Blox Fruits Going Noob to Max With EVERY PERMANENT FRUIT! [ULTRA MOVIE]

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in this video I'm going to be going over and starting off from a brand new Noob account going all the way to a Max Level Pro account there's one catch I'm going to have a wheel choose my fruit for every single 50 levels and whatever fruit that is I'm going to have to use it so it might literally be a rocket fruit or even barrier okay but guys I'm still my main so uh where's my uh well that's the problem I do not have an account right now so we'll have to make one first guess as you can see we're making an account okay so it doesn't really matter what day or what year it is I do want account to be a little bit like I mean 80 years 100 years old wait can we 100 years can't even play Roblox a man I guess my username is going to be level one to God ooh that works okay that's perfect that is such a clean username and just like that come on come on it's going to work and just I'll say hello to level one to God cuz technically that's what's going to happen I guess just like that we're in account and I already prepared myself stuff because uh we kind of do need premium if you don't know why if you go ahead and scroll down in the shop it will say Roblox premium benefit you can get a 10% extra XP so will'll definitely need that also guys whenever this account reaches max level I'll be giving this account away so go ahead and like the video right now and subscribe if you're not you cannot get this account and look we have over here well it's obvious okay because we do not have any roox on this account so we have still here to help us out all right now the first thing we're going to go and need is this thing right here okay oh there you go two times smash reactivated okay that's going to be very very helpful and we need at least 24 hours of two di XP and just like that we have that and now we're only missing one thing my fruit oh guys that's why we have this wheel right here this is going to decide our fruit for the journey at least for 50 levels and now we have to respin it again now let's see what the first one is going to be come on please be a good one please please please please don't be a bad one please don't be a bad one and come on come on come on oh is that pain oh my God no oh my God wait pain I don't know about pain being a grinding fruit we're about to find out now every single time we roll fruit we have to remove it that means we can't use it anymore that means we can't use it anymore throughout the journey so buy bye pain fruit and now we obviously have to buy it so sir Chop Chop give me the fruit come on and just like that received gift permanent pain it was 2,000 Robux okay now all we have to do let's go ahead and equip the fruit and uh there you go now we can start grinding now let's see what abilities do we even have hold on hold on let's see oh that's it oh my gosh I don't know if this going to be the worst fruit to ever fight with but okay okay come on come here Bandit I got to die right I have no time to waste okay so everybody right here hopefully we can even hit them all come on just like that come on right Bandits right here okay we can hit them all that's good that's good didn't hit all of them exactly but um what's I have the pa okay just like that boom not all of them are getting hit what am I I'm getting scammed come on just like that and boom all right come on come on oh this is going to be such a painful fruit oh I already feel it here we're leveling up wait I don't have my quest I don't have my Quest I don't have my quest oh my God no no no no I don't have my quest I don't have my quest oh I'm so stupid all right that was a few come on take that and okay there we go we're leveling bro we're leveling all my points are going for block for now cuz that's the only thing we're going to be using just like that Quest completed we going to be quick though okay let's go grab the next Quest but I don't know about this one guys pain is going to be very painful the name already says it it's not going to be too painful though all right Bandits come here come here I have something for you I have some candy psych take this okay come on you're you're going to die you're going to die no chance for yall okay no chance for yall okay the next wait the next skill is level 100 oh my God this going to be so so bad I guess we're stuck with pay fruit until Level 50 okay so that is not good boom just like that new Quest available okay there you go now we can go to Monkey Island and fight the monkeys or I know another trick guys we're going to go right over here okay go okay and now we have these NPCs which we can kill okay so these gy Pirates Come on take this buddy take this buddy okay this going to take oh come on bro we have zero HP this might take a while just got to dodge that tax come on I just got to dodge that tax come on take that okay that was a little bit of damage we got to dodge it take that okay okay no no no I got to run I got no okay go you missed you missed come on die already no no oh he's going to now what you going to do now buddy now what you going to do now Lally tra buddy okay come on come on I think we have him I think we have him come on one hit come on lit one HP he's already one HP come on come on come on I need to get you bro I need to get you guys I'm going to tell you guys this is going to be the best method of getting levels oh my bro what is that oh they so op they so op come on come on we got to go back lucky we have a lot of range oh did I even hit him oh my God bro what come on you got to be dead you got to be dead okay just like that oh my God oh my God okay how many levels how many levels please please take me all the way please please please please please come on okay we're on to the next Island okay okay come on come on come on come on new Quest theable new Quest okay oh my God oh my God we of getting levels oh and I just and I just bro really okay we're still leveling though we're still okay another Quest available okay okay okay get all the way up to level 30 we didn't get to level 50 so we cannot even use another fruit okay okay wait I just put a little bit on melee so we can like get a like more stamina a little bit of the fans and then the rest unblocks you guys cuz we need way more damage okay one more time One More Time One More Time come on one more time okay that wasn't enough it's just like that oh my go let's go let's go let's go on please give me level 40 please give me level 40 okay there you go 37 30 okay 38 guys I'm telling you guys this is the best level one leveling method okay so first okay yeah we got we got to get low we got to get low there's two there's two no no no no pirate okay come on come on one more one more come on oo just like that okay new skill available as well oh we got another skill and new Quest come on please level 50 please level 50 please please level 42 okay guys next MPC come on come on take this take this where you going buddy just like that we have another kill okay come on please give me level 50 45 okay we're level 45 right now almost there almost there okay just like that we have another one come on come on take this okay we do not have any skills okay we do not have any skills come on come on come on come on please bro please give me level 50 I don't want this dud to fruit please okay there you go come on come on level 50 level 47 48 49 come on come on No One More Level One More Level okay come on he should be low enough come on take that on then I'm level 50 then I'm finally off this dude I want to play with the pain fruit come on can p die and we finally level 50 okay going with this dood Pro okay next R next route okay guys what is going to be the next route come on come on oh my God okay come on come on wait oh my God wait wait wait is that a good is that good or no I think that's bad guys I think that's bad um because guys we just got Buddha fruit early onto the game and we don't really need it early onto the game we're going to need it later on so this is pretty bad guys rules is rules okay so just like that we received permanent Buddha I G from the pain FR okay come on come on where's my Buddha where's my Buddha oh this going to be so easy these these levels are going to be so easy we should just transform and uh yeah beat these enemies up oh no wait I need other skills no I have everything on blocked now now we have to refund my stats no okay now we got to refund all my stats because we do have bu okay so now we got to put everything like maybe not everything hold on hold on 140 a mil right there and maybe like rest on Def fense or something okay just like that we have the got on our first enemy and uh just combat sty on it's 37 oh my God actually really good okay we got to get a fighting sty though after 50 levels I don't think we can get one we just get 50 levels done and let's continue to the next one okay guys let me get this one as well come come okay there we go and new Quest available okay so now work we actually go oh we can go to the pirate village already okay yeah yeah we should go to the pirate Village gu we're at pirate Village okay I just got my quest okay okay this is going to be really really easy guys since we have Buddha right so this going to be super super easy just click click click cck click that's all you going to do right now click okay wait B you B Bobby you're dying buddy you're dying buddy yeah exactly you're dying buddy you're done buddy Bobby yeah you're a no oh my God no no he wait wait wait wait wa I'm one shot I'm one shot no no no don't don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me my God Bobby is strong Bobby is strong but not stronger than me bro I'm a Buddha okay I ain't scared of you I ain't scared of you exactly that's what I thought okay and now let me get these two Pirates and then we can actually do the quest come on come on come on just like that this chest really quick okay boom let's go let's go let's go we need to be quick okay we need to be quick on a time because we have a lot like we don't have a lot of time okay so let's go go kill these okay come on now go back now go back we going to go over here again Pirates and I don't know if we're leveling faster or slower like the fountain like NPCs because the fountain NPCs actually gave a lot of XP so I don't know if this is faster guys I don't know if this let me know if this is faster or slower hey come here Pirates boom boom boom boom boom we're going to get clapped up just like I did to your mom's wait what I need I need to get these P I need to get these Pirates okay come on come on come on all all right there we go and just like that Quest complete okay we're level 59 we're only getting one level hold on can we do the brutes oh we can already do the bruts wait we could do the Bobby Quest but I didn't accept it no guys let's get these brutes okay come on come on we need to get all these brutes come on get all together okay come on come on come on guys how many levels can we get in this episode I think we can get like way more okay come on come on we just need to like focus on just grind okay just grind we're almost dying wait why why am I almost dying come on I'm Buddha form I'm budha form why am I dying almost die okay come on come on and everything on me Le okay just like that okay Quest completed okay new Quest available where's the next Island okay H desert okay we can go to the desert that's good that's good we need to go to the desert just like that we arrived at Desert but I was already grinding and I forgot to record but we're already grinding at the desert three MPCs to go okay so come here Bandits come here you as well you as well buddy you as well buddy you ain't escaping me we're going to farm okay and hopefully guys the next route is going to be like better guys hopefully the next is going to be like decent and it's not going to be like a barrier or something if I get barrier I don't know this challenge is over guys this challenge is over come on come on we need to get this okay now it's going super super easy since we got the Buddha food guys but if I don't get like level 100 in this episode guys I'm going to give out 10 Buddha fruits for free so you want a Buddha fruit let me know come here benit come here come here bit yo oh no almost de almost de no no no no no no no no chill chill chill okay come on come on come on come on Quest complete okay there we go level 73 level 74 okay one more level I think guys just like that we have new Quest available which means we can go to the next Island okay what's the next Island the next island is still the desert though hold on minute it's still the wait where is this at what still the quest right here oh we can do the desert officers Guys these are way further way so I don't think it's even worth it doing this I think I think we just think we should should stay with these because these are so much easier and they're very close by okay just like that boom we're leveling so fast right now guys guys no worries because we're almost max level and um yeah yeah we're we're not almost at max level okay we're level we're level 80 we're level 80 we're not almost max level I'm just yapping right now but like we need to like do this Quest really really quickly so we can go to the next Island guys I'll be right back whenever we're going to the next Island okay we're almost on to the next Island also guys like the video and subscribe okay I'm spending so much Robo for you guys nearly 10K Robo my pockets are hurting so please please leave have a life guys just like that we have new quest of and now we can go to the Frozen village where we can get our hockey okay so let's go all right guys I just like that we arrived at the Frozen Village and now we're going to go and get our hockey instantly because there's no time to waste okay Hy is going to help us so much okay so ability teacher come on come on give me give me my um give me my sky jump okay Aura 25,000 okay boom and now the last one just a flash stab 100 th wait wait no not enough okay we're broke we're broke we're broke okay we got to farm we got to farm I'm get this chest boom okay we got to far bro guys I don't know how expensive this series going going to be but almost level 100 so that means a new fruit and I have to say goodbye to Buddha okay that's going to be so sad hopefully it's going to be a better fruit okay hopefully I ksun T-rex or Mammoth because these that like have M1 right at least like M doesn't have M1 but like still good just like that come on guys HCK is going to give us even more Powers okay even more damage defense everything okay I'm pretty sure we can afford flash tab let's see flash tab 100,000 boom okay there we go now we can Flash tab boom just like that okay every single skills learned now we just got to grind come on back to the Villager give me your quest buddy give me your quest buddy yeah exactly that's what I thought guys unfortunately if we reach level 100 you'll never see see Buddha back in the series guys because Buddha we can only use one fruit at a time after we have used every single fruit we can use it again so going to be so sad he guys last three levels last three levels oh no I I wonder what the next rout is going to be I wonder what the next rout is going to be come on last two PCS come on come on come here come here just like that and oh my God oh my God and we're level 100 new Quest available and now we officially cannot use Buddha anymore oh man let's check out the next ruit okay guys Buddha we're going to remove it over here and uh we're going to spin it again okay come on come on come on it has to be something good it has to be something good come on come on what is that no no no no no no we have to use barrier fruit are you kidding are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me oh what a barrier FR no guys rules are rules and now there you go guys we got a permanent barrier now let's go and say goodbye to Buddha because um we need to use barrier there it is okay let's equip it and what do we even have barrier W what is this what is okay let's see Z what is that that is so doooo okay these attacks are so bad guys we're going to save barrier for the next one so like And subscribe right now if you want me to continue all right guys today I am back and once again I'm on a brand new account oh we're already level 100 as you can see if you guys are new to the series we're going from Level zero to level Max a series of episodes using every single permanent fruit in the entire game and right now we're having uh some trouble okay yeah because we are using a barrier fruit and all we can do is uh this um how am I going to level up with this okay come on this is so long bro come on come just like that oh my God okay okay okay come on come on come on it should give me at least like um how many 18 Master Okay we unlocked a new ability which is STS okay and uh we we we uh okay we can't do anything with this okay come on come on die right here come on wait wait oh no no I'm getting chopped up I'm going to CH also guys we're going to be switching fruits every single 50 level so me kill these okay there we go okay okay easy wait I didn't even activate my quest hold on oh no oh no come on Quest quest Quest that's XP now we got to go back to grinding come on here snow Bandit yall dead you guys don't already know I'm going to be giving out this account right here and it's going to have every single permanent through in the game because that's what this series is all about you guys do want to make chance to win this like And subscribe first let me go these Bandits come here Bandit come here Bandit psych okay he didn't die through that oh my God wait what's that wait he's hiding he's hiding in the house he's hiding in the house was hiding in the house come here s me wait is he 4 HP oh my god oh right he's right here he's right here hold on what am I doing with the stairs these stairs are so useless I heard the stairs that thing bro oh my God okay let's see me kill this guy how did that not kill him how did I not kill him 31 HP go ahead and die here we go okay easy guys barriers the wars food how am I going I level up with this okay okay there you go finally Quest completed okay how many levels are is that 102 bro this is so slow all right guys I'll be right back whenever I have more levels because this is going crazy slow wait guys think wait can we fight a Yeti oh we can fight a Yeti we can fight a Yeti okay we need to fight a Yeti okay let's go let's go Yeti Yeti where you at where you at buddy I'm slashing you up buddy I don't I'm going to do this bro oh my God he so much oh hey CH chill chill chill let me take that boom okay oh it's going to take so long come on what is this sow where's this snowman coming from I didn't even see him I did not even see him what is this guys how am I going to do this oh guys after like 10 minutes he's low okay come on come on one one more hit one more hit just like that okay there we go there we go Bounty okay we got a quest completed okay Yeti forur easy okay easy easy easy guys the boss is not going to be respawning I think I don't know is the boss going to respawn be responds quickly otherwise we have to a server hop because that's going to be the easiest way to fight the boss otherwise we have to wait right I'm literally fighting these snowman right now and uh they are so so hard to find bro this going take so long guys I don't think we can get a worse fruit and barrier I'm not going to lie guys like this oh oh wait the the yeti is back the ye is okay we got to get the quest fast okay guys we got to finish this Quest and then go to the next Quest cuz it's going to take so long just like that come on I need to punch these people okay come on I just Eed him out of the map okay no no no wait wait this guy right here come on come on let me beat drop let me be drop come on let me let me be drop boom okay we go complete okay now now we're going to go through the yeti and fight the yeti come on come on villager give me the quest give me the quest Yeti come on okay guys we're going to fight the yeti I'm going to be back whenever I'm almost done okay guys just like that we're almost done with the ye okay one more hit okay three two are you ready to die buddy are you ready to die buddy yeah yeah you're going to die buddy 3 2 1 boom oh oh my God oh my God almost di no no no no there you guys go okay new Quest available and now we got up to level 122 oh my God like so many more levels to go until we can get a new frood like it's going to take so long oh my God we're Lally fighting another Yeti right now and we're almost done okay one more hit come on 3 2 one oh my God just like that okay here we go Quest completed guys and now we're going to go to the next one okay level 126 okay okay okay this going good he guys we're fighting another Yeti right now come on come on one more okay no no no that almost kill them okay one more hit one more hit we're going to have another Yeti down which is going to give me like three more levels I think that's good okay come on come on Boom die okay okay here we go and we just got one 2 three come on come on it just G us three levels it's okay it's okay let's go over to the next ball hopefully we'll be done soon with this barrier through us this is so bad okay we're fighting next B come on one more okay no that did oh my God where are they going okay guys he's back he's back he's back okay come on one more hit one more boom okay there you go how is he not dead boom okay there we go there we go new Quest available okay wait what's the next Quest what's the next Quest Marine wait Marine Fortress okay guys we're we're on to Marine Fortress guys should we stay here until like we have like the next room because I don't want to go to Marine Fortress I I feel like we need to like defeat the yeti till like level 150 now we can like level up guys we're level 144 right now and the yeti is level is that come on come on on boom just like that and come on come on 146 14 okay four more levels and now we can get a new fruit guys hopefully it's going to be better than this doodo barrier also guys we got a new attack which is a which is like this it's kind of like d okay it's kind of bad okay I'm just go grind more just like that boom okay kind looks like the kilo attack from back in the day but okay come on one more hits and there we go come on come on please please give me enough levels oh my God two more levels two more levels and we finally get a new fruit oh my God it better be like a decent fruit cuz I don't want to play with this please okay just like that the last on just kill them boom okay new Quest available finally guys we can get a new fruit finally oh my God yes yes let's go spin the wheel guys here's the wheel and let's see let's see okay let's go and spin it come on come on please please please be something better barrier okay it's kind of hard to get something worse but oh we we just got flame okay we just got flame that's good that's good flame is really good guys flame is really good I don't if it's really good for grinding with without like Awakening but guys this is way better than barrier okay let's go remove it from the L and it's finally time to get Flame come on where's flame where's flame let's go buy it for roblo and I have Robo oh my God more robblox really guys guys like the video right now like the video guys one like equals one rip for robox CU after this series ends I'm going broke well guys but just like that we have gotten ourselves come on where is this wait wait and there you go okay there it is okay permanent flame and now let's go to equip it let's see this is the fourth fruit in the series and uh we start off with the pain fruit so it's getting better okay it's getting better fruit as the beginning was super pain flame right here okay there we go and we have low master levels okay level 25 level 50 okay that's going to be good that's going to be really really good because then we can like use more abilities very very quick guys I think it's time to go to a new island and we kind of need fast boats for that so let's go get fast boats right now and get a miracle real quick go we're saying bye to Snow Village because we're done and we're going straight to Monkey Island we're going to do something very special over here guys just like that he what's up monkey what's up monkey I'm I'm way stronger than you exactly sit down buddy okay and you guys already know okay Mr zolus I even know I'm going to roll fuit right now because actually it's really good because then I I'll have like one free fruit and I don't have to actually buy it but okay let's go let's going see please be something good please be something good please be something like super expensive and ooh we got ice fruit wait that is not bad that is not bad guys that is like that is like six okay I don't know how much robu at this that's probably like 1,000 Robux because we l need to continue leveling because our two times x boost is running so let going to store it right now and let's go and guys our Quest is literally at Skyland we have to go to Marine Fortress because there's a boss right there that can give us a really good accessory okay guys two times boss drops as well that's going to be really really really good okay guys come on we need to get this Quest right here Marine give me the quest give me the quest adiro okay there we go there going to be us so many levels guys you guys do not even know what to know what's up adiro I'm going to beat you up buddy buddy what's good buddy what's good buddy