BONANZA s. 13, ep. 14 / EN - whole series

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel all right you tuck now why are you walking the desert bring this mayor home she stumbled fell broke her leg where you go Jinny City it's about two three days ride from here we take your Mills Wakemans down much obliged oh no no thank you my name is Joe Carter a Red Cloud Swift Eagle son of my son how are you I'm sure obliged you forgot anyway we call Mills anyway staging Mills back to Virginia City dead burnin I musta dropped my wallet when that horse fell maybe somebody find you a take from you not much of a man I do a thing like that there you know I have been all the way down that Hill - I probably lost it there it wasn't much money and it wasn't more than you think you lose your horse saddled water money white man plenty smart did not take wallet truth and it's time you tell white man you take gun I can't you tell you eat you sleep one write tomorrow you're safe within you [Music] red clouds up here I thought the town is just around the next hill Fred Clark camp here you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you want to go you just drop me off the sheriff's office what's the matter what do you want with the sheriff Obara sand money from look at Everett think it took ed wild if that's what's bothering you I know is if you had to help me I'd be dead right now well this is my stop thanks a lot hey sheriff around going off the reservation I don't know I didn't ask you know me the sheriff it thanks I sure glad to find you my name's Joe Cartwright so yeah how did your card ride how are you look my horse broke his leg on the desert I was lucky to make it to town lost my wallet besides they didn't even find you yeah good thing he wrote out there Steve do some work huh Hey look I I ain't the body if I just wanted to get loan me enough money so I could send a wire to my plow and get my stage fare I'd be much obliged that's not my business look I'm gonna pay it back right away you don't bother about him he got out of the wrong side of the bed 40 years ago and it took permanent supper with you as you call for every huddle up snoring you're here he's been nice honest patient see that Tom Pulice you can see it after it gets a shave yeah get yourself shaving a bath after you send off that wire it's all right go on my name's Ryan Frank Ryan nothing nice to make your acquaintance Joe thank you very much mr. Ryan nice to meet a friendly face Oh after you get all bathes and shave you pretty much come on back here why you thanking me you've done enough for me already it's all right prices right here I own the place I could say the price is right I'll take you up on it thank you fine thanks sure I swear you grubstake so many of the word's gotten around yeah well pleasures me yes sir soldier Indian fighter second to none try branch him for a while but he's the kind of like towns and people yeah runs up best bar in town yes sir serves a good drink at a fair price serves good food too sounds like he like him Oh everybody likes him in all my years here I never heard of anybody that didn't like Frank Ryan why we even tried to get him to run for governor but he likes doing what he's doing what this town would give him anything he wants but if you want my guest he'll be our next u.s. senator yeah got to say though he does pour a good drink hope that you enjoyed your meal was delicious I'm a [ __ ] can I get anything else for you Frank well maybe later huh there are seconds I couldn't eat another bite me you were lucky those priors on you don't so much in a lot of trouble being here not the Indian agents okay well not did I agree with them being penned up like that I mean they owned this country long for our folks for speaking English you kind of surprised me don't hear that God talk to running very much well I think what I like and I speak it in spite of the fact that I've had some kind of unfriendly deal with the Indians from time to time that war bonnet their hearts back to one such time noticing that you got quite a collection don't get him started on baby well now I don't gab all that much about them just some souvenirs souvenirs are pretty big doings according your local barman Oh cliff barbers of gossip once those a telegraph operator he told me the same stories Frank's that down here I left everybody yeah I could tell you some tales and pop your eyes out if I wanted to that war bonnet been hanging there for 15 years but I recollect like it was just yesterday Oh Theresa would you bring us a couple more beers please I found it there we go hey thank you very much [Music] alas [Music] got your bottle for your bike [Music] [Music] what happened vengeance started a ruckus but an old man and a boy what about mr. Ryan he'll get the sheriff the lass I want those Indians locked up until the agent can come and take them back to the reservation Scott right here tells me you need a doctor I'll send for one if you got the money I am no doctor they are if he is already don't want help well he'd get plenty of rest he'll be in jail for a week for what being an Indian mind if I talk to him you rattle when you run out suppose we start with you telling me why he tried to take that warm on it were born at mine they took it from him well chief I oh yeah I want to try to help you if I can Red Cloud no need help I think you do you're in jail and you're in trouble unless you have permission to me off the reservation no if I could get you that permission would you accept my help no yes I don't worry