Bloons TD 6 - The Most Overlooked Tower - Tier 5 Dart Monkey | JeromeASF

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today we're gonna be trying out one of the most overlooked hours in all of bloons tower defense that is of course the regular old dart monkey which has been in existence to the bloons tower defense universe literally since the very first eight I know you're thinking Jerome there's no way this tower could actually be that powerful good well that's what you're wrong we're looking at all tier five options including the ultra juggernaut the plasma monkey fan club and the crossbow master I miss Lou this guy he looks so awesome I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to use it the ultra juggernaut is like the normal juggernaut our only it actually splits off and is six juggernaut balls for even more power the middle route of course is the ability route and this one has this super monkey fan club ability this converts of 210 nearby dart monkeys including itself into super monkeys for 15 seconds the tier 5 upgrade of it just makes them more powerful so we'll see what that does exactly and then we have the crossbow master it shoots extremely fast and deadly attacks of course but it was completely legit without using any abilities at all yes so here we are on the hedges what could possibly go wrong now the cool part using double money mode for something like this is that we can actually afford to put down our guy Benjamin right here and we can also put down a dart monkey right here at the start to start us off so what we're gonna try and do is I want to get to the round that ends hard mode only using dark monkeys I know it's a crazy goal I don't even know if we can do it but we're gonna try our best also it goes the saying but obviously we're gonna use banana farms as well but those are really help the gameplay itself they're not gonna help the monkeys succeed so entirely different things but they're real look wow I would just get twenty five thousand dollars out of nowhere oh my gosh it's magic okay well let's go ahead and we'll put down that guy there let's put a nice old little banana farmer guy right there and one right there there and we need a fourth there we go perfect so let's go ahead and upgrade boom-boom-boom-boom and I want to get one of them to go all or one of them to go all the way tier five to the top one of them to go tier five the bottom and the other ones Tier four in this direction it's kind of where I'm thinking that I should take this right so that one there then this one will be the one that goes in the downward way there we go all right and let's just keep on spamming through these levels here and then sure we have to upgrade him I mean he just you know one guy without any upgrades he's probably not gonna make it too far not really sure how long he'll live like that I will try our best here and oh oh oh yeah they're starting it through sharp shots go Dada let's get long-range darts and you know what this guy in the front because we're gonna need the guy who keep up camos probably in the front well we'll put him right here as our crossbow guy alright so there we go it's okay I'm ready to go look at him go oh my gosh that's not bad he's shooting pretty quick especially considering he's not even really upgraded per se all right let's get ourselves the central marketeer urns heaps of money each round wow you like to see that there we go now we have monkey wallstreet next which is always a good one oh you can't forget about valuable bananas giving you more money for each step of the way thank you man I'm excited I know we'll be able to be easy and I'm sure we'll be able to beat medium I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it to the hardmode rounds only using this I mean it's a tall order so very tall one let's keep saving up our money here I'm also gonna put one thingy right here I'm gonna get a bank as well just going this way just you know a little bit of extra protection for us there we go why not right lure the crossbow so so far is popping green balloons with ease one shot now his next ability the Sharpshooter ability will go ahead and it does powerful critical hits every few seconds for extra damage which is good before we get further into this video I just want to quickly thank our sponsor Cove audio now if you don't remember about a month ago I promoted Cove audio headphones and now they're out with their latest and greatest product they gave me a free Cove commuter speaker to try out and honestly I absolutely love this thing aside from the obvious that this is a Bluetooth speaker there are many other components that I love about it such as off of a full charge and has eight hours of energy and as crazy as it sounds believe it or not inside of this speaker despite its size of really not that large has a subwoofer in side of it and it's incredible you can even switch between two different modes on it to go between subwoofer mode or just normal listening now you can use this speaker with bluetooth up to 30 feet away however if you choose not to then you can go ahead and use the auxiliary port it actually comes with the cord as well the speaker as well as water resistant meaning please don't test it as a waterproof device don't submerge it in a bath of water but if it gets a little wet it most likely will be alright so as a for instance it can go in the bathroom while you shower but don't physically bring it in the shower and douse it with water it even comes with two equalizer modes for both outside and inside so you can have the best audio quality for your situation as if all that couldn't be good enough it has a built-in microphone as well so you could take your calls using this device which is super convenient and helpful especially if you put your phone down listen to your music and then you get a phone call well just talk through this bad boy I can't stress enough how awesome this speaker is and as a for-instance of ways that I like to use it is I use it literally while a shower keep into the bathroom listen