NOBODY | Cimarron Strip | Stuart Whitman | Western TV Series | Full Episode | English

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[Music] so [Music] ma'am you folks just come across from kansas figure we did simmer on up ahead simran ahead this is where we collect clay that's right corn cob fifty dollars tall if we're lying take the wagon across our land here well aha how's this land come to be yours let's here first open the strip for folks like you ten dollars for the animals you and the missus uh has free ain't got no sexy dollar so see what you can find [Applause] [Applause] nothing whole closing barley kearney boy you can get mr corncob here to cooperate oh no but don't stop it please stop it please all right hold it you seen enough missus currently hears about the best box fighter in the strip that'll be eighty dollars now man 60 for dole and 20 for kenny winning the fight that's enough unbuckling mine your manual take him and you said titanster [Music] [Applause] [Music] so francis take those bodies down to the undertale you can camp down by the river which is that side of town you've got a good night's rest there the second jet will be holding court tomorrow morning at the wayfarers inn i'd like you to be there at 10 o'clock you can swear out your complaint and then testify 10 o'clock much obliged marshall jim jim i think you ought to come and have a look at this over at the depot [Applause] the 615 freight left is off there's some kind of mix-up on which consigned to eleven hundred cases of dynamite i haven't been able to put my hands on the manifest yet marshall but don't worry i'll wire the kansas city office the first thing tomorrow morning get it straightened out mac you stay here and keep an eye on that car harvey you send that wire now now well ruggles already closed his cage have been home it's after five i said no you don't leave the makings of a disaster sitting right in the middle of this town no he did a sweat got a whole box car full of firecrackers no telling who's liable to get killers for the match huh i guarantee you one thing it won't be you [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready all right you stand back uh be careful the biscuits are very hot it's a waste of breath to try to be next to this one oh i know it gives me the shivers even on a hot day like today francis you take over i'm gonna see about that dynamite jim what about dinner what about mine in just a minute francis i've only got two hands sorry it's just an uncomfortably hot day marshall oh dang fool's stunt i ought to bust him head what have you got the mystery cleared that dynamite belongs to us oh come on holly it's too hot for jokes no no joke look railroad company construction department so they left it right here in the middle of town yeah wow blister some ears when they hear you can there's enough dynamite in that train to level a whole of cimarron i want them to move it right now do you hear me right now [Music] food because i'm leaving here tomorrow this dust bowl i got a job what's the meaning of this howdy ma'am put away them coffee pots i'm buying the hard stuff my bd's got a job i said serve em up bartender the hard drinks are on me friends get that animal out of here no beatty you're under arrest that sting hold still you ain't got no right to lock me up in no jail just cause i went out and shot up the town a little just about blew it off the map you've gone around a car full of dynamite dynamite right in front of the deport signs written all over it now how drunk are you anyhow i had one drink maybe two but i ain't drunk crash through windows all the time the winter uh well uh you see a long time ago before you owned this place my buddy old bear he did it so well what any cowboy does mo beatty does and he does better i'm a leaving tomorrow and it was my last chance i'm going down to mexico with old man hazlitt and pick up a herd and drive him north is that so well i hadn't heard that he resigned john of that outfit doesn't quit so old man hazlitt he picked me out of a whole bunch and don't tell me that ain't no reason for celebration i'm gonna buy you a drink crown obiti i think maybe you ain't sore are you no furious long jeans sore come on so you got yourself a guy well that's good news it's been a long dry year and i'm finally getting out of here i'm going out where a man can breathe and more hit the jackpot make her big oh sure there was a blizzard back in 84 but the northwest is coming back yes sir bob and i'm going to be right in the middle of her you bet you bet you you better you bet i'm gonna take off like a prayer fire that's what i'm gonna do hey hey i know you hey you used to work for the hazel spread didn't you a couple years ago your name is uh uh steinmann burke steinman right my name is mobidi you remember me oh yeah yeah it was a fetch and carry boy for cookie right well yeah back when i was a boy but i've been working for them right on up through the last year i'm going to wyoming what the mo man has it hired me herself he did out of a herd of 50. you know the hazlitt spread is a top outfit and we're going down to mexico and we're going to get some horses that can stomp in some beef again biller put a clamp on that tongue we're on the edge to the ceiling [Music] why is this trainload of dynamite still here there's a mix-up in kansas city or something uh harvey's waiting for a wire right now i'll take over you right on down to the river and find that farmer and his wife make sure they get the court