CREATIVE GENIUS!! | Rapper Reacts to Ren - Hi Ren (Full Analysis)

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[Music] whoever says that subscribes right now get free geology no that rocks what's going on YouTube it's Knoxville over packed our Reaction Series so today today man we've got a very very special one an artist we've never ever done on the channel you guys have been flooding the comment section you've been requesting the shots of the patreon shout out to dash out to Carolyn thank you guys for putting me on to Ren and this is high Ren but before getting further I want to give a quick shout out to that song in the intro listen guys that's some an artist myself my latest album charted on iTunes I'm very very proud of it I've got a brand new music video that I just previewed that will be dropping this Saturday stay tuned for that 12 o'clock I couldn't be more excited also shout out to the patreon patreon family exclusive reaction to content on there a great way to support the channel is by joining the patreon family community I'll put the links to it below but anyways anyways Noah here for Bren step up to the plate Let's Make History one what the now that's ironic a pig butcher too bad I've gone kosher this week one of the mental asylums Happening Here [Music] oh or if I heard that line before you can suck my dick if you don't like no it's not that it's a little like that oh switch it up now that's different [Music] oh okay [Music] this is wild [Music] hi there Ryan it's been a little while did you miss me before you buried me oh dude's British okay hi there and it's been a little while did you miss me before you buried me didn't you risky cause I always come back be down you know that I'm always in periphery ran on your police to see me it's been weak since we spoke bro I know you need me you're the Sheep I'm the shepherd know your place to lead me not your place to be biting off the hand that feeds me hi Bren I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time clever makes me think of kind of like NF when he personifies different emotions and I don't know what is represented yet of that first voice but it was kind of manic it was cracking he used a completely different Cadence and he was turned that way to represent sort of that personality or that facet that he wants to highlight and then when he comes back with the answers notice how he drops down and changes his voice and becomes sort of more normalized there's not as much like emotion and cracking and just you know anxiety behind it really really interesting let's see where we roll with this man stop it on your place to lead me not your place to be biting off the hand that feeds me vibrant I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still even his facial expressions are really good like they totally switch up from here like you just look at his eyes like he got the veins popping in his throat here yeah that is that is a freaky stink guy he's giving up the hand that feeds me hi everyone I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time look at it even that look like he doesn't like trust him but really it's himself wow I'm already into this like the characterization here is dope I've been taking some time to be by myself since my therapist told me I'm Ill and I've been making some progress lately and I've learned some of the coping skills so I haven't really needed any much man I think we need to just step back and chill ran you sound what we're saying than I do you think that those doctors already that's a guy driven through this a million times your civilian mind is so perfect to always being lied to okay I love that scheme right there civilian mine a million times very smooth rhymes just slipping in some smooth rhyme schemes as well and I like as well when we switch back to this more maniacal character it's like Smeagol and and Gollum coming together and Lord of the Rings right now my precious guys you've been through this a Millions but right there like the lights get all flickery and I haven't seen the lights really flicker when he's like his more normal size yourself in the sound of white noise follow this 10 step program Rejoice all your problems will be gone [ __ ] dumb boy not me this time is different man trust me I feel like things might be fun yeah see how the lights are flickering and then when he turns and switches personalities they more normalize there that's really cool use of the lighting to highlight again the different characters this time is different man trust me I feel like things might be falling in place and my music's being kind of doing bits too like I actually might do something great and when I'm gone maybe I'll be remembered for doing something special with myself that's why I don't think that we should talk man cause when you're with me it never seems to howl you think that you can amputate me I am you you are me you are I I am we We Are One splitting two that makes one so you see you gotta kill you if you wanna kill me oh that is haunting right there and notice how he doesn't strum the guitar at all like he just really lets those lines hit home and he just lets that sit out there acapella and we are what you gotta kill me in order to get rid of me but really you're just killing yourself oh what a paradox right there yeah we're definitely gonna find the precious in this one I'm following random Mordor