Dwarf Fortress Tutorial [2020] - Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress

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let's talk about to a fortress I feel different material I've done actually a couple tutorials on this game I play I play a lot of door fortress as you as you all know there's one there's one type of video type of tutorial I've liked I've wanted to do for a long time something that is is something that held me off from getting into door fortress for a while was I I watched I just watched quit late teens way back in the day and I was wanting to play the game though it seemed amazing and it is an amazing game but one that always always held me off just the thoughts that you can't it was always this thought that you can't play to a fortress unless you go out and you get you get utilities for it so you can start the game up with lazy nuke Packer or master work or whatever which always seemed weird and I didn't like that idea I want to just download the game and play it and so that's kind of what we're gonna do today we're gonna do it's gonna be very basic I think that for into a fortress tutorial once you get to a point you know enough about the game then you can just use the DF wiki which I will put links below but that's a very important resource that you should but you must know but for the start it's a it's a very intimidating thing and I think the best way of getting over it is just just playing the game so that's what I'm try to do my attempt is to do that to explain that today so this course is livestream so those of you in chat if you if I go too quick I knew I play this a lot and I go quick a lot of times so fun all yell at me and I'll slow down a bit no too loud or I have feelings and if I see me missing something make sure you you point it that way and I will try to read or any things but yes this is vanilla Dwarf Fortress there's no utilities this there's nothing I do have I will have sound since playing which I'll explain later and how to do that just I really like sound sense so plan yeah yeah so but anyway let's go to the basics so I'll put a link below Bay 12 games on Commodores this is where you download a thing it's right here it's coming to steam and one steam comes out this video will be pointless but I figured probably I like based on previous updates we got probably at least a year until the steam version comes out so this will work for a little while anyway okay so we're building windows of course you know you know how downloading things works so you don't know what you want and then it pops up wake wherever you want to put it I have many many different versions of - a fortress in my in my my library so do you have 20 20 what we got here all right and we get some lovely music playing in the background no we're not just let's go down make that be quiet be quiet so I will also how to do this later on it is a utility which I'm not supposed be doing today but I'd like sound since a lot so I'm gonna play sound soon so I think I have it on my desktop here cuz I like using it there it is and I'll show how to put this in here because it's it's quite handy to have this in just those little sounds just to make things work kind of nice and restream is still spamming lots of things why restream pots stop it I may have to break that thing's gonna be a little bit weird alright so we aren't to a fortress so what do we do first the big the big thing is we gotta build ourselves the world when I first played this I try to think back and whenever I first place which was it's five or six years ago five years ago I was able to get to the point of building a world and and choose him a caravan and getting set out and then I got to the point of of what we do now that's the big question so let's build a Warfel world first we're gonna create a new world and we're gonna do this again where we're just going to be that's all Mike like the auto hosters we're gonna do basic stuff so this is an alpha yeah yeah yeah escape you understand I'm gonna keep it just a small world and everything on medium this is you can adjust this later on but it's fine how it is we're going to hit y1 big part of this game is anytime you have any question that what to do there's always there's always things telling you cuz oh the keys are always there it's just a little bit weird but we're going to build ourselves a world and we let it develop now this is one of the best this is a thing where my favorite parts of the game in this part we are building you know all the different empires and and and roads are being built and empires are falling and rising and Dragons are ruing in people's lives and people are being stolen and one of the big parts of this game being intimidating is just all the depth that is in there you think of like rim world on lots of steroids I guess but you know while you're playing you could have I don't know some dwarf comes in whose wife was abducted by some Giants that's that know that he went out previously they go try to find and and killed all this stuff is built in here obviously and so it's pretty much but what I keep things loose a little bit well lifting developed s medium is 150 years I think so we can cancel us at any time but he escaped and just stopping the the rant the building here but we're building our world where we're adding it all you know all this all this stuff as well as all the civilizations and all the all the Empire's building all the kings rising and falling and everything and you