Eliminate FEAR From Your Life | Bob Proctor

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love then welcome about Proctor you know I've been doing seminars and consulting and coaching people for almost all my other life for 50 years now for 57 years I've been in this business and there's one question that I get hit with every day how do I eliminate fear how do I eliminate fear and you know that's a question that most people really never learn the answer to and the answer is very clear first of all you don't want to eliminate all fear fear can be a very good thing fear can caution you take it easy you know don't just jump off the pier if there's rocks underneath it or something. It's a fears healthy thing and we want to understand that fear is caused by ignorance. That is the primary reason now you'll find people wanting to into business for themselves they're at a job they don't like, they've got a dream that they want to execute but they're afraid. They're afraid to step out and do it. We find people that want to invest and they've got the money and it's a good investment but they're afraid and so they stay away from it. Fear is a terrible thing in that respect. I was in a job and I had a dream and I was afraid to quit the job. I was on a fire department and it was a no one I had quit the fire department for many many years nobody ever left the job and they couldn't fire you. So, when I was leaving I was scared I was really scared but I sat down with a mentor and he helped me understand something and then I've studied this for a long time over the years now I'm going to show you something here. I want you to look at that drawing. That drawing represents you the big circle represent your mind the top part of it where there's a choice that your conscious mind and there you've got all kinds of mental faculties you've got the ability to think anything you want the bottom half of the big circles your subconscious mind it has no ability to choose it has no ability to think it'll accept whatever you give to it and it's what you give to a that's going to determine what happens to the little circle there because that's your body so the way we act the way the body moves is an expression of what's going on in the mind and I unfortunately it's generally an expression of what's going on in the subconscious mind the lower part now ignorance has a polar opposite it's called knowledge ignorance is not knowing knowledge is knowing that knowledge is information well some people live in ignorance all their life others don't now I did live in ignorance for a long time and then I started to study and everything changed for me but it didn't change by accident change because I began to study and I develop something that was called understanding that's what Suliman said he said all you're getting get understanding so I'm going to ask you to stay real close here and really look at this there's a power that flows into our mind it never stops flowing in fact it flows to and through us you can actually photograph this energy leaving your body now that may sound like a ridiculous statement but there was a Russian chap by the name of Semyon Kirlian a way back in 1934 I think was 34 he perfected a form of photography that would photograph the energy leaving a person's body he was photographing mass really and he could photograph the energy and if you change the images in your mind you alter the vibration that your body was in and the color of that energy would change and the density of it depending upon concentration so let's look at this drawing now the top part we say you can think and you can think anything you want your subconscious mind is programmed that's where a paradigm is a paradigm is a multitude of information that's a program in your subconscious mind its habits a multitude of habits that control our behavior to an enormous degree now the conscious mind the thinking mind can take over control the problem is it rarely does most people are controlled by their paradigm this we explain why some absolutely brilliant people they've got all kinds of knowledge but their results wouldn't indicate that they know much of anything because they're broke they can't find work and yet the truth is they're brilliant well that's another subject and we would have to talk about that at another time but let's keep going here the conscious mind remember we said you have the ability to choose well what most people do if they see a situation there don't really understand they start worrying I'm going to have enough money you know am I able to do this worry and doubt are both psychic diseases it is a gross waste of this energy that we talked about that flows into your consciousness we take that we can make other than the other what we want what do we do we don't worry why do we do that because we're letting the outside world control our thinking and that's an error now when you build an idea if it's a negative idea and you impress it upon the subconscious mind that sets of a vibration called fear and that's what people want to eliminate well I'm going to show you now this is just a very brief look at it our company goes into depth on all this so that you can not only eliminate the fear you can learn how to make things happen in a very big way now think what's happened here there's a power flowing into your consciousness you took a you had a choice your choice of what you want to build with it and when you build a negative idea don't worry then you've got emotionally involved with the negative idea because the subconscious is euro through your emotional mind now whatever's impressed must be expressed and it expresses itself in the physical body as anxiety now that's when most people get some valium or something like that they drug themselves they don't understand