Why Is Servicing Never Straightforward? - A Day In The Life Of A Gas Engineer #45

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I've isolated the boiler and the hob that means there's a leak on the gastron oh don't need this today I really don't need this today this was just meant to be a boiler service welcome back everyone to this week's day in the life of a gas engineer videos so this weekend we had really big news we had our gender reveal and we've found out that we're having a baby girl so got a boy gonna have a girl one of each very happy but that's it we're done two is what we ever planned we didn't have any preference whether it was going to be a boy or a girl who just wanted it to be a healthy baby but it's just nice to have one of each so that now everyone can experience what it's like to be father of a girl as well as being a father of a boy so yeah had a great weekend to celebrate with your close family and friends yeah Nikki's on maternity leave now so she's doing stuff around the house she's nesting as they call it I think and babies coming in August so I've got a couple of months left before before the big day so anyways so I just want to give you guys a bit of a heads up these videos that I'm putting out at the moment they've been recorded like a couple of weeks before a few weeks before so that's why I might be making references to certain days of the week or what the weather's like obviously right now when I'm recording this this is also a pre-recorded message the web has been fantastic but I don't always like on the day that I posted so there's been days you're like yeah it's great weather or is this that the other end you guys might be thinking what's he on about but it's not me just going crazy I'm just sort of referring to the time of the day when I'm doing this video so trying to keep them a little bit shorter so that it keeps you guys a little bit more engaged I know I've done some really long videos in the past which you know I lost my audience on that so I've learned from that keeping the videos you know to a decent length and for that reason I'm staggering them as well I'm always going to be away for a little while as well in the month of July so that's why I want to try and keep it keep the content going out scheduling It Forward in advance so you guys can keep enjoying and I can keep living my life at the same time as well so it's a win-win for everyone right last thing please please please hit the Subscribe button you know I'm gonna ask you so please just do it for me it really helps me out hit the like button as well hit the Bell button and let's get on with the video enjoy morning everyone so it is what is the day today Wednesday it's Wednesday today hump day we've made it halfway through the week now I wasn't working yesterday because me and Nikki we had basically a day of Hospital appointments for the baby loads of scans and checkups and this out the other so I basically just took the day off um and just got through the day doing that back at work today the first job I've got here today it's a glorious day as well I think today this forecast about 22 degrees first one is a noisy boiler I have no idea what boiler is I've got no information other than the fact that it's a noisy boiler let's go inside and have a look see what it could be so the noise apparently it's a shower bomb so what they're saying is that but that is a shower pump that's what it does and when they try and slow the flow down the same is pulsing which clearly it will do because the shower pump needs to detect a certain flow in order to go through for it to continuously pump if you are going to opening a little bit it's not going to pump through properly it's going to keep pulsing but there's nothing you can do about it shower pumps all been piped up properly as well so yeah it is what it is you know you have one of those jobs where oh it's a rental property and the tenant looks at you as if you don't know what you're talking about and they think you're just making stuff up to try and get out of doing the job I get maybe they've had negative experience before with someone who's may have done that but I'm explaining to her how a shell pump works and for the first time I'm actually getting complaint that the water pressure is too much but it's not they're saying when they do the washing in the sink downstairs the water goes everywhere I asked her to show me the water's flying at a decent pace and the way she was doing the washing out she was basically letting the water splash on the bowl and deliberately getting it to go everywhere which obviously if you do that if you put a spoon under the running tap then what was going to go everywhere so she was trying to approve a point which doesn't actually exist so yeah normally people complain that the water pressure isn't enough she's complained that it's too much but from what I could tell it was absolutely fine the shower pumps doing what it's supposed to do yes it's noisy but it's a shower pump it's not it's not a bad noise because it's not right it's not rattling away or anything like that it's doing what it's supposed to do so it is what it is okay so I'm just at the next job and doing a tightness test got six I'd say probably yeah six millibar drop it is a it's an E6 meter which they allow an eight millibar permissible drop with no smell of gas so I'm just gonna I've just isolated the hob I'm just gonna try and crack that up again to 20. and let me set another set another two minute testing that let's see oh that's already dropping yeah it's not