Bodybuilding Chest Workout | Dylan Thomas & Jase Stevens

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what's going on everybody must Tek a fleet Jay Stevens here I'm here with my buddy Dylan Thomas Rhett the eye of 8:00 headquarters shooting for we're gonna take you through a chest workout as well as our warmup yeah so let's get into it guys how'd you do it yeah so I'm using the bands here this is gonna warm up the shoulders get everything nice and loose it's a bit of prehab that thing's annoying usually I'll spend about five to ten minutes getting warmed up I'll include my warm-up sets leading up to my actual working weight just get the muscles activated so we're doing chest sometimes I'll take the band as well and do a little bit of pre fatigue or activation work with the band which is great and what I was good doing over there guys just like a dead hang basically I'm stretching out my chest shoulders lats the core your so you're gonna get a nice tight overhand grip on it and basically just let your body hang let everything stretch out and it's gonna open up the shoulder capsule really good for rehab you could do it every day this is something you can do every day and if you have shoulder problems it's really gonna help with that so start was about thirty seconds if you can and go up to a minute for a dead hang and yeah that's definitely one that I do every day and with the band work guys start out like why don't stretch your shoulders too much start out nice and wide and go back and then as you get warmed up bring it in a little tighter that's going to increase the stretch on the chest and the biceps and everything so usually I'll do about 10 reps back and forth and especially to open up the chest I like to take like an underhand grip on the the band's here fold it over and then come back it just puts your lower arm in your hands a little bit of a different position stretches out the chest a little more you're gonna be training chest or shoulders you know compound movements like bench press shoulder press a lot of tension is going to be through your elbow so it's important to make sure your elbows are warmed up so I'm gonna go over here and do a couple tricep extensions nice and light just get some blood in the area can be good to do a couple isolation type exercises as you said get it blood into the into the muscles that'll be used throughout the workout so chest is gonna hit your triceps shoulders chest as well so you've a few sets to get things going yeah we actually get into your heavy weight nothing too strenuous guys like we're not trying to fatigue the triceps here all we're trying to do is get them warmed up get some blood in there and I get them ready for some heavy weight on compound exercises got some amino build next-gen here watermelon flavor take that well I actually workout help speed up the recovery process I'm gonna do a couple just lateral raises here to the front the sides of the back you know we are working chest but if your shoulders are going to get worked anytime you're doing upper body so good to make sure you have some blood in there nice and light five pounds pump it up [Music] alright guys I have a question from Facebook shoot can you please suggest something to drink between your workouts during work during during workout I typically would go with your amino acids so a B C a product like amino build next gen and then you have the next gen energized which is a little bit added caffeine to it so it's something you could take pre-workout or intra workout states like a heavy leg day like a long leg day and you're gonna be working out for an hour or more you know that's something you can slip through the workout it's gonna keep it going right just letting everything stretch out now so after getting the surrounding muscles worked worked up getting some blood flowing jump into the bench press and we'll still probably take 2-3 sets before we actually get up to a working weight so this is still part of the warmup really depends how heavy are going how many working or how many warm-up sets you'll end up needing yeah but like rule of thumb we put in the caption 1 2 to warm-up sets per exercise about 2 to 3 working sets you know I mean as we get deeper in the workout we might not need warm-ups you know just kind of go by feel but it's always good to get a couple in and get the movement pattern down and really be able to feel the muscle it helps without for sure every exercise would be different though for what you'll need to warm up wise you know if we were going heavy here on benchpress let's say we're working up to three or four plates aside you're not just going to take one or two warm-up sets to jump into it so you might need three four five warm-up sets by the time you actually get your working weight [Music] another one if this you want to go up a little bit quarter on first so this is still this is still be aware a warm-up set for me we're gonna do reps of twelve so I'll probably start I'll play start my actual working sets at two plates and then I'll depending on the day how I'm feeling all the way it's moving the side set to set what kind of weight I want to use so for working sets though for bench we're gonna start off things you said about ten to twelve reps and then we're gonna when we move into incline dumbbell press that's what we're gonna get most of our heavy compound work about six to eight reps focus more on the upper chest guys so that's what we got going on safety first clips they're always no reason not to is it a problem to do more than five exercises in a chest day no really depends on training experience beginners aren't gonna need as much as five exercises it's more actually it's more probably down to volume total yeah total volume you know you could do five exercises in two sets that's still only ten two sets per exercise it's still only ten sets yeah or you could just do two exercises and five sets each really like what you're going for is this total volume so but no five five is a good number you know I mean fives pretty average so yeah five to six exercises per muscle is generally a standard workout I would say what sort of volume do you typically have in a chest workout how many sets will do that huh right now like I'm about ten days out from my next show the been wheter like through classic and you know training changes a little bit when you get like this close to a show so a little bit more volume like I'm not gonna go super super heavy on weights and like risk injuring myself at ten days out or something but general volume typically I would do about three to four exercises kind of straight sets and then I would throw in a superset at the end you just flush everything with blood so you're looking at about four to six exercises per chest workout for me usually and you know depending on the day the volume might change a little bit but for me I usually do two to three hard working sets per exercise so so I'll count this one is my first working set here I I am - sort of purim it up with my with my set so I don't want to go to failure and until my final set otherwise you'll sort of just get diminishing returns set after set yeah so I hold a little bit in the tank first first set I typically like to have about three or four reps left in me when I rack it and then that will diminish as I get closer to my final set yeah so what he's basically talking about is you know if you go super hard and you exhaust yourself on your first or second working set your last working set you're not gonna be able to handle as much