BLOXSTRAP FOR ROBLOX! Full Review & Setup! (Mods, Fps Un-locker, Fonts, Cursors, Graphics Settings)

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hello guys what's up welcome back to the channel now I've been meaning to cover this for like a few months now and suddenly I remembered so I thought okay let me go and review this thing yeah today we're going to be checking out block strap which is some third party Roblox software it's not official but obviously it's fully compatible with Roblox including the Roblox app on Windows oh yeah I just want to say this only works on windows currently it's not supported on mobile or Mac or any other device just Windows however though we're going to be checking out in today's video apparently it's really really cool it comes with of useful features like FPS unlockers different options you can restore the old Roblox death sound there's like all types of interesting stuff inbuilt with this software and I thought this thing is so cool we can't miss this so um yeah let's go and have a look so if you guys have heard of block trrap before you might already have it if you don't have it I'm going to show you how to install it so shout out to this guy Pizza boxer he's the guy that made it if you guys have a GitHub account you can go ahead and follow him what we're going to do is click on his pin section cuz he's got block strap I'll tell you what I'm just going to leave this down below so you guys can go straight to it and if you've never used GitHub before you might think it looks a bit confusing but if you just scroll down um you can find the installer so the latest release is here if you want to install this via your command prompts you know in Windows obviously that's something you can go ahead and do however I'm just going to download exe cuz um you know might as well that's completely fine for me and probably a lot easier for you guys to visually follow so let's go and get the block strap version 2.5.4 add the time of making this video um that's the latest version so this came out in November of last year so only a few months ago right so let's go and click on the download and yeah we can go and get this thing it's a very small file so it should download in about 1 second I mean depending on your Wi-Fi I guess anyway if you guys go and find your downloads folder so obviously open up your file explorer you can go and find a block strap and what we're going to do from here guys is just double click to install it okay is asking me to install the net desktop run time uh that's fine I thought I already had that but apparently not so let me just install that as well don't worry this is like an official Microsoft thing so um okay yeah that just downloaded in one second I'll link this down below I really thought I had this already so that's interesting but um I'll just install that quickly as well so there you go the windows run time just going to run this I'm just going to install that right now then we're going to do yes that should only install in a few seconds there you go so now we should be able to run block strap I mean let's just go and give this a try there you go it's working it came up so guys this is how block strap works as you can see this is the block strap menu and straight away we are on Integrations so let's see what we've got here it says configure quick and easy ways to improve the Roblox gameplay experience we'll have a look at everything um I won't make this video too long but we'll try and cover everything so we have activity tracking enable activity tracking allows for Block strap to detect what Roblox game you're playing certain features may require this okay uh I guess we can leave that on it's not too bad see Server location when you join a game you'll be notified where your server is located I'm not too bothered about that really uh what else we got Discord Rich presents oh is this like on the Discord when you join a game and you know it comes up so show games activity okay yeah I've already got that turned on on Discord anyway allow activity joining oh so somebody can join you through Discord oh that's kind of cool um for me I have my joins turned off so not really necessarily miscellaneous we've got here allow multi- instance launching oh this is cool so if you have two browsers you can open like two Roblox windows at the same time that's actually quite nice we've got custom Integrations oh so if you want to like make your own custom programs well I'm too done for that yeah I'm not going to be able to figure that out but that's still a nice touch uh let's go and have a look on mods now I just want to say this is not hacking or anything this is just like custom things you can bring back old files and stuff like that so we got use old death sound this one was turned on by default so I'm going to keep that on cuz that's pretty cool mouse cursor oh you can use the old one oh wow okay we'll go for 2006 that might be interesting to try use the old Avatar editor background oh that sounds nice but I am wondering is that in the Roblox Windows app only I would have thought so we'll give it a try emulate old character sounds oh like walking and stuff before 2014 yeah I know what that is go on then we'll turn that on as well disable desktop app okay I think I'm going to not disable it just so I can try the Avatar editor thing but that's an option you can do that might be a good one actually the desktop app is a bit annoying preferred emoji type um I'm just going to keep it on the default one I don't really want to use like cat Emoji or anything we've got here fonts custom fonts disabled full screen optimizations yeah interesting if you want to enable those go for it next we've got fast Flags so I assume this is like frame rate okay so this is where you find FPS unlocker so you can put it to anything maybe like 900 1,00 might be good anything above 60 should be fine as it says here if you want no limit you just put 9999 and you're all good preferred lighting technology um that is what's that like oh I see oh so it's like the old like shadowless and stuff Shadow map future oh wow that's kind of cool as well preferred Escape menu version um oh I didn't know you could change that I'm just going to keep it on default okay fine I'll just do an old one let's do 2015 also for the lighting should I just change it let me try that one enable the ability tide guis I guess on some games that might not be good unless you wanted to record some like unique footage or something use old material textures fine we'll try it preserve rendering quality with display scaling I'm going to leave that off for now but