Forest Road by Master Artist, Diane Andre.

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are you ready let's start with our magic white today and we'll also be using the alexander black medium at the bottom now what i want to teach you is how to apply the medium you use a lot of pressure look at the pressure i'm using look at the beauty of this easel holding my canvas down i can push that as hard as i want and the canvas doesn't go anywhere work it in a lot of pressure work it in a lot of pressure down to about like so you never want it laid in there you want to work it in if you ever see a buildup of your magic then wipe it out okay let's clean and dry that brush i'm pulling the brush over the screen it's pulling the paint out of my brush for me shake out the excess paint thinner and let's try this is where you get that almighty arm okay growl out a little bit now let's pick up some of the black medium and do the same remember don't ever paint it on or you'll get a build up a lot of pressure move it in there move it in there a lot of pressure there's a lot of grain in your canvas and what you're doing is that you're working it into all those little grooves all the little grooves and when you're working with this black medium a lot of times what you'll you'll see little streaks in here the canvas kind of showing through a little bit don't ever worry about those because if you try to cover those up you'll be applying too much paint and those all cover by themselves you just want to create an illusion of dark down in here the illusion of dark come right up to the white so that you're always working on that wet canvas okay nice and dark clean the brush shake it out remember what bill taught you first the brush cleaner then the artist nice and dry nice and dry okay now let me let me show you something here and i want you to do this each time you paint a painting until you get used to how much of the magic white or the black medium to put on i want you to thump your canvas like so a different finger and thump the black and what you'll see here is a nice shiny imprint of my finger you can see the the fingerprint showing through if you have any more than that that means you've used too much and you need to go back with a clean dry brush and lift it off until it is the right consistency now let me show let me go over a little bit of the colors i'll be using first off i'll be using the titanium white cad yellow indian yellow yellow ochre prussian blue some permanent red sap green phthalo green van dyke brown and some burnt umber excuse me and this mix here is my shadow mix i use this color here for all of my shadow and the mixture is one part sap green to one half part of your van dyke brown and one part one half part of your phthalo blue that's one part sap green one half blue and one half van dyke brown now first off we'll tint the magic white now what i want to teach you is that when you tint a color what i do is i pull my paint away from the pile and i'll pick up the two and a half inch blending brush now the reason i pulled this out was that when i go up in here with my brush i barely pick up just a little bit of paint just a little bit because i just want to tint just want to tint the canvas you do not want to build up of paint come up in here a lot of pressure a lot of pressure move the paint in it's always darker at the top so i start at the top and work down and as i come down i lighten up a little bit on my touch but it's also blending in with the magic white so it's lighter at the bottom and darker at the top just want to show some color in the sky today we don't want to get too much going up in there today it's a nice bright sunny day all directions look at the different color i get even just by adding the blue to the white it mixes value on my canvas okay clean dry brush and the same with the black and i will tint the black with some sap green remember don't paint work it in work it in work it in work it in work it in okay look at that nice and dark keep it nice and dark and have a nice dark area down here so don't have to put it in work it all the way up like so tint to color we'll be using a lot of green today so i tint sap green with my black medium growl on it get you loose don't hit or hit like this let's hit the tips of those bristles back and forth a little movement and it dries right up okay now i'm going to take the one inch foliage brush let me teach you how to load this brush i work it real hard on my palette so that i can work the paint to the inside of the brush inside of the brush has to be on the inside of the brush work it in okay now let me show you how to test that so that you know if you have enough paint on the inside i want you to pull the paint flat across your palette and if it comes to a chiseled edge you're perfect again okay you got it good now i'm going to have you tap off the edge like so kind of rounded okay i'm going to have you come up in here what i want you to do is hold your brush about like so and i want you to create by using a light touch some shadow area light touch light touch come down into the dark the thick paint is pulling from my brush the thick paint is pulling from my brush go back and load it up again a little something look at that no pressure each time i'm hitting that canvas i'm coming away from the canvas and i start with a real light touch and as i'm emptying out my brush i hit it a little bit harder load the brush back up round off the edge come up in here look at that light touch i'll do this slow light touch come down all i need to know is how to load that brush the amount of pressure to use when and where and the beauty of that paint load that guy load it up tap off the edge and the edge that i tap off is the edge i come up to the canvas like so with a little something up in here a little something up in there down into the dark now you notice i don't have to create dark down here because i have that black medium down