Boiler Losing Pressure? Boiler Pressure High? Don't Make This Schoolboy Mistake!

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this week I'm going to be running around Jobing normally you see me slinging boards for the last four or five videos but I had some breakdowns some service some maintenance coming I'll give him a record shall you he I do hopefully you've learned a new trick or two yeah breakdowns are my favorite type of jobs if you give me a week full of breakdowns I'll be happy boy I really would I prefer breakdowns over installing boilers it it's something I did for eight years solid just repairing boilers yeah I really do enjoy it so we're going to look at wora we got called to that for high pressure then we got idealic heat when the customer calls us up they just moved in and the want some voice in it and I'll tell you what it's a good job that called us yeah let's get straight into the Worster right so we got this Worster and the pressure is going up and down up and down so it's going really high it's really low that's going to be the expansion vessel so let's take a look at that so drain off on the boiler I'm pressing the boiler what then on the back easy expansion me so I've took the cap off all we do that is put the fo pump on hold on that's that's full what pressure is that on okay so pressure is going go when the heating's on which indicating the expansion vessel's flat but just put the the pump on it's full of air yeah I know this is do you know what it is okay I'll show you it's going to be blocked expansion vessels just there we have to take that off cuz there's going to be a block in that but before you take that out get the pressure out the expansion so all you'll do is relieve the pressure on the expansion because if you don't what will happen is as soon as you pull that o out it'll be under pression it'll go everywhere now that expansion is going to have water in it it's not going to be able to come out cuz the holes is blocked yeah if you didn't relieve the pressure you took that holes off go everywhere flood you so make sure you relieve the pressure before you take the holes out see get that and get on block okay so let's get a trap out first HS off that clip twist put your finger Over the Hole there so it doesn't soften it to get that here there we go and the holes pull that clip out and that should come out so what I'm going to do I'm just going to get tail stick that underneath so that it there now there is a tow and bucket underneath the border so he's going to be watering this let's take it out yeah that's let's get my GPS okay that's loosened it let's take a look yeah three blocks okay look at that yeah going to try and scrape as much that as I again on that one I put it out cuz yeah it'll start leaking everywhere it there we go I got it there we go let me get that back in and the clear back on there you go that's back in emptied the Trap getting back in push over there twist and the click so you can see this part that you want to get click get get this back on and I can recharge the vessel all right so you see I'm starting to pump I'm pushing all the water at the expansion there so we know that's definitely work brilliant so that's a nice so that's the expansion vessel all unblocked got keep pumping there until pressure stays on see our foot pump is just below the one just there yeah let's uh just pump that off and that's uh all on block so nothing going dry off anymore pressure on just below the one go up there put the cap back on fill it back up test it pressure on one half Point service M get off Temp and make make sure that pressure stays stable so pressing all the span button before will get into service mode all the way down to FR for minimum all the way up to Max for maximum get that hot and see what happens we do well with the checks as well go Loft and a look at the FL what we got no brackets well there's one there where it exits so now bracket down here now bracket un Change Direction but we have got a bracket there so we need to put two flu clamps on I mean it is all screwed but yeah that needs extra support so love with with the customer put couple the flu clamps on it should have been done the time but we me there we consult it so do the fit in what the flu brackets always fit these ready FL really easy to fit so get your bracket like a right angled piece support bar and all these screws so I nor we start off by putting the actual bracket on on the flu like that get your angled piece you get your screw and tight that in can be a bit tight this to get that started by hand then tight it up a little bit okay you get your bracket put that way you want it so I can actually put the bracket down here right boy this cold p is blocking the camera but you you put the screw in there tighten bar for them screws up but before that you put the screws and just screw the bracket down onto the wood make sure there's nothing underneath it first good so turn this one off on this one let me see there you go one bracket down there one bracket on there one bracket on there so we change direction vertical the 45 then vertical is all supported properly now and that light there really bright one that's the SLR this really good it's 175 so 1,750 l really bright that's in one it can go brighter than that see I think that was 50 Quid that was it's got a magnetic base really good really light now yeah that's the flu all done let's get check on the B now all FL Sports all done that's all back together and then we're just doing minimum and maximum on the analyzer Max is all done that's all take that's all tested and done fres that's well2 one now get right up temperature and make sure that doesn't obviously get Sky High yeah b is all temperature you see the pressure only a slight bit so instead of it when it heats up going all the way over to the free losing pressure through the prv it's now the expansion is working it's taking the expansion of water when get that little bit of her R so yeah that is done on that one 99 times out of 100 that W stat is always a flat expansion