Blox Fruits Noob to Max WITH ONLY GUNS

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this is a brand new level one BL rots account and today I will grind it up all the way to Next Level using only guns yeah that's right guns only the worst possible weapon in Blox fruits and it's the only thing I'm allowed to use in combat except for maybe the beginning right now I can unlock the first gun if I have 5,000 shonis and there we go first Quest completed hold on a second there is exactly five of them so I can just make one Quicky group boom got to enjoy the melee combat as long as I can soon I won't be able to use it anymore hey no no no no no don't steal them there are my Bandits sneaky sneaky you managed to steal one of them it was a group of five hey I can by the way go to the Jungle let me immediately do that I mean the quests over there pay more money and we need 5,000 for the first gun let's start beating up some monkey I mean beating up how much does this Quest pay me 800 a few of these quests and we unlock the first gun first Quest completed oh and I think I immediately unlocked the gorilla Quest as well and here goes the last mhm 5,000 macaronis yes finally weapon dealer give me that slingshot throw all those remaining step points and gun as well and look at it we unlocked our first gun how much is the musket going to cost me 8,000 because not only do I have to get the max level with Just Guns I also have to unlock every single one of them as well it's time to suffer and now the real challenge starts so far I've been putting all my stat points into this literally still deals zero damage all right let's last one and now we can do The Monkey King Quest even more points into gun yeah there's nothing you can do against me slingshot too strong oh you cannot walk over here how unfortunate guess there is nothing to do about it and what just happened where did he go homie is gone oh there he is he respawned with full HP okay apparently I can't let him stand still for too long and he's dead the first 625 Bounty back to mindlessly grinding gorillas and there we go level 30 is this pointing towards middl town I want to unlock a new gun slingshot ain't doing it for me man speaking of gun let me put those stat points in there yeah give me that musket purchase surely this will be better than the slingshot all right let's take a look what the musket is all about ooh it does doal way more damage only downside is it shoots way slower boom it's only like six shots or so can't wait until I get the Mastery to 20 anyway I guess I'll be doing this until we unlock the next Quest give me the Flint knock wait a second it does less damage than the musket yeah brutes so much fun I will unlock my first ability soon can't wait oh there we go disabling shot let's see what that's all about all right well I guess I'll see you guys at level 50 oh wait this doesn't even unlock Bobby yet I still got to go five more levels bro time for another boss battle Bobby should be pretty easy he doesn't really have anything on me I can just keep shooting him from a distance yeah try to do something oh boom fighting Bobby is way faster than defeating the Broods I'm going to just keep doing this to level up and that's another Bobby down ooh we unlocked a new Quest as well but before we go there I can do my first blockx fruit GAA as well now I may not be allowed to use it in combat but a quicky kits in it would still be very useful for the Fast Travel Diamond fruit oh this actually kind of sucks now I got to defeat eight MPCs again for one Quest all right Quest is completed I'm going back to Bobby yeah this is where I should be right with my good friend Bobby over here reunited at last I'm getting too high level here look at that I'm not even going up one full level for a quest now desert officers yes I'll defeat six of them if I just get a group of three and Kaboom you just got to do that twice and the quest is done bada bing bada bang Frozen Village at last give me a little bit of that air jump yes thank you very much how about a little bit of Aura then why don't we learn flesh step as well at level 105 I can start power forming the buz again hey we made it to monery level 50 didn't even notice it yet what do we have bro that's a tornado wait wait wait wait wait let me try that again we got a little group over here Bo does that deal a lot of damage I think it only did 200 damage dude it's not that special now let's see how hard the yeti is going to be it shouldn't be a problem right yeah I could just guide him out what is a little yeti going to do against my musket here we go and we go three levels up right away God damn and there goes another Yeti a Yeti is almost down here wait maybe I can still get some XP off of it come on please man no it went back up we got to run we got