there but i do want to create just a little bit of texture and a little something up in through here a little texture a little texture i'm pushing this pretty hard down through here because i just want to let a little of that thick paint pull off the brush for me down and through here down through here a little more texture over in here little texture up into there need a little texture in there so that when you put our highlights back in there it'll give the highlights a firm paint to pull from now let me show you this i'm going to open this brush up a little bit more i load it up and i really hit it and i hit it and push hit it and push like so yeah open that is that's great huh you got that is okay it's a little bit more open than last time i come up in here i'm going to put a little lightly touch lightly touch gentle just barely touch it on there it'll pull itself off it'll pull itself off paint is designed to pull itself off this brush is made to grip the paint and release it look at that like i'm going to go slow light look light touch barely touching that light touch a little more over here but when i applied speed what i'm getting is it looks like i'm pushing it real hard which i'm not you can see that now a little down into here now as i coming down into shadow getting a little darker a little thicker back up and through here maybe a little something in there coming down into shadow nice and dark nice and dark okay add a little texture add a little texture remember it takes dark to create your light we didn't have the dark under here your light would not show a little texture down through here a little something here and there like so notice i sort of left this area around here because what we're going to do is we're going to put a path in here now don't i will come in and out of some of that texture and that's fine and you don't want too much down in through there so that it's just a little bit easier to work from now i want you to pick up some of that thick white with your one inch brush and bring it over here to your burnt umber and roll it around a few times first i'm going to have you draw in the idea of the path because i have a chiseled edge so first off i want you to give yourself an idea just an idea of where a path would be just the idea pick up a little more of that paint just a little bit back in here now that's the idea now a lot of my students will say well where do i know where to start well sometimes if you treat yourself to giving yourself something to work from it's a little bit easier when you're first learning now i'm going to take that same color and just drag it back and forth a little bit still you're just giving yourself a direction this kind of lays it down lays it down lays it down in there like so now you got a little more of an idea now i'm going to use my knife and i'm going to pick up add a little texture in there take those same colors let's take some van dyke brown a little burnt umber a little white maybe a little yellow ochre roll it around in there don't mix it can you see those colors look at that all those colors are showing a little bit darker a little bit darker look at all those colors nice now let me show you how to load that knife see how i pulled my paint on my palette in a straight upper position i slice through it so that i get a nice lift of paint nice edge of paint the firmness of that paint needs to stick up away from the blade of that knife that's the whole key whole key to using the alexander knife and the firmness of the paint the paint and the tool do the work now i'm just going to come in here and add a little texture in there i'm laying that knife flat to my palette or to my canvas just sliding it in here and there and letting a little that texture pull off back in here need a little texture back in here back in here you don't have to cover it all because you've got that nice color underneath a little texture all kinds of different ways of doing paths or roads or a little just let the paint pull off let the paint pull the knife flat you see that flat to the palette let it pull itself off and no pressure no pressure if i push that let me show you if i push this what i get is a smear but if i just lay it in there and lightly touch i get texture a little texture up into there like so now let's take that same color and make it a little bit lighter add a little more of my titanium white a little more yellow ochre same color but a little bit lighter with those colors load my knife the same come back in here give just just a little more hint a little more sunlight color a little worse than that color and what we're also going to do in this path is i'm going to show you how to put in a little sandy look you first need to do this get this on there first and then come in with your stand a little bit lighter a little bit lighter a little bit lighter a few places back into there there you go now you've got some you're starting to get depth in here now even in the path you're starting to get depth now let me show you how to do some sand now what i'm going to do start with is i'm going to pick up some of the alexander black medium add just a little bit of my burnt umber to that you need a loose loose paint and it even has to be thinner than this so i'll pick up some of the odorless paint thinner and thin it down just a hair pour it on there and a few drops pull in there thin it down a little bit more just a touch more okay a few more drops thin it down and it down about like so see it just should barely want to drip from your knife that's about the consistency you want just barely getting ready to drip like so it's not running off like water take a little bit of that and i'm going to add a little bit of my magic white to make it a little bit lighter a little bit more a little bit lighter and we'll also take some straight magic white which we'll have to also thin down just a hair and a touch of your indian yellow just a touch touch