looking good it's already dropped from 20. down to 18. it's getting close to 18. um right after I set the boiler and see if it's the gas valve on the boiler I doubt it but I've got to do all the tests and don't assume anything let's try that now excuse the wind I've forgotten the dead cats at home right I've kept the outlet that's now holding I've isolated the boiler and the hob that means there's a leak on the gastron oh I don't need this today I really don't need this today this was just meant to be a boiler service but you just got to switch out the importance of doing a tightness test on every job when you're working on when you're going to be working the gas side do a drop test because if I done this afterwards I'd been panicking thing is it something that I've done but it's a pre-existing leak now I've got investigate all cap it off for now and then come back another day to investigate and we'll see if it's somewhere obvious I'm hoping there might be somewhere around here you've got a bit of greeny Goo there might be might have crowded away some of there on these joints I'm hoping it's somewhere but I can easily find it and rectify it let me get the gas in the front and see what I can do right got my Anton agm55 gas sniffer just run it around here well I ran it around this bit first because that's what looks suspect but that's all fine however watch this yeah luckily seems to be somewhere around this vicinity and in fact now I can definitely smell the gas here as well so it's definitely somewhere around there just need to find out which joint it is and hopefully I should just be able to dab a bit more solder on it and get sorted just want to find out let's turn this off now just need to find exactly where the leak is I'll get a bit ldf seems a bit sticky underneath there might be a little flux maybe let me spray this up with ldf and see exactly where it's coming from and then we'll go from there okay so I found it on this joint here fire spray the ldf around there there can you see the bubbles you see the bubbles coming out the side there so it's literally just on that joint I just need us we'll find out what doesn't really matter which side is I'm just gonna big old bubble there take the meter off flux cake it in solder and then retest it hopefully that should be okay and hopefully that's the only gas leak okay so sold and resoldered that managed to get it to run around there and that's taken done a drop test again or tighten this test so you call it the proper term and it held at 21 millibar I've just gone inside and I've opened up the isolation valves for the hob and the boiler and reading the test when I open up the isolation valves the uh gauge hasn't dropped at all so I'm going to run that for another two minutes hopefully it stays where it is and if it is then luckily that is honestly yes so lucky that I found it outside if that was an internal leap because I've just seen as well after I took the meat box off because I thought the gas pipe was just running around there but it teased off in 22 there and goes down into there so to do a new gas running this property would have been an absolute nightmare so I'm so lucky that I found a gas stick where it was and God knows how long it's been like that for as well but it's sorted now still not moving so that's looking good I'm gonna get this tightness test done and that can crack them into service so now we can actually get started with the boiler service in itself so veterans Visa vitamins 100 28 kilowatt heat on your boiler got filter up this we'll give that a little clean this is fairly well I think it's a fairly odd one but I've been here when we had the big freezer the big snowfall and was it toward the end of last year or being of this year something like that and they were getting F4 thought code which was the electrodes now one thing to remember the electrodes for the heat on your boiler are different I'll show you when I open it up because the electrons for the combi and the system boiler they'd literally adjust the electrodes whereas the ones for the heat only boiler they come with a lead attached to it so I didn't know that it was a heat only when I got here but when they told me that they were having F4 fault card I just brought a set of feesman electrons with me and they're the wrong ones but luckily I'll pop down to one of the local Merchants around here A10 boiler spares if you're in North London run great Cambridge roundabout you live ahead of them luckily they do have a lot of easement Parts in stock so they managed to Source me the correct electrodes got this October that's all been working fine ever since so today I'm just here to give it a proper service so let's get the case off let's get the burner out have a look inside give it a clean and do the rest [Music] [Music] so this is what I was saying about the electron so on here it literally comes off with this lead attached so to move the burner I'm just going to undo the two screws from there and just remove the electrons out so I can get the burner out in one piece otherwise I've got to take it all out with the lead and from there so that's where it literally plugs into otherwise I'd have to take all of that out which I'm not going to faff around doing I'm just going to undo the two screws there and then pull the whole thing out [Music] thank you [Music] got the band right so you can see they've had issues with the condens backing up in there because it's sort of gone up to that level before as well content strap yeah it's not looking the best so I'll give that a clean out as