Worcester Boiler Breakdown Turns Into A Nightmare For This Customer!

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there we go there's okay so this one might um taking unexpected turn but looks welcome back everyone hop you're well we are recovering after the incident of week we're still recovering still got few Burns in my hands but it is what it is I am recovering I'm getting now I just want to say big thank you to everyone that commented a bit of support last week honestly really appreciated really do so this week we got a Worcester Junior probably one of the most common boilers out there customers found us a few weeks ago they having intermittent FSE with you so sometimes it will work sometimes it won't it's working more than it won't so one then it will happen every week or so it'll just they'll have to reset it but I asked them when's the last time you had the service said can't remember so I said right full stripp and clean let's get in there and have a look so I'm going to show you some of the common faults that you might find on there had to take it apart had to put it back together now unfortunately for this customer they had a bit of a problem with the boiler which you may come across so it's worth keeping a look out for this yeah I just want to say big thank you to everyone subcribe so far we are so close to 5K now cannot wait to do this giveaway for everybody it is going to be amazing yeah and got a new new prize added to it um stick around till the end of the video I'll show you what that is so if you hav sqube so far hit the link below any questions drop them in the comments I'll do my best to answer like the video on you let's get straight into this week's video today we got a full stream clean on this wora very popular boiler the junior so we're going to take all apart take everything out and give it a really really good clean out yeah let's start off by taking the case off so to get these St to get these case off look underneath we got screw there undo that screw there undo that it's on there two screws are loosened you don't need to take them out go to the top here you see screw there and screw there take them out I slide this case out that then we just P forward yeah okay okay so this one might um taking on expected turn Bo looks it you see this crusting around here the exchang has gone changes really good and yeah so this supposed to be full stripping clean and now I got to give the customers bad news that need new heat exchanger everyone have to from Full scrip and clean to just a basic service make sure that gasket is okay cuz that's another prime one the red gasket on here can go um what I'll do I'll put I'll put the B on put my telegram around here and make sure there's no fumes yeah that's really unfortunate to be fair I was do a video showing you how to take all this apart give it a really good clean out but there's no point if that needs a place in there unfortunately just looking another common fault on these is I have noticed the auto you see that one okay well that [Music] is I think they have a problem with system water it's here as well so I think dirty system water caused that you see ribbing as well sometimes that LE an indicator of dirty system water can just be exes but yeah a trap well yeah let's take that L and uh see how much cracks in there so why do that pull the eyes off and you can see that little metal catch there push that in twist I don't think that's been H in a while pie there let's get that clean that yeah it's pretty bad let's see can get on camera for you try to do it one handed though so just you can take the bottom piece off so just look there and look there come on yeah I don't know that's been working there we are looking a lot better now nice and clear ni the mo there pop that it off push in twist that click that's what your know is in you get condensate back on you that big CL there it's big un balancing it's wood some all the floor so yeah was then anyway's get back back on make sure you it out for the uh connection here uh yeah that was Clos when to come I'm guessing it was leaking so I'm just going to close it back off yeah that's just the if you ever come out to one of these Le can just close them off it's a quick way just to if you haven't got one to come back and do it but obviously on this one it might be a new boiler um if they don't need I mean I don't mind doing these not a problem but yeah do I do the exchanger I'll do the auto as well and probably recommend to cleaner looking at the orange water on there okay let's see let this gasket up here what we're going to do is f the boil on hot water get the aners on I'm going to put my probe all the way in there where the gasket is just to make sure that it isn't passing if it is passing it's going to need new gasket if it isn't we can leave it yeah the least I can do on this B the better cuz obviously new exchanger you'll get the gasket anyway so yeah let's uh check that see readings so I'll quickly turned it off cuz I don't that getting too hard but yeah we got reading when SP it right there so let's take it apart TI as well I said I was going to that water don't do it on a Bas sometimes these are blocked up I've just been man to get in there just in time other than that I say many later this just been spilling out yeah it on the bath okay so start off take that pin out there yes off that's the burn on my hand from the other video link up there why not so take that pin out [Music] struggle to get that it cuz it's going on come on I am sticking my Tong again come [Music] on