of indian yellow nice loose paint so we've got about three shades here i've got a dark a medium and a light okay now what i want you to do is to take out your fan brush and we're going to use the stiffness of that bristle now what you're going to see here make sure it's clean okay we pick up that loose paint i just had to make up and what you're going to see is i load some of that paint on the brush like so it's loose see how nice and loose that is okay and i'm going to take my finger what i'm going to do is i'm going to work it off like this come up into the canvas like so and let a little of that spray off now you can use your finger or your knife or whatever you just need something for that brush to flick off of see how that's flickering in there now we're getting some illusion of the sand going on illusion of sand you see that back forth slow motion just flick it on there you know it's really nice having all this time just to work with you today not having to be in a hurry it's been all the time we want we can take this more of a step by step it's important to see some of these things some of the things that i'm teaching you in a little bit more slower motion same thing this is the lighter color or the medium color actually a little bit of that in there a little bit of that a little bit of that that nice and it's about two to two and a half inches away from my canvas i don't get right up on it and i don't get way back here i get about two to three inches i guess away from the canvas now let's take that sunshine color the lightest one we mixed and one more time we'll put a little sparkle of sunshine in there a little sparkle of sunshine we all like a little sparkle of sunshine i always add mine to my penis all right nice little sparkles a lot of sun right in there we'll show a little more more up in there that's good great are we doing good back there sure we are okay let's go to the next step now what we have you can almost see the depth in there look at how you can see this path coming around and back up in here and back into nowhere so i'll work some highlights in here and really lay this path down in okay i want you to clean up your one inch brush get it ready for some highlights nice and dry and we will pick up some highlight color now i have three yellows here and i'm going to be using all three now in my yellow ocher i'm going to put just a touch of daylil green notice how i mix with my brush if you learn to mix with your brush then you can get all different colors in this can you see that look how nice that is you see all the different colors in there okay maybe pick up a little more just work it in there a little bit now i got a nice green color to work from now look how much paint i have in my brush this is for my highlights there is quite a bit of pain in there now the key that i want to teach you and that is so powerful with this technique is that number one we have all this dark thick paint back in here and to get the highlight to work for you what i do is i take the color and i put it down in here into the magic pick it back up look at that that's how much magic i put into my brush okay now i'm not going to mix it in i'm going to tap it in just a few times to loosen it enough so that when i come back in here i get the pull of light that i'm looking for look at that look how nice that pulls nice that pulse keeping the light more into this side a little over on this side but not much come down into shadow down into shadow down into shadow like so when i say come down into shadow that means i'm touching it even less and letting a little less paint move now into my cad yellow i'm gonna put some sap green just work it in there with your brush a little bit okay got that nice load of paint like so now the key the magic that a few times let it hit just in there a few times just to loosen it enough to come up in here and create movement back up into here back up into here light look at the light touch i'll do that slow so you can see that light touch light touch light each time i come off of my canvas off of my canvas now i'm going to take oh let's put a little burnt umber in with my permanent red kind of make and a little indian yellow kind of a make a rustic orange got my paint in there pick up d magic work it in just a few times and come up in here let it grab on let it grab on come down in little sunshine up in there a little lighter touch on the shadow side come into light start coming down into shadow down into shadow down into shadow now you can really see look at the hell so you can see the sun clipping in there it's showing it off and it comes down into shadow okay let's take that same color put a little more of that right over in here pick up the magic tap it in a few times light touch light touch put that back in there put it back in nice light touch down into shadow quit okay see how much lighter it is up here than it is down here light into dark okay now i'm going to take a little of that cad yellow little indian yellow and a touch of sap green just to make a little bit different color into the magic move it in there loosen it up nice let's put a little more green in that into the magic yeah that's better there we go that's better a little more green nice and bright nice nice day to be out walking in the woods finding a path to walk down back up in there pick up a color pick up a color any color maybe even work that over here in this sap green you know when you get when you learn to mix like this on your palette this is when look at this not fun how much fun i'm having up here this is great look at all the color it's it it blends together every color is perfect together so i can never make a mistake come back in here and let's bring in some light move it around move it around let the light show through down into shadow a little more light there down into shadow a little more light there okay stop now let's take a little bit brighter color a little brighter yellow