the cause of anxiety and most people don't talk about their anxiety they they don't show it very well you know what they do they suppress it they bottle it up inside now no good can come from that fact a lot of bad can come from that because the suppression that's him that's impressed and bottled up inside turns into something we call depression a lot of people talk about I've seen two talked about on television at times on talk shows and they act as if they don't know the cause of it I know the cosmic looking at it right there that's a cause of depression where's it start starts with don't worry the worry turns into fear fears expressed in anxiety we suppress the anxiety and it turns into depression the depression eventually will cause your body to break down that's what's called disease you know Sinclair Lewis was right he said we don't die we kill herself that disease turns into this integration now that all may look like oh come on you've simplified this too much you can't simplify it too much our problem is we don't understand ourselves we don't understand how the mind works in the relationship of the minds of the body in the outside world now can you change this absolutely you can change it faith based on understanding blind faith isn't worth diddly blind faith first time you get tested Pumas it is gone you know faith and fear are two interesting things they both absolutely demand you believe in something you can not see but let's take a look at this low further okay here we are number powers flowing into our consciousness we have the abilities like anything we want the paradigm that's the subconscious that there's no ability to to reject it we'll just take anything doesn't have a choice so the opposite of that don't worry have you noticed the polar opposite see the two symbols they represent a love opposites or law of polarity negative positive up down hot cold you note everything is an opposite question answer now the opposite of don't worry is understanding Solomon said that a long time ago he said in all your getting get understanding there's only one way to develop understanding there is no other one wrote one road and that is through study if you do not study you're not going to understand now when we start to understand ourselves our world changes before I ever started to study this I held dumb jobs I had no money I was broke I was unhappy today I'm happy healthy wealthy I have a company it operates all over the world you know the first year I started to study this I went from four thousand one hundred and seventy five thousand or over a million no formal education no business experience understanding understand how to win it you ever notice that people aren't very bright yet they're winning in a big way and there's other people absolutely brilliant and they're broke now the opposite is also true there's not too many people that are that are bright broken opposites do attract now let's look here we go from understanding we impress it that's where faith comes in you see faith is the ability to see the invisible to believe in the incredible and that will permit us to receive what the mass is called impossible we've got to understand how this power that's flowing to and through us how it moves into form how do we get results that is very important that's what our company teaches you attend our seminars you'll see it you'll really understand it and that's what you need you need understanding see there's all kinds of forms of study we get in just study book just study a book well sometimes the book doesn't do it sometimes you need somebody to explain things to you faith manifests not in anxiety like it's polar opposite fear it manifests in well-being do I remember we said fear with suppressed well-being is expressed you see a person there's a quickness to their step there's a smile on their face good handshake they've got things going in the right direction why because they understand now they're faced with the same situation it isn't the situation's that depressed people it isn't in such situations that scare people it isn't a situation that cause people to live in fear or anxiety it's a lack of understanding of the situation a bad situation is also a good one if it's real bad it's real good there's your law of opposites again now the expression picks up speed where we said before it turns into depression expression turns into acceleration and why I'll tell you why because we're at ease there's no tenseness and the energy spooling freely we're creative beings that's how you create and the at ease causes creation where it's polar opposite causes disintegration that's right and you've got to admit that's the way to laugh and you can't live that way alright so you got a choice you can go that way or you grow that way what way you want to go go and live with fear and anxiety and this is your do you want to go that way I think you should look at that good Proctor Gallagher incision check us out we've got some phenomenal programs and you know something just like I learned to drive a car maybe offer your computer fly a plane type you can learn how to take control over your son it's a beautiful idea and this is a way you can live all the time I'm just giving you a quick look at this we'd like to understand it in death check us out at Procter Gallagher Institute comm for tips tools and resources
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 1,198,067
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Keywords: Eliminate FEAR From Your Life, What causes Fear, How to ELIMINATE Fear, help with fear, help with anxiety, bob proctor, fix fear, how to fix fear, how to deal with stress, stress tips
Id: DwLy2eCgivM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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