to run we got to wrong wait can I kill him whoops hey sorry man my Yeti wait where is the yeti oh there it is yes I'm pretty sure I just ruined someone's day mhm new Quest available baby I think it's about time we go to the next Island can to buy guns here oh yeah look at that refined slingshot 30,000 let me purchase refined Flint knock as well and then lastly the cannon this is going to make everything so much easier already Mastery level 29 all right let me group all of these dudes up and boom the cannon ising amazing wiping squats over here bro look at that oh and we unlock the first ability show me some of the alpha wave holy okay okay okay I think I can get used to this we can defeat the F Admiral I'm going to test to refine Flint knock for this one but that doesn't even deal that much damage ooh it does shoot quite fast so even though I don't have any ability yet holy okay I don't have enough energy to keep dashing around there we go and we have a new Quest available towards the Skylands we go H this man doesn't even use guns yeah there you go buddy that's what you get uh-oh he's back he doesn't look happy hey he hey those are my NPCs stop with that give me that yep thank you and now we got to do that like a 100 times over again it's time again come on give me something so I can travel fast spin fruit homie is trying to kill me in the meantime hey chill brother he trying to steal my boat I won't let that happen he's over there right now watch him closely I believe if I buy a new one that one should Des yeah there he goes man I hope he drowns and we arrived at the prison firstly prisoners dangerous prisoners wait these are even standing further apart from each other this goofy looking boss you know what I'm going to give the refined Flint knocker try look at that damage isn't that crazy 550 per shot our gun going to stay this bad the entire time cuz not going to lie this kind of sucky sucky bro here we go last shot oh yeah all right got to do this a few more times and then we unlock the chief Warden until then this is pretty easy I I could just permanent hey who the hell you think you are man stealing my goddamn Warden I did still get points for no he kill me again I'm not giving up until I kill him at least once enable PVP he left hey I did get a bounty for him leaving and I obtained my very first accessory yes very nice does this make the guns stronger ooh yeah I almost deal 600 damage now per shot before it was 550 Hey sir please don't steal my bus okay he did steal my bus wait can I shoot him yeah you did I PvP off and also the chief Warden can't to these guys literally don't have abilities I can just keep kiting them there we go and here goes another Chief Warden mhm made it to 240 it's time to take out Swan this man has abilities right he could probably one- shot me yeah look at that it wasn't a one shot though I can still gu him out over here and there we go go baby 6,000 Bounty for you boy I'll probably unlock the next Island soon as well but I think I want to keep grinding at this dude I mean at least until I get the cape maybe right now no no new Cape yet and he's almost down ooh pink Cod God damn do we deal more damage than 650 I think that was more damage dude 669 right easy I decided to keep leveling here I mean there's three bosses which results in a very nice XP yes okay enough is enough the XP gain is getting too low bro in the meantime I'm already level 320 anyway on to the magma village where I should be able to unlock my next gun as well o unlock the new ability rapid gun let's take a look oh I see it shoots like three shots but all three of them don't deal that much damage and we completed the quest 30 more levels and then it's back to boss farming anyway with all the abilities unlocked you actually defeat these dudes pretty quickly wa look at this One Shot Two Shots three four four and finish it off with number five well it's only a few seconds mhm new Quest available oh no he's also fighting the military spies hey sorry man I had to do it these are my military spies bro oh he's back hey chill buddy chill put the aura on where is he that's one shot come on hit him quickly yeah there we go damn it is kind of hard to aim with the gun or at least when someone's jumping around like that just leave me alone please boom I don't think he's going to leave me alone man at last level 350 magma moral it gives 3 million XP neutral does this work oh yeah 20 minutes of Double XP I haven't put my stat points on anything yet cuz I don't really remember what abilities this dude has if it's a rough one I might need some extra HP otherwise I'm going to just put it all into gun again bro he's already dead there we go didn't get the new gun though but I went up four levels from this apparently he has a 10% chance of dropping the refined