Bob Ross - Northwest Majesty (Season 4 Episode 11)

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welcome back I'm glad you could join me this week and this week I'm very excited because I have a lovely lady here that's going to show you a fantastic painting I'd like to introduce you today to a good friend of mine Diane Andre Diane thanks for being here with us today thanks Bob I'm gonna turn Diane loose she's gonna do a fantastic painting right here for you and I'll be back in a minute well thank you Bob I appreciate that nice little introductory well the color I'm showing the colors that I'll be using on the screen to you I'll start you in up here I've coated the top half of the canvas with magic black magic white and the bottom half with magic black now over the bottom of this canvas where I have the magic black I'm going to pick up some SAP green and with a lot of pressure I'm going to work it in work it in you're wanting just to leave a thin coat of paint there thin coat thin coat thin coat okay about like so hook it up a little bit into the white okay I guess it's a nice surface color to work from and I'm going to show up be showing a lot of shadow in through there and I've so I've already have it okay going to go over to my palette and I'm going to pick up a little mixture of Van Dyck Brown impression blue equal parts just to touch a color don't load that brush come up in here a lot of pressure a lot of pressure a lot of pressure bring it down in to light one of the biggest keys when you're making those clouds is to use a lot of pressure so they come back in there with that cloud color it shows off pulls off nice for a little more read up in here use a little bit of lutheran crimson up in there and touch it with you okay now take this nice stiff fan brush pull it through my nice thick white here use a stiff brush when you work with this thick paint pull it in there and let that paint pull off for me move it around give it some how our growl it in there and do keep that brush clean before I go back into the the paint I always clean and dry that brush real good I love both sides of the brush a lot of pressure look at the bristles of that brush moving around moving around moving around back down a little lighter touch where I want it to blend down into shadow down into shadow okay we want it to be a little bit brighter all right up in here pick up a little more paint growl it in there duh-duh-duh-duh to go out at the bottoms like about soup okay let's take it clean our brush gonna need a nice clean dry brush when you hit Mattias and when you hypnotize keep in mind just a few hairs are touching that paint so that the paint stays exactly where I put it and all this does is take it down into shadow and blends it into a soft soft movement in through here look at that in that nice just stage right where I put it be gentle no pressure okay now let's pick up the palette knife and take a little bit of that blue and brown mix and add just a touch of your titanium white to lighten it up a little bit look how I mix don't over mix you want a nice consistency of thick paint let's bring this guy right up in there we bring a gun right up in there always load your knife by pulling the paint get a nice edge of paint on there you use a lot of pressure when you're putting the undercoat of these mountains on that's big to do back in and out just into that scrape you want it to lift all that extra paint off of there because when you come back in here with your brush just a few hairs are touching that tint of blue under there and the rest of it is touching that magic white and when you give it a little bit of pressure it blends right down into a little bit of a fog into their sets that mountain right back where we want okay now let's take a little bit of shadow color I'm going to use pression blue and white your thick white again pull your paint pick up a nice little edge come back up in here gently gently gently touch that knife to the canvas I'll try to go as slow as I can here for you so you can see the pool of that paint pull the paint full of the paint pull the paint no pressure that's the key no pressure no pressure let the paint do the work let it pull let it fall that's all okay pick up some sunshine color back in here and we'll put some light up in here on this mound but all that just pulls grabs off the thin coat underneath and pulls right off where it wants to look at that you can move it around maybe down into there let's pull this guy I've been through here that the data okay a little while back down here okay all of a sudden you're seeing some movement always looking for movement and illusion illusion you can swoop this this side got that the be creative be creative one extra touch anak you go in here back into you let's swing that a little bit flick as a paint fall off there okay now let's go back to our pallet and load a one-inch brush with some green I'm using SAP green Van Dyck Brown and pression blue in equal parts and then I tap off the edge I'm getting that brush loaded a good half the way down that with paint down that brush it's loaded back into the paint get the paint loaded from the inside out tap tap I'm using a little bit of pressure there's not much pressure in here cap tap tap tap now I'm going to set those mountains back even further bring it in tap it in okay now all I'm doing here people is I'm creating dark so that when I come back in over this dark with light you'll see all kinds of illusions in here right down in here I'm just adding a little bit of texture a little bit of texture to play from my dark is already there the beauty of using that undercoat of black the magic black is to create the dark for me so I don't have to go back and create dark with paint little morning okay back to the paint come on the brush open it up let's come up in here it's something light touch let the paint pull from the brush thick is point off of the thin cut down into shadow all right now let's take one of these guys and let's pick up a little bit