can see each of these we can zoom well we can hit let's say this is enough 165 plenty let's hit escape ok done now we can zoom in here we can use our arrow keys and see what we've got all these eyes over here we've got a human tower we've got a bunch of monasteries around all these these eyes here our elven forest retreats we hate the elves we hate we despise the elves more elves over here a very big oven for searching all the Omega symbols are dwarf fortresses this is who you are these are the good guys we've got some human towns around probably yeah that will plus sign up here this is a human town you see the road driving to another human town over here there's a tomb right in there not know all these things but it's nice to know some things the purple stuff is bad so doc goblin pits don't build in scary goblin lands best tip I think there probably is we've got a dark goblin fortune she can see what I'm I'm just sort of Marikina round and showing what we've got called moon fortress they probably own these purple lands as well yeah goblin pits and we've got a little road over there running around yeah my fears are the worst we've got a volcano over here volcanoes are always exciting everyone loves a good volcano these little little red notches where I just build a little you can average fortress into him in the mountain somewhere we'll figure it out but this is fine this world is done everything's good let's go ahead and use you use as well as it's currently existence and we can look at things again if we want but I'm quite happy we see everything is named of course all the different biomes and all the mountains are named this is the teeth of equity is the name of this mountain range excellent we want to enter to accept ok so over from Bob Ross it does that to me sometimes to it leaves Bob on there it's ok no one likes Bob but it's now we're finishing the world so now we have a choice do we want to go into fortress mode which is which is dwarf fortress basic usual you know need war fortress there's also adventure mode you can come in and you can be like a jacket doesn't drag it's kind of party running around killing and maiming and petting dogs now or whatever you want to do shouldn't you talk about what new player would want from a we're better yet you ever got that yet we'll get there so let's go and start playing finally so I'm gonna choose the bottom one I've been I did one before you should only have one of these if you haven't played yet and we go to test Tessa Fodor is the name of our our lands we went to a fortress modem we're gonna be building a fortress into the mountains we got seven dwarves with our picks and our axes and our hatred for every elf in the world okay now we need to pick our location so this is a big part as far as like a a beginner tutorial though it's my opinion that don't put a lot of effort into this hey how's it going just just find yourself a spot it doesn't really matter your first fortress is gonna collapse in no time the don't worry about finding the right spot cuz it's all gonna collapse and be terrible in no time I would recommend you have trees you want trees you that's not it's nice to have soil cuz yet to build you have to put mushrooms grow mushrooms in soil that's nice to have metals you know all that stuff nice to have but not important because your first fortress will certainly fall apart before then it is a good idea however to avoid aquifers aquifers are just annoying and we don't want auch for us hey Rev we also don't want purple stuff purple stuff Abed purple stuff is the evil we don't want evil stuff one we went friendly Mountain a home and I think we've got some mountains over here we got a road nearby we can zoom in you can see what I'm looking here I got a big map and I haven't even further zoomed out map over here I can scroll wheel and zoom a little closer if I want so yeah this is a point I should say your fortress will fall apart that's the point of the game bad things are gonna happen and everything will everything you don't you can't even imagine just how terrible everything's going to fall apart but it will guaranteed and so don't worry about find a good spot just find a spot that has some trees and we've got three different zones here we've got the world we have the region we have the local so you can see these squares here that's that's actually where we're gonna be building so I want to over here next these mountains next that stream that would be nice so we're gonna hit the keys which are right here Ek mhm right down here and we can scroll over okay let's go mine my biome over here these are oh this is mountain and this is forest or here isn't it so you can see these these these backwards J's are our forest land and this is the mountain and we have a river over there so big it'll bit above we can get forests on this side we get mountain over here we got a river on the on the east side yeah that works if you want to you can hit f1 2 or 3 and you see the different biomes so this is a biome of mountains now this is really that important just really just grab a spot but you can see there's the mountains there we've got a forested soil a tree spot over here and we've got down this way is more mountains on this side see where the XS are showing yeah there's this there's dirt on this side it's more to have dirt and trees are important so we'll have that over there so the problem everyone follow along all good avoid aquifers have trees all that matters don't build in purple ok