just like that he's super super low okay come on come on let's let's finish him off just like that and boom Oh my God look at that levels look at the levels going on look at the levels just like that we're level Master 35 and we unlock two new skills that's actually really really good now we do Sil hop and do this all over again so we can like uh reach level 200 it's going to be so much quicker and we do not have the code okay we we have to still get the code cuz we really need that oh my God oh my God we got it we got it we got a code we got a code we got a code oh my God oh my God wait that's actually inane wait it's already equipped though wait it's already equipped wait why is it it's say it says equip wait um now it's equipped I guess guys this code is going to be so so helpful CU I'm pretty sure this gives you extra block Sho damage and like a lot of like good stuff guys I have the best trick for farming this BS guys make sure you guys join Marines because if you choose Marines look look where you spawn guys look where we spawn you instantly can get a quest and then like instantly fight the boss and if you choose Pirates you're going to spawn all the way back right there so guys use this trick okay use this to their advantage and now I got a oh the boss the boss isn't here okay the the boss isn't here I'm really surprised we didn't get like a rocket r or something like that yet that's got to be even worse come on come on come on we're almost here we're almost he's almost dead he's almost dead okay take that easy easy okay come on level 45 okay level one's okay there we go there we go we almost have the next ability and we're already level 163 okay guys this is going to be going so much quicker we're going to speedrun this okay come on come on die that easy okay that's completed okay yes next Boss Next boss let's go he's almost dead he's almost dead come on come on boom take this take this buddy boom okay there you go that's completed okay we're leveling up 170 okay we're almost there 30 more levels to go and then we have another fruit so let's do this guys come on come on he's almost dead he's almost dead come on come on please one more hit boom just like that and we have another time SC drop oh my God the game pass is really working guys we just got another level completed 188 we're almost level 200 okay a few more levels to go just like that come on come on level 200 almost oh my God almost almost almost need two more levels and we're level 200 guys finally you guys think the next run is going to be comment down below right now okay predict the next Hood right now I really wonder what it is okay L should be the last boss we have to kill okay if I Admiral you're dead buddy you're dead buddy you're dead buddy take this okay oh I missed I missed no no no no no no no he missed boom you're that buddy yeah you're that buddy okay Quest complete guys and we're level 200 that means a brand new fruit okay guys we're back okay come on please be a good fruit please okay let's spin a wheel come on please okay come on come on please please pleas please oh my God wait T-Rex oh my God no way no way no way no way no way no way that is so so good guys that is literally so so good T-Rex is one of the best grinding fruits right now oh my God oh my God wait it's going to be so good I can't even wait anymore okay guys we're literally about to get T-Rex through 3 two 1 and boom just like that permanent T-Rex is ours let's go over to the store and equip the the- Rex fruit okay it's going to be like a super expensive fruit like this was like 2.5k Robux guys I think it's going to be worth it and as I said this account is going to be super stack so if you guys do want to win it you guys can make sure you guys watch till the end all right guys welcome back to another block shs video as guys can see we are on the Bacon account we're level 200 and we're continuing with the Noob To Pro Noob to max level with all permanent fruits in the game series okay and right now we're in episode three right now and we have the T-Rex as you guys can see okay it's Mastery one so we still have to do some stuff I think we can do it okay I think we can do it okay now first of all let's go fight the boss right now I don't think he's here guys I don't think he's here guess I already told you guys a lot of tricks okay the boss is not here because it's a private server I already told you guys a lot of tricks all right guys let's just go and continue on the thing we have left okay let's do do server hop okay just like that oh no I didn't Cho Marines guys guys you got to choose Marines if you spawn okay you got to choose Marines otherwise you spawn all the way here we got to run run run okay Marine sub Marine give me the quest the quest the quest you guys go and like the video right now subscribe and go and watch the video till the end okay cuz I have a big surprise for you guys now VI Admiral is here wait wa okay hold on hold on hold wait why is it wait what the heck me slash let me slash you buddy let me SL you why is it lag wait is it lagging I don't know if it's lagging I think it's lagging guys I think it's lagging mind okay come on come here buddy come here buddy oh this going to be so easy it's going to be oh my God T-Rex is so good guys T-Rex is so good oh my God okay there you go just like that we had the quest completed and we're leveling up T-Rex okay the next ability 50 so we have to get a 50 Mastery now we can get it okay then we can get it so let's go Ser up again and let's just do it for a few times so we can get like all the abilities okay guys this time we're choosing Marines okay Marines and look at this okay the spawn is insane guys the spawn is insane okay now let's see the boss the boss wait it's not here wait oh my oh wait who is this guy wait let me let me S him up let me S him up exactly what are you doing you kill my boss buddy you're killing my boss you killed our boss guys okay let's go let surv wait gryb bird is here okay I can't defeat this guy okay ra bird is way too strong come on Marines just like that okay once again okay come on we got to go we got to go do you guys also do this method or do you guys do different methods cuz I I wonder what you guys do let's see let's let's do the quest come on come on come on okay he's there he's there he's there what's up buddy what's up buddy I'm slashing up buddy I'm slashing up okay I'm wait why why am I so low why am I so low wait I have to do upgrade my defense oh my God he's slashing me up no no no okay come on come on T-Rex T-Rex just like that okay there we go now we're level 205 and we still don't have the second ability guys we have to do this like a few more times I don't know if there's a better grinding method right now I do not think so guys I do not think so okay let's go go over here let's see is the boss here okay the boss is here the boss is here okay let's see it's going go over here okay and we also got the code drop which is really really helpful okay the code I don't know what the code exactly gives I don't think we can check if the code gives okay I don't think the code gives like anything SL him up right now and why is it wait was it lagging I don't know if it's lagging guys but let's go SL him up okay Dodge that easy easy easy come on come on die okay there you go new available as well okay and now we unlock paratory scree let's see thing this is good this is good you can like hold it okay that's really good that's really good we're level 206 okay we're almost at a million B guys and we have to do this like a few more times because still have to like get like another ability I don't know if we're going to do it like 100 Master streak because that's that's kind to of a lot okay we can't try it we can't try it guys so let's go over here come on come on let's H let's see the boss is here okay the boss is here come on come on go over here Marine give me your quest give me your quest buddy I forgot what his name is in one piece but what was it wait was it Kobe I think it was Kobe or something like that I don't know here come on come on come on F Admiral you're dead buddy you're dead you're dead man to me buddy take this my new ability oh my God let me let me suck you right boom come on oh oh my God wait wait guys not like that guys not like that but we got to like come on come kill him just like that okay Quest completed and now we're going to go next one okay next Ser next server we're going to speed run this but guys I'm going to show you guys a way better method of doing this and who is this guy hold on hold on hold on let me let me let me hey hey did he kill my boss no way he did wait wait wait wait let me accept the quest first did he kill him he didn't he didn't he's bad he's bad he's too bad he's too bad okay let stash him up boom okay Boom come on come on come on who do you think you are buddy who do you think you are huh huh come on you think you're the fist Admiral I mean you're nobody buddy you're nobody buddy and just like that new Quest available and where can we go NPC at prison okay guys right now we have to go to the prison because in the prison there's actually a huge trick that I need to show you guys follow me follow me okay we're going to go to wait what is this guy do wait wait should we attack him should we attack him hold on should we attack him let's attack him guys let's attack him oh my God wait where is he where is he where is he wait oh wait I already killed him the wait no oh my God I really bued him up okay guys I I mean I got to do what I got to do guys I got to do what I got to do and he's right over there oh my God he's like looking at me like what's your problem by what's your problem buddy he does not care I think he does not care guys let's going go get a boat The Sentinel okay oh um wait we can't even spawn the boats what the heck like the Sentinel I mean okay we're going to go over here and no this place sucks L can't even get out of here oh my God the Turning speed guys this is bad this is bad this is bad like if you guys also hate this place with the boat oh okay there we go we're out we're out okay where we going going to the prison where's the okay there we go there go go 1,000 M oh my God guys in the meantime if you guys do want this account like the video and subscribe okay and comment down below I want this account so guys we reached 1 billion B okay look at this 1 billion B me billion with a M okay billion with M but like let's go over here we're almost at the prison which I'm going to show you guys the leveling up three cuz just like that we arrived and okay follow me guys follow me my quest is right there but I think we can already fight like the bosses and get a lot of XP okay so first of all what you guys want to do you going to get this boss right here okay get us boss through this okay come on come on you're that buddy you're that buddy okay okay get this boss as well like that okay get him in the corner come on get him in no he went inside no no no no no no that's bad that's bad hold on hold on that's bad that's bad that's bad you're going to like despawn or something so you got to get like all get him into one place might just take that get that oh my God he's going further no hey let me get that let me get that so guys we can like really accept the quest right now for this like um for the bosses right now you just have to kill them let's see that give us two Mastery I don't know if that's like that's good I don't know if that's we didn't not get a single level from that so I think we have to like boom okay SL out real quick oh you're mine buddy you're mine buddy yeah you're mine okay wait I don't have energy what the heck wait why do I have energy oh my God that's really bad okay let's go over here come on suck him up boom and come on one more one more why is he not de why is he not de come on die die die and we did not get a single level only Mastery what the heck yeah so the boss is right there is not really worth it but we have to like get get to the jaw keeper get the prisoners first okay let's go and kill the prisoners first then get enough level so we can do other Quest okay yes one more FPC one more FPC okay just like that Quest completed okay there you go there there we go we're only level 215 and at level 250 we're getting a new food so so the T-Rex is going to be like uh going on with a little bit guys that's good because the thex is actually really really good so I don't I don't like blame it okay I hope we don't get like a wor R okay if we get a wor than this one it's going to be really hard oh my God it's Luffy it's Luffy oh my God wait Luffy's going to get killed oh my God wait he's getting oh wait wa should we finish him off wait oh oh um he got he got killed by the NPC he got killed by the NPC okay we going to continue we got to continue grinding hopefully he doesn't steal our NPCs okay because Luffy is on the same Quest so I don't hey buddy we're going to Ste my NPCs are you yes I'm just going to slash him up okay just like that I'm finding the last prisoner okay after this prisoner I'm going to show you guys something I'm going to show you guys something okay so here we go Quest completed okay and new Quest available look at that new Quest available now the boss okay the boss is right there the boss is right there okay so you you guys want to go over to the H okay go to the Jer and click on Warden okay and then confirm it okay go go over here this Quest and now just fight the warden and okay let me let me just show you guys okay make sure guys let me get him low let me get him low okay let me get him low so right now we can only fight one boss because we can't really like start other Quest and I'm show you guys why this is so good okay come on Boom get him into good Corner get him into good Corner okay there we go can easy defeat him right here come on come on come on die die buddy hi buddy you're dead you're dead Okay and just like that we're going to have a lot of levels look at this Quest completed okay one two three levels like that you really can't like fight the wait who's this is this Swan okay this is Swan as well but we don't have the Quest for him right yet right so guys right now what you want to do is go ahead and server Hub again okay like we did with the fight Admiral you you guys want a server hop until you find the boss and like do the quest again okay I join another server okay let's see is the B okay the boss is right there okay the the other boss is not here okay which is kind of weird but uh we're going to go over here to the Head Jailer going and claim the quest just like that and now we just got to run to this guy and you're dead buddy yeah you're dead buddy come on where you going where where you think you're going huh come on where you think come on you're dead buddy you're dead buddy just like that oh what the yo yo what was that what was that just shot him in there like like it was going to Moon bro he was going to the Moon he was going to Mars must went to Mars but let's see and there you go Quest completed another three oh four levels okay four levels and now I don't know when the next Quest is like available let's see let me just go and check real quick if Warden is level 230 okay so two more levels and we can fight two bosses at once we're just going to speed this up like two times or even more okay guys listen up guys this is what you want to do okay now what you what you guys want to do to fight two bosses is you claim this one right here you claim this one and then you like fight this one first or like trigger that one okay then trigger this one and then you you just want to like fight them both right fight them both at the same time but the warden has to die first okay the one with the quest has to die first so let's go go over here just like that okay come on okay no no what is that I was stuck in oh my God what is that he killed me okay he killed me okay one now we just got to go back in okay wait my hcky is not even enabled oh my god oh that's why okay see kill this one first kill the kill the water first okay kill the water first just like that come on come on kill him okay there you go now go and clean the quest C in the next Quest keep for we can instantly clean it okay and he's already low guys look at that he's already low and we can already like just finish him like that no no no no he's going to come oh my God oh my God oh my God chill chill chill chill chill chill chill almost that almost that no no no no okay come on come on I come on wait what is going on I think unequipped for a second and just like that hey oh wait we got a warden sword what is that okay so we got a sword this one is cool look at this sword it's such a long sword it's like a cool pose with it that's actually pretty cool but guys just like that we have two quests completed at once and we got to like put the points in kind of M and just like that so we can get more damage now we just got to server hop and do it again oh my God dying again guys what is going on these bosses are way too wait are they like attacking each other oh oh God no no CH chill buddy chill buddy chill buddy that take that okay the other one okay I need the other one killed bro I need the other one killed okay this one this one this one this one this one let me kill this one first because that's the quest okay that's a quest okay just like that and now got a quest got a quest get a quest a chieve warden don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me guys we've also unlocked the next ability which is C and C is I forgot it's like it's like a oh that's like a b big slash yeah we got to like set them up like that come on all right by Buddy by Buddy okay there we go Quest completed how many levels are we getting we're getting 1 two three levels I think two more levels and then we can do even the swan quest in one okay oh wait we can already do Swan wait what the heck wait so Swan we can already do like three quest in one let me show you guys how I do it okay guys so in This Server there is no Swan okay yeah I can't really show you guys in this server but I'm going to show you like I'm going to find a server and show you guys he guys I just realized that we're above level 250 okay so I can okay I want to show you guys this method right here and then we're going to change fruits cuz I don't know what fruit we're going to get but uh it's going to be bad just like like that okay first uh Clan the warden Quest you guys want to go over here to the warden now you guys want to go to the warden okay Clan the warden click on the warden okay then fight the chief Warden as well okay just like that two of them and then like get them okay come on come on now we want to lert them onto this like thing right here come on everybody in everybody in okay and now you want to start attacking some as well okay now first the warden has to die so the warden is already lowest okay yeah just like that the warden is the lowest so you just got to spam the abilities boom okay wait what the heck what the what the heck was that guy that has to die is this gun this guy the ward okay what what the what am I seeing going above me I don't know what's going on okay maybe that's Swan actually that's maybe that's Swan okay come on just like that we have one kill now we got to go back now we got to go back come on Chief Hardon Chief Hardon Chief Hardon boom okay he's in the wall he's in the wall wait wait he's in the Wall come on can I kill him through the wall check that give me that give me that give me that boom okay come on he has to die first he has to die first and then Swan okay now one now one now onean te the Quest for Swan te the Quest for SW Swan we going go back now we're going to go back and Swan is going to die as well and just like that guys we have three quests in one surr this is so good look at this 1 2 3 4 5 6 levels like this is insane guys now it's time to switch fruits because 50 levels are already off and this next one better be good all right otherwise I'll be doomed I've never seen this we're going to spin this wheel exactly and it's going to land on one of these fruits and then we'll have to use that fruit for the next 50 levels so hey let's see come on please be a good one please come on it can be a bad one it cannot be a bad one come on come on come on come on what the yo what is that what is that what is that spring fruit what can I even attack with that no no no no no no please no please no there's no way guys rules are rules so we're going to go to shop and we're going to buy the spring fruit bro there's no way 180 Robux okay we can probably buy this one right now yep just like that 180 Robux down the drain and we just got permanent spring what even is this Z what is this what no no no okay guys I'm going to go try to fight a boss guys we're in a Ser right now let's see come on come on okay we got okay the bosses are here okay let's see can we even fight boss can we even like defeat one boss let's go with Warden okay come on Warden okay come on please do at least like some good damage oh okay that that's not that okay that's not that bad that's not that bad the cool down is long the cool down is really really long okay come on how did I miss how did I miss how did I miss oh guys I cannot grind with this what is this okay what okay this this R is bad this R is do this R is Doo this is literally going to take so long oh my God okay guys just like that we got the first boss done okay Quest completed and now we just got to fight the war okay wait wait wait don't don't attack me don't attack me I should get a quest first because if I get a quest first then I can easily attack him okay just like that come on how is that missing we have another ability let's see what is this um okay that's okay that's more damage that's good that's good the cool down is really long long on this guys let me know have you guys ever grinded with spring food because this is really bad this is really really bad okay like all the abilities do damage but it's just so slow like it's just so bad do not want to grind like this come on okay so we're fighting Swan right now okay come on take this take that and just like that Quest complete okay spring I mean it's doing like a little bit of damage so that's pretty good it's not even near as good as T-Rex okay I'm like this is taking way too long you have to do it guys like And subscribe if you guys want this account all right guys welcome back to the series well guys as you guys can see we are back we're going to be going over from Noob To Pro with all the permanent fruits if you guys are new to the series every single 50 levels we are switching fruits and right as of now we have to use the spring frood bro this frood is so bad like you guys don't even know like okay guys go ahead and like And subscribe if you guys want to see to continue okay because if you guys like And subscribe I will make this account absolutely maxed out and we'll have every single burn fruit in the game and then I'm going to give it away to one lucky subscriber guys we're got to get started okay so first off Warden okay Warden I don't know how I'm going to do this without T-Rex because my last fruit was T-Rex and let's see come on oh okay this going to be super hard come on take that okay that was a little bit of damage but this is going to take so much longer than like the T-Rex I don't know I don't know I'm going to do this okay let's see knock come on take that bro oh my God this is so bad this is so bad I can't believe what I'm dealing with okay this is going to be taking me so long hold I have some stats hold on hold on let me let me get that let me get that block okay there you go can't forget that can't forget that come on warden die bro die already guys what is this how am I going to do this this is hard wait can I can I attack two at once come on please say yes okay okay we can attack two at once that's not bad that's not bad okay let's see this one okay that's good that's good at least some progress hey I'm not I'm not complaining you don't see me complaining come on come on Boom okay okay no no no I don't have energy guys I don't have energy I don't have energy wait okay this is bad this bad this bad I can't even Dash away if I want to no no no no this is risky okay wait for reload take that take that okay go that's one Quest that's one Quest now take the other Quest come on before he comes no no oh my God what is going okay guys I can't do this this is way too hard this is way too hard we got we got to keep going wait he's oh he's blocking the quest bro no no no okay wait we got a quest though we got a quest okay that's good that's good we got the quest so that's all good okay wait we got a new thing Cannon oh a this such close range no I misused it and after 24 levels we're going to get another food hopefully I'm going to get a fruit with an M1 cuz I don't want to do this bro I don't want to do this like what how wait where's the thing okay you jumped okay take that okay come on guys we need an M1 click we need an M1 click otherwise it's going to be super super hard and I think I should like already like fight swamp but guys look at my HP this is really bad this is really bad this is really bad I can't even run away I can't even run away hold on take that okay okay run away take that how did I miss how did I miss how guys please help send help guys s oh my God what you guys cannot tell me that didn't hit like what is going on okay there we go just like that we have our Quest completed and now the big boss okay Swan Swan you're going down buddy you're going down buddy yeah Swan you exactly