if you wanted to enable that that should be fine use the alternate Graphics quality selector oh yeah so I used to have this unlocked with my old FPS unlocker anyway uh you can basically enable like uh 1 to 21 Graphics instead of just 1 to 10 so that's fine what else we got appearance so is this just the theme of like um block strap I would assume what if you do light oh yeah okay not too interesting there but it's co to have style what's that okay I get it so hang on what does this do then is this like the oh that's just the block strap okay I get it okay nothing too interesting there well it's not really Roblox related I guess uh Behavior create desktop icon yeah that's full block strap settings installation where it should be installed app data local that's fine and we also have the about section so oh there's loads of people which worked on stuff awesome there you go shout out to all of these guys I would read each of your names one by one but that might take a while right we've got quite a few things installed now so I think we should probably just click the install and see what happens it says before you install there's a few things you should know after installation has finished the block strap menu will be registered as an application in the start menu if you wanted to uninstall it that's also fine so let's just go through with install and there you go installing Roblox so this is installing my mods my Graphics my old menu my de sound I know I might have went a bit Overkill and selected a bit too many random options my Roblox might be looking like something from 2015 hey I just want to try it and see what happens so after installing it opened up the desktop app and I did expect that so oh I've got my 2006 cursor okay that's kind of funny so now I've got to remember everything I did I think most of the settings I applied were like relating to games oh this is cool oh this is the old um was this 2015 the old mobile thing yeah I did enable that didn't I I have heard you can do a custom one of like some MP4 or something I might have to save that for another video but that looks awesome so if I go to customize um yeah really really cool I think everything else I enabled was probably inside of a game um so yeah maybe we should try a game I don't want to play something it's got like too many uh like G and stuff I want to play something kind of classic I guess we could join catalog Avatar Creator that should be fine I'll tell you what I'm going to join it in the web browser just so I can join my private server and stuff so yes as I was saying you won't really notice any changes on the website version uh because obviously when block strap implements these changes they're inside of the desktop app and inside of the Roblox player so you know basically inside of games let's join catalog Avatar Creator cuz you know you can just stand on a base plate so we don't have to do anything and we can analyze the changes here you go this should also come up when you start Roblox cuz obviously it's got to apply the mods and the FPS settings I'm actually recording this video on my laptop right now and it has never been this smooth while playing Roblox what the hell this is nice wow I didn't expect that yeah um I'm noticing the shadow update as well that looks cool what the hell I should have done a video on this ages ago anyway so I'm guessing we've probably got the old menu there you go hey that's nice to see you know what I actually missed this menu okay it's a little glitchy maybe but hey it works I don't want to leave one thing I wanted to do is reset for the old death sound there you go it's working that's awesome right what else did I enable I've got the cursor the old death sound I've got like the um Shadow thing oh FPS um what was the command again was it shift F5 I think oh it was there you go over 200 FPS it's working hang on I can hide the chat and show you guys there you there's the proof so the FPS unlocker also running oh wow I'm well impressed with this maybe we should play like a bit more of a um action-packed game or something I'll tell you what guys on mods I've actually changed my mouse cursor to the 2013 one and over on the fast Flags I'm going to try a different lighting technology just to see what it looks like so if we just go and save this that should be good now we've just got to find a game to play maybe I'll go of Arsenal or something cuz I'm very familiar with how this looks here you go so I've got the old cursor running I do like this one it's very like basic and simplistic so we're going to go on deploy we're going to choose a team and yeah it's looking a bit different maybe I should have chosen some um better settings or something one thing though my FPS is good cuz um yeah I said I'm recording this video on my laptop which I sometimes do sometimes not my laptop's a bit crap so the fact it's running this at over 60 FPS and I'm able to record it at the same time and record my microphone that's a good sign yeah if you guys have got like slightly outdated PCS maybe your PC is not like the best game PC or anything definitely get Block strap it's free you can install it in a few seconds it's very very user friendly super easy to set up as you guys saw from my um quick installation and um yeah I've got to admit I'm really impressed with this this looks cool so let's just get a few kills here oh God I suck yeah my FPS is good maybe I should have joined a different game that's very sort of like uh you know texture heavy quite hard to run but um no I'm um very very pleased how this turned out can I kill this guy apparently not cuz um nobody's getting any assists come on why can't I kill there you go so yeah I'm going to leave all of the links to block strap Down Below in this video's description if you guys want to install it and check it out for yourself definitely recommended and I guess that is pretty much it if you guys are stuck or curious about any of the settings I'll leave a link to this page down below it basically explains everything in detail obviously in the video I could have gone through everything but you know it takes such a long time and I think most of you guys know what an FPS unlocker is anyway but they do have comparisons here of the different menus and textures between the years so yeah be sure to check this out as well the end of me all the things that I could be this is the end of you after all the we through
Channel: SharkBlox
Views: 344,060
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Id: b49TPVim5t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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