let's [ __ ] go you gotta kill you if you wanna kill me I'm not left over then I'm not scraps on my side oh your music is thriving delusional guys run nowhere yeah but my music's not commercial like that I never chase numbers statistics or Stars I never write hooks for the radio they never even blame me so why would I concern myself with that but my music is really connecting and the people stats that then he has a nice little internal scheme radio play me so then back to the at scheme so we goes aabba smooth rounds again blame me so why would I concern myself with that but my music is really connecting and the people who find it respect it and for me that's enough because this life's been tough so it gives me your purpose like I'm resting man you sound so pretentious ran your music is so self-centered no one wants to hear another song about how much you hate yourself trust me you should be so lucky having me inside you to guide you remind you to manage expectations provide you perspective nothing to guide you to manage expectations he's got some smooth flows right there that flow switch I really like that scheme and man so relatable as an independent artist and it's like well I'm doing successful right I'm doing numbers but where's the radio hits you know where's the interviews where's the high level stuff that makes you a celebrity I guess and it's like nah I'm independent for a reason like my music is there to connect emotionally with the fans to build that Community I just don't want to regurgitate hits that I think are going to be mainstream and that are just you know nonsensical I actually want to make music that matters emotionally I mean the plight of any independent artist yet we still want to get noticed we still want to be successful we want to make a living off of this I love the way he's representing this and we're just like inside of his head this is internal dialogue happening that he's converted to the art form of rap and telling through his form of poetry it's smooth about how much you hate yourself trust me you should be so lucky me Haitians provide you perspective nothing new neglected what's really cool is as he's doing uh the little guitar Taps you know he's strumming and then he's doing he's adding sort of like a percussion to it because I've talked about this before like a lot of rap runs off of percussion Vibes and where are the drum lines and that's when we kind of identify first as MCS and then we like either choose to follow that or rap contrary to it or come in and out of those Pockets but instead of just wrapping over the strumming of the guitar he's kind of adding a different element while still using his acoustic electric guitar by having just those Taps against the strings because it just adds sort of like that drum beat percussive roll to it as well as a strum so it's essentially he's like kind of getting two different sounds and one out of this put me inside you to guide you remind you to manage expectations provide you perspective nothing you neglected you wanna be a big yeah next to me Hendrix forget it and it's not like that man it's just like that I'm inside no it's not mine you're wrong when I write I belong let me break a fourth wall by acknowledging this song Ren sits down has a stroke of Genius he wants to write a song that was not done previous a battle with the subconscious Eminem did it played on guitar oh I love that oh you're just ripping off Eminem Like guilty conscious in here all the times like he talks to his conscious with Shady he's had a number of songs where he's done it now I was thinking NF before but yeah and then who he shouts out that's a UK artist in it played on guitar Plan B did it love it he's like yeah but at least I played on guitar I'm doing something different here and he's like nah Plan B I already came through with that as well very very again it's kind of like trolling yourself in a way very clever writing and storytelling with the subconscious played on guitar it's the Pinnacle of your success is stealing other people's material brand mate we've heard it all before wow that flow right there was my favorite when he just accelerates that pace in that pocket yeah the Pinnacle of your success is ripping off other people's materials the Pinnacle of your success [Music] on the seashore [ __ ] you I don't need you I don't need to hear this cause I'm flying by myself I'm a genius and I will be great and I will make way notice too right when he's getting more aggressive with the flows he was the tone of the guitar in the pacing was very different and then when he changed his characters he also changes the tone and the pacing of the guitar to match it again really cool stuff happening visually with the lights flickering when he's from one side with his Cadence but also what he's choosing to do with the guitar as well just to highlight the different voices and the different emphasis and at the end of the day like we're three minutes 41 in this video it's just captivating and this is really hard to do because there's nothing else it's one scene it's one setting we've got two different cameras actually looks like three we've got one out wide you've got one when he turns one side one when he turns the other way and that's it we're just jumping back and forth between that so it's really got to be guided by his acting his emotional performance and what he gives you and the