my father he'll contact the Indian agent I must have your promise you won't try to take the war up on it you have my promise what about you you have my word that's good enough for me chef [Music] [Music] your friend Elias is a savage all right Theresa the way he attacked that old man I thought he would kill him the Indian ask for it coming in here the way he did not that kind of beating don't light on Frank Theresa he didn't start it can't you see he's upset enough as it is I should have known it was Red Cloud mr. Joe said they were hired I want to take that stuff anyway after it's hanging up there for so long there's some things a man doesn't forget me why don't you run along Teresa and I can finish it off Ranga I'm not tired and I really would like to stay and I have a lot of stuff no no I'll just go get a good night's rest or Theresa might talk to you a long time since we had a real talk I missed it what of it sad when that's week last man that's deer you missed me why not sure you know I've been thinking about us for a long time I want to talk to you about it before but well you know yourself you're pretty hard to reach I wasn't always well you were wonderful and I can't blame you for being sore at me any woman would be I tried to explain it to you that it wasn't because I didn't love you there were a lot of reasons that we couldn't get married one recent Frank you couldn't face this down with a Mexican wife oh no it wasn't that we talked about it you but you even said that you understood oh yes I understood as long as we work together but we haven't been together for a long time things you pull those things mean Celeste and Joe see him they they didn't mean anything - well then I feel sorry for me look I'm not here to talk about that why can't we go back to the way things were before we can't well then why did you stay old all these years what would I go another job like this you're a beautiful woman I mean any man in the world another man I am the one man's woman Frank not you maybe forget me chance could get mm-hmm it's too late now it was one time when I would have walked on my knees in the desert if you had asked me to I would have done anything for you anything today I will only not betray you that's what this is all about isn't it that's the question no you have the answer well it wasn't exactly go ahead Frank go ahead nay's waiting for you believe me I take no pleasure in saying no euro of Indian Affairs rules are such that I'm given little choice there are no exceptions Oh rarely this will show you why now these are complaints fifty or sixty of them in the past two years alone from people [ __ ] and terrorized by Indians off reservation and I have to investigate reporting each one of them an old man and a boy are certainly not gonna terrorize anybody old man he's a chief he goes on a rampage his whole tribe will follow him that made in trouble in years maybe he hasn't but others have but you give permission sometimes I said I did for good cause there's a standard procedure there has to be a written request the final decision is up to Washington mr. Matheson that take weeks no doubt now you saying that even if there were an emergency you couldn't make a decision in my opinion this is not an emergency not where those Indians are still in jail I am sorry gentlemen this this does present a problem yes well to to get Red Cloud and Silver Eagle back to Mills you'd have to have an escort of at least two men that means paying wages had to put in yes and then to get them back to the reservation never mean paying wages and a trail salary yeah and I think we could probably help you out if you put them in the custody my son he'd get them back to the reservation it wouldn't cost you a penny and you wouldn't have anything to explain to the government auditor that would be most irregular most irregular save the government awful lot of money certainly would a tremendous amount any any complaints I get your son will answer for of course he won't dignify for any thefts or damages it may occur yes I think we can see that uh uh very well uh all aware of the sheriff that effect well thank you thank you very much yep today mr. Matheson Amy all handled it just hope the Joe can handle it as easily I hear one complaint against him you joining me or next time very fair okay [Music] the hotel won't put you up but you might try the livery stable thanks for telling us not so fast cut right you're gonna read and sign this before you go [ __ ] go on I'll meet you at the livery stable that's amazing Sheriff for a man who wasn't there you should get all the facts what do you know what you're saying Red Cloud no it's only way to keep honor tomorrow sunup noon we fight you use cavalry Sabre Red Cloud use lens as in battle after fight war bonnet belong to men stay alive no a Red Cloud you're my responsibility I'm not gonna let you break the peace no break peace just fight one man one man a thousand men it doesn't make any difference it's the same thing I still fight because one way I can stop you I don't want to use it but I will if I have to what way I can take you over to that sheriff's office and have him lock you up until the agents get here I told you we could not trust him look maybe you don't care if your grandmother gets killed but I do you don't carry that's what you want isn't it I'm sorry chief I can't let it happen I want you to promise me you'll stay in this room until I get back I stay till tomorrow I hear right Frank that old coot challenge you to a fight you heard it