of Indian yellow well maybe a touch of such a SAP green just Marble it in there on some how about some CAD yellow and a touch of red Marvel Indian okay now again whenever you're doing highlights you're loading the brush the same way you work a lot of paint on the tip of that brush come back into your magic now we need a thinner consistency so not only am I getting different values I'm also loosing that paint so when I come back up in here and lightly touch from the thick paint pulls the thin paint oh wallah look at that look at that pull in that nice actually they call it illusion and I think it looks like the illusion of hard work and it's not have have a good time I teach my students enjoy what you do look at that pool look that on top back down in got that down into shadow down and when I say down into shadow that means I'm filtering my light out lighter touch when you do that now we're going to pick up a little of that CAD yellow and a touch of the permanent red and I loosened it with some magic can I come up in here look how that color Springs from the dark Springs from the darks were down into shadow down pick up a little more of that bread nice and tap it into the magic loosen it up that doesn't look at that not a pretty and you can see all those different colors in one stroke of that brush by mixing your brush this way mixing the paint with your brush this way that would be better okay tap her in pick a color any color tap it in there key dip it into the magic loosen it up a few times tap it in there come back up in here lightly touch lightly touch lightly touch come down into shadow down into shadow dot entity now look how nice those lights play against that dark okay let's pick up a little Indian yellow tap it into that thick white well I want a real nice bright yellow I get my color dip it into the magic and go with it let's put a bright little guy just seem his way through life looking real smug data you've got a sitting up here in front back into a color back into a comb or look at that I get excited every time I paint one of these little dudes uh-huh okay that did it over here maybe pick a little Dismas touched a little blue in there have fun with your color that that over here Papa okay let's see what we got oh that's good you never know what you're going to come up with I'm excited every time look at that let's get a 100 color right there Dada Dada Dada Dada down doctor I get involved so much when I play on my palette that way and I never get a mud I never get mud for a color as long as you keep your brush open loosen it up like I've shown you and fire it in there throw it throw it through a tap tap light touch though so what I'm teaching you is that light touch okay now let's bring a few of those together let's take a little bit of your magic white and just touch a color give a little color to your magic white but you want a real loose consistency pull your knife through pull it in ah ha lot of pressure a lot of pressure but the little guys hold it around in here don't make one line per item each little bortion each little tree show things running around and moving around them or in behind them or whatever those lights showing on that dark will create the illusion of something happening more than what you can see how that lights that one of the line rounds the whole idea you can almost see this moving in front one little stroke of that bring a big guy habit pull that in there but remember that loose paint with a lot of pressure is pulling off for me something back of it and you know people you you don't always have to use the whole knife a lot of times I'm just using the little section in here or I'll flip it over and use this little end or I'll just shoot it up there with the whole side of the knife let me show you here let's just clip a little in I'm just using this area right here that you can move it a little more something back let it work for you play with these things and make them move these ideas I'm giving you today okay now let's take that brush we had all those pretty colors in and we'll load it there can look at that a little bit a little that drag it through look at those colors key loosen it up with the magic like so all you're doing is loosening those colors come back up in here put the light touch tap tap tap time tapping up at all time bring that in a little bit and you can keep turning that brush over I'm going to turn over a little more color in through there a little speed and as I come down and I'm unloading my brush my touch gets a little bit more demanding I hit it a little bit harder okay back here we're going to pick up just in Lindon yellow and a touch of white and again loosen the paint this in the paint I want it to be a little bit brighter right up here in front so I'll go back in here and I'll create the illusion of this sitting in front of what's happening there and back you can see the depth coming in through there that digitech down it's a shadow leave a little darker you see how the lights pulling in through here really clipping along clipping along okay now let's take some Van Dyck Brown and a little bit of burnt umber about equal parts when you're doing this we're going to put a couple of birch trees in there remember don't mix your paint you want to keep the texture the texture is what's working for you and from this I'll make three different values I add in your thick white but to put our base color on we first start with Van Dyke Brown just straight on Van Dyke Brown and we put a line in there pull your paint line in there I pretty well draw the line and then go back in and fill in flip my knife over since I've loaded both sides I can do that like your paints draw the line draw the line draw the line got to draw the line somewhere that I filled and filled and fill it in fill it in all the way up to town let's put another one in there let's bring this guy right down in here bring it up you're gonna tap in the line give yourself a base something to work from this is I'm again I'm using just straight