take this buddy take that and come on no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait don't Don't Clap My Booty Don't Clap yo yo yo yo okay he uses attack come on oh how did I miss how did okay there we go just like that okay Quest completed okay and we are up to level 283 okay so like 70 more levels and then we are on to the next route and I hope I really hope that one's going to be better guys like the video if you guys wanted the to be better okay if you guys like the video it's going to be a better fruit I'm telling you just like that we are on the next server and every boss is here okay that's good that's good okay we're getting lucky servers because usually I mean if there the bosses aren't there then it's going to get even harder okay okay after some time we have a bit of low bosses okay there you go that's one that's one that's one come on come on let me go here let me go here come on come on Chief Warden come on don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay oh he's not running behind me that's good that's good that's even better because now you can just die come on you're that buddy yeah don't even try it anymore don't even try how is he not that how is he not that guys we do not have an one click so I can't even click on him and it's really messing with me okay okay there we go Quest complete okay next one next one 30 more levels okay this is going really quickly by the way so guys we're going to be done with the spring fruit in literally seconds okay come on like or minutes okay at least minutes not seconds because if if it be seconds then I'll be already done but Swan you're dead Budd you're dead you're dead meant to me you guys think Swan is going to defeat me he's never going to defeat me never never in my life I'm going to get defeated by Swan come on come on Swan you think you're tough oh oh my God I'm almost dead no no no no no no no please no please no please no please no oh my God okay think that this is so so bad please help I need Buddha or something come on please okay take this come on take that oh he tried punch me yo chill bro my durability do your ability bro okay here we go do your ability that oh my God oh my no no no no guys don't look that did not just happen okay that did not just happen and he's full HP again oh my God I can't do this anymore I can't do this anymore guys I thought oh my oh my God don't kill me again don't kill me again don't kill me again please do not okay I don't have energy bro okay come on we got to get more energy okay so okay boom now we have more energy now we can like do this come on how did I how did I miss how did I miss you guys are seeing I'm literally aiming it on him like how is that missing now we just got to lure him into this oh my okay that was bad that was bad that was bad timing that was bad timing oh we almost have him how did he attack me bro okay there's no way come on oh what okay I'm done I'm done okay so you're dead buddy you're dead buddy exactly okay new SK W what is this okay so F oh H H okay all right thank you I I got a chest okay what the heck is this ability so F and then we can like oh we can jump like high o this is nice spring for is actually super dope we like spring this and then like oh what the yo what the I forgot spring fuit can do this that actually fun wait what if we do it inside let's see is that even like what the yo it's like an infinite thing oh my God like a bouncy rubber man but like it's it's with springs I wonder if that does that much guys we have to server up for the next boss okay we're almost done okay we're almost done okay this is a chief Harden and we need one level and then we can do a new fruit okay so Chief Hardon you have to die you have to die and then I can finally get a new food hold on H on okay come on come on take that see that should be the last one and there you go guys go okay new Quest available and that means we can finally who's in the chat wait wait wait rip in rip hindra wait rip HRA what the heck oh that's the fake Rip hindra but guys we can finally switch Foods okay oh my god let's go bye-bye spring food I will not miss you okay we're about to roll the wheel come on please okay come on please do not be anything bad like without an M1 please no what is that what is that what is that is that is that S no way that's oh that's Su that's dark okay dark I don't know about dark though guys I don't know dark okay that that might be actually good I don't know I don't actually know if that's good for grinding I think it is maybe it's removed it from the list and now it's removed so we can get it again okay and dark wait how expensive is it is it okay it's 950 Robux and there is a low Mastery requirement I think I don't think it's going to be bad wait guys there's a bunch of news right here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I don't even have dark fruit hold on let me let me buy dark fruit first okay dark fruit guys we need to buy dark fruit because that's going to be the next food for the next 50 levels guys like the video I'm spending more roox for you guys and if it's not going to be good then I do not know what what to do okay if it's not going to be good okay we only have one ability so let's see we just use it oh oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do they even have PVP on like oh this guy has PVP on for sure oh yo Sho sh take this buddy take this take this take this oh oh how are they so strong this guy is strong what the heck okay guys we have to S up because these guys are too strong what the guys just like that we're on the next server okay I hope the bosses are not okay the bosses are not here the bosses are not here okay what the heck who's killing the bosses who's killing the bosses are you killing the bosses are you killing the bosses bro are you are you serious really like why why do you have to do this to me guys I'm just trying to grind like I'm literally a bacon Noob okay I'm literally a bacon Noob on a new account and I'm just trying to grind like these people are attacking me for no reason no reason come on get the balls okay wait wait what's happening what's I'm lagging I'm lagging you guys see that I'm lagging th my hockey on because more damage come on and now just like that come on oh my wait what that missed everything missed oh no maybe like that come on everything one hit oh my God this is even worse than spring fruit this is worse than spring fruit guys what the heck is happening why am I doing no damage why am I dealing no damage what the Bro there's no way okay okay he's low he's slow he's low he's okay come on dark fruit come on please please do your job okay there you go there you go come on please give me another ability please give me oh my God we didn't get enough for another ability really dude no way now we just got to kill this guy over here come on Chief or you're that Budd you're that buddy wa how is he attacking me okay chill guys this ability is really bad like I can tell you guys this this ability is really really weird it's just like that we have enough okay there you go okay now we have another skill right here so that's good okay black Spyro I don't know what this is going to be okay let's see we can like oh what the heck yo yo what the heck was that yo this guy's Buddha this guy's awakened Buddha no we're de we're de we're de we're we're running we're running we're running let me hey let me shoot him up let me shoot him up yo we're running we're running I'm running I'm running for my life no I'm going to go in water guys I'm going in water I wait wait he's awakened bud so we can't even go in the water no no no wait wait wait wait wait can I can I get away can I get away come on come on we need to get away okay he's standing still he's standing still okay okay okay okay guys we're safe we're safe we're safe oh my God oh my God oh my God guys that was scary that was scary we need to test out his nebility okay black spiral so I think we can suck this guy up like that and then okay we just like okay I think wait what even happening I don't really know how to use ability let's see so what if I stand next to the three okay the three is okay I don't know what's happening to the three so I don't know if it's doing a lot of dam wait where's the MPC wait what the oh he disappeared where is he he's gone he's gone he's actually gone where is he did I oh where is he guys I think I ate him I think I ate him guys I think I ate him I think I with my Powers I ate him let's see he's gone he's gone he's gone guys the dark food is soy that I can uh make bosses disappear let me do this to this guy as well come on disappear disappear forever what wait what the heck oh maybe he on the like wait wait is he on the roof he's not no wait he's not even on the roof he just gone okay the boss is very very low okay so one of these okay don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me one of these okay there you go wait he's he's flying the other way hold on where's the boss like he's literally gone let's see come on let's finish you off buddy and there you go just like that Quest completed guys and this is going to be uh even harder than spring fruit guys I feel like dark fruit is really bad I think we can make it work I think we can make it work so let's see come on take that this as well come on let me know if you guys have ever grinded with dark fuit if you guys oh put the yo guess if you guys have ever grinded with dark food let me know because this is the worst experience ever guys I I I literally can't defeat a boss like this is so bad the next ability is Mastery 80 and I don't know if we we're going to get it I don't know if we're going to get master8 I don't know guys we're running from The Bu let's see let's see let's see okay where you go Swan where you going Swan I'm right here buddy I'm right here buddy and there you go okay so we're going to be going over to Mastery 60 which is still enough and I killed every single boss we got to Sur up again so dark fruit is not good guys I think darkbeard is super bad guys who is better in one piece Whitebeard or darkbeard let me know Down Below in the comments I I think Whitebear is better I think Whitebear is better okay I have two boss that are low okay let's see see let let me kill this one first come on okay okay don't kill me don't kill me okay come on come on next Quest next Quest come on come on come on Chief Warden don't kill me don't kill me okay he right there let me juice him up come on Boom there we go there we go here we go okay now this oh you're that buddy you're that buddy you're that buddy just like that and now Swan is next and Swan is Lally so bad Swan is Lally so bad guys I think Swan like compared to do Flamingo guys Swan is so so bad Swan you L that you literally that okay come on no how does he always like how does he always hit me come on how does he always hit me come on take this take that and you're dead buddy you are dead and we still do not have the third ability like black hole we need that guys we need that cuz guys we have to grind a lot okay let's see all the point on block shoot there we go and we're going to Ser up again and kill all the bosses and we have a lot of levels to go okay we we need level 350 okay the boss slow the boss SL okay come on take that take that buddy take that buddy okay now next Quest next Quest come on come on need to be fast guys we need to be fast just like that okay boom get the black hole Boom come on come on come on come on let me unlock the next ability guys we need the next ability cuz this is going really really slow and I'm going to die I'm going to die oh my God we got to go SW and I hope we get enough Mastery for black ability and then we can finally do it okay now we can finally take over the world okay taking over the entire world okay guys Swan is low Swan is slow okay swan you're lit thaton that and just like that Quest completed and New avilable Finally oh my God yes yes yes okay let's see we can already test it on the boss we can already that's not boss let's see okay let me get that Warden come on come on come on and black hole let's see is it going to be any good I think oh wait what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what the yo yo what the okay that was weird guys that was weird I couldn't move I don't know what really was happening but uh I think we can like wait let me do it again let me do let me do it again but it's such a long cool down it's such a long cool down wait I have to hold it down wait let me see dark Rocks come on let's use it come on and then use it okay okay that's pretty good that's pretty good that's actually really really good I can do even more damage and obviously like it reloads a long time so it's pretty bad for reload but guys I think it's going to be good guys just like that we have new Quest available which means we can go to magma Village we skipped over the whole Skylands but like we still have to get 24 levels and I think I'm going to go and do it right here so 24 levels guys I'm going to go grind and I'll catch you guys back whenever we have the next fruit oh my bro what do this guy do okay this guy is too good this guy is too good he's using blizzard come on come on I need to get a quest I need to get a quest come on no he's killing my bosses bro oh my God bro really look at my level okay we're level 343 guys and we're almost there we're almost there okay we're almost at the new fruit so let take this boss right here boom bada beam bada boom Oh okay that's too much that's too much that's too I'm do too much guys take it slow okay here we go just like that as the dark food is really really bad okay with the cool Downs the cool Downs are so so long super bad for early grinding when he got to help me guys he got to help me yeah kill the boss for me bro kill the boss for me okay please please kill the boss for what he's not even doing anything why is he not do even come on come on do something do something come on do something do something do something come on come on kill him kill him for me come on bro what is he doing okay there we go okay I got it got it got it I got it now Swan is not here so we got a Sil hop okay let's see six more levels guys and then we can finally get the next fruit also so you guys can take this just like that come on I hope I don't kill both of them so okay one is that one is that one is that okay one is going to kill me if I go to the quest come on don't do that buddy don't do that buddy okay stay there stay there stay there stay there buddy stay there wait he's still running he's still running no he's going to kill me bro why why psych psych take this take this psych there we go okay okay okay okay one is there okay one is there guys guys that was so close I was almost wait y hog is not even on I forgot that now it's your turn Swan you're dead buddy you're dead you're literally dead buddy exctly take that take this take that come on no no no no oh my God oh my God SW you're one HP buddy you're one HP what are you going to do exactly you're just going to die and there you go okay we need one more level guys we need like um 50,000 XP where do I get 50,000 quick XP okay we're going to Ser hop kill one boss and then we can roll the next fruit it's the last boss okay Warden you're dead buddy you're dead Okay you're going to give me enough XP so I can finally get the next fruit never use dark fruit again okay I do not want to use this fruit again I do not want to use this fruit again take that take that take that boom boom boom and we did not even unlock the last ability which is so so strange like need 10 more Mastery and we're not even going to get it we're not even going to get it guys it's kind of sad but it's all good okay cuz we're finally done with this fruit and just like that the last ability to finish him off and boom bada beam bada boom if enough levels to roll for the next route and now we will never use this one again okay we'll never use this one again yes and let's see what we're going to get okay we're going to roll the wheel right now and let's see okay please please something good please I need something good please M1 something with an M1 something with an M1 magma okay magma would be good magma would be good magma okay magma is good magma is actually really good okay so let's let's go use magma I think that could be be really really good so let's go let's go and buy magma right now okay magma I'm pretty excited about magma okay Magma's 1,300 Robux really guys another Robux fan for you guys I'm literally doing this for you guys so you guys have some content okay so let's go go over here come on now we have magma fruit okay magma collap is the first one I'm going to collap you buddy collap you up there you go this better reward it okay so first we're going really slow because I do have one ability guys I do have one ability on magma so it's not going to be really fast right okay going me really really fast going get one boss down and then hopefully get the second one very quickly s g foran is about to die like that and hopefully we get okay we got magma oh that's why it's so good that's why it's so good now we can literally be underground that do damage look at this look at this look at this Swan what's up Swan oh wait wait wait he can attack us he can attack us wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what okay guys in the next episode we're going to use magma food I hope it's going to be interesting like And subscribe if you want this account all right do you guys know what time it is yes exactly it is time to go from Noob To Pro and it's day number five guys we have the magma fruit with two abilities un lock the magma collap at magma floor we are level 350 the goal of today's video is to at least unlock two other fruits and get out of the prison because we're stuck in the prison right now because this is the easiest way to level up cuz we obviously got the bosses but right now our Quest is at the magma Village which I don't think we're going to make a lot of progress there cuz the boss is kind of far whenever you rejoin the server so you can't really boss F there but I think we should start off with the prison just another server and every single boss is here oh my God okay okay we got to we got to get to work okay we got to get to work okay Warden Warden I'm coming for you buddy I'm coming for you see I'm clap him up right now okay we're doing a little bit of damage that's actually not too bad damage I don't think we can really use this ability because we're going to get hits okay maybe we can actually maybe we can if we're like okay this good this good guys okay we're not getting hit and we're doing damage but we're not getting a lot of damage done come on I thought it's going to be more damage than this okay at least we're going to get like at least we're killing the boss okay just like that and now claim the quest come on please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me no oh my God bro this boss why is this boss so annoying guys like the video right now and subscribe okay if you like Bacons was seriously okay this this this guy got to die this guy got to die come on come on die buddy die buddy okay let me do that okay this ability is really good because we don't have to like cool down it so we can just do that okay just like that another one okay magma fruit is going to be really good guys magma fruit is going to be really really good and whenever we're unlocking in more abilities like magma fist maybe it's going to get it even even easier come on take this buddy take this oh that was too far okay Swan come on keep that okay last time I died to Swan because Swan was too fast but right now looking good looking good okay oh oh oh oh my God oh my God no no no bro how I was oh my God bro I was literally running away from him okay okay come on come on Swan you're that buddy you're that buddy look behind you buddy look behind you that boom okay I don't wait SW is too fast wait oh my God no no no no wait yo yo yo yo yo I guess we're getting clapped right now okay let's see let me put like a little bit on the fence okay yeah we don't have a lot of points we don't have a lot of points no you guys fight Swan with Magma like how do we even fight this guy okay I I don't I think we just got to like fight him like that I don't think we can use the F ability guys I don't think we can use the F ability can we you guys think we can let's see okay no no no bro bro broo this guy is's weird can I me collap him up come on Swan you're going to clapped off like that once oh oh my God boom on stop running buddy stop running I'm going to clap you up from behind exactly that's what I'm talking that's what I'm talking about okay take that eruption and you should be de in a sec oh wait you should go in the magma but he's already dead so he can't really okay there we go just like that and we do not have the next ability which is all right guys it's all right guys how fast can we get level 400 in this episode and should we stay in the prison let me know what you guys think it's the best we're the next server and Swan is already there with the two bosses okay let's see let's see let's see okay come on maybe we should okay no no Warden first okay Warden first because Warden is going to die first so let me clap them up both okay oh wait we should have used the method of getting like three bosses in one just like that oh this is good oh my God this is so good this is so good this is so good wait wait wait wait stop wait guys this might be the best method this might be the best method come on that okay oh everyone burn everyone burn everyone's burning okay this is really good no bro who is this guy who is this guy yo yo yo yo who is this guy who is this guy who is this guy guys he's stealing my kills he's stealing my kills come on let me clap him up okay oh I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him yo I killed him I clapped him up oh he's respawning okay don't don't attack me don't attack me buddy that okay we got him we got him okay come on I need to clean the quest no no no Chief Warden come on no no I'm literally dead I'm literally oh my God we're getting clapped he also died guys he also died look at this this really bad okay let's see let me clap him up boom just like that okay okay okay we got him we got him we got him we got him I don't think we can like claim the Quest for Swan I think he's going to kill him first let's see okay we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him easy easy wait why is this guy acting tough huh why is this guy acting tough huh uh-huh why is he acting T you guys like his fit guys he's from the USA guys let me know guys if you guys are from the USA as well or are you guys from another country let me know down below he just ear his h on as well okay yeah we we got a Ser H guys because every boss is gone guys I'm going to use the same method game Swan is not here okay so we can only use it on this guy okay so clap him up clap him up buddy clap him up and I get this guy as well so I don't know if we can what okay magma fruit is so weird I magma okay magma is so weird like I I cannot use this ability because it's so slow I I can use it okay let me let me use that let me use that okay boom just like that okay guys they're almost dead they're almost dead but they're all together they're way too close they're way too close I'm trying to only kill the warden guys I'm trying to only kill the warden and they're way too close I'm going to kill them both no hey Warden come on I I need to kill you no no I just need to go the warden maybe they like this come on okay please don't die please don't okay the chief did not die oh my God oh my God oh my God come on go right here okay now let me flash St right there come on come on come on give me the quest give me the quest don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay hey now you're done buddy now you're done buddy exactly okay there we go we kill two bosses and now next ser I feel like we're going to speedrun this episode okay so far it's going really really good okay so far it's going really really good and I know how to fight bosses now I know how to okay I don't know how to fight Swan yet okay I I don't know okay let's see let's see come on let's let's try it again if I can fight Swan I'm going to get a million Robux right now okay I'm going to give out a million Robux if I lose to Swan okay there's no way I'm losing there's no way I'm losing come on okay it's working it's working it's working it's working I'm going to die though I'm going to die though he's going to use ability really really really onean really really really you think you're think you're tough H you think you're tough you some crazy abilities you have some crazy abilities I'm going to kill Swan I'm going to kill I'm going to end Swan for forever I'm going to end swamp forever look at this no no no no not again not again oh my God bro why is he spamming that ability he has zero cool down on that ability he is spamming that okay come on come on I'm I'm a beat up I'm a beat you up buddy I'm a beat up I mean bosses on abilities like they have zero cool down they can just Spam him so unfair look at this magma floor does work on the normal bosses look at this they're trying to slash me up but it doesn't work they're trying to slash me up but it doesn't work they're kind of fast though hold on why are they on my body they're on my body they're on my body but it does work guys it does work like this okay come on Warden got to die real quick come on come on on die okay that okay we got to go we got to