Bloons TD 6 - The Sky Shredder - Tier 5 Monkey ACE | JeromeASF

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today we're gonna be taking a look at a tower that I'm not gonna lie I really don't use that often but my hope is that by doing this video I love more of an appreciation for the monkey eggs now the tier 5 monkey ace comes in three awesome forms including the sky shrub the Tsar Bomba and the Flying Fortress the sky shredder literally just says the balloons will wish they never come so I don't really know what to make of that but it sounds scared I mean like a really scary next we have the Tsar Bomba named after the largest bomb ever used in existence all it says is a very very large bomb someone put a stop to this craziness and the ability that comes with it is ground zero ability which drops a huge bomb that pretty much destroys everything on screen and last but not least we have the Flying Fortress and all it says is this is a big plane you know I can't help but feel like listening to all those descriptions and whoever wrote the monkey a steer five tower descriptions had a little bit of fun at their job so that being said let's get ready to rock and roll and I figured a fun thing to do would be hopping on a brand new map so let's go to alpine run to really see what we're dealing with here so okay it looks like they can whoa so they can go from two different direct oh oh I know nevermind it goes like this and right I see I get the map now see I'm not that dumb all the time just most 99% of them all right well to start us off let's get our first monkey ace on the board right there and it looks like his options are circle figure eight there's figure infinite which and that's interesting let's do figure eight I guess the figure infinite is just sideways to figure eight is just vertical so we'll start it off with that and of course along the way let's get our coins going here like so and perfect that way we could put down a bunch of these banana farms and make all of the monies that we might need all right so let's go and put that one there and we're gonna also need to put down another one of these on the tracks oh geez there really is no good place for these banana farms all right well that's fine I'll just go and put them like that there we go that that works like that and luckily enough our monkey ace is actually doing a fairly decent job if I do say so because he's able to hit them from all over the map all right well one monkey and he was able to hold out so GG's I suppose are an order and there we go look at this it's gonna be making some big old bucks here we also have the loan ability here so we can get loaned ten thousand monkey dollars whenever we need now that being said we're gonna be playing this as you know conservatively and safely as possible so we're not gonna be wasting money on buying extra planes until we absolutely positively need it so sorry that disappoints but that's just the way we're gonna be playing safe style and look at this even though it's out of range come on hit it hit him yeah it actually hit it now unfortunately that might be the marker for when things are about to start not really going our way so that being the case let's go an upgrade let's get a little rapid fire action let's get some lots more darts going oh my gosh just two simple upgrades and look at him go alright now which way we'd like to go with a centered path new central fly path for maximum map coverage sharper darts top eight balloons each or spy plane I feel like getting spy playing off the bat may be the smart thing to do flies fast and launches anti Moab missiles I feel like we don't need that upgrade just yet that would be although would be cool would be very much so jumping the gun unnecessarily mind you like that is just what we're not we're not near the need for that alright well let's keep on going and going and going so I'm gonna collect this cash up here and that way I can buy I can't buy the central market yet because we're still in debt from the last thing but soon we'll be able to afford that I want to get that upgrade oh man I wish the pineapples could be more accurate but that's fine I perhaps there's gonna be an upgrade for that at some point down the line I'm sure there will be but there we go and give me that central market upgrade come on it's like literally right there it's hard because when you're in debt it takes most of your money and just pays that off immediately so at least we have this upgrade here that'll give us nine hundred dollars at the end of every round and keep it up all right all right oh they're trying to break through they're trying to try to try them now drops a line of bombs when crossing the balloon track that might actually be CI one of this thing to go to the top way but maybe actually maybe we make this thing go the middle let's have some fun with that one I like the idea that drops look at that because of how often it figure Eight's pet because the zigzag pattern of the map and how this figure Eight's look at how often it's dropping bombs down that might have been a smart call considering its positioning like considering it was positioned the way that it was I think that was a very very smart call alright let's go ahead and we're gonna borrow money as soon as we're within 10,000 earshot of this which now we are boom so we got that upgrade faster than we probably should have oh my gosh look at that go what a cool upgrade genuinely what a cool tower I don't know why I never use the monkey ace this is actually going swimmingly like I'm I'm very much so enjoying this right now and I also like the fact that it could pop camo balloons and and eyes explosions to pop other types of balloons as well like LED and ceramic basically meaning that you should theoretically without having to use monkey villages be able to beat all the way to level 80 only using the monkey ace so wish me luck cuz that's gonna be the challenge as usual that's our challenge so just wish me big big amounts of luck on this okay okay and actually I might be able to just I can't actually borrow that or not borrow just take out the money from the bank there and now I can borrow that and boom they're all tier four I thought we're being very strategic about how we're borrowing the money and upgrading and all that but my next big up Greg is gonna be this one so that we don't have to pay back the money once we borrow it all so it looks like some of them are breaking through so it may be time for us to put down our second big boy here now this one right here is gonna go the exact same way cuz I've kind of really fallen in love with the fact that it'll drop bombs on the track everywhere it goes also it's put us in a figure eight pattern there we go and that way just dropping them all over the place whatever that a figure infinite pattern I wonder if wow the figure infinite pattern actually may drop them in a number of more places or maybe not actually just going in a more fast frequency more so than anything I'd say still cool but maybe not when I