weight and get as much difficulty Markel and breakdowns so basically what you thought he's saving a couple reps in the tank until that final set and then he's gonna go all out and really create those formulas and a breakdown [Applause] yeah and even even exercise to exercise I may not take every single exercise within my workout to failure sort of ebbs and flows with a workout my isolation type exercises flies or cable typically don't go to failure with I'll use them more for feel the compound stuff I'll aim for failure on two or three of the exercises on two of the three of the exercises within an actual workout what do you think how you feel you're gonna go more weight and I'll put another 10 on yes you really go with the quarter all right people want to know where you guys are training today we are training at the rusty pipe headquarters here in Toronto Canada and that's where me and Dylan are both from we're from downtown Toronto that's where we currently live so yeah pretty sweet ginger first time here for me actually yeah pretty sweet setup lots of equipment yeah it's cool cool atmosphere good a train with Dawn yeah yeah they've got everything we need you at the gym yeah definitely rest wise what kind of rest you like to take disappear huh like I said if it was if it was the offseason I'm trying to handle max with Maximo loads I would basically rest until you know you catch your breath and you're basically able to push a 100% again but for women prepping contests crap I like to kind of keep it you know a little bit more high of a pace so we'll say anywhere from you know thirty to sixty seconds and go by how I feel you know I mean if I'm panting and I can't even breathe I'm not gonna go into my next set but you know for me this close to a competition to show I'm looking to keep it pretty the pace pretty ramped up so yeah anywhere from yeah I generally like on my compound exercises if I'm going heavier I'll take anywhere from two to three minutes when we're trying to impose more and more more and more mechanical tension just so we can keep the intensity of it up and then as I go into things that don't need as much force production your cables or machines I'll bring my rest periods down focus more on the palm to feel so that'll be more like 60 to 90 seconds and then if I was in competition prep I usually keep everything under 90 seconds yes yeah okay so you can get it you can get a dense amount of volume in a workout yeah for sure heart rate keeps sky-high [Music] [Music] [Applause] I guess for me I have some shoulder issues like a partially torn label something like that I trained through right now it's not that it's not too bad it might need surgery eventually whatever but so a couple tips especially for flat bench you know you really want to make sure you're warmed up good for me I'm really you know trying to be safe so I'm really tuck in the elbows and I'm really just coming in tight when I get down to the bottom there's tension the whole time I'm not letting it drop and bounce off my chest everything tight core tight your whole body basically tight throughout the movement and here's like a piston right down control up squeeze make sure you're focusing on the chest and have you had to take any specific exercises out to deal with your enemy well typically I don't even do flatbeds to be honest like not very often it doesn't really kill my shoulder but I generally like to have a lot more incline moving to the other chest [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the rep the rep target here on this set leading up to our final exercise we're aiming for 10 to 12 reps I generally uses a rule of thumb when I go into my final set where I'm working for failure I want to be within a rep variance or a rep range of anywhere from like 2 to 4 reps so if my target reps range is 12 I don't want to fail before 8 reps if I've gone and fail before I probably gone too heavy so if you're failing anywhere in that 8 to 12 rep range we'll be good anything below that and I've probably gone too heavy yeah I'm 6 foot inch to 30 right now and I'm in my offseason right now I well I haven't competed since 2015 so this is more just my walk around weight and I spend about 6 3 and right now I'm about 240 dieted down just just under 240 pretty depleted off season I weigh those 278 something like that so yeah good it takes slightly longer here final set why don't or why don't you guys hold wider on the bench [Music] wider well for him he's got his shoulder issue so he's had to adjust right yeah I like for me with my shoulder issue if I go out like pretty wide it's putting a lot of tension on the shoulder right it's making it pretty vulnerable bench-pressed yeah we are working chest but it's prominently a compound exercise you and you're gonna be working chest shoulders triceps so it's more about you know the feel whatever feels good to you guys really basically that's it if you go wide and it hurts why you gonna do that you're not gonna force yourself in that right so yeah yeah my my grip is based on feel so all exercises are based on feel for me really yeah you know power lifters they they lift closer in they adjust they're more focused on door strength moving as much weight as possible my focus is on getting as much actual contraction and stimulation on the chest so everybody follow mechanics are going to be different right so you're just based on your own personal feel yeah on what will get the chest action going for you yeah that's a really good point to make guys like you're gonna see all kinds of recommendations online exercises guides like this is the way you do this this is how you squat basically you know you have to go by feel you know if you try and squat close stance and it just feels horrible and your hips get all jammed up widen it out a little bit you know I mean whatever feels good for you guys and whatever you know if you're trying to target chest you know if you're feeling it more in the shoulders change up your hand positioning change up the width the grip make sure you feel it in the chest and you're safe and you know getting injury prevention is a big thing guys like you get injured you can't train just no good so one last set here looking good yep [Applause] driver stop it's like to yourself yep yep yep nice [Music] yup Oh [Music] [Applause] all right how long have you guys been consistently working out at the gym for me think of sir I got my first gym membership after high school when I was 22 it's less about like five or six years like consistently training pretty much you know five at least five times a week from that point and then in 2013 actually we first did our first competition so that's kind of when it like really picked up and you know we start to make our careers happen and into the whole body [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on fight it so as I said that rep variant of about three or four reps he hit eight on the money so we're in that perfect target range still alright so moving on from this we're gonna go into incline dumbbell press remember as well we're doing a giveaway on muscle Tektronix so I'm you know build vapor x 5 nitro tech just shoot us a comment on the Facebook page we've entered for a chance to win hey guys has to be on the Facebook page so if you're on Facebook you're watching on Facebook throw a comment in there asked us a question and you know you're in somebody we really just like you to win some products and yeah so why not throw some comments at us ask us whatever you want I'm gonna probably do one little