My 9 Favorite DFHack Commands | Dwarf Fortress

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hello everybody and welcome back to another video about your Fortress or more specifically a video about Dwarf Fortress hack now this is something I don't generally cover on this channel as it's something I try to avoid using myself however regardless of how much I use or don't use DF hack there are a few commands I do quite like using and sometimes need to use but before we dive into the video itself I want to talk a little bit about what DF hack is DF hack is a piece of software that runs concurrently with Dwarf Fortress it can be downloaded on Steam if you're using the steam version or separately if you're using the version now DF hack when you have it downloaded on Steam and you're running the steam version assuming the two versions are compatible when you launch the steam version of Dwarf Fortress it automatically launches DF hack in the background if you hit tilde on the keyboard it pops up this lovely screen this lovely screen here gives you a full list of commands and these commands can be tweaked and messed with to your heart's desire now there are some commands and tools and things that will happen automatically if DF hack is running however my favorite command before I dive into the list of commands that I like using is this disable overlay now disable overlay simply removes the vast majority of its functionality allowing you to have a vanilla experience with Dwarf Fortress while the F hack is still running it also removes the pesky icon in the corner so let's dive into my favorite commands to use in DF hack full heel or full hyphen heel is very useful when there is a creature that is damaged that you just really want them to heal and get back to the thing that they're doing let's just say it's maybe your favorite dwarf in the Fortress and you're like no I don't want this dwarf to die or something else has happened full heal can be quite useful for this or alternatively if something messy is going on in your hospital and you just have one door for the bad back and nobody wants to like fix him or move him to this thing you can just fix it and sometimes that is a godsend that you need to get through a frustrating or completely unfun situation into our Fortress the next one here is auto dump Auto dump allows you to instantly gather or destroy items marked for dumping so essentially if you decide man I I really can't get rid of all of the clothing in this Fortress or there is just too much garbage everywhere or oh my God what am I gonna do with this pile of bodies using this command Auto dump you can simply delete them all if it's if you're in a situation where you just really want them gone this might be the command for you next on my list is quick save now some of you might often find yourselves saving every quarter or alternatively constantly using the save to exit or using the save and continue playing function which then creates a hard Save which you don't always want into our Fortress quick save allows you to have the seasonal save whenever you want it so just type in quick save and the game will save and you can just keep playing it's it's that simple next on my list is clean so clean allows you to clean everything there are several variations of clean such as spot clean clean own clean const and cleaners but clean is just very useful because it allows you to Simply Clean a lot of gunk out of the area say there's a lot of blood or a lot of dirt or a lot of mud everywhere this is a very quick way to get rid of things and if you spot clean it only cleans what's under your mouse which is also very helpful so say you suddenly need an area cleaned this is the best way to do that the next one is fix Civil War now you might wonder why would I need this well let's just say your faction isn't trading with you and then you go to the world screen and you select your civilization and then you see that your home faction is exporting Terror this means that you've ended up in a situation where your own faction is at war with you this can't be fixed in the game normally however with the use of the fixed Civil War command it'll just be gone and then dwarves will go back to trading with you as normal probably the most egregious bugs that is only fixable with DF hack is the Civil War bug and this is the easiest way to get rid of it the next on my list is exterminate now exterminate is extremely useful let's just say your frame rate is randomly disappeared and you're like man what's going on and then you type in the exterminate command and press enter and you see there's 280 all men in Cavern 2. well that just won't do the exterminant command allows you to quickly get rid of a huge group of units at once if for some reason they are glotting up your FPS and you just can't be asked to go in there and kill them I am quite uh guilty I guess of using exterminate to fix frame rate in the past in my fortresses and exterminate is a particularly useful one use it sparingly as it is very much just straight up cheating but can be very helpful at times on the topic of frame rate the last one on my list is extinguish now extinguish is exactly what it says on the tin it makes a game think it's raining everywhere so when you use the extinguish command everything fire related vanishes from the map immediately it's extremely useful and damn near a lifesaver if you ask me extinguish is possibly my most used DF hat command because let's be honest when a forgotten Beast breathes fire into a room and then your frame rate goes down to one because your dwarves can't cross the walkway it's just a no-brainer just extinguish it one other command people wanted me to mention for this video is auto butcher I don't personally use Auto butcher itself but it does allow you to automate the butchering process of animals if you find that portion of the game tedious thank you very much for watching this video if you'd like to see more videos like it you can uh check out this YouTube channel where there's more Dwarf Fortress content than you can reasonably watch in a lifetime and I also have a second Channel which is blind extras where my vods appear for my twitch streams thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you in the next one and of course if you have a favorite DF hat command leave it down beneath this video and if you really want to help this video slap a like on it it hurts me inside to say that foreign [Music]
Channel: Blind
Views: 8,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goblin Ambush, dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress playthrough, dwarf fortess graphics, dwarf fortress kitfox, procedural generation, world building, dwarf fortress tutorial, adventure mode, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress steam, indie games, dwarf fortress reclaim, dwarf fortress expariment, dwarf fortress 2023, My 9 Favorite DFHack Commands, dfhack, dfhack commands, dfhack tutorial, dfhack help
Id: 05K99XZoIm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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