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the following program is brought to you in living color on nbc [Music] that's your green leaving your fool what are you gonna do put out my fireboard get it started ain't neither green it's dries a bone you sash your paw once more i'll take a strap to you you get older wagon get them wet sack i don't want no fire around that wagon look at it go now wind's just right dipping them trees in no time how far it burns on up through the canyon up that ridge ice back 500 000 acres make a nice piece of land a lot of trees are burned can't eat trees well the stock and eat grass will rifle burn too grass will grow back in thicker and richer than ever fire purifies the land always like to burn over my land four star somebody's coming i'm here as good as you can who are you and what time are you doing with that fire i'm jeb hoed it's my daughter willa i'm clearing myself piece of land i might settle down here i like the look of it bear are you crazy fool you're gonna burn the whole range give me that sack some more of these sacks and help me get that car alone you get yourself killed i look you you try reloading that cannon i put a hole right through you you killed my paw i'm sorry i gotta get this fire put out [Music] me [Music] uh still like to cut my heart out wouldn't you i just don't know what i'm gonna do with you can you just listen to reason just give me a chance let me try to explain your father didn't know what he was doing there's a lot of people living up in these hills people with homes people with families these woods were as dry as tinder once the wind got behind that fire he wouldn't have burned a thousand acres he'd burn 20 000 maybe more all right all i i know it's not a reason to kill a man for i didn't want it to happen i didn't want it to come to that look you have to listen to me i i warned him not to shoot didn't i didn't i warn him not to try it again it's not too good a time to explain i guess i can't leave you out here alone take you back to the house see if i can't help you come on let's go oh yeah i'll kill you i'll kill you then i'll kill you come on come on come on [Music] just wait on my kin folks get here they are coming they'll get you they'll kill your family they'll burn your place down too grandma hold can do it she'll make you wish you never was born wait what have you got here her name's willow i killed her father you what clearing the timber of a box creek canyon they're gonna burn it off pull it off that's right fire in the canyon would turn it into a chimney half the ponderosa i told him to put it out he wouldn't do it i tried to put the fire out myself he warned me if i went near it he'd kill me i didn't think he meant it but he did i had to kill him to stay alive you can't keep me here my kin folks are coming they'll kill you all grab a whole vagina what about her after i kill her father she came at me i had to tie her up there's nothing else i could do us have the body decently laid out adam i better go and report this to the sheriff see if he can get out of here possible ask mr shaughnessy to drop up here we'll need some help when adam you better have a bring some things for the girl shoes and dress maybe a skirt to it better put the girl in these bedrooms they'll kill y'all you can't keep me here my kin folks are coming to kill y'all grab a hold of fake into the hogs [Music] you boys want to see some first first-class stock look on her whoa what do you make of it dodie only see one gun mind what i told you you're here i heard you get up [Music] whoa [Applause] [Music] howdy stranger afternoon ma'am we be the holds traveling west out of kentucky we want no trouble with man of east i'm bart hastings is the lazy k he's a my man like you i don't want any trouble you're welcome to travel across my land now that's real nice of you know a place called virginia city not well i'll for be it about a week's travel with your rig ever seen the likes of us before why do you ask son of mine jeb holden is young and likely passed through here some time ago you'd know him for our candidate and you've seen him pass through here about a week 10 days ago you didn't take to him i did not don't take to folks like us he camped here without asking killed one of my stairs for beef didn't ask about that either winds ain't like much hang tight together got to or get killed nobody does a hurt to a hold thought he pays for it i didn't hurt him what's more i gave him the beef he and the youngster looked half star then i ordered him off my land that why you ain't asking me and mine to light here and rest ourselves kind of that steer that's right the travel of per piece today near 20 mile winds are war thin stock needs feed needs water you can't stay here and that's an order you gotta move on [Music] i wasn't i wasn't gonna shoot i was just i was up [Music] uh he's dead he's dead we killed another one [Music] come on bring him out of there before that horse tramples him he's dead ever no dodie to miss come on bring him out of there give him a hand you won't get away with this nothing to get away from it was murder that man drawed his gun don't do to draw on a hold too many of us have been killed you know it was murder i saw you beat the man for it it wasn't murder i wept him about i walked dodie cause his shot thought i told him to i warned him when we got here call it murder or not he'll hang for it i'll see to that best think on that real hard you ain't never seen killing till you kill one arse [Music] is she that dirty yeah yeah we're gonna have to soak her a good long while to get her clean bro well how are you gonna manage that horse has got this contraption rigged up you think it's gonna work sure hope it does yeah hope it does [Applause] you take this out of here blood mirrors are hard to come by [Music] hey honestly maybe we better just put it off for a while you know maybe i could talk to her calm her down a little bit we've waited long enough now there's no use in putting it off any longer all right now look you promised me you're not gonna hurt her if