Bobby Conner Weekend - "Sonship" - Friday Night

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ruch we just wanted my count on him we want to love on Jesus God we enter in holy spirit we worship You God we worship you we praise you Lord we worship you we praise you Jesus we worship you in this place God we worship you in this place God cool drop above she I don't know why we worship you in this place God we worship You Jesus we fix our eyes on the Holy One we fix our eyes on the Holy One we fix our gaze on the Holy One go grab a bhashya on the mahjong curtain we worship You Jesus we worship You Lord [Music] just a little bit longer just a little bit longer you know a lot of people have come from work let's just take one big God deep breath in God we breathe you in and just below out everything from the week and we just release it to you right now Thank You Holy Spirit that you fill us with everything that we need thank you just like what thankfulness just come off of your gateway out of your mouth just over the Gateway the door of your mouth and just let Thanksgiving come thank you Jesus we're thankful we're thankful no matter what's happening around us we're thankful God we're thankful people [Music] and way to come [Music] way to get way to be can't wait to call me in waves anyway don't worry [Music] anymore [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gone Sonic [Applause] see [Music] I see [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the world [Music] I swallow boner here [Music] Revelator Revelator [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] by the authority of your name and the power of your spirit anything that tries to take your glory Jesus by the authority of your name and the power of your spirit anything that tries to take your glory Jesus flip out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your speed [Music] your speed just [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Music] strap every truck you spill [Music] you smell [Music] jeez [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like we'd ever seen pretty [Music] you're like never see like we've never [Applause] [Music] do worthy Jesus ha we travel abroad [Music] worthy [Music] we worship you [Music] worthy Jesus we travel you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] which [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] you are holy like No holy like nor are they you are holy like [Music] and you are homie like no other your holy your holy you said of heart and you are holy [Music] you're holy like No your holy [Music] you're high above then you are holy like No you're holy like No you're who [Music] who none can compare to you you are holy your holy you're who [Music] and you are holy like no other your holy your holy [Music] holy you're holy like No yah-hoo [Music] New Deal [Music] you like no yoo-hoo you will you would be like no yo it's only [Music] like you're holy like No you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] it's you [Music] ooh [Music] soon [Music] the Jew [Music] the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see a sound common south [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ground I see first this this sounds fun you're you may not understand everything that comes out of his mouth the spirits experience [Music] spear house [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's no hard task it's a music news [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think some of you just feel an intersession just kind of bubbling out of your belly and so just let it come out of your mouth just you may not even know what you're praying for you may know what you're praying for but just let it bubble out right now [Music] who [Music] breath of God through [Music] rooo rooo [Music] run the bar through [Music] [Music] we [Music] who [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just good to be unhurried in God's presence [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] the only chance we have of living a new covenant life is life in the spirit so what we just thank you for your Holy Spirit what a great idea this is brilliant thank you Jesus love you we're just thinking that your presence isn't just a feeling it's actually you know with all we love that lets put your hand on somebody next to you Lord bless him Paul prayed a prayer that got in you prayed a prayer for other people he didn't pray for himself I believe we can pray for herself but just press well give them a spirit of wisdom and revelation open the eyes of their understanding flood our hearts with light Gadlin our hearts be fertile soil for the seed that Bobby is gonna show tonight though we want we want to produce a harvest with this truth we don't want to just a good service guy we want fruit so Lord eyes to see ears to hear thank you Jesus thank you Lord and love you Jesus well we just blessed the City of Columbus we just thank you that Columbus is the apple of your eye you said in Jeremiah 29:11 29 you said I pray for the prosperity of this city for when it prospers you too shall prosper so let me pray for the prosperity of Columbus but we just thank you that the kingdom of God is invading Columbus thank you every school nobody is safe from a blessing thank you Lord thank you Jesus what I just thank you for the unity that's happening among the churches I've got a friend named Johnny Amos several of our people they minister down there every week and they do healing stuff in a group and then went out to grand Hospital and which is the number one trauma center for they they see the most trauma patients in Columbus had a bunch of awesome things happened one of them this guy came out of the emergency room crying they were at the steps there they saw like we were supposed to go there he came out crying and he said his wife had overdosed and she was dead he got the call and I rushed to the hospital she was dead they gave her a three of the pins I don't know which ones they are but that's the max you can give him and so I she you know I'd been dead for over ten minutes and he they called it he was outside weeping and now one of the people said you know what she this isn't the end of the story she's gonna live and not die they prayed for him the son comes running out outside and says you're not gonna believe it mom's awake and she's fussing at the doctor's wanting to know where you are he said that is my wife and so she was raised from the dead right there at Grant hospital so that was that was last week so in Mountain hame how many of you guys remember rod Linville when he was on staff here a couple years ago well rod once you stand up and wave and guys get on your way back to Sue's yeah Thank You rod glad you're here so thankful for rod in his ministry and this friendship so he just got us lots of breakthrough and our very own eyes early years here so so thankful so good to have you here so get rod some extra love those of you who know him I know way back to your seats and bless somebody especially if they're taking your seat then just bless those who have cursed you just practice those scriptures well we are excited you guys are here and if we've got announcements I can't remember them right now and so here's what we're gonna do and so how many you've never heard Bobbie Connors speak in person anybody oh my gosh wow that's that's at least half the room maybe more well we put some seat belts in there for tonight so go ahead and buckle up and so those you know I mean you obviously know who Bobby is I said you came here but I'll we consider him to be a prophet and he's definitely a friend of the house a father of the house and I well he just meant so much to our family and our church family and so most of all he's a friend of the Holy Spirit and that's what we love about him is so let's give a Columbus welcome to Bobby Connor [Applause] everybody okay well you're actually better than you think you're a trans locational you're seated here and seated there in heavenly places advanced two-way thing alright good don't that freaks out the sound man with this at all can you make me sound like Morgan Freeman or anything like this the guy filming what about Brad Pitt something like that any chance of that I thought y'all believed in miracles listen what a day to be alive sums 101 in the psalm 118 verse 23 and 24 says this is the day the Lord has made I'm going to rejoice and be glad in it this is the day the Lord has made I am going to rejoice and be glad in it I put a tiny emphasis on it you know why all the money in the world compiled together couldn't buy back one single second of yesterday it's gone it'll never be real it is history and if you study the Bible the Bible said boast not you're set for tomorrow you have no comprehension of what one day will bring this is a day we've got to learn how to live in the now how to maximize the Lord the devil wins a victory every time we slough off and don't do what God's called us and commissioned us to do there's something you can do that no other human being on earth can do Ephesians 2:10 is a great verse I study the other ever English translation of the Bible I could find on earth Ephesians 2:10 how you doing so nice eagle feathers you'll mount up with wings as of eagles how you banner my wife said to tell you hello now she was visiting twos down in Texas yeah well anyway he fishes to ten here's what it says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God before ordained that we herself in them so I started that never translations fine here's what one translation says you're the best God could do to this play do he is one translation said you are his stroke of genius to displace God Dean's Wow so we better understand God created things for us to do before he created us now let me talk about the sovereignty of God just for a moment you say well uh I'm glad I'm decided to come let's talk about why you're in that chair tonight here's what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches all of our days all of her days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them somewhere in eternity past God picked up a pen and