to some good old tunes keep it off to the side while I'm working making videos or editing videos doesn't for instance and it's just super convenient to bring with you wherever you're going I might even go over my friend's house later tonight and bring this bad boy with me so please if you want to get one of these for yourself go in the description to my link to Cove audio comm backslash Jerome and use code Jerome for 65% off your purchase yeah no joke 65% off so please go check it out thanks get a cove audio for sponsoring me and let's get back to the video you almost for the first tier 5 1/2 that's pretty tight hello we hacked our guy yay oh so now they're gonna start making it it looks like if we don't actually do something about it so let's get our next little dart monkey set up right here so this is our tier 5 crossbow we should probably go ahead and get ourselves this guy the old truck juggernaut because that's gonna help us take out our moai balloons I'm pretty sure so there we go spike a pole check juggernaut check and do we want quick so we want very quick shots or do we want camo shots it's a tough one I think we've already got some camel in ones maybe it's best just to raise its quickness so that's what we're gonna do there I don't know that was the exact right call or not but that's the route we're going down all right all right let's get some banana research facilities online those never hurt anybody oh my fingers slipped and I accidentally sold Benjamin all right everyone now this upgrade for the ultra juggernaut is extremely cheap believe it or not it's like twelve thousand seven hundred fifty dollars which is one of the reasons why getting tier five dart monkeys is a good idea because they are relatively speaking a lot cheaper than many of the other options out there so look at him go here we go they all draw juggernaut I mean how cool is that it ricochets off of things it bounced apart into many different juggernaut balls I mean this guy is just so Opie I love it I absolutely love it so keep it up there pal oh now that's why I want a juggernaut towards the front as well because otherwise those LED balloons was gonna tear right through us oh man oh man we gotta put another tier four juggernaut right there just to make sure that it's actually getting through the lead balloons and yeah oh wow look at that look at how many times it's helping us out there it's scary stuff if I do say so myself alright now I could borrow the $10,000 in the bank there but I'd rather not so let's go ahead and keep saving up here we got a bunch of to your four banana farms but let's get one more to our good ol monkey Wall Street and won't be set a Rudy berry Oh monkey Wall Street okay oh my gosh so much money at the end of the round watch what she gives you at the end of every round it's kind of nuts when you see that number there's forty nine hundred dollars every single round for literally just nothing there we go now we got monkey na mix right here so we have the ultimate in monkey Bank and while we're missing now is bananas central and we'll be making the big bucks so we can just keep on getting a bunch of tier fours and tier fives but here we go our first Moab balloon destroyed by the juggernaut although you probably noticed if you were paying attention there it made it a little too close for comfort so that's why we're gonna put down another tier 4 right there boom boom so that'll actually help us out a lot with taking out those good old fashioned Bowl balloons and we're gonna put more than that then we're gonna keep on putting them down cuz they're very small despite the fact that the juggernauts look large in terms of how much space they take up it's a very small amount of space so there we go just keep on stacking more and more of them and and just take a look at that so now any mobile is a try and stroll by probably are gonna have a bad time probably that is alright oh oh they're breaking thro they're trying to break through anyway okay come on oh I will happily collect that thank you very much so one of these gonna have to upgrade to the bananas central here and done and now we can start focusing on getting the rest of them so let's get our next tier 5 on the crossbow master which clearly we need because some of those Camel blows were sneaking by he's gonna be our camo poppin champion everyone that's what he's gonna be known as the camo poppin champion so here we go crossbow master look how awesome he looks and hopefully no camera balloons we break it through under his protection alright now last but not least let's get ourselves the super storm ability and I'm not gonna put the super storm ability in the back as a last line of defense so the reason I say that is because I don't want to messing up our juggernauts and turning them into super monkeys because we want them to stay as juggernauts but in the backfield here and will be nice to have someone like him for $42,000 who could turn all these gentlemen into the top monkeys that they need to be up to I believe was 10 of them is that correct let me let make sure of this it is converts 10 nearby ones so one to and including itself so now we're at five right there's a five and how far is its range why it doesn't actually have a very far range that might be all we're allowed to get to be honest that's hard to believe but that's literally all the ones you'll be able to get okay no worries and I guess all these bulges in the meantime turned into crossbow masters just to make sure they're quick hitters I'm pretty sure the big boys are gonna be the ones getting through it's gonna be the random ones so I might as well just have all crossbow masters all ready to go and pop them at a moment's notice there we go and now once again they're so cheap we might as well just keep on spamming these guys down oh we're gonna need more stronger nuts as you saw there so that's what we're gonna call in the big guns more juggernauts more juggernauts we need more juggernaut to keep it up keep it up literally this is gonna be a game of just placing