Bob Ross - Foot of the Mountain (Season 8 Episode 8)

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ah hey welcome back I'm glad you could join me today today I thought we do a fantastic Payne has some big almighty mountains and it may be some big trees and let's just start and see what happens let's start off them have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting and it will come across starting with a titanium white and working right around while they're doing that let's go up here I've already covered the canvas with a thin even coat of the liquid white MIT sweat slick and we're all ready to go thought today would start out with a with a touch of a yellow ochre just a touch just tap the brush right into the paint okay let's go up here now that I will start right up in here and just use little crisscross strokes just put a small small amount of this yellow ochre just in the sky just let it sort of bounce around and play just like it okay now to that I'm gonna add the least least little touch of alizarin crimson a very very small amount so you've got a small amounts on there tiny bit okay let's go there now I'm just putting a little is from crimson right along the edges here done and in reality this crimson acts as a barrier because I'm gonna have blue over here and if the blue touches is yellow hmm you know you're gonna have a bright green sky and we don't want that today okay so just a little crimson it just just protects the yellow now then I'm gonna take and go right into the midnight black and Prussian blue oh these are too strong colors be so careful okay let's go back up here now just bounce in a little of that still making the little crisscross strokes just the way the teacher used to grading my paper just little X's all over the place and maybe there's a little bit right here okay I'm gonna have some water in this painting I am an absolute fanatic for water so we'll take phthalo blue tiny little bit and to that I'm going to mix a little phthalo green so we got phthalo blue and pale green let's go right here and just pull it across use very little that they look great it is so strong so strong and pull from the outside you leave a little area open in the center and it'll look like a little machine of light coming across your water when the painting is done all right now then let me just grab a clean brush I'm good several these old brushes going so it saves me some time be sure your brush is good and dry and start in the light area and begin blending outwards still making those little crisscross strokes just blend it all together there we go so you just have a small small amount of yellow on this guy you put a little bit more of the yellow in this guy when you initially start then you want because it'll be a tap these other colors would just sort of eat it up won't take a little bit of titanium white into that and the least little touch of red red least little touch cut me off a little hunk okay let's go up here maybe there's a happy little floater cloud just sort of lays up here in the sky you just put these on with a knife just push him right into the fabric little floaters there gotta go to show you how to make those then we take our two-inch brush and very lightly following the angles just lift them hope you can see those are quite light so I don't want very bright clouds in this painting but when you're doing yours if you want cloud they stand out a little more add a little color easy to do let's build us a mountain let's start with some Russian blue some Van Dyck Brown some lizard crimson just a small amount of alizarin crimson unless you want purple mountains a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife let's go right up in here we'll make some big old huge mountains look at there we push that paint into the canvas push it right into the fabric and you're not gonna hurt this there's really not much paint on the knife push it let's try to push it right through the canvas and then scrape off all the excess the more you can scrape off easier the next step will be really really scrape hard and take a large brush grab it and pull see causes canvas is wet with a liquid light you can move this son-of-a-gun wherever you want it this was a dry canvas hmm this wouldn't work well you'd be an agony City there okay just pull it okay just let it blend right on down to it's just just sort of hanging there in the mist the only thing you're worried about at this point is a nice outside edges you could really could really care less what's happening below then okay I'll take white polygons as flat as I can get it and cut across so let's do that one more time while the cameras closing you see it pull it out very very flat and cut across I get that little roll of paint so important so important let's go right up here there yeah just barely touching the canvas barely touching the canvas she has to allow that to flow right off you know no pressure absolutely no pressure just let your hand just float pretend you're a whisper floating across here this is probably one of the biggest problem areas that people write and tell me they're having is making this paint break and by break I mean leave all these little holes in it and 99 times out of 100 one of two things is happening you're using paint that is too thin or you're applying too much pressure so you need a firm paint and no pressure they work together they work together that's that's what allows you to do all this there we go you can just put as many or as blue of these things in there as you want let's take a little phthalo blue and white just blue and white I'd like that pull it out and cut across once again you need that little roll of paint okay and let's go back in here and begin drop again some beautiful little shadows notice the angles angles and mountains are very important your highlights going on one basic angle and your shadows going another angle see but all kinds of little things in there Oh cans a little little places you know this may be a mountain goat lives up here and he needs a little place to hide keep getting cold at night give him give him a little place up here there we go yes like so as many as you want anywhere you want to create the illusion of a little Ridge all you have to do basically is drop in a little shadow that's all these are your mountains and you can do anything in these mountains that you want anything and total freedom here okay now take a clean dry to itch brush and I want to diffuse this so I'm tapping very lightly and following the angles of the milk always follow those angles over here you follow these angles whichever way the paint goes that's the way you want these little taps to go that lift upward gently gently lift up that takes out the little tap marks softens blends and creates that beautiful beautiful misty effect down at the base of the mountain and that easy and easy you have it okay now then I just take a 2 inch brush it's already dirty I