warm-up healer yes on this before we move into the actual working sex so just to get me the incline takes a little bit more shoulders so I'll do a light working set here probably with the seventies for a few reps to feel it out and then from there we'll move up into the working weight for reps of 60 we really trying to feel it in our upper chest here guys so have you trained with a partner me and donut trained together before so we're a little bit more comfortable yes if you're training with a partner something you can do like actually like touching on the upper chest where you want to stimulate that's a really good key like if you've been training someone and they do that you can really focus on squeezing on that area and it's just you know a good kind of a good tip good thing to get the upper chest activated so can you over work your muscles over training for sure for sure typically it happens though if you're not taking care of nutrition yeah and recovery yep so if you're over exercising every day but you're not you're not looking after your nutrition your recovery of course you're gonna get over trained you're doing too much volume density but you're not giving yourself yea adequate nutrition to actually handle that recovery yeah or the recovery time either between workouts - like for me and prep pretty much with Dillon saying I'm like you know dieting you're pulling the certain calories you know you're gonna be pretty depleted in nutrients and whatnot so and I've been training like every day so that's probably something I'm experiencing right now really if you're training too frequently you're gonna be put to so basically you got to get your rest tell your nutrition in and it should take care of anything right I'm gonna go up to probably than nine this year for the first working set cool I think and if they were if you guys were referring with that question if you can overwork a specific muscle too much you know I think frequency is pretty good like training more more frequent than not but I wouldn't hit about a specific body part like so I wouldn't hit chest you know even if you're focusing on it more than three times a week two to three times a week is pretty good if you're focusing on it can also come down to training experience as well in terms of one's own ability to recover yeah you know the more advanced you get in your training the better your body becomes it actually recovering so a beginner is going to need more time between workouts you can't get chest every third or fourth day let you fill up your event yeah you wouldn't need to do a beginner yeah yeah another question I've always heard that you need to lift heavy to get a big chest true or false it's a mixed relatively like like heavy is a relative term right so you know we're not gonna sit here and say if you lift light weights and you dance around in the gym the whole time you're gonna gain a lot of muscle you know what I mean moving a substantial amount of weight is you know part of the process but you know and anything in six to twelve fifteen reps you doing is pretty good for muscle building so yeah and one when somebody says heavy to me in a bodybuilding sensory I'll be looking at reps of six yeah yeah six is about like as low as you want to go being bodybuilders focusing on that particular way yeah in terms of like immediately heavy weight yeah six is that that target rep range for a heavyweight as you go to eight that's sort of a moderately heavy weight anything above ten twelve that gets into sort of you know that's probably near sixty to seventy percent of your one rep max range oh it's not it's not over the head and that's as you said that's relative to anybody that changes right so what your six is and what my six teams might be different yep especially considering he's on contest prep I'm not so six for me I might be able to go more than and he can go right now this is gonna be working step number one [Music] [Music] I'll see you later to eat before your workouts well on the way here I had about six ounces of white fish and a cup of white rice so you know that's pretty easily digestible sources of foods they're typically me I don't even like to eat more than you know closer than two hours to a workout I like to eat have everything I mean I don't wanna be bloated when I'm training but I would just recommend something that you know digests well it's not gonna give you a lot of like GI distress and you're not going to bloat it because who likes the trainings loaded I mean you're in the gym you don't wanna be worried about like throwing up or going to the bathroom or whatever right so eat something that's in and out quick and conceal your workout I typically go with based on my schedule between clients and so forth so I go with usually scoop and a half to two scoops of nitro tech and then I'll also grab - 2 cups of oatmeal from Starbucks and I mix that with some cinnamon stevia and a little bit of honey that goes through me pretty quickly gives me the energy I need to work it out get a good workout in I'm probably gonna up my aura I'm gonna decrease my reps to six now yeah they're not target rep range of 6 to 8 so I'm probably gonna jump up to like the one tennis I said you want to just leave your foot back here smile we're good guys you sure you're on Facebook right now girl common out there ask us a question you know training diets whatever guys car do you know anything relating to fitness if you're on Facebook and you do throw us a comment like that you could be choose to win some products guys so let us know what's going on let us know where you're from throw it out there three stops what's your favorite chest exercise honestly probably incline dumbbell press for me the dumbbells more so than the barbell I just feel with the dumbbells you know I can put myself in that plane of motion where I don't get stressed on with a lot of my shoulder it hurts right so everyone's different though right yeah from one person they might seem a barbell better to the to the dumbbells I like the I like incline barbell press I do I do like the barbell press too buddy honestly you could definitely handle more weight as well and for him like himself he has that shoulder issue he gets sort of locked in the place he can adjust that range or that plane of motion like you could with the dumbbell yeah and it's yeah we came around an injury yeah being able to twist the wrist with the dumbbells is a big thing when you're on the when you're on the barbell you're pretty much like walked in here you don't need to make it that much much worse that I feel like a little bit of an external rotation helps with on that shoulder issue [Music] what's the importance of using the weight belt so typically like if this is awesome something I wouldn't be using it for chest workout but like I said I'm ten days out from the show I'm just trying to keep everything tight I mean I would wear the belt pretty much all my workouts doesn't matter with arms or we're not bleeding in it's just about keeping the way it's as tight as possible I compete in men's easy still although like even though I'm pretty big so having a small tight waist is you know pretty much imperative that you want to have any kind of success in those weak and genetically you know I don't have the smallest waist but with with techniques like not overeating and wearing the weight belts a lot I'm able to really kind of like be trained the waist and slim it down or anything so I'm a performance standpoint it helps to create intra-abdominal pressure which can help you