Bo Burnham's Can't Handle This (Kanye rant) & Repeat Stuff Live REACTION

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oh hey how you going alice and gingerland here welcome to back to my channel okay it's time for my favorite time of the week and it's time to react to some more bo burnham um [Music] i don't know what that was either i'm just super excited all right so this is part eight right hold the phone let me double check that wouldn't want that to be wrong okay yes if this is your first bow burning reaction video of mine that you're watching highly recommend going back to the beginning i'll link it above that way you can just come on this journey together because we're doing this in chronological order starting from his very beginnings and just working our way up to the bow of today all right let's see what we're up to now so last week we did from god's perspective and repeat stuff which was intense but i had a bunch of you saying that i should watch the repeat stuff live version as well so watch that well let's start with that yeah i just had so many people saying you have to watch live versions so you know what i mean i've got to give the people what they want so we're going to watch the live version let's get into it that's pretty cool but a bow all right let's jump into it okay let's watch repeat stuff again oh my god that was way too loud jesus all right okay here we go um if i could break i i i want to thank you all for being here because uh i mean it i'm so grateful that you'd all come here and spend an hour of your time with me and if you're watching it home or whatever on a computer or something uh if you've made it this far thank you very much for watching genuinely this is my favorite thing to do and i'm so grateful for people watching it and enjoying it um okay i will now recede back into my stage persona [Music] i just blacked out for 20 seconds [Music] thank you for coming love stones used to be so beautiful you know let us go then you and i when the evening is spread out against the sky like a patient it thrives upon a table tears elliott beautiful love songs nowadays just as beautiful guys usher justin bieber 1d you know them but these new artists they've done something very strange to the format of the love song they've changed it a bit i tried to capture how they've changed the format of the love song with this love song i hope you enjoy it and mark the differences okay i like that in the live version he gets a little explanation i mean i think he did that in the music video as well but just to like name you know one direction justin bieber i got so many justin bieber vibes from that repeat stuff music video especially when he's like in the black with the lights with the cross on him i was like that looks just like justin bieber that shouldn't let's get back into it super tongue tied what just happened oh get your whole body into a bow jason derulo [Applause] [Music] i love your hair i love your name i love the way you say it i love your heart and you're so smart cause you gave away it i love your sis i love your dad i love your mom but more than all of that i love the fact that you are dumb enough to not realize everything i've said has been said before in a thousand ways and a thousand songs sung with the same four chords but you'll still love it and let me finger you where i finger you finger [Music] i also hope that you don't see through this cleverly constructed ruse designed by a marketing team cashing in on puberty and low self-esteem and girls desperate need to feel loved in america says we love a chorus but don't get complicated and bore us no meaning might be missing we need to know the words after just one listen so repeat stuff repeat for pizza for pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza you know pizza oh you know i do i love my baby and you know i couldn't live without her but now i need to make every girl think this song's about her just to make sure that they spread it like the plague so i describe my dream girl is really really vague like i love your hands cause your fingerprints are like no other i love your eyes and their blueish brownish greenish color i love it when you smile that you smile wide and i love how your torso has an arm on either side if you're my agent you might be thinking oh no sound the alarms you're not appealing to little girls who don't have arms but they can use itunes so [ __ ] emoji repeat stuff repeat stuff repeat stuff repeat stuff everybody come on louder i can't hear you repeat stop the pizza [Applause] [Music] oh sorry i was gonna do this live oh my god it happened to my eye young ones listen up i'm in magazines full of model teens so far above you [Music] so read them and hate yourself and pay me to tell you i love you so true hey like [Music] and your parents will always come along [Music] because their little girl is in love [Music] repeats that [Music] [Music] we know it's not funny but we'll stop beating [Applause] oh bye bye bye i was like how is he gonna do this same [ __ ] on stage it just looks so bizarre that was great that would have been like hard to do live right my gosh sucking on that microphone i loved in the music video as well just the random subliminal messages in the video i i like watched back and like stopped it so many times it was just complete random [ __ ] all right what have we got next ladies and gents okay what's this we we think we know you the finale of what so what i'm guessing is his full show which i would love to watch surely if i watched the whole live show surely i'd get claimed right it's an hour but i don't watch the finale either we think we know you if i want to watch the full show don't come in right at the end oh god let me know down below that'd be such a long video though and like i wouldn't be like i'd cut down anything because obviously like every single second of it would be hilarious has anyone reacted to his full live show you see all the other reaction videos are only like 10 minutes long i don't know how i would do that one i guess i could break it into parts right maybe do like a part one part two would that be annoying i don't know let me know down below if you guys like me to react to like the full show of what i could probably do like two parts making like half an hour i'm just terrified that the whole thing will get claimed you know that's just my genuine fear these days anyway well okay well this is exciting because the next thing after what show after watching after what is can't handle this kanye rant which so many people have recommended me to watch and so many people are excited for me to react to it so ladies and gentlemen it's time for can't handle this you ready i'm ready i'm excited ah let's get into this let's go let's go let's go let's go i'm so excited i went to kanye west recent tour the jesus tour it was a big dramatic theatrical show he did something very strange at the end of his show where he ranted for like 20 minutes it was kind of a rant kind of a song he had an auto tune on his voice and there was an instrumental in the background like this instrumental he talked about his problems race [Music] power his 90 t-shirts weren't selling very well that was most of it [Music] i thought maybe i could do this i'll be honest my problems not as high stakes as kanye's but i have problems and maybe a crowd in new york would be nice enough to indulge me soon as we get to the end of a night of theater and comedy i'm sorry look at the feeling he's performing in oh my god he's a big ass deal nice and sweater's coming on and off i got one question for you and that question is can i see my [ __ ] new york yeah i got lots of [ __ ] to say i got lots of [ __ ] to see all have fun is over cheering anyone could be