wrote that made 11th you'd be sitting in a chair inside all of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single woman Psalms 139 verse 1516 all of our days in eternity past he child had been his journal you'd be sitting in that chair here's a little bit of advice I think would be good for us to follow why don't we make sure that would make his journal become our journey we need to make his journal become our journey that's what Jesus did I only do what I see my father doing I always say want to hear my father saying well you know most of us come up with a plan some harebrained plan spend the rest of our life trying to give God to back it up now we better get in on his plan his plans good Jeremiah 29:11 tells us about his plans he said I know my thoughts I think towards you declares the Lord Jeremiah 29:11 thoughts of your success not your failure my intention is to bring you to a good end not a dismal demise let's talk about God's thinking about us see the devil will tell you well you're insignificant you're not famous you're not God doesn't think about you that verse I quoted a while ago Psalms 139 verse 18 says this God starts toward us lady and precious the word weighty there is the same we're glorious and the next verse says these weighty precious thoughts of God are more numerous than the sands of the seashore what does it verse teach it teach almighty it teaches that Almighty God creator of the ends of the earth thinks good things constantly about you you're always on his mind aren't you glad oh my that's pretty neat and Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us so you've got God thinking good plans for you Jesus praying good prayers for you I figured you'll make it don't you I've jotted down the church a note while ago in the pastor and one of the little green rooms back there being confident this very thing he just begun a good work will continue it I was reading the Bible I found out Jesus as author and finisher not author oops you ever started some of the loops he's not that away he finished it before he ever started it there's nothing new Under the Sun he finished it before he ever started it Wow aren't you glad God's not up there wringing his hands how's it going to come out I read the back of the book we win everything's going to be ok right in the midst of trauma and hard things God throws a party for us that's pretty well living that Psalms 23 he prepares a table of the force in the presence of our enemies Wow so we're gonna have a good time you know it's so sad I've been preaching 49 years I've averaged speaking five times a week for 49 years all over the earth I've discovered some people have just enough Jesus to be miserable just enough Jesus to be miserable they got him in the head but not the heart they got a lot of rules regulations stipulations manipulations but they don't have a relationship y'all don't feel that ringing [Music] wonder if we do we need to do anything it'll do what I think the Lord's been attempting to adjust me for years yeah he's so gentle made me wonderful if God really is wonderful man a crooked politician the Bible said I find no fault in him Wow Pontius Pilate if a crooked politician could say I find no fault in him what about you Bible said let the redeemed of the Lord say so we can even start bragging on Jesus we need to start espousing how good he is my favorite verse the whole Bible do you have favorite verses my favorite verse in the whole Bible right now is Natan 1:7 Nahum 1:7 says God is good Nahum 1:7 god is good that's a delightful verse aren't you glad it didn't say God was good or he's going to be good right in the middle of your mess he's good God is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those that are trusting him Nahum 1:7 never become your verse - god is good not one thing bad about God at all every intention he has for us is to make us better not bitter to build us up not to tear us down he wants better for you than you could want for yourself one time Jesus walked up in your rod he said Bobby I give you my personal permission to attempt to exaggerate what I'm about to do being a preacher said I said I Omni diverse for that he said to me no problem Ephesians 3:20 and 21 now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or dare to imagine Wow he's able Genesis 18 14 says it's anything too hard for the Lord Luke 42 job 42 - says I know I know you can do anything and nothing you set your intentions to can be stopped Joe 42 - he can do all things kami say yes well why are you struggling so because you and I have not figured out how to cast all over here upon Hannah so I'm 55 22 says casting your care upon him see you're not built to carry the load he is come on take my yoke upon you learn of me but I'm making lowly in heart you will find rest for your souls Wow we need to learn how to cast your care upon the Lord you said I do that well you learn to become his friend and talk things over with you I don't want him to know I'm not feeling good God knows everything about us and still loves us your friends won't they found some dirt they'll distance themselves but when God sees you struggling he draws near he's a friend that sticks closer than a brother now I've got some books out there I hope you'll go by every one of them because they're so heavy when you ship them and stuff there's books out there that uh I'll tell you a little bit about it in this one God God came to him he said Bobby I want you to write a unique book I said hold and just stop behold in just a moment what is your definition of a unique book he said I want you to write a unique book I said okay tell me what your definition of you name book is he said we're living in a fast-paced world and he said people are not going to read you a 250 page book but I want you to write a 250 page book but I want you to write it where each chapter in the book is the full book but it steps into the next chapter so we've got one out there called living in the light the first chapter is it's time for a fresh start aren't you glad that's the only reason we're not going to hell is every morning God gets up and pushes the reset button lamentations through His mercies are new every morning great is his faithfulness listen guys so we start talking about a fresh start aren't you glad for its mercy aren't you glad Isaiah 1:18 come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet thank me why why this snow so I hope you'll visit they will look for living in the light first words out of the mouth the godless what let there be light and the whole lot of the will deal with chapter after chapter in there and it's talking about loud here's a great verse about lot Psalms 36 verse 9 with him as the pathway of life and in his light we see lots Psalms 36 verse 9 here's another about life do you want to do it says he will light my lamp and they'll flood my whole life is light Latin means spirit that Psalms 1828 sums 1828 he will light my lamp see if you don't get light in here listen I don't care what you get up here if you don't get light in here you're gonna stumble in the dark you can be smart as a whip and dumb as a rock if you don't have God I'm telling you we listen what it's a man profited if he gain the whole world is also what would a man give in exchange for your soul now let me talk to just a moment about being successful don't you want to be successful and I don't think anyone in here determines when you look at your newborn baby I want him to be just a big slob no you want him to succeed and do well here's here's a little key God has put in his word Kiev Kiev Kiev Turkey on how you can be successful here's one you ready Joshua 1:8 Joshua chapter 1 verse they said the words of this law of the Bible shall not depart from your eyes you shall meditate it from them day and night and it will guarantee you overwhelming success well you want to be a flop don't study the Bible if you want to be victorious you want to be successful and overwhelming study the Bible let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in that side o Lord listen the Bible said there's a famine in the land not a famine for food but a famine for hearing and heating the Word of God you'd be surprised how little of the word of God we really know and I'd say one thing hit me study the Bible this is not just print on parchment this is a person John 1:14 says what and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory Wow you'll never know the Living Word and did I mention God want you to know him if you don't get into the written word you said well I'll be out I don't have much time you better cut something out then get up a little later staff a little we're gonna do something we got to get the Word of God in us it's the only thing that's gonna guide us during these crooked days here it is I told you the last time I was here the greatest bar battle the church will 5 will be proverbs 23:23 proverbs 23:23 says paid the price for truth and don't send it for anything pay the price for truth the Bible and don't sell it for anything Wow wonder why we need the truth so bad John 17:17 Jesus talking he says sanctify them them being us sanctify them to the truth thy Word is truth the word sanctify means clean up set apart for the service of God we can't be cleaned up set apart from the service of God without an active knowledge of the word of God sanctifies John 17:17 sanctify them through the truth that word is truth is that truth is fallen in the street it has said it well we got to get back to the Bible you listen your soul thirst for this book your heart longs for this book you need you need to start feeding your soul upon this book anyway so wonderful say out there in the book table is living in the light here's one masters plan Divine Design and their robe it out of that Ephesians 2:10 books so you'll like it and it talks about that God wants to work in you then do mighty things that somebody else couldn't do aren't you glad I got the supernatural things here's a great verse about you doing something that you didn't think you could do psalms 94 16 verse 17 sums 90 verse 16 verse 17 says Lord let your works appear and