move more weight yeah yeah so basically with the weight belt if I was using this for powerlifting you basically inhale like deep into your torso area and you're you're pushing your abdominals out against the belt which secures your core and your lower back and keeps everything tight you're building pressure and you're pushing against the belt is what keeps everything tight so that's like the actual functional we're gonna synergistically it sort of brings the whole body into one yeah to move the way whether it be for squat or a deadlift or a bench president flying press whatever it might be it can help for that I'm doing it right now for purely aesthetic aesthetic purposes let's go let's go 62 tomorrow yep work that chest one strong up you got it let's go what's your favorite workout for your lower chest I'm a big fan of using flies or dips for the lower chest dips we'll get into next yeah anything were you getting a good stretch across your lower chest you like genetics is a big part of it too like it's not like I've been doing dips or I've been doing like flies that target my lower chest my whole life I just kind of have like a well-developed lower chest so for me when I'm training doing a chest workout I want to build up other parts of my chest rate so I'll do a lot of incline work focusing on the upper chest so it's a lot genetics to butt dips dips in high to low flies definitely a good thing for the lower chest Oh Oh [Music] [Music] you guys stay motivated well for for yourself he's got things like competitions coming up yeah that can't help back and help him stay motivated hear me it's just a lifelong pursuit it's like I envisioned where I want to bring my my physique and it's that journey that keeps me excited some people can think it's daunting but for me it's like that that ever yeah telepresence pursuit yeah like an intrinsic thing we love bodybuilding it's what we do is a passion and as a career so you know I don't ever see myself not training or not being in the fitness but you know I think goal-setting is a big thing guys like an example after a show you know I mean is pretty typical people just like blow up in vinji you know if you set a goal of like doing a photo shoot or you know something like that it's gonna keep you on pace so set goals guys whether they be you know physique based like you want to lose 10 pounds by a certain date write that down - or strength based you know I mean you want to bench 300 pounds by you know two months from now so set goals write them down and that's really gonna keep you guys focused on what you're doing so think strength based goals are specifically important in your offseason definitely you can see where you're progressing whether it be like okay I want to benchpress 315 for six reps you can see on paper where you're progressing yeah you can see you're building volume up to hitting a certain target yeah like that can keep you focused yeah even talking about strength goals like we're bodybuilders you know I mean but strength is still important you know you don't want to go your whole career and only be able to squat you know 300 pounds or something you should be getting relatively stronger as your career goes through so even if you're a bodybuilder trying to build muscle still have those strength goals in the offseason that's a good thing guys oh those lightweights is it okay to do cardio on your rest days sure it all depends on gold really heart health somebody might be doing it for fat loss yeah I like that though like say I have a prescribe to a client high-intensity interval training I would actually prefer that they did it on an off day because something like like hit training like real hit training you know I mean if you do that kind of anywhere near a workout that's gonna take away some of your recovery ability and performance ability as well so doing that on a rest day kind of like mitigates that you know I mean and so you can perform with your weights and you can perform like maximally with your hit training too so cardio on an off day definitely can be used it cannot structure to two a day right and exactly yeah many people like that that structure going to the gym adds every day won't you take it out of the equation completely some people can feel a bit lost or they feel like they bored or had an unproductive day yeah so just getting into the gym even for 30 minutes and doing maybe some ABS and a little bit of cardio to stretch to sweat a little bit can be fantastic you have mind and body nothing wrong with cardio guys nothing wrong with it well let's go back nice and strong I got you yep up up nice yep right from here yep yep up nice all day hmm strong up nice up all day all right with your shoulder injury do you prefer machines or dumbbells it's tricky because you know you can't just say machines and it's like one type of machine there are some machines that I really like for example hoist I think it is the ones that move with you they have a chest press like a straight chest press that actually feels like I can really work my chest and you know I don't overload the shoulder and it doesn't hurt but predominantly I liked on those yeah I'm more of a Dumbo's I'll throw in machines at the end of a workout when you know maybe all your stabilizers are fried but I would go with a dumbbell for sure on that one strong little little weak today offseason is 10 days out he may or may not have just eaten the Snickers I don't know it might happen I don't know I might be guilty of that clearly the snicker gains today it's got to go there's no excuses Jase was drooling in the corner while I eat it just wishing you could have one let's do it come on come on back come on all right we're all done these we're gonna move on now we've got some bodyweight dips we're gonna do so we're through the heavy portion of the workout we're gonna go into more of the feel our feeling portion so the rest of the workout will be more about the pump the contraction yeah flushing the muscle with blood and that's that's what we're gonna focus on for the rest of it let's go work out here all right let's get into the next one [Music] over here so a lot of people do is all sorts of different ways and again it comes down to biomechanics for feeling in your chest what do you like to do for dips how do you position your body right tight and in more just focusing on elbow flexion but if we're heading chest I'm gonna be a little bit out more and a little bit of a forward lean and you're really just focusing on squeezing that chest in good stretch thing on the dips you get a really deep stretch so yeah that's the key role the stretch it's one of the keys to the dip is a deep stretch at the bottom I like to keep my weight so all actually put my my legs in front of me and I keep my chest down and that helps me feel my chest a lot takes it away from the front delt which a lot of people you know they struggle with yeah well you can do there's a couple different dips you can do I'd like to do these you're on the dip which is a an old-school movement where you would actually turn your hands the other way oh yeah all right so all right let's go [Music] right into the 15 yeah typically after the first exercise I could just sort of jump right into my working wait 15 20 reps for this guy's body weight [Music] that Snickers to use now as we get deeper into the workout as well as I touched on earlier we're not going to be using as heavy as wet of weights now higher repetitions we're not going to be we're not going to be having to create as much force production