You know, we're frequently asked about the law of attraction. And the law of attraction really is misunderstood by most people. They really are. "The Secret", it was a phenomenal success. It went viral, of course. Half a billion people have
watched it all over the world. And it was about the law of attraction. Everybody thinks they understand the law of attraction 'cause
they watched "The Secret". Watching "The Secret" does not educate you on the law of attraction. What it does, it creates an awareness that there is such a law. What we have to understand is that it's a secondary law. Now, what do we mean by that? Well there's a primary law called the law of vibration. The law of vibration
decrees that everything in this universe moves, nothing rests. The body in a coffin is moving. You're probably thinkin',
this guy's smokin' something. Listen, if the body in a coffin wasn't moving, how would
it ever change to dust. It's always moving. It's always vibrating. Everything vibrates. We live in an ocean of motion. Take a microscope and
look at a solid wall. It's not solid. It only appears to be solid,
a perception problem there. You'll see the wall moving right in front of your eyes. There's a particle of
energy and they're dancing right before your eyes. That's the law of vibration. The law of vibration decrees everything moves, nothing rests. We literally live in an ocean of motion. Now, this physical
instrument we're living in, we call our body, is a molecular structure and it's in a very high
speed of vibration. Our brain is an electronic
switching station. When we activate brain cells we alter the vibration in different
parts of the body. I could not move my hand up and down or my arm up and down without first giving a message to my brain to do that. Well, the brain activates
cells in the body. It sets up a vibration in the body. The vibration that the
mind and body are in is going to dictate what you attract because when you put
yourself into vibration, what you're really doing is put yourself on a specific frequency. That's what you do when you set a goal. Most people set a goal and
then wait for it to happen. It's never going to happen. You've got to assume that
it's already happened. You've got a picture of it in your mind. Mentally, it's already happened. It's happened because I've got the idea in my conscious mind. If I didn't have the
idea in my conscious mind I couldn't talk to you about it. The very fact I can talk
to you about it means that I've already got it. Then I've got to get
emotionally involved in it. I'm already emotionally
involved in the goal that I've got. I've got it intellectually,
I've got it emotionally. It's only a period of time
til it moves into form. How does it move into form? Well, you attract whatever's required for it to move into form. You attract all the
energy that's necessary to produce the physical result. How do you do that? You do that by intellectually
and emotionally staying in the vibration of
the good that you desire. You see it already in the present tense. So, that keeps you on the frequency and that frequency then dictates what you're going to attract. You can only attract to
you what's in harmonious vibration with you. Now, if you're holding
an image that you can't get something, you're on a vibration, you're not going to get it. But, if you can see
yourself with it, you know it's coming to you, you know it, you know it's only a period of time. You're not quite sure what the time is, but you know it's a period of time and bang, that thing's going
to manifest in your life. You have control of the
vibration that you're in, the vibration then, called the frequency, you put yourself on the frequency that the good you desire's on. Let's suppose I'm going
to have a lot of money. We were just talkin' about money. Now, this is a lot of money
relative to let's say... This. There's one 100, here's 100 100s. So, one's a lot relative to the other. Neither one is a lot. It just is. If I want to attract a lot of
money I've got to see myself with a lot of money. I got to mentally accept
I've already got it. I don't let my bank account dictate that. I choose that. I'm choosing myself to
see myself with a good I already desire, I'm on that frequency. Now the trick is to
stay on that frequency. Most people look at the
results and they let the results dictate the
frequency they're on. That's why they keep
gettin' the same results. They have the image in their mind. They've already reached
the goal they want. They're already successful and somebody else comes along and says, well, you
haven't got those results. In my mind I have, but they're
not looking in my mind. They're looking at my present results. And then pretty soon I
start listening to them and think, God, they're right. I look at my results, I haven't got it. Do you see why we keep
gettin' poor results? You've got to see yourself
with the good you desire. You've got to hold that
image in your mind. You've got to know it's going to come and that will attract
everything that's necessary. See, nothing is created or destroyed. Everything's already here, if not in one frequency,
certainly in another, or not in one state, certainly in another. We've got to get on the frequency of the good that we desire and we will attract it into our life just as sure as it's going
to get dark out tonight. And we can do that. Now, are you going to understand it just based on what I said? No, you probably won't. But, at least I created an awareness. So, wait a minute. My body is a mass of energy. My mind, my brain, my mind
activates the brain cells. The brain is an electronic
switching station. If I change my thinking,
yeah, my body changes. There's probably something
here I should study. Hopefully on what I've
told you, on what I've shared with you is going
to get you interested. See, everything my company teaches, we go into this in depth. We help you understand you so that you can attract
the good that you desire, but you've got to get
in the right vibration. You've got to understand it. You've got to understand the natural laws that govern this whole universe and if you don't understand them you're leavin' it up to chance or luck and odds are pretty good it
isn't going to happen very well. Can you understand it? Listen, I never went to school. I went to high school for two months. I had a horrendous work record. I couldn't hold a job. And all of a sudden, wham, like that, very, very successful by
almost anybody's standards. How did that happen? A person took an interest
in me and he started to teach me and I took an
interest in what he was teaching. He said, if you do
exactly what I tell you, you can have anything you want. I don't coach many people one-on-one. When I do it costs them a lot of money, but they've got to agree
they're going to do exactly what I tell them and if they don't do it, then I don't help them. It's all over. That's got to be the way it works. Go to someone who understands something better than
you understand it and do exactly what they tell you. They've proved they know
how to get the results, they're getting them. Understand, this is an
orderly universe you and I are a part of. We are God's highest form of creation. There's nothing that will equal us. We can accomplish anything,
but we've got to raise our level of conscious awareness. We've got to understand these laws and we've got to live
in harmony with them. That's when we're going to start to get the good we desire. It's a beautiful thing to understand. I thank God I understand it. Solomon said in all you're
getting, get understanding. Understand the law of vibration. You understand that, everything else is going to fall into place for you. This is Bob Proctor, thank you.