do the same thing and what you're also able to see up here is that when you look at just these little stroke sensor here you can see different colors different things happening look over here in the red you have lighter and medium and dark and if you learn to mix your paint like i'm showing you here a little bit of this a little bit of that you'll in one stroke of the brush you will pick up different colors and different values by using your magic white you do get different values a little movement in there a little a little color back in a little something up in here back up in here down into shadow down into shadow maybe over here look at this doesn't really matter look how much fun i'm having okay now are you doing this don't don't try to mix that one color and then be surprised when you get up here and see what you come up with okay back in here oh look at the color pull from that one because i wasn't trying to make it happen i was letting it happen little bits of maybe a little this some a little over here back over here okay come down in loose it up just stay here and i'm going to bring something coming right up in here all of a sudden that path found a place to go behind oh look at the depth we're getting now huh that's what we're looking for this little bet be creative let me sum up in here a little something back up in here a lot of play of color today really want your plain color now the colors you use it doesn't matter you can make these all yellows and greens are all oranges and purples or whatever what i'm here to teach you today is the technique and the technique is you pick up the highlight color whatever it is pick up the magic tap it back in just a few times just to loosen it enough so that when you come back in here it will pull for me it will pull a little something growing up in there a little something going up in there down into shadow now does it look like i'm having a good time well by golly i am and i'm really i really thank bill for the opportunity to be able to share with you what i teach in my classes i travel for bill all over the united states and these are the things and the ways i teach in my classrooms and it's those little things those little things that you're wanting to see and that's why we're here today bill has asked me to show off his technique and a show off i can be how am i doing isn't this good between the painting and my palette i'm not too sure which one is the best look at this beautiful absolutely a little color little color hide this back up in here hide this back up in there back in down in over around up into the path something growing up in there a little something growing up in here and down in each time i pick up a color i pick up the almighty magic a little something that's kind of coming off down in here now what i want you to do is i want you to first off start with a clean paper towel we do go through the paper towels now i want you to take some magic white and pick a color any color but in case you don't want to pick a color i'll pick one for you pick a little yellow ogre that would be pretty or you could pick some permanent red or you could pick both let's pick both okay now look at the looseness of this paint that's what i want you to see if the color isn't important we're going to do some little tree lines you can use any of these color for tree lines and it doesn't matter look at how i load the knife loose paint slide my knife through like so now when i come up in here i'm using a lot of pressure i make the paint pull from my knife look at those just by putting those few little lines in back up in here you can almost see the depth back in there look at that you can see something going on back in there a little back in through there a little something up in there you can almost see yourself working in and out of there because the dark and then the light the dark and then the light and what you can't see too much back there is that most of the time i am using just this part of the knife right here and i'm holding my knife away from the canvas you do that slow and i just using that little end there and i'm sliding in sometimes i use the whole blade if i want a long line and or i'll tip my knife back and use the short side okay let me do that a little bit slower hold my knife back away from the canvas away from the canvas or i can push it flat like so like that so either either edge learn to work that little knife it'll work for you it works for you once i teach you these keys the whole idea of how to use this technique you will get a real flamboyant with your tools and the brush will go this way a little knife will go that way and then you'll be showing me a few things and we want to hear them i know how you're doing out there okay get the creative now we've got some movement back in there now we're going to finish that off back in there by taking some of the colors we've used look at that remember i'm saying colors pick your color any color pick a little this little dab little disc run it through the color is there but what's important is over here in the can good magic slide it through a few times don't mix it in slide it through slide it through come back in here look at that chiseled edge i have nice chiseled edge now when i do grass i need to have that chiseled edge you got that that's good you like that chisel edge okay now lightly touch lightly touch i'm letting the thin paints pull from the thick underneath can you see that light and barely touching it up each time i'm coming off my canvas back into shadow back in the shift light touch light touch each time coming off canvas back in here and quick now i'm going to turn the brush over come back over on this side and bring in a little land area over into here back into shallow when i say back into shadow that means i'm touching it less a little bit of a pressure look at the pres there is no pressure you put just a little bit just a little bit and as i'm starting to lose