was bargaining for exactly all right keep it up keep it up oh you stopped them big time and hey little 43 I'll take it not bad not bad do you need anything else no that's all good all good all good and now do I want to put another monkey ace down probably I probably realistically should put down another monkey ace can't put him right here no you can't I wonder if you could put check curiosity for the map okay you can't put that there keep it a smaller tower there though what about it no you can't okay and Oh luckily we have the bombs going off because the lead balloons are just trying to sneak their way through trying to get on by but we stopped them we stopped them right in their tracks okay okay now we've got to a point we're gonna do this that boom monkey Dominic's is now upgraded so we don't have to borrow the money now we just click that button and get $10,000 whenever it recharges which is really good like really really good for us all right perfect stuff here we're gonna need to get more of these towers soon but I think next on our list right here is gonna be monkey Wall Street monkey Wall Street definitely will be the move thank you okay halfway to monkey Wall Street now and we also have only a thousand dollars so nevermind nevermind I was gonna say we could collect the money from that Bank there but either way guys look two towers only just two monkey aces to the top three to the middle and those two towers are holding off as long as well they happen which is pretty crazy when you look at the numbers they're like that does not make much sense at all and monkey Wall Street there we go now onto getting a banana central and we'll have every type of banana farm that we need I'm also gonna go ahead and put down one right here this guy is gonna be focusing in on a figure eight pattern and he will be going in the upper way like so and I'm gonna focus him on should a spy planar central path let's do central path what does that do exactly what is it I'm very confused what center path does but I mean that's pretty cool it covers a lot of the Mac so that's actually really cool I like that all right I could deal with that one and thank you for the free cash there wow wow wow I can't wait to see what these tier fives are looking like I cannot wait it all boom look at that bombs away just hitting them everywhere also that's centered path with Tsar Bomba might be pretty crazy alright Tsar Bomba I guess women say bomber ace let's see what that would look like actually I'm gonna put one of these down here right and then we're gonna do centered path but they're gonna do bomber ace so now it just drops and all around look at this it just drops him all over the place wow that's cool that is very very cool also is it just me or is it hard to understand what exactly is going on right now with all these explosions either way we beat ez mode on this so now we're on to wit going on our trip to wave 60 to see what meat if we can beat medium mode and then we'll go on to wave 80 to see if we could beat hard mode using only monkey a Stowers we did also get our last bank upgrade so we can have a little bit of fun with this I think first off we're gonna have to get the Tsar Bomba upgrade although take a look at our tier 4 there jeez that tier 4 ability just crushes them and it has spy plate on it too so it even can hit the camo ones that's wild and now we have the Tsar bomb but I'm guessing it's that one right there that's so crazy that is so so crazy and let's get a sky Strutter oh my gosh look at the man I mean they don't stand a chance they literally just don't stand a chance out here like look at this I'm shocked this isn't crashing it to be honestly I'm very shocked that it's not even risky crashing all right well we got all those the only thing we don't have now is a plane that would be targeting the bottom path so let's go ahead and let's get something upgraded all the way Spector rapidly fires darts and balloons dominating most and the Flying Fortress is a hundred and two thousand so let's be wise about this I think it lots more darts instead of using the camo one we have enough stuff that I'll find camos for us all so let's see what this one that was the Tsar Bomba ability in fast mode whatever we slow it down and watch just a normal okay that looked cool but we're definitely gonna have to do that for the Tsar Bomba one and see what that looks like as well okay well I don't really feel like the need to upgrade any of this stuff also we're still trying to save up all of our cash here to get a hundred thousand dollars to get the flying fortress man killing the game alright let's see so in normal mode that's where the Tsar Bomba looks like we haven't really gotten a chance to utilize it in terms of like a big explosion but I can only imagine what it'll look like but there is everyone the Flying Fortress that is actually a big plane look at it it is huge that's really cool though I like it I like that a lot alright alright oh my gosh look at it go did you just see that string of blasts that it did look at it it just sends it across the whole screen that might be literally might be one of my new favorite hours that's so insane to me okay well Gigi is all I can say about that that is wild all right keep it up now we also have there we go some more cash deposits thank you very much and now what does he keep fast-forwarding through these waves because at the moment they're not even appearing on screen so I'm gonna wait a little bit fast-forward and we'll be back in a later round well we are crushing past the medium mode so keep mine medium mode and in that wave 60 I want to cut back in here just to show you guys how crazy it is like we're still even with Moab's flying in just crushing it they literally don't stand a chance at all alright so we only have three weeks left for this challenge so I figured right now is a good time to press the play button but I'm not gonna lie to you guys it's incredibly boring because it's literally that good nothing's changed we just keep crushing them and crushing them and crushing them and there's just no chance of these balloons actually surviving I mean they're just doomed they're lytic doomed before they even begin it's it's it's sad to see honestly for them how well how much they can do it really okay let's keep it up and oh so camos are trying to sneak by that was honestly the best attempt I had seen at a victory from them he might I also didn't even use my Tsar Bomba ability I mean I could have they're so best attempt is a light word will say fail an attempt nonetheless and here it is the final wave maybe would be an attempt for me or chance for you to use this ability here let's see if it even can Oh bro I didn't even get to use them the song blue just died well I think it's safe to say that just using monkey aces is enough to secure you the hard mode win
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 637,545
Rating: 4.8729439 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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