so typically you can cut your rest periods down at this point so now we can do 60 to 90 seconds whereas before we might be taking two or three minutes on the heavier weights it's good stretch good tips are good for a staple chest workout for sure you guys look at all like the old-school bodybuilding stuff Arnold back in the day everybody you know tries a little up to them they did a lot of dips simple hard training you guys don't need all kinds of equipment and why not just go in there make sure you really pushing yourself guys that's that's what it's about you know intensity the work ethic put out there leave it all on the floor every time you step those stuff so if you're following along on this on this workout to rehash beginning to movements you're gonna be using heavy heavy moderately heavy weights and then moving into the latter half of the workout now we got dips we're gonna do some fly's some push-ups things like that the focus turns more to contraction and tension a lot of blood flow we even get the best of both worlds with the ethical mechanical tension in the beginning of the workout and muscle swelling in the latter house pretty much hitting every kind of hyper beast unless you give you guys no strength training more blood flow metabolic work with the higher end stuff so there's no second set on here you can see guys really good separation in this chest here he's going to really leave good stretch control the whole time he's not bouncing in the bottom [Music] yeah like to keep my elbows blurred out if I'm tucking them in I finally get a lot more triceps that's the purpose of that I'm trying to mimic almost doing a flat bench press yeah yeah on the dip station though like regardless you're gonna get a tricep bump for your shoulder pump when you're doing this but as long as you're focusing on the chest itself we're trying to minimize those secondary stabilizing muscles as much as possible let's go good set man alright we've got one more set here if you're unable to do dips what's a good alternative if the goal is working lower chest I like doing things like an inverse press or you can use an inverse cable press that will work the same musculature as doing a dip you're not obviously not going to be using as heavy of a weight because we're going bodyweight as you would with the fly machine or station but it's a great alternative go laughs set here there push it let's go let's build some muscle offseason let's go come on let's go yep come on come on as you can see as I was saying before I like to lead my sets up to my final set we're all waiting for muscular failure these positive must be a failure if you go to failure before that you get diminishing volume and an actual activation of the muscle on the preceding set you can't be taking all your sets to failure do you think you're going to failure on every set you're not going to failure and you're not going to training as hard as you could be so definitely a good rule of thumb you know I mean if you're gonna do 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 working sets you know the I basically called an acclamation sets right where the first set will be you know within I don't know let's say like 70 percent or whatever and then you're gonna up the weight each time and you're gonna get closer to your relative 1 rep max and you know you're gonna end up with a really heavy set and basically like fully fatiguing yourself for that last set so acclamation sets out have enough Oh big justice card real now huh yeah yep take take about ten seconds rest pause a little bit he's gonna try and get that that full volume how many - how many reps did you hit there probably like eight to ten something like that okay so he's got more he know the rep for target range is about fifteen so he's going to take a slight rest and keep it going to try and get in that rep range I we wanted 200 best thing about 10 to 20 seconds cannot do a cooper rate about 20 percent of your strength goal which will allow you to get in a few more reps you're not looking to take a rest where you're fully recovered you just want to get a little bit oxygen in there so that you can hop back on and get you know two three four maybe solid reps in and hit your volume markers so yeah intensity technique so that is it for dips guys that's it for dips so we're moving on here you got two pairings here to end off the first pairing was my idea so I'll take you through that one yeah so we're gonna go low to high cable fly and we're setting it with a push up on the kettlebells which will get a nice big stretch on again and then he's gonna take me through the last superset which will be inclined English why superset it with a hex press so we'll basically fix focusing on upper inner chest which is you know something I think everybody lacks nobody could have enough upper chest let's be honest though oh man what are you guys sipping on right now I'm sipping on a little bit of amino build over there watermelon flavor probably might go to that for intro workout BC a probably amino build next gen and second favorite is gonna be the platinum VCAs the peach mango that's that's a really good one the peach mango is like something that you could do like all year it's like a flavor that you don't really get tired of right so got the staple for sure especially for you and you're in a caloric deficit you're dieting cutting your body fat getting ready for your show the amino build really really helps to preserve muscle tissue yeah sure so it can be a big staple for you then yeah how much protein do you consume in the day me so again what about 240 pounds right now I stick to about 300 grams of protein you know 50 50 grams about 4-6 meals a day is what I like to hit roughly the same dependent upon the day if I'm working out it's probably 300 maybe just over yeah if I'm not working out it's probably more like 260 to 275 yeah go on I mean I'm aiming for about a gram gram and a quarter per pound yeah yeah I think like target typically maybe even as high as one point three five grams yeah when you're looking at protein you're trying to think of it like how much protein you guys want to have good staple you know I mean most coaches most things you're gonna find on the Internet are gonna be about 1 at least 1 gram per pound of body weight for protein I like to do about say if I'm doing for clients like their work up sterile diets I'll do one - you know 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight and you know I mean that's you kind of got to look at you know if somebody's not used to eating a lot of protein you can't just jack up the protein like a hundred percent on them because they're gonna probably have GI issues so say you're not eating any protein you know start low increase a little bit more if your stomach is okay you can handle it work up to that point that like one gram one 25 grams on the body weight so enough talking though let's get into this is seriously this one I like to take a slight step forward you got beating for it and I come right to the lower chest with it and contract yeah yeah so really low to high we're trying to do a really good stretch at the back you can see here he's fully stretched behind his body and he's gonna come up and more of a scooping motion and really work that upper chest if you look at that he's got a nice shelf there big upper chest really focus on that yep nice join me for about 10 reps on each one cool yeah and we're going right into this superset yes nothing about in the write-up I put about eight pause reps on there so