establish tell the works of our hands yes God the works of our hands established that with then that verse says let your glorious Majesty be seen by our children talk about your children there's another book out there called legacy and Miniland legacy is what you leave behind lineage line is who you leave behind and they're inseparable how you live will affect your descendants from now and so we wrote it this is the second edition of the legacy and lineage line talks about how to break off ancestral curses now to amplify the blessings of God in your descendants life here's your great verse about it you ready yes Bobby here is Isaiah 44 three and four I said forty four three and four says I will pour water from him that is thirsty floods upon dry ground I will pour my spirit from your descendants and they will spring up like lilies by riverbanks see if you're hungry and thirsty and desperate for God your children will flourish did you read the book of Deuteronomy it says your iniquities can be passed down from generation to generation to generation Wow we need to learn how to break off family curses and we do that in the lineage of legacy boot you don't have to pass down demonic traits to your offspring here's your great verses that your offspring you want it here it is Psalms 112 verse 2 you ought to read the whole hundred best song it's not very long maybe 14 verses some 112 verse 2 says the offspring of the upright will be mighty in the earth I like that don't you so I looked up Hebrew word my teammates very well advance and take charge it will be sitting in the den watching two bald hammered on the computer Laura this social media stuff is something they snap chat chat I don't know what thing it was they do are you tweeting I don't know I'm not I'm you know I don't know listen I finally got a little Facebook though oh man did you YouTube got in touch with he said there's twenty three thousand eight hundred videos of me on YouTube and I've never put a single one on there that's obviously got twenty three thousand eight hundred want to give me my own channel ID listen that's true but anyway so that's the second book is a master's plan Divine Design aren't you you need to understand you're not a biological bird now what's biological study and life what suburb something that slips actually think you got to be apologetic about that's not what you are you were planned by Almighty God he's the one that gave you life and he wants to use you so you can to get the book masters plaintiff and design okay now legacy Lindy's line book you need to get in and I don't know what other ones are out there so I could tell you if I was looking at them but I don't know that ship didn't appear from the office I guess they got here don't you think don't you get that other stuff work down this technology or something well thanks for your help listen I'll tell you what's gonna happen to that hey Burt here's one of the books I got it Moran it's called the Shepherd Drive now gonna get this I'm gonna set this thing at right for 23 years bar 23 years on the Day of Atonement I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ he come tell me some of the things that gonna happen the future I write the book called the Shepherd rod now you've been listening now I'm standing here in Zion fellowship say to you for 23 years on the day of atonement I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ he tell me some of the things that's going to happen in the future in arriving book this is one for 2018 now you ride it a year in advance you understand that don't you I hope so here we ride during the Day of Atonement I'm just happy the Lord told me said I want you to put your book some audio book so okay because I get requests is your books or not and so I thought I would make a contract with all these ghost readers somebody they can actually speak English and they can amount enunciate the words I speak Texican I would say London England had have an interpreter and had to have an interpreter but it's gonna stun you when you hear God talks he talks just like me I'll tell you how I talk see chunks just like you listen you say where's the verse for that John can three John 10 three said my sheep hear my voice and they follow me John 10:27 says they flee other voices they'll draw near the Shepherd's was but here we go so I was doing this thing about the ghost readers and I was negotiating with some of these people that have a wonderful voice and the word said that was not what I told you I told you to put your books on audio book so I said to myself how hard could that be I got in the studio with these big old sensitive mics I got the manuscript pulled pulled up so here it is it sounded like see spot run most so I'm going to practice on you tonight I'm starting with page 9 on the preface here it is it's Friday September the 29th 2017 at 7:11 p.m. the Sun is just setting bad the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains along the way the day of atonement is now upon us I am blessed to be sitting on my porch in our home in Reagan Falls North Carolina looking over the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains the skies golden with color the Sun is setting the shimmering rays upon the clouds which appear to be golden and the blossom Panda Melinda and on the bottom silver on top there is a sweet soft and gentle breeze during the leaves on the trees it is tranquil and peaceful I'm so grateful and thankful for the father for his provisions I cannot explain my feelings at this moment my physical body is calm and relaxed however within my spirit there's an expectation and excitement and exhilaration that is beyond human words I feel as though I could explode even after these encounters for over 23 years it is still spiritually like refined on beyond any human something to an ability to are accurately articulate and explain now here's what happens see now I wrote this win September 2017 now it's for this year let's see if any of any of its come to pass you'll to flipping over here to page 99 at page 90 okay here here's one of the things that's going that I wrote in here would happen let me find it one thing I'm so thankful about hope is growing brighter that's going to happen and America will begin to repent all of this is in there but I want to people on some that you're looking at right right now well if you watch the news if you watch the news you'll you'll find some of these things are being fulfilled we wrote about the earthquakes we wrote about the volcanoes okay here it is I'm really now on page 101 worldwide major violent volcanic and seismic disturbances own levels not seen in our time the center of the earth is quickly expanding the mountains will blow the rivers of fire will flow have you seen that this week see I wrote it in September a year ago but now it's coming to pass okay the mountains and the rivers will flow the mountains will blow the rivers of fire will flow expect to see ash in the air in rivers of burning lava flowing you will see seismic earthquakes since the volcanic activity in an all-time high as the earth shudders and the bowels of the earth or convulsion what would cause such things oh maybe it's Romans 8:19 the whole creation is groaning and travailing in birth pains for us to step into our true identity as the manifested sons of God and so that's why we're seeing all this fake creation is crying out for the sons and daughters of God to move into maturity winds will respond in fact should there'll be a lot of turbines in the air and signs of the heavens you're gonna see a light show like you hadn't seen about meteorites you can already pull that up in 2018 there have been a lot shows in the heavens and then here we go the me to thing I wrote it here God's gonna uncover what many have been seeking to cover up and whosoever covers it since you're not prosper remember that did that happen the May 2 movement you know yes it did yeah here it is page 104 a toddler revealing a time of uncovered what evil people have been concealing this is a time to come clean those covering their sins will not prosper and I put the birth proverbs 28 verse 13 he who covers these transgressions will not prosper all right answer over and over and over it there's oh oh here's one let me let me find it Oh cyber wars are going to increase but we put in here that the church that North Korea's are taking time bomb and then this goes start a nuclear war and less the church prays and I said the church can rise up and pray and diffuses and that's the only mechanism God's going to use have you seen anything taking place with North Korea and South Korea president's going to go visit with the Korean leader isn't that amazing they just turned loose the three prisoners I'm kidding you guys you need to read the prophetic word here's some here's what the Bible said absolutely God will not do a single thing on planet Earth without first reading what he's gonna do to his servants the prophets where's that at brother Amos 3:8 Amos 3:8 yeah Amos 3:7 famous 3:8 a mistake says Ryan has roared in the streets who can been prophesied what's your name that's right I got a friend he calls people's names out that's it Shawn they already know the name tell them something they don't know I think if they're sitting there don't know their name listen they they need some intensive care but anyway so the Shepherd Ron if these other things came to pass what I'm going to talk about is going to come to pass on the day of atonement I saw the whole clouds and now saw them turned purple like that and I heard the Lord say I'm sick and tired of my people whining the way in the Pigpen of poor perception and the you remember the story in the Gospel of Luke where the rich man had to the father had two sons younger son said give me what's mine and took his leave in foreign country wasted his substance well not been a pigpen and he says wait a minute my father's got servants living better than I am I'm gonna get up and go back to my father's house and I'm gonna say to him father I'm no more worthy to be called your son just make me a servant now that's not God's plan God does not want to just