instrumentation is just a guitar so again it's really speaking volumes that I'm just so immersed into this world right now and it's not like you have to really go over the top of things from like a visual production perspective from a musical production perspective it just goes to show we can achieve just being like an independent artist stealing other people's material right mate we've heard it all before she sells these shows on the seashore [ __ ] you I don't need you I don't need to hear this cause I'm flying by myself I'm a genius and I will be great and I will make waves and I'll shake up the whole world beneath it that's right we'll be greater we'll make waves I'll make a difference but he's also playing off of getting trolled for that childhood rhyme you know she sells seashells by the seashore so he's playing off of that being by the seashore but in this case the waves have a different metaphor meaning smooth WordPress and I will be great and I will make waves and I'll shake up the whole world music is all about the creative process and if people can find something to relate to within that then that's just a bonus [ __ ] you I'mma [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] kill me yeah my music cause I call the shots I choose if you die yeah I call the shots and so I choose if you die I love that little again he's really found a really cool aggressive accelerated Park and then when he just drops back down gets like more conversation with the tone there's so much personality injected into the writing as well die yeah I call the shots and so I choose to survives I'll tie you up a knots when I lock you inside nice oh news flash I was created at the dawn of creation I am Temptation I am the snake in Eden I am the reason for treason beheading all Kings I am sin with no Rhyme or Reason son of the morning Lucifer Antichrist Father of Lies Mustafa leaves truth in the blender deceitful Pretender wow Mistoffelees he was there at the dawn of time he is original sin I'm guessing that he's representing Temptation the devil even Mistoffelees from Dr Faustus man when he made the bargain with Dr falces and he bargained for the devil wow Father of Lies Mustafa Lee's truth in the blunder deceitful truth in a blunder I like that Bartender the banished revenge of the righteous surrender when standing in front of my solar eclipse my name is Stitch to your lips so you see I won't bow to the will of immortal feeble a normal you wanna kill me imma turn a little more I live in every decision causes Division I live inside that's the beginning of hands wow [Music] what a change that was incredible I love the emotion behind that you notice how the lights really went ham there and just the scheme and that was a turret because I'm sat there thinking you know which maybe it's just Pride talking to himself or you know sort of representing that devil on his shoulder but in this case he kind of took it literally figuratively took it to a whole deeper existential level you know this is a battle that mankind has been going through throughout the ages since the dawn of time and this is something greater than just you and what you think your own little narcissistic World artistic world is full of wow [Music] hi everyone I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time to be by myself and I've spent half my life ill but just as sure as the tide starts turning just as sure as the night has gone just as sure it's the rainfall soon one is dry when you stand in an eye of a storm I was made to be tested and twisted I was made to be broken and be I was made by his hand [Music] I love that with the stand on my own two feet and he literally gets up to help visually represent that moment as well and again yet another sort of cadence that he's used as he's coming with kind of his more like logical I guess normal self not this voice that's talking to him he's really got a lot of different sort of styles that he's injected personality wise into the delivery of this and I love that with the eye of the storm bar too in the rain and then eventually like finding the dry like you know even through the darkness eventually you'll find the light you know even through the doubt and the droughts and the storm you know there will come a different time in a different place and moment and day didn't twist it I was made to be broken and be I was with me that's a hard line I was made to be broken and beat his hand little part of his plan that I stand on my own two feet then you know me my will is eternal and you know me you've met me before face to face with a beast I will rise from the East and I'll settle on the ocean floor and I go face to face with a beast I'll rise from the East like the mark of the beast and like Book of Revelations Armageddon days and the rise of the devil then and the Antichrist face to face with a beast because he had the Antichrist bars earlier wow a lot of religious contacts happening now too Eastern all settle on the ocean floor and I go by many names also some people know me as hope some people know me as the voice that you hear when you loosen the Noose on the rope and you know how I know that I'll Prosper that's great so we've we've come around and we've hey Checkmate here I'll see your Eternal sort of sin and disappointment and Temptation and I'm something Eternal as well something that you can't constrain I am hope I'm Eternal as well