alright you were gonna do pause at the bottom part of your table yeah I'll try I don't know if I'll be able to so doing it on the kettlebell or some kind of elevated surface is gonna allow you to get a lot deeper into the stretch say if you're going on the floor you wouldn't be able to get as deep of a stretch on the chest so the kettlebells really allow us to get a full range of motion even like an exaggerated range of motion here so what's your favorite time of the day to Train I typically train at about 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. I'm up at like 4:30 5 o'clock every day so I've had a you know at least 3 to 4 hours in the books get my body warmed up acclimated before I actually jump into working out what about you Oh Oh going rolling don't blow too strong for me today oh I need some more I'm you know building your up [Music] whoo oh yeah at least doing this in 10 days out definitely gonna be a harder workout than if I was by myself in the gym I'm here with Dylan you know we're pushing it a little bit here yeah we're flowing for you guys today I'm not gonna take him out of his comfort zone a little bit which can be added at this point yeah and you might just sort of give in to the typical man on Go Go the go through the motions a little bit yeah another good reason why a training partner is good you can really kind of push each other back and forth you know so yeah good one today for sure as you can see I'm not sweating all right as I said as we get into the latter half of this workout we can cut the rest times down yeah more about that pump keeping the blood in there trying to force as much blood as we can good drive yep Oh basically adding in the pauses here at the bottom of the top slight pauses is another intensity technique you know I mean that's gonna be a lot harder than it would be doing raps bouncing over the bottom in the top without stopping so pausing like that you know he's still contracting everything everything it's tight yeah it's another way to crank it up not you eating all Sola but it's doing is increasing the time under tension as well exactly another key every key point to building muscle all right eating healthy can be expensive what are your favorite cheap prep meals when I was growing up I would go with a few cans of tuna still pasta and a little bit of light marinade supersuit meal great way to get in the carbohydrates protein and fat or like probably no more than three or four dollars for a meal whether you have a staple meal when you were coming up didn't have much money on a budget how to get a tuna for sure you know sometimes you could find on sale really good sale prices on way and get and get a lot of way for pretty cheap but you know tuna like Dylan said whatever it is a dollar fifty or something even hands like chicken thighs chicken back you have to be cheaper so and white rice like you get a huge bag away rice for like you know five ten bucks so that's gonna last you forever come on babies awesome job come on [Music] Oh laugh it up man let's go [Applause] yep make it work make it hard should be never looking to make any exercise easier for yourself guys make it harder on yourself you know the reason it's hard because it's challenging if you don't challenge yourself you're not gonna grow you're not gonna burn body fat you know you have to challenge yourself make it harder don't aim to make it easier to make it harder seriously that's the difference between one of the main differences between if you're training for strength or powerlifting to bodybuilding yeah when you're training for strength and power lifting you're looking for mechanical advantage to make a move as easy as pause look at the leg it means more weight yeah bodybuilding we don't want to do that we want to move part as hot as possible as much tension and stimulation on the isolated target muscle that we're asking [Music] [Applause] [Music] so for free again very fine things inside come on [Laughter] [Music] remember here guys as well you're giving away free muscle tech products we've got nitro tech we've got amino build we're giving away our nano s our vapor x53 workout all you have to do chance for a chance to win post a comment asking us a question on the Facebook page how do you dream on the go how do you train on the go if you go or if you are traveling do you try to find the local gym in that area depends on traveling - if I'm you know going to something like a tropical destination staying at a hotel on the beach typically I'll just stick to full-body workouts I'm not gonna generally be able to get in my same sort of split style training they won't have the proper equipment proper weight selection so I'll just try to get an overall full body simulation workout going on otherwise if I'm going to you know a big city somewhere I'll look ahead of time kind of find an appropriate do an arena plan ahead I think I can really shed some light and touch on that subject - I used to work for about four years I still work in the railway industry but I used to work for CN Canadian national really so travel all around Ontario in Canada for work you know six to eight nine days at a time living out of hotel rooms right and this is when I first kind of got into bodybuilding and you know I was really into it I would do whatever I would find whatever gym you know you go to places where there's none of these commercial gyms and you have to find you know random gym pay ten bucks it's a go I would still pay it if it was fifteen whatever you know I need to get my workout and it's you know you did what you had to do ya happen we have the internet you know there's no excuses you could find gyms anywhere you know it's all about your goals if you really want to do something you'll do whatever it takes like I said it was looking at hotel rooms competed at my first show when I was doing that or on the road Cristian there so you know there's no excuses gyms everywhere you know we have the internet with food everywhere in this day and age all right moving into the last one this was Jay's combo yep so he'll walk me through this one the last Xers last superset of the workout yep so almost to the finish line make sure you guys keep your comments questions coming for us I'll answer anything you guys need so this is gonna focus mainly on the inner upper portion of the chest like I said before nobody could have too much upper chest so it's gonna be an incline fly super set it with a hex press really not so much about the weight you know going higher reps it's all about feeling muscle feeling a stretch and just you know getting that last bit of blood into the chest and just copping everything off guys what up into okay so it's alternating yep that ranges were aiming for here [Music] by this point of the workout your chest should be nearly ready to explode so getting people final superset you need to go with a conservative weight selection we've got thirty pounds here so you can choose your weight appropriately given that oh I'm cooked overnight [Music] nice yeah good stretch squeeze typically guys if you had dumbbells that were a little bit thicker than this you put them together and then push up against each other and work that in our chest with these ones you know they come they're very fine so it's almost impossible to do that so we're just kind of like doing a hammer press X press there but still as you can see when he's coming up he's really working the the inner upper chest there so get it done about ten each back and forth alternating good stretch [Music] what's