there's three things got it got it so now we're hit embark this is where we're going to be sending our dwarves out seven dwarves into the mountains now um let's uh go old timey remember Oregon Trail you are uh you're charging off across the frontier you you've got your mountain homes we saw the mountain homes before were on the Omega signs were that's where we're coming from and we're setting a new fortress as well we're off to now the question is what do we want to bring with us do we want to go prepare carefully and run through the thing where you you you you bring your picks and your axes and your anvils and your cats and your dogs and your your-your-your beer or first timers beginners play now that's all we need to do enter to embark hey Finn Dale are you all right we have arrived at our new home as he said after journey from the mountain homes into the forbidding wilderness beyond your hearts Trek is finally ending your party of seven is to make an outpost for all the glory of key fishing boats dust you could have changed that later on but don't worry don't worry about it there are almost no supplies left but with stout labor comes sustenance whether my bolt plow or hook provide for your dwarves you're expecting a supply caravan just before winter and tombs you these are the dwarves we'll send those black caravan case we do something terrible but spray now have time to delve secure lodgings ere the alligators get hungry apparently there's alligators out there a new chapter of northern history begins here at this place the name of our fortress that's the Dwarven name and the common name is true bolt strike the earth yes of course okay so I remember the first time I played this game and I got through all that no problem I even I even went through the the organ trail part and I got my my supplies I have a pump helmets and I had my picks and I had my my axes I was ready to go and then this screen popped up and I'd watched quilt team play this game a lot and I was I was I was overwhelmed it's like what do I do now it's like quit so let me explain hey thanks for Olaf thank you very much so um here's what we do so what we're gonna right now is we've got our world map here this isn't a ski so some people think this is that there's a beauty to this others aren't so sure about that we've got any button we can do in the game is right here let's sit over this way and on the right side is sort of our our overworld map we can see we got like a river over here a swampy place swampy over there we got mountains over here and it's be a river on this side over on this side also thanks again roll of strike the earth that's right and dig too deep no don't dig too deep and then we're gonna hit tab so we ignore all this just when you start the game up hit tab twice okay so you know use tile sets no no burns this is no tile sets this is uh this is vanilla we're not downloading anything we're just playing the game all right so what are we looking at here so we can use the mouse wheel if it wasn't scroll in and scroll out let's do that so we can get a closer look here for the video but we've got bunch of little dwarves over here we know is it K and we can look around you or my exes so we got a blue dwarf over there there is zoom tier we go who's in my fish cleaner that's his job up here we've got us tooth our expedition we do this is our this is the guy who brought us on this expedition there's seven of us by the way we've got reduced the stone worker we have H is a horse this yellow thing here is our wagon that we brought in with with all kinds of supplies in the back of it and we've got there's yellow there's a yak Bowl who pulled this thing with us we've got T cross these are all our drawers hanging out here in this little Valley means I'm at again so um it's not really it's this game is his game is more intimidating by name I think than what it really is I'm scrolling around here I can hold shift and scroll faster just using arrow keys though but what what yellow star being blue spots Blues water green it's grass these little O's here are trunks so if we were to hit shift , or greater-than less-than goes up we're going up a level they're going up more levels and not more it's kind of hard to understand but if we go way up we zoom out all the way you can see a little more we go all the way up we can go back down again you can see the tops of the trees coming into view weeks ago me look further we've got a this is our like the it's not a plateau we've have here with a river running beside it up this way we can go down a bit further and we're on the level that we're on right now you can see this is underground right over here and more water this way and go down even further and it's all pretty much on the ground except for the water spots you can keep on going the light blue I guess is just sort of sky doesn't draw enough for that we have a bit of a peak down this way let me keep on going back you can't see what we're looking at here up and down up and down we're gonna figure out where we want to dig in though this is the most important part so the I think one thing about this game also that is a bit intimidating is it doesn't hold your hand for anything it doesn't like a lot of games to say you know okay first step build a build a town hall and then build a farm you know doesn't do any of that for you but you got to think you got a bunch of dwarves who are helpless we got to know what do we do we got to give them we got to give them a shelter and food and