The Hillsong Israel Tour from the Steps on the Temple Mount

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[Music] we're here in Jerusalem what better place to be involved in a worship experience of worship night senior pastors Brian and Bobby Houston are here with a great word the music of Hillsong you guys ready to get it started get this party started - right here in Jerusalem come on now let's make welcome to the stage Hillsong UNITED come on out [Applause] [Music] you're creating God my you your Holy Spirit conceiving Christ Jesus our Savior I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ I believe in the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus and then you believe that [Music] together I judge [Music] I'll judge it out depends crucio five [Music] you for years hahaha Oh [Music] right there dead [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] I'm reading her virgin birth I believe in the same Communion and in your Holy Church I believe in the resurrection when Jesus comes again to come in my name [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Music] okay danger of God [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Hey [Music] come on get the Lord to suppress the bigger vases you like Jesus to be amazing we believe got the box we believe in Christ the Son we believe in the Holy Spirit who believed for 301 beautiful father we just thank you again we have this honor Lord it's your day and here we are at the temple where so much of your mission was accomplished Lord we just thank you now that we're here thank you for making it possible for each one to be here Lord wherever the provision come from we just thank you for it we just ask again today that the significance of the moment will hit our spirits and the Lord as we worship as we honor you is we hear from the moment about your word from your word Lord it is this something special something more in people's hearts let me just thank you today for Israel love we thank you that even with all of the persecution and agony and pain of this nation has been through Lord you love them you're for them they're your people we're your people we thank you in Jesus name Amen amen amen how amazing that we get to celebrate church this afternoon right sunday is a nice Sunday every Sunday and so you know what gather from far and wide from churches local churches all around the world we get to have fellowship together and that's pretty exciting I think these are ancient ruins I think these stone walls are rejoicing today amen the rejoicing allow me to respond 28 us just great is the Lord hallelujah amen you believe that great is the Lord and most worthy of praise in the city of our God his holy mountain beautiful in elevation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion the city of the great king consider well here rem-pod view has Citadel that you may tell of them to the next generation but this God people this god this God is our God and ever and he would be outside even to the end a man is the one a mess in the room today the room today who loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart okay yelling here shall we just worship them and confirm them out get him out all amen Jesus name beautiful alrighty let's do this thing [Music] I see the king coming [Music] nothing watching overall out then the people [Music] come on you stick [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] then [Music] laughing look you say we're so good [Music] Oh [Music] I [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] show me let us be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh yeah [Music] once dad [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] you [Music] thank God has been known yeah see [Music] and school [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] my job oh yeah [Music] now [Music] you [Music] he's paid it is paid precious large intestine never [Music] come on in - I can see now my day me he is a ah yes yeah you hello [Music] Oh well now I [Music] more [Music] Oh yes in three [Music] nice Oh what now and [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh under in you can you [Music] Hey [Music] now my baby you think it is paid in full by the preciousness come on out and now the curse of sin has no love me listen come on do you believe that would you lift your heart and now my day [Music] Oh [Music] and I see [Music] [Music] you dare tell Oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] it's love [Music] how fish is [Music] beauty of hair [Music] the Mitchell of the pond [Music] my heart [Music] so I could you see me [Music] I [Music] [Music] now all that you [Music] the whole batch [Music] the passion is all you can come on you the rule is [Music] we don't [Music] [Music] and [Music] dear [Music] when see that cross ITP 20 that brave Asti Jesus [Music] domani sing that out see that crust a cutie [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] do you in the world [Music] young man come on [Music] in [Music] how I'm gay [Music] giggle ah victory win [Music] I got it [Music] [Music] the pain you know [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] haha [Music] how cool you see [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how wonderful our glorious Savior died Victorian so great man you guys are awesome the way you enter into God so easily and join us as worshiping him you can be seated if you've got seats I figure out on the edges there are no seats maybe but if you got a seat take a seat well we're B to Galilee and Galilee I got to speak about the Ministry of Jesus so much of which happened on those waters and on those banks and his ministry today is our ministry now we're the ones who go believing for God to bring miracles and life and healing and victory to people and here is where so much of Jesus mission was announced and so much of Jesus mission was proclaimed and today I believe his mission is our mission so we're in a city you all know at Jerusalem it to this day is the center of both our religion and politics and the Jewish people and this temple right in the center of the city originally built as a place of devotion to Yahweh and worship to him and sadly over the years in many ways became a center of religious tradition and oppression but you know what it was to this place three times a year the pilgrims would come and they'd come up these steps these tips are amazing I don't know how many of them and how far