your favorite carb source for me at this point so I was raising English muffinz yeah yeah those are my go-to those are good for me at this point I'm just doing white rice you know keeps the stomach nice and tight I get no GI issues it's cheap just for me it's simple if you're anything like I said it ten days out from a show the last couple weeks you know I'm trying to not focus on food so much you know I do the flexible dieting thing I'm not afraid of any type of carbohydrate but there are some that you know digests better for your body but for me white rice simple you know it's job though let's keep this rolling [Music] bloody mess or what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] their difference between dumbbell press and bar benchpress dumbbell and barbell yeah for sure [Music] no uh you know pretty much it's it's down to preference barbell rule of thumb you're gonna be able to handle more weight dumbbell a little bit more feel a little bit more freer range of motion like I said one isn't any better than the other they both have their place but yeah one's a fixed bar your hands are fixed and the other is dumbbells free motion you've been pretty much like choose to play in a movement yeah we're not gonna get sloppy here yeah it's gonna be tight the whole time [Music] these ones you really want to be focusing on that big stretch every rep and a deep contraction as you push through so again don't get carried away with the actual weight selection if you can't feel that contraction as you're pushing through on the press portion you've probably gone too heavy keep your questions coming guys remember if he throws your question on the facebook page you're entered for a chance to win any of our muscle tech products that you can find on the web page ok guys finishing up this workout so blake Dillon said if you want to get your questions in we're taking questions on Facebook if you win some products be sure if you're on Facebook drop a comment drop a question you know you get selected so Stuart's finish strong yep yeah let's go away yep nice and tight one nice yep yep come on leave it all out here yep I got you up one you got more you got more let's go push yeah come on big stretch yep up yep try there you go nice what is your guys average body fat I've never measured mine to be honest so I go by the mirror yeah percentage-wise I mean you can guesstimate what you might be when you get ready for a competition or photo shoot yeah it may range anywhere from like four to six percent but I don't actually measure it I'd say I probably walked around typically maybe 10% you're pretty for me my body really doesn't like being leaned to be honest it's sometimes a struggle to get down you know to below 8% body fat or whatnot so I usually generally in the offseason once I start eating and and filling back out I usually walk around like a little bit a little bit heavier than Dillon a little bit like more body fat so I'd be around 12 even 15 percent something like that so everybody's different we've all got different baselines where our body can handle comfortably exactly we're going to get past 10% I really have to push these and almost over consume calories yeah genetics or everybody will have the point where they they like to hover yeah within a general range yeah yeah fair to say that was that was our full workout yeah start to finish we went with heavy weights to start we got a lot of density volume in at the end yeah I was a pretty crazy pump yeah okay another question yes we have a few questions will run through um from Facebook I like to start have you in the beginning of my workouts then go light weights toward the end what are your thoughts on that oh similar to what we just did pretty much what we just did I mix it up though I don't always go heavy sometimes I workout chest twice in a week one of my workouts might be more of a focus on heavy weights the other one might be more of a focus on lighter weight so I I adjust things week to week we're go to workout yeah I think that's good to have you know a couple different mechanisms of hypertrophy in the same workout though so you know if you're gonna lift heavy in a workout and you're gonna go for a little bit higher rep range definitely start it with the strength like you're doing so you are you know pretty much dialed in right we should be so great and you can even I mean you can even just things around you can go lighter in the beginning of the workout keep the heavier weights yet later on if you some people have an issue getting a feel for the muscle getting a good contraction so yeah but those people can be beneficial to actually do your isolation type later working contraction sets early on and then go to your compound lifts so that you get more bang for your buck you actually move the weight and it with intention with proper feel yeah for sure what do you guys like to supplement with post workout post we're good on triples be well we've actually got it right here oh yeah I'll go with nitro tech as I said earlier in the stream I'll have a scoop and a half before my workout yeah we're some oatmeal from Starbucks and then after my workout I'll do the same thing but I'll probably just I skip on the oatmeal I'll have just a scoop to 2 scoops of this and then following that I might go with an actual meal about an hour later yeah I like the the pro-series way so it French vanilla flavor that's a good one and then this one right here brand new exclusive vanilla funnel cake I actually haven't even tried either vine I didn't even know it was out yeah so if we're gonna crack this open I'm gonna give it a try he's not having any today because he's dieting hard right before his competition so he said to the stick to the tilapia and asparagus diet you know is it good to keep off days consecutive or take one at a time I'm more of a foodie me but like like two in a row I'm more I'm more of a fan of like something like a two on one off three on one off and on that on that off day I mean we talked about this earlier but I'll go with like an active recovery I might do a metabolic conditioning workout some high intensity sprints something like that so I generally might not have a full off don't even plan full off days get a rest day they sort of come about so yeah I think yeah I think two rest days in a row is you know I don't think you need that I think like one rest day is good at a time so like Dylan said if you're in a training split where it's you know push-pull legs or like that's a three-day split or a four-day split you go through the rotation and then you take a rest day and then you go back in the rotation so yeah one day time what are your current splits so for me basically doing limited area now back is my first day back and biceps because back is a focus for me I'm trying to bring up my back so I'll throw that at the start of my split so I'm strongest and can you know just really crush that work out and then I'll do chest shoulders triceps and then I'll do legs and then I'll finish with arms and then typically honestly in prep I'm kind of like neurotic about it I don't even take a rest day I'll just go right back into my split cuz I don't want to I don't want it's like you know have a day off I'm trying to burn as many calories as possible and push the body you know necessarily that's not the best thing you can get overtrained like I probably am right now but I just I don't like to miss a day you know I mean it's kind of my routine so yeah my split I typically go with a a four-day split so I'll work out chest on its