the paint a little bit i'll apply a little more pressure or i'll flip my brush over tap it in there look at that look at the highlight a little sunshine now i'm starting to lose paint so i'm starting to apply a little more pressure keep flipping my brush nice and light right up in there come down into the pan like so little darker we made a little too light so we'll go back and erase okay now see how that lays down in there okay that's good now i'm going to show you how to paint some birch trees and we will start first by taking some straight van dyke brown and a little bit of burnt umber and a touch of that just a touch of that dark green mix that we made look how thick that is i mean we are talking dick that doesn't want to move and that is why the alexander technique works thick unthin thin on thick without the thick we would have to paint okay now again we're going to load that knife and this time i'm going to get an edge slice the paint on this side of the knife and turn it over and do it on this you know i need to clean this i want you to watch this i've pulled my paint you wipe this off so you can see a little better straight up i slice it in on this side and then i come back and slice it in on the other side can you see that both sides have that nice edge of paint on there okay and when i'm doing trees that's it's a lot easier i'll come up in here and i'm going to lightly touch lightly touch lightly touch come up in here let the thick pull off now i'm going to flip my knife over and do the other side of the tree move it in there and move it in isn't that easy you unload both sides of the knife pull it up in here fill all that in flip it over a little more filled in and pier a okay more up in through there a little there tip it over and do the other side now we'll put a little something up in there maybe move that down in here flip it over okay each time i go back to the palette i load both sides of the knife bring this up in here lightly touch though that knife is laying flat to my canvas flat to my canvas and i'm just touching the paint and letting it pull off slow motion here touch the paint let it pull off touch the paint apply my knife really never does ever touch the canvas it's that paint that is always touching the canvas okay let's put another guy right up into here right touch just kind of touch it and pull gently to the side gentle what makes it look like bill's using a lot of pressure is the fact that he he's only got 20 some minutes to paint a painting on television and when you only have 20 some minutes to paint a painting on tv or anywhere you need to hustle so it looks like there's a lot when i go fast it looks like i'm applying a lot of pressure doesn't it but what you know now is no what she's doing is she's gently touching the paint on there and letting it pull itself off okay now we've got a nice dark area and i'm going to take that same color and let's add a little more burnt umber a little more burnt umber so let's take that same color a little more burnt umber to it and a touch of your titanium white the thick white the thick white now this is kind of my shadow highlight okay look at how i'm not ever mixing i marbled it together and i never mix it pick it up roll it around a few times okay pull it flat on your pallet always no matter what it is i'm painting i always load my knife the same way now come up in here and on this side a little more pain in there light touch let it fluff let it pull off you're gonna get this nice bark a nice sparky look nice sparky look look how that pulls off for me a little more in here a little more in here now this color you're not gonna you won't you don't want it too light because this is like i say my shadow highlight it's just a couple of shades lighter than the color underneath this will help give your trees roundness a little on this side shadows coming from the right or your sunshine is coming from the right so a little more shadow on the left side back up in here now let's take that same color add a little more of your thick of your thick white make a little bit lighter shade look at that look at the pull of that paint even on my palette absolutely fascinates me where was this 15 20 years ago okay it's about how long i've been i'm telling on myself now aren't i been painting for about that long lighter shade now we're just gonna put this on the right hand side light touch look at the break slow motion look at the break look at the break you want that break slow motion the paint is breaking for me so if i learn how to hold my tool and i gently put that edge of paint on there and let it pull itself off and let the paint and the tool do the work i know i'll never have a problem but when i try to start making it work such as pushing it in there painting it on i run into problems then gentle touch pull touch ball light touch light touch not touch now let me do that a little bit slower set lay on there gentle knife is flat to the canvas okay no pressure that's what i want you watching for what kind of pressure is she is she using not any one more time take it just a bit lighter shade of that and touch of your indian yellow this time just a little more white touch of indian yellow and this will be just a little bit of a sparkle color this will help round those trees off now knife flap to the canvas let it pull itself off let the painted work i keep saying these things but i know you want to hear them because you're here to learn and the way i learned was by bill repeating everything so many times and finally i would say okay i got it or maybe about the 20th time he repeated it i finally heard it and i thought well gee why didn't he tell me that before well it was just sometimes you all of a sudden you hear something maybe someone's been saying it before and all of a sudden okay you figured it out a little sunshine up in there a little sunshine now look at the texture of those trees look at the bark looks like you can go