Building a Strong Military - Dwarf Fortress - Military Guide

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foreign [Applause] games welcome to another Dwarf Fortress tutorial today we're going to be talking about military kind of setting up squads making a Barracks um all of that fun stuff so as you guys can see here I have my Barracks uh this one's a little funky because I didn't make it correctly um this one right here if you want to know the size of it it is a 10 by 12. uh Square 10 by 12 square and then I just took the I think this two yep the two out of the middle made the path out of my hallway here you don't have to have flooring or walls I prefer them just to look a bit nicer because as you can see this is a uh clay floor so this fungus grows and I just prefer the look of the stone floor in a Barracks so this is a 10 by 12 area and inside here there is a couple components that you need for your beards number one enough beds for your soldiers each Squad can have ten that's why I made it a 10 by 12 that way I could just lay beds across this back row I can put 10 armor stands every dwarf needs an armor stand and every dwarf needs a weapon rack also um so you have 10 armor stands and 10 weapon rats lining the outsides you also need your offers or any type of wooden box or anything like that so as you can see there's five here five here that makes ten one for each dwarf and then I have stockpiles up here you don't need to have stockpiles here I prefer to have them because it makes it a lot easier for my dwarves to get uh food to put in their backpacks and also drinks to put in their flasks or water skins just to do this this is I believe the food you would go to custom hit food hit prepared meals your dwarves your military dwarves will only carry prepared meals with them so that is the only one you need to select and then right here this is your drinks it is pretty simple set up a drink one food drink plants you could do drink animals also um but I don't think you can get ale from animals so no you can't I'm in Mead I guess that does count as a alcohol so yeah that's how I set up my barracks and then all you would do is go come to your zoning you click barracks select it and then once it is selected you'll see this little menu and you could click this little Banner squat thing and tell them that they can sleep train and store their weapons and uh individual equipment here in the barracks now so the weapons and equipment would be your armor stands and also your weapon racks your uh regular inventory would be the regular boxes your coffers or wooden chests anything like that training you just need an open space and it really doesn't need to be open either and then your beds obviously you need enough to sleep in so that is how you set up a Barracks like I said this one's a little funky because it's one short and I did not catch it until afterwards but this is how I usually set up my bear save a nice open place to um train they have enough stuff to store their inventory and their armor and weapons and then they can sleep here also when you're looking at the squad menu over here on the right there's a couple options you have you can select them and give them orders so this is an attack so you would click this then click on a enemy or a hostile threat or anything like that and they will immediately gear up and go attack this green arrow is your station order so if I click this and then I click in this room my archers will move into this room and just stand there they will leave if they need to eat sleep or drink that is why it is important to have backpacks and flasks or water skins that way they don't have to leave their station to drink or eat um you can also have the prepared meals ready for them um so also your Patrol order trolls are a very interesting thing so if you see here I can create a new route I can tell my person that I want you to start in the barracks come out to the hallway take this turn come into this barracks and that's all I want you to do and they will just make a square they will just keep going up and down in here and that's all they'll do all day um so I do not want them doing that so the next one would be assigned bro defense order so they will Patrol the burrow and any hostile creatures obviously your burrow is right here I need to repaint mine I have not since I started um here's your burrow so my dwarves will walk around all of these areas that are highlighted and just kind of Patrol attack anything that happens inside uh but that is another option it's a it's a bit more complicated than patrolling or stationing your people but it does work next you have your training order uh so that would just tell them hey GO train right now this is all you're doing go into your barracks and train um this red is your cancel button don't hit this x this x deletes whatever you have selected so you will lose the squad obviously you can just remake it but it's a pain so don't hit the red X only hit that little circle one your next options uh so you have your leader the name their order and what they're doing at the moment their routine you can set the routine by clicking them and then going to schedule off-duty means they're not doing any training they're going to do their regular day-to-day life stuff monthly orders means they will get together uh one month out of the season I believe and um they will train during that month constant training means they will do nothing but train they will not mine they will not uh go work in workshops nothing like that so we want them to have monthly orders ready means that they are not training they are not doing any day-to-day stuff all they are doing is gearing up and standing still and waiting for you to give them an order your next option is to view your squad so if you click this little dwarf face right here next to the feather this is your squad um this is all of the people that are in your squad I have a mercenary in here as you can see this is a human mercenary that came to my Tavern and decided he went to Soldier for me and he is a Marx Mark's human I guess I almost said Mark's dwarf he's not but yeah you can't have people like this he'll show up with his own armor and gear don't have to worry about him he will eat your food and drink your ale but that is as far as you need to stock up for him and yeah that is that is your squad you can click him like if I click him I can choose somebody to replace him uh the no relevant skills you can work on this uh the more they train they will start dabbling then they will become competent and all that and then they'll become you know hopefully if they train enough legendary marks dorms or whatever so we've talked about the roster we've talked about all of your orders your scheduling the next thing we got to talk about is equipping your soldiers um this is a bit complicated so if I go here you can see that these are green and these are yellow and you may be like I don't know what I'm looking at and then if you look at like my Marx dwarfs here there's a lot of red and you're like I don't know how to tell my people how to grab stuff I don't know how to I don't know what the yellows or greens mean and I'll let me explain all these for you so when you're