on time if there's anything judge whale hates being kept waiting on a hot day army by the way [Applause] [Music] so marshall the pie paper is beginning to get sticky listen to this one carload of dynamite special shipment cimarron m m i don't know how people can be so careless am that cimarron new mexico this here's i.t indian territory that freight agent up the line ain't never going to read his destinations right but don't you worry i'll see that the next freight to new mexico picks it up first thing day after tomorrow kc is checking with uh saint louis it happens all the time hyannis blankets liver extracts they're waiting for it in mm and it's sitting here in i.t it just goes to show you this lecture i heard in kansas city last month on the powers of concentration by this dr cortright well now the human mind has to be focused man has to develop get out of here did you see it the smoke [Applause] brown where you going crown is it still burning how soon can you get an engine here engine i want you to move this car as soon as possible at least five miles out of town i don't understand i thought dynamite's supposed to be fairly safe unless you set it a fire or put a bullet in it that's the beauty of it tastes skittish if it's good stuff but the smoke that you saw means it's old and unstable those are drops of pure nitro falling nitro get the engine yes sir [Music] really yeah marshall i need your help well you got to keep the people away from this area at least until this car has been moved something wrong no no panic or anything just being cautious well i was putting these supplies together people first supplies later you take that side of the street cram how about it i'm pointing this i'm to lower my head shot my heart and butt my way out of here [Music] this way [Music] sit down judge quail will be here any time now miss coopersmith and i the partners in this establishment are going to press charges against you for breaking our front window it's my duty to inform you that you're entitled to engage counsel for all the good it'll do you huh hire a lawyer oh well there's no need for all that ruckus shoot i'll pay the damages yeah i told you you'll pay of course i'll pay very well here's the bill 28.50 the winner cost that much what did you think well i never figured that's all right i'll i'll send it back from wyoming as soon as the drama wages wyoming that's what i said wyoming listen to him sitting there with a cowbell around his neck and asking us to trust him to send money from wyoming you calling me a liar you think i'm a fool no there's no reason why we can't discuss this calmly listen if i tell you i'll send money back from wyoming or timbuktu or chinatown you'll get your money at which time i'll drop the charges and not before why now sit down both of you sit down sit down [Music] now may i say something without offending you mcgregor and i would be only too happy to trust you but well you're not the most assuring person in the world as as mcgregor pointed out that cowbell and and you're calling yourself moe beatty well why can't you use your real name like everybody else we people will think that you're not responsible that you're ashamed of your name that you're just a nobody a nobody me you well you don't have to worry about omobiti look i can ride faster rope slicker brand cleaner and how louder than any cowboy in the whole territory how come you think hazard hired me on this drive there was just ten of us picked out of maybe a hundred cowboys hanging around out of work and i was one picked i'm gonna take wyoming like a double barrel twister 28.50 in six months when i come back i'll have a deed in my back pocket to a thousand acres of prime timberland what do you think about that and i'll be the king of persia oh he's just finishing up breakfast brown will you tell this corn plaster when i say i'll pay for this blasted window i'll pay look you got to let me go i'm supposed to settle it one way the other william then get over there and help willie he's clearing out that deep code area all the way back to the important ground brown come back here listen you know me tom when i say something i mean it well all right mobiti i'll accept your promise well i'll guarantee it if you wish you'll guarantee yes you won't have to risk a penny no no less we're partners all the way you can be thankful there's a little compassion in this world i'm free to go don't forget the bill come on man get going all right [Music] sure is a scorcher you ought to do something about that jail you know i known hogs that was cooler in a smokehouse take care of yourself i'm going to miss you miss coppersmith and that's a fact have a good trip well if i don't you can't say i didn't try tell me something why was he so hurt oh my lady has francis come back with those witnesses yet no all i did was suggest that he takes off his cowbell and he's his real name he hasn't got a real name he hasn't that cowbell is more proud of him than his own skin when he was just a little tut well he wanted out of nowhere nobody knows where he came from look out boys he picked him up like he was a stray cat hung a cowbell around his neck so i wouldn't get lost when he grew too old to be treated like a pet and too troublesome why the old man kicked him out like he was a stray again well at least hazard's taking him back that's something i'd say that's just about everything let's go come on moving marsh they're gone who's gone you're witnesses they pulled out last night they're going back