a soul when you're going on a chain put my hand inside a pringle can i tell you about it i have a huge amount of trouble fitting my hand inside of a pringle can i can get my hand like four inches into the can but then i have to tilt the can into my mouth but by that point a bunch of crumbs have accumulated at the bottom [Music] is way too small two radiuses i'm a pringle kid is way too small if you feel me put your hands up come on if you feel me put your hands up that are way too big a bit inside of pringles yeah [Music] you think you can i know you can you think you can't pringles listen to the people i'm sure 90 of the complaint letters you get are about the width of your can just make them wider and the chip's wider too i've never done the pringles thing yeah it looks right the whole thing was gonna be about pretty good i wanna have a daughter daughter wanna have a daughter so i can finally have someone around the house who can fit their hands to pringle tan yes i'm still on the pringle dance thing yeah i'll i'll move on all right but that is [Music] but i'm self-conscious about my body cause i don't go to the gym irony can be so painful that's a catch-22 this is amazing this is amazing got myself a chicken burrito [Music] i went down the line i got like all these ingredients and then at the end of the line the guy tried to wrap the burrito but half of the [ __ ] inside the burrito spilled out he still wrapped it i was like dude you should have warned me you're a burrito expert you should have told me halfway through hey man you might be reaching maximum burrito capacity here do you think i want a messy burrito no one wants a message from reno the whole appeal of a burrito is that all of the ingredients are contained within the confines of the tortilla i wouldn't have gotten half this [ __ ] if i knew it was going to fit in the burrito all right look i wouldn't [Music] if you got no more chicken i'll take pork but i'll blow my dad before i eat a burrito [Music] [Music] break [Music] this is i can sit here and pretend like my biggest problems are pringle cans and burritos the truth is my biggest problem's you i want to please you but i want to stay true to myself i want to give you the night out that you deserve but i want to say what i think and not care what you think about it a part of me loves you part of me hates you part of me needs you part of me fear zoo wow [Music] i [Music] declining mental health what he cannot give himself [Music] [Music] i'm not a doctor i'm a [ __ ] i put on a silly show i should probably just shut up and do my job so here i go and i got [Music] you can't tell them anything if you just make it funny make it rhyme and if they still don't under stand to then you will run it one more time [Music] is thank you good night i hope you're happy [Applause] oh my god oh my god oh my god what a turn that took that just took me wow what an emotional rollercoaster i just went on i feel like i was watching that life i wouldn't know how to react to like the serious part you'd be like oh sorry do you not want me to be here but you do i under literally started with uncontrollable laughter and i could not breathe properly my abs was sore and my cheeks were sore to full body goose bumps i just i couldn't imagine what he just would be going through through all this when he started he's just doing it for fun obviously he wouldn't have expected to be so big from it do it for a bit of fun might be a bit of an outlet for him obviously if he wasn't too popular in school and stuff like that but you've got this incredible talent and you're hilarious and like what your peers have no idea it would be a nice outlet and then to have people all over the world just fall in love with you by like the millions just propelled to stardom and performing in front of people that would be a big mental block to get over in itself and then just like that was just so powerful i really want to listen to that part again just that breakdown where was it all right listen to the breakdown again because that was a lot to unpack the truth is my biggest problems you i want to please you but i want to stay true to myself that in itself whenever you're on the internet you obviously just you know want to please people make people laugh because that's what you enjoy doing but then you'll have all these people commenting saying you can't say this don't do this blah blah blah or like you know your team saying you gotta cater to this and blah blah but yeah you just you want to be true to yourself but you've got to like please the masses be such a hard line right okay wait okay this is just like wow okay i want to give you the night out that you deserve but i want to say what i think and not care what you think about it a part of me loves you part of me hates you part of me needs you part of me fearsome just just the conflictions like yeah oh my god this is just me trying to get into his brain obviously i'm not a psychologist and not good with words either but yeah like you love your fit you love the people who support you and love you and then the part about the hate would just obviously be like the people that would be hating and stuff i don't know just like the constant need to like please everybody and then the fact that he does need like you know if you want your career to go you need them and then a part of me fears you i mean sure if you reckon that's just like a relationship like like hate comments and stuff like that or like the fear of letting people down that might be it that might be more it hey don't let people down don't wanna all these expectations on you to just be that funny guy you're just here to be laughed at laugh with let's be real but oh my god this is just what a good little oh okay i don't know how i would react to that if it was live you just go from half half just go from laughing like hysterically to being like oh oh i'm sorry though we all know he's comedic and lyrical like genius and musical talent but also to just be able to communicate your thoughts and feelings it's just so good with words words words words that was wow i feel like i had the ugliest laugh with the first half of this song and then just went into literally full body goosebumps my heart goes to him oh wow well that was amazing okay can see why everyone wanted me to react to that i love that i was just a full-on take the piss out of kanye as well okay i feel like this video is probably long enough there's four songs left on his channel which i'm so excited about because one of them's welcome to the internet and white women's instagram i feel like heaps of people recommend welcome to the internet and white woman's instagram just sounds like it's gonna be a hoot i'll save those last four for next week you gotta come back i'm sorry so to be part nine and then once these are all over i need to get into inside because everyone's just telling me to go inside to get into inside to get onto inside wow that took a while i feel like i'm just so flabbergasted flabbergasted bamboozled mixed emotions that was just such an emotional rollercoaster i'm just speechless now i better wrap this up thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video please feel free to give it a big old thumbs up and smash that like button if you're new here and enjoying the content please feel free to hit that big red subscribe button such a nice button and it's just so red you just want to push it thank you again so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Alice in Gingerland
Views: 97,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boburnham, boburnhamreaction, canthandlethis, kanyerant
Id: _knm2mIJWeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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