drink dwarves like to drink beer they don't need they don't lesson set they don't need water they drink beer those those the three things that's our most important we can always hit K don't keep looking around we can see like this is this yellow stuff over here to my exit this is its and right over this way these little triangles are Hills we've got a tree trunk right over there all these O's or tree trunks we've got some cherry oval clusters which is like a gym we like gems this blue stuff up here is microcline and that's all I see we can get and shift click and go friend go further what's down here what is this we've got some cobaltite we've got some quartzite just watch it ever comes of rocks if you played this game very much you will become a geology expert in no time alright so I guess the first thing we do is find our way into the mountain and there's a couple different ways of doing this I don't try to keep everything on on one z level just for this for purposes of this video of course you can do more more is it a waterfall right it's kind of you can see you even walk blue stuff coming in and then it dropped down a little bit well that's pretty sort of alright no not human type okay everyone follow me so far am I losing anybody I think we got it okay no I have to dig in we haven't pushed a button yet we're still paused we haven't anything yet let's do something so I prefer when you dig in you want to make sure you have at least you don't want like I fight dug in right here it would be underground but you don't wanna be one level of space I do that I do this a lot and I shouldn't you at least have a couple levels of space that way if someone Yanks out some plants or it knocks a tree over then you're gonna have a hole in your roof and you don't want that holes and rubes are bad because goblins like to walk in there or necromancer's so let's go find a spot we do have we can go up a level and we can see we've got a little bit of a hill over here so any interest of keeping things simple let's go let's go like right over here we can dig in right here and dig a tunnel straight over and it will be under this under this plateau here this little mountain that's right here you see a little mountain there you also see that much trees out here and this is this is all my mountain range we're looking at before so let's go and Mark some things out somebody hit escape and anything I want to do is listed over here so the there's a few keys that are very important and number one key is is D which is designate or all the myung things anytime you're digging into the dirt is and it's gonna be probably out of that so deep and then we're gonna go to where we wanted to go up which we can still scroll if we want to we're gonna go to like right over here I think and in this way so let me zoom in it back in here so right over here we go back down to that level where we want to dig in and we're gonna say right here we're gonna dig in like this so let's go we can hit we're gonna hit enter and it's gonna fill in the square wherever we hit enter again so there okay so that's been marked to be dug so somebody has to go grab himself a pickaxe and go work on that well we'll fix that in a second now we're gonna go in a little ways here and keep on going here and just fill that in so it'll be marked out we're all paused still something's gonna happen just yet and that is firmly underneath this this spot here I can go ahead and escape escape oops and now let's give him just escape wants to get back to this menu and hit spacebar and let him go so as you can see I don't think he's even doing anything no one's doing it oh yeah okay so sometimes they don't do things this guy is and come look at them hit K look at them so we have key book our miner is that running around doing that if we probably have two picks and so what we can do we're off to a good start mining is happening things are working but we come in here we can it V what is it what is V what's the view units that's what we want to do so we hit V we're come look at our doors so we've got Xun - you're here we can see what Sudhir is doing he's kind of good at fish cleaning and butchering and tanning he's kind of good at a few things but not really we got rock whose tears in a graver and a Mason so ruckus I have a job for you so ready hit P I'm gonna go into L for labor and we're gonna say Rock Oost I would like you to mine things so when he hit enter and highlight that so now we're crews have been given a job to go mine things no way he goes so we should be able follower couse he's gonna clean himself a pic and a way he should go there I think we just saw him there he goes you can see there he is there goes our coast busy man sorry busy wait to set workshops inside or you put some ones down outside yeah we can do a few outside as well but we're leave it as probably Oh ensign I suppose so mostly you guys aren't doing anything there's no any jobs for him yet another thing you want to do we're starting off by getting our home in the mountain home right we're tour if we go inside we're gonna go and we could talk these trees down we need wood so let's go and go back to D designate and then we bet T chop down trees like this and we can just same thing as we did digging boards gonna we're just gonna highlight something so he's my blinking spot there so from there to there I went all those trees chopped down so somebody hopefully we'll go grab up an axe and chop those things down and we hit a skate and in space and