wow voice that you hear when you loosen the Noose on the Rope then you know how I know that I'll Prosper cause I stand there beside you today I have stood in the Flames the cremated my brain and I didn't want flips your shape so color of the man I've become when I sing from the top of my lungs okay I will retire I'll Stand in your fire inspired by me to be strong and when I am gone I will write in the music that I left behind ferocious persistent immortal like you we're a climate to different side [Music] [Music] I like that change when he stands up here because this is different it's it's like a rig to him now so every movement it's kind of stabilized on him and you see just like the cameras even shakier here it just feels more raw like he's really stood up now this is a turning point and I think visually we want to represent kind of that Turning Point as well [Music] [Music] thank you I'm glad I don't have epilepsy haunting foreign [Music] I shouted out into an empty room into a blank canvas that I would defeat the forces of evil and for the next 10 years of my life I suffered the consequences with autoimmunity illness and psychosis wow as I got older I realized there were no real winners and there were no real losers in psychological warfare but there were victims and then we're student that's a great line there were no real winners no real losers in psychological warfare only victims roses in psychological warfare but there were victims and there were students it wasn't David versus Goliath it was a pendulum eternally swaying from the dark to the light and the more intensely that the light Shone the darker the shadow it casts wow I love that that play on light and dark kind of within us all through the dawn of time the Battle of good versus evil hope first loss for suffering the devils and the angels within our own minds on our own shoulders and then go into a greater level of that man this dude is a he's a deep thinker it's a very poetic mind it was never really a battle for me to win it was an eternal dance like a dance the more rigid I became the harder it got the more I curse My Clumsy footsteps the more I struggled so I got older and I learned to relax and I learned to soften and that dance got easy wow that's a again there's just some great Pearls of Wisdom and someone who's really been through the trenches here sharing his journey and his struggle with you and I think that's so true like sometimes we try to control so much and we because we get so invested because we try to control it leads to more desperation it leads to more being upset and sometimes it's okay to relax and realize there's certain things that are out of your control you can't control everything that happens in your life you can't control fate you can only respond to things sometimes and I I think that's a greater statement he's making right there as he relates it to sort of the dance of life and the different moments and trials and tribulations that we all go through you know we all need to learn that mindfulness and being able to kind of let go and move forward sometimes because we all can fall victim to just grasping onto that past and wanting to over control and oversimplify the present this is intense to relax and I learned to soften and that dance got easy it is this eternal dance that separates human beings from angels from demons from gods and I must not forget wow we must not forget that we are human beings wow that was intense I mean that was a journey and the way that we end that that we are human beings and and for me that song is just gonna grab so many people and whether that's someone suffering with addiction and that battle with addiction and that demon of addiction and taking all those devils and trying to find Hope in that inner discourse represented through this song or whether it's just you know not necessarily addiction but you know mental health in general and going through those battles and those Shadows or even religious context reflecting on life and Mankind and the struggles of good versus evil and I think one of the most important things that it comes through there is he lets us know it's okay to be human don't forget that you know we're not Immortals we're not Gods we're not perfect we're not Angels we're not as terrible as demons there's light and dark when they saw and there's a beauty having that light in that dark and I think the key is finding that that balance and accepting those flaws that we do have and finding a way forward and using hope to help guide us what a powerful impact and I always say this about songs like this with people who have been through it who have been there I love when someone makes a song like this because it lets others know hey you're not alone you know there's help there's people who can relate there's people who've been through it this world is hard this world is dark stay strong everyone Ren you were Knoxville certified hope you guys like today's video this from here at the end obviously enjoy the content do me a huge favor guys support Channel directly subscribe notifications on comment down below any other requests you want to see me do I love you stay safe stay positive I'll catch you again
Channel: Knox Hill
Views: 617,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AofFS8uDmow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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