make you a servant this is a year sonship you're gonna learn more about sonship than you've known your whole life I promise you from heaven this is a year you're gonna learn more about sonship than you've known in your whole life he said I'm gonna bring my people out of the Pigpen of poor perception this kid was still said oh I've learned all I'm not worthy he didn't make bad choices but see when our hearts condemn us God is greater than our hearts and God said give me a road get me a ring and if you look at the Shepherd job you can see the rope in the rain and I'm telling you this is a year and that that's what this books about the whole the whole center of the book is about sonship okay so I hope you've got an idea I'm gonna talk about the sonship here it is first John 3:1 says first John chapter 3 verse 1 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we would be identified classified as this of God therefore the world doesn't understand us they didn't know us because they don't know him I'm telling you guys behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we'd be called his sons and the word for son there is we also it means a full-grown mature son ready to take over family business Jesus wants you to take over family business as my father sent me now I'm sending you weird we ought to be full-grown sons and daughters it's not it's not whether you're a male or female I'm kidding if I could be a bride you can be a son don't you think all right so I'm gonna get into this thing about sonship you ready okay here's what it says as many as are being led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God you ready let me find the chapter where I want to start [Laughter] everything's just fine now Jesus didn't have one of these things he just got to form a mountainside and let the winds carries voice it got to have on the water but we got a medley and I'm glad because they get this pretty well now I'm reading out of chapter 3 page 45 chapter 3 sonship shifting from service to sons your heir of the kingdom see as long as you remain untaught about sonship you might as well be a slave though your heir to everything now you know what a lot of people they are they don't understand how wealthy they really are I was listening to some lawyers talk to a very prominent man and they were talking to him about his wealth how much he was worried and I was thinking about that on the plane if somebody came up to you say well what are your holdings you could literally honestly biblically say well well if you asking me my holdings I figure I'm co-owner of the universe that's what this by that's what the Bible teaches you are co-owner of the universe yes you are when you move out of servanthood to sonship Wow you see it okay Romans 8 verse 14 says for all who allowing themselves to be led of the Spirit of God are the sons of God the Lord said tell the people it's time for the robe in the ring it's time to get up out of the Pigpen of poor perception and get back to the father's house get this perspective of your future I'm telling you I promise you the sonship message is the most-hated message in all hell I've been preaching I told you a while ago 49 years of average speaking five times a week I've seen Satan in those 49 years twice I've seen demons just passel of demons but only Satan twice and you'll read about it right here in this sonship book he came to me now didn't come with red horns and pitchfork and nope he came about the chisel prince he came to most went some you could imagine the most confident you could imagine and here's what he did he did his hands like this in a panoramic view and he showed me all the kingdoms of the world all the treasures of the world and he said just like in Matthew 4 to Jesus all of these I'll give you if you'll go away from the sonship message that's what I knew we're heading that's that's your read about it huh okay I'm just reading for you you know 40 years of men over in over 48 years of ministering either untold encounters was the river and both holy and hellish however I have only seen Satan twice there's one of these encounters were suddenly approached by the devil and he came winsome and handsome he did not appear in flaming fire suit there was no horns no pitchfork in his hand quite the contrary he was brilliant it's stunningly and beautiful and yet reeking with evil wickedness beyond human words to describe all right so he's bordering with me to get away from the sonship message so I you say well I don't believe the devil looks like that well second Corinthians 11:14 says no wonder for Satan himself can transform himself into an angel of light that's in your New Testament 2nd Corinthians 11:14 no wonder for Satan himself can transform himself into the angel alive mmm-hmm so I did just like Jesus did I said I rebuke you off he went let me said actor here justify diabolical deceitful offer and this encounter out of my mouth came these words you are a liar I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave to which he had to obey no negotiation he's under your feet Romans 16:20 says the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly Romans 16 well if what does it say Romans 16:20 they got a piece will crush Satan under your feet Luke 10 that team Jesus it behold observe focus on this I give you power to stop the devil's power I gave you ability to stop the Devils I give you authority to stop the devil's ability Luke 10 that thing that's where Jesus said behold I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy but he used to student that words are power he literally says I give you authority to stop the devil's ability what ability that the devil have John 10:10 the thief cometh for - what steal kill and destroy but I've come that you'd have effervescent life Jesus said well so we talk to in here we talk about how you've already defeated the devil through Jesus those Christ spoiled principalities and powers are made in Opa shows and drama thing and with the cross remember that say this I'm not a victim I'm victorious that's right 1st John 4:4 the other eg first John 4:4 my dear children you came from God and belong to God you have already won a big victory over the false teachers for the Spirit is in you and as far as stronger than anything else in the world that's the message but here's what it says greater is He that is in you than he that's in the world you're more than a conqueror in Jesus greater is He that's in you says 1st John 4:4 greater one translation says greater and intellect and power is He that's in you Wow aren't you glad I don't need struggle get out of church get out of church you think God's are just going to say oh the devil didn't know you wanted the kingdom we're going to take the kingdom by force not bombs and bullets that's Isis way the weapons of our warfare are 92 God to the pulling down of strongholds prayer fasting holy living that's the weapons we use but anyway sonship let's get to that message up - yes Bobby please do the sonship message will drive away an orphan spirit and listen man it's amazing and here we write what an orphan spirit does because as you'd always you always feel inferior but I'll tell you you've been did into the family of God placed in as a son it's a word that used for the word adoption anyway the sonship message over as it unfolds it will drive away an orphan spirit that has been plaguing the body of Christ the wicked orphan spirit seeks to defame the Father's heart toward the children many have been living a spiritual life as an impoverished person when in fact in Jesus Christ you are spiritually with rich beyond your wildest imagination you are heir to the kingdom of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ from wow that's pretty wild and it's a yes it is yeah here it is I'm reading now to be fusions chapter 1 starting with the verse verse 3 says but I submit to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing ever the places that's unbelievable let me read that again blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world and we that we would be holy blameless before him in love he predestined us to he predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself according to the kind kind intention of his will to the praise of the glory of His grace which he freely bestowed upon us in the beloved Wow is it good okay okay I know what it is I got a big ear any Wiggles around oh I hope you'll get into this sonship message and let it get into you it will I told you we're co-owners of the universe let me read I'm reading out of Romans 18 Romans 8 verse 14 for all who are allowing themselves to be led of the Spirit of God are the sons of God for you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear God's judgment you have received the spirit of adoption as sons the spirit producing sonship and by which we joyfully cry daddy aren't you glad papa my grandkids call me 1 times 24 1 times 21 they call me papaw preach that's kinda that's what they be is here it's a it's a very very intimate name for God it's like a little little kid run there papa aren't you glad that's one of the sonship you'll find it anyway it since Romans 8:19 the earnest expectation of creation eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons of God Wow do you believe nature knows more about the timing than you do animals know more about the time they've God than we do honestly the whole creation is groaning for us to step into our true identity I'll talk to this group of Wow well you'll see not yell away over years joke from a different part of the town or something yeah how you doing good are they drawn something for you I mean oh this book let me draw something for you okay with you why sure oh well that looks like a happy baby doesn't it's a lot a cartoon oh man here I'll draw when I was a kid I watched this cartoon here am I see [Music] can you see see that one bad was it the song was a little rough but do you know that looks like Mickey dead knits sort of these buck that have a button okay whatever you drawn in there it's new doodling is one of my gifts I do do and I do too out thanks God's are going to do before he