vessel it's a really common fault on any boiler especially the big turn on in the winter people turn the borders back on expansion's gone flat and now far you to say the pressure keeps dropping they have to keep topping it up the one time that you don't let the system run to temperature is going to be the time that you got a blocked expansion vessel hours or something like that so just a bit of device always want the system to temperature and monitor the pressure it shouldn't be going back sky I said most of the time it is just a flat expansion but the one time he don't check I'm promise you you're going to get call back so it just takes an extra 5 10 minutes you could do all your other checks log where he was doing L was just checking you do the gas Rate Check you can check the flu in The Loft if it's in the Loft different things like that so yeah it is worth just running up to them right let's get on to the ideal logic heat customer just moved in they wanted a full Checker of their boiler now service record so start off with that but yeah have a look what we found on this one okay so we' got an ideal logic heat only it's going to have a full stre service notice this not wet there but have to double check on that okay so open it up first thing now is see it's water crusting around here that means that there a crack in the Sun Times are cracking some very like a hairline one so it's going to be new something looks me for now let give it a clean out see if it full from clean give it full St clean make sure there's nothing else wrong with it um yeah we'll take it from there so it's just two screws on the some panel pull that off then this toght here you lift up pull towards you and that's out there get this gas valve out do that not there's a nut at the back here so flae headed not just undo it you don't need to take it all out just undo it folding up that's the funny there four bolt two at the front on the burner two at the back you don't do them walk them out them are 8 mil got 8 mil spner you to it up the just pull it there we go it's a chocolate block but that does need a very good cleaner let's give that a brush out and a wash through okay so we' give it a good brush through I don't really want to be like jabbing jabing jabbing stuff down there cuz it'll just compact it and block the exchanger so give it a brush through just to loosen up the de and we're going to wash it through yes I know I'm still using a jug and a bowl but a few people did recommend the cartra the mini cartra it's on its way I've ordered it so yes I'm going to invest I've invested in that it's on its way it's just out here for this sh so thank you to everyone recommended that it is on its way so for now we're just going to wash it through get all de out there make you got a tail down just to protect the boil up a good wash one other thing I do as well the plate here put the plate back on and it'll just block this up and you see all the the M coming out do that a few times get did that really good wash through right then we going to put in new spark electrod on this side there we go we'll put a new detection lead on there as well that's the old ones out and new ones in so we got nice clean a exchanger Now new sets of elect detection lead let's get the uh burner back on there there ain't really a lot you can do to clean the burner I have actually um broke one of these in half before and it's just honey calm it is just Hy calm so there's no way of getting in there to clean it out is a bit annoying but you can check the plate inside there so don't push too hard but you can push on there and it should spring back up it's hard to see on camera but it should just have a nice bit of resistance to spring back up you can actually put a torch on there and see what kind of lighter you get through there let's see if we can do that actually torch on top just about see the light on the bottom there you just see St through then logic you do have to bend way but heat straight through back on nice and easy you can get the screws back on the back and the two on the front just get that burn and bolted back on so burner is back in what we do know is clean the inject one fan which is just two screws over side can take that out yeah and need a really good clean that should look brand new so when you use that is abrasive scrip so see color it at the moment that clean there you go should look like that find new piece of bre enough part to clean out it's actually s there so you can us bra St clean it get the there we go get the phone back in so what we should be a do is that there be able to hook behind that and them two logs there go to there camera there we go I got it what you can do is pull on it should come out you know on them two locks going that there that there force that out two ones on it now take that to get that cleaned drop's been out that's all cleaned going to take this plate back off get the to back in then we can test it see we get on the injectors all in burs in Burns in all the bolts and tight yeah it's all all cleaned out kilow rating was 5 14.5 and that's K uh that e so yeah see and of course we had to book ourselves in because the sump was gone you can see from that brown standing at the back that been leaking quite a while it is a very common fault on the Logics for the sumps to split and say that white crusting is the first tail taale sign so if you do go to one of these is rusting in the case or white crusting around bottom of something there it's going to have a hairline cracking I think you just about see I think that was it there yeah first of all let's get the pair off to the boiler get the fuse out and isolate the gas we going have to take the gas Val for this one very important as well you take the fuse out I mean we am quite close to that fuse spur so we don't accidentally knock down on so we got NAD compression span there going to undo the nut on the bottom of the gas valve disconnect the Earth lead and the power supply to the gas valve we can take off the top connection to the gas valve and we thought that was ready