back these exact steps date but they say definitely as far back as Jesus but if you can imagine in the Old Testament the people of God marching up these steps towards the temple saying we were glad when they said to us let us go to the house of the Lord today coming with a shout and a song of proclamation of victory I think that's pretty amazing can you imagine that you're sitting on the very steps where they would go and say we were glad we get to go to God's house I hope we're still glad today when we get to go to God's house what a powerful thing that is that we get in our country sir visit the house of God freely and worship Him and of course these are the very steps that Jesus himself would have walked up to enter into the temple which he did so the three the three celebrations that come for every year the first was Passover and then Pentecost and and then Tabernacles and so the Passover is where they celebrated God bringing them out of slavery out of Egypt that had a bondage that was the Feast of the Passover or the Passover and then Pentecost was when they celebrated God giving them the law God giving them the Covenant at Sinai and then Tabernacles is where they celebrated God sustaining them and caring for them and providing for them in the desert so all of those celebrations had a reason I'm glad we don't have to today just have the kind of worship services that we enjoy we can have the kind of worship services we can enjoy I love the fact that even back in olden times and even at the time of Jesus it was a celebration when people got together and I consider celebration here and thank God for that celebration you had a lot to celebrate I got a lot to celebrate we got a lot to praise God for in Jesus name so it was when Jesus when his parents was coming to Jerusalem for the Passover that he didn't go home with them it still amazes me that they could go three days with it before noticing that they looked at twelve-year-old son Jesus and Jesus at twelve he's already teaching people who you would think was so much wiser and so much further ahead than him and so when they did find him he said in Luke 2 verse 49 why did you seek me why would they be speaking their 12 year old son why did you seek me did you not know that I must be about my father's business in other words I've got a mission I'm about my father's business and you know that mission is our mission today the father's business what a wonderful business it is the you and I to be in the father's business well when he was young in fact when he was just eight days old when he was presented here when he was dedicated is circumcision both at that time Simeon and Hannah prophesied about that mission they prophesied that he would be the savior and that he would be a king of Israel and so there was always that sense of mission from the time Jesus was eight days old through when he was clothed through the decades till his three years of ministry and then of course when Jesus would have come on that donkey across the Mount of Olives can you imagine and down here into the valley of Kidron then finally to here to these steps and made its way in right before the crucifixion so it's a very significant place where we sit right now when it comes to our Christian faith and when it comes to the Lord that we serve and so not everyone gets the opportunity to be here not everyone gets the opportunity but what God has done from here takes the gospel to the ends of the earth you don't actually have to come to Jerusalem with the joy and a privilege because Jerusalem today in the work of Jesus Christ and all that was a compass here goes all the way to the ends of the earth which I've been told by the way is in the South Island of New Zealand the further you can get from Jerusalem if you were to go straight down quite amazing when you think about so it was here that Jesus challenged the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in John 9 he actually pointed out when he healed a blind man that the para seas were so blind they couldn't see what God was doing it was here where Jesus took what had become an exclusive message and again made it an inclusive message by the veil being read the curtain been read from top to bottom so that all can go into the presence of God so we can worship Him freely so that in 2017 we could sit on these steps where their heads held high and a hand held high and worship the king of King that was all because of what Jesus did here it's here that Jesus turned the tables on the unjust and on the immoral and talk about it in terms of them turning God's house into adenosine it was here that he crossed the social divides he John today Jesus all through the chapter is teaching here and at that point there is when the woman caught in adultery was brought and people began to make demands that she should be stoned and Jesus crossed over every social divide you could imagine and reached out to her and brought life to her so much happened here what had become the God for one or for the priests rather all of a sudden again became the God for the people which was always the way God intended it to be for this to be the most inclusive message there is the body language of the gospel the good news of Jesus has never looked like this it always looked like this it's always who so ever will to the Lord make up anyone who calls anyone any Creed any culture any form of diversity everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved what a powerful message that that is Jesus declared his message here it was in John 8 then he says here I am the light of the world it was here in this place where after coming you know the people with the the palm trees and of course singing Hosanna and singing Hosanna which means save us we were singing earlier Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in the highest and what you're saying is save us Lord save us Lord well he has saved us he does fill us with his spirit he does give us a god-given future he does include us in his mission he does give us the opportunity to continue the amazing work have started here and so I pray that all of us will always take up that challenge we'll always take up that possibility that will never draw back ourselves from this mission the mission of Christ Zechariah prophesied in Zechariah 9 verse 9 which says rejoice greatly o daughter of Zion shout o daughter of Jerusalem behold your king is coming to you he is just and having salvation lowly and riding