doesn't it's a wildest thing I here's one the day after Christmas December 26 I was sitting with my wife and I'm sitting at a table there and we're talking and I've just got a pen and I doodle i doodle out a lady a woman and she's got a long slender neck and she's turned her head like this looking over his shoulder and I'm just drawing this girl and she's looking back over his shoulder and uh finally I just get through with Carolyn ghost who is that and so help me God out of my mouth came these words oh that's Julie that's Jillian she's looking over her shoulder she's gonna take a whole new look at life this was December the 26 now the only Julie that I was talking about was a girl I'd known when she was maybe 16 years old and she turned into the gay lifestyle guess what happened this year just a few weeks ago actually I get a call guess who it's from I just hadn't heard from her in years I'm talking about years when I knew she's like 16 17 years old and now she's 40 probably however long that is and she said I just wanted you to know I've turned around and I'm looking at life totally different I'm no longer in the gay lifestyle she I'm spending days packing my heart full of the Word of God go into the mind girl now Holy Ghost don't you like that I go to Rick Joyner's roundtable meetings for in anyway what I'll do I just sit there at the pen and I'll be doodling and I'm doodling five or six minutes ahead of time but what's about to take place it's a wildest thing you've ever seen Rick drawing take my doodles to write the minutes for the meeting here's one of them I was doodling long there Bob Jones was living then Bob Jones would come to these roundtable meetings and so doodling around and I doodle do I don't be crude but I doodled up commode and behind the commode I do - look max Avenger XY Bob Jones comes into the meeting my fee assessed angle call it a cop I just came out the bathroom there's a big angel in there I held up my pencil paper today here's one Christine tottered on father's wife they then come to the meeting so she's all the way back from here to work Heywood sound booth he isn't so I'm doodling nude there and I drew a mother duck and a bunch of baby ducks and Christine Jeffster feet and she screams power in a God he just spoke to and said the church is finally getting all of her ducks in row in order listen what God sketch for us tonight I know I wrote in the pastor's office I walked in the pastor's office and I doodle in all over the world in pastors offices but I went to the pastor's office and I drew a question mark and then I drew a exclamation point this is a season that revelatory release that y'all been singing about eyes to see ears to hear God's going to turn your question mark you can exclamation this is it this is where we're supposed to go and this is you're going to get divine confidence this will drive away doubt and it'll give you assurance it'll give you a bonus you can imagine and in that wonderful I wrote a couple of verses under that first John 5:14 this is the confidence we have in em if we ask him anything according to use will we know that here's us if we know that he hears us we're totally Compton we're gonna get what we're asking then I wrote Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing he this be kind of good work okay so everybody okay just meandering around toboggan yeah baby that's what it is I have rock rod may have been in the service when this happened there in Bullard Texas years ago there was some little gal walked in and she was real cute little girl high school kind of gal and she had on of these caps aware these kind of caps they wear in France so I walked up to or not jerk that cap off her head and I popped it on and I took two steps I said watch this in a few days I'm going to get an invitation to come to Paris France I guess it was maybe three days I get an invitation to come to Paris France crazy we're putting on to that little meal I don't know whether they call them yes I'm from Texas we wear some a little bit bigger what a time to be alive it's the most crucial time in human history and looking God's lately oh I said him what are you thinking most crucial time in human history look who God's litleo I read the book Hebrews he could chosen any of those heroes that he named but he chose you and I to live in the most crucial time in history I said what are you thinking here's what he said to me yes I finally found me a people weak enough to work in not weak in malls not weak in ethics not weak in character not weakened integrity but weak in our own ability he said I have found me a generation that's embracing John 15:5 John 15:5 says without me you can do nothing but we've realized how frail we are his strength is made perfect in our frailty and so we're trusting him to do what we know we can do and Philippians 4:13 says I can do what all things to Christ to infuse me with inner strength this is tantalizing you know an Apollo they got a stomp over there he's supposed to rub yeah we all have not been to the Apollo I hadn't either but if you go up to the stage on the pollen of Apollo there in Harlem there's a stump you have to rub it represents growth art could be somebody I like stuff like that I like the decor that people put in boy one time I was on Europe and I woke up and I'm stretching oh I'm gonna get me some coffee then when I'm in the middle of my stretch the Lord said Bobby I said yes he said today you're gonna be a total pagan searching for me and just like that like you pulled an etch-a-sketch everything I knew about God went out of my mind I'm a total pagan walking the streets of Europe looking for God so I thought there's a church with a gigantic steeple marble columns I thought that's a church that must be where God is I'm a total pagan looking for God so I go in I pull the big doors open on that church I walked up the steps pull the big door open it was dark musty-smelling in there I stepped in I don't know nothing about churches I don't I'm a pagan looking for God good gracious I looked there's a flickering candle over there by the wall and a portrait of a skinny emaciated looked like a convict or some kind of a then I looked over here on this side of the wall and there's more candles and there's a woman painting of a woman there but there's smoke from the candles a smut in the air I said to myself I'm more likely to find a bat in here than God that's what I said I'm serious so I rushed out of that so I could breathe I'm a pagan looking for God in the luqman church all I saw was religion yeah I hear giggling I hear the sound of the music of little children laughing and giggling I thought that's where God will be I made my way through the streets to that sound to the center of a square with a fountains going up and the little kids were playing in the sunshine splashing water on one another that's where I found God where they was Liberty in life Wow we better watch out how we're portraying God we better put on the Lord Jesus Christ have you seen these these things you said you've seen those programs like the red carpet and somebody wishes out and they interviewed that what's the first thing you ask the ladies in those sparkling dresses who you wearing is that true I believe God's asking us who you wearing your miss dressed if it's not judges 634 yes let me preach on that we got a couple more services who you wearing yeah let me find it's pretty well judge is 634 here it is judges 634 classified amplify the Bible classic yes they got one in 2015 it's a week get the classic one if you're gonna get one there it is question was who you wearing but the Spirit of the Lord clothed did in with himself that's what the best dressed Christians are wearing Jesus but the Spirit of the Lord clothe Gideon with himself and took possession of him Wow Wow look Colossians says clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ any other verse talk about clothing Jean with Jesus I think of it why sure it could be Romans 13 verse 14 Romans chapter 13 verse 14 it says clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus see if we're going to really represent him to the world we need to get the filthy rags off we need to present a holy living vivacious Jesus to the world you and I were his representatives were his sons presenting his kingdom to a lost world Wow I wants to do a good job chief I believe you got taller is he taller I've got wider but I heard even where there's a story about that so y'all didn't okay only ander around a while I got a lot to talk about but I'm just looking around you were singing from over there now so you're removed you one time you were here but that's diversity is good good I like the fiddle you know the difference between the violin and the fiddle the sack to carry then we put a violin in the case but a fiddle just you produce a flower bag yourself I can't play him but I like I like the violin I told Leonard Jones once the guy that used to do the Morningstar music I said Leonard if you'll take your violin and play music and have somebody accompany you when that music is played it'll drive demons out of people took him forever to really pick up on him but he made one I think hold still waters or something he said Bob you can't imagine the Testament God of people they got their sanity back they got their communists back but I like stuff I can't play any of this but it's intriguing to me this is neat they had that in that studio I was doing them they said it muffles I said muffles but and then they hit him funny-looking microphones but this kind of kind of mass I thought I'd come up with some redneck once in just you know these only put on nursing home beds I thought I'd get a bunch of them attacked him you know they'd be the same kind of process what's a guy tell me about this boat I pretty much said pantsy Friday I got the memo I mean huh but you see you know fancy Friday that's good it looks nice on me oh just you know when I was I used to wear a three-piece suit Oh Lord honestly we used to have a mullet to Harrogate my mouth I mean Billy Ray Cyrus a head of mullet but anyway good thing jumped off my head but I'm doing good we're gonna