to kansas up front over here come on remove your hat open it up cooper circuit court united states federal territory town of cimarron judd lucius be quail presiding now in session case of territory versus berkshire is that you that's me charged with attempted robbery assault battery eddie plead on your feet not guilty mr stegman the law allows your choice trial by jury or decision the judge what do you pick decision to the judge it's a good choice saves us all from roasting here an extra hour crown presents your case well your honor it's gonna be difficult my deputy just reported to me that my witnesses are gone they pulled out they headed back to kansas you aren't asking for a delay your honor if i might just have you here for a moment i can't stay over jim you know that i've got a big calendar at car stairs starting day after tomorrow do you know what i've got sitting here off the record what's the substance of your case if i take your word for it the law requires evidence your honor i've got a car load of dynamite sitting out in front of the depot just down the street i've got all i can do to move it out of town without keeping my eye open for some trigger happy cowboy to come along and blow it up now you can't turn this one loose the specifications state the accused and two others stopped a farmer and his wife out on the north road hey wait a minute stand up when you talk to the judge you got that wrong judge they stopped us we had them covered pounding the man into the ground that was kearney they asked how far it was to simmer on we got the talking and this farmer wanted to fight kearney you see kearney was a boxer a boxer you could ask anybody abilene kansas city st louis why did you resist arrest ask the marshall you doubt because of what i've seen of peace officers taking custody of people in the name of the law and right there without asking any questions stringing them up to a tree and letting them kick no trial or nothing round what do you want me to do turn my back while you take him out in the alley and he said in it i don't run that kind of a law and you know it neither do i sorry dismissed let's go you didn't get the mud off of your boots you've been down the river they'll lie against that martial you both better get out of town i ain't no cut back scissor bill for you to pull down i'm gonna get mine crown and i'm gonna have your head in the end of a pick [Music] [Music] so [Music] where's that engine he just got a wire we knew him the earliest noon what about the one open hard to see that's only an hour away no good the engineer keeled over heat stroke but they're rerouting another one from some bridge construction now there's still people coming into this area mac get them out of here have those kids help you right but you men come with me well come on i have some instructions for you give mr cook haven't bring a couple of harnesses for wagon teams horses why don't i think of that how far away is that north siding about three miles or so is that far enough how long will that main line be clear the 204 comes through at 11 40. why the dispatcher tell him to hold on to that 204 until he hears from us right away um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] obliged old man willoughby says he's too hot to move anywhere but if he gets blown up he holds you personally responsible also the doctor gave orders that the collins child stay in bed or she might not make it through the day all right we'll get as many as you can we'll tell them what'll happen when we start hauling that car [Music] you'd better lie down out of here i'm supposed to tell folks to go on up into town on past the emporium on account of dynamite marshall said it might go off and take this into town [Music] looks like they're gonna [Music] um [Music] i need a sledgehammer something heavy yeah it's a bit better oh what i want that dynamite to stay right where it is [Music] [Music] there i am now mr hassler i didn't realize he's pulling out so early but i had a little business to wind up in town and got held up but i'm here now and ready to go you're too late your place is filled hold on mr hazard time's good i'm part ending you know i ride like comanche and rope like the fella in the wild west show too late well peter you got no sense you mean what happened to samurai well i was just celebrating a little that's all going back i can't use you now hold on mr hazlitt listen i don't eat much and i work like a plow mew it takes a lean hound for the long race how many times do i have to say no i need that job mr hazlitt i sat in a saddle like a snapping turtle and i know cows like a dog nose please [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] marshall marshall get on up here quick careful it's still hot well that's from my shop can you fix it no but we can put in new switch oh it'll take a week to get a new switch kansas city has to requisition st louis and i don't see it who would have i've got a pretty good idea now you round up as many men as you can in wagons wagons we're gonna unload that dynamite and move it out jim with all the blaggards loose in this town you'd best leave it we've already had one year accident somebody's locked that car in there they want it there now what do you suppose i don't know neither do i and i'm not gonna wait to find out come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you doing here that's a good question i thought you were going off with hazlitt how about that crown well you gonna get to the point you kept