there goes the guy with the yellow he's gonna go do that now again if someone didn't do that we could we could force them to do it give him the woodchopper job if you want to see a kind of a grand overview of everything you can hit you is you show up here what is you you is radio unit list so we can see everything's in the world right now we got our seven dwarves we have a minor woodworker woodcutter stonework a recluse we gave him that job of digging he's doing that we've got keep crust our woodcutter is a talking trees down looks like booth took is already taken upon himself to go fish good job buddy we can use the arrow keys and scroll over we got pets we saw we saw our horse in our yak bowl before what we also have cats and dogs you may see the Seas running back and forth those are my cats we can keep going again we got some mountain goats this is what's out there in the map somewhere that don't it doesn't belong to us a couple mountain goats three mountain goats and then anything that has died nothing yet don't you worry we'll fill that up in no time if I'm gonna go kill some mountain goats you need them we can do that but not right now not right now okay so we've got wood coming in we've got a home being built a first priority right we went we went we went what's the word I'm looking for we want a house over our heads we want food and we want drink so let's mark a spot for water this water let me go ahead k and see is this and go down this is murky water it's all murky stuff yeah this is all stagnant water we're gonna swamp here I thought it was a forest somebody we're in a swamp avoid swamps however we do have water nearby over here there's a waterfall there mm a pretty look how pretty it is we have a brook so we can come up to this this level here you can see my Caravan is right down down this way so let's scroll over here just straight straight east and I'm gonna escape I'm gonna hit I I'm gonna mark out a zone what's I I is zones so we're neat pie and nothing nothing really here is new compared to for this new update obviously make sure we highlight a bunch of the water you can see that I've I've got some selected water source 62 which means we can hit W and select this as a water source so if you need water which isn't really you know that important we're thwarts but just in case for met for doctors or whatever they need water so we'll have that just to have it marked but more importantly we have a fishing spot which I will mark so they should be able to go over there and grab that as well if we want to make it a garbage dump we could toss our you know a trash in there too and let it take its way down the river sure like a dump to put make our dump is also where we throw our things away what seems fair seems safe all right so we've dug out our our intro wall here let's make something so what do we need we need shelter right that's the word we we need a place to put things so I don't wanna go I don't wanna go out here I'll make sure this is sort of the edge I want to make sure I'm under two levels of stuff this is all stone isn't it Michael Klim yeah starts to build in farming somewhere else but we'll dig this thing out and let's just say a stockpile for right now and we'll go put two spots there and we'll go like two spots over here and we'll set up a just a big square area here this will be stockpile and so all of our woods all that stuff can get tossed into there once they dig that thing as it's blinking means it's being worked on so dwarves if they've got the job they're running off to go do it not complete less it has a stockpile of bins and socks yep bins of socks for sure yeah that's tactic has are very good tutorial as well oh right don't forget pause watch for that pause thing like I just didn't do once we get that set up we got a stockpile and we need to wait some workshop the first thing is gonna probably make is you're still when you drink you need a from a still uni booze you need a food from your farm and beds right somewhere to sleep this is all basic stuff so since this is what is all this over here if you don't make a farm it kinda needs to be on dirt doesn't have to be but ideally these are chalk walls what should I do for my farm where's my farm be when farms to be on dirt somewhere you can make dirt but it's complicated so we're not gonna do it that way we could probably come up mmm what is this let's take a look at what is this micro client chock this is all stone so a lot of dirt out this way so close and keep playing that out and entries are sewing jump you can see I got logs these little dashes here a bunch of logs which you could course always it K and look at that way home and logs Sam pair logs persimmon logs I'm gonna put them into a pile we can do that we can just set up we're gonna stock piles let's go to P Sorrows make Mar that out because me will set up here in front right in front of fortress will go like that and we'll go that so we got a big square here this is a this is a stockpile of I did that wrong X if you want to cancel its that was an example of canceling things X in the next again it's gone we want to stockpile of wood which is W and then enter and then enter oh they cannot well analyze what was highlighted okay escape and then they should start grabbing all the wood and hauling it up there no they go hard work good dwarves very good tours hey ran how's it going yeah you know what once this thing hits steam we will probably not see any more a ski no I'm guessing they'll be a and a ski