go next Quest come on don't die don't die don't die no oh my oh this guy is so weird all right guys the NPCs are so weird the NPCs are so weird nowadays okay come on you're going to die buddy yeah you're going to die now buddy you're turn now boy come here come here come here yep just die my oh okay at least we killed him at least we killed him okay guys we killed him we killed him how is he killing me he's just way too good just like that we have a new Quest available and this Chief oron is still trying to kill me get away from me buddy get away from me always killing me okay you're always killing me come on come on don't kill me don't kill me now do come on let me get the quest let me get the quest oh my God this guy is a manace this guy is's a Manis and he's going to die okay now you're going to die okay and we have a new SC aable as well look at this literally new skill available let's see if this is any good okay magma fist okay magma Fist and then oh that's going to be so good that is so good that is so good we're going to grind so much easier wait what is this next Quest it's underwater we can already go to underwater city okay guys whenever we have the boss on underwater city it's going to be so much easier to farm that boss gives so much more XP hello bosses and say welcome to my new ability first okay let me clap you up let me do that I did not hit that but okay and now magma fist boom okay that that one's going to be great actually it's not that bad it's not that bad there's like a combo that I can use come on come on go in the lava guys go oh my God they're going away from it like they know it does damage how do you guys know okay how do you there we go there we go drown in the lava drown drown buddy Dr buddy come on just like that okay and now he's going to follow me bro I want to claim the quest I want to claim the quest come on come all the way here buddy come all the way here okay come on come on come on come on please please please come on come on come on let me be fast let me be F oh he's coming I was faster haha I was faster and now you're going to die okay die there you go now we only need 20 more levels and we're going to go ahead and get the next route so I'm going to speedrun this real quick wait guys I just defeated this one again and oh my God oh my God after 10 years after 10 years we literally got the pink code we literally got the pink code and it's going to be so much better I think it's going to be so much better than the normal code because this one is so much more rare right like I I want to like find out if it's like any better okay energy we have 66 okay we have 655 and then we have wait what we got less energy we okay we had more HP less energy I don't know if that's good guys I don't know if that's good because we still need the energy like energy is really really important so I don't know maybe we'll get like extra block shoot damage or something so hopefully that's better but as you guys can see we are three levels away okay so any moment now we can get the next fruit and hopefully the next ruit is going to be good okay like the video right now if for the fruit to be good like the video right now for the fruit to be good guys like right now the fruit is going to be good okay let's see come on get that one okay come on I think magma is really really good like magma is super super good fruit okay and okay I'm kind of bad at it who is this guy oh my God he's playing forood oh my God wait wait wait chill chill chill yo oh my God wait he's almost dead he's almost dead he's almost dead what is he stealing my kills for bro what is he stealing my kills for he just got clapped he just got clapped he got absolutely this guy just saw the light or something oh my God okay let's see come on we get that oh why is he turning his PVP oh wait wait wait he's super strong he's super he's super strong hold on hold on hold on I need be careful come on take that okay there you go there you go there come on I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't I do not have energy come come on he has to kill the boss he has to kill the boss I don't bro I don't have the quest I don't have the quest come on go over here bro he has to kill the boss why is he not killing him why he going killing him okay there we go he kill him he K him come on come on go on next Boss Next boss and we got the next po now SW now SW SW SW come one SW bro he's on mobile he's going to kill me he's going to me he's going to chop me off or not I guess he's nice I guess he has a nice person K let see SW you're dad buddy you're dad buddy guys this is going to be the last level and we can get a new fruit come on come on Swan you're going to die oh my God y chill chill chill chill okay what fruit do you guys think I'm going to get what fruit do you guys think I'm going to get I'm about to spin the wheel after this hopefully it's something good hopefully it's something with an M1 okay hopefully light or like ice or like anything with an M1 any Elemental fruit that would be really really ni nice oh my god oh oh okay we got it we got it we got a new Quest available guys that means we can fight the boss in the Underwater World which we're which means we're going to go there we're already level 400 guys on day five which means we're getting like 100 Levels a day which is pretty good but guys it's time we're going to spin the wheel as you can see there's a wheel right here and if you haven't seen this before every single fruit we haven't used yet is on this board so we have a bunch of fruits to go and we're going to just going to spin it and uh let's see what we're going to get come on please don't be something bad please please please okay wait spring we already used spring we can only use the fruit once one time so I guess I forgot to remove it um okay let's spin again please be something good be something good oh oh my God yo Shadow wait is that shadow is that shadow is that sh oh my God wait that might be actually good I know Shadow is like really good but guys I don't know how it performs with like d two Pros so I have to see how that goes okay I don't know I don't know if we I can buy wait this is going to be the most expensive food we're going to buy oh my God 2,400 guys like this video like this video please I'm going go for you guys do I even have enough roblo do I have wait I just have enough robox I just have enough robox guys we can buy Shadows so uh let's go and do it okay come on 2,400 Robo oh my God just like that we have permanent Shadow oh look at this look at the AA look at the AA guys I think the best move is go and fight that boss right there so we can already get some like good points on um the master so let's see come on please oh the cool down is so long the cool down is actually really really long okay come on at least it's doing some damage and I'm not getting hit so this is good but guys let me know if Shadows are any good like um grinding fruit because does not have an M1 so it might be really bad but I don't know but to find out so far it's not being really good because uh you know we can only do one attack for like 1 minute like come on please trying to wait come on just like that okay finally take that and now wait wait wait wait now come on come on take that come on how is he not that how is he not that yeah exactly stay there stay there buddy stay there come on die come on he's one HP he's one HP I can't use my combat because we're only using fruit so come on die okay finally oh my God finally come on please give me another ability wait maybe the f is going to be really good because of the oh I already know why oh my God guys I already know why f is going to be so so good let's going to try to get it right now yo the bosss are super angry at me come on come on come on take that okay I got that one okay no no no no no I need the other guy bro I need the other guy please please please I need to hit him I need to hit him come on that come on sneak attack and just like that we have that okay we still have the next ability look at this okay we bro bro what is this guy he has that insane chair guys this guy has that insane gaming chair oh my God it's a rainbow gaming chair RGB toally decked out okay he's attacking me oh my God okay come on one more one more one more come on just like that and Quest completed and now we unlocked om brdge guys you guys already know okay om brdge is this this is going to be so good this gives damage infinitely okay you can literally fly around for 10 million hours or okay it stopped okay never mind for like at least 10 seconds which is really really good guys now we're done with the prison okay we're level 400 and we need to go to the underwater sea okay so whenever I came here I was like level 100 but okay we got to go we got to go where's my boat wait where where's the luxury boy deer he's not even here what do I buy like the salop I'm not going to buy that I guess just like that we are in the underwater sea as you can see I don't see any fish okay why is there any why is the where's the fish guys where's the fish anyways guys let's go clean the quest right now with King Neptune is going to give us the quest now let's see wait we can't do the fish Lord that's 425 we can't even do that oh my God all right guys so we need like 18 more levels okay that I mean it's all right okay so we're going to going to do this okay and we're going to go all the way over there because that's the NPCs we're going to kill and hopefully we can kill them fast because we need like a lot more levels okay I I did not know that but it's all good guys I see the fisherman's already come on fisherman You're Nobody you're no nobody let me use my new skill let's see how good is it how good is it okay come on can I at least kill him please please please pleas please come on okay we can at least kill him and wait it's going okay yeah it runs out quickly guys I'm pretty sure we have to like uh get all of these okay so let's go and get this guy okay come on let me punch this guy okay here we go oh wait wait they do a lot of damage they do a lot of that okay come on come on don't get hit don't get hit come on okay everybody come here everybody come on come on everybody this way everybody this way okay and now oh my I don't have energy I I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't have energy come on bro what the heck I don't have where am I going why am I going up why am I going up why am I going up why the heck was I going up and why do I not have any energy oh my God this is so annoying okay come on this time work maybe okay just like that come on come on here we go here we go okay okay guys I don't know why it's not working like most of the time but like uh it finally worked should kill this guy over here boom and you're dead buddy come on one more NPC one more NPC and just like that Quest completed now how many levels are we getting getting 1 2 three four levels okay that's good that's good okay so we need to do this Quest like like four more times and then we're going to be done so I'll be right back guys all right guys we're finally here and as you can see we're level 427 and now we can finally claim the fisherman Lord Quest okay finally it's going to help us so much okay this going to like progress us like to probably level 500 very quickly and hopefully we can defeat him because this guy is pretty strong okay as you guys know that's pretty strong so we got to be careful first okay take this and we only have two abilities guys so we only have two abilities and these two abilities I don't know if he can like shoot the thing on me so let's see he going to shoot the Trident okay he missed the Trident okay he missed the Trident okay okay he's Noob he's Noob he's Noob but guys you guys know that this boss has two forms right he's in his first form right now so he's not really that great but if he goes in his second form he's he can be really dangerous okay you can be really D okay there you go second form second form okay on miss miss your tridon miss your tridon do not one shot me do not do not okay oh that was close that was where is he why is he all the way over there okay come on okay there we go there we go once again come on bats get him get him get him get him where's he at come on get him get him get him get him how how does he do that how does he do that how does he do maybe I need to like defense okay let me upgrade defense a little bit more so we don't get one shot right there cuz we're getting one shot right now that's really bad okay come on come on don't heal up don't heal up let me get that boom okay sne it that easy come on that'ss finish him off finish him off okay there we go there we go there we go there we go okay come on one 2 three four come on okay four levels that's not bad that's not bad six more Mastery for the next ability so we can like finally unlock Shad Ness and you guys know Shad is pretty good as the boss is killed so now we got a server hop for next all right boys you guys know what time it is we are back okay and as you can see we are using Shadow food as you can see we only have two abilities so there's a lot that has to happen in this episode but you guys know in the last episode we used magma fruit and magma fruit was not even bad and it was even pretty easy grinding with it but right now we have Shadow and I haven't really done much but okay let's let's go over here we have unlocked enough levels so we can fight the boss okay so that's really good cuz now we can just server hop and fight the fleshman Lord now I don't know what the next Quest is going to be that we have to complete but let's go go over here and fish Lord your mind buddy exactly I have my shadow ready and let me slash him up real quick this ability is going to help us a lot okay we can just literally fly over him and we can defeat him pretty easy I think guys I don't know how long we're going to stay in this underwater sea we're going to see though come on buddy you're a nobody you're a nobody you can't fight you cannot fight I'm pretty sure this guy can one shot me I'm pretty sure he can okay no no no oh my God no no no oh my God look at my look at my health look at my health no no no come on let me kill him let me let me defeat him come on Miss please miss please miss your Trident please where am I where am I Oh my he one HP this cannot be real this cannot be real guys like the video right now and subscribe if you have played Vlog sh today and if you haven't then why not okay come on come on last hit come on just like that okay nice nice nice nice nice we get all the way up to Mastery almost 100 which will give us the next ability almost okay so two more so probably like one more boss and we'll lock the next ability now if you have ever grinded with Shadow fruit let me know down below and if I'm doing it right because kind of skeptical okay I'm kind of skeptical what I'm doing but I'm think I'm doing right also this big cloud in me is kind of blocking my view it's all good because Fishman Lord you're dad buddy you're dead Okay let me just hover over you who sh into the ground look at this guy look at this guy can't do anything exactly the shadow food is fast Furious and mysterious just like my vampires above you okay or bats I mean okay come on do that okay here we go there we go come on come on if I kill you I'll get my next ability so you better die okay you better die okay I need my next ability come on please please please please just like that okay come on no no no oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm one HP I'm one HP come on this should finish him off oh go there we go we got him new SK available let's go let's go now we have unlocked shade Nest now what is shade nest look let's see let's see let's let's I forgot actually okay so what I did not see what happened there but let's go server hop and let's test it on the boss I want to see what it does all right guys we're back we're back okay let's go go over here and also you guys have been telling me that I should enable the damage counter which I'm going to do right now okay let's see let's let's en it right now you guys can see how much damage I'm actually doing so you know it's probably not that much let's see okay come on you're dad buddy you're dad buddy it's over for you okay it's over for you I should have tested the new ability come on just like that oh okay that's not I mean 1.6k I don't know that that's really good that's do way more damage look at that 3K 4K 5K yo 4.5k and then this one does let's see 1.6k yeah it's way less okay let's see this one does 1,200 what okay so I should be spamming the bats okay this the bats are doing the most the bats are doing absolutely the most okay just like that and because the shadow fruit I feel like this is a really good fruit okay and just like that Quest completed once again guys the next ability is 200 Mastery so I don't think we'll unlock that one it's super super much but I wonder what the next Quest is going to be because I think we need to like defeat this boss a lot of times also guys make sure you to watch through the end of the video cuz there's some crazy things happening okay come on die buddy come on just like that another kill for us Quest complete okay okay this is going really really good so far okay let's see how much um okay we have a lot of points to do I don't know if I should do everything on block shoots wait wait wait we only have 45 okay I'm going to do it on M and defense because we're already doing some good damage feel like we're lacking like defense and stuff like that and like energy guys we got some competition wait who's small bacon who's small bacon hey he's trying to hey hey hey hey what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing he trying to attack me or something like that I don't know what he's doing he's standing right there what is he doing what is he doing who's this guy who's the guy why is he not attacking the balls bro bro he's waiting for me to kill him I what he's doing guys I don't know what he's doing okay second form come on come on what is this guy doing why is he just standing here huh what is he doing what is he doing what are you doing buddy what are you doing buddy huh huh you want to die you want to die come on come on what you doing bro what you doing bro exactly that's what I thought okay run away bruh run away bro I need my balls for myself oh and now have allergy any bro what is going on I cannot guys what is going someone is an imposter guys oh my again he has Buddha fruits what wait okay let let me defeat him let me defeat him oh my God oh my God come on come on I need to kill him I need to kill him okay there we go here we go we got him we got him now we got to finish the boss now we got to finish B come on come on come on come on come on it's my boss it's my small on it's my boss guys Shadow fruit is actually really good okay Shadow fruit is really really good come on come on we're almost gone last hit come on last hit is that enough is that enough okay just like that we got him okay Quest complete and this Buddha guy is I don't know what this Buddha gu is doing but he's that all right let's see so the next Quest is available at Skylands I don't know if it's worth it to go to Skyland because it is pretty easy to fight with Shadow fruit and finding boss over and over gives us a lot of like XP but if you guys look closely I am level 450 that means we need to change fruits I don't even want to like Shadow fruit is such a good fruit but we have to that's why the series I have to use every single perm fruit so let's see what the next one is going to be I guess you guys probably know what this is we're once again spinning a fruit and hopefully it's going to be an M1 click CU if it's not then we're in big trouble all right here goes nothing come on please please come on please bro please don't give me another what is that no oh my God come on please ice please ice oh my God oh my God we got ice oh my God we got ice oh my God we got ice that's good that is really good it just went over Falcon I thought we're going to use Falcon oh my God oh my God all right guys ice fruit it is this is an elemental fruit with an M1 click so this is really good and we have to remove from list now so we can't get it anymore guys I'm super happy with that because ice is going to be really really good and also it's not that expensive it's 750 Robux and has a low Mastery requirements so you can like unlock every single ability all right guys say goodbye to Shadow fruit in three two one and just like that we got permanent ice fruit and now we got to switch to it forever let's see where this ice equip and there we go for the next 50 levels we're using ice food and hopefully it's really good okay oh I forgot I forgot we can walk on water oh this is great this is great but guys how effective is it against the boss we're about to see the boss is not going to clap me up guess we're in the first server okay let's see let's see let's see okay fish Lord come on I'm I'm coming for you buddy I'm coming for you buddy we only have one ability unlocked so this is going to be kind of hard the first skill is going to be hard but the next one is going to be easier okay that's all we have for now and obviously our hockey is not going to work or like our Elemental okay come on come on can we sash him up like that okay wait wait can we like not receive damage come on I'm pretty sure he's going to like one shot us so we got to like keep distance okay this is going good this is good this is good this is really good come on come on that was cl that CL that was cl okay take that oh no what is that bro slashed me up like that you showed no mercy well I'm not giving up all right I'm not giving up buddy you think I'm giving up you think I'll give up so easy well you're wrong buddy you're wrong buddy you're going you're going down you're going down hold on oh my god oh chill chill chill do your spare do your SP okay did the spare come on come on come on come on oh my bro no way no way he has one H oh wa I'm so there's no way there's no way this guy got to die this guy got to die okay one kill and you're over okay one HP come on you're one HP nothing can go wrong and there you go there you go just like that okay and I just killed him with my M1 and look at that we are loock three new abilities we have ice SP ice Surge and Ice Bird okay this is going to be so easy now watch this all right first step claim the quest like that step number two absolutely destroy this boss Okay no Okay W whoa whoa whoa whoo wao that's that chill buddy like holy you started attacking me without like no okay the last time it worked come on like this okay there we go there we go there we go there we go come on here we go here we go oh oh oh oh oh oh got to chill got to chill got to chill let me freeze him where is he bro I'm trying to freeze him where's this guy where oh he's Frozen he's Frozen okay just like that just like that just like that oh oh you're down you're down buddy you're down buddy yeah you're done buddy guys I'm literally up what is that where am I going how is this guy so accurate n I'm calling aot guys I'm calling Aimbot this guy definitely has some Aimbot cheats there's no way you guys seen how like he locks onto me like there is no way buddy there's nobody like that 10,000 Bounty thank you and a little bit of levels I hey I'll take that you know guys I feel like we have to fight normal NPCs at the Skylands because we have an elemental fruit so that means we're not going to get hit with the like Elemental so maybe Skyland is going to be better what would you guys do maybe actually like I don't know I guess that's going to make a ready to Skylands guys and just like that we're at the Skylands but wait do we even have enough jumps hold on hold on do we have enough jumps come on I think so right yeah okay we should have enough jumps we do not have an ability that brings us up so uh we got to be lucky come on come on please please please please bring us up please okay okay there we go there we go there we go easy easy easy now give me your quest buddy okay let's see um can we do this one we can do this one and see Shanda okay we cannot do those as well we're going to get these the gods guards okay can they attack us though can they attack us wait they can wait what the heck what level are they wait are they not supposed to attack me how are they attacking me hold on a minute I'm not like an elemental bro what I'm literally higher level with like Elemental for wait I don't get it am I not supposed to block that ax what the heck I don't really know guys take that okay easy easy you take that you take that this should be easy this should be easy you're dying buddy you're dying you as well you're as okay no no no chill CH chill chill okay just like that everyone hit once boom take that take that okay come on come on come on come on easy easy now you buddy now you buddy now you oh come on come on don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me why do you do so much damage hold on okay there we go here we go Quest completed Al Le I think that's going to go way faster than the boss yeah cuz we're still getting hit but like it's it's I think it's faster and now we're not getting hit anymore oh we have to be 10 levels higher okay so exactly 10 levels higher and you're not getting hit I did not know that actually why does this feel like cheating I'm literally feel like I'm cheating like I can just like stand here get no damage oh my God that is so op I'm going that chest easy money right guess everyone this way everyone this way and hi