Roblox Gears Are Returning... BUT WHY!? (NEW GEAR UPDATES LEAKED)

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so Roblox appears to be working on this new update guys and when I saw this news this was like incredibly unexpected I was like okay I'm kind of surprised Roblox is doing this pretty much guys they're trying to bring gears back so I'm sure you guys know Roblox gears have been pretty much abandoned since 2019 maybe early 2020 I guess we did have some new gears for the 2020 egg hunts but apart from that like you know who cares about Roblox gears anymore like nobody even uses them games ready use them people don't really join those like gear with games anymore I honestly think guys the only current use of Roblox gears is holding it on your avatar so it looks kind of cool on your profile like that's it so I'm just over on the marketplace now and as you can see I think the last gear was probably updated yeah 3 or 4 years ago it says 3 years I'm pretty sure it's about to change to four because these are from the egg hunt of 2020 and then yeah soon guys Roblox is going to be letting us use any gear inside of any Roblox game well apparently I think the game still has to enable gears but pretty much right they're going to turn into some kind of accessory you can hold them on your avatar but as far as I know you can't actually like kill people and stuff cuz that would be a bit crazy but yeah let me show you where I got this information from so here we are a tweet from Lucas interesting test item Roblox re-uploaded and already made gear but what's unique about this one is you wear it on your avatar as an accessory so while it's still a gear it appears you would be able to wear it in all games in your hand as if it was any other accessory now to be fair we kind of have like accessory gears already because like the lead clothing stuff and then also like the shoulder accessory Arro gears I don't know if you guys remember those but this is something new this is something cool Roblox is really giving a new life to gears which I never expected them to do because normally when something gets kind of old on Roblox they completely abandon it and they just leave it until it breaks and then gets forgotten about but no I've got another tweet from macron here and he said updated picture there is 35 reuploads so Roblox is like testing something now I just want to say these like gears which have been re-uploaded you can't actually View view them on the website I'm pretty sure if you go on a website like rym mon or something you should be able to find them yeah we've got axes that looks like a flute or something there is also hats which I've got no idea what Roblox is doing with these could be like some tests for the Hat scaling update or something I don't know this guy stretcho just said roox just updated three gears as unlisted and so they put a space sandwich on relevance oh the space sandwich thing oh that's interesting to be fair though if you've been looking at gears recently it might pop up but I guess we can check out see if it's there for me I know what the space sandwich is as well that's like one of the cheapest gears isn't it or like one of the best selling ones there you go for 20 Robux you can get some weird looking space sandwich thing which actually has quite a cool sound effect if I remember correctly so a few of you might be wondering what is this update going to look like when it officially releases well I don't know if you guys know but in catalog Avatar Creator when you equip gears you can use them like you can walk around holding it but you can't like kill anybody or use their special abilities so I believe it's going to be something like that I'll tell you what I'll jump into a public server just so I can show you how it works so I know guys in catalog Avatar Creator if you open up the catalog and then you go to featured if you scroll along to gears there you go it's the last section because yeah people don't really care about gears anymore but if you go and select some of these so let me just try on a few random ones I don't think they work I don't think you can do the abilities or anything like that but you can hold them and walk about with them and they look kind of cool the only thing is is they do clutter up your Explorer a bit oh bloy Coda works I didn't expect that so yeah as I was saying they do like clutter up your um like you know tabs down here where you're holding stuff but apart from that um you know they're harmless I couldn't like chop this guy's head off of his sword or anything I was a big fan I I'll let him live I'll go and chop the guy with the Dominus head off and but yeah you get the idea I can't drop bombs or anything like that so I think guys when roblox actually releases this update this is what it's going to look like it's going to be Weird Al so yeah do what this guy says he's a legend I did see this tweet from this guy I think he's joking but this minion right here I just want to say you guys it's not for Despicable Me for this thing's been on Ro since what like oh there you go ever since the sple bo Me 2 came out that was oh God that was years ago 2013 2012 I don't know very long time ago though so yeah I just want to say Roblox hasn't uploaded any new gears well technically they have been uploading stuff but it's like these ugly adid Das shoes they're not gears they look horrible and then these like um I don't know just reuploads like I was showing you guys there's like a Gun there's like a staff or something some ax thing also some old accessories are getting reuploaded so um yeah pretty odd stuff let me know Down Below in the comments if you guys are happy that gears are probably returning or I guess they never really went away did they they would just have a use again I think I do have some cool ones or the gears from The Stranger Things event back in July 2019 yet a rats these ones are awesome if I can use gears in the game in the future I'm definitely using these that creep everyone out I S I did a video a long time ago about how gears died and Roblox started like recycling them into accessories I'll link that video down below if I can find it but um yeah I guess that's pretty much it for today anyway
Channel: SharkBlox
Views: 57,344
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Id: FsoMVffNkHA
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Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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