she starts to fight a little bit too much we'll just let her go i promised and i'll keep my promise and and don't forget you might be afraid of water oh nonsense it's just another excuse to fight she'd fight if you fed her cherry pie now if i had my say i'd take that snapping bite out of her with a razor strap [Music] take it from me it doesn't do anything to fight with her if we use a little patience and a little kindness we we can don't worry little joe i'll do it your way now here take this [Music] yep there she is she's a good undo style i jumped up and down what is it well it'll work fine if i need it now you two get out of here go on yes sir [Music] i don't think it's going to work don't you fret yourself shauna's just running more critters through that cheap dip and half the rangers of [Music] give me back us britches i'll show you you can't go in there shaughnessy all right answer me we're having a real nice soap [Music] oh i can't do this i'm all thumbs you're the one that says it takes gentleness and patience well stay there and be gentle and patient be careful she doesn't bite a finger off you here it is chauncey i moved that buckle over by the means you don't fit real fine now try it and see [Music] me we might need someone strong [Music] easy girl [Music] real easy did you kick me [Music] easy now that's the way it won't hurt hey you know something joe she is a pretty little gal pretty as a spotted pony what's the matter now she bit me that's what's the matter it can't hurt that bad she took the hide off me tricked a hide right off me well you pulled a hair or something never was any good hair no hair does all the platinum of the tales and memes around here me all right better be careful don't you bite me i'll i'll swatch you one hey horse will you hurry up with that thing oh and hurry she's hard to hold i'm coming here what are you gonna do with it but i wish she could see herself a minute i let her go uh over by the window house for the light's the best yes him you know watch her okay you you watch her now i'm gonna let her go easy go easy that's it [Music] hey hey joe you know something you know something i think he's right yeah well she's a gal ain't she and he got rather look pretty nut i knew she'd quiet down the minute she saw herself all females are vain [Music] can i show the mister hey you sure can he's gonna be real surprised too he didn't know he had such a good looking gal in the house hey bob hey fine i got a surprise for you all right i'll check the barn joe [Music] oh right here [Music] no i don't like it come here oh that's good and uh you stay like that i want potassium just like it okay [Music] hey pop [Music] hey believe what so help me pun i'm gonna bring her back and tame her if it's the last thing i do hey would you tell her she could take pulsars my horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh boy oh boy [Music] the dead burn a book of poetry hard to believe ain't it i never figured a book of poetry is good for anything yeah that book of poetry turned the bullet and saved my life hey there's some pages here it ain't torah mind if i read it who is it it's a sheriff paul's down there talking to you i wonder how he found out i was bushwhacked so fast i don't know i'm gonna find out well ben this is the first i heard that adam had been shot but do what i was going to talk to you about i think i know who shot him who adam's never had any enemies around here she has now you all have you got a whole darn nest of them what do you mean well that girl adam said you had here her kinfolk the hoads they come to town just like she said they would now you you don't mean that uh it was one of her family that shot at him well ben like you say adam didn't have any enemies that'll do a thing like that but the hoes did find out there was a cart where i'd killed a girl's father no question about that that talks all over town so somebody must have pointed at him out when he went through virginia city you still got that girl here yeah yeah she's she's still here roy she's out with little joe somewhere but she's still here you mean she's roaming around loose from what adam said you just about had to keep her locked up in a cage well she's staying down now roy she's uh wearing a dress and washing and eating at the table with us even learning how to embroider but we still have to keep her locked up at night yeah the gun's locked up anything with an edge on it like a like a knife or an axe or something even so she sounds a lot tamer in the rest of her family that's what i wanted to tell you ben the hodes killed one of bart hastings best men in the lazy k when they come through there killed him oh murdered him well it all depends on who you're listening to bart claims it was out and out murder and the holds they said was just plain self-defense anyway there's got to be a trial i'm on my way over now to pick up dodie hold the one that done the shooting thought you and horse should come along it's on your property well the hoads camp near here just over the ridge we'll come along i'll settle up a horse's ball i'll be right out they'll come don't you fret yourself about that to kill my boy jeb because he wanted to settle on a piece of land he'll come to drive winds off too have we got to kill him graham got to kill the one that killed my boy jeb least wise got to show him we can kill man for man so next way we can stay alive i wish it wasn't so has to be bud folks like them been handing us every foot of the way from saint joe fighting us denying us the simple means of living killing us it wasn't rush on them we could kill quicker quicker than they could we'd be in our graves before this that's true graham they do hound us i never could figure out just why liam's ain't like them that's why they don't take the folks are different they hate them fear just feel they got to be rid of them well i don't see that we're like they are no we ain't our folks settle in kentucky and tennessee more than a hundred year ago but we ain't like them we got two hands two feet we got red blood in our bodies we gotta love