musket so maybe give me that gun right away no okay oh look at all those levels though oh my God but I had to continue until I unlocked it and oh did it take a lot of [Music] attempts oh my God finally after more than 40 rounds oh yes look at this beauty refined musket oh yeah that's beautiful very very beautiful we can already move on to the Skylands but I'm first going to go to the underwater city all right let me just do one of all these quests I mean I need to level up the refined musket anyway oh and look at those Mastery levels coming in I probably won't stay here for a long time since I can already move on to the The Sky Islands but I can't skip the beautiful underw city man it's one of my favorite places of the first sea it's beautiful here boom there we go the big fish boss man oh holy okay if he hits me I'm immediately dead there we go easy hey there's someone else over here you want to join in on the boss battle got to attack him quickly dude if you don't deal any damage you won't get any hey oh you're going to regret that buddy got to shoot him down oh he's flying away and there we go shot him right out of the air yeah that's what you get buddy we made it all the way up to level 500 already so that means we can now do the whisper quest which has a small chance of dropping a bazooka yeah you heard that correctly man a goddamn bazooka boom bazooka by the way don't know exactly what to drop chances but um I'm going to just keep doing this until I get it just like the refined musket come on please bazooka angel wings that's not what I'm looking for let me by the way try and find another one of those codes there we go another 20 minutes of Double XP now all I need is a bazooka ooh bazooka hell yeah we got it oh that was pretty quickly as well God damn we also unlocked the next Quest bro look at the explosion on this thing this will be hella good if I need to take out full groups although I'm not sure if it's good for Boss Battles though oh and look at those monery levels go up okay let's see got a few grouped up over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is definitely how you use the Bazooka we can immediately move on to the next Quest Royal soldiers o they do have abilities okay it's kind of annoying you can by the way also up upgrade your guns for instance if I upgrade the refined musket over here it deals 20% extra damage to do so we'll first need 10 fish deals and 10 scrap metal as well and we upgrade the refined musket look at that 20% extra damage 1940 damage I believe it did 1,600 before H new Quest available oh yeah we can go to the Fountain City now this my wanted poster look at that sexy beast over there very beautiful he is Yeah Boy the very last island of the first sea there we go first Quest completed B piso wait isn't that the same ability that I already had on a previous gun yeah bro it's the tornado it's the goddamn tornado I mean I'll still take it having two abilities is better than one but is it too much to ask for something new and the quest is completed bringing us to the final BS of the first SE can I beat this boss oh God let me put those 39 points in defense and I I guess I just have to stay at a very safe distance few more shots and he's down oh God and I'm almost down as well there we go got him went up four levels from this now give me your glasses nope I don't like how close he is to me hey did he just fart on me and now I'm dead yo that's very disrespectful bro still no glasses hey man I'm going to continue until I get the glasses I need those glasses use one shot glasses n still no glasses must get glasses whatever the cost level 700 if I wanted to I could leave the first C now congratulations for reaching level 700 ready to go to next World talk to detective at prison yeah but bro listen the glasses man I'm telling you I need those glasses finally we did it man we got the glasses now isn't that the best thing you've ever seen looking fresh as boy with the shades I deal 2341 all right and now with the pain code 2424 wait so you're telling me it was all useless the shades aren't even good we first need to talk to this guy blah blah blah blah blah yes as you can see we now have a key in our inventory with that key we can go right through here oh and there he is man eyes Admiral this might be a rough fight I mean it's quite a small room he's in and I don't know how much damage he deals however what I do know is that I doal a lot of damage bro look at his HP man is going down so fast oh bro he doesn't he doesn't deal any damage that did 300 to me all right buddy one more shot bada bing bada blah blah blah blah blah and now we just speak to the experience captain and we made it to the second sea now back to grinding first quest of the second sea defeat eight Raiders should be no problemo I got this