Bob Proctor | TRANSFERRING VIBRATION | The Law Of Attraction

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we are only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination that's the only limit we've got weakness of attention got to focus on what it is you want you've got to give it your undivided attention and poverty of imagination use your imagination to build enormous pictures see great things happening in your life make a decision to become one with whatever you want a lot of people are wandering around they don't know what to do their life isn't going where they want it to go they're not doing what they want to do and they're stuck and they don't know how to change it you see we've got the ability to create the kind of life we want but it doesn't happen by accident yet if you don't gain an awareness of who you are and what makes you tick odds are pretty good you'll never be free most people live in a little cage of their own making and they don't even know it you and i are god's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal us now i often point out that we're the only creature on the planet that's totally disoriented in our environment it's true all the other little creatures are completely at home in their environment they blend in we don't we've been given the mental faculties to create our own environment yes just that most people don't do a very good job of it school doesn't teach us how to do it you go right to our educational system come out know virtually nothing about yourself i want you to take your phone and look at it and and think of this let each of those lines on the screen represent a level of vibration everything the phone can do you can do with your marvelous mind we refer to these levels of vibration as frequencies [Music] and there's an infinite number of frequencies now your phone your phone has its own frequency if i've got your number in my phone i can hit send bang you get the message doesn't matter where you are i could take a picture hit send and simultaneously with me hitting it you'll have it see in truth there isn't any time or space that's an illusion we're dealing here with energy and we're dealing with frequencies we're dealing with energy everybody's phone has its own frequency but you know so do people you can transfer pictures from your mind to somebody else's mind on the other side of the world just the same as you can with your phone now most people never really gain an understanding of that or how to do that but everything you're thinking you're sending off charges of energy thought is energy thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time in space thought waves makes the laser look puny it's the most potent form of energy is most people don't really know much about it they don't think very much about it every great leader that has ever lived has been in complete and unanimous agreement that you and i become what we think about disagreed on almost everything else but that one point we truly do become what we think about you know most people think of what they don't want they spend time thinking what they don't i get so sick of living this way i'm so tired of never being able to afford it i'm so sick of not taking a nice vacation i'm just sick and that's all they're talking about and they're attracting it they've magnetized themselves to what they don't want well if we will think of the phone get it straight in your mind your mind works like the phone do you know that everything we want is already here you're going to find nothing's created or destroyed everything's already here but we've got to get on the frequency that it's on we've got to get on in tune with it and when we do it comes flying at us now with the secret didn't do it didn't teach you much about the law of attraction talked a lot about it but didn't teach much about it law of attraction is a secondary law it's not a primary law at all law of vibration is the primary law that law decrees everything vibrates nothing rests this whole building and everything in it you and me and everything in it is moving it's by it's energy and it moves it's in a very high speed of vibration this body we're living in moves [Music] as we activate brain cells everything in it starts to change and we can activate those brain cells at will and listen most people don't listen they talk and they hear but they don't listen you hear with your ears you listen with your emotions now everything you want everything you want is also on its own frequency i don't know what you want if i were to sit with you one-on-one that's what i would be taken for i would be asking questions and i would be one to figure out what do you want and you know most people don't know what they want [Music] look at your present results right now i want you to really think about your results if you're thinking about your income look at your income you're talking about relationships look at your relationships if you're talking about your health really take a good look at it you're attracting what you're in harmony with now if somebody had told me that when i first started i wouldn't have liked it because i didn't like what was coming into my life i didn't like it at all but we've got to understand nobody's given it to us [Music] if it's coming we've earned it if we don't like it we can change it it's so basic and so simple energy attracts like energy this thing we're living in is a molecular structure it's a massive energy and high speed of vibration yet whatever we're thinking controls the vibration we're in because as we think we activate brain cells and that's what causes us to vibrate now what you're thinking dictates how you feel feeling is the language of the subconscious when you say i feel what you're really talking about is the vibration you're in you say i feel terrible you're in a terrible vibration change your thinking but you know the person in the terrible vibration doesn't want to hear that it's almost like they want to enjoy their misery you know people like that now you see somebody else and i said god it just feel phenomenal that they are choosing good pictures make a decision to become one with whatever you want do you know what the problem with most people they don't know what they want they really don't know what they want and it's rather sad because you can have anything you want there is absolutely no limits none i mean anything you want yeah anything anything you create your own life doesn't matter what it is there are laws that govern this whole universe one of the laws that carnegie gave us that's one of the best he said any idea that is held in the mind any idea it doesn't matter what it is any idea that's held in the mind that's emphasized that you keep thinking about now get this that's either feared or revered he said any idea that's held in the mind that's emphasized that's either feared or revered will begin to close itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available