our hearts for our youngins and our oldens and we pray to god almighty but we ain't like them we'll be fighting them all the rest of our lives i expect our lives may not be long they can kill us off near any time they take a notion can't give in to them that's the worst can't let them fence us out or deny us our rights to the land or kill us without punishment winds will be better date many times over if we've done that well i'd rather be alive and marry the willow like was promised i'd rather have a piece of land and a place to raise youngs i'm a fear they ain't never gonna let you and will marry they're a gathering of guinness right now you know that i reckon they'll come on hard and i reckon they won't stop till we're all dead i know we won't if it comforts you they'll bury twice as many of those as they will of ours i promise you that you don't comfort not none at all i hear writers fair enough ma'am i'm the law not here ain't here i'm the law don't be a fool mrs hoard i come out for the one you call dodie what do you want with him stand trial for the killing of slim cotter the lazy k ranch then drawed his gun dodie killed him before he could kill one ass that ain't nothing to stand trial about it's up to the jury to decide whether he's guilty or not my job is just to take them in as the law requires where was the law when they killed dory's wife dodie's wife i know nothing about a woman being killed i'm telling you near a month ago out in the prairie some wild bunch came and shot up our wagon for no reason dodie's wife didn't draw a gun but they killed her dodie ain't been real right in the head ever since did you report that kill into the law i told a lawman he done nothing just drove us on there's a law for humans and the law for williams but it ain't the same law now look ma'am it is the same at least we surround here it is who might you be ben cartwright i own this land then you must know who i am i reckon you better know why i'm here i know your granddaughter willa told us all about you i want her but more than that i want the man that killed jeb holden what about that too mama sorry about what happened little joe said it was unavoidable i mean to see he hangs for it little joe's my son and jeb hold was mine the law determined that little joe acted in self-defense there's a law for euns and the law for wins and it's not the same law well i say it is the same law for both of us and don't you defy it now i come out here to take in dodie hold and i'm gonna take him you try it and they'll likely bury all of us is that right maybe we uh maybe we better think on this huh yeah maybe so come on boys [Music] roy yeah [Music] you know she like what you said every word of it we try to pull our way in there to be dead to bury most of theirs and most of us but i got to go in she's defying the law well she's not defined as she's afraid of it what's the difference whether she's afraid of it or not the law is alone i've sworn to pull it well maybe you didn't swear it when you took office but you're bound to uphold human lives before the law ben you've got to be realistic them holds her like a pit full of rattlesnakes and twice as dangerous you heard her say she wanted to hang a little joe didn't she well she meant every word of that she was upset she had every right to be i know how i feel if one of my sons had just been killed alright you got to let me go back and reason with her all right man paul what you gonna do i'm gonna hold out my hand to it [Music] i gotta beat on him ma just say when [Music] ah fair enough stand there what tricks are you playing no tricks i'm a man with sons tired of killing i've come to talk to a woman with sons i must hate killing will you hear me i'll hear you we can fight each other and kill each other over a man already dead and that'll pile grief on grief and settle nothing oh we can call the dead man buried we can set aside grief and hate we can live as neighbors will you look at what i've come to show you i'll look i'm going 20 miles from here a rich valley with sweet water and good grass sheltered land i'll give you 50 head of beef and 10 horses two broken to the plow your neighbors i'll be one of them we'll help you build before the snow flies it has the look of a lie a trap yeah that it does but the truth that look exactly the same no man gives away so much i'm not giving i'm trading exchange you won't make me kill some of yours to protect mine and i won't make you kill some of mine to protect yours what about my boy doody sheriff said he wanted him yeah he'll have to stand trial a fair trial i promise you show me your face i ain't seen nothing but a lion cheating men for a long long time i'm about decided all the goodens are [Music] dated what did you see i'll study on it dodie will come in at sundown tomorrow or not that'll be your answer some down tomorrow if this be a trap a trick to blind me or some way to kill dodie i'll come after you ben cartwright and i won't rest till you're in your grave or i'm in mine and i'm mean to have my granddaughter back with me you remember that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh can't keep me now my ken's here i can go if i want i got no rights oh of me i don't want to keep you here well i just came out say goodbye that's all this pony and your clothes all the clothes you got back in your room for yours to keep make sure you come back and get them [Music] come back and visit us real soon too not [Applause] here [Music] what happened she run off again yeah she left you uh really thought you could tame her huh i wasn't that she heard us talking heard her family was nearby and she wanted to be with him so i let her go well that's probably the best thing don't you think i suppose but you'll miss her huh yeah i guess i will it's kind of cute when we got her face washed you know i guess i kind of got used to having her around something else on your mind yeah yeah i promised willow i'd tell her ken how i come to kill her father i still have that to do i think you'll let pawn the sheriff take care of that oh i'm the one that killed him