me roasting in that jail cell this morning by the time i got out to the ranch they'd rode off without me my job was gone gone you're here well that's you crown the big law hound never let's go can't hang a man one way and string him up another you didn't tell me that you had to be there that early in the morning all right i've taken the trouble and make sure you got there sure marshall marshall no luck i can't find another soul to help some of them are scared of the dynamite other ones are taking their families out of town what are you looking railroad pays premium wages twenty dollars work straight through till the job is done for what loading that dynamite into this wagon i don't do common labor now if you've got some wild horses to break or some calves to brand that's something else what about our window oh you're going to pay for that i said i'll pay i'll pay ah no you don't slicker me into breaking my back in this heat no sir i say you grab that lazy good for nothing off that horse make him lend a hand i don't push a man to risk his naked you saying i'm scared i say it all you're good for is making noise twenty dollars until the job is done that's what i said twenty dollars are you sure you can manage it these things weigh 50 pounds you know set them down nice and easy well you're moving like an old dog through a bry patch ain't never going to get to finish this way now hold it if you're going to do this you're going to do it my way nice and easy with your eyes open you understand well what do you think i am some kind of a wet saloon swapper or something [Music] [Music] [Applause] good watch out good going francis you just take it easy mr cook you'll be all right mac get him inside okay all right everybody let's get back to work we got a long way to oh you go the marshall get busy oh clean that mess up [Music] so well how is he it's all right it's like a heat stroke he said for us to watch out came on him without any warning at all let's take a break now if we can find more men we can load a second wagon while this one's on its way to the sheds i'll be back in five minutes i've been honest with you i've been thinking about going up to oregon or someplace slow death around here trying to make a dollar to breaking wild horses on this land and who's corrupt well tell you truthful christian me been kind of thinking about hitting it simmer on stage you know get ourselves a little steak shotgun guards and every coach in old hands at it too risky you got a better idea money thinks i'm dead brown's got some men moving to die to my three-four in a wagon it's still moving out like brush fire crown can let all the wagons he wants long before he's true this time behind what does that mean a man can make an awful lot of money in an empty town where four doors down across the street that's the bank yeah samurai branch of the western reserve well you must be crazy yes sir what about crown ron dies what must be 20 000 those cash boxes we don't get in the vault right you kill crown hell we're back at the camp [Music] hi marshall when will it be safe to come back late tomorrow afternoon it could be sooner if you stay behind and help i'd love to marshall if it wasn't for my brood keep an eye on the shop if you don't mind [Music] well i brought you a couple more hands well you come to the right place you stump kickers if we don't blow you to bits we'll make men out of you now the idea is that you pick them up over there and you send them over here one side i'll show up fish eyes i'm gonna climb all over you like lightning on a chicken coop you and francis take your break into the shade five minutes well you heard me crown's orders and army's deputy now i don't have to tell you this is ticklish business lads we've got to treat this stuff as if it were pure nitroglycerin however while caution is the rule your greatest enemy is fear you've got to handle the material as tenderly as a newborn babe yet with complete confidence and muscular relaxation here mcgregor show them how hey hey look out mcgregor you dropped the baby your rattle painted jail bird you could have set off the whole kitten cabernet i was just trying to show him a little confidence and muscular relaxation huh look out i got another one get here oh bitty cut it out you dang fool you put it down mac mac mac [Music] you get him down to the end and i'll go get doc all right give me a hand [Music] you too easy now gently yeah let me through look stand back stand back some fresh air for the patient you may have concussion now look crown that stuff i was horsed around with and i thought it was safe for sure when it fell off the wagon and split open not a stick of it blew off everybody saw that you don't hustle around with dynamite francis harvey get back to work load up that weapon i'll go with you no not you you're finished now clear out now hold on a minute crown i've given you every chance i can you come up with the most darn fool stunts i ever come across but that's what i'm trying to tell you about i haven't got time to argue with you now you clear out you go to wyoming or some other place but you don't come back here well don't just stand around get back to work well what you got to say for yourself mcgregor oh oh somebody tilly jim there's a freight car full of dynamite it's all right i know can you remember what happened this afternoon hey have i been shot no you can be all right well no not for a few days it has been shook up pretty bad now tell me huh how's it doing i told you to clear out