on a donkey a Colt the foal of a donkey el pal as they could be cleared king of Israel save us save us save us and you know today you and I we get to continue that message Jesus said in John chapter 20 verse 21 as the father has sent me so I send you you know Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 verse 20 says go therefore make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them all the things that I have commanded unity he said lo I'll be with you always even to the end of the age the promise is still for you and I today he will be with us always he called us right before he ascended in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 and said you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you that you could be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand hey for we have that opportunity to continue the mission that Jesus declared through his life from 8 days old all the way through to his crucifixion and then before his ascension he says you've now got the Pala because all authorities given to me and so today we can live in the power of God continuing the most exciting mission that there is you know in Jesus and except 2:8 was teaching and here people got offended and so they asked in US he was here before Abraham or greater than Abraham and he says I am he says I am was before Abraham because people were offended they wanted to stone him right here and so what did Jesus do somehow he hid himself the Bible says and he went right past them walked through them walked past them and he began to make his way to the valley down here and on the way he met a blind man you remember that story the man already mentioned in John chapter 9 he had been blind since birth it's somewhere just between here and there because he told the man to wash in the pool of siloam the pool of siloam been right here in the valley the scripture says Salam means sent he was sent and he went I believe because of the mission of Christ that now is our mission when we are sent we need to make sure we went remember what that means and doesn't necessarily mean going literally physically to the other ends of the world but it does mean reaching our world being witnesses in our part of the journey in our area of life being witnesses for him that we might make disciples that we might truly declare through our life through our testimony that Jesus is alive it's a big challenge it's a great challenge but our players never only be pastors or apostles prophets teachers evangelists etc who see themselves have been on mission because whether in a workplace in your career in your business in your calling in your house and your family wherever all of us are on mission the same mission the greatest mission there ever was the great Co mission the Bible says it's a coalition we're in this together a tow mission every one of us is a part of this great mission we are on mission misión die literally we are on mission and so we have the opportunity to be here but let's being here not ever forget that from what has happened here we have the opportunity to salt the earth wherever we are we're told in Matthew chapter 5 that we are the light of the world and that we are the salt of the earth so Jesus he heals this blind man blind since birth I'll read you a couple of verses it says verse 1 John 9 as Jesus passed by he saw a man who was blind from birth his disciple asked him saying rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither this man nor his son or his parents sinned here it is his the mission but then the works of God shall be revealed in him I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day the night is coming when no one can work as long as I am in the world I and the light of the world Jesus declared his mission right there why don't we give the Lord Jesus the big ovation what are we thinking for it he said well in his day and that's what the works of him who sent me so the night is coming when no one will work that he does say I am in the world and I am the light of the world when he said these things he spat on the ground as his right ear made clay with the saliva he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and he said to him go wash in the pool of Siloam which is translated sent so he went and washed and came back seeing and you know what in this first it talks about five different groups of people and I'll just talk for a few more moments about these five groups of people because all of them opposed the mission of Christ they doubted they persecuted they opposed the five groups of people in verse two it was the disciples in verse eight it was the neighbors in verse 13 it was the Pharisees in verse 18 it was the Jews and in verse 20 it was his parents each one of them tried to stand against the mission and did Jesus of course from his mission because that was never going to happen so in verse 2 it talks about the disciples I think the disciples represent a spirit of analysis because they wanted to know why the boy was blind why is he blind with Addison or his parents sin is that him or is it is his generation 2nd or 3rd generation whatever they wanted to analyze Jesus said this isn't even about he sins we got work to do within a mission to propel let's get my loins up to analyze why he was blind let's just through the work we call today man I tell you in the kingdom of God today we can get so analytical we can stop arguing get dogmatic point the finger get annoyed with other believers make it all about things that really aren't what matters the paralysis of analysis is such a destructive force when it comes to the kingdom of God let's not always be wondering why questioning doubting putting a finger at others accusing let's be people who are part of the end we've got the greatest news of all we are witnesses to the Lord Jesus Christ hey man what have you seen him do in your life who are you telling about what you've seen him do in your life man we are witnesses we've seen him do so much in our lives I know for Bobby and I we've seen him through so much in our lives in our family in our church I don't want to hold it all to myself I want people to know about the goodness of God you have a savior you have a healer you have a deliverer you have a victor you do you my friends here's your portion that what a powerful thing that is here is your portion he is the deliverer he is the Prince of Peace he is the one who brings us fears our strength in Jesus name he is our