well but the main thing is this main heat exchanger so we'll sweep up all the Hoover up all the debris inside there spray it through give it a brush and make it nice and shiny again and that condensed strap it's actually not as bad as I thought yeah okay underneath is I don't know if the camera's even pointing but underneath there's a lot of crap in there so I'll get that out and flush it through let's get this heat exchanger done first I might actually put plant up underneath here so none of this stuff then goes into the Trap again [Music] [Music] thank you okay so I've cleaned out the condens Trap that was filthy even the Hollis was all a lot of dirt in this or flush that through you can see a little bit of the dirt that's come out there so I've done that clean that out I'm gonna pop it back in here the bottom nut of which I thought was full of dirt it's actually the color of the nut itself is black but regardless there's a lot of dirt in there that's all been cleaned out though I'm gonna pop the condensed trap back in there fill it up with water through the main heat exchanger and then pop the burner back in clean out the filter and then I can carry on with my 269 checks because it is a heat on your boiler obviously and it's open vented there's no expansion vessels nothing to drain out other than just cleaning the filter and even that I'm not going to be touching the isolation valves I'm going to open that put washing machine connection under and just let it flush itself through and the header tank will obviously just refill as it goes along so let's pop everything back together and then carry on testing okay so boilers all back together done another drop test after reconnecting the gas valve that's all fine cleaned out the electrodes cleaned out the burner that's all back in now we are just going to drain out this filter and see well and you know what it would help if I put this magnet out first if I can right well that was solid right let's open this up and see foreign should be anti-clockwise but it doesn't seem to want to turn yeah that's not too bad for an awful event system there's a bit of dirt at the beginning but yeah that's not too bad let's just open a little bit more Let It flush out a bit more and shut that now cool right so filter's been cleaned up now I can crack on my 269 checks right cases back on I've just asked the customer to go and pop the heating on so we can get a demand and some heat circulation around here just having a look at the Mis on how to pop this into service mode so it's all in page 19 obviously depending which Mis you're using so I'm just going to follow this I think this one I've got to turn the knobs in a certain orientation you know to put into maximum and minimum mode so I'm going to go ahead and do that start guest routing it get my analyzer purging and do my 269 checks on it so adjusting the minimum rate fga now done the maximum rate done the gas rate it was my mistake I thought it was a 28 kilowatt it's not it's a 26. and gas rate couldn't be more spot on 26.01 kilowatt can't get better than that what you can you could get a 26 spot on but yeah that's as good as it's gonna get so just finishing off the minimum which has settled down now and it's within the tolerances so that's absolutely fine just gonna lock off the gas and check the safety devices wait for it to fall out just do a walk around make sure all the radius are working and then we're out of here managed to get the immersion up and running so this was interesting because there was a switch here which is I've put it here where's it gone so there was two switches we had one that was water heater that was feeding that switch which was feeding the immersion I had power going to the switch but nothing coming out of it see that's what it's just completely buggered it's not doing anything so obviously we didn't need two switches so what I'm going to open that up linked all the wires out with Wiggles put a blank face on there that's now just basically a junction box feeding that tested that tested the immersion we've got our 20 ohms between live and neutral and open line between Library so there's no short circuit immersion's working I've had it on I've tested the power we've got power going to and it does start to make that hissing sound so you know that it's working this feeling Loops let me buy because when I came here last time I dumped the pressure up to a bar and a half it's now back up to over three bar I've loosened that and found that there's still water coming through this so I've quite them up for a new boiler and I'll be changing the finial loop when I do that as well recharging the expansion vessel and yeah it's going to be a boiler swap not a conversion because we're trying to keep costs slow but basically just get them up and running so got the immersion done for now so that should tie them over until we can get the new boiler in so yeah job done for now
Channel: CP Utility Solutions
Views: 10,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, boiler install, boiler, boiler repair, boiler wiring, plumber, gas engineer, gas, vaillant, turbomax, eca, baxi, potterton, combi boiler, heating wiring, y-plan, y plan, powerflush, honeywell, honeywell evo home, diy, plumbing fail, plumbing disaster, s-plan, s plan, boiler service, boiler breakdown, gas safety, gas safe, ufh, underfloor heating, worcester bosch, worcester, ideal boiler, water leak, radiator, pipework, pipe bending
Id: KR2QBtkjapM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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