looking at this uh yellow means that they have the item on or available [Music] um green means that that is claimed by them so if we look at Zahn here who is my leader of the Flyers of ringing my melee Squad if I click this little magnifying glass I forgot the word for it for a second if I click the magnifying glass and I go to items now you saw his he was yellow across four and except for his weapon and his um shield and everything his weapon and shield he has this steel war hammer and an iron shield what happened was he became attached to these and he is like claimed by him this is his weapon nobody's gonna pick up this weapon when he won't leave this weapon um so when you are looking at this you're like okay he's became attached to the weapon his chest piece and his helmet okay yeah so if we look at these guys um these guys have these things attached to them uh these are their pieces of equipment these yellows uh doesn't mean that they're not equipped um that means they're available but they may not be equipped uh so like if we went to lickets and look to her as you can see she's not wearing any of her armor now if I told them get ready she's gonna go put that armor on and she'll be ready to go she'll she'll replace all of her clothing with that so we go to equipment and we just want the melee and we go to uh the assign or add uniforms they already signed my melee geared um this is a custom one that I made the irregular ones melee or metal armor and I'm going to show you guys how to make a custom uniform because I need to make one for my archers so as you can see my Archer Squad is out of whack um and the reason this is is because I told them to assign uniform and just clicked Archer I don't know exactly I think this is like leather armor and stuff I want my arches in metal it does slow them down but it offers a lot more protection and if they get into a fist fight you know it does help we're going to go to Ed uniform now this is we're gonna go uh [Music] metal Archer so that is going to be the name of our unit now we're going to go to bodywear and we want we could do male shirts and you can all you can assign them multiple things so I can tell them hey you can wear a male shirt or you can wear a breastplate we're going to give them an option for the bodyware now you do have to come over here to material and color material for the male shirt metal color any color same thing with breastplate metal any color now I'm going to go to headwear I want to wear Helms or caps I'm going to do the exact same thing metal any colors on these leg wear I create leggings and grease so we're going to do the exact same thing metal and any color for the pants now handwear uh gauntlets are cool with me we're going to go metal any color Footwear I just like clicking Footwear wear any type of Footwear make it metal and any color new shields uh archers can carry Shields um it does not affect the the weight of The Shield is the only thing that affects the speed of your Archer but the material or having a shield in general will not affect your accuracy of the Archer so I do like to carry Shields with Marge so we're going to Shields and bucklers metal any color then we're going to go to new weapon now this is interesting because if you just want crossbows you can click that if you just want bows you can click that but you can do individual Choice melee weapon or individual Choice weapon or melee or range so you can tell them hey if you are in the squad and you would rather shoot a crossbow you can or you could shoot a short sword or carry a short sword and that would be individual Choice weapon so I don't want that this is my Archer Squad I already have a melee Squad so I want individual Choice range so whichever they prefer out of a range thing like crossbows bows um thin cross but whatever whatever we have that they prefer the most they will pick it up so we're gonna go individual individual Choice ranged and see this has no options so they will pick up a wooden crossbow or an iron crossbow if they pick up a wooden crossbow and you have iron ones available you can just click update equipment and they will upgrade their wooden one to an iron one if there's one available if that makes sense so now we're not done here yet so this is the suit of armor that they'll wear the shield and their weapons next we want to do there's an option right here that says uniform worn over clothing I like to do uniform replaces clothing just so that they are wearing their gear partial match is okay which would mean that like if you don't have like a metal shield you can go pick up a wooden one or if you don't have metal leggings you know leather may work or something like that that's fine with me for Archers I'm not too worried about it um you can do exact matches only so they will only wear metal breastplates metal metal shirts they will not touch anything else if it is not available um but I am fine with the partial matches are okay now we are going to go to confirm and save uniform now as you can see nothing has changed okay so we're gonna go to assign in form now metal Archer there we go okay so as you can see my archers are now equipping their gear um it's going to take them a second they have to like go into each individual box and grab the piece of gear that they are looking for so we'll just give them a second so like let's just take a look at one of these guys um like doseum here by click the magnifying glass as you can see they have an iron buckler doesn't look like they're wearing any of the other gear yet but they are wearing boots I may not have any high or iron boots or anything so they are wearing looks like wood boots they did equip a quiver they did grab some bolts they did grab you know a backpack and a water skin so that is looking really good right now so now we just need to go in and make sure that we are crafting more iron armor for these guys uh more bolts because it looks a couple of them haven't picked them up yet looks like we may need another backpack also so enot our leader here has an iron cap the boots one Gauntlet um Iron Greaves a breastplate and a shield along with their crossbow so yeah that is how you set up a custom thing I'm going to have to work through here and make sure that everybody gets some gear because it looks like I am missing a handful metal archers here are kind of struggling here but we're going to get this figured out that is how you create a custom uh uniform for Archers now you could do the same thing with melee the only difference would be that you change the individual Choice weapon from range to melee I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys helped or I helped you guys out I really appreciate you guys tuning in and if you want to check out any more guides or playthroughs on my channel they are all here this year already here just hit a like And subscribe I'd really helped me out a bunch I'm a new channel like I said so uh yeah I hope to see you guys in another video peace [Applause]
Channel: Kodster Games
Views: 3,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DF, guide, tutorial, how to, squad
Id: 58D4uaVjAvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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