up in here and just peel that off of there reality it looks real now let's take a highlight brush and we're going to go back in here and pick a highlight take some of that cadmium yellow a little bit of green okay i'm really going to open that brush up like so now then i'm going to go back in pick up a little bit of the magic open it up a little bit and loosen the paint and again look how open that is you can almost see the tree leaves already can't you okay come up in here lightly touch lightly touch create light you were wondering what we were going to do with that huh [Music] open the brush up hit it a few times okay a little light a little light come over the tree little light over the tree pull it back looks like it's for the front of the tree now we're starting to go down into a little bit of shadow so we won't show as much light so a little more up in here pull that up into the tree kind of over the tree a little something up in there maybe a little guy coming over that one look of light down here and that's it the illusion of something more happening back in there and we're going to create a little more of an illusion by taking some of that tree line color that we made back in here add just a few lines back in here and all of a sudden you can see something else moving around back there something that wasn't quite there yet okay now let's take some of your black medium and a little more of that burnt umber i want a loose paint loose paint a touch of color we're going to make some little tree limbs you always want to use a thin paint and i always use my most always use my little liner brush and what i do is watch how my fingers turn i'm just loading that brush up if i turn the brush as i'm loading it then it always keeps that nice sharp point that i'm looking for it's good okay you don't have paint dripping everywhere you can have that nice sharp point come back up in here and let's create some little limbs look at that look at the pool and i'm mostly using the very end of that brush the very end of that brush that's why you need the flexibility of the alexander liner brush because it has a bounce to it it has a movement pull down in through here maybe something hanging in there coming off round down in little breaks in the branch a little something up in there maybe okay a little line up in here something going somewhere just to kind of some a lot of times it's just an illusion going on you can almost see next time you're standing in a grove of trees look up you'll see this parts hole whole pieces and limbs and parts of limbs and and the more you start appreciating your paintings and trying it do it in a painting i've given you a lot of keys here to work with the more you'll start seeing out there oh there's that sky has permanent red in it or there's a pressure and blue sky look at the fan brush clouds you start seeing things a lot different and your imagination starts really pulling in for you you really start having a good time a little more little guy up in the air something going on little extras relaxing now let's take some of that same color and i added a little bit of magic white with it just to lighten it up a hair give a few of those some highlights it doesn't have to be everywhere still still working with a loose paint a little more look at the pull slow motion let the paint pull off for you a little highlight flick of light little flick of light okay now here now we'll finish this off we will take go back to your dark green and right up in through here i want you to bring in a little grassy area just a little bit we don't want much pull it back in there set that you have to set these trees down somehow so we're gonna put a little grass in there pull it in tap it in there get up a little bit there move it back up here let's bring this up a little higher back over here and just detect you have your dark but just add a little more texture a little more texture so that when i come back in here with the highlights look at that pick up the color any color maybe a little that look it in there ah important the magic white that's what gets that color to pull off of the dark for me light touch slight touch let the sunshine show up gently touching it up gently touching it up look at those colors pulling through for me it's like little flowers leaves maybe fell in the grass down into shadow a little bit there okay pick up a little more paint loosen it up and keep going pull the lighter in there back over here and notice again i keep turning my brush over i want to show more light a little shadow let's show a little shadow coming through there and up over that tree everything is setting down for me now okay i think that's just about it so what i'm going to do most importantly is to take my little liner brush some of the black medium and right sign my name i usually will always sign my name while the painting is still wet because this is when you sign your name a lot of students will ask me how do i sign my name and what with i find it easiest to sign it when my painting is still wet and i use a loose paint such as my black medium or i'll thin down a paint with some alexander paint thinner to the consistency of the black and just use the tip of this brush and sign it on there hey we did good today i really enjoyed you being here and i know that we've got some good stuff done i want you to go out and paint that almighty painting for me
Channel: Alexander Art- The Home of Bill Alexander
Views: 132,146
Rating: 4.779645 out of 5
Keywords: Buck Paulson, Bill Alexander, William Alexander, Master Artist, Master Class, Magic White™, Magic Clear™, Almighty Palette Knife, Almighty Brush, liquid white, Bob Ross, Hake Brush, Bunny Brush, Mop Brush, oil paint, oil painting, oil painting tutorial, learn to paint, Diane Andre, landscape painting, landscape painting tutorial
Id: B4S5eVfmh1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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