i'm the one that should tell them now look joe you can't take a chance like that i wouldn't go near that place without some help i wouldn't mean anything if i went in there with an army could mean you'd stay alive adam i don't think the hodes are driver killers besides we don't even know it was one of them that bushwhacked you and i promised willow i'd tell them face to face i killed her father adam i think it's the least i can do no no joe you can't no now listen to me joe come back [Music] it's willows just come back you let me handle this boy well i see you got away from them girl they didn't even try and stop me they just let me go like it's not because i knew i'd come after them if they didn't you all right they didn't hurt you none did they oh they didn't hurt me none they gave me these clothes though and a lot of pretty things graham it was nice there the house was big real splendid like and they got a looking glass most tall as me i'd like to see something like that not for us none of that stuff the shirt you got on a hussy shirt get [ __ ] of it here well i think it's real pretty willow you look so different i ain't different but not inside i ain't graham they was good to me well they even asked me to come back and visit any time at all don't forget these the ones that killed your paw and don't you fret girl we're gonna kill the one that done it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now who do you reckon this might be ain't ever seen before dodie little feller kind of pretty heard it was a pretty little fella that killed jeb hey but you don't know this one's him yeah i do got a feeling my bones remember what ma told you all right here now she's back talking to willard feels like it's up to me to figure out what to do what's that gonna be you all just wait here and watch you'll see i'm gonna have me some fun killing a pretty little fella to kill my brother looking for somebody stranger yeah looking for a family named hode reckon you found them a woman here named grandma hoed she's busy i'm dodie hode you can talk to me i think i'd rather talk to her kane you got something to say say it to me well i don't think i will looks to me like you want trouble and i don't i know you've come this far i wouldn't be neighborly i'll let you go away without your spoke your peace will it i will i'll be back when i can talk to the right person oh don't be in a hurry neighbor maybe i can help you you come here looking for the man and shot your brother ain't that right well you found him i shot him now you like to shoot me huh you shot my brother jeb and she got a shooting coming to you your brother jeb tried to shoot me in the back he missed and i warned him not to try it again he did and i had to kill him there was nothing else i could have done yeah i figured it was you i felt it in my bones i want to get on my horse and i'm going to ride out of here and like i said i don't want any trouble don't try it you raise that gun i'm gonna have to kill you it was a trick after all a trick so you could sneak in and kill dodie you a fast gun a killer i didn't come here to kill him but he was bound to kill me i warned him but he had to try it all right now i'm warning all of you i'm going out of here now i don't want anybody to make a move i'll come after you never fear you can't go far enough away you'll die for this and your pap he'll die for the turkey played me what kind of man are you that man killed your brother and yandere goes riding free what are you standing there staring for your water in your veins have you a rope for spines take your rifles now and go do you hear i want him dating his father david go now go on out here here what do you mean by that we're done with killing done with killing dodie was bound to murder that boy ma he'd have shot him in the back if need be the boy could have done no less than what he'd done and live you cogs you sniveling that man killed your brother dodie he killed your brother jeb he murdered them don't that mean nothing to you neither murder graham he's right paul tried to shoot him in the back he tried twice it's like john's telling you we killed enough i want that boy dead i want him dead now i never would have known you that's how much it changed willa the only thing is i i keep thinking you changed toward me i've been living for the day that we we'd catch up to you and we could be married like was promised now i'm afraid there never was another man for me bird and they would never will be not as long as we live i told graham hogan i didn't think we'd ever live long enough to get married i guess i got no reason to change that now we done all we could you and me and john and paul we talked ourselves clear time maybe she heard us maybe not but if she says we gotta fight them we got to we've got to do what she says you know that [Music] make yourselves ready we're going now we're gonna see the man that killed my [Music] [Applause] [Music] sons oh reckon you know dodie won't be giving himself up sundown tomorrow yes i know boy there killed him i know jeb killed dodie the same way he's real fast with a gun my son doesn't enjoy killing he had no choice two of my sons killed the same way by the same man willa saw the first killing john and paul ii they say it was done the same way it ain't easy seeing two sons killed willow says her paw was gonna shoot you in the back john and paul say dodie tried to do the same thing i believe they never lied to me i believe you done what any man would have done you had to kill me reckon i can't hold no anger again well it says unions got all kinds of fixings in your house mind if not step in the sea [Music] my house is your house you're welcome at all times [Music] this has been a color presentation on the nbc television network
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 331,217
Rating: 4.5092196 out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, classic movie, filmstruck, CLASSIC, FREE, #classicmovies, MOVIES
Id: SbYABx-jL_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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