ye him up shoot him midair okay I missed oo I that hit a little Wombo Combo right there last NPC and I think we can immediately move on to another Quest wait mercenaries are over here I suppose yep yep yep yep yep can I try to shoot a midair easy a it's kind of satisfying not going to lie all right guess I'll just grind this quest for a little bit level 750 here we go let's defeat Diamond I can't die here I'll probably respawn way too far away so we do have to be careful although I don't think this is a hard boss just have to stay at safe distance and we should be all right hey there's another dude over here what's up Noah don't mind me bro I'm just defeating the boss over here what was he saying I was getting the quest question mark what are you talking about no he is literally one shot please don't heal yes there we go we defeated diamond we went four levels up from that maybe now I can finally get a fruit that allows me to travel fast bomb fruit useless what do you have for sale no I need light wait a second you can travel fast with L as well right should I buy it I bought it I did it please tell me I can travel with this no it's Flamingo ride and since I can't use blockx fruits in combat it's completely useless great just wasted 1.3 million yeah bro look at this I got to travel all the way over here to accept the quest and then all the way back again to fight the actual boss and look at that the bus isn't even up no way that this is the most efficient grinding here we go another four levels up yeah this is the last time I'm doing this we'll just go back to the other Quest there we go she's down though oh yeah this is so much better NPC's nicely placed next to the quest Giver like it should be Swan Pirates Yeah Boy And boom mhm first Quest completed by the way can't wait until a factory raid starts you can get a gun called the aium Rival from that new Quest div ailable open your compies menu to find next Island let me pull out the refined musket for this one let's see if we can beat this dude I mean I'm pretty sure at some point I will struggle with the bosses but so far it hasn't been hard yet especially when you got all the space to just guide him he ain't never getting close to me there we go already defeated M can I server Hub this yeah boy I mean once I get here it's pretty easy the problem is traveling here just do far apart from each other bro I swear to you if she's not up I'm going to lose my she's gone yeah she's not a here we'll go back to swamp Pirates I don't care finally new Quest available we can go to the green zone Marine lieutenants let me actually see what the refined slingshot is like I mean I'm not expecting much over here but we do have 2,000 points into gun right now yeah this ain't really doing it for me man although I should probably unlock all the abilities before I stash it away forever here we go we unlocked it explosive pallet I mean it's decent I guess but I do feel it's about time we pull out the refined musket again look full 900 let's go baby Marine Captain wait we got to defeat nine of these dudes they literally make me fight more of them do I pull out the Bazooka for this one might have to just do that you know yeah this is probably the way to go look at that five at once easy although I do have to wait for them to respawn now oh and there they are again come come come my friends create a nice little group yes and boom oh yeah level 925 which brings us to fita uh-oh what is he doing oh I don't like that I do not like that at all please stop doing that why don't I hit another midair shot on you look at this okay he should be one shot there we go oh and he dropped the gravity gain what even is that oh yeah another one of those items I'm not allowed to use uh-oh I completely forgot about the Coliseum quest line I have to complete this if I want to get race fee 2 later on at some point I'm going to need a fruit worth over 1 million as well so uh maybe right now give me something good please Falcon wait hold on a second you can fly with Falcon right wait wait wait wait wait let me eat that can I fly H what is this no you need to be level 20 to fly all right 50 swamp Pirates and we get race Fe to Quest completed baby great work now for their leader find and defeat Jeremy the spring spring user blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I got to go to the Coliseum now right uh-oh Factory breach we'll do the code later I need to get an acidum rival I don't even have to deal the most damage just a little damage to the point where I get X should be enough let's start shooting this thing the downside of a gun is that it shoots very very slowly oh all right I mean I did get XP sadly didn't get the idium rifle though anyway back to the code where is the F there it is obtained warrior helmet and with that