Bob Ross - Ocean Sunrise (Season 5 Episode 6)

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- Welcome back. I'm glad you could join me today. And today I have a special treat for you, I have a lovely lady that comes to us out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and she's gonna do a fantastic painting for you. I'd like to introduce you today to Audrey Golden, a long-time friend and I think you'll enjoy watching her as much as I have. So Audrey, we'll turn the show over to you and I'll see ya when the show is over. - Okay, thanks Bob. Hi and it's good to see you. The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put some magic white on the canvas. Gonna cover it 3/4 of the way and leave the bottom blank. And as I progress through the painting you'll understand why I'm not putting magic white at the bottom of the canvas. While I'm doing this you'll see the colors that I'll use in this painting go across your screen. And you paint with the magic white, make sure you cover your entire surface with an even coat. Come down and just stop about 3/4 of the way down. Alright, I've got a new, I've got a good coat of the magic white on the canvas. And now we'll start working on the top part. I'm gonna take a two inch, two and a half inch brush and I'm going to load it up with my alizarin crimson. Be careful 'cause this is, we just wanna light coat of pink through the middle. And you'll notice that the alizarin crimson when it mixes with the magic white produces a real pretty pink color. I'm doing a Florida sunrise. One day I woke up early in the morning, took my camera, and went out and watched the sun rise on the beach, so that's the type of picture I'll be painting for you. Just feather the pink on up into the sky. I think my horizon will be about there. I want a little bit of reflection, so I'm gonna pull a little pink down in here. And you'll notice when you don't have the magic white on it won't move for you. Just pulling this all out. When you do water make sure, now this is the beginning of water, you don't know that yet, but it is, I know it is, make sure your brushstrokes are nice and straight. Now from there I'm going to take some Indian yellow. I haven't washed my brush or cleaned my brush, because I can blend this Indian yellow and alizarin crimson together and get some pretty colors in there. As I'm painting this I have to decide where I'm going to have my sun come up, and I think it's gonna come right about there, so I wanna put a little bit more Indian yellow in that spot. I still have some pretty colors there. And from that I just wanna work a little pathway down. This will be the reflection of my sun. Do use your imagination right now, but you'll see in a minute what I'm trying to accomplish. Gonna take a clean two and a half inch brush and then just do some very soft blending. Just let the Indian yellow fade away. We'll get in here, blend it out. Alright, now gonna take, gonna mix a pretty lavender color. I'm gonna take some white, move it down here, take a little bit of alizarin crimson, some Prussian blue. Watch the Prussian blue, because it's strong. Take too much what happens? It turns blue. Okay, gotta go back and get a little bit more white. A little bit more crimson. Mix it together. Don't have to mix too much though. I'm gonna get a little bit of Van Dyke in here too just to soften the color. You can leave it marblized, it doesn't have to be mixed to death. And then I'm gonna take a one inch brush and start just working some coloring in here, in through the sky. 'Cause on that particular morning I saw a lot of purple. And then in spots I even saw some grey. Just feather those clouds in. Now one thing you have to be careful is, about is that you have to be careful that your Indian yellow and your lavender work together. If you put too much Indian yellow around here or at the outside you might get too, you'll get a green color if you're not careful. So just keep it on the edges. Alright, let's just wiggle a little old cloud in through here. And then again, I take my blending brush and soften everything. Using the magic white is such a treat, because you can really blend. Get super, super colors. Right in through here, just pull the lavender and you'll see all sorts of neat colors appear. We have some beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunsets in Florida. And the colors in the sky sometimes you wouldn't even believe what you see. If you painted it people would say, nah, that can't happen. But it does. Alright, now I want to put a little bit of Van Dyke Brown in the corners. And it's gonna look more of a grey color. I just wanna darken up my corners a little bit. Again, this Van Dyke will just work in and give it a real soft look. Swiggle. And as you're working on either a sunrise or a sunset or any sky you can put lots of different colors in and just keep working them to see the different effects you get. And again, just blend that, just soften it. Don't be afraid to blend. And even if the lavender and the yellow go together, even if you get a little tint of green in there it really doesn't hurt that much, because I've seen skies where that happens and it looks very natural. Alright, now let me show you where my horizon's going to go. I'm gonna take my fan brush and put some of my lavender color on. And I want to, I've kind of left an opening here where I wanna create my horizon. Just wanna draw a soft line. When you do a horizon make sure you have a straight line. It's straight. Okay. I think I've got it. It's just gonna tell me where I'm going. And then, taking my fan brush, and I just want to make little lines across here. Now the pink from my sky is reflecting into my water and when you do this don't cover up the pink, 'cause that's gonna be the sky reflecting. Keep your lines straight. And on this day the water was very calm. So there weren't many, there were some ripples, but there weren't very big waves, so I just want some real soft lines in there. To what you can do is you can just take your blending brush, just blend it and you get all sorts of wonderful colors there. Same thing with the other side. I put my lines on with the tip of the brush. If you want to you can go like that, but you have more control over it doing it this way. And come in to where your reflection of the sun will be. Okay. That still looks pretty abstract, doesn't