this as well and once again there you go Quest complet as well okay this go fast bro I is really good especially with Quest like this gu one more NPC to go and we can finally go on to the next Quest where's this guy wait wait I I heard someone respawn okay there you go there we go buddy don't hide from me buddy don't hide from me buddy and also we unlock the next ability which is GL or EO look at this thing look at this thing boom Another freeze ability bro this is insane I just like that new C available and we can finally move on to the shandas so we got to go over here jump right here and upper Sky hello now we got to talk to this guy and we got to defeat the shandas oh boy this going to be so easy I can already feel it wait can they attack me oh they can attack me okay chill chill chill wait wait I need levels I need levels I need levels oh oh my God there's no way there's no way there's no way you're going to die bro you'reall going to die y all are about to be dead bro there's no way these people are defeating me there's no way there's just no way the boss like I can I can feel like the boss is going to defeat me but like these people like these minions like these useless minions hey y'all y'all not defeating me bro y'all not defeating me bro come on hey die exactly exactly everybody dead bro everybody dead bro just like that Quest complete okay come on come on we need like 10 more levels than them okay so four more levels and then we can finally be safe well well well what do we got over here okay yall going to be dead just like that oh my God they all they actually all died what the heck I got the wrong Quest no I got the wrong Quest no bro these quests oh my God all right retake retake retake everybody dead just like that now at least I got the right Quest the last three NPCs and we can finally get it okay there you go come on die die okay there we go there we go and now if I walk to our NPC he cannot hit me haha wait can we also do the next Quest come on whisper is level 500 okay so we can't do it yet also in 12 levels we have another fruit to buy yes we literally got to go three more NPCs okay three more we can finish this Quest and we can get level 500 so that means we can fight the bosss okay and the balls you guys know how much xp it gives okay there we go new Quest available just like that and now we can finally fight the bz okay there he is there he is okay we got to fight him we got to fight him and if I lose this battle I'm going to give up 10 million Robux guys I'm going to give a 10,000 million Robo I lose this battle okay I cannot lose this I canot lose this that okay take that take this okay come on come on come on freeze him up just like that another freeze double freeze triple freeze boom okay oh my god oh oh my God you see my HP I was one HP I was one HP oh my this guy is dangerous this guy is dangerous freeze him oh my God no no wait okay there we go there we go there go I I got I got wait wait I can't I can't I can I can't be losing Robux I can't be losing Robux come on can freeze them up fre freeze freeze freeze where's my energy oh my God yo I almost di I almost died I almost died okay just like that freeze them up double freeze double freeze give me that give me that come on come on stop playing guys stop playing you guys know I am the best player you guys know I totally not just die there okay I did totally not just almost died there but that was easy come on now guys I think we're going to continue in the next video so like this video And subscribe if you actually want this account as you guys know I will be giving out this account exactly and it's going to have every single burn fruit in the game okay boys are you ready we are continuing the series see we are on a new account well it's not so new now okay it's probably like day seven right now which means the first week is over when we complete this day and currently we're sitting on Ice fruit and we're level 5506 but if you've been paying attention which I don't know if every single one of you guys do I achieved level 500 in the last episode which means we have to roll another fruit and I have to say bye-bye to the ice fruit which is so good okay I can literally M1 everybody my God I can't do this anymore with the new fruits well hopefully we're going to get another one with an M1 but I doubt that will happen and as you can see right here right here is my biggest enemy my biggest friend it depends what it gives me it's going to be a rocket fruit or is it going to be like a kid soon we're about to find out so let's see on please please please please please please please please please please please there's no way I'm grinding with chop there is no way I'm grinding with chop there's no way there's no way 50 levels with chop no no no don't tell me don't tell me oh chop fruit how am I even going to like grind with chop okay hold on hold on is it even possible it's 100 Robux bro this is going to be impossible no way okay guys the challenge is the challenge we're spending 100 Robux even more robox guys please please okay like And subscribe this challenge is going to cost me so much roox please who is this guy Ahmed hey what's good what's good bro what's good bro I'm going to fight or something the end of the series I'm going to give this account away and if you want to get it subscribe guys here we go with chop fruit let's see can I tackle this guy okay we can tackle him okay 1,000 hey that's not bad bro that's not that's not that's terrible that's completely terrible that is insanely terrible what the bro this is going to take me so long this guy's just looking at me he has magma fruit oh he's going to attack me or oh oh oh chill chill CH chill he's like looking at me like what are you even doing come on tackle come on come on chood CH beast chood beast like what are you even doing okay come on CH boom okay he's like awake is that awaken no no that's not awaken right hey come on come on beat him up bro beat him up bro I got you I got you bro come on I got him I got him oh my God I'm almost dead D he's killing me bro he's killing me I got this we got this bro we got this come on my hcky is on just like that oh I missed I missed I missed it's is going to be bad bro okay come on no get away get away oh my po bro we got clapped up oh no we got absolutely clapped up this can't be real we got to continue okay we can't give up we cannot give up this whisper boss going to die okay no miss that boom okay got you how did he attack me there how did he attack me there there's no way there's no way buddy come on miss your bazooka there you go just like that how did I miss the jum fruit is so bad okay I cannot grind with this and I'm going to die again okay this is just this this is impossible there's no way but guys we only have to defeat him once and also oh I need my quest I need my quest oh my God I almost forgot my quest on whisper there you go no a br did give up no my my friend come on you got to help me please you got to help me bro you got to help me please help me guys we need help please please this AFK no all right I guess we're alone in this okay if nobody's going to go with you you got to go alone okay and he's 4 HP going oh my god oh no no come on okay I believe in myself come on I believe we got to do this my God come on just like that he's low HP oh he's here wait my friend is here my friend is here come on oh he's here he's here come on come on come on he can do the last damage come on come on on I I can help him like get get like oh my God I oh my God there's no way he got him he got him he got him okay my man he actually helped okay this is awesome this is awesome okay and now we got Mastery it's not even like showing me wait it says Mastery 12 but I have like way more what the wait what you just gave me like a bunch of Mastery but it didn't give me it like wait what think it glitch I think I got to rejoin the game me say let me say thank you this guy yes thank you okay M saved me guys abroad is the real legend in this episode comment down below abroad a w i don't if he can type right now yeah he's not typing anything so I don't know he typed something he now you help me okay uh I did all the damage of the boss but it's all good I still got to go grind okay and I got a server hop so I think I got a a bondon abroad abroad nice seeing you but I got to go okay we have all the abilities okay low come on come on come on next boss just take that take that take that come on take that okay come on easy easy Cho op guys Cho is op guys Cho is really really overpowered look at this we're almost at helicopter guys helicopter going to be even better at least I I don't even know if it does damage guys we got to Ser up again and hopefully we can get these 50 levels quickly oh come on come on next server next server come on we got to lock in guys we got to lock in bosses can't have nothing on us okay come on that okay it's a good stun ability okay really good one okay take that easy easy easy easy already some good damage okay tackle Dam okay come on chill can't be attacking me like that come on bro can't kill me like that bro okay just like that easy stun easy stun stop playing okay chop fruit is literally the best fruit we have used a lot of fruits like Shadow d-rex and stuff like that or fuit magma fruit but your is just the best right let's be honest like what other fruit can do this boom Another stun okay easy stun I whisper is already almost de come on oh my God bro how does he he's reloading the Bazooka so quickly oh my God we can't give up come on come on come on party okay okay oh look at that combo look at that combo one shot combo right there you guys don't know okay chood is dangerous and just like that Quest completed okay easy and we still have the last ability but I'm pretty sure it's like a flight ability which doesn't do damage but uh we got to Silver hop we got to get enough levels all right wh you're dead buddy you're dead buddy okay you're dead buddy okay it's for you it's over for you okay it's over for you easy okay just like that new SK available and now we have helicopter and I don't think this is going to do damage it looks pretty cool I guess I guess now we can become helicopter helicopter and just like that another Quest complete okay guys we got to speed onun this sh is going to be really really hard what is this guy doing oh this guy is's also farming I guess come on we got to go we got to go there's no time to waste cuz we're trying to become the best block player a brand new account with every single per fruit and there's no time for oh wait we can hold this we can hold that oh I didn't even no I didn't even know you can literally hold the C ability wait that's even better that's even better we're going to do even more damage okay this is going to be easy easy easy on T just like that party is a really good ability okay we can hold it how much damage how much damage let's see two three oh okay no no no no no no no no no clap my cheeks bro don't CL my Chase okay I did nothing to you okay I did nothing to you I'm only killing you okay like take it personally okay you shouldn't take it personally you take that come on this this should be like one of the best combos come on tackle oh how does he do that I'm literally attacking him I'm I'm in a moment of attack attacking him how do oh my god oh you're dead anyway buddy you're dead anyway buddy yeah take that okay and oh we got a bazooka wait God we got his bazooka okay we stole his bazooka easy we stole bazooka we robbed him we robbed him get out get out get out this is going to help us but um I guess we got a bazooka now PA is so annoying like how is he killing me how how he's literally one HP look at this he's one HP he's one HP I can probably kill him with a bazooka like no joke I don't think I want to okay I don't think I wait do your bazooka bro do your bzga bro why is he not pulling his bua okay there you go finally boom you're that buddy you're that buddy get out of here bro get out of here whisper you're dead buddy you're dead buddy come on take that take this and you're dead you're dead you're literally Dead come on you're dead come on give me one more level one more level really One More Level oh my gosh can we get like one more level right here or something come on give me one more level bro I don't want this sh R anymore I don't know want anymore please give me a level please please why is this NPC harder to kill than the boss the boss is actually super easy hold on okay that's not going to give me enough we got to kill the boss one more time and we can finally switch fruits a whisper is on its last HP we're about to never use chop fruit again oh my God okay let's go let's go we just got enough levels and now we can finally switch fruits and now please don't be a rocket fruit or something please please please I guess it's that time of the day again we have the wheel right here and we're going to spin okay 3 2 1 let's get it let's get it come on come on please bro please you canot give me anything bad please please please rubber fruits there's no way bro okay guys I don't know how fast I can grind with rubber we have to remove it from the list and uh we'll have to buy it just like that eventually we're going to have every single per fruit on this account this going to be crazy okay well well 1,200 extra roox guys please just subscribe okay how much robox I'm spending this is probably going to be like 50,000 plus Robo account like this is probably going to be so expensive probably even more now guys just like that we have the rubber fruit and at least we have an M1 okay at least we have an M1 which is pretty good we have zero abilities okay we have zero abilities so we got to like fight the boss first let me know if you have ever grinded with rubber fruit and if it's hard okay because I'm about to test it out I don't know if this going to be crazy okay take that 1K damage I mean I don't know if that's crazy okay it's the knockback is kind of crazy Dodge that okay it's going to take a long time it's actually not that bad wait this is not that bad like for a boss is not that bad I can imagine for like a group of MPCs it's pretty bad but like right now this is really good okay Dodge that come on take that this is not all too terrible no no no oh my God you don't know okay I'm going to find the one piece I'm going to defeat you okay I'm I'm going to literally find the one piece and defeat you all and obviously become king of the Pirates okay but this guy ain't stopping me okay this guy ain't stopping no one come on one more hit one more hit and just like that we have another bazooka drop what the heck okay come on please give me like enough Master for like okay here we go look Cannon which is this and we have smash boom if we're already talking about smashing smash the boss moms later hey yo what said that okay come on buddy you think you're tough you think you're tough y yeah you're missing that you're missing that buddy you're missing where are you at okay come on take that easy bro easy okay take my Cannon hands and I don't even have Hy on oh my this guy is so bad boom just like that and oh I'm almost okay never mind never mind okay chill chill chill I didn't say anything okay come on take that now you should be almost out okay who's this guy who's this guy God Slayer yo who's God Slayer yo yo who is God why is he killing me he also has robber fuit wait he wait he also has robber fuit wait wait let me enable my PVP bro who's this guy who's this guy he not the real Luffy what the heck is this guy doing huh take that buddy yeah exactly take that buddy take that buddy take that oh oh oh we just killed each other Y what you what you acting tough for huh what you acting tough for huh nah n guys acting all top guys and he has rush I don't even have that okay I don't even have every ability and he's enabling his PVP yeah guys I do not have time for this okay we got a server hop okay just like that he's almost dead come on one more hits and there you go please I need to unlock the next ability like Rush that's going to help me so much okay if I unlock Raj it's over for these people it's literally over I'm going to take over the world guys I kind of know how to fight the boss right now okay this is actually pretty easy okay like rubber is actually not that bad I'm not going to lie guys now going to dodge that smash him like that do that okay Dash smash again where is he shooting at bro what who is he shooting at okay let me take that okay don't don't air strike me bro don't air strike me oh my God this guy almost this guy almost killed me okay now we loock down another ability slingshot okay I'm pretty sure we can like slingshot a lot like like like that boom Oh this is fun rubber is such a fun fruit what would you rate that out of 10 I think rubber's fun like at a nine or something nine out of 10 what am I seeing what am I seeing I see a boat flying I see literally a boat flying or what even is that is that someone with gravity fruit or did I just saw a boat flying just died to this guy okay I just died to this guy I can't believe it I can't believe it okay take this okay oh my God yo yo chill that easy easy easy easy like that we have more levels now it's going a little bit slower so how I'll be right back in a minute just like that guys we have new skill available which means we unlocked rush and guys this ability is going to be so good like I don't even want to know I'm about to test the new ability you guys will see it's insane okay so rush let's see just like that bro oh how does he cancel it how does he cancel it how does he cancel it there's no way like this guy's cheating this guy is cheating this guy's really cheating there a hacker bro all right come on take that okay come on this time you can't Dodge it okay this time you can't block it you can't Dodge okay just like that just like that you're that buddy you're that buddy yeah you're buddy take this take this take oh 3K damage Oho what is that this guy is the most annoying boss like the Bazooka is so unexpected like okay you know what you know what you're done buddy you're done buddy yeah exactly you're done buddy that okay why is he hiding in the clouds bro he's hiding in the clouds like guys only four levels to go and we can roll a new fruit okay who is this guy bro oh my God who is this guy he's literally one-shotting me how anyway guys we got to go we got to go we probably about to die once again oh my God how how how how how how how how I cannot know more with this boss I need another fruit I need another fruit I thought robber is going to be crazy but like it's it's all right okay it's all right oh okay he's canceling it he's canceling it he's literally canceling it there's no way buddy there's no way buddy you're dead buddy you're dead you're dead buddy exactly come on give me enough levels no two more levels okay I think one more boss and then we finally can switch fruits finally all right come on one more kill one more kill okay come on I got this i got this actually one more shot okay you're that buddy you're that buddy exactly and now we're level 600 and we can switch fruits okay now I was expecting this to be way easier but rubber was kind of hard but now please okay I need another and better fuit and here we are again okay the wheel is it going to blast me or is going to hate me well we're about to find out okay so we're spinning we're spinning come on please don't give me anything bad like what a Venom fruits what guys you guys know Venom is really good for grinding so this is really really good guys I think it's time to buy Venom all right guys say goodbye to rubber fruits we are not becoming Luffy gear 2o what we are getting is a little bit of venom look at that permanent Venom this is going to be fun guys I can already tell you guys Venom is actually one of the highest fruits like look at this this is such a high fruit it's going to be kind of hard to grind with we get no the Venom also damages on the ground and stuff like that so this is going to be really good check this out okay the first ability like it's going to like do this and like you can get the enemies in the Venom and you can do a lot of damage wait is it Elemental it's not Elemental okay it's not Elemental can't forget to hold it though okay come on just like that and he's dead oh look at that Mastery coming in look at that Mastery coming okay we got 36 Mastery levels the next ability is 50 and then 100 so Master is going to be kind of crazy I don't know if we're going to like everything with Mastery okay we're going to go this way we're going to grab this exact Quest do you guys know Venom is insanely good for fighting like groups of NPCs wait we can already fight the Thunder boss I didn't even know that wait I didn't even know oh wait I didn't even know first let's go to fight these NPCs though I do want to see how I perform okay let's see okay take that okay wait Chum as well come on everybody this way everybody this way come on now take this okay not too bad and now got to walk around walk around walk around V is so good take that and just like that new scav we already got the next skill we just have and that's the flying skill and can we do damage with flying let's see can oh no only if we release it we do damage still good though still really good cuz if we do it on a group it's going to do so much damage Dad Dad Dad okay come on let's let's go try let's go try it okay so F just like that oh I missed I missed I okay this guy got hit or two actually got hit that's actually pretty decent and just like that they're going to die and Quest completed okay Venom is going to be so good and we already have 70 Master wait what how is it going so quickly guys Venom costed me around 2.5k Robux again like I don't know how much I spent in this exact episode guys this is getting really expensive this is all for you guys you better watch Until the End okay all right guys it's time it's time to fight one of these strongest bosses in the first SE which is Mr Thunder God okay and Thunder God hey you're done buddy you're done buddy your judgment ain't going to do anything I'm just got to miss everything take a little bit of this take a little bit of that going to be dead soon Venom is actually pretty good okay Venom is really good in fighting bosses okay I got to dodge dead otherwise I'm dead hey welcome to Venom once again boom look at him fling look at him fling M take that as well oh he's dead oh he's dead oh he's dead yep just walk on the Venom easy oh bro this guy is so stupid we are likeing energy though but it's all good okay it's all good come on walk in the Venom and you should be that right just like that we have Quest complete okay come on oh we didn't get enough Mastery what normal NPCs give way more Mastery that's so weird all right guys that was it for episode number seven I'll see you guys in the next one I can subscribe right now you're never getting roblo all right guys we are back now what is happening in the chat please R please R please bro what is happening this going just typed 20 times please R in the chat what anyway guys see we have the vom fruit with 80 Mastery and this is going to be a crazy episode cuz we just our level 600 and by the end of this episode we're probably going to be able to go to the second C which is going to be really really good and we're going to master V so we can like use more abilities we got to get started okay we got to get started instantly because we have no time to waste okay let's go over here Royal Squad wait no actually not let's get a royal Soldier right here cuz guys I think we have to fight NPCs so we can get more Mastery levels cuz I don't think the boss gives enough okay just like that and you guys are all dead oh my God wait wait they can shoot also guys like the video right now okay can we get 10 likes on this video that would be awesome okay just like that and oh oh my God already dead already they Dead come on come on oh they're all dead They're All Dead okay there go we got a bunch of Mastery okay so indidual NPCs give way more Mastery okay we got to kill them Venom fruit is actually not bad at riding like this is like really good vuit is actually really good okay there we go 92 master we're almost on the next ability so hit that as well just like that we need three more come on and just like that okay one more one more what why is he in the house what you ch ch okay there come on die die just like that Quest complete only four more Mastery and we can unlock the next ability this is going to give me so much more grinding speed okay this going to be really good okay Royal solders again let's go right come on come on come on okay oh almost that almost that what would you raid Venom on a grinding scale because I think Venom is actually really good for grinding like with the poison and stuff like that we already unlock the next ability wait I want to test it out I want to test it out let's see X ooh wait that's going to be so good that's going to be so good come on one more MPC come on how much damage is going to do okay come on that is really good actually okay there you go just like that Quest completed we're ling up really quickly right now and we only need 90 levels and we can go to C2 also subscribe if you guys want this account on I got to speed on this I got to speed on this if we can like unlock the next ability on Venom like that's 200 Mastery I don't think we can do that I don't think we can do that but always believe in yourself okay even though it's not possible even though it seems impossible always believe in yourself guys that's how you