we have completed the Coliseum quest which means we can now get race fee too we got to collect three flowers uh-huh and that's the blue flower now we have the red one third flower can drop from these dudes only downside is as soon as I die I lose all the other flowers oh there is a dude over here no no no no no leave me alone why as soon as I have two flowers someone shows up is he still here all right it seems quiet over here I think he's gone oh there we go look at my inventory there we go your rise has evolved and look at my dashes oh yeah that's beautiful way more Mobility already besides that I don't even know what race V2 does do I deal more damage now nope I have no idea anyway we did it baby we got race V2 are you guys seeing the same thing I'm seeing Yeah Boy 24 hours of Double XP level 1,000 let's get back to the cafe it's time to get race fee three come on please I need a fruit that's worth over 1 million come on baby spin fruit oh god wow this nice gentleman with exactly the same name as mine just gave me a lot of fruit whatever you do do not eat the fruit no no no no no I accidentally clicked on eating no oh what have I done Don Swan where are you my friend there we go secret NPC unlocked oh God I got someone after me he's probably not happy that I stole Don Swan from him please stop following me now I can go into this room and here I should be able to unlock race fee 3 hey it's the same guy with the big sword my hunted me down over the entire map talk to me again once you defeat Jeremy faita and Diamond let's go baby I got to pay 2 million as well bro I just kind of kept clicking I didn't even read it but now we do have Last Resort which is kind of useless so back to grinding it is and we made it to 1,050 let's take a look winter Warriors I don't think I think this is the most efficient Quest and you got to defeat nine of these as well I don't think I'm going to grind this one I think we're going back to the first one yeah this ain't it dude I mean you practically got the same amount of XP from them anyway uh-oh I almost have my gun maxed out I don't like that man cuz that means from that point the guns won't deal any more damage which sucks finally new Quest available hey you can just stand somewhere in the middle over here and then just take out all the NPCs from a distance look at this this is hella efficient and we take out this this dude and then the last one is right over there boom boom Oh the midair shot easy now one of the guns you can buy in the secondy costs 1,500 fragments and uh small problem I have zero I can Farm fragments by doing raids but I am going to need other people here as well who want join easy fragment raids I host come on please tell me someone's falling for it a gun is completely useless during raids let's go I found two other people that joined in little do they know that I'm going to be absolutely useless I mean I'm using gun over here man it's kind of hard to hit bazooka shots not going to lie could be a skill issue I don't know 972 fragments you know what it's more than enough we did get a little less than 1,000 because we took too long but I one more raid and I can buy the Kucha let's go I can't see the boss but I'm shooting there we go 1,000 fragments easy you know what that means sir would you like to take my slingshot for500 yes look at his Beauty I've never used this before Oh my God it's literally a slingshot I thought he was joking the Kucha has a sling shot ooh the Kucha is kind of good dude oh look at all those levels going up did I just see that correctly I'm off slingshot dealing 15500 damage per shot what's up smoke Admiral have you heard about the Kaba it is literally the best gun ever look at this there's nothing you can do there we go baby new Quest available we made it all the way to level 1,200 already anyway are these NPCs going to be hard nah it ain't no problem no problem for my slingshot over here o this could be it bro this could literally be it wait I kind of need PVP cool down hey portal brosi do it yes good job good job good job got to be fast I'm definitely not going to deal the most damage here but I just need enough damage to get XP and the aium Rival come on please aium rival n man still not I've done so many Factory breaches already all right well we're here anyway let me do a quicky block fruit gotcha ooh white fruit hold on a minute I'm eating it there we go flight ability n Man level 10 so useless I can't level it up oh well back to leveling I guess new Quest available and after 1250 levels we arrive at the GST ship I'll be able to unlock another gun here but we first need to collect 25 ectoplasm would you like to trade 25 ectoplasm for bizor rival yes please man thank you very much kind of just looks exactly the same as the other Rivals how does it shoot oo it