never put the camera down I'll get it but yeah you got to pull that out yeah pulled it out bre now uh electrics I pull them out and there's a Earth on there pull that out then 13 mil nut top of here we Joker and we can just UND do that there's another B UND do that that out there put them on top of there for later prob fall off and lose them that's GL off pull that cover we should be able to twist and get there put up and that straight out there we go that's the fan assembly out right let's get these two come easy sometimes them welded on okay that's all three of them off and that plate there lift up and EG put you back there yeah that's the gasy not looking good take the electri out and have a look still quite hot nothing left there to ni them they ni Sur yeah that's the gasket it's welded to the heat exchanger W to the burner wow I'm stick the bur out clean top of that before put the on nor these just pull out to slide out there there we go exchanger get little bit than the me that could have done with a clean but like I said now point out it's going to have to have a new exchanger prob the CR in a bit better all the way around the edge yeah let's get this uh cleaned off new seal new electrodes yeah just use gra to get master off but this is being a bit St so got some abrasive pattern going clean that off that's that lovely and clean there ready for new gasket yeah these are side by side so elrods see them them need replac in and the gasket at the difference in them even the thickness look thin as anything want some fix so forun that does need doing can't just leave that so let's get that in I should that should work a lot better then I did say there was having some intermittent is year so block on the say poor electrodes it should eliminate off from there let's get this back [Music] in bit I don't know sometimes I struggle to get the burner back in don't know on top of that I nearly forgot nearly forgot something on this let me show you yeah put your gasket on you got put this on you notice it didn't come out of this one I change your design and the wers to put that in I think it's because it mainly goes you see it's all Britt around there that's where these gaskets mainly go so I put that in yeah make sure you put that on see it just goes over the one and there's a little Gap there goes over that you can pull that down there we go it's all b i Le one handed so the days I I record fly around there we go I give one day I got doing everything one handed while holding the phone a better engineer yeah that's the new one in we can get that in there El back into there there's like a little hole there let me take it back so you can have a look all there yeah on there Mo now in place and ready to go so with the plate just on camera a angle a angle there we go see just hooked on there push in and that come down it should line up with that KN yeah there we go and that'll just pull down now just be careful that black click cuz I snapped them before when I've been pulling these down yeah we can get the uh the fan assembly Bo we got to do with this assembly is I was trying show you you see them lugs there so it goes down there and you twist it and THS into them just there imagine you twisting it twisting into there them logs there twist I see if we can get some of it on camera I don't know how much I'll be able to but here goes right so we got it in going to now get that in position there now what I'm going to do is push up here so it pulls the back down loins it up and be able to twist that into place that there we go now if you're near to the industry first time you do one of them you will swear and pull your hair out you really will until you get The Knack of it it's just getting The Knack of it so don't worry everyone still the first time to do these um yeah that's it all back in what we're do now put up back on there and B that down there say you know before you do all that put your lead back on now I go try and get my hand back there to get that back on she going to be pain in the ass never mind elect all back on know is tighten that it will only go on one way the way it's shaved get sp sp back there so that's my we I have to be careful when tighten these CU it just Glides the St and I don't it over tighten it there we go that's it all tight just nice that on camera there we go that was king that's way you do yeah and pressure this one I'll show you though but more likely it's going to be really low it does need a good clean but clean any change need placing so let's get the electrics back on push them back in there we go back at the top of there go in and then that that's up F oh yeah check these as well the back of these holes just at the back here I can split just the the back there that was for okay let's get you in push y I'm going to need to one that's backing you know when see make a clunk I'll just drop the clip for that oh no oh there there that was looking all right let's get CLI into there killing me that is there we go I see back in pop that back on just like that no I'm joking I'll put that back in properly in a minute yeah that's it uh gasket all PL that with new electrodes Happy Days yeah hold book to the expansion so forward at that can get up the back here get this off had me way toix this morning come on there we go I got it still really tight there we go okay let's get that done so just put it on you can probably uh don't know if you can hear that started to come out so we know the H is blocked as you start pumping that off it'll push the ball throughout the expansion V so