that's the perpetual law of transportation that's the law of the universe energy is always moving into form whatever you're thinking about it's moving into form it's like van gogh was asked how he did such beautiful work he said i dream my painting and then i paint my dream write your goal on a card tear the card loose in your pocket now what happens when i put my hand in my pocket and i touch the card the sensory factor touch is affected it sends a light message rifle firing through my central nervous system strikes those cells in my brain they're activated and the picture of my goal flashes on my mind so you see it's all electronic you're much like your phone or like your computer you're in charge and you can dictate what pictures you want coming on your mind and that picture must move into form that's an absolute law we are only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination that's the only limit we've got weakness of attention gotta focus on what it is you want you've got to give it your undivided attention and poverty of imagination use your imagination to build enormous pictures see great things happening in your life what pictures are you holding on the screen of your mind the only limit is weakness of attention and poverty of imagination now attention is drawn through your higher faculty the will the will gives you the ability to focus on one idea to the exclusion of all outside distractions okay now there's two things you have to know if you really want to live your dream you have to know where you are you have to know where you're going you got to move in that direction now there's why are there so many people stuck think if we think about this it's so simple why are so many people stuck our problem is in paradigms a paradigm is what's in control of our life to a very large degree and it's the paradigm they keep people stuck a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior now think a paradigm is a program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and get this almost all of our behavior is habitual paradigms control your perception perception is a mental faculty animals do not have perception humans do perception is one of the higher faculties that we've got your paradigm controls your use of time do you know that every one of us get exactly the same amount of time we get all there is no one gets any more than anyone else your paradigm controls everything it also controls your creativity you'll see some people are not creative and others are that's not true everybody's creative you're creating god's image our problem is we got that reversed and we created god in our image you are a creative being you are truly a creative being your paradigm controls your effectiveness because it controls what you do how you do it yet of course your effectiveness is going to dictate your productivity how productive are you now get this your paradigm controls your logic this is huge you'll have people say well you've got to be realistic or they could say that's illogical how often does logic stop you i just well you know that's not realistic if you can think it you can do it when you think and of course it controls your ability to earn money but you see most people really don't understand money all the money in the world is available to us all we have to do is earn it and working happens to be the very worst way to earn money it's true listen this guy studied 500 of the world's most successful people and he pointed out in here if you believe that hard work and honesty alone will bring riches teresa thought it's not true riches when they come in huge quantities are never the result of hard work wretches come if they come at all in response to definite demands based upon the application of definite principles and not by chance or luck that's all by law there is no end to what you can earn none now paradigms keeps you boxed in in all of those areas it's just like there's a box around us [Music] and every time we go to change we hit the wall [Music] and it doesn't happen when you make up your mind you're going to change the paradigm the wall comes down but i'm going to tell you something that doesn't mean you're going to change right away you make a decision i'm changing this that wall will come down then you'll be in a position to start moving and the wall is down you're not bouncing off it anymore and when you say i'm going to change just think of this the change can be huge absolutely huge and the change is permanent you will never go back you see awareness is something you cannot lose your spiritual dna is perfect you know what that means it means there's perfection within every one of us there's perfection within every one of us yet doesn't require any modification or any improvement absolutely done there is perfection within you and that perfection seeks expression with and through you that's what causes you to want my grandmother pretty well raised me and i'm going to tell you something grandma was wrong on this score because she said you should be satisfied with what you've got grandma was wrong never you should never be satisfied with what you've got you should be happy with it dissatisfaction is a creative state dissatisfaction is going to get you to reach higher go further run faster death satisfaction is a creative state it's the spiritual essence within us seeking expression through us see there's perfection within us and it wants to express itself with and through us that's why you want everything you own when you die belongs to somebody else you never own anything you're merely a custodian you should have it and you should enjoy it but you never own it but what you are is yours forever that's why we want to develop a greater awareness we want to become aware of this perfection within us spirits all-knowing you know what that means all the knowledge there ever was or ever will be as omnipresent all the knowledge there ever was all the power you'll wonder where does she get all the energy where does he go nobody gets energy everybody releases energy desire a triggering mess i'm messing lets it go all the power there ever was or ever will be quetzal i'm tired i don't know where you get all the energy you've already got it release it desire desire is the triggering mechanism and it doesn't matter where you are because it's on the present we're connected to everything everything's connected to us there is only one power and that's the real you are you truly who you pretend to be come on wake up get up get out make it [Music] happen [Music] you
Channel: Motivation Manifested
Views: 513,990
Rating: 4.9297528 out of 5
Keywords: bob proctor, the law of attraction, how to make money, bob proctor law of attraction money, bob proctor law of attraction love, the law of attraction explained, the law of vibration, bob proctor the law of vibration, consciousness
Id: 5Y_p0NBxzck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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