shoots with blue lasers hey man the refined musket literally deals more per shot this should be the last MPC though yep that we go new Quest available hot seeking shot now this better be a good ability man otherwise I'm throwing away the bizarre rival was that it why is there no one here uhoh I see someone coming hey man let me do this one alone all I'm asking for is a simple aium rifle yes item drop aium rifal look at this bro I shoot with fors right now and look at how much damage it deals this means I've officially unlocked every single gun from the first and the second sea so onto the third sea we go n man Please Don't Steal the NPCs you know what I'll just go to this side oh no the Buddha fruit user is coming back he stole it he stole it Buddha fruit user in my ride oh yeah sure yeah take this one as well take everything I have do you want the aium rifal take that as well it ladies and gentlemen we arrived at the ice castle this island is kind of beautiful it's always the same with Buddha users man oh Buddha users so bad Buddha users so bad can't do nothing against gun oh he has his PVP on again bad idea my friend very very bad idea dead again how unfortunate he's kind of fast this round not going to lie uh-oh yeah he's catching up with me he's catching up with me GG get clapped it's finally time for another bus battle wait is that him that's him D I was about to say he's not up but homie was just hiding in a corner somewhere oh yeah this should be an easy but uhoh I man I didn't say anything please don't ever do that again and there we go baby wait what do I do with the library key oh hello yeah no new Quest available but does that mean we actually go to the next Island no no I'm going to keep farming the boss here until I know he already took the boss out there we go at least I got a little bit of a bounty anyway I'm going to keep farming the boss here until we unlock the BS of the next Island oh God he's back yes there we go and onto the Forgotten Island we go the very last island of the second sea one small problem this is by far the hardest B here I me look at how tanky he is uhoh and he on the SE Beast oh no man not like this please I'm pretty sure I'm going to die here wait can the Sea Beast reach me from here oh yeah you can definitely reach me off holy this boss is hard at least this HP didn't reset you ain't got nothing on me baby there we go oh and we immediately got the dragon Trident as well and even the water key I mean I don't care for Shark Man Kung Fu but that's pretty correct dud let's try and do the regular Quest now Mystic droplet what the hell is a Mystic droplet yeah this account is now officially higher level than my main account so from this point on everything is kind of new to me man there we go first Quest already completed this is definitely faster than the boss battle level 15500 baby congratulations for reaching level 1500 ready to go to the next World save and talk to NPC jty Coliseum yes whatever that message said since I haven't been here in a while why don't you give me a little bit of random fruit ooh very nice chop fruit yes is it even possible to beat Indra with a gun only we're about to find out come on bring me there yeah boy all right get me to the th C buddy enough is enough I've seen everything there is to see in the second C it's about time he does have quite a lot of HP but you only have to get him to half right yeah I think a cut scene yeah there we go wow such an epic cut scene can I skip it skip boring now we just have to talk to Mr captain and welcome to the third sea look at how beautiful it is here we start off with millionaire Pirates you do really start to notice right now that guns aren't that good I mean it takes quite a few shots to take out one simple NPC yeah boy, 1550 the first boss of the third sea hey he's lagging this man is using lag strategy oh God apparently he has range the Texs as well come on man just die there we go I'm going to be honest kind of annoying bus here we go again second round oh Pilot helmet okay is this a good accessory for guns well please baby pilot helmet nah man it sucks holy look at how fast I am though my God ooh that does make it a very cool accessory but I am afraid I need to gun damage Dragon crew Warrior what's going on over here uh are you good bro come on stop stop stop stop stop there we go I hit him ah I want to go back to the millionaire Pirates man millionaire Pirates were way more fun than this yeah boy there we go new Quest available what even is the new Quest Dragon crew Archer yes it sounds very interesting I'm going to go back to the millionaire Pirates though couldn't be bothered look at this epic fight going on over here yeah that's definitely not annoying when I'm just trying to Farm NPCs oh yeah that's the last one ooh if I'm 50 levels