victory let's not get ruled by the spirit of analysis that we saw here in the disciples in verse 8 it was the neighbors therefore the neighbors and those previously had seen that he was blind said it's just not he who said I'm big some said this is he others said he looks like him then he said I am he he is me therefore they said how are your eyes open in question stirred a familiarity they didn't recognize him after Jesus had touched him so one of God for you and I to be unrecognizable after God has touched us that spirit of familiarity of such a bondage for people's lives making it all familiar with what God does we can get familiar with the work of the law and get familiar with what we see the Lord do in their own lives and maybe in the church that we go to and the spirit of familiarity will always get us off course from our mission the greatest of all missions the greatest of all missions let's never get familiar with the blessing of God let's never get familiar with the opportunity to worship Him in spirit and truth he asked was this man who Jesus had healed who had been blind since birth their neighbor but they couldn't see him and I pray that in our lives in many ways we're after God's work in our lives people won't even recognize who you used but we were never caught to live according to who we used to be because deliver 22 who we're going to be and who you are going to be as all the Jesus Christ has called you to be and to live the kind of life that only Jesus Christ can call you to live so the spirit of analysis and the disciples the spirit of familiarity and the neighbors and then there's a cause the spirit of religion in the Pharisees in verse 13 they brought him who formerly with blood we want more formerly something we all were formerly something I never want to be known but who I used to be what I used to do I wonder why I ever saw like a movement a fellowship of twelve hundred churches and someone kept changing my Wikipedia and putting on the race me the former president I don't want to be former anything I would look about the future in Jesus name I don't want to live according to who I used to be I'm so full of hope for the future God took 7063 I got many many years of laughs even God's goodness and her favor and God promised in my life Hey and so listen to the Pharisees man it was a Sabbath oh oh it was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight he said to them you foot play on my eyes and I washed and I see therefore some of the Pharisees said this man's not from God how could this be from God because he does not keep the Sabbath obviously it made a whole lot more to them whether or not he kept the Sabbath then that a blind man who had been blind since birth could now see religion rules and hold so many people and it can get in their own spirit so easy so easy for us to stop being people who without understanding it a little like frogs in the kettle we don't understand here we're becoming like our environment and things like legalism can creep in and some of the jargon and some of the life not go and just start getting into formulas these people were more concerned about Jesus healing someone on the seventh than they were about the fact that a man had been healed who had been blind since the and you know the Bible says it says in these verses through the division among them it's in verse 16 it says others said how can a man who is a sinner do such science and there was the division among them they said to the blind man again why do you say what do you say about him because he opened your eyes he said he's a prophet hey there was a division among them you know if we get religious there will always be division they'll always be strife there'll always be divides they'll always be Wars Jesus broke through all of those divides whether it was a Samaritan woman not only an unclean Samaritan but a Samaritan woman or whether it's a woman caught in adultery or whether somewhere else Jesus spent his life crossing over divides where people thought he should never go and yet he did it to bring life and to bring hope I pray we never get ruled by religious spirits that tries to bind us and hold us let's keep the freedom of the Holy Spirit let's understand that everything Jesus accomplished here he accomplished it for us that he is very clear in his mission and today it is our mission we are the salt of the earth we are the light of the world amen well there was the Jews the Jews represent a spirit of unbelief it says verse 18 but the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received a sight until they called the parents of him who had received his sight and they asked him saying is this your son who you say were born blind helden does he now see they did not believe they would not believe they was blind since birth and that he had been healed you know the spirit of unbelief that tries to afflict every single one of us and oftentimes it's not the strongest from other people towards us it's the strongest inside of us actually could be never to believe what God says about you actually believing what God has done on your behalf actually believing you have a god-given future and a god-given hope actually believing that he can do the exceeding abundant and above anything you could ever ask or think according to his power that today is alive in us let's not be ruled by analysis be ruled by familiarity by religion but unbelief maybe finally the saddest of all were his parents his own parents you see his parents they represent a spirit of fear in verse 20 it says about his parents his parents answered when they were asked how he could now see he said we know that this is our son and that he was born blind but by what means he now sees we do not know or who opened his eyes we do not know he is of age ask him he will speak for himself his parents said these things because they feared the Jews for the Jews had agreed already that if any one confessed that he was Christ he would be put out of the synagogue therefore his parents said he is of age ask him his own parents because a fear been put out of the synagogue were afraid to embrace that their boy could see blind since birth and could see and they just distance themselves listen it it sounds like a press statement I read it again listen we know this is our son and that he was born blind but by what means he now sees we do not know or whoever in his eyes we do not know he is of age ask him we would appreciate it if you'd