it? But you'll see as we go on what's going to happen. Okay. Some dark shadows in here. Just again, straight lines. Some, a little bit of Van Dyke, and a little bit of blue, and a little bit of crimson all mixed together to give me a darker lavender color, or purple. And just a little, few lines across here. Again, I want my brightest part to be right in the middle. Alright, now the next thing I have to do is I have to put my sun in. And take a little bit of white on my fan brush. I'm just gonna decide, look at it, see where my sun should be. It's gonna be right about here, just place it on there and just, with the fan brush, pivot the fan brush, it'll pick up some of the orange, that's fine. Otherwise, if you just make a round white dot there it looks like you pasted it on, so you do want it to blend in with your background. Now if for some reason you get too much paint on there, just take your palette knife, scrape a little bit of it off, because what I'm going to do is again, I'm gonna take my brush and blend it. If you get spots just move it, just move the paint. Now sometimes when I have students doing this we don't always get a round circle, so what I tell them to do is just pull a cloud across it and that way you don't have to worry about getting a round circle. Just break the edge of the sun up a little bit. Especially at sunrise you won't see, the sun keeps popping out from under the clouds. Sunrise. And then we can put a little bit over here. I'm using the fan brush. Need a little soft clouds over here. And just blend them in. Okay, now if you wanted to make this a sunset I would just put more color into it. You could really get this to be a bright, pretty sky. But don't be afraid to try different colors in your skies, 'cause you don't have to just stick to blue with white clouds. Alright, now I've got my sun in there, I've got the beginning of some water. I'm gonna take my knife, take some paint, white, I'm just going to start back here. Just get a little ridge of that paint on there. I'm gonna use some magic white here. Just slide down the canvas. And as I come forward my lines are going to get bigger. Slip and slide across. If you want to, if you don't like what you've done, or you don't, I just take a little fan brush and smooth out my edges, my waterlines or my reflection. Okay. There we go, so we've got some water, we've got the sun, and we've got the sky. And the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take some magic black and my one inch brush. I'm gonna start filling in down here. This is where I left the canvas dry. And if you wanted to you could use your two and a half inch brush, get it finished in a hurry. Or just put this in. Now I was, happened to be sitting on a sand dune, so I wanna get a little bit of a, little bit of height over here. Plus what's going to happen when I get my shadows in there is I tell people that the sand isn't black, it's white, but it, as the sun came up the sand looked black because it was creating a silhouette. Just put this on. Cover the bottom. Alright, I've covered it. And now, take my fan brush and I want some of the, the color from the water in my magic white. Now that was a clean fan brush, but what I'm taking is I'm taking some of the magic white from where my water was and actually just blending it right down into my sand. And you get a natural highlight from that. Go up a little bit higher, 'cause that paint is still wet and that's where the sun would be shining on the sand and it works down. Let's make that a little bit higher. Come on down. And now with my fan brush just take the side of it and pull up some grass that was growing on the beach. On the other side, whoops, don't want dribble. Just use the side of the brush. Okay. Oh, and we're gonna put a little bit of color into this. Gonna make a little path. And I'm just taking the lavender color that I used. Just working down. And as I come forward my path's gonna get a little bit bigger and bigger. And you can play with this and you can get all sorts of shadows and highlights. You're actually, down in this area you're working dark to light. So just a little bit of color here and there. Can get some little sand. Can make the sand actually move for you. Alright, now we take the liner brush and dip it into the black, and on that particular sand dune that I was sitting on were sea oats. I think I'm gonna put a little bit of paint thinner with this, just to get it really thin. Just roll it around. And on this side put some little thin liner, lines in there and sea oats have little tiny dots on them. They look like piece of wheat. They're used for, to keep the water (mumbling), to keep the water from eroding the soil, the sand. So they are not allowed to pick them in Florida. And this one's gonna go way up. You can do all sorts of things with these. Just be free. And go up into the air and then pull a few little dots down. Can put a little, few little pieces of grass here. And then also on that morning there were some pelicans flying by. And how I do that is I just take my liner and I tell people to make a V. Just fill it in. Let them fly by. Or an M. There is one coming in for a landing. And then I have another one down here. Alright. I'm gonna clean my brush. And just a little lavender as a highlight on some of these. Okay. And then continue with my lavender and sign my name. This is a very simple painting and I know you'll enjoy doing it. The best part is when we put the black in. Hi. (laughs) There we go. - Isn't she fantastic? I told you you'd love her. From all of us here we'd like to wish you happy painting and God bless. (soft music)
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 285,085
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Keywords: kappaross, pastel, oil, canvas, chill, bob ross, joy of painting, bob ross inc, happy accident, painting, bob ross marathon, steven ross, drawing, tv show, host, alaska, the joy of painting, mountain, twitch, happy trails, free, bob ross painting, lake, landscape, paint, snow, brushes, wildlife, livestream, art, ocean, coloring, stream, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross twitch, asmr, happy trees, bob ross full episode, bob ross asmr, full episode, beauty is everywhere, pbs
Id: u0Bz6TNUK1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2016
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