mode within steam you can't have to a fortress without a ski what are you wanted or not all right let's set up a food spot so I'm gonna put it which I put it I want to put it where there is sand or something that we will make sure we have like a dirt ground because it's kind of a pain to put farms where is not dirt so over here we got a bunch of sand this over here sand walls so when a they're done with that we're gonna have them dig out a little area here just a little notch and we'll come back this way we'll just have like a just a square there so we get some farms going we grow underground by the way which warps pom-poms on the ground once that stockpile gets done we'll move same like we did with our wood here we move all of our finished goods everything inside otherwise monkeys will steal it we hate we hate monkeys another thing we hurt more well not true so they only thing we hate more than elves but that's not true at all let's go and let's plant this thing out it kind of simple but I would like let's do like a main a main room here good market sing-off so again I went I went to D and then D again mine is already highlighted but if you need to get D a highlight it lowercase D to do that and we can come over here and we'll do something like that's let's make like a big like an entry room you know I mean if you're coming into this place it's got to be fancy make it kind of square otherwise chats gonna yell at me kind of square anyways it's hard to do with this way with this 1 2 3 right that's square 1 2 3 yeah yeah and then we make it look pretty free once and of course we don't have ugly fortress what are we elves something like thanks there we go yeah it looks nice doesn't it not really but she pretend I mean playing an update and the update offline to get the new stuff figured out son it's not most of new stuff probably won't get to you today but I kind of figured out I'm messin a little bit though things degrade is left outside like in room world I don't think so [Music] let's just pretend to understand this game it's all a designer I'm the same way anyone tells you they understand to a fortress online like foods and things they do rot for sure and body parts like a battle ax if you leave outside it's not gonna have any problems all right so we're busy digging really dig in maybe we're having a nap get to work you filthy dwarves we I'm gonna move my animals they're already hanging out here by the by the wagon we've haven't unloaded yet we're gonna set them over this way it's that building priority you'd be quiet' member we're gonna make my animals live out here this is the front of the fortress this only keep an eye an eye on them in case some since he comes over to mess with us Onan in front there's a lot of terrible things in the world they mention that things terrible things are gonna happen we're gonna get destroyed bad stuffs gonna happen so let's let's try to mitigate as much as we can we want we found some smoky quartz we want a spot here remember these sounds I'll tell you how to have it later make this little area here like animal land so just like we did with the fishing we're gonna go into AI and make a zone and we're instead of an animal zone so if you're something that seems make a big box here they can they can live on the on the wood logs it's fine that makes them happy and again we can go with pin and pasture we're a pasture our animals in here and then information we need it shift in use all that light up as I hit it shift in for capital in and tell what we want in here so dogs and cats we don't to have in there they can go run wherever they want to go but we can go we'll put our horse in there it will put our yak ball in there that way they'll at least be at the front so maybe they won't die quite as fast you like this thing is cleared out so we're gonna go ahead and stockpile some things so I'm gonna go to sorry P no things too quick P is stock piles their feet and we're gonna mark out same thing boxes of things so we're gonna select what kind of stockpile we want just like rimworld or whatever but we're gonna we're gonna put it in specific we want to be more custom we can do that but for an hour to keep it simple and we're gonna go put some finished goods gee chairs and tables and beds and all that I'm gonna throw those in right there so get a box of finished goods there it'll all get filled up doors were automatically will haul things it's no problem there the other big things gonna be furniture so throw some furniture in here I guess French over chairs and tables finish goods would be other things so furniture those are the two big ones there we can also throw in things like if we have any coins food or bars and blocks sheets all this stuff we can throw in here with Rowan's new sheets sure shift s we don't have any of those we'll throw a little stockpile there we may have a little bit of leather we'll put that in there just fill this thing up with with whatever random stuff if we can be real lazy I'll show how to be real lazy we can go to C and then T to change our custom start power to be that sounds only easy but our simple but I came to mind right now nothing is selected up and down arrow this is where we're selecting what kind of stockpile we want to make and so we're gonna go see in the e enables what we want so we can go with sure and animals like by will be just animal junk yeah it's fine if we put that in there food I'm gonna move my food somewhere else furniture sure e enables all of them if