respect the family's privacy at this difficult time hey what is this is it his own parents they should have been jumping dance and praising God leave so much to thank God for what is it the tries to hold you back for a mission is it just getting too analytical is it may be trying to intellectualize thank God we are able to meditate and think on great things and God has created us with that possibility but not when it becomes a cynicism or a negative to holds us back from free spirit and free worship is it perhaps the spirit of familiarity seen it all before grew up in church life is it that spirit of religion they can get in on us and get inside of us locks us in kind of brings us bondage instead of freedom is it the unbelief that the Jews showed in that instance what is it with you with a spirit of fear here we all know that's not this very God gives us he gives a spirit of power and of love and a sound mind in Jesus name he gives us a different spirit altogether so today his mission is our mission we are witnesses witnesses they give a count of what they saw if you saw happen something happened in the street today you're a witness you simply talk about what you saw what have you seen God do in your life what have you seen him do in the lives of people around and about you I've already heard about business people who are visiting here for family and friends who don't know Jesus Christ necessarily personally and your God is already impacting them powerfully as people here from every walk of life and some of you come from all sorts of places and there's even people from Israel so praise God for that praise God for that you know to pray for Israel is a great thing to do and we all know the history of Israel till some level or another and yet in the middle of it all we represent the God with the greatest mission of all the salvation of the sick of the of the earth the salvation of the earth and we have a great mission and we're all set up to win on this mission let's never ever allow anything to hold us back and distract us from fulfilling your god-given destiny you were never just saved for heaven you're saved called purposed and graced to serve Him right here and now and everything we need for that mission he has given up every believe it say Amen amen amen amen come on as per we stood at so we started worshiping Jesus some more [Music] the highest-earning sounds crazy and happy into [Music] your life [Music] ten issues [Music] right [Music] my eyes will yield shining like the Sun starting to see me [Music] coke like this one night please until the Dark Prince Southie came broken to my heart a violent crime steal secret [Music] like this [Music] laughing miss me you [Music] Oh [Music] I will [Music] when seen [Music] you when they means trouble [Music] oh man we got yeah [Music] be still [Music] I know that you are God Oh [Music] Hey [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Applause] I will ya hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man [Music] - louder [Music] Oh God [Music] I know [Music] [Music] my god is Marty [Music] Oh [Music] boy [Music] everyone can pass [Music] because we because [Music] about [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] my pain [Music] Oh the movie [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] I [Music] cai-you [Music] that's a [Music] I [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my heart be still [Music] I hope instead oh nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness [Music] I did not trust the sweetest ring but wholly trust in Jesus [Music] Connecticut [Music] and nothing there [Music] Oh you see come on with Java [Music] when it seems to my [Music] slowly [Music] come on let your watch my girl of winning [Music] bye [Music] we do man [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome when truth hits up holy how they [Music] dressed in his righteousness alone [Music] christening [Music] with drove it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we Hey Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus Christ is the cornerstone he's also the cornerstone of our faith and he's the cornerstone of which the will of God in their own lives is fulfilled he was on mission for the time of 12 he said I've got to be about my father's business we're called also to the father's business I want to pray for people that you'll be inspired during a few days in Israel to be more than ever committed to serving Jesus to the mission of Christ they're telling those arousing about you the declaring through your very life then Jesus is Lord the Jesus is the cornerstone on which life itself is built our current our past but mostly our future in Jesus name Amen can we pray together but I just thank you one more time to the cornerstone we thank you Jesus for all that means in our lives Lord this this structure was built on a cornerstone the Lord is a cornerstone there's a firm foundation that cannot be destroyed there cannot be just a devastated his name is Jesus so we just thank you that we're called to the mission of Christ the great cold mission that we are in this together to reach our world to go into teaching to tell and to witness and to tell those through our own lives but Jesus Christ is Lord Father we just thank you and your precious name even now in this place we believe again the work of Jesus in people's hearts lots of miracles and blessing it answers the prayer father I pray the people who are getting worse from heaven rather to be toggling things in a people's spirits their own family in their own future and their own home so we thank you for their in your precious name Lord amen amen [Music] we [Music] three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] between you know [Applause] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 2,109,969
Rating: 4.9162545 out of 5
Keywords: worship, hillsong, church, israel, jerusalem, temple, shalom, united, hillsong united, praise, concert, music, brian houston, joel houston, taya, matt crocker, jad gillies, oceans, this i beleive, the creed, hosana, man of sorrows, grace to grace, prince of peace, be still my heart, i know that you are God, mighty to save, saviour, savior he can move the mountains, Jesus conquered the grave, cornerstone, christ alone
Id: oKKKDfkgBho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 32sec (4592 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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