what's he gonna do gum you to death man trying to do to me I can't fight him you're not going to are you makes me look bad challenging me like that in front of all my friends yeah it's a bluff that's what no decent he's counting on me not wanted to look bad like hurt namer maybe kill him he knows he can't stand up against me that's what I mean you know what that will run it means to him it's a matter of privacy give it back to him Frank I've got a little honor to give him that war upon it I'd be a laughingstock is that so important yes all right he wants a fight I'm gonna give it to him but I am NOT gonna be the one who gets killed no that thing is gonna die tomorrow you can stop it look all I know is they're your responsibility Indian agents wire said so he's an old man you can't let him fight Ryan never heard of any fight even if I did it'd probably be over by the time I could stop it you better be getting back to your responsibility card right that must be real proud of you for sure mr. Cartwright look I told you to stay inside what are you doing out here wait for you all right I'm here what do you want when I find you in desert I take your gun and I left you you would have been dead if Red Cloud had not guessed I'm glad you told me so you will let Red Cloud take war bonnets in battle no I can't your grandfather saved my life I owe him the same favor he want no favor from white men well he's gonna get one whether he likes it or not hey stop working on the lands you're not gonna use it Red Cloud fight gonna be a fight I told you that you don't have to tie you you tied me up when I get loose I fight only way you stop me you take lunch and you kill me now [Music] [Music] there it is we wanted it go and take it don't you understand I'm trying to give you the war bond it on one condition that as you get on your horses right now that way you'll get through the worst of the desert before that noon Sun fries your brains you want me to take bonnet if I right away at night no that's not exactly look it's better to get through the desert at night I was just thinking of you you think of yourself and how you look to the tone you want me to ride away like peyote without honor no no that's not and you say REDcard old food thief not worth chasing listen I'm trying to be nice to him this is my last offer take it or leave it you think you can make him understand that if you come up against me tomorrow I'm gonna have to kill you if that bit alright tomorrow I take it or lose it with honor you [Music] where's Ryan we'll make a little bit on today's match name your own odds don't cover anything you want to put up the Undertaker hold the stakes save your breath there's not gonna be a fight well Ryan figures different where is he he's in the office he doesn't want to be the star on it you know cars right you really rile me I think it's time you called your heels over at my little hotel bring him along [Music] all engines doing it is out there waiting for you well I expected he would be you're trying to figure Redskins all this time he comes after them feathers like you had a right to him or something he's local that's what I think if he can stand up to you I guess Frank's gonna give him what's coming to him all right yeah you'll teach him 11 no and you'll ever forget Frank [Applause] [Music] Ryan oh you don't do it [Music] hey for God's sake he's an old man [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna fight you Red Cloud we must war bonnet is yours take it we must fight to keep honor no need for that I didn't take it without her Teresa Reich what are you gonna do something I should have done a long time ago give back something I stole man's honor you and I know the truth about this while the stories I told relies like all the stories I told about those things that hang on my wall i scrounged most of them so it looked tall in the eyes of this town but now it's time for everybody to know the truth I never met you in that battle I never even saw you that came later my friends and I got drunk went to the stockade where you were being held prisoner and my friends held you on the ground like an animal and I took this war bonnet off you that is the truth of how it happened isn't it Red Cloud it's true I am the only man here today without honor you've always had yours and you proved it here today it sometimes takes great courage to tell the truth more courage than to fight you're an honorable man Frank crying I take on it [Music] you shaved yourself in front of this whole town you know that Frank you shamed yourself but you shamed me to some hero you turned out to be crawlin before them Redskins you had no right they are nothing but Indians and you you're only a stupid selfish little girl you have no right to talk to me like that you Mexican shut up me Frank why don't you just go away please just go away well she's just saying like the whole town is and Theresa it's only what you think that matters mm-hmm you know what I think I think Tess it's about time that I started to live who I really am instead of who I have pretended to be sure I've decided let me out we're gonna head back to the reservation I pay back the money alone got yourself a heck of a man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: notarobot
Views: 408,792
Rating: 4.4389234 out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: jl2Hl3kyF2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 33sec (3213 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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