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what's up youtube we're back i told you guys would be back with the content i wasn't talking week two we got a shoulder workout going down uh this is gonna be not my typical training to be honest with you guys um been having a little bit of life life stress lately a little more stress than usual training is not taking a back seat but it's a little bit different when you're very busy with business and you have a lot of other things going on in your life it's not like how it used to be a couple years ago when training was really the only thing that mattered and it was bodybuilding bodybuild bodybuilding bodybuilding uh like now i have a lot of responsibilities and things so i think um just in life sometimes you have to give more to one area and take a little bit away from the other area so i noticed when i was training before i was training the same way i used to when i was just like you know full-time bodybuilding that's all that mattered and my body was really getting beat up i noticed that i wasn't recovering how i usually was recovering so i'm taking a step back in terms of the way that i'm training um not going as heavy not doing as much compound stuff like it's not all about like let's progress with the weight progress with the weight progress with the weight it's uh right now i'm just enjoying training i'm doing a bro split or a pro split as they say so it's you know like a body part each day right so like you know back chest legs shoulders arms so that's what we're doing we're gonna do the shoulder day today um a lot of volume a lot of sets i think shoulders really respond well to a ton of volume a ton of reps high reps just pump them up hit them from every angle and blow them up guys you know i have decent shoulders i think i think i don't know there's no pump yet so don't don't look yeah don't go yet i didn't have the pump cover on today but anyway we're gonna get into it just you know fly on the wall my normal shoulder workout we're gonna pump it up give you guys some tips show you guys how to build some big shoulders because you know when you're building a physique and you want that you know very impressive physique when you walk down the street you want wide shoulders you want to be like uh like an upside down dorito right you know wide shoulders small waist hopefully there's another dorito on the bottom because you got big legs but sometimes you don't anyway the shoulders are what matter so let's get into it first up we're going to be doing some cable face pulls right this is really just a kind of a primer exercise it's really just to pump up the rear delts and the medial delts actually and what you want to make sure you're doing with this is getting external rotation when you pull back right we're not just pulling back we're actually pulling back and getting external rotation so that the stress rolls onto the medial delt here so we're going to do two to three sets of this to warm up at the start of our workout probably like 15 to 20 reps and just pump it up and then get ready for the good stuff i'm so rich [Music] okay so two things you really want to make sure that you are doing or two tips for this exercise is when you're pulling back and doing that external rotation you want to end up with the rope kind of at your forehead not at your face right that's going to keep stress on the delts and then also one thing i really see with people is they're very rigid when they grab the rope right like they have really tight wrists and they want to keep the wrist like tight as they pull back but that doesn't feel good what you want to do is hold on to the rope like only as hard as you have to to not let go of it right you want to think like soft wrist so when you see me pulling back my wrist see how my wrist is bent my wrist is kind of like in line with the rope so i'm not like i'm not like holding it like trying to go like this i'm just letting it flow soft wrist right just kind of hook grip it and that's going to feel a lot better on your wrist and forearm because you shouldn't feel anything in your wrists and forearms with this it should be all in the delts you're also going to think when we're pulling back i'm trying to drive my elbows out this way right so i'm trying to drive my elbows out out out [Music] it's a great exercise to start with if you're somebody who says when you're doing side laterals you don't really feel your medial delts this is gonna light them up first so you're really gonna feel it when you jump in there okay okay guys so next up we're gonna do a superset for rear delts rear delts are something that everyone has as a lagging body part pretty much like i don't think anybody has rear delts that are too big right and usually the normal person in the gym they're lacking the rear delts so it's good to hit them first in the workouts that way you have energy to focus on them and you can really blow them up because when you just you know toss them in at the end of a shoulder workout you're really not getting that much out of it you're already exhausted you're kind of just like let's get this done so i can get out of the gym kind of thing but if you want good shoulders and you want your shoulder to look nice and full and nice and round and complete your physique especially when you're looking from the back you want rear delts right so we're gonna do this super set we're doing prone incline bench dumbbell rear delt flies so we're doing the full fly the full fly motion all the way out right like you normally would but what we're going to do is we're going to superset those with rear delt swings right so same thing prone incline bench face down but what we're going to do is after we exhaust the rear delt doing the normal dumbbell flies we're going to grab a really heavy dumbbell so i'm going to do 20s for my normal rear delt flies and then go to like a 50 and 60 for the rear delt swing and what you're going to see is very slow motion and really all we're doing is this end range this sorry this beginning range so it's just a swing because when it's super heavy you can't even get it that far out right but the whole purpose of this is when you're doing the rear delt fly right when you're hanging straight down the force here that you're going against is gravity