Bloons TD Battles Hacked - HACKER VS HACKER - Modded Temple Of Sun God | JeromeASF

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today I'm teaming up with one of my best friends and other youtuber 2d to do some awesome hacking of bloons tower defense battles now these hacks have never been seen before on this channel so we got some really cool times ahead to be honest I don't even know what they look like but 2d was telling me about them and I was like oh god do we have to do that now so we're gonna go head-to-head we're gonna try it out and just show off some hacks and have some fun what's the worst that could happen also you yeah you I'm looking at you you're probably not subscribed cuz majority of my viewers aren't subscribed what are you doing that subscribe button come join us so this is a mods that I've had designed because some of the mods here are pretty awesome but they're not like crazy enough okay so should I do a banana farm first do it yeah do it you don't want to do it so this is actually Dimond bananas Jerome okay Oh what is that 2d Jerome it's a normal dog monkey what do you mean - it's not a normal door book yeah I played a lot of loads in my life that's not normal you want to upgrade this once this thing gets fully upgraded you're going to make so much money you have no idea Jerome wait the bank once I up for the bank both of them either one so each tower has its own look at that strobe look how about 20 when you get it to valuable bananas okay look a crate of bananas how insane is that oh that's very crazy what is going on alright so what if I upgraded to long-range darts is that just me what yeah make sure to get one bank at least a one bank because banks are they give you so much money like if you want to make there's a maximum amount of money you can get in this game wait really what's the max it's like negative 2 billion or like 2 trillion or something I don't think negative money's a good thing I drove it Lilly it says negative get a whole bunch of banks from because you know how there's a max cap of 20000 yeah there's no there's no cap or there's the cap of like 15 trillion or something it's really crazy so if you look at the bank it's just like making so much money right now oh my gosh oh my gosh 2d this is insane yeah it's super duper duper crazy right put that a banana farmer just to pick up those Christ's I kept missing them drums alright here we go so good they're just gonna keep on making the monies for us yep absolute what's the hotkey to pick up all your banks at once isn't there a hotkey for that there is um it's actually not in this one but there's its tab to do it quickly you ready Germany have the super-monkey yeah have you ever seen look at that oh my goodness ok so what happens if I decide to go the spiked apple group Joel Joel if getting something just try it it gets super crazy what is even going on dude what is going on no Joe if you get enough of them you can't see your screen your screen literally just disappears and nothing gets by you and use become invincible I don't even know what to make of this right now 2d what I've done I know ok so sell that one that one's like that ones like crazy overpowered and fun what you got to try out some of the other mods because these things get super duper crazy ok so what should I do next once I do next um try not try out the super-monkey try out the super monkey Jerome both sides because both of them both over like super alts are crazy ok so let's go to the left here looks the same for now yep ok normal normal so what happens you can turn it into a Sun God temple oh my goodness what is that purple rays of doom Sun God temple obviously Tony what have you done what what is this monstrosity what have you done to this game my boy you met her I know jump jump look at the first bank that you've put down how much money is in it oh I accidentally got gobbled up for the temple but the other one is oh my gosh wait how much money is that 3 is that 37 million dollars just wait just won't look at the money when the round ends look how much money that it goes up by just wait your mind is about to be blown because it like doubles every every round do whatever is in it just wait you madman Oh 92 million dollars yeah it macked it eventually it'll max out but you know don't worry about that ok scared the kids man I know isn't this awesome alright jump now with your son got temple he tried that all the way to the right try to get the bad guy that guy's probably one of my favorite ones oh I sold that one off let's get all the way to the right oh no oh I didn't think this through I didn't think it through uh you and hands eyesight there you go yeah he's active yeah now you're good to go you don't have to worry about anything else Morgano slave boy we want to see beat Mort Mort Robbo oh boy will you hurry digit cluster bombs Oh what have you done so how long can like a single temple last now drama it's crazy everything is so broken in Opie and they just nothing can get by and like literally hair hair drum ready here here's just I'm only just starting one mo I've at you okay let's see coz that's glad that's all I can send right now since there's only around nineteen okay you're ready I'm ready all but two melts it so it just melts it what but for the best one from you haven't even seen that the best one and that is the ray of doom Jerome the ray of doom what is the ray of doom due to t it's very doom like honestly the upgrade is so the upgrade on the left is really awesome but the upgrade on right is probably one of the coolest mods like you will ever see no joke one of the coolest it's amazing okay well now you've got me interested so let's do I went to the left let me go all the way to the left watch yep is that rainbow yep the rainbow loved o2t that's so sick right isn't that just crazy awesome dude I love this mud or at what's to the right then what Julie never delete everything except that one thing or you and your backup your backup guy okay it is it is the weirdest mod ever okay here we go to D all right I did it absolutely a little rocket no I don't see any wait what is that