juggernauts now and this you guys can see when you do a Super Bowl capability let it said that'll turn the ones around it into super monkeys as well when something comes within range she's pretty cool alright so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna have to wait a second here but when I put down a bunch of these see you ready we have $114,000 to work with and we're gonna work with actually more than extra just cash in the bank there so let's go ahead and let's just keep on upgrading a bunch of these I mean keep mind how ultimately cheap it is to just keep getting these like look at that I mean there's just no chance we're gonna run into any trouble we got protection like this so I keep altering them some day camo some them to hit very quick all in all though I mean we're not really gonna run in any trouble here there we go look at the ball go oh how peaceful it is here in the monk bill should keep on placing these down and would you look at that another one and another one dies Wow it's almost like this is way too easy all right that's a lot of them lined up there so let's go ahead then and let's I guess this lineup I'm gonna do is more juggernauts just in case and if I make them oh wow if I make all these the long-range ones as well they can hit him into behind the next hedge as well that's a really good failsafe look at that this is Opie I gotta admit this is very very Opie alright helps ease that last one was an accident there you are supposed to be a juggernaut one cheese were making more money than we know what to do with right now I literally don't have like anything to use or use it on so I'm just using our money on getting Benjamin up might as well get him all maxed out this is insane and final round so this be the final round for medium difficulty did it with ease now we're moving on to later rounds we're trying it to the final round of hard mode like I said we're just using these towers with only using our main towers I think we can do it I really think we can do it I don't see what could possibly go wrong in the meantime here let's put down more and more and more will we hit it will we be able to hit the mark there we go I just got one of those guys as well I'm sure to keep on getting those for now there we go and now I have so many of them going at a time so we have different layers of protection the juggernauts are all here these targets are there to protect them these guys are our next line of defense to become super monkeys in the event things start to go south there we go so they're here to protect us speed which I kind of want to put that to the test here let's see what happens if I just go look at that anything even tries to get through them oh my gosh look at all of plasma vision that's so cool that is so so cool all right well let's go ahead and set up more of these I guess I got nothing else really to do in the mean time so you might as well just keep setting them up here line up more juggernauts I mean they're mad sheep in the time it takes me to place one you make the money back so why just looking to work oh there we go we got some red ones trying to break through and they were just immediately stopped in their tracks thank you oh my goodness Oh something we're starting to break through the first line didn't make it much further than that though to be fair oh my goodness all right well let's keep a little line up here get more than going just in case thank you boom look at all these juggernaut balls just flying by at such crazy speeds I just love it you love to see it yeah absolutely love to see it whoopsies we don't want that let's go ahead and get the juggernaut long range just long enough he can hit him in the corner there that's fine that all I have to do wow-wow-wow round 70 no problems absolutely just killing the game right now this is what it's all about this is literally what it's all about all right and look how perfect this is so I can't remember if it's 75 or 80 I think it's around 80 that you end up beating hardmode technically I mean we're uneasy so it won't count but you get what I'm saying that's where you're normally beat it all right this is just getting at a hand I learned just stop placing them down for now because I don't even see the point we have camo fortified regrowth balloons coming up next wow wow wow that is crazy alright keep breaking them and there it is another defeat come on we're just crushing them we're literally out here just absolutely crushing them jeez oh my gosh it's just still going literally just still going come on nice we need more oh my gosh okay they literally just don't stand a chance what happens when you crab 75 ceramic balloons into a tiny space oh well let's see let's see what that is that what happens because we're crushing them Oh juggernaut balls were meant to pop ceramic balloons so we had the ultimate counter all along I always forget to click that button to get 10,000 extra dollars there we go oh my goodness absolute destruction come on let's fast-forward away eighty we earned it Oh a couple kappablues trying to get by that's why I got the back line up there in case any camos try to sneak by we'll be ready for it don't you worry we'll be all ready for it oh my goodness oh my goodness destroyed them is there no competition it's like nothing they can't stop me they can't stop me out here another one bites it and boom and now a bison us final round for our difficulty right here wave 80 will we win I think the honest answer is going to be a big old yes Rudy stop that song balloon in his tracks let's go let's go oh my God he's breaking through he's breaking through it's breaking through I'm not too afraid though oh we popped it too red we haven't even get to the super-monkey line up in the back yet alright and last resorts GG we did it another big win
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,010,716
Rating: 4.8437366 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: KN8g1CjcQNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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