achieve most of your goals in life and boom just like that another Quest West completed we're Mastery 150 I don't know if we can get that okay let's go and fight the thunderballs and let's see if this is going to be better cuz I don't know how much Mastery like I don't know if we're going to get enough Mastery so maybe it's kind of useless okay let's go fight them I think we're going to get 200 200 master so I think it's pretty useless to like grind for that so like literally like fight this boss over and over again okay and know you're dead buddy you're that buddy you're that buddy sh nobody okay take that oh take my Venom Powers take my Venom Powers Venom is really good okay no no no Dodge that Dodge that okay there we go boom take that take that oh where is that where's this going okay that was laggy energy required oh we don't have energy what the heck okay just like that Quest completed okay and we're getting a little bit of Master as well from this I don't know what better okay I think we have to do all my points on Malay because we don't have much energy and just like that another Quest complete okay there we go there we go we got to be fast we got to be fast I don't know if it's better to server Hall and fight the boss guys I think I'm going to try that right now the problem is we're going to Spa all the way back there and then we have to like go all the way here and that's kind of impossible I think we're just going to like fight NPCs that's better just like that we have new Quest available okay I don't know where the next Quest is let's see oh we can go to the Fountain City I don't know that's better I don't know if that's better guys can we already fight Frankie because Frankie is going to be like way better and in 25 levels we to roll another fruit okay guys I think it's time let's go over here let's see this is pirate starter I don't know if that's closer to okay yeah yeah that's closer that's closer let's go over here to Pirate starter let's go with the boat to Fountain City okay just like that wait what fruit is there in stock hold on I never checked this hold on let's see here there's like some crazy fruits in stock let's see I don't see okay another n in stock no not even a single Mythic nothing in stock let's going go over here grab the santol these Bo are so big for C1 this is as big as the whole island like what and just like that we arrived at Water 7 for the found City I mean I'm going over here let's see where's my quest where's my quest is it like Frankie's Quest let's see come on is it frankly wait cyborg come on wait the cyborg Quest is at 675 that's so late okay I guess we got to like defeat the gy Pirates yeah the gy Pirates well guys Skelly Pirates here we are again a long time I see literally the last time we fight them was in episode one we were level one okay anyway let's see now we're way stronger okay now we can literally to everyone here come on just like that boom Another Quest completed we level 630 as the next Quest is available 20 levels and also now we need to roll another fruit I have to say goodbye to the Venom fruit right now it's like really really good it's like one of the best ring fruits I'm not even going to lie just like that another Quest completed and we're almost there we like 13 levels to go guys 13 levels to go guys we also have 5 million belly which is really good okay we're stacked off let me know down below how much belly do you have cuz guys whenever I'm raising your accounts you guys are really broke on belly like I don't know how like I'm starting this new account and I already have 5 million so I don't know where you guys are spending your belly oh my god look what I found over here a bomb fruit what is that bomb fruit doing what the heck is a bomb fruit doing over here I guess free bomb fruit like maybe maybe if I like have to use it one day I will have it I guess we have to continue okay that more levels to go let's go just like that new Quest available guys hold on we have the new Quest okay let's see let's see see um okay that's the next Quest Giver now we can finally buight the gy captains let's go one more m one morec and oh my God just that Quest completed okay let's see come on come on come a few more levels and then we can finally fight Frankie okay let come we got to go to the next Quest come on come who's this guy wait who's this guy hey you what is going on let me grind bro let me grind what are you even standing here isn't it a C2 accessory like what wait you're never going to get to C2 what do you mean I'm never going to get to C I'm going to prove you wrong guys I'm going to prove this guy wrong I'm literally going to go to C2 I'm lit going to like right now I'm going to get to C2 wait what does he do he's awaken Buddha chill no don't steal my NPC oh my God don't steal my NPCs what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing what is he he's stealing my NPC wait why is he steal my NPCs why is he stealing my NPCs no don't kill me don't kill me BR stop okay wait let me let me grab it okay there we go I got him I got him I got him sword from him ha why is he stealing my NPC get away he's so annoying wait let me get it let me get it come on no please please give me give me that come on please no no no I didn't get it oh my car I can't even grind who is this guy wait oh my God guys what is this guy doing come on please I got it I got one I got I got one I got one come on come on I got to get away I got to get away why is he stealing my PCS I got to get kills I got to get the kills come on come on I got to I got him okay I got another one guys it's going to take us so much longer to get to to see to no this guy is so annoying maybe I can steal the F maybe I can steal the come on can I steal it can I steal no I didn't steal it no come on guys I got to steal I got to steal the NPCs come on got one I got two maybe I think okay I got two five wait wait why is he killing me why is he killing me oh my God is he killing me literally so annoying this guy is so mean like the video if you hate bullly oh my God guys he's still here what is he doing I I I want to kill my mp he what is he doing my PVP is off so he can't kill me okay what is he doing wait he's putting him low wait he's not even he's not killing them wait hold on he's holding for wait helping me I think he's helping me wait what why is he helping me all of the sudden what the heck is he actually helping me I I don't even know if he's helping me why is he he's not killing that I think he's helping me there you go Quest completed again okay we got to get the next Quest wait guys why is he hopping me again okay come on we got to get a quest we're like wait every NPC is low wait what the heck we can just literally kill him like that wait he's making everyone low Lally Farm the quest so easy now wait I I got the wrong Quest I got the wrong Quest I got the wrong Quest though I'm so to I got the wrong Quest oh my God no way just realized we're level 660 and we got to spin for our new fruit okay that's going to spin for another fruit all right guys here's the wheel now what are we going to get this time better not be like a spin fruit okay come on please bro please I need something okay if you don't give me something good like I I don't even know I don't come on love okay okay we got love fruit we got love fruit we got love fruit that's actually decent that is actually decent guys love fruit is Good from grinding okay love fruit is really good okay there we go let remove it from the list hold on love fruit is gone from the list well guys and just like that we're about to say goodbye to the vom fruit we didn't even unlock the last ability or like even the two ability which like that we have permanent love fruit okay now all we got to do is switch just like that let's see the master off on this okay we got like 190 on Venom so I think we got to get like all the abilities almost I think so okay let's see if love fruit is any good for grinding just like that we have a lot of M okay look at that Master coming in look at the master coming in oh my God come on like love is doing a lot of damage guys look at the damage that is so much damage almost already have the indexability this is crazy let's TR these two Pirates Come on these two Captain boom just like that and oh my God new SC available as well L is so good for grinding like I think it's better than Venom fruit not going to lie guys I think it's actually better than Venom fruit cuz there's so much more damage like it it does insanely high damage if you guys are looking like look at this look at this okay next ability but that's going to do so much more as well and hard shot boom Oh my God the damage is L insane and with this pace we're going to go to Second SE in a minute was stealing my kills is randomly gone okay I think I think he left are already at like 100 mat this is great just like that come on okay one more kill one more kill one more kill just like that and come on come on let's complet there we go guys we still can't fight Frankie okay we got to fight Frankie in this episode we got to go to the second SE so I'll be right back whenever I'm almost ready cu the love fruit is so so good what the heck never actually grinding with L fruit but this is really good look at this gu look at this I grabb that guy I grabb that guy grab this guy and they're all like scattered around but I can just do this I miss shot that one but look at this guy look at this thing boom everyone is getting hit everyone is getting hit like what if I shoot that bullet right just like that everyone is getting hit as well look at this oh my God bro this is insane oh guys look at my level look at my level I got to level up I got to level up quick look at my level 666 okay I'm look bro bro bro I'm cursed I'm cursed I'm cursed I don't want to be on this level for too long come on come on I got to get I got get I'll be cursed forever we get a new SK available let's see we got Flamingo ride and we can fly now wait this is going to be so great he we need two more EP come on these are twoes and just like done Quest completed come on come on please One More Level One More Level oh my God why why come on I need one more level now we can fight Frankie guessing I'll beat Frankie I think I'm going to beat up Frankie like never before this is the last NPC okay you're going to die buddy you're going to die buddy yeah exactly you're dead buddy you're dead buddy okay go new okay now we can fight Frankie okay now we can fight Frankie let's go I think this going to be super quickly and we can go to the second SE what is up Mr Frankie oh stop your Rockets stop your Rockets bro you have too much Cola bro you have too much go this guy has too much col okay let's see come on can't touch me bro can't touch me way too quick I'm like a jet okay I'm like a jet I'm going to attack you from above he cannot do anything like cannot do anything take that we still need the third ability though or like we still need like the next ability which we do not have okay that will help us so much okay take that take that okay there's so much damage going in come on bro come on bro fight me fight guys come on Frank is's almost dead he's like one HP okay he's almost one HP you got to be that bro you got to be that come on take that okay come on you're that buddy okay give up okay give up you're under Fire okay there's no way you're winning this there's no way you're winning this okay come on see that and now it's time to die okay now it's time to die oh here we go there we go oh my God we just got 1 2 three four levels like four Mastery levels and two wait how many normal levels I think three normal levels guys now we got to server hop until we're level 700 then we can do the second C Quest let's do this guys before we go to the second C we got to unlock observation hockey we going to go back to Skylands and then unlock it because I forgot to unlock it guys while we're on the way we're going to gohe and roll fruit okay can all forget to roll fruit so we're going to get okay please please some give me something good please give me something good please please come on new account new come on please oh got a magma oh that would be so good I don't really need it because we already used magma fruit so me find somebody that needs it okay guys do you guys need a a magma fruit there you go just need one there you go wait who's this guy I dropped to this guy there you go bro you can eat that one up okay have fun why is there like three people standing there I don't even know guys we got to go just like that we're closing up to the temple where the Lord Of Destruction resides I'm the strongest SP to ever live I'll not have any weaking among my cre I'm back when you're stronger wait what what do you mean what do you mean I'm not strong enough I'm I'mma beat you up buddy I'mma beat you up buddy wait are you serious I just realized you have to do the saber Puzzle first before we can unlock observation hockey okay let's go and do it right now okay just like that we're on the jungle okay now we're going to find all the like plates where's the plates where's the plates okay there we go one just like that there is what is this guy fighting me for huh what is this guy fighting me for huh what is he doing what is he doing huh he's dying bro you're dying buddy you're dying buddy I literally gave you a yeah don't run now yeah buddy that wait what he dodged that how did he DOD that I don't even know okay there you go just like that something weird has occurred but you lack the item wait what means something weird wait what did I unlock what did I unlock I don't even know one's right here there we go okay there we go another one and one should be right guys I'm know for sure one is right here okay there we go another one just like that and there should be one right here on the three okay there we go just like that another one let's see is this one activated okay this one is not activated so we activ this one as well and now we have every single pressure plate activated we can go right over here okay we're going to go down over here as well okay come on come on get out get down get out get down get down bro oh my God why can't I get out why can I get out okay just like that I'm going to grab the torch right over here oh we to get out we got to get out we go over to the desert oh look at this bacon fighting right here he's level one oh my God look at him fighting look at him fighting I wish I had a fruit to give it I don't have a fruit because I just rolled one just like that we're closing off to the desert and all we have to do is go ahead and go R to this door right here we're going to go right here greetings okay we got to lighten this on Fire come on lighten this fire like that okay come on open the door open the door and the door is open okay there we go and now we got to grab this thing and fill it up with water just like that we're on just like that we're on the cave okay let's see come on fill it up fill it up okay I think we fill it up okay just like that I'm going to talk to the old man right here let's see where is he at the sick man come on I need to help you help him there you go thank you so much this meet up with my son I'm sure he will R you I'm pretty sure his son is at a pirate Village what is going on over there why is he just I don't even know it's like that we ar at pirate Village and this richm is his son I'm pretty sure let's see come on thanks for helping my father but a mob leader has stolen all my money please find and take him down as soon as possible so I can reward you now we got to go to the mob leader and fight item up which is right over there guys let me know if you guys have done this puzzle before if you still haven't done this cuz I'm pretty sure everyone has already done this but if you haven't look closely cuz I'm about to beat this guy off just like that I literally one shot him what the heck I think you I think you're that buddy I think you're that buddy let me get that chest L belly now we got to go back and just like that the richm hello thank you for getting my money back you can keep the ancient Relic as your reward and just like that we have the Relic now we got to go back to the Jungle open Shanks door and defeat Shanks okay guys we arrived and as you guys can see we have the Relic right here gu it's time okay let's open the door and the saber boss is obviously not here Shanks where you at man I need to kill you okay come on maybe on This Server come on oh Shanks is here Shanks is here wait there's a fuit right there wait hold on let me grab that fruit get another fruit come on store that one okay Shanks it's over for you okay it's over okay you think you're strong okay you're not strong buddy you're not strong buddy I'm literally going to defeat you let me shoot you up like that ability on that and last hit do you have any last wordss I don't think so okay I don't think so buddy I don't think so buddy just like that we have unlocked the saber as well it's one of the best swords in the game shout look at this beauty guys we got to continue guys once again we're going to the temple right here come on and now you got to teach me Instinct teacher on let's see what it's going to say now hey want to learn Instinct yes please onom please bro please learn okay 750,000 oh my God that's expensive now we can use Instinct let's go who is this guy this guy's fighting with like dark or something and he's using combat or that step okay just like that we need seven levels we need seven levels we going go do cyb right here we're going to fight Cyborg and we already unlocked the next ability is arrestable attraction where's Frankie at bro Frankie is not even here guys we got to Sur oh my God he's shooting me from the sky what the heck he come on just like that boom okay wait what did I do what the heck did I do I did a new ability and I don't even know what that did I'm not going to lie guys I need some observation come on just like that boom okay what is he doing guys he in the ground okay come on wait what is he even doing is he even doing anything I don't even know wait I'm low I'm low oh my God Frank is CRA wait wait wait Frank is crazy wait don't kill me Frankie don't kill me just like that one more hit one more hit one more hit come on just like that Quest complete and they give us two levels okay four more levels let's go just like that Frankie slow again and come on come on H that take that you're dead you're dead you're dead come you're dead There You Go quest completed come on please please One More Level One More Level oh my God One More Level once again Frank is super super low and this is going to be the last one it's going to be the last one come on die come on die come on die and and wait I got the wrong I got the wrong Quest I got the wrong Quest I got the wrong Quest who it's just like that Frank is super low okay come on come on all we have to do is just like that and shoot him up come on shoot him up shoot him up we got to shoot him up and come on come on okay go okay congratulations for reaching level 700 ready to go to the next rooll talk to the detective at the prison oh my god let's go let's go the prison is right over there so we're going to go fly over there we can finally go to the second SE let's go here go we Lally the military detective right here all we have to do is talk to him right here come on okay there we go we got a t okay just like that we got a key and now we got to fight the ice Admiral at the Snow Village let's go right over there guys do you guys ever wonder what if you die with the ski like what happens if you die with the Kei you not go to the second SE guys it's about to time to unlock the door wait what what is Juan doing here what is Juan doing here Juan what are you doing bro oh you're see in the chat okay let's see let's see let's let's open the door okay byebye Juan Juan can't enter Juan can answerer no yo oh my God look at this he can ENT okay Juan I got to go bro we got to fight the ice Admiral okay ice Admiral you're done okay you're done it's over for you okay I'm killing you bro that okay I hope I don't get one shot because this guy is's pretty strong this is like allg should don't even know how to say his name going go over here come on come on come on we got to kill him we got to kill him we got to kill him at all cost at all cost we got to go to the second SE if we lose this battle like that would be so bad what ice food is he using he's using some old ice food I've never seen these abilities what the heck did you guys even know like this guy is's using look look at his ice food like what what even is that oh my God almost dead I'm I'm 40 HP come on no okay okay I got him I got him well I love it happens to the best of us I'm assuming you were in Center because of my little encounter with Swan right exactly CU I don't want to read this okay I don't want read this okay let's see wait where do I go now I think we can just go to Middle Town and go to the second sea let's go okay [Music] to lock let's see SL sir loock just like that okay this works every single time SL s loock you guys are not using this like you're missing out look at this look at this okay check me out check me okay this must have glitched or something I must have not typed guys I don't know what's happening block is glitching right now it gave me the wrong fruit I think there's a big glitch going on right now I can't really test it right now but guys we have to continue with the quest and I don't know how good Flamingo or like love fruit is going to be on this new Quest let's see let's see come on Raiders there you go I think the best way is to like Farm these right here let's see we grab that one grab this one I don't know what other way we can like Farm in a second SE I think this be the best way so far so come on everyone has to be here come on guys oh come on you here everybody getting one come on please okay there you go everybody's here now I can literally just kill them like that bro they they can't even attack me this okay love fruit is so good righto they can't even attack me guys love fruit is so so good okay here we go just like that and everybody's dead oh this guy is not dead what what is you doing bro hey die buddy die buddy die buddy yeah exactly guys the go on today's video is to roll another fruit and wait if I remember correctly we have to roll another fruit cuz we obviously got to level 700 and now it's time to say goodbye to the love fruit even though it's such a good grinding fruit no oh here we go okay guys here's the wheel is the wheel going to be our friend today or our biggest enemy well there's only one way to find out let's see come on please do not give me anything bad come on please bro please oh my God what is that what is that is that that's not for all right oh Rumble wait what is Rumble is Rumble good for grinding I don't even know oh don't tell me don't tell me bro Rumble well guys it seems like we rode Rumble and Rumble is 2100 Robo bro I'm going broke hey how much Robux do I have to spend on this account the Mach levels are 190 okay this is going to be good this it's going to be good use a lot of abilities so this is going to be not bad but guys I'm kind of getting a little bit curious how is it like farming with rocket fruit cuz I've never farmed with rocket fruit I still don't rolled in a wheel so I don't know when we're going to be able to find rocket hopefully not in c3z that's going to be pretty bad guys and just like that we have received permanent Rumble oh my God look at that we literally have Perman Rumble okay let's see let's equip it right now and we cannot use the block anymore now how good is Rumble Let's see we first got this one okay we're going to become anal today and hopefully unlock Sky beam see come on oh this going to be oh this going to go so wait wait I need all the four NPCs hold on everybody come here everybody come here you you need to come here buddy you come here you come here as well now all everybody in one everybody oh no no no no no oh my God what the heck that okay no no no no I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying this is bad this is bad are they dashing oh chill chill chill I just like that boom Oh my God bro this is harder than expected okay Rumble fruit might be not too good on the beginning but let's see come on oh my God oh my God no no come on I need to go one okay there we go I got a lot of Master come on come on please please give me one more ability please I'm dying here I'm dying we go one more we go okay oh H H the unlucky oh my what is this game okay what even happened there I used F and oh it's like a flash stab okay never mind you guys are going to pay okay take that come on oh 5K damage okay not bad okay we can Flash that away and this guy come on this guy this guy got to join as well man I need all my match possible come on there we go and 4 are you serious 49 that's one more Mastery and I never mind the next one is 90 wait how am I ever going to unlock the next one oh my God this is going to be so hard dude okay come on there we go Quest completed okay okay come on Oho how are you guys grinding with Rumble fruit this this was bad this R is so bad wait I got to CL my quest come on we go claim and now we can continue oh I died again I I can't I can't with this fuit I cannot with this fuit bro this F is so doooo bro and this guy healed up oh my God bro this can't be real okay this is pretty unlucky that I got this through but okay hold on come on I can make this I can make this work come on actually 70 okay 20 more M 20 more Mastery come on easy easy