right so there's there's really no stress here so this first half of the movement when you're doing a rear delt fly there's not a lot going on so even though you can fail out here right you still have a lot of work in here that you can do right but if i just try and do that with the 20 pound dumbbells i'm going to be going like this for days so what you do is hop off grab a really heavy dumbbell and then do a short range of motion and then fully fatigue the muscle of the of its entirety right instead of just fatiguing the muscle in one range of the exercise right so i'm going to show you guys what that looks like we're going to do three sets here the rear delt flies we're going to be about 12 to 15 reps and then when i go on to do the rear delt swings it's going to be like 8 to 10 reps maybe and it's really slow and i'm just exhausting it right it might it might look a little funny but if you guys try this and do it properly you're going to be like damn son i'm making some gains right now [Music] okay uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] doesn't look like a lot at the end there but after you do the rear delt flies properly and you fatigue them that just smokes you guys you're gonna feel it you're gonna feel the blood rushing to your rear delts great superset you guys need to try okay guys next up side lateral raises the king of all shoulder exercises when you look at the shoulder what do you think you think the outside of the shoulder right that's the lateral delts so to smash those lateral delts we're going to do dumbbell side laterals personally one of my favorite exercises really blows things up what we're going to do today is four sets and then every set is going to be a drop set right so the first set we're going to get to something around maybe like 10 to 12 reps and then we're going to cut that weight in half and do a drop set so we're gonna do that four times guys like i said shoulders lots of volume we're just gonna blow them up get them nice and full of blood make them nice and round and they're gonna grow drop set always very strict cutting the weight in half just pump them up okay so i'll give you guys a little breakdown on the form of how i execute these you can see i'm not going right out to the side with the side ladder right some people they do side laterals and they take it too literally and they just go right out to here right or they pull backwards even like this rotate back and pull backwards like that my arm travels on a little bit of a frontal plane here so we're going to the front just a little bit like that it lines up the actual muscle fibers of the lateral delt properly when you go like this right if you're going right out to the side and leaning back what you're actually doing is rotating backwards and now you're putting the anterior delt fibers in line with where you're raising it right so you're not actually working the correct area of the shoulder that you want to be working and then also guys when you're pushing to the front like this you actually can't pull back right and so one issue when people are doing shoulders and they're training uh lateral raises in general is they say oh i really feel it in my traps right i'm doing lateral raises i feel it in my traps it's killing me well what you guys are doing is actually going a probably too heavy on the raises and then also you're pulling right out to the side and back so what you're doing is this and you're using your traps to pull backwards right when you push to the front and you go forward like this you can't use your traps it's impossible to pull back and push forward at the same time right so that's a trick for you guys instead of going right out to the side just go out to the side but forward a little bit right i think kind of like a 45 degree angle right so if this is straight in front this is straight to the side i'm somewhere in here and you're gonna be [Music] good oh come on oh oh man need a towel get sweaty okay guys so we got shoulder press up next this is mainly working for the anterior delts the front delts going to fill in this area the front of your shoulder since this is a compound exercise we're going to be working up to quite a heavy weight right so when you come into this i'm just going to share how it would warm up for an exercise like this and actually get in the groove because you know say i'm going to shoulder press hundred pound dumbbells i'm not just going to come in on the first set and do 100 pound dumbbells right you're going to injure yourself it's not going to feel good you're not in the groove so what we do is something called acclimation sets really like that's just a name for them that's what i call them you can call them warm-up sets whatever but basically the premise of it is i'm going to come in and i'm going to do a set of maybe a really light weight maybe 40 pounds right but i'm going to do 10 reps right 40 pounds is not going to fatigue me at all at 10 reps right like the the purpose of these sets building your way up to that top set is not to fatigue yourself you shouldn't be getting anywhere near failure it's just handling a bit more weight each time so you can get in that rhythm and you can feel the weight and your body can acclimate to that weight so i might start with uh 40 pounds for 10 reps right i might jump to 60 but with 60 i might only do like six reps right i'll go to 80 and i'll do maybe like two to four reps right i'll go to 100 and then that's going to be my working set so you can see i've gotten up to 100 pounds my body is comfortable my body is warmed up i've done a lot of uh reps leading up to it so i know how it feels i feel like i'm in a good groove i'm confident right but i haven't fatigued myself building up to that top set right if i was going to do like you know 40 for 10 reps 60 for 10 reps 80 for 10 reps and then try and do a hundreds i wouldn't be able to perform as well when i get to those hundreds right and really the sets that matter when you're doing a compound exercise are those top sets the top sets that you're going to try and move as much weight as possible with great form and great tension and get as close to failure as possible on that exercise right so you want to save up your energy for those sets that really count and you don't want to burn out with the