want to take a little midnight black a little bit of blue a little touch of Van Dyck Brown into it we leave them through a tiny bit of white there we go just tap that brush okay let's go ahead up here now maybe maybe we'll just touch him I can't and create the illusion of a few little grassy things that are running little trees that are running right up the mountain we back in the distance here far far away and you can use a one-inch brush and lift upward just lift upward see there looks like little trees going right up the side of that mountain far far away far away very soft all right and tell you what let's do let's just use that same color van Dyke Brown black blue a little white let's go right in here and maybe there's some beautiful little foothills just with a corner of the brush just using the just the corner you can create the illusion of all kinds of little foothills living right here look at there that easy now then with a clean brush I want to create mist at the bottom of the song just tap give it a pretty pretty strong tap lift upward that easy it's easy we got a little footy Hill how did let's take the round brush I like it it's fun going to some Venn diagram it's a little bit of dark Sienna just mix them on the brush I went through and a touch of SAP green to just tap okay let's go back up there now maybe we're getting a little closer we're beginning to see more color more detail so we're just have been some little background trees just a little background trees they live right here wherever you think the order nervous that's exactly where they are to Leo they're seeing you say oh my gosh he's made one heck of a mess down here you may be right but what I'm hoping for because his canvas is wet you can do this watch right here you can grab this and turn it right into reflections just giving it a little gentle pull downward there and then lightly lightly go across mmm instant reflections it's maybe the nicest thing that happens with this painting technique let us put a few highlights on there I'm going into some cadmium yellow a little bit of SAP green some yellow ochre and I'm just going to mix these colors on the brush just brush mix them alright let's go back up here yeah just with the top corner of the brush just have been some indications of all kinds of happy little things happening here little bushes little trees far away don't put in too much detail it's too far away when things get closer to you then you begin seeing all the beautiful little detail things but back here you don't see all that detail so don't overdo it sometimes that can be very disturbing in a painting when there's too much detail and something that you want to look too far away it ruins that illusion there we go see and layer these things do one of the time and work forward forward forward helps create the illusion of distance depth in the bushes you know those little tree urchins have to have a place to live tree orchards of squirrels I gotta have a little place back here to hide see that you don't care if a little bit of this yellowish color gets down into into your water because all you do is take it pull it down also and it becomes part of the reflections and really really makes your painting up a little better learn to work with whatever happens we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents half the Exodus take a little brown and white right here cut across it a little tiny roll of paint and let's just put the little indication of land right in here just a little I don't I don't want a bunch just a little far far away far away like so there we go just barely touching the canvas allow the canvas to pull off what it wants I take a little bit of liquid white and with that we can just cut in the indication of a happy little water length and this water lighten it tends to clean up the bottom of your little bushes and trees back here and it gives you a light area in between the dark so it separates and painting your pain playing light against dark dark against light continually that's what makes it work all right now we can come on into the foreground here and really start playing let's have some fun let's get crazy today I don't take some Brown will throw in some impression blue some SAP green some black anything it's dark we don't care who want to miss clean this knife off that's certainly dark and I'm going to take the two inch brush and just go right into the paint and wiglet this is just an old dirty brush it was laying there wiggle see wiggle it wiggle wiggle it wiggle it and then sharpen it just like you would a fire knife see there now look how short that is there you can see whew that's just like her a razor that's a chisel edge okay let's go up here now with this super sharp chisel let's have a happy evergreen that lives or he sure does now right there yeah sometimes we avoid this whole big brush but look what he can do it makes the most beautiful evergreens don't be afraid of this - each brush jump in there and use it play with it it comes to a super super sharp chisel edge and you can do this with it it might might make better look at every reason and some of the smaller brushes they have a lot more character to come down to about right there yeah they can take my knife take little this dark Sienna a little white into it pull it out cut off a little bit of paint let's create a little tree trunk and you don't see the entire trunk but just here and there where you think you might see it a little a little tree trunk okay I'll use the same old dirty big brush I'll go right into some of the CAD yellow now since we had a little blue in that color automatically this is going to turn green beautiful green color bring it back to a chisel edge okay let's go back up here and let's take and just put the indication of some highlights on this big old tree it's a nice bright spots that easy you have a fantastic little evergreen oak a little brush down here I'm going back to the round brush we go into our Browns this is a dark sienna in the Van Dyck and this has some fun right in here in here weird oh look here here comes a tree okay big strong tree he lives right there and all we're doing right now is putting in a basic sheet for that tree just a basic shape in it fun I like you so round brush you can just tap it all kinds of things okay we'll take the liner brush we're going to a little paint thinner right into some Brown the thinner will then your paint down to this like water turn that brush bring it to a point will go right in here and just put the indication about of a happy little tree trunk you can also do this with a knife if you wanted to however you want to put it in however I tell you and tell you I let's tap a little more this Brown in here I bet over here on this side would be a good place to have another little treat while we get it going let's just put one right in here hmm easy that is you can just put it all kinds of little things now I see a reflection