jim must you be so hard on him kelsey i've lost one man because of a heat stroke and another one because of some crazy horseplay and i've still got a thousand cases of unstable dynamite sitting right in the middle of town i'm gonna be out getting some replacements jim i'm sorry i mcgregor he's all right ain't amy yeah he's all right mobiti don't look sorry on me i don't need it no i can't help it you know i'm not very happy about what happened and i don't think you are either why do you care i'm just so much dirty night no i didn't say that you said i was a uh nobody ain't that so no that ain't so i said that you make people think that you're a nobody especially doing what you just did now it's very dangerous to play jokes with dynamite now if you want to be somebody be reliable get some stick-to-itiveness stick-to-itiveness well i don't know what that means but you're gonna hear from me one of these days you and crown [Music] okay easy does it [Music] so [Music] i don't know i just don't know i'd feel a lot better if it wasn't for crown i told you ron's gonna die you know you keep saying that but you never get around to saying how you know you ain't gonna take crown nobody here [Music] what's the matter ain't you never seen a cat poke before never such a sorry went up so close no why don't you go back and work for the marshall huh i ain't bothering you so happens you're being at your appointment don't pay no attention to cauli he's full of celebrities this evening obie you stop loading that dynamite i'll come didn't blow up did it one stick one measly two-cent stick is all and then he throwed me out throw john first he roped me in and then he blamed me for getting caught said i was too scared to handle that dynamite and he kept at it and he kept at it until i signed up then the first thing that went wrong bluey mobility you're no good clear out she never was no good and you never will be why didn't you kill him kill him that's what i did now that's funny him going after crown he can beat him to death with his cowbell you saying i can't you wouldn't not if you were last to a post with rawhide blindfolded and fast asleep you calling me yeller all right all right that's enough settle down you got no call to make smaller mobility like that he didn't one of us wouldn't want to take crown out but it ain't that easy that's the truth of it every last man here wants to see him dead matter of fact he was about to draw lots on him and you came up throw lights see who gets to kill him how come you do that cuts down the wrist one man takes it on for all you want in i don't know you think it over hey what's all this noise about drawing lots you'll see holly fix it up that we did a hay shaker in abilene what are you talking about there's only one next mock on it and he gets it hey i told you he was just making a lot of noise gather round bush all right let's dip in obiti how about it how does it work one of these has an x mark on it and the draws that gets crowned there's excellence for you mobidi unless you want us to do your fighting for you you want to see crown dead or don't you go ahead throw it in the rest of it you boy sorted crown pick man who draws a lot and doesn't go through with it will answer to all of us blank me too i get it i got it luck of the draw you know what we got here bull moose crosstown curry wolf ain't that right yeah oh that's right that's right that's right yeah now i'm going to tell you something that crown with that big silver band around that big black hat and that big shiny star on his chest he ain't nothing but a man that's all he's just another man i'm gonna cook him i'm gonna tear him up and feed him to the south busters i'm gonna call him out in the street where everybody can see and shoot him down and he'll tell about it for 100 years that's the way i'm gonna do it okay marshall your turn for breakfast well it's about time we'll take a 30-minute break you boys keep things moving [Music] right [Music] all right let's have it chelsea the second shift is ready as soon as you wash up mac the doc told you to stay put with the aroma of darcy's coffee driving me insane nonsense man oh mcgregor now be careful uh i'm fine i'm perfectly all right don't look it hey does he you better feed him i'll never hear the last of it ah [Applause] collie [Applause] um [Music] all right go ahead he's in there i can't do it in there it's a good place ernie now go on tell me when i help with the dynamite then kind of hang around he won't let me do that now i told you when you hang around anyhow now sooner or later he won't be looking you expect me to back shoot him back shoot how do you think kron killed kearney and foss yesterday those two fellows riding with me boss used to work with us at hazlitt spread crown killed him shut him in the back now no simpson being choosy how we take crown out his game is as good as anybody's right right right [Music] [Music] [Music] y'all look all played out i'm willing to help if you still want me to i promise not to horse around no more you think now you've learned how to be careful have some princess oh here sit here sit down make yourself comfortable uh we've got plenty of food plenty he's doing fine hey why don't we just put a bullet in that freight car blow up the whole end of town that'll keep crown plenty busy no that dynamite was keeping this town empty i used to hear back mobidia let's get these horses aside huh so you're kind of quiet this morning it's been a long night how come you're not hungry oh i'm