looking for his tobacco in his pockets he used to smoke on that smelly old thing like a stove well i'm not as proud as he is do you have any tobacco on you mr cartwright that man wouldn't buy himself none in over a month no ma'am i don't a man shouldn't have to do that not my man [Music] morning morning what you doing well that puppy your shirt was smashed up i got most of it back together you've been working on the pump ah i couldn't sleep last night i thought i'd take a look at it you'll have to drop everything else for a couple of days and help me out but like i told you last night even if we could fix the pump i we gotta have a new cylinder and we can't afford that well i'm gonna go to town for the cylinder you can finish putting all this back together but ted what's the matter just a minute mama go ahead speak what's on your mind all right now listen and don't interrupt i'm gonna sell those two calves you got left cause you're gonna be too busy handling a double crop what do you mean a double crop well i got a plan that'll let you irrigate twice as many acres i worked half the night on it and i just forget about mr milbank and the bank too huh no i'll take care of both of them can pay me when you catch up no i've given a lot of favors my day and i'm not too proud to take them but not this we made our mistakes and we'll pay for him not you i'm not paying mr haggett i'm sharing it's springtime ted a time for beginning things not ending them [Applause] i'm surprised we went across a little tobacco too [Applause] [Applause] wonder why i did that honey i reckon he just felt like [Music] [Applause] [Music] fresh earth new grass pure invigorating air smell sagebrush all right yes yes i'm all right you know ben i've been thinking got a big house here lots of space plenty of rooms oh it's a it's a comfortable house uh such a big house just for four men do you ever think about letting rooms out to travelers oh no no jedi would never think of doing anything like that just a suggestion just a suggestion you know idle hands of the devil's workshop man i know you're anxious to get back to work i'll do what i can with this foot oh no need for anything like that now ben you know i'm not the sort of man to sit around twiddling my thumbs i know a ranch like this needs lots of attention especially with your boys away oh they'll be they'll be back in a day or so i'm glad you came here jedidiah set him a good example well come on let's make hay while the sun shines chores won't get done standing around i'll go get my coat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i gotta do it now ben a job worth doing is worth doing well why don't we finish the rest of the pile [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] that's deep enough ben [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know ben i wish i had a couple of hands like you on my spread two good days worked like this would have the place in pretty good order pleasure today jedi [Music] [Applause] all right mr milby ah a real nice job stacking those poles yeah well we didn't have too much to do while they were done chase that squatter off my land did you boy hi i got a trout this big oh yeah meld in your mouth like butter yeah went fishing no squatters well yeah there was one man named parley a real nice felon he's going to keep an eye on your land for you mr milbank so you haven't got a thing to worry about uh joseph you mean there was someone on the property and there's still someone on the property yeah but he wasn't doing any harm bob not doing any harm i'm gonna die jedidiah hold on a moment joseph that's the best if you would explain little bank joe so you got them all stacked up neat and pretty too uh horse uh how did you make out son did you get that land that you had to die once well did you buy that property or didn't you well horse well paul i reckon them folks are just a little sharper trader than me well i told you i wanted that line how much extra do they want for it a thousand two thousand oh well what did they demand horse well dad bernie paul they didn't demand nothing they just flat didn't want to sell that land that's all they offered you a bribe the scoundrel took a bribe that's what they did they're trying to hold me up it's a plot it's a plot that's right that's what i've done i took a break i knew it i knew it horse what'd they give you i'll show you any cute [Music] hello that's a good even job of stacking you're doing there yeah uh tell me adam did you uh have any trouble at all uh no no not at all you're the oldest the only one with a head on his shoulders where'd you get the pup horse well adam uh why why don't you give the jedediah the deed well i didn't get it paul they paid the installment with what where'd they get the money for me i'm sorry if i had to do it they needed it and cartwright you you you you you chewed us you jackal you father of chat calm down calm down first they heave a log on well that was simply an accident an accident you've been caught right are the worst of a poor lover i always said like father like son you sir you've sired a litter of lazy shiftless whips like father likes hot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on the three of us lazy shiffling swells better get back to work boys it's been a long tough hard winter smell that fresh air feel that warm sun it's spring ponderosa can take care of itself i'm going to town oh what are you up to i like father like [Music] son [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 702,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy, western movies, western series on youtube, western series movies, best western, old western series, western, western series tv, old western series tv, Bonanza, full episodes, full episodes movies, Bonanza episode 68, westerns, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, old western tv series full episodes, western tv series full episodes, western series full episodes, old western tv series and episodes, Old western series shows
Id: 6sjl8JhdIeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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