they're lit up means they're gonna be in there we're gonna enter if we want to take them off no corpses in there will refuse no stone because it's not take everything up ammo sure coins will move the bars block somewhere else Jim's finished goods leather cloth no wood cuz I've shown me a lot as well weapons armor sheets so everything's highlighted here is gonna be in there so if when we're done escape gets out of there so now we can mark that off so then all this can just be taken over by all that random stuff so hopefully they'll be space for it on so then they will start grabbing they should start grabbing stuff off of the wagon which they are doing neat see the running back and forth it's kinda hard seekers are going to this this hill here but little smiley wharves here he comes who is that hit kay and look at him that is he crossed the woodcutter he's here he's coming to come get something and he grab something off the wagon I was going up there to go dump it into the storage bin he said carried on in here what does that think I think I should know that that's a Oh wheelbarrow yeah wheelbarrow those are nice hey you are you make English into designate a corpse power yes yes alright we're building our like our foyer right this is where you know or the dignitaries common we put statues anyway we maybe we kill them if they're elves we can build it which part you this quickly while they're digging that out and while I'm thinking of it cuz I always forget this we're going to go and we're gonna do a new menu new menu time a monster we ran it be for build buildings I mean this is where we make things this is where we make buildings and there's a very important one which is I don't know where it is there it is trade depot shifty and so remember we got in that first that first thing it said we're gonna get a caravan before the winter in tombs us and so we're gonna do that right now and this area here this is where it's gonna go get places for redexes me we can't put it there Green X's are good so we put some green X's right there we're focusing outside for now because they need to have innate ability 8 wagons in there which is like three by three things so we couldn't put it in here we could put in here if it wanted to however we would need to widen our walls a little bit more so that the wagons can get in but not posed to I guess we could do that um yeah why not sure let's put it there there we go now when you place it down your net enter and it's gonna ask you how do you wanna make this what are you making that up you need three stone things or long things we have microcline which is very close we got 23 29 of them they're all right there laying on the ground you can see these little circles here we've got chocolate around we have logs laying outside we're right out here and a bunch of logs outside so let's go just use the microcline it's closest so when hit enter three times now trade depot will be built eventually by somebody and remember we need three wide so let's go ahead and dig out this hallway here and it gonna hit D and enter and then enter again and that is gonna be dug out before too long you can build it inside but if you want to check that is it shifty yeah if you want you can hit shift D and it'll tell you if it's accessible or not if it's green or not it's not built yet so it won't show up but you know is check and see if you're at the wheat your depot is is accessible petrified wood [Music] we might need an architect we might where's he going yeah let's see who's gonna be the Builder man we have we have vu cars and be doing a lot of wood making so not him we got a Xin here the jeweler this guy's gonna do nothing so I hit you by the way to go to this menu and go to eizan and we can we can zoom to them Z will jump to the guy v we can hit we can look at him now remember I talked about all the depth and all that's going in this game was what people talk about when I talk about two or four toes we can go and hit enter to look at him okay walls of text and we can see what he feels about he feels so good I feel so good she has been no I even caught in the rainy was raining outside she was outside you know she's happy about being drunk always good she's annoyed remembering him to drink without a gobble she said use her hands which is outrageous and she thinks that's terrible and in a way again you can see kind of read all this stuff and see if you're wondering what's wrong with your fortress why does everyone hate you well it's gonna happen anyway but you can kind of understand why you read this stuff she felt sympathy giving somebody water she's euphoric do it in inebriation again she likes being drunk she's a worshipper of the fenced whatever that means some God out there you can see all kinds of stuff 75 years old she was born on this earth day she's not 93 years old just got a broad nose she likes giant cheetah apricot wine yeah it's lots of things here she values tradition respect to the law she's that kind of person but anyway the most important stuff is gonna be on top here for what she what's messing with her now so she needs a mug so that's one thing is really bothering her and being in the rain but once we get this thing built should be fine we can also his escape come back here we can hit our look at erase little relationships she loves boost if that's her deity I don't think other thing was I seed a couple friends in the fortress is just acquaintances sometimes they'll be married yeah we can also customize her we can hit