warm-up sense [Music] right [Music] so now we're gonna go to 80s we're probably only going to do like two to four reps see how it feels and then that will allow me to gauge how much weight i want to do for my top set and like i explained you guys at the start of this video um i'm not trying to go super hard with training right now i'm just trying to get in have a good workout let my body recover um feel good right so i might not go as intense or low with the reps today i'm probably going to aim for around 10 reps for my top set but we'll still be pretty heavy we'll still be 100 pounds um just explaining that to you so let's grab the 80s and warm up [Music] so 80 felt pretty good um not too heavy felt like i was in good groove there i think i did about three reps so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to 90s and i'm going to do a working set at 90 right say i bang out like 12 15 reps with 90 and it's a little bit too light then what i'll do is the next set i'll just go a little bit heavier right not a big deal you get questions about the elbow sleeves all the time guys it's really for nothing other than a tiny tiny bit of support um and it keeps the elbows warm right that's all it is to be honest it's more of a mental thing for me it just feels good to have them on um might take a little bit of pressure off the elbows but yeah just a mental thing and you know if it works for you it's placebo it works feels good okay oh okay oh not bad about 12 reps so what i'll do is probably won't go up and wait there but i'll do another set of that probably get 10 reps and that'll be a good amount of volume with some heavy weight for my presses today oh so guys next up we're gonna do cable side laterals single arm this is great exercise again for the lateral delts it's such a big part of your shoulder right such an important part of your shoulder for getting that growth and getting that width so we want to make sure that we do two exercises for that in a workout and the cable side lateral really complements the dumbbell side lateral that we did earlier right so if you think about the dumbbells uh what the force is that we're pushing against is gravity right so when you're holding dumbbells here at your sides there's really nothing going on right so that's when the muscle is in a lengthened position right as you push out and up the muscle shortens but the weight also gets heavier so really when you're doing a side lateral with dumbbells you're really only fatiguing this upper range this shortened range of the muscle right so there's still lots of stuff down here where you're not really fatigued at all right when you come to the cable side lateral it's the opposite right so you can set up personally i like to go a little bit behind the back setup doesn't matter you can go kind of through the legs you can go forward whatever feels best for you but the whole point is when you're in this position here you're leaning forward about right here when the cable is 90 degrees to your arm that's when you're going to be at the peak amount of resistance in this exercise right so that's at the bottom when we're in more of a lengthened range which is what we didn't fatigue over there so basically what we didn't do over there with the dumbbell side laterals we're getting done now with the cable side laterals right that's why it's a good pair to have in [Music] there [Music] okay guys we're gonna do three sets here i like higher reps for these cable side laterals it's an isolation exercise there's really no point trying to go anything below maybe like 10 or 12 reps with these i'm gonna go 12 to 15 reps again just pump it up it's hitting another angle it's hitting another length of the muscle and we're really just pumping it up hitting it from all angles blasting the shoulders and filling them up [Music] got a little bit going on i don't know doing something right i guess all right we're gonna finish up with an underhand easy bar front raise on the cable stack so one thing that i see people do with front raises that's completely wrong is the positioning of their arm right a front raise typically you're trying to hit your anterior delt right which is the front of your shoulder right but when people do front raises a lot of time they like to go overhand like this but what happens when you go overhand right you go like this now look what muscle is on top resisting gravity right it's not my anterior delt which is over here it's my lateral delt so if you're doing front raises overhand like this you're actually training your lateral delt you're not really training your anterior your front delt so like it's not a bad thing but you you if you want to train the front delt you should train the front delt and not the lateral down right so what i'm gonna do is either an underhand grip like this or if i had dumbbells i would do more of like a hammer grip you still have this anterior delt on top but uh with the underhand ez bar cable i feel really good i feel it right in this front part and you can see even when i go like this it's just sticking out right there right it's ready it's ready to do the work man again cables isolation i'm gonna go a little bit higher reps probably like 12 to 15 reps [Music] oh oh [Music] oh okay smoke okay guys that's a wrap on the shoulder workout today got a really good pump got some good work in i think you guys are gonna like some of the tips and tricks that i dropped here um you know we're gonna be coming out with this content on a weekly basis guys so down in the comments definitely make sure to give us some feedback on the videos what you guys like about it uh what you guys want to see from it you know you can follow me on instagram at json or scorestevens and just be sure to show some love guys like i said i'm doing this content for you guys i don't have to put out content but you know i enjoy doing it and i know that a lot of people are going to benefit from it so i'm willing to invest but just show some love you know like comment share subscribe all that good stuff help out with the algorithms and we'll catch you next week
Channel: Jase Stevens
Views: 479
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: 9XgzvqRb-oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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