right here right here watch see just pull it down once again because a liquid whites under there this is so easy instant reflections instant reflections yeah we can put some highlights I'll just use the same old dirty round brush would take some yellows little green Indian yellow yellow ochre just touch okay let's go up here now just using the top corner of the brush all you have to do is just gently gently tap just tap see but all those little highlights makes it indication thousands of little leaves hmm why used to take my one here at brushed spend days trying to get that effect absolutely days there we go I could just begin just begin picking out little little shrubs and bushes little places that the rabbits would hide there we go Birds I gotta have a place to go and feel comfortable I'm a bird fanatic I like birds I spend all my money on birdseed and feed all of them in the country that's okay that's okay when the birds take over I'll have a friend there there we go tap that right in see just layer after layer however many you want however me okay I don't have some fun right in here maybe there's a happy little cabin there I like doing these little cabins and they're so simple cut off a little bit of brown so you pull it out flat and get that little roll of paint can't go up here maybe this little cabin lives right here in the woods wouldn't it be a super place to have a little little house to come and hide okay it's giving the roof soon a little front on the cabin both sides say they're just just a quick little happy cabin and a little bit over here this is just fan Dyke Brown dark sienna this mixed together we can take touch of brown and white then we could throw a little highlight on their bed along this side soon just a touch just a touch boy that's a rough looking old cabin hunter built this one a long time ago he was out here maybe there was a maybe there was beaver lived out here and he came out here trap to trap two animals maybe one day he had a couple of drinks to mean Ian fell off in the lake here and the old cabins just sort of went went back to nature just take a little that same brown color let's put some little happy things up there on the roof just touch and just let it sort of bounce down this blue blue blue Brooklyn yeah let's take a release a little bit of white and maybe just just sort of highlight this edge so it just stands out a little bit just so it stands out a tiny bit what little cabin seen its better day now now you can cut it off see you can do a cabin ectomy hmm just sort of zip off whatever you don't want work out your perspective then we go back to our round brush let's have some bushes and some weeds that are growing all up around he didn't cut his grass very good either change somewhere Brown maybe there's some happy stones that just live right in here little paths just all kinds of little stones a little brown and white for some highlight don't cover all your dark just sort of hit it here and there well we'll take a fan brush a little yellows with green on it just mix it up real good a lot of paint okay and come back in here we'll put in some little happy grassy things all around in here look at that Oh cans a little Thanks well we got that old brush going maybe there's some over here too so we can sort of flatten this area out just by putting some little grass right in right in there it will put a stone or two there's one there is one just touch it with a little highlight color kind of have a little grass here is there I'm adding a little touch of the bright red in there just to Sparkle that up there see how those stones just stand up in the grass didn't it easy now we really try to make painting fun for you fun and easy and I think it's working we get thousands of letters from people all over the country that are telling us they're heaven unbelievable success here I'm using a little bit of liquid white just put in happy little water line and with the point of the knife scraping a few little sticks and twigs wherever you want and as usual Bob's gonna put in a big tree I like big trees as you know let's take the old fan brush loaded full of brown a little midnight black in it and the big tree lives right there well that is a big tree when you have the canvas vertical that's up and down there big tree black and brown just to give it a nice dark mm maybe maybe there's a little tree here see you just make as many trees in your world as you want there we go yeah we can take the knife we'll use a little red some dark Sienna the white death don't overmix about like so unless just put the indication if some light shining right through here just some happy little things sparkling so leave you believe your paint just partially mixed don't want to over mix it however you want it to go you put a little blue and white on the other side to make it look like a little reflected light little touch a white right here where the lights really striking look at there mmm it's a little light color against a dark background really makes those trees pop out you can see them you can really see them can will take a touch of the liquid black on the liner brush I just put the indication of a tree limb here and there just here and there see just just wherever you think there should be a limb that one see it went behind that tree slick with black works very nice for but now a lot of tree limbs real quick there goes one right over the mountain mmm that one hurt after you work so long and hard on your Mountain and start throwing tree limbs all over say hey there we go there we go just some indications here and there wherever you think they should be then that's where they should be yeah let's take we'll take the old two inch brush this is the same old dirty brush ahead it's got some green on let's go right up in here and just put the indication of just all kinds of beautiful of the leaves that are living on these trees just by touching just touch see and you can put as many or as few as you want well it's about time for me to leave you today I really hope you've enjoyed this painting and it's given me a lot of ideas I think you'll like it so I think we'll call this one finished and with that from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless see you next time
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 462,683
Rating: 4.8869567 out of 5
Keywords: art, stream, landscape, bob ross painting, mountain, coloring, canvas, snow, full episode, bob ross, paint, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross twitch, bob ross marathon, free, oil, beauty is everywhere, kappaross, tv show, brushes, livestream, pastel, happy accident, host, the joy of painting, asmr, chill, joy of painting, pbs, happy trails, wildlife, alaska, ocean, happy trees, bob ross asmr, bob ross full episode, lake, steven ross, drawing, painting, twitch, bob ross inc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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