hungry all right yes sir i'm hungry what's the matter mobility it's a hot is that all you sure yeah i'm sure so stay put everybody i'll be right back you hold on a mobility even if you have to hang him up by his thumbs [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so so [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] see if you can reach inside there the way to reach us up all of you where's my rifle [Music] no more listen boy you blink your eyes one time and i'm gonna jump you i've gotta get out of here i gotta get that crown why sit down oh keep going oh bidi what's the matter with you stay put crown or i'm going to start firing in them cases of dynamite you stump kickers better get out of the way go on boys back off mobility what's on your mind that lady friend of yours thinks i'm a nobody well i'm gonna be somebody i'm gonna kill you is that the only way you know to be a somebody that suits me just fine you think i'm afraid i'll show you i know you're not afraid and if you're not stupid you'll hand over your gun hold on right there well do you mind if i move aside so that you won't blow up the whole town if you miss the only one i'm gonna hit crown is you i'm gonna let you take two more steps then i'm gonna draw you and me and there's plenty of witnesses around to tell how it was later without lying all right crowd i'm going to take you i'm not going to draw on you or with you now if you're going to kill me you're gonna have to shoot me unarmed in cold blood or not at all you stay put clown put that gun belt on put it on we drew lots on you and i won drew lutz well who drew lots on me stigma and his boys you say i ain't got no stick to him this i'm going to show you right now there there's francis gunn now pick it up pick it up mobility don't you know what's going on one more step crown you ain't dealing with no scared cat stegman set you up to decoy me one more step crown and you're a dead man that's what he did so he and his boys could clean out the town i caught him right there at the bank now didn't you hear the shooting what if i did you build me up to carry that dynamite in that heat and then you're booting me out so now i'm gonna go on little bitty shoot shoot so [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all over marshall he's finished come on get moving get jim i found one of them did you get the other lock him up come on [Music] all right go ahead ground set let's get it over with well you did prove you are somebody now what am i going to do with you [Music] [Music] [Applause] brown are you crowned look at here i went out to camp to pack my gear look what i found that's birkin his boys they slickered me for sure they said only one lot had an x they all did obedie it's about time you learn not to play another man's game you got that coley locked up in that jailhouse yep i'm gonna take him out and stretch him on that hill and pour sargon glasses on him i'll take care of him i hate y'all 10 11 12 and a half rv wanted me to give you that from the railroad 12 and a half dollars that ain't 20 is it that's all the work you did better than nothing well it'll come in handy i'm leaving this town with or without the hazard job railroad want you to sign us with z is your leg well enough to travel oh yes ma'am it's just a little scratch a little sore that's all but ain't nothing going to keep me in this town except me you haven't paid for the window 28 and 50 i told you i'd send it out of wages for a job you no longer have would you settle for five dollars seven dollars and fifty cents nothing doing i tell you what you want to draw lots double or nothing well see you take two pieces of paper one of them's got an x on it then you pick you draw the blank i work and pay you double for the window you draw the x i pay nothing and ride out of town free and clear what about it [Music] seems fair enough to me i uh i'm always open to a sporting proposition [Music] i card now if you draw a high card you walk away free and clear if mcgregor does you pay double what's wrong with drawing lots do you want me to tell her all right then draw queen ace ace ace the luck of the man don't complain it was a fair draw yes it was and now as i said i'm leaving i'm riding out of here free and clear but not to wyoming you were right about that crown it'll be 10 years before they're ready for me listen to that as if they're developing the whole state to suit his pleasure i'm just being practical i'm going to colorado instead i'm going to stick out a claim and dig silver out of the ground well i hear silver's plate out there not if you know how to blast for it working with dynamite here give me the idea there's a future in colorado for a man who can handle dynamite boy howdy take care of you here [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 175,877
Rating: 4.596869 out of 5
Keywords: Cimarron Strip, western movies youtube, western, western movies, full length western movies, cimarron strip nobody, nobody cimarron strip, Stuart Whitman, Stuart Whitman cimarron strip, Stuart Whitman movies, Cimarron Strip full episodes, cimarron strip theme song, cimarron strip western, cimarron strip western series, cimarron strip online, cimarron, cimarron western, cimarron strip full episode, full western movies, cimarron strip youtube, cimarron strip full episodes
Id: IkUZrCR7Ezs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 49sec (4309 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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