why we want to change your name nickname we can say her name is her name's Jim that's not a very your name's Jim Jim Jim skin' is her name Jim Jim skin Jim skin it is her name if you want to change like in the profession name we can say she's gonna be our builder and so we can we go back we can escape escape get out of here now it says builder so we know what her job is Jim Alena now if the other thing I was trying to point out is we can hit Z to jump to her and then we can we're at this menu here again if we get me to get back to it we can hit P and then to get back to this menu and see we want her to do so what is he gonna do we go down to other jobs and make sure she has architecture on we need make sure we have a few people that can do that so they can fly in buildings out I'm also gonna have her do what does we want her to do you can see all the ones that are white is what she's doing right now we can tell her some sort of crafts that she can make she's doing jewelry as well which we don't have we can tell her to go fish I don't know what do we want her to do we maybe should take care of the animals so whatever do the animal training animal care not hunting but you can trap some things I guess but mostly just take care of our horse in our or whatever was having the cancer whatever you know escape escape and off she goes so she should come over here mess with this thing eventually once you've got she finds that I'm kind of at the whim of your hundred dwarves here interface of yeah this is a good yeah interface of DF is abysmal we're suppose a way to change it should happen to the steam release that being said what you learned that's the game is incredible yes it's one of the things we're like it's like really off-putting by looking at it and getting into it but once you once you get into it it's not that bad it's not that tough of a game there's nothing nothing nothing super hard about the game it's you know I mean you're building it if you build a city builder or whatever it's and yet door therapist is fantastic okay so we can see we got things getting pulled into our stockpile here we still need what we need we need rooms we need a place we need food digging out our farm spot over here so we'll get that in a minute that's all sand so we can take care of that it's just excellent what we want we need a spot for rooms than things and we need crafting lands all kinds of stuff so let's go dig some more let's plan out a big fortress it's it's very important to have a roundabout somewhere in your fortress and we're gonna figure that out right now so let's go with something like this let's go a double wall loops double walled one over this way like that I will do a double walled one over here I may enter once scroll around I'm in D and then D again we want to make sure we stay underneath this mountain here that G that it go to is that we can go to let's go something like this and then FAR's that mountain out we can go to like here and stay on to that mountain so let's go but put like some rooms or something over here that was like something small over here actually maybe this would be craft land yeah we'll just make it big make it big put it over here like that there we go craft land okay I'm running on my right about space so we may need to go downstairs we try to avoid that for now cuz II levels are even more confusing though we've got we've stockpile and we have craft land we can put something else over here for you too we need we need a place to sleep we need a place to eat we'll put eat land over here we can also click by the way if you if you really like your mouse you can you can click as long as it's selected you can click without how to use the interesting I'm gonna go is that where we want to be like rights again I'm gonna try to keep everything underneath this level let's make this a kitchen over here so if we do that or we can do this go this way make this a big a big place to eat it we'll make a little room back here we can put our kitchen and you can put maybe a steel or something back here it's kind of ugly it's got a certain beauty to it you know what let's go with like yeah it's real nice real nice look at that that's terrible something like that it's it's um you know it's yeah okay it's kind of weird but we'll do that's gonna be like our main kitchen area I'm trying to I'm trying to avoid going out here oh and I forgot shift question mark brings up question marks introduction what do I do welcome to a fortress there you go creating your world plus a - does this what do you do what should we make there you go you're making your world there you want to go preparing for the journey we first outpost it tells you how to mine this is all in here what are you for mining grab a pick the mining profession rock wall designate in the mining area yeah how do you do destinations well you hit D and then you go in so it's all a here everything I'm telling you some of us like pictured more
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 206,905
Rating: 4.833137 out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress tutorial, Dwarf Fortress gameplay, Dwarf Fortress walkthrough, Dwarf Fortress 2020, Dwarf Fortress review, Dwarf Fortress steam, Dwarf Fortress how to, how to play Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress set up, nookrium, Dwarf Fortress nookrium, Dwarf Fortress villians, Dwarf Fortress 0.47
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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