higher I can also get a new gun the island Empress can drop the serpent bow no no no no no no no stop stop doing this giant Islander Quest defeat eight giant Islanders yes wait are these giant Islanders I mean she do be looking kind of chunky oh yeah of course yeah take my bounty bro no problem third sea is actual hell what's up giant Islander I think moto moto likes you after this NPC is one once again boss battle time and let me tell you it's not any boss battle Island Empress which has a small chance of dropping the serent bow finally a new gun uh-oh she uses law fruit o and she do be looking kind of tanky too uh-oh and she's so low do not heal whatever you do yes there we go she didn't heal serpent bow please doesn't look like a serpent bow round two I do hope I get it somewhat quickly I mean this boss is so tanky should be the last shot serpent bow no still no serpent bow I mean the drop rate is probably like 10 or 5% or something but I need to get it quickly this should be it come on give me the bow still no bow give me the bow yes serpent bow there we go oh my God beautiful I'm never going back to that bus again to the chunky Islanders we go ooh this bow kind of goes hard man wait so how much damage is that for a shot let me just do one shot it kind of has the same effect as the idium Rival but then it deals less damage per shot but you can shoot way faster we unlocked the first ability poison blast let's have a look oh okay that looked kind of cracked serpent bow op oh yeah level 1700 where do we go fight the NPC at the gr tree damn that does look like a giant tree Marine commodor okay are these hard please don't tell me you guys have fancy abilities yeah it should be no problem he was there not an NPC over here what did the brosi go he's over here why are you running we can now defeat the kilo Admiral oh no once again a boss with so much HP we'll probably have to go back to doing the regular quests after this there we go serpent bow Mastery 2501 okay let's see what that snake bind is all about just wait for the damage counter to be gone and snake bind wait what it was exactly the same ability as poisonous blast right but then instead of giving knockback it just binds him for a couple of seconds one more combo for snake bind then that ability oh yeah open your compass menu to find the next Island we made it to the floating Turtle ladies and Gent man let me try this with the aium Rival let's see if I can group some of these dudes up I I I I I please stop doing that bro I can't move okay here we go boom boom they almost down yeah pretty much I kind of feel like the serpent bow was faster level 1,800 with this we can now start the citizen quest line which will give us the best accessory in game for gun users first we got to defeat 50 Forest Pirates now we go back to Citizen for second Quest find and defeat Captain ele here we go it's by the way a level 1,875 buz so uh there is a good chance that he's way stronger than I am but I only really have to defeat him this one time oh look at that we're getting help from a Buddha fruit user and there we go blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah with those quests completed I can destroy this wall and give me the musketeer head baby let's gool the best accessory for gun users it gives 12 and 1/2% extra damage and 12 1 12% lower cooldowns and now to complete the buff up set let's also o upgrade the serpent bow I'll just need a couple of vampire fangs holy that was only the first one and I need 10 of them now we bring all those goodies to the blacksmith I have no idea if this was worth the time and effort but here we go one hour of my life for 10% extra damage how much damage do we deal per shot now 3600 all right all right all right got to keep doing this for 22 more levels hey man I have to tell you with the musketeer head and the upgraded bow it's still going kind of slow 1,850 moving on to the mythological Pirates ooh wait wait wait wait wait these three are very close to each other let me pull out the aium Rival for a bit oh yeah these are great NPCs to group up and that's 1,900 yeah we're going fast now but if you're ever wondering if you should Grind With Guns I got the answer for you buddy don't do it it's not worth it it sucks jungle Pirates musketeer pirate uh-huh and towards the haunted castle we go finally off of the floating Turtle ooh haunted castle looks kind of sexy oh look at that someone else trying to grab my Bounty again you ain't slick bro Soul Reaper wait what is this can I join in on the action I see an HP bar over there hey these are the same guys that tried to take my bounty just a few seconds ago Soul Reaper almost down what do we get holy crown and 41 bones God damn look at this sexy holy crown we reach level 2,000 please tell me these Drop Bones as well