Body-Swapping in Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode

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hello my friends and welcome back today we are talking about body swap which is a very specific DF hack command that works in adventure mode to switch your player character with any other living thing uh at a moment's notice it is a little tricky to set up you're going to see in this footage I'm going to switch between my classic grle man I'm going to move into the body of a crab I'm going to quickly get disappointed with the body of a crab and then hack the crab stats up so that I can move quickly enough we're then going to move across a mountain and uh you know some hillsides some things like that uh find the body of an elf which we'll be much happier with and then from there once we have the body of an elf we will ironically change back into the body of a bird thus giving us flight again and returning us almost as good as we were it'll never be as good as graman graman has wings and he has arms I really I haven't used body swap successfully off of him only because he's the best he's the best and there's nothing else that's as as dynamic as hacked Superman grle creature but that being said we've already switched into the crab it's a very simple command in DF hack it's body swap the main challenge that you're going to run into is actually selecting another creature in the way that the um that the command is going to recognize and how you want to do that is you're going to use look that'll give you a keyboard a keyboard cursor that's a little hard to say a keyboard cursor uh you can then use that to Center on any other creature and then from there you actually have to select them again you'll know that you have them selected when it's showing their character sheet um when it's saying like this is uh when it's when it's listing their skills you will know that you're in the right place and then from there you just hit body Swap and you will change into that other creature uh thank you a few people recommended this as a fun DF hack command I'm going to especially give credit to I'm hacking right now I'm hacking my crab stats all the way up if you uh want to you know slow down this video and Rewind it and see how I did that as well also a very easy and DF hack I've talked about that in other videos um hack any creature to make it super super strong but so I hack my crab so it can climb this mountain and find something else that I can body swap into uh what was I saying oh a few people recommended this as a as a fun command I do want to especially thank saltwater aquafer uh one of my oldest and most respected commenters because they specifically mentioned it to me twice and I did forget the first time so twice is how long it takes before I actually get a message so thank you for that um but body swap is really fun the way that saltwater uh recommend playing it the way that that that they enjoyed this was anytime that a creature killed their main character they would then body swap to the Killer and live as the killer until something killed that and that was like a really organic way to seal here the crab has now invaded this Hut of sleeping elves and we are now choosing which elf we wish we wish to claim the body of uh and we body Swap and we become an elf by then we become a bird just because we want to fly again and that's pretty understandable honestly flight it turns out to be so critical in adventure mode um but oh so this was interesting when I switched to the elf I was not initially able to uh wake him up because I had body swapped to him while he was asleep so I had to wait for him to naturally wake up in the morning it seems like but now here we go I'm I'm running through the woods as an elf to find something else uh if you search in DF hack just start typing in body swap you'll find this command like I said the main challenge is to find the actual find how to take your cursor and select another creature uh in your UI but you can do that with a look command pretty easily and um it didn't take me too long to figure out right here you're seeing the elf I'm getting stuck because I can't fly and I miss being able to fly um and also you know I haven't trained up this elf he's not ready he's not ready like my hacked crab or Birdman are uh but this is a really interesting thing I know I I found a vault which is one of the procedurally generated you know Adventure dungeons that you can check out in adventure mode mode and I turned into like a a blind cave weasel man which was also not as good as my GRL man honestly the Birdman is is the height of evolution in this game here you go so I'm I just body swap to a bird so I can fly again there you see I take off in the air uh I think after this I'm probably going to like the only thing I haven't explored is maybe the deep sea so maybe I if I can find like an undead whale or some kind of interesting zombie uh fish creature I can really um explore some haunted Seas or something which is you know the only the final exploration we've actually switched footage over so this is the bonus if you made it this far uh I've also been playing Advent uh Fortress mode again I almost forgot how to say Fortress mode because it's been so long uh but the premise of this one is land of the giant Lost World everything in this game is very agitated so the way it works with savagery is with like very very high savagery animals would get agitated and come at you if you disturb nature they're kind of like elves where if like like trees go down or anything it'll bother them so this game is constant constant giant animals constantly attacking I think I saved this footage cuz it's quite interesting what we do is we end up like hunting all these giant birds and also trading simultaneously so like you know there's people fending off these giant birds that are dive bombing and you know scooping up oh so you'll see as well that a bunch of um my Fortress guys get stuck in trees because the the birds drag them up into trees and then leave them there and they can't get back down so ended up making step ladders and trying to save some of these we're following a bird right now a giant uh a giant agitated masked love bird and um this one has been challenging we've definitely had a lot of dead we've had a lot of um you know we've had to make a lot of gravestones to keep the ghost down I'm saving as total giant agitation continues I ended up actually sealing this Fortress off and just dealing with the cave instead because the surface is so full of agitated Giants but we've been doing okay um as you can see we're Sometimes using DF hack using a fast dwarf and using things like that uh to give us ourselves an edge but okay this is my question and let me just take a sip my question to all you and by the way this is one of my one take videos which I haven't done in a while let me know if the editing or the one take is better I feel like my flow is a little better on the one takes but I definitely the editing I get more to the point more to that end let me get to the point here oh I do remember so I wanted to ask everybody so it turns out that this environment constantly spawns agitated giant things and that's fine because that we have a cage trap system we have well- trained soldiers and we can we have a pit so we can pit animals and and get rid of them as we need to to clear up cages and keep the cycle going but so many of them are flying creatures that the pit doesn't work and so I think I have to build like a drowning room I have to and then get the stockpile so that all the birds end up in this room and then the room floods and then we can clear these corpses I don't know I mean could we train them is it worth trying to train a giant agitated Bird please leave in the comments if you have any experience with that I'm not even too familiar with how animal training works except that you can eventually train a caged animal and then sell it as some kind of domesticated I'm not even really sure but giant I have a giant bird problem is my point I have this big giant bird problem um and they're filling up cages and I can't even pit them I can't even process them for meat normally cuz soon as you let them go they're at full efficiency they're going they're flying around they're eating the children it's a it's a real problem you see see the menu I'm pulling up now uh a million agitated giant loret this is giant Albatross above that uh giant love birds I was showing just before that but so yeah that's everybody that's everything I wanted to show everybody just real quick the body swap thing is really cool it's a great way to learn Adventure Mode even more intimately there's no way to lose cuz you can always body swap to something else and really learn how every single creature Works in this game uh if you want to and you know like I said possess a bird if you want to fly possess a fish if you want to swim like really really check out your map uh from the perspective of any living animal body it's just body swap just typeing in um DF hack for adventure mode and uh it should work if if you're doing it correctly I don't know that's easier said than done and the other thing was just show you my land of the Giants lost world show you all these giant Birds um and how we are dealing with it and it's quite funny and quite quite brutal everyone the dying the I the other thing was that you know I posted some NOA content and some fear and hunger content and you know I'm branching out into other things but I did want you know the core fans I know I know where my fans are they want Dwarf Fortress so don't don't you ever worry I'm always going to have a Dwarf Fortress Game on the on the stove for you anytime you check in I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore but I am still playing Dwarf Fortress and uh you don't have to worry about that I will be updated as soon and you know as soon as uh we get Adventure mode in Steam I'm going to be heavy on that so again I'm rambling I don't know what I'm talking about I think I'm running out of footage if you made it this far don't forget to like subscribe leave a comment I I really shouldn't do the one take videos they always turn out rougher but um maybe more authentic all right goodbye I'm sorry if this wasted anyone's time okay goodbye thank you everybody goodbye
Channel: SSBU Replay Depository
Views: 236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Iuh36PPpby0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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