own back on its own legs by themselves and then I'll do a shoulders arm workout yeah and then I'll usually take a recovery day after that or an active rest day and then I follow follow the split again yeah I think in the offseason it's definitely a good idea that you mix in that rest day and get that rest recover do you prefer personal training online or in person um like me myself what I do what I would prefer I love training people in person but I have several jobs I have full-time work for the railway I have rental properties and stuff I don't have the time to do it in person stuff so majority of my coaching is online and you know I like the online stuff because in person it's you know you're just doing the training thing kind of right online it's a lot more about you know dealing with the person and like talking about managing stress and their diet and you basically just get a lot more information you can track it all and whatnot so for me predominantly I prefer online coaching and yeah I think billon does a lot more in person stuff in Toronto I prefer one-on-one yeah but the thing is you know it's it's all-encompassing it's the same thing as you would get online you just get that one-on-one touch yeah you can build stronger relationships one-on-one and you're actually able to work out to work out actually make sure that the intensity is up little tweaks that need to take place within a workout and make sure that they're actually pushing and executing the workouts correctly whereas you know online coaching training you can give person a and person B the same workout person a who's an experienced trainer person B who might be a little bit experienced you know person a he's gonna say wow that was the best you know training plan you ever gave in person B who doesn't know how to execute it correctly you go safe if they're doing what you're saying yeah you know person B might say oh that was too easy yeah you know it's it's how somebody can actually execute a workout and so that's what I enjoy about the one-on-one coaching and training in person is that you make sure everybody's executing it exactly as intended and you can really maximize and optimize somebody's response to the training program yeah for sure definitely should you cycle creatine if so how long have intervals no that's that's honestly I find a big misconception you know creatine is found naturally in your diet in foods in protein sources like meat proteins I recommend 5 grams across the board pretty much you know for me being like 250 pounds plus bodybuilder maybe I'd go 5 to 10 grams but 5 grams per day take at the same time add a pre-workout ensure workout it doesn't really matter take it every day you couldn't do it indefinitely I'm a big fan of the actual original Knight an original nitro tech formula it actually has the creatine added into it so you don't even have to worry about supplementing additionally it's just it's actually added into your protein so I'm actually gonna go now first sip of this vanilla funnel cake let's see how it is the good flavor yeah okay maybe make some protein pancakes after my show with this I'm trying to stay lean way or isolate mmm I don't think it matters miserable negligible such an egg like yeah the variance might be 10 calorie different one carb one gram of fat maybe you know from from the different type or brand or whatever but the difference is negligible if you're worrying about burning one carb or when you're on the fat you know something else is going on so negligible whatever digests Center for you I guess yeah there might be digestive differences yeah that could be a thing say you don't say you don't really digest a way product but like a straight isolate is a little bit better for you in digestion then maybe you know that would be a better choice and that might result in a little bit more progress because you're not getting like GI stress so yeah do you like your protein with milk or water water I never go with milk water yeah if it was like I wouldn't last six seven years ago if I was in high school would be milk yeah I cream when we come back to the the question or what's a cheap muscle building meal that's okay yeah you could you know you could mix your milk with protein to get in a bulk amount of calories yeah yeah so at that point when I was more concerned with getting mass amount of calories in on a low amount of money in the bank that would be a staple but not anymore yeah parents always have milk too so yeah yeah yeah what are your social channels social channels mainly big one for me is Instagram so that's at Jayce j ase underscore stevens i have a youtube page too you can search Jay Stevens on YouTube to probably come up but yeah Instagram is a big thing for me I'm on their lot guys you can hit me with DM as I'll check those I'll get back to I like when people ask me questions you know fitness related questions let's keep it to that I'll definitely get back to you answer your questions and yeah so Instagram again Jayce underscore Stephens simple that you can find me Dylan Thomas 90 on Instagram I post most of my content on there instructional workout videos muscle building tips fat loss tips nutrition tips all of my content is typically posted on Instagram so that's where you can find me yes appear what's the best way to finish after an intense workout like this best way to finish with a protein shake start with the Snickers finish with the Snickers no good way to finish like a higher rep kind of like burnout set like that if you're talking exercise wise you know I mean that's kind of a journalist question that don't really know exactly what you mean but if you're you're gonna finish with something like a superset like that lots of volume you know really tap it out really just fill up the muscle with all the blood that you can put in there and yeah it's a good way to finish for sure yeah that's a good pump pump perfect alright thank you for joining us today guys on all the channels we had Facebook going Instagram twitch then keep your comment thank you for your comments hope you guys want some supplements I hope you guys did comment and win if you did leave a comment you'll have been entered for a chance to win any of our nitro or any of our muscle tech products that are featured on so share this with your friends guys after goes live it's gonna be on youtube and whatnot share it with your friends get it out there I think there's a pretty good workout we push it you know you got to ends of the spectrum offseason really strong week in the contest prep and again ten days out so if you had any questions about the workouts that you didn't get answered you can find us on our instagrams you get Jase yep Jase underscore Stevens on Instagram I'll get back to you there throw me a DM and Dylan Thomas 90 alright guys alright guys hope you enjoyed it feel you
Views: 77,974
Rating: 4.7195253 out of 5
Keywords:, how-to, how to, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, bodybuilder, motivation, fitness, workout, workouts, exercise, build muscle, lose weight, lose fat, best, bigger chest, chest workout, gym, at gym, chest workout at gym, best chest workout, bodybuilding chest workout, chest workout for mass, barbell, bench press, incline, dumbbell fly, dumbbell, triceps dip, push-up, dylan thomas, muscletech, heavy weight, muscle, supplements, chest fly, upper body, jase stevens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 31sec (5431 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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