I need 500 bones for the so bro yeah you heard that correctly 500 so even after completing the haunted castle I still couldn't move on until I collected enough of them finally 500 bones now to unlock the last gun we do need to be 200 levels higher speed run time first we defeat some of these dudes ice cream Chef uh ice cream commanders cookie Crafters blah blah blah blah blah and at last level 2300 now before I even think about solving the soul guar puzzle I first need to go back to the second c yeah that's right all the way back just for a dark fragment and 250 ectoplasm and that should be the first one mhm that's 250 right yep there we go it might only be a couple of seconds in the video but literal hours were spent getting all these materials anyway it's finally time for the puzzle to actually unlock the soul guitar we start off by praying at this altar during a full moon oh and when the screen goes black like that you know you did it correctly next up is defeating six of these dudes all at once got them all nicely grouped up over here and bada bing bada bang now select all the signs that point to the most Graves talk with this ghost MPC align this board with all the trophies outside and lastly match the floor colors to the corresponding pipes over there so much work for one gun but here we go man where can I buy it is it this dude would you like to craft Soul guitar for 500 bones blah blah blah blah blah craft it baby there we go Soul guitar oh yeah look at that all this Buddha is trying to ruin my moment we officially got every single gun in the game now let's put this bad boy to use holy this is how it basic attacks okay oh and look at those Mastery levels coming in hey these last 200 levels are going to be easy Soul guitar gameplay hey new Quest available chocolate bar Warriors bada bing bada bang oh yeah unlock the first ability Soul Shaker let's have a look holy sh the is that group all of these bad boys up real quick and soul Shaker 20,000 damage yeah ladies and gentlemen I think we found the best gun in the game new Quest available and the very last candy Rebel where we going 200 m in that direction ooh Mastery 300 didn't even notice it let's take a look at the L Diablo ability got them all grouped up over here here we go L Diablo what the f is that Holy it's barely dealing any damage it did more damage to myself than the NPCs wa let me do that again oh God you l proba can't see anything I mean it's dealing a hell lot damage though look at that 28,000 but it is very very chaotic I think I found the Wombo Combo you start with soul Shaker so Soul Shaker first then a little bit of L Diablo look at the damage counter oh yes uh almost 40,000 damage yeah okay okay okay yeah that makes sense it's a very balanced gun I'm telling you yeah boy and new Quest available we're moving on to the snow demons okay should be no problem right yeah you by the way definitely need to be zoomed out for this gun if not for all the noises it makes then for the youu CH abilities I mean look at this you don't see anything boom they should finish them off yep there we go 2450 and at last we made it to Tiki Outpost the very last Island Al Outlaws are those these dudes yep ooh these boys do have quite a lot of HP all good though I mean I also have quite a lot of damage are there more of them n this is Island Boy Island Boys oh no got to stay far far away from those dudes ah these NPCs take so long to reach spawn I have found The Sweet Spot though if I do L Diablo in the middle of this look at that you hit three of them have them all nicely grouped up and then you just finish him off with a couple of basic attacks there we go new Quest available moving on to the island boys uh-oh here we go level 2500 seems like we got to go to the other side of tiki Outpost now right over here sun kissed Warrior the sun isn't the only thing that's going to give you guys a little kiss no no no no no no no five more minutes left on the double XP timer and I need 37 more levels and there it goes wait maybe there's still Double XP codes that I haven't used yeah there we go boom should be it right one final quest to go Al Champion now if there's one thing I've learned from all of this it is that you should never max out an account using only guns this took way too much time and any sane person would never do this last few NPCs and that's it challenge completed maybe subscribe now
Channel: Geronimo
Views: 483,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits noob to max, noob to max, level 1 - 2550, blox fruits level 1 to 2550, blox fruits level 1 to 2550 guns only, Blox Fruits Noob to Max WITH ONLY GUNS, blox, fruits, roblox blox fruits, #roblox, #bloxfruits
Id: MsDxdU0TWjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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