what is it we we we we we what isn't that so cool it she likes a tiny little rocket and students the rocket hits a balloon and then just that's so we I've never seen anything like that dude right isn't that just so cool so he fires rockets to become many Suns to shoot more rockets yeah pretty much life makes no sense I love it right and I oh my goodness I've hit max money my money is my money is just broken now I haven't even bothered to oh let me click that balance there yeah five hundred fifty million and then that and then oughtta be dude I am yeah there a guy broke I have negative two point 1 billion yes something like that that's good that's healthy that's really good wait what does the special ability look like it's the same okay I was like wait a minute 2d it's gonna be crazy dude so with a single temple how many rounds could you last I the temple really isn't that as powerful as you think true it's still like super awesome but you know don't mind don't mind me - Hey - - yeah there's something wrong with your side it's uh I don't know what you're talking about your own yeah you don't mean either right I don't know what I'm talking about either 2d what's uh I don't think any I don't know I don't think anything's going wrong from what are you talking about here drama I was gonna rush home geez okay I'm gonna send this mini zoom Jesus at you as I can okay all right sounds good hey - di yeah I'm glad we could really see our screen - t they're not even spawning dude they're not spawning they just know look how broken this is strong this is a kind of crazy is literally nothing you never get by this is genuinely beyond incredible okay well we need oh yeah there's too many I can't see my screen I gotta get rid of all of them now okay let's get rid of this guys get rid of this guy oh my gosh I it's become too crazy I just don't know what to say oh there it is there as there's this guy it's still this guy like this know the normal dart monkeys are what's like super crazy yeah well Victor's level just like level one dart monkeys I look how crazy these guys are and then when you just boost them boom nothing can possibly there's nothing hang up and look at look how fast this is just like buh no no no worries about it oh here you go you know you're putting out more of those guys yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna solve my darling gun I'm gonna go back to using this man's the robot of terror he's insane Jerome robots look at all the zombies I gotta get buying oh gosh Judy what is wrong with me try to feed him this is Mike this is so me what I need to do now everyone is I need to make mods so are you need to get a maid so that um the balloons are even crazy I need to make modern hack balloons I don't have seen mom like that yet have you I've seen a couple of things where it's implemented I will it makes I get some stuff made where it's literal boss battles you have to fight like boss balloons yeah happy really so cool cool super sick if you want to see throw my knife battled some boss bullet make sure to smash that like button big focus big boss alright more and more more super monkey fan clubs that's what we need yes we're already on round twenty nine drum I wonder what round you and I could get to using this hat like do you think we didn't like doing like I'm not ultra mega late-game strat to you until prom a get around a hundred battles your battles but that would be super duper crazy you know you don't be kind of crazy Anne don't be something that you I think we should do one day soon what's that we should do a livestream together where we battle oh and see how long we far we can get like how long we last I'm down everybody hey wait with this mod I would be shocked if it didn't last at least an hour right and I think we should live through MIT you know how crazy that be see how far we get and Bluestein battles it would be I don't even wanted the right strategy would be I it has to be I'm assuming it's just in the normal Dart monkeys right yeah then make enough money till you break the game and you have you know you've already have infinite money more or less and then yeah boom and then just go from there but you're like Dartmouth keys I don't know I think it's many of these Robo Canon guys yeah I I actually have no idea what would be like the most powerful either way Opie oh yeah I need to get rid of this one dart monkey I had this one I keep putting down these like uh-oh the Spica folks I'm putting down the I'm doing the wrong thing I keep putting the spike up all guys down and I said look how many darts are being shot out of these guys they like jump as many as you can all right now I'm in a zone of Jesus I can he has many zones you can eyes I want to see do you think they're even gonna show up on screen oh my gosh okay yeah what if I bruise right there we go we just look at those are so em jeez those are some of those on this balloon Edwards TV babbles oh my gosh dude I just I don't know what to say I really don't I feel like they and BTD battles they never add new things I wish they would add in but you make a mod for DDT's you yeah you could you we could literally add DDT balloons and like bad burned if wanted to I would be so down for that dude dude that would be so cool okay let's see what we need more more balloons literally can't lose because that's how crazy it is I don't do D I'm down to destroy our towers and they call it cuz I don't know but I've learned a lot but this is big okay wacky wacky stuff that sounds good to me because there's literally no way we're ever gonna lose it this right we're gonna sit here for three hours megavideo well everybody that was absolutely insane so if you want to see more mods like that hit that like button let me know the comments section which towers we should test out next and this hack bloons tower battle special thanks for joining us today
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,356,284
Rating: 4.9073553 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: apwxp8NaU4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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