Van Dyck Brown right in through here remember you have to have shadow to show light and everything you do whether it's trees or rocks or bushes got to have the dark before you can play the light okay fill it in a little darker down here what filled in okay now we've got a lot of texture on there - I like a lot of texture okay now we're going to take that Van Dyck Brown and burnt umber I can see if it's about equal parts we add just a touch of your titanium white to that and again I'm going to make about three different values of that let's get that a little darker for the first end remember your shadows coming from your from your right so the right side of your tree would be which still shows shadow but it would be darker and as we come to the right we will start lightening up look at the pull of that watch don't push just let the paint pull off for me let the paint do the work all I have to do is that um that um guide the idea let it happen let it have no pressure no pressure no pressure no pressure okay we'll take a little bit lighter value of that and do the same thing again you get that load of paint that I showed you always load your knife the same way I showed you light touch let it pull let it pull let it pull off for you no pressure no pressure and all the way up the top remember your knife really never touches the canvas that roll of paint you got on there is what's working it lifts itself away from the knife and it pulls in the direction you want it to pull from okay a little more white and some of that mix marbled it together like so okay give it a little more light that right here on this one side let it pull how to pull tap dat duh duh duh duh pull it in by touch light touch light touch how those trees are starting to round out for you you can see the movement running around that the and the texture with that bark all right grant okay let's take that green mix I had to make and we're going to take just a little bit of your magic black we want to loose paint so I'm going to thin it down with a little bit of magic black because we want a real dark color here we're going to come back up in here and we're going to lightly touch let the thick pull off the thin let that that down look at that shadow it wouldn't pull wouldn't grab for me if I didn't send it down that like so okay now let's finish off those trees they need a few little branches take some magic black and a little bit of burnt umber you want to loose paint here keep it loose keep it loose dicta now let's use the little script liner long here you need those long hairs so a few hairs bit long because they need to bounce onto the canvas and move around however we want to if I had a short hair brush it would almost push into the canvas so the hair should be be long you long to talk look at watch the paper yeah good okay and I've been here we'll give it a little bit a little bit to let a pole at a poun little darker right up into here let it boil and as you come down let that hold it bring it in and around look at the twist let it twist and turn in your fingers don't try to paint the painting otherwise they look like little sticks hanging up in there you want a little more movement everything should have a little movement not down back down maybe a little guy up in there oh let's put little snaggers coming from there little snakes - dad down to dirt things happening now let's take a little bit of magic white a little bit of that brown we're going to highlight a few of those little branches but you still you want to lose paint look how that pulls now just by adding a little bit of light on this dark it makes those stand away and use it and don't you don't have to put that everywhere you put the brown just let it pull out four at once remember to let me show you this letting that roll around in my fingertips and I'm always bringing that to a point that down back up in your little light back up in here back up in here to down to the town little more light up in here okay a little light back up in there let it pull let it pull for you let it move a little over here son clip it in there data okay now before I have you go paint this on your own let's throw just a one more thing let me show you one more thing take a little bit of magic light and touch it for a number and right in here we need some movement so we'll go back in here and we'll make a a little more of a definite larger little thing moving off in here bigger it's coming up it's kind of sitting in front of those guys it's getting a little a little here a little there it kind of breaks that area and put your eye back into the painting see how the movement of the painting is going around it hits the mountains captures moves around and around now this also will help keep the viewer in focus a little this little more right in there done okay little touch in there already and last but not least we'll pick up a little magic black and sign my name away here then paint I like using a thin paint because it will pull off automatically for me da da da da da da well I'm sure enjoyed being with here today I really hope that was able to teach you something and here those few tips and you'll be all ready to go for it didn't I tell you she was fantastic thanks from all of us here would like to wish you happy painting god bless Missy next week but I knew you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 613,677
Rating: 4.8431044 out of 5
Keywords: host, chill, bob ross joy of painting, pastel, bob ross marathon, pbs, happy trails, bob ross asmr, drawing, painting, twitch, snow, kappaross, bob ross twitch, alaska, beauty is everywhere, bob ross, bob ross full episode, coloring, stream, steven ross, happy trees, ocean, free, wildlife, bob ross painting, art, tv show, lake, the joy of painting, full episode, brushes, garden, livestream, asmr, joy of painting, happy accident, mountain, bob ross inc, oil, canvas, paint, landscape
Id: 9DU6bunvD_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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