How to make your mic sound dogshit

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alright guys what the heck is going on today i'm going to show you guys how to get a dog mic all right so first thing you want to do is you want to search vb audio cable and download misspelled out there that's fine so i'm going to go here i already have installed but you just want to press this download button so once you install it you just set it up and then it'll be in your sound settings here so just want to go down here you want to press sounds right and then you'll have it here in recording here's your cable output and now what you want to do is you want to go to the main microphone that you're using this one anyone go to levels we want to go microphone slider here i can make it really low over here i can make it really loud like this and then you want to go to the microphone boost here just want to raise that bad boy up and now i'm getting a little bit louder all right that's that's not all so i'm going to go back into it you want to go to advanced and then you want to go into right here i already have it on cd quality uh so uh this is the highest setting we have and we can lower it down to cd quality and there we go it should be pretty pretty bad now all right that's not all you also want to go back in here you want to download voice meter right right here should i download this software right here once you download it you open it up right here you want to select your hardware input to be the microphone that you're using right now and your hard way out to be vb audio point and then you raise this bit you raise that guy up right there right you put the audibility all the way up as well to 10 and drag this guy all the way down here you raise these guys up to 12. all right and then you want to go to your sound settings again you want to go over here you want to set this as your default device and then you want to go to levels you want to put this on max this at max you want to go to advanced you want to press the lowest channel bit 8 bit 800 8 000 hertz lowest quality then you want to press apply all right i'm going to do that you want to go to whatever software that you're using i'm using obs so i'm going to go over here to the cable output and now it should be picking up cable output and it should sound a lot worse so yeah guys that's one way to get your mic design really bad on another ways to get equalizer apo uh to make it sound even worse which is here on sourceforge to raise the decibel level right some good ways there or you can just go ahead and buy a logitech c920 and get one of these mics uh their mics are pretty bad or you can get yourself a blue yeti then raise the gain up on this bad boy these two mics are very bad i just want to get either those two to make your mic sound horrible so yeah we enjoyed the video go ahead make your make your mic bad
Channel: Broomie
Views: 3,258,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bt3_q8z0dzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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