what I'm gonna do now bend it for me here's what someone do they tape it to my face honestly they get better oh man but this is a nice place do you feel the transition going on yeah what kind of transition is going on I think I think what's happening is we're realizing this is not really about us us is about him and we got to really realize how does this affect this affect him so I'll tell you what's gonna happen we're gonna have this wonderful understanding of sonship I pray you'll get the book I really mean it with all my heart it'll be one of the most transforming messages you've got but called I'm telling you God's gonna show us more about sonship than we've known their whole life and he's gonna show us where air or the whole universe listen oh man he Bruce would be just just a moment Hebrews just a second I'm sure yeah while ago I said that we're John Irish with the you know of the whole universe and that that's what it says here pretty pretty well let me inside it here hebrews chapter one and we'll start with verse one in many separate revelations each of which set forth a portion of the truth in different ways God spoke to us in the old times our forefathers verse two says but in the last of these days he has spoken to us in the person of his son who his son whom he appointed heir and lawful owner of all things also he through whom he created the world and the reaches of space and the ages of time he made produced and built and occupied and arranged them in order he is the sole expression of the glory of God the Light Bearer the out ring of his radiance of the divine he is a perfect imprint in the very image of God's nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and profound propelling the universe by his mighty word of power so he's owner and operator of the whole universe and the Bible said because your sons of God your joint heirs with Jesus so you're literally co-owner of the universe did you know that's what the Bible teaches you're supposed to be owning this earth here a universe I steered rad through here's one I quoted this until you two years ago I quoted me Psalms of 115 verse 14 15 may the Lord increase you more and more you and your entire family may you be blessed of the guys that made the heavens of error I slowed down the middle Psalms a hundred and fifteen verse 14 and 15 may the Lord increased you more and more you and your entire family may you be blessed of the God that made the heavens and the earth that's a great verse but I told you we're responsible for this earth Psalms 115 verse 16 says the heavens of heavens that belongs to God but this earth is your responsibility well y'all going to get into some deep stuff did you watch if you watch any TV or anything like that you can't get much of the true you can't get much truth there at all but uh I don't show you something they say in 2017 the they crunch the numbers and they said that America spent three hundred and six billion dollars on calamities wow that's pretty amazing it that's what you can pull it up you can good-looking googly now if you need to call Syria hey I got a thermostat that talks to me now my son came up and put me on a electronical Giggy Giggy listen I'll be talk to me Carolyn go yes yes [Music] I'll shoot that thing off the wall it'll get the holler midnight what command shut up it's a talking thermostat I got my phone I can sip anyway I don't even know what that's about but anyway here's what they say they said we spent three hundred and six billion dollars in 2017 on fires floods earthquakes calamities you have to say with that kind of a record we're under judgment America that's almost a billion dollars a day we're spending on calamity three hundred and six billion dollars that's almost a billion dollars a day we're spending on calamity remember now the heavens of heavens that belongs to God to this earth it's Bobby's responsibility your responsibility Jim and Mary I'm Jenna it's our responsibility so I said God what kind of judgment are we under he said start with Isaiah 5:20 whoa under the nation that finds that easy to call good evil and evil good I suspect we're guilty of that don't you I say 5:20 now here's here's here's the number one reason we spent nearly a billion dollars a day last year of calamities you ready in the Bible I'm reading from the Bible first Timothy chapter two verse one first of all first of all then say this top priority first of all then I'm Amish and urge and that petitions prayers intercessions and Thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men verse two four kings and all who are in positions of authority are high responsibilities that outwardly we may pass live a quiet and undisturbed life and inwardly a peaceable one and all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way and serenus in every way here it is verse three for such praying is good and right and it is pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior who wishes all men to be saved and come to knowledge okay what does it say we're supposed to be doing praying for President Trump you in your lifetime have never seen any one man under so many word curses that's what we're spending 1 billion dollars of that said if you'll pray for those that are in places of high authority and leadership you'll live a quiet peaceful life a billion dollars a day is not a quiet peaceful life do you think and he said first of all I pray that you would pray for people in leadership you've never seen a man under such word curses as President Trump never now here's the problem most of us get our zeal from the news media if you read the Shepherd job I suggested news media should be put in the pen they should be tried for treason I looked at Webster's dictionaries definition of treason that means attempt it says they attempted to overthrow over setting government if the modern-day media is not guilty of that I don't know who is but here's what the deal is you and I are obligated because we're sons of God to pray for those in leadership I don't care whether you're Republican Democrat nothing if you're a child of God you're supposed to be praying for the president pray for safety pray for those in leadership some unprecedented things are happening the meeting there with North Korean leader over in Singapore that's amazing I wrote about in 2002 in the Shepherd Drive wrote about it in 2018 Shepherd rod that the church can diffuse this and I believe the church is praying I really do but boys just the beginning prayer moves the hand of God doesn't it anyway rod I'll give you this one I've scratched a new he's got yellow stuff getting butter and there's something else stark introduction that's pretty neat that's what I forgot to do we got a start rerun rewinding okay so I didn't I get these fur balls building up their Caroline usually it's on the front seat in cheer oh just sit mommy what's going on one time I was appreciating and look like she's trying to land a 747 uh-oh my zipper must be undone but that wasn't it it was a sock hanging at my pants leg for a screeching we've gotta do something yeah oh well I used to get by with wearing nearly anything but now the grandkids children had a FaceTime or what it's nothing yeah I don't know what you do we need livestream you know she go I can't believe you wore that one but it's fancy Friday I wouldn't dress up this much of an hadn't been fancy Brian what do you do this guy back here at the arms crossed yes take a guess you'll get it right come on retail gift store all right it's where somebody got a gift they brought it back and that's good remember I quoted a verse I would take me about you sumps 90 16 and 17 the Lord established the works of our hands the works of our hands O God established that with do you believe God will give you a favor if you ask for it favors absolutely amazing here's your verse about favor Psalms 84 11 you don't mind that do you some 80 for 11 says I will give you present day favor future glory honor splendor and heavenly bliss Psalms 84 11 that's pretty good they've got the baby out yes may have got big enough to get it walk out by now yeah how you doing are you doing good you really know her aren't you what's y'all's names what's your name do you mind so what's your name Naomi oh that's wonderful I like now it's in the Bible I wrote a book about it yeah what's your name Levi that's in the Bible that's good I'll tell you what God wants to really do some wonderful things for us you believe that yeah here's a good verse you ought to put it just down on your heart psalm 6511 he got Psalms 84 11 some 6511 says he crowns this year with his goodness and everywhere he steps it drips with prosperity that's pretty good one translation says everywhere his chariot wheels roll it drips with fatness that's what it says that makes riches but anyway well we gotta go I'm going to the book table want to get through and sign books yeah that'll be fun what time y'all usually go to be in this man I'm a nice person yeah you know oh how you doing you doing all right you had been doodling you write like the wrong finger wrong hand left-handed are you how you been left-handed talk to having the Bible they were good with the bow yeah yeah but your name Joe Joe Joe L read your 20 years old I'll give you a verse if you listen to it okay it'll help you find guidance for your life it's Ephesians 5 14 through 18 it says walk with gold aim and true purpose it then literally says make sure your life counts Ephesians 5 14 through 18 okay it'll really hit me won't with gold aim and true purpose they'll be vague and thoughtless for heaven have an ambition okay yeah because we've already determined God's plans are better than ours you like favor favor is really good you get second Corinthians second Corinthians 6:2 it's an acceptable time a time of favor a time of assured welcome from God second Corinthians 6:2 is Paul quoting Isaiah 49 verse 8 I said 49 verse 8 says he gives us power to reset the world from his present state of ruin 2nd Corinthians 6:2 is Paul quoting Isaiah 49 were saved Wow but it's a time of unassured welcome it's the time healed here you can have you that's not bad is it you doing