nobody's stopping me come on everybody's low everybody's low come on but that's giving me so little like Mastery levels what is this way more oh my God they're hitting me they're hit me like how are they hitting me oh die die guys I'm not really sure how am I going to ever unlock the next okay nine more Master come on please bro I need it this is going so bad right now I did not know Rumble is such a bad food for grinding like this is pretty terrible let me know if you have ever grinded with Rumble food cuz this is hard okay come on come on please please please no energy bro bro oh my God what is this there's no way there's no way oh the rumble fruit is so so bad come on don't respawn don't respawn come on don't respawn okay there we go there we go there we go don't don't die don't die no this guy regen this guy regen oh my God I need my next ability this is a torture I'm getting tortur right now this is a torture guys this is so bad just got the next ability there we go Sky Thunder this is going to help us so much you guys don't even want to know okayy come on let me test the new abilities so apparently I got to get like a lot of these come on come on hey where you going bro where you going come on everybody at once everybody at once come on Sky Thunder there we go everybody dead oh wait what I did not even kill them all come on please bro this they are so annoying these are the most annoying NPCs I've ever they life a this is not real come on die die there you go come on just like that another one and there we go Quest complete okay wait wait wait with the rumble fruit like Rumble fruit I had didn't not expect this to be so bad but we're almost done with the quest and now we can move on to the next Quest and that one's going to be so much easier cuz they're all like close together it's going to be easier and just like that we have Quest completed oh my god there you go new Quest available and we can finally go to the next quest which is going to be so much easier come on track the quest come on come on going to become the king of the Pirates on this account no questions asked mercenaries huh they think they do let me show them okay boom boom you as well I think you can hide from me you're dead all right you might look cool but uh you're dead to me they're not even annoying like what's you can easy Dodge that what the heck like look at that boom take that yeah he going to be so much easier rookies look at that where are you going die weakling I should probably grab like that with combat and then all together 3 two one die like that oh my God guys in this episode we got to like switch out from the rumble fruit cuz I do not want to be keeping like I don't want to use this fruit I do not want to use this fruit like this is such a bad fruit for grinding I thought it's going to be decent but guys this is really bad let's like speed on to the next fruit okay this is the last MC come on oh my God he healed up oh my God he healed up Sho okay there we go there we go we still didn't unlock the next ability Sky beam guys we still did not unlock it what the heck okay come on 3 to one okay boom like that come on how did he not get damage what he's Invincible okay there we go Quest completed and now we should be able to get to a One More Level okay One More Level One More Level One More Level come on guys this might Lally be the worst grinding food ever looks pretty cool when I'm going to hit though but like guys guys guys this is the worst grinding fruit and now I am finally gone from it okay new Quest available that means we can switch our fuit finally yes cuz Rumble fruit is not it okay if you want to grind with Rumble fruit do not Grind With It guys the wheel is back what are we going to get this time well I don't know let's see let's spin it come on please please oh oh wait is that smoke wait smoke fuit wait wait wait wait wait wait I think smoke fuit can be good I think smoke fuit can be good okay I guess okay guys I guess we got smoke fruit how good is that actually going to be I don't know we even buy it hold on can we buy it I don't even have enough Roo just's go and see 150 Robux let's see can I buy it buy it can I oh we can buy let's go okay just like that we have smoke fruit another permanent fruit on the account we're starting with smoke slam what is this oh this is going to be okay maybe it's going to be good I don't actually know guys but as you can see like there's little ability I do know smoke has a really really good ability so let's going go over here let's go and claim the quest I'm pretty sure oh we can fight Diamond just the boss okay let's go do that let's go absolutely destroy Diamond I'm fighting diamond right now oh my God okay okay we got to be careful we got to be careful cuz he can like almost one shot us come oh oh oh get out get out get out get out oh my God almost died I almost died come on one more a few more a few more come on 1.7k that's not bad that's not bad okay here we go he miss that's good because we can do that now come on one more hit I think one more literally one more okay we it come on and now you're dead buddy oh one more what oh my God no no no wait come on now you should be dead okay there we go finally we got diamond and now let's see how much match we can get we got every ability unlocked with one boss skill what look at that we have every single ability unlocked um okay so now we have smoke blast what is this okay smoke Liberation and the most important one smoke bomber the infinite damage ability because we can just keep flying and doing damage got to try this one okay we almost dead we're almost dead okay come on there we go there we go infinite damage triick just like that come on you're that Budd you can't do anything you can't do anything oh my God smoke fruit is actually good guys I'm not going to lie smoke fruit is actually like one of the better fruits you can grind with I'm not going to lie look at this look at this smoke for is actually so good because like you can do this okay there we go now we can just fly above the boss like look at this bro he does not know what's going on okay oh my God wait that was actually bad like that okay come on and now one more hits come on one more hits just like that okay okay okay we only got 10 levels so far guys but we have to like get way more levels it's kind of annoying because you got to like travel all the way to the quest and go back and then go back like it's kind of annoying guys we have to do it guys I'm finding diamond and this is going to be easy okay there we go stun him okay Boom come on you can't attack usack okay there we go he missed you missed look at that damage guys 10,000 damage 10,000 damage smoke for is so good bro hey there we go come on can't hit us how bro what all right that's crazy he's so accurate at least we can fly up okay um almost okay stun wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no CH chill okay there we go take that how did he Dodge that okay he's okay okay okay okay buddy like he's literally the best you go now take that okay that should do a little bit one HP was one HP come on come on I got to dodge it I got to dodge it okay Dodge it okay I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't have energy I don't have energy I do not have oh God I got him I got him let's go just like that another Quest completed let's go okay this should just like that come on one more hit one more hit come on oh my come on almost almost almost one more one more come on die there we go new Quest available and you guys know what that means okay now we can literally go to the area two Quest go which is right there and these quests are so much easier like finally bro this took so long by the way what is that awaken Buddha doing there don't attack me buddy seems like he's AFK though I'm going to try attacking him though because we have to level up time waste guys in 23 level we can roll another food and I don't know if about smoke fuit like it's decent but like it's not that bad so okay let me grab the swamp Pirates we're going to try to like fight them okay wait hold on I forgot check that I don't know how fast we can do this I feel like with other fruits we can do this way faster it's just like that come on take these okay here we go here we go there we go okay y all dead I guess we're like a really low food this is not all too bad it's not the worst Food I've ever played with this is definitely better than barrier fruit like for sure there's some pretty decent attacks look at that attack and okay easy now two more D buddy and your friend can get it too there you go and now we can just bomb them all together there you go I'm a bomber man I mean I'm literally bombing them look at this boom and just like that Quest completed okay guys the last NPC and then we finally can get the next R just like that come on let's go let's go let's go let's go come let's just like that okay Quest completed new Quest available and now we can roll for the next fruit and we like the new title the Explorer okay I don't know why that's because we like reached level 800 where do we got to go now we can kill Factory staff which is right over there a that's like pretty annoying I think we should stay here we got to get another fruit I guess as you can see we're on the wheel again let's see what we get this time let's get it let's see come on please please please please bro please something oh is that ghost fruit wait isn't ghost fruit like decent for grinding now wait I want to try I never grind with ghost I really want to try it out okay guys say goodbye to the Smoke fruit I let should say hello to the ghost fruit wait why does it wait talk to the BL dealer to equip your new fruit why does it say that wait I I never seen that what the heck let's see where's my ghost fruit supposed to be somewhere over here there we go g through and actually 150 100 150 it's going to be easy to unlock all the abilities this is going to be good the first ability we have is uh something like that I guess oh we're going to see come on come on come on guys everybody's low come on like going to oh oh oh what is happening wait how many did I kill there okay we have another ability let's see what does this do okay just killing everybody straight up is it deleting people we have 60 Mastery by that wait what the heck almost have the third ability already wait this is really good wait wait what was this okay let's see it's like ooh okay and then we got this y this is insane this is good for grinding we can use this on multiple people like every ability we can use on multiple so we can do this one like that here we go both are getting hit and then can use this one through both of them wait this is good and now once again this one and they dad and new skope available already wandering so let see oh oh this is the flying ability Okay so at least it's like fast it's good but guys we're going to continue in the next episode if you want this account like the video all right guys so in today's video We are continuing the N bro as you guys can see we have the ghost fruit which we literally ruled in the last video okay and ghost fruit I don't know how this is going to go because I've actually never grinded with ghost fruit but the last time I've used it it seemed really really good and I've actually never used it after the rework so this is going to be very interesting guys before we start can we get 12 likes on this video make sure you subscribe let me check the shop because what if there was something good in stock like I I always want to know you guys just want to know what fruits there's on stock like everything is all okay everything's out of stock like how the more fruits are being added the the less is on stock like how does that make sense there's not even a single legendary on stock like what okay I don't even know and wait a minute we can also roll fruit hold on let me roll fruits I don't think we usually roll fruit but let's see come on what if I just get a oh my God a spike fruit really imagine get like a gsun on this account that would be insane guys it's time to continue I don't know what the next Quest is let's see my next Quest is oh it's a swamp Pirates okay we still got to fight the swamp Pirates so far we have used a lot of fruits okay we have permanent Venom permanent Shadow permanent T-Rex and pain even so far I think the most fun fruit to use was Venom fruit because Venom actually has some pretty cool abilities or maybe Shadow I don't even know like one of these two for sure okay anyway it's time to claim the quest let me cl the quest there we go let me kill these pirates real quick okay there we go okay okay come on he's just one HP okay there you go come on last hit last hit come on just like that Quest completed okay there you go we going get the next one right now so we can unlock the next ability which is Crist of the underworld has actually really really want that ability ghost is actually really good for grinding let me know if you have grinded ever with ghost okay we got the next ability unlocked okay let's see let's see come on just like that it's going to be so good okay it goes through this lit so good okay look at this look at this see and we got this one like freezing them and everyone is dead guys we going to get the next Quest think has like a little bit of levels now we can fight Jeremy on the top of the mountain so I'll be right back whenever we can get that just like that Quest completed and now we only need one more Quest and now we can fight Jeremy let's go okay just take that Quest completed and now we got enough levels okay let's see 825 Let's see we up Jeremy Jeremy is 850 what so 25 levels to go oh my God no so much okay we have another ability unlocked which is like Ghostbusters and we can spawn clones of ourselves and attack the enemies look at this look at this this stuff goes hard okay look at this okay you clone yourself and then boom Oh my God every ability is times three like what the heck this is just really really good get that everything and they're de they're killed my brothers really he killed my brothers really really you all are going to pay okay you all going to pay there's no way you're going away with this guys as you can see we only need three more levels now we can finally fight Jeremy and W for a new fruit I hope it's going to be a good one I do not want to grind with a super bad food like ghost f is pretty decent but it's kind of like slow okay like you do this and like you got to just wait for your abilties to reload most of the times look at my clones what are they doing I don't even know what they're doing to be honest and I don't even know where they at hello guys are you guys hello help me guys help me please what are you doing okay just like that and the pirate is still alive okay buddy okay buddy this guy's just too strong we need one more kill come on come like that and he's dead okay he's dead come on why is look there's no bullet I can do okay there we go and finally there we go Quest completed and H we still need one level dude really I'm die die I'm going to die just like that and oh here we go new Quest available and now we can finally fight Jeremy guys before we claim the quest it's time to Roy fruit guys here's the almighty wheel and is it finally going to bless me or is it just going to give me a bad fruit well hopefully not please give me something good please please please please please pleas what is that BM fruits no way what can I do even with BM fruit like um what I don't know what I'm going to do with bomb fruit I guess the wheel says it so let's remove from this let's do it okay where's bomb for let's see where is this thing is it somewhere higher up like where is this thing oh it's all the way over here 220 Robux wait do I even have that well let's see I don't even have a robo for this oh my God guys please like the video right now one like equals one Robo I guess just like that we got permanent bomb let's see where is that okay confirmed there you go and what do we have targeted bomb what is this okay hold on hold on let me try it see what if I oh I just have like oh there's literally a bomb on my mouse and then like boom wait 3K damage wait that's insane wait wait that's a lot of damage why could you use this and then like do oh my God wait this is fun what the yo is that three shot wait you're already dead come on die buddy oh what the yo we already like the next one what is this F what is that and another ability unlocked oh my God okay this is going to be fun for is actually nice where's bomb grab let's see um that only 2,000 damage okay that's not that great but I do like me the Z ability look at this thing boom I'm blowing you all up okay no jokes around here and we have F oh 6K what the heck see everybody come near oh just like that okay I guess and this guy die buddy oh that one does not do a lot of damage I don't know why the X One does so little the next one is the land mines we're going to be able to play a land mine soon oh my God first let's going to try to fight Jeremy yeah Jeremy I need to fight you up clap your cheeks up well well look who is okay let's see hopefully he doesn't one shot me cuz I remember I got one shot last n to Pro i l got one shot by this guy but hopefully can you do that okay we can like keep our distance let's see can we do this one oh oh my God yo chill chill chill chill okay hold on hold on I can't really okay no no no no no no no no no okay let me Bomb It Up come on just like that this guy is fast okay let's see can can I just do that okay I can do that see targeted the bomb boom okay okay okay this is not going bad it's not going bad okay come on now this oh I don't have energy I do not have energy oh my God wait oh my I fly the way what do you mean what do you mean bro that's not fair that is not fair you probably regen all back up okay I got to fight you again come on I can I can come on take that oh how did I not come on bro I already know why my energy is gone I dashed all the way over here that's why okay this guy's fast bro hey chill down get away from me why is this guy so close get out get away from me bro yo this guy's op this guy's op this guy is literally op come on come on I can like long distance like that come on he's almost dead he's almost dead I'm also almost dead look at my HP look at my HP no no no no no no no don't climb me up don't climb me up come on here we go how is he not that how is he not that come on come on okay I have this Quest so I'm going to get a lot of XP if I defeat him come on please die oh my God wait wait we got black SP good for killing the boss item drop wait that's actually rare wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait so we can unlock that okay we can equip that and even get more HP now oh this is great this this is great this is really really good this is an upgrade guys this is an upgrade wait progress guys progress W progress guys I need some progress I don't know if this is even good for grinding levels going to go all the way up here and hopefully it's not defeated in every single server she's probably going to be oh my God look at what we unlocked guys we unlocked landmines and what we can do right now is we get literally plant huge land mines on ground look at this okay grab like look at these land mines we can stack this as well didn't know we wait for the abity to reload and then do it again look at this we can stack them all together just like that more landmines now if somebody walks over them you're buddy you that buddy oh my God okay okay come here come here come here buddy come here yeah come here buddy this thing is insane come here buddy come here come here I got some candy for you I got some candy come on yeah yeah yeah right here right here this way bro this way come on bro come on right here boom you're dead you're dead you're literally dead actually really good but now I'm trying to unlock the last ability so we can even defeat Jeremy so much easier I don't know if we can already one shot him with the land mines like that would be pretty cool I don't know if we can do that though Che that Quest completed okay there you go there you go okay I don't know if this is going to work oh no no no no oh my God I triggered him no okay wait I tried to like like FL a lot of land mines like that like that okay there we go and now trigger these trigger these why is this guy all the way back here okay come on just like that and now everybody come here okay they're going to trigger these as well don't okay wa don't wait they're disappearing no I'm too slow with it I'm too slow with almost worked though need my XP bro come on get my Minds bro get in my mines I'm not blowing you up like you're only walking into it bro you're walking into yourself like you're blowing yourself up now just need one more MPC come on come on come on die die die let's completed oh my god oh my god let's go now we need one more Mastery and we have the last ability let's go just like that we're here and Jeremy is also here I don't want to attack him yet hold on I don't want to attack him yet I'm going to place a lot of mines and then start attacking him cuz if we do that we can literally one shot him I'm going to place two mines let's see let's see one more and now come on like that okay now use a z like that okay here we go and now SRU like that like that look at that damage boom okay take that o ooh we at that damage and more Min more mines we need more Min more mines more mines no oh my God no no no no no oh I don't understand like how is he so fast how do I don't have defense come on I need my defense come on on oh please don't regen please don't regen I need to be on time I need to be on time come on please please please please please I really feel like a noob like I can't even fly like oh my God please please please come on come on come on are you regen are you re oh he didn't regen he didn't regen oh my God now you're that buddy you're that buddy exactly okay you're de buddy how much levels did they give me like that only gave me three levels all that for three levels bro I think the other Quest is even better I don't know what I should do guys I was doing this Quest and we have the next NPC Zone found okay and the next zone is at Green Z but I don't know if these are NPCs that are easy to kill like these are super easy to kill cuz they're all together so I don't know when I should go to green zone or maybe I should stay a little bit longer here okay just like that come on come on one more Quest completed okay Lev One More Level really okay One More Level One More Level and then we can finally go to the next area and we can get the next fruit it's really really good okay just need one more level come on shouldn't be that hard okay come on watch out bro watch out bro watch where you stepping up bro otherwise you're dead I don't know what this guy's thinking this guy thinks he can defeat me I see you later s The Struck and why is that not a one shot bro come on that should be a one shot like boom bada beam bada boom okay and die bro die come on one go smallest land mines ever one more come on please can I even one shot with s destruct I want to know let's see can I do that no what the yo what is this guy doing here just like that there you go okay Nest available now I think okay we can go to the next NPC at the green zone I think we should do that because we can roll another fruit let's do this all guys here we are again okay let's go and roll the fruit and hopefully come on please if this wheel doesn't give me anything good like I I don't know what I'm going to okay we roll Dragon but but we can't really use Dragon so we can't buy it so I guess we're got to roll oh just like that oh oh my god let's go let's go we got light fruit we got light light is actually really really good because light going to be a really good transportation thing let's going remove from the list let's go and buy and yeah we don't have Robo we we actually don't have Robux we got to get it real quick and guys life is another 1,000 roblo oh my God I'm spending so much Robo in these episodes but just like that we got permanent life now we got to equip it okay let's see come on equip that now for the next 50 levels we can only use light fruit I think a good start is to kill a little bit of NPC so so we can get a bit of Mastery let's see oh wait we're Elemental as well wait oh that's going to be so easy oh that's going to be so easy this an elemental fruit so that means we're getting no damage look at this oh oh buddy you think you attack me yeah exactly who do you think you are buddy exactly die going to be really good then Che that okay 50 levels already come on take that take that that's actually even worth it I think m oneing is the best way to do it yeah M1 is the best way to do it the abilities don't don't even do that much damage we already almost have every ability unlocked like that Quest completed and okay we didn't unlock reflection kit but we do got the flying ability which is going to be so good in this episode all right guys welcome back to another video in today's video we're going over and going Noob To Pro once again oh we're continuing the series and as you guys know we're already level 900 and I don't know which day this is I'm pretty sure it's day 11 and it's going pretty fast I'm not going to lie right now we're sitting at light fruit and we can finally transport really quickly but wait wait I forgot something you guys know okay we're rolling fruits every single time now imagine we get the right fruit This Time Imagine just imagine come on zus come on please bro hey