you want that just a bit round one pressure on the boiler on zero yeah get up there take that off spray some bubbles on it just make sure it's not passing and that's the expansion P close that off there we go the there coming out is it turn that to the left just like left it Loosely right to that that'll do it there we go let do our safety checks now as just see no more readings right the gasket got service mod the way you do that press and hold that button until it illuminates then to the frost for minimum up to the max maximum go on minimum do the minimum test do the maximum test do gas rate poping off check the flu make sure that's okay A F press this one of them it off old boil just that D little that's 2 and2 mil uh we alen key adjust that about 9.8 that's about 9.9 yeah we'll do another one with the case on as well but yeah that's fine is so I know the audio is a bit crap when I'm doing fluid gas analizer cuz it's noisy but got the case back on going to do maximum make sure that's okay then I'll do flu integrity and pop up into the Loft and check back I'm sure that's okay FSD check do the gas right yeah let's see if um we get a new Exchange St might be back doing that or might back doing new baller let's see we'll see what happens while we the flu yeah one from The Loft got one bracket where it goes out really it should have another bracket there scre just going that but yeah going to be picky I'll have one more bracket on there that's the boiler all done I just going to say get stickers on boilers can't tell you how much work I'll get out stickers on boilers anyone wondering what bag are is is a velocity R 9.0 just to give you a Qui toil all my to back in order now I have to use these temporary I don't like them a lot so Cutters but they a bit bulky yeah that's my set up got some Weir screwdrivers should be over there um yeah that's a good one as well we Alan key set that course one of my favorite ones they all filter in umet for my 17 mil bit top there um yeah one I use so tools in the front test stuff in the back we've got the an multimeter probs in there and we got some side pockets as well do like it it is a bit bulky and can get heavy if you took everything in there but yeah it's done made PR for about a year now just noticed them there was down here to see clean bag you find tools put them other ones these back of my van happy days so on that W start unfortunately it does need a new heat exchanger but if it's under 10 years old you contact Worster they'll nine times 8 10 they'll send you out a new heat exchanger but they won't replace it you'll have to replace it but yeah we're going to say we've took some pictures took a picture of the serial number sent it all off to wer they will date the boiler hopefully they'll send it a new exchange so we might be back doing a new exchanger on that if not we can price up a new exchanger absolutely no problem um then the other route obviously is a new boiler I'd say if I'm going to do the Mania exchange on that I want to F cleaner the syst system and a system filter Po in there's no point point a new year changer on that system without it being cleaned out it will just make the system last longer so the 5K giveway we've got another prize in there and it is these obviously not these Zach on these are mon but these are the Mony Work Boots from Australia now I've had them there for about two weeks I can honestly say they're dead comfortable and I do like that bit the rubber bit on the end now as plumbers gas Engineers you know you get all in your TOS really quickly but then they look like they're going to last a long time so from a company called big boots now I met Roy in Thea on a podcast Emily's wife run the company when I told him what work boots I was wearing he just laugh at me he says nah I'm going to send you some work boots out you tell me what I'm like and I can honestly say them really good so thank you to Ryan he's actually said he's going to donate the boots they I was going to pay for him he said no it's fine I'm going to throw in the giveaway for you which means I can add something more into the giveaway so big thank you to Ryan now if you want to check out company I'm going to link in description you can get 10% off any order here is my Cod is Bulldog 10 you get 10% off any order to do a large Rage of work whereare they got steel Blues monkey boots be everything on there so check them out yeah that's another prize for the 5K giveaway just want to say if you got this far thank you so much for your support honestly I really appreciate it 5K is coming I can't wait to do that I really can't that's come a lot quicker than what I thought um so yeah got one more to come out before now and Christmas hope you guys are breaking up soon looking forward to a break after Christmas I know I am I need it now yeah stay safe and I'll see you on the next one have a good one
Channel: Blue Bulldog Plumbing
Views: 13,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worcester boiler, Boiler breakdown, boiler breakdown training, boiler breakdown tools, worcester bosch, worcester bosch boiler pressure, worcester bosch boiler, breakdown boiler, worcester boiler breakdown, worcester training video, boiler training video, worcester boiler not firing up, boiler training videos, worcester bosch greenstar, worcester bosch combi boiler instructions, worcester bosch boiler not firing up, worcester boiler fault finding, worcester service
Id: nPGtMOnJzkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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