good you did okay god bless you you are doing real good here's your first you could give it to her - if you want me Psalms 92 10 through 16 Psalms 92 you get through there and it says I should be in order with fresh oil that fresh oil in order to release my strength like that of wild oxen it says you'll be full set in your old age that's what it's stable firm full of SAP in your old age Psalms 92 1516 that's pretty good that meets Jenna well you're gonna be Psalms 92 10 through 16 full of SAP in your old age bearing fruit stable firm so I'm standing - you like that won't you well sure bearing fruit that's what it says I don't know where we get this idea we get a certain age we gotta lose your mind we don't know if you're big or Bolen listen I'm 75 years old listen got a schedule like you can't imagine you better understand there's a verse of the Bible says you can live as long as you want to that's in there yep I'm we're out the young bucks I'll guarantee you I drag them around their tongues hanging out going listen it's I found the personal Bible Paul said I did with a supernatural energy he said it and that's what it is you can't you can't explain it any other way well we got to get ready to get out here they told me on it they told me he did but before I quit I'm supposed to let you have the mic but I want to pray for the people here's what God told me you ready Bobby that's me go want em to go Columbus Ohio Zion fellowship do what I tell you to do when you get there I will give the people whether they want it or not an impartation from Hebrews 13 20 and 21 I said God how can I tell them they're going to get it whether they want it or not he said you can get around somebody that's contagious and you can get infected now here's what Hebrews 13 20 21 says now the God of peace that brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of the Sheep by the blood of the everlasting never-failing covenant make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you've been sent to do Wow Hebrews 13 20 and 21 I looked up the word make you perfect it's a Greek a Greek word that means missing no component that means everything you need you have that's all right that's all so whaling lands a whole bunch of verses you want one of them Colossians 2:9 says all of it is go all that God is is in Christ and then Colossians 2:10 says all the Christ is in you you believe in the importation don't you it's Romans 1:11 Romans were new 11 says I yearn to be with you we don't even have an English word for it Romans 1:11 Paul said this is on me in such a dimension it's twisted me inside out I yearned to be with you that I might impart to you a spiritual enabling that you can accomplish the task you've been assigned verse 12 of Romans chapter 1 said it'll be good for both of us it'll be mutually beneficial for both of us what do you do a guy one time was up in my roof up in the attic and uh I was there to help him and he was doing something with - but 60s or something so he said there Ronnie Holcomb was his name and so anyway he's hollers from that little hole in the attic and said hey Bobby yeah hand me the nail gun where is it that's me he said that's it on the end of the air hose I never picked up a nail gun have you ever picked up a nail gun I'm shootin snails this big all in the garage South khattala Ronnie's going burn it down bunny listen have you ever seen in banks I nail gun look like a you see what ever happened to the hammer and you know they had that airgun that mail gates hissing like a battery yep that was a roni roni Hawker beeps up they're hitting me well he was doing it I was down like shooting holes in the wall I got more stories and you can listen to all bear stores bad this week last week now I stayed in a guest home like a lodge and in the den was a big stuffed bear oh man it's hard to sleep you know what I feel good do you feel good anybody in here not feeling good if you're not feeling good come down here come here you're not feeling good I want you to feel good God wants us to feel good I prayed you're being held that's what the Bible says what's your name Pat so you're not feeling good Petric pancreatic cancer God's gonna cast his cancer off of you okay he's got going to be you are a healer you're absolutely healer you're the same yesterday today and forever and I every disease has to bow I cursed cancer in the name of Jesus I command you to swivel up dissipate and get out of this woman's body in the name of the Lord Jesus we just released healing for maker totally 100% well here now I want you to just start believing that you're totally 100% well I believe that the Lord will do with this cancer what he did with the fig tree he cursed it is swiveled up and withered away at the root so Lord I'm asking you to do this for this sister in Jesus name good he can do it yeah I don't know we think he can cure a cold with not cancer asthma but not AIDS all disease has to bow at the magma chamber there's no secret not kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven you will find any caster cancer patient in heaven no crippled person bless you god bless your heart you say how do we know she's gonna get him doctors can check her yeah I like it when they go good yeah I got a picture friend that's raising the dead you said how they do that and said the Lord told said tell the people if you're gonna raise the dead they got to get around dead people don't you suspect so that's what I told him I said God's wanting the people of God started raising the dead he said oh how am I gonna get around dead people I said I don't know ask God he hired himself out free gratis to a hospital to be a chaplain and you can't imagine the resurrections they've had bring in little kids have been drowned in the pool stone dead resurrect unplugged people off a life-support waiting for the morgue to come get him but we've got to get rid of dead people hidden yeah there's a guy down there in Austin I've watched the kid grow up he's still a kid to me but he's a grown man now but he called me out of breath screaming Wow I said Kotick what in the world is it it stopped at a 7-eleven store to get him a some coffee or coke or something and he said he came out and there was a whole bunch of people there and side of the parking lot in the weeds and bushes so he goes over there and there's a woman dead stiff blue did with her mouth wide open and her and people were all around her and he's looking at her she said Bobby she was pale gray and blue black color with her mouth open said everybody was around the Lord said to are you going to just stand there and look at her are you gonna get down there raise her from the dead that's what God said to Cody and Coby said to God I don't know how Jesus said I do here's what happened Cody I wasn't there but I don't believe Cody lied to me one bit he said Bobby I made my way down through there and said there was people looking said I got down there got on my knees beside her said I put my hand on her throat said her master's helps you he said she was colder than a froze fish and he said he started screaming Jesus Jesus about the fifth Jesus she goes like this coughed he said she said said everybody took off running yeah and the paramedic said by the way the woman looked she had been dead for several days stiff blue dead down in Austin Texas and that's something Wow God can do it he raised my mama twice from the dead that ain't bad for something bad this is Nadja balance you see these they got these kids gets doing like their those spins i can't set them I'm dropping em on anyway god bless you guys we having a service in the morning pin ten and six okay I take what I'm gonna do in tomorrow I'm gonna talk to you about how to stay invigorated how to stay supercharged from the inside most of the people in America now trying to stimulate themselves from the outside it'll wear off you'll feel worse than you were before you climbed up but I'm gonna talk to you about how to that stay invigorated stimulated from the inside out I promise you it'll work I showed you straight the Bible I'll show the word in the big around don't you want to be invigorated I won't hang around ratty grumpy people well you don't have to hang around long they won't be here long ask the doctors they say attitude has a lot to do with your wellness jesus said he went before the doctors a very hard that's good like a medicine cave Wow remember I gave you that verse a while ago Psalm 112 hours to all springs up trying to be right mighty you want to read the whole 112 song here's what it says the favor the grace of God will get upon your life is such a magnitude you'll be so blessed of God and the people will see the prosperity of God in your life it'll make them so mad they'll match the teeth and walk away that's better than a lawsuit ain't it sobs 112 teaches at the favor of God if you honor God the favor of God get on your life in such a magnitude the blessings of God will make you so wealthy your enemies will master teeth that verse says and melt away wow that's a good look for your financial teaching somes 112 okay yeah well I don't know God just knows what we need you don't get much from God that away yeah God wants you - Kim I can show you in that book in the Shepherd Ron there's a person in the book of James it says children listen to me now teach you that you're wealthy far beyond your wildest imagination yeah it's in the book of James well let's pray okay anybody else main prayer this is sanctified bunch you need prayer what do you need prayer about you lost your voice that won't work Bible said we lift up our voice like a trumpet I got more verses for talking loud than you do for whisper lift up your voice as a trumpet and declare my people's sins that's what it says yeah so what did it happen to you okay what's your name janae Oh can touch you on the throat father I thank you for Janelle I thank you Lord that rolling up an opportunity for her to share about you in church now for you to restore her voice I'm afraid to be bold and clear and I prayed Lord Jesus that there'll be no pain and I thank you Lord that you will fix her voice box take away any kind of