yo yo yo have me the good fruit okay I me the right fruit come on hey you know me right you know the pencil that I land you in elementary school come on you got to know that okay come on please please slide it in bro come on yo what yo there's no way bro okay okay yo exactly bro my man bro my man thanks for R thr the fav oh my God look at this we literally got a Buddha fruit what the heck this is the luckiest episode so far bro like and sub if you want Buddha guys it's time to store this thing because I don't think like mean I can literally like leave it here but I guess we can just store it just like that but the problem is guys you have already used Buddha in a play through like look at this look at that permanent Buddha is already own that means we can't really use it because we can only use every single fruit one time in a series so guys let's going go over to green zone and I'm just going to see what quest we have right now and also soon enough we're going to be able to change a race right so we have human race right now I don't think that's going to like last forever because we obviously going to be better off with shark or something but I'm pretty sure the V3 starts at like level 1,000 or something so I think we first need to get level 1,000 okay we're fting these okay come on wait wait is my hockey working no my hockey is not working no okay there we go new skill available though okay okay let's see what did we unlock a reflection kick okay we still need to unlock the abilities though oh my God forgot actually about that guys light is going to be so much easier with grinding because okay maybe not okay we're almost dying here what the heck I don't know if it's going to be easy come on okay I got to be like come on left right left right come on Dodge come on Dodge Dodge Dodge okay there we go three go go oh my oh really dude ah this is going to be a problem okay goal in today's video though is to get all the way up to level 1,000 at least I think I need to do my abilities yeah I think I need to come on okay just like that easy I feel like I had to like stay in the other area just to get like more levels cuz now we're getting hit and that's pretty bad okay guys if we're going to die too often think I'm going to do the other NPCs because I'm pretty sure the other ones are not going to hit us because we're on enough level I'm just going to try for now let's see oh my God bro chill hey he's already low come on why do they have three swords they're trippled up bro hey yo chill there you're not Zoro buddy you're not Zoro you you wish bro you wish only Zoro can be Zoro okay like that Quest completed now I don't know if we're okay let's go and try the other one cuz I'm pretty sure the other one we're going to like not going to get hit so the lieutenants okay let's see these and they can't hit us okay yeah these is going to be so much easier yeah yeah yeah yeah I think we should do these okay so let me trigger that one you buddy as well bro yeah you're not getting away bro where you at bro okay there you go come on you're dying buddy you're dying buddy you as well bro where you going bro where you going bro you're dead buddy I don't know how fast we're going to level up in this area but we already have next skill available which is Skybeam barrage so let's see going to be any good how much damage and that's not bad that's actually not bad this is so much easier like not getting hit like this saves the entire playr getting Elemental fruit really helps out just like that Quest completed guys we need a lot more levels and then we can finally fight Vegeta and that's going to be even 10 times better so let's going to do that also comment down below what is your favorite fruit to Noob To Pro with CU I'm sure a lot of you guys have tried it now what is the best fruit to level up with I know kitsun name must be the answer but like what if you can't choose kitsun or Buddha or T-rex like what's your favorite fruit to level up with cuz I had a lot of fun with Venom which is an underrated fruit you know yes I think one more level then we're not going to get hit by these guys I'm pretty sure I need to be like 50 okay yeah 15 more levels okay oh my God bro chill bro you're way too strong okay I already accepted this Quest so we got to do this okay come on take that that take that okay there we go you're dad buddy you're dad buddy okay there we go just like that and we're slow no life frood is slow and you're low that's bad still got to go oh my God bro this can't be real I'm getting clapped up here guys this is not funny anymore I'm dying so often we're stealing my bounty they're stealing my bounty can't let this happen I can't let this happen come on how is that hit box so crazy like go okay die die come on you got to die bro you got to die okay one more one more come on one more one more and we're not going to get hit come on please bro take that okay easy oh you missed buddy you miss buddy oh you kind of didn't miss but take dead you're dead you're dead here we go here we go Quest completed and now I'm pretty sure we're not going to get hit anymore so going to try it right now come on let's see Marine Captain are you going to be able to hit me oh they're still hitting me how how oh wait because it's swords swords can always hit or what oh my god really dude I forgot about that wait actually no because these also have swords wait what I need even more levels than that like that's crazy well I guess we need level 9 or 20 and then we can't get hit anymore we need 20 levels of both the like level NPC that's kind of crazy no I guess that's going to do it okay go over here hit that one boom bada beam bada boom easy okay just like that Quest completed and now we should be able to get no damage come on there's no way they still do damage there's no way come on let's see come on please wait is that because they have hacky on is that wait do they have hocky on it seems like he does have hockey on yeah what dude there's no way bro they're cheating guys they're they're literally cheating I don't believe this oh my God okay just like that new Quest there go there you go now we can fight Vegeta actually Vegeta is going to give so much more levels than now okay let's see let's see let's see we go to Vegeta there you go and hopefully it's here hopefully it's here and they can probably still hit us right yeah they can still hit us yeah that's because they have Hy like that's so annoying but guys that's no problem cuz Vegeta is about to get clapped look at this guy look at this guy thinks he's stop huh you think you have gravity fruit that you think you funny with that exactly you're going to die buddy you're going to die buddy oh my God okay wait I actually didn't prepare hold on chill chill chill where you at where you oh he's right here oh my God I dodged that I dodged that on M1 M1 M1 okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God y chill bro almost one shot me just like that now fly away fly away fly away oh my God oh my God that's almost a one shot that's almost a one shot that's almost a one sh okay wait wa get away get away got to get away bro this guy is strong okay come on oh no oh no no no no no oh my get away get away get away get away from me bro get away from me one shot her come on okay take that I think we're doing good come on stay away bro stay away dead okay no no oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead wait I'm alive I'm I'm alive I'm alive no oh no we're on time though we're on time I think he's like he's still low he's still low come on come on wait wait I can't even attack him wait on just like that take that where's he at oh he's right there he's right there come on oh my God there we go there we go there we go just like that just like that we got him that just gave us like four levels or something that's pretty good that was harder than I expected we need 20 levels and then we can roll for another food but I don't really want to roll for another fruit cuz light fruit is so good just like that come on come on last one last one last one okay here we go level 950 new Quest available now where do we got to go okay graveyard Island where is that where oh that's there okay that's going to be easier because every NPC is like close up on each other so it's going to be so much easier okay let's go to fly there because obviously we have life Fruit but wait we got to change fruits okay we got to change fruits right there cuz like changing fruits like we got to still like travel so hopefully we're not going to get a bad fruit cuz if I get a bad fruit I don't what I'll do okay but let's see before we caim the quest let's roll the wheel all right guys as you can see here we got the wheel one again okay and is it going to bless us or is it going to go the wrong way well we're about to find out come on please bro please please pleas please please wait Dragon again guys we cannot buy dragon okay Dragon is going to go up the list we cannot get dragon okay come on let's spin it again come on please please please please come on please please please please oh my God portal yes yes come on oh my God got portal we got portal we got portal that is actually really good guys because we can teleport guys it is a little bit of roox and I don't think I have that much robox okay let see do I have any wait where's portal where's Port 2,000 Robux let's see do we have Robo and don't Robo guys please like the video okay I'm buying all these SPM fruits literally this account is going to go to you guys so yeah guys that's why like that we got permanent portal oh my God look at that look at that look at that that's another 2,000 Robux there you go and I just got it okay there you go let's equip it and oh we have is Portal Dash wait doesn't even do damage I forgot wait does it does it does it let's see it does it does okay we're Gucci we're Gucci it's going to take so long to kill this NPC wait wait we more NPCs we need more NPCs come on you come here you come here hcky on Boom can I hit more NPC I can only hit one no no oh my God this might be hard guys this might be hard come on um okay like that come on can I hit both no we can't we can only hit one it's going to be hard guys okay come on die die die can that okay look at that Mastery coming in look at that Mastery coming in oh my god oh my god let's go and we still don't have enough for second ability no guys we need like the next ability wait that's not even doing damage oh this is going to be bad this is hard want like that okay new ability but this one does not do damage right yeah it doesn't do damage wait what okay this is bad this is bad my M1 also doesn't do damage guys my M1 does not do damage next ability does do damage is like 100 Master stre this is going to be hard just like that okay another like six masteries come on we need to be oh come on my quest my quest I need to okay hold on I need to any Quest Zombies bro I'm not even doing this with quests like what am I doing come on die buddy die buddy guys I don't know what else we can do to do like more damage or something but like I I guess this all we can do right now just like that another more Master come on how much how much come on okay 90 90 okay 10 more Mastery guys 10 more Mastery come on okay come on let's zombie for The Quest come on okay here we go Quest completed that's well okay we still need a lot more Mastery cuz just like that okay 97 97 97 come on come on one more come on 99 oh my God 99 99 oh my God one more one more one more I need to do my quest hold on I forgot to get my quest where is my quest don't don't attack me yo yo chill yo buddy freak you zombie freak you if you have ever grinded with portal fruit I have mad respect for you because um this is hard guys this is very hard okay come on okay finally new skill available look at that look at that look at that and now we can do this like f can make an infinite like damage to like look at this okay come on no wait wait wait okay there we go wait he's not doing it okay wait chill chill chill chill yo yo yo yo yo yo buddy buddy buddy buddy there we go and he's dead look at that sometimes easier first try do it I'm doing it wrong hold on so like here come here come here buddy wait hello come here there you go and then like that and I'm pretty sure it's not working okay it's not working it's not I don't know what I'm doing come on die already bro there we go how do I make an infinite forgot that I think like that wait hold on like that wait maybe like that it's going to um maybe hello hello come on the jump okay yo buddy you're not dying bro there you go guys I've been grinding so for so long for so long and I'm still at Mastery 150 like what the heck is going on bro this is impossible like people who grind with portal you guys are legends you guys are legends like this is so hard I think I need to wait for a boss or something but like guys we can because this is a series and it's a challenge so [Music] so dooo at grinding like this must be the worst possible like way of grinding I'm not going cap okay so basically you have these abilities which um I'm not going to lie um they don't even attack like zombies come here it is hard okay to grind with portal like this is okay come on die at least come on take that exactly but we got to find a better way right or is this the best way we can do I don't know okay yeah obviously I missed okay come on get in my portal bro get him it's way too far from each other hold on I got to like it closer or something why just like that I think like that right I think that okay there you go there you okay guys we still don't have Mastery 200 so we're not going to be able to teleport I'm not going to cap like oh um my bad this is annoying bro I'm not going to lie this is painful okay this is painful like oh my God bro yo I'm still getting attacked okay there you go die bro that's where you belong you're grave zombies like you don't you're not supposed to be alive bro like that okay wait oh wait that's pretty cool in the wall okay take that oh boom okay and we can't even attack both of these with a z like that's kind of annoying but come on okay any these portals get in there bro get in there bro come on all in there there you go Quest completed okay now we can fight the vampires as well not too bad not too shabby okay we're going fast today guys I just got a new method I just got a new method of grinding I so basically what we got to do is grab this zombie come here zombie you as well we got to at least have two zombies because otherwise we're not going to have enough okay come on come on please come here what are you doing why are you lying on the ground okay maybe three actually come on three and then just portal and then hold your Z ability hold your Z ability look at that op you going fly look at that yo that's insane bro that's op that's what I call Easy grinding look at it bro what is he doing yo zombie was on his head standing oh okay yo block youall got to chill with these NPCs cuz they be Wilding okay I don't know what's happening but just like that the trick is working every single time look at that look at that yeah just walk in the portal bro just walk in it and you're dead buddy we're almost level 1,000 but I don't think we're going to unlock the next ability so don't about that one let's go and claim the next Quest right there there you go and zombie got to die bro guys what is this guy typing what the heck wow level up me is God so wait what isy that so glitch it's like bog bro what what is the gy saying what is this guy saying does it find like a good me wait wait wait wait what how let me let me say how bro bro what does this guy let me say where are you guys let me say where are you where's this guy at how is he leveling up quickly what the heck guys I want to know because obviously we're in a n Pro like maybe he got some tricks for me I don't even know we got to like we got to go back probably we got to go back hold on let me get let me go boat there we go Miracle easy oh wait wait maybe maybe our room is at the Kingdom Rose okay easy easy let's see where is he at Cafe okay he's at a cafe wait what wait he's leveling at a cafe what does he meanit this guy is SAU gu very very sus wonder what this guyy saying I don't even know what this guy is saying let me check let me check is he is he right here oh oh he's right here my he's okay hello hi let me ask you you know how to level fast because oh he has the midnight blade okay he has the midnight blade I think I think he knows what he's doing you know accessories on guys what the heck like I even got an accessory on like this guy might be full off crash but I'm wasting my time or something yes I'm level 2,000 can I check no I can't even Che may he is level 2,000 I don't even know I don't believe this guy level 2,000 like what how can he even show me let me say Okay teach me teach me okay guys we got to go quick okay we got to go quick we don't have time because my two times the XP booster is running so this guy's just wasting my time bro look at his head what is going on with this Avatar okay this guy is okay wait let's see H what is he saying just teach me already like what is this guy waiting for okay I am going soon quick okay okay okay quick okay oh we can do it quick okay okay it says first where where's this going where's this okay hold on hold Y what you doing going through the secret passage or what collect this chest okay we got to collect the chest okay there you go wait what is this guys saying why am I collecting chests what am I collecting chests for like this chest now this one okay let let me do this one as well so wait wait he was typing like it's a glitch or something in the chat wait wait maybe this a glitch hold on let's see I still don't believe this guy this gu is probably like faking but I'm just going to go along with it because I I want to see what he okay now go to me okay now now we got to follow this guy where is he going and what is this guy goofy walk that he has okay I don't even know wait wait why was he so fast why why is he so fast running can we attack him can we attack him let's see is he actually level 2,000 he let me see me see see um maybe he's wait he has a lot of HP what the heck he's getting clapped up though kill this okay wait wait let me kill him let me kill him okay we got to kill him right now come on wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm almost dying hold on chill chill just like that come on we got to kill this guy we got to kill this guy boom okay wait oh my God I'm almost dead I'm almost dead no no no no come on go okay we go we got him we got him we got him okay okay got him where we going right now guys thisy is so full of crap he say go follow see we got to follow this guy where is this guy going like I I want to beat him up I want to beat him should we attack I'm not going to attack him never mind why is he so fast look at him look at him run what doesn't even have pilot hel on like okay this guy is way too quick okay where does he going is going to zolas what type this mean what do you mean type this slash God luck okay wait wait wa wait slash SL go there I I Ted it I tped it I typed it now what we got to do now wait what okay now roll Roots okay now we got to roll why would why why am I rolling a fruit I'm I want to level up bro okay wait let me ask me real quick is this even for level like like what is going on yes this is the trick okay this guys okay I I don't know what this guys let me just roll a fruit okay I don't know why maybe like we have to do it fast come on okay H okay I rolled the fruit I got a chop fruit that's that's terrible now what Like I Roll the food and now where's my levels at okay follow me um okay now now what you going to do bro like what are you going bro okay where's he going bro where are you going like I'm just like trying to level up okay okay he's like going this way come on I just saw this sh for why why am I going with the sh FR guys we got to level up like what isy this guy is like bring me something going right over here wait is he going to the secret room oh he's going to the secret room I think oh oh open it wait what was that oh wait you got like a crazy fighting sty okay and now we're here he says collect chests okay uh now I need go to collect the chest okay there you go collect chest okay wait what do you mean yo oh my God bro he has awakened boot what is he doing wait the troll okay I just di with my chop FR bro why did he do that why did he do that bro what is this guy doing what the he's running he's running away yo chill hey hey hey you got to pay like what is this guy doing guys I I would okay wait can I even oh my God bro come here buddy come here buddy wait can I can I attack him come on oh my God wait I don't even have PVP he looks way stronger than me though guys I don't think we can attack him Oho this guy just trolled me I got to troll him back somehow time to troll him back okay it's time to it's time to thrw him back okay oh my God I got kid soon oh my I don't know if it's going to believe me I got to throw him back guys it's time to return to my grinding okay wait wait this guy saying oh my God can I see let me say no let me say no he actually believes that though what the heck that's so stupid like why why would he believe that that I want offer please I want it bro this guy is so stupid first trolls me and kills me like he's wasting my time guys I we got to level up give oh he's saying give to me like what I'm not giving him a kid soon even if I had one I would never give it to him we're going to continue grinding guys I hope he doesn't like look for me because I I said I have a kidu maybe maybe he's going to like look for the whole map I don't think he's going to do that okay I don't think he's going to do that K like eight more zombies and I'm probably going to be level 1,000 we could roll new fruit cuz just like that come on come on come on new skope available wait we got it we got it we got it oh my God there we go just like that new Quest available as well and we're up to level 1,000 means we unlock the new title Adventurer oh we're a real Adventurer there you go and we can teleport anywhere we want now guys wouldn't be cheating if we use that while we're grinding with other fruits and we have to go to different Islands about that one because we're not really technically using it for like grinding so I think it's fine but comment down below and now it's time to roll another fruit we got to get a good one all guys as you can see we have the wheel we're about to spin it now you better give me a good fruit come on please bro please you got to give me something good right give me at Le something with some good attacks all right please like I beg you um pain fruit really what I guess we're grinding with spin fruits like what we have a Robux for that 75 Robux what that's like the second fruit let's see oh um we have enough okay well guys 75 robox rip and then we have only 40 left oh my god well guys there you go we got spin fruit what even do we have like what is this fruit good for okay we got this that's not too terrible I guess what the heck that's actually pretty decent but it does reload quite long uh at least we have to wait at least we can like attack multiple people which is really good actually so kill some MPCs we can get the next ability like that come on come on Zombies die die die okay I think this going to be definitely harder or maybe easier than portal I think it's going to be maybe easier actually we do have like stun abilities okay there we go just like that oh look at that Mastery coming in that is so satisfying we have 45 now we got the next one does this one do damage okay it does not do damage come on next zombie Next Zombie die there we go we got a new skill that's tornado assault see what it is um it's like oh I don't um I don't about that one maybe if the NPCs are like against the wall that see is it is like that like that maybe it's a combo wait hold on like that I mean kind of it's not really the best though need more NPCs though we need more NPCs oh wait I don't even have my quest on a I mean I guess it doesn't really matter let me let me grab my quest grab my quest first let me grab my quest come on zombies here you go all right come here zombies there you go stun easy easy come on and now this ooh I like that okay that was better that was way better she got to aim it right NPCs come along boys come along we going to do something fun come on guys come on we're going to do something fun of course yeah exactly right here no psych psych you thought we're do something fun exactly we're going to just literally beat y'all up y are crazy once again there you go stun them up then tornado assault y' are dead there you go we still need five more Mastery going get that right here I hope that's five let see come on spin is actually not that bad I think it's even better than portal I'm not going to lie it just feels better grinding hey there we go just like that new skillable and another skill that we can do damage with let's see air slasher oh that's great oh that's going to be good now on to the next Island which is Snow Mountain where is that anyway got enough levels for this episode like And subscribe if you want this account
Channel: Seer
Views: 779,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, fruit, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, soul guitar, god human, seerrblx
Id: YPNA4_jYWcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 20sec (9020 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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