to come but we forgot there's a retaining underneath now you just have to loosen that off underneath there you don't have to take it all the way off then the gas valve will just pull out that's the gas valve out the way next up we need to get the flu toy out the way let's take the sump cover off and pull up and pull away and that will come out next is the retaining bracket for the spark generator that's on two short screws then that plate then will slide to the left and out the way so you can disconnect your spark electrod there and the power supply to the spark generator you can get that out the way next up contate trap so you just twist that disconnect it off the sump you should be able to force that up and to the right and that will come out the way just like that let's take a look at what you get with the new sump so obviously you get the sump now there is two versions one for the heat only boiler and one for the combo so make sure you order the right one cuz they am different you'll get a fitting pack in there it's got new washers new Sun front cover and the instructions this screw here that's a retaining screw for the heat exchanger now just loosen that you don't have to take it all the way just loosen it just get your a bit more room in that heat exchanger makes it easier to get the sum out now you just want to snap the front logs off don't be scared of this just get in there and snap them off then you just PR it down and give it a bit of Brute Force just to ease it out what you can do then is get your screwdriver in at the back and just snap it off cuz there these lugs at the back that you need to snap off and that's it that is a sun out of the way and don't forget to take the seal off see that that's the L at the back that we was trying to get off so you do need to give it a bit of force bit of silicon crease on new sump and when you push it up you want to hear a click that means the back's clicked in you can pull up the front and you can click the fronting it can be a little bit of a struggle I'm not going to lie to get it on sometimes but it ain't too bad now I going to run my fingers right in the back just to make sure it's sealed all the way all the lugs are on and we happy there something once we happy there something we can start putting the boiler back together so we going to start off with the condensate trap so we just got that back in that's just like a quarter turn to lock it into place then we want to get the connection from the consite trap to the sunon it's like a rubber H get the spark in right it back in remember it's the short screws that go in there so I'll put them short screws in tighten it back onto the heat exchanger then we can reconnect the spark generator and the spark elect then we need our new washes at the back so we're going to replace the fiber washers on the gas valve and the gas valve you put that back into place and he can tighten the nut on the bottom first so just get that Loosely in place top one we're going to replace seals on that as well comes with the F washer and the rubber washer so you canl b of them just get them in place then you get your point back in place as well so again I always just Loosely put them on I never T them right up until everything in place you just get that little bit of wiggle room if you need it so we can get the electrics back on the gas valve then we can tighten up the nuts onto the gas valve flu to it is just up and in and down and that'll click it in and you also get a new sump cover so make sure you put that on toghten that in and don't forget the reing group on the heat exchanger final safe checks tness test telegram reading and that's full Sun replacement on ideal logic heat so that's full demonstration on how to take most of the components a to Ideal logic heat only so it's full strip down and clean and how to remove and replace the sump and then sumps ain't as bad as they look the first time you do one of them you going to think they ain't as bad as what they look trust me the instructions are really easy to follow and say Don't Mess B just snap the lugs off snap the old one off and start getting your new one on you do have to put quite pretty pressure at the back just to get to clicking is a bit tight once you've done a few that'll become second nature really easy to do it's what it's probably one of my favorite B to work on is a logic they am dead easy to work on they really am Lo of back SE backi they have lots of room inside them logic's just same nice and easy to work on so what did you think of the content this week so I mixed it up a little bit with the voice ala um not something I normally do Day live job being in about but I did enjoy putting that one together I think there's a few hints and tips in there few learning curves that might help people so yeah let me know in the comments what you thought about that and as always thank you for the support and your subscriptions I really appreciate it we just went over at 3K so yeah I'm really really happy with that I said I'll do a 5k giveaway so I'm going to have a think now with it free what can I put into the kitty for the 5K and say it's going to be a bigger giveaway than the other two so yeah I'm going to have to think about that over the next week Co so any suggestions what you want to see in the 5K giveaway again let me know in the comments thanks for watching see you on the next one
Channel: Blue Bulldog Plumbing
Views: 8,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: combi boiler pressure, central heating system losing pressure, central heating pressure, boiler losing pressure slowly, boiler losing pressure when heating on, boiler keeps losing pressure, combi boiler, central heating, boiler pressure, wocester boiler, combi boiler maintenance, combi boiler explained, how to, losing pressure, combi boiler pressure keeps rising, combi boiler pressure keeps dropping, boiler pressure too high, how to fix logic combi boiler pressure
Id: 177gJowGEK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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