strain away and her voice would be strong and clear and we thank you that we can't lift up her voice like a trumpet so lord I pray that you will bless her she speaks now in Jesus name Amen just begin to shout and clout and cut up with you really that's the way to do if the devil tries to do something well you can't do yo I'll show you you know what are you down here for prayer what do you see yep okay well we go yeah here's what we gotta do we gotta pray isaiah 54:17 there's no weapon formed against this prosperous so father I want to thank you that you're a God of restoration I pray over this ministry and over this marriage and over all this work dear that you would restore Joel I pray the book of Joel there that you would restore all the years of King corn has consumed good Lord I pray you'll just bring this man to his senses that you'll review demonic spirits and you'll give him clear thinking and a clean heart and lord I pray that you would turn this thing around and lord thank you for the sister I pray that you would come and be that very present handsome the Time of Troubles and Lord ensure cast oliver careful in you i pray that in the midst of all this she'll rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory he's here in that wonderful that's right you got got in the fire with Shadrach Meshach and other guys in this up wow that's good right in the middle of the messy the devil throws it at you but in the middle of the battle God hollers timeout throws your party that Psalms 23 remember that he prepares a table force what is it Oh Lord Jesus thank you thank you for wonderful children your word says that we're wonderfully and fearfully made said we're knit together in this soft pink place so lord I pray you to bless this pregnancy I bless the baby let's just your sister right now I pray that you'll heal her body that all the chemistry of her body would work perfect and everything would be absolutely did that delightful normal can I breathe on you here that's in the Bible remember that John 20:21 we breathed upon so everything we did life will be normal okay good Bob beats a pretty good name if you're looking for all right oh okay hey here it is you ready God didn't give us a spirit of fear but love powerless Samer God gave us a sound that's the night he's doing that's right God did not give us a spirit of fear but love power and a sound mind so lord I come against Alzheimer's and dementia or all of this kind of stuff and we thank you now that you will cause that sound mind to manifest and he'll enjoy a good good strong memory all the days of his life in Jesus name good [Applause] love powering up sound mine oh look at the Hebrew the the Greek word sound mind it means a mind that can catalog and retain facts yeah that's one of the ways I've memorized the Scriptures a sound mind a mind that can catalog to retain facts yeah my Arabian can't remember well quit saying that about yourself say I've got a sound mind in the baby okay Lord Jesus you said the offspring of the bride will be mighty and Lord of this woman is standing in for her daughter accursed cancer diapers a diagnostic report of cancer but I'm asking you Jesus go out of this room go to where that girl is and touch your body and make her totally well do it into such a way Jesus you get great glory and people see who you are and how you are in Jesus name we commit this to you we thank you that your plans for us are good and Jesus name Amen good I heard Jeremiah 31:17 says your future's filled with rato Jeremiah 31 17 that's that's a good but that's a good verse well let's get out of here okay it's ready oh my god I'm so sorry roll to him what's wrong with you come up here what do you think about it I do too I think I think we can't buy into these lying spirits I'll tell you what you really can't you need to say that God wants you healthy strong mobile so you got any pain okay I'll come against it pain I come against a crippling spirit I rebuke it in the name of the Lord Jesus I bonded that say to you you cannot torment this woman so lord I command this pain and a crippling strickler go away and I pray right now you'll make this woman strong and healthy all of her bones will be flexible and mobile and she'll have mobility and no pain in Jesus name Amen that's good wiggle around a lot that's true listen I don't know why we listen to the devil and not to God God wants us to be strong he does he really does the devil wants us to just I'll tell you I'm absolutely sure God is salting the airwaves over this place with Hebrews 10:35 hang on to hope it brings big dividends Hebrews 10:35 says hold on to hope it says don't fling away your confidence your steadfast hope in God because your steadfast hoping God brings with it a great recompense of reward Hebrews 10:35 hold on the hope if the devil is doing anything he's chipping away at your Hope Hope deferred guess what that's the heart sick but when what you get you've longed for it you get it it's a wellspring hang on to hope say I will well good come here the guy with the beanie what's your name what Garrett yeah yeah yeah what's it mean you know I don't know I know a lot of men that look like Gary Gary seems like a snorting horse to me it sounds good what do you do BR all my my grandson is 21 he's a welder disgraces you can t imagine the money they paid this kid to weld it is crazy anyway he's doing a good job Betty but so you want to be a welder okay good does God want you to be a welder have you asked him I don't know just I'll pet it I'll put a verse inside okay Nehemiah 9:20 that verse says God gave his good spirit to instruct them and with hell not his manner their mouth so it gave me this good spirit to instruct you that means to show you where to go okay so Lord I'm asking you to let the good spirit of God direct him and show him where you supposed to go and what he's supposed to do see if you're not supposed to do that you won't be good at anyone enjoy when you finally find out what God what you do it's a delight oh I was born for this that's true I'm gonna get a hold of that hat I just meant to it's okay you can trust a guy like me you say listen I'm straightening out he's thinking you know but yeah anyway it's gonna be okay I'll take what'll happen to you you want to know you're gonna get a dream at night it'll be so clear it'll be more real than us standing here it's the book of Job I spoke to you spoke to spoke to you didn't think it was me so the night seasons I feel what I've been saying that's a book cover the verse how's the book of Job so he's gonna speak to you about what to do my green good see that one bag was it well we through now I'm going through the book table let's see let's see that follow the sheet you did great on finish introductions and interview speed I've had trouble landing this thing but just jump out that's what I do I've just jump out yeah I'll be at the book table okay if we could have our Usher's come far we want to take up an offering for Bobby and bless them I don't know yeah I just like I've been washed by the word I mean man it's just so good just man the Bible's power feels so good so you can now there's a couple different ways you can give if you give on our app there'll be a little name there Bobby Connor just get up it'll go there if you pull that part up check if you make it up design will count it separate for Bobby cash if you have a chip in your forehead or your wrist get rid of it so so I think you're being generous Bobby you'll be here tomorrow at 10 a.m. and at 6 p.m. and then an hour morning service at this campus at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday so love you guys to come join us and so is it up there yeah let's give you guys a second to write anything else I need to announce yeah Bryan Simmons coming in July so that'll be good Billy upper hard to be coming in September how easy can be doing a weekend on how to start businesses as not he didn't yeah he didn't turn his mic off don't let him go to the bathroom Bobby said one time he they got this new PA system and it was picking up the Seabees the CB of the place and so there's a lady down the street who is a prostitute who was talking super filthy to the truckers getting them to pull into her place and it was going over the PA system during church and so they tracked her down and bobbing in a bleeding her to the Lord and she not come to the church that amazing so so just leave it on in the bathroom who knows what can happen so pushers go get him and thanks for being generous with Bobby and awesome but yeah Billy would be doing entrepreneurs weekend he is easy he's the best investor I know and now paper assets real estate and business he's made multi millions in all of them manicotti teaches an angel omics bible college a whole bunch and so you guys are not gonna wanna miss em that'll be in September then we have David Hogan and James Maloney coming within four days of each other in the fall so so yeah the October and early November so that will be amazing but ten o'clock tomorrow six o'clock and so let's let the buckets keep going here pushers are not sure as you guys are doing a great job and by the way they're awesome all right well let's stand up here floor we love you and we just pray you seal these words in our hearts and now for those of you who guy Bobby was kind of messing with fees said something to you prophetic and guys who went up on a high-level profits in town your dream life sprouting to increase filming you're probably of experiencing it this week already things have just been kicked up and so lord I just speak to us in our ninth season God we want to encounter you all through the night and so though we just we ask for it in the name of Jesus amen bless you guys don't forget to love on rod Linville alright bye guys go buy some books [Music]
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 6,777
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Bobby Conner, Zion Christian Fellowship, sonship
Id: XQbnjPAGeVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 19sec (9139 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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