Bloons TD 6 - Brand New Tower - Tier 5 Monkey Engineer | JeromeASF

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well today I'm super excited because for the first time in a long time blue and sour Defense six is added in a brand new tower that's right the monkey engineer is finally here a favorite tower going back to bloons tower defense five now of course you know what that means for us we gotta take it to the test we got to push it to the limits for the tier five towers all from the monkey engineer first we have the century Paragon which creates super powerful but highly unstable centuries now I don't know what that means but maybe we get some hints from the prior upgrades of it this one right here for instance century expert makes us throw in centuries of all different kinds that have specialties in popping different balloons something something where these turrets are specialized in doing these like killing cama balloons LED balloons ceramic loons you get the drift next up we have ultra boost and understand what he does well the signal to the overclock ability before targets monkeys become super powered for 60 seconds but now we have a brand new thing where overclocked monkey skin is small but permanent boost each time overclock wears off which leads me to believe that means is gonna keep stacking and stacking and stacking and you can make some insanely good towers next up we have a favorite one which is the balloon trap only this time it's back with a vengeance because the XXXL trap allows you to trap any type of balloon and as the image shows that includes Moab's so you know what that means let's push it to the limit here we're gonna put it on easy mode standard and let's get on into it goes that saying to start us off we're gonna have to put down one of the monkey engineers himself so let's go ahead we'll put them down right here and then we'll just hit the play button and while we're getting ready i'm gonna drop in all these cache drops to get us started off because we're gonna need a lot of money in order to get these towers because i don't know if you call it the price of them but we're talking big-time we're talking like these things are not cheap in any sense of the word so let's go ahead and put down more of these banana farms there we go one two and can we fit we can't fit two more down there wow there's not a lot of space in this map is there i will do it one two and then we'll do one two and that's okay because we have plenty plenty plenty of banana farmers so let's go and oh we scroll too far down like what menu is this well put a banner farmer here and a farmer there but to show you guys how much this costs for these monkey engineers two of us ready the upgrade list twenty seven thousand not much hundred two thousand a lot and fifty one thousand for the other so pretty much what we're saying is this is no way shape or form a cheap thing to do also we're gonna pretend like I totally didn't just mess that one up and we're gonna grab one more cash drop there and hopefully that'll fix up the situation here I accidentally went the wrong way with it so this should be going towards there in the middle and it said I went the bottom route because I just was not paying attention so let's go and take care of that and boom there we go and oh looks like we're gonna have to start making these monkey engineers a little bit more powerful which is fine that won't cost very much so let's get our first century gun and we'll start there I want the guy in the front to be going all the way up with the different types of towers so he's gonna be our first one right here a century Paragon then I'll probably stick the overclock one right about here so that he can get that one in his range and any others I feel like putting down cuz we're gonna put down a lot of them we're trying to get to wave eighty is our end goal only using these types of towers so there's gonna be a lot a lot a lot of them don't you worry about it um all right well let's go and get that thank you and we're gonna want one to go to the bottom root as always and of course we'll take one over here that'll be like a bank so you'll be off to the side we don't really care too much about what that one does it just kind of sits there and that's pretty much all it's meant to do really so anyway we got those good there we go got another one of those and perfect so we're making them we're making some of the money all works I'm ringing the big bucks yet but largely the beginning waves just gonna be all that survival until we can get enough money to start to a full afford not avoid afford other things okay so slowly we've been getting a little bit more money so I think we can go ahead and get faster engineering that allow us to spawn them in quicker and let's take a look at the other upgrades so we can get pin pins balloons in place for a short time which is pretty cool oversized nails but you can take out pop eight balloons at once that's pretty good larger sir serie makes so you can affect more area I'm not too concerned about that one deconstruction nail gun shots do extra damage to Moab glass around really weird about Moab class this early on so I'm gonna stick with oversize real quick and that's what I'm gonna be really really really focusing on with that tower there so let's see if that alone will be able to protect us I'm pretty sure we'll be able to do a number on it so that's that's good also take a look at this we borrowed some money in order to get one of our upgrades here which is one of the cool things about this Bank here so the bank allows you to borrow the money and then you can go ahead and well you have to pay back eventually but in the meantime you get to use it to uh to advance other researches like that one and it makes it easier and easier to make more money so it's pretty good that's why you want the bank off to the side and we'll help you get these other upgrades a lot quicker also how cool is that new let it freezes them to the ground that is so cool that's only we haven't seen in balloons tower defense five so that's brand new specifically just to this game which is really cool to see okay there we go and boom had enough to get that upgrade and now all we need to do is get oh actually I completely forgot one of these guys was supposed to be going the the market way that's okay though because we can just do that and luckily it collects its own stuff so we don't have to worry about that at all and you don't actually I always make this mistake with that I'm pretty sure we've proven by now that you make more money with the market if you go the center route for valuable bananas so each one of those gives you now 25 also we add the camel blue and there so we ready to do something about stopping him so let's see if there's anything in the monkey engineer Arsenal that will allow us to target specifically camel ones and there is cleansing foam right here but I always love these things so what we're gonna do is as promised we're gonna go ahead and put down another monkey engineer right near by him because he's gonna be our overclock one as well so we're gonna get him to go right here cleansing foam check and now let's see do we want to do faster engineering or pin I would say sentry guns and faster engineering would probably be more preferable forum so there we go unfortunately we should choose where he shoots out his cleansing foam he always puts in like the worst of places but it's like that's not gonna really help us in the slightest over there all right well keep on keepin on you 51,000 get monkey Wall Street here luckily enough though our monkey engineers are doing a great job in the front there and we're almost that we've thirty right now so we're we're moving and grooving moving and grooving I just realized my webcam is covering it so I'll show you for one second that's where the monkey Wall Street is totally just realize I was covering it but that's alright it's not you're not missing much it literally doesn't do anything it just sits there and makes you money and oh my so we have lead balloons here luckily cleansing foam as you can see is able to pop them but then it's gonna be a problem later on in the game so what we should do is put another one of these guys down right here with more cleansing foam and this one could pop those and let's let's get that as well there we go so that's annoying though is there anything at all that I guess a balloon trap would do the trick but wowza that is not a pretty one at all alright and ooh we can actually borrow money to get monkey wall street there perfect and now we have monkey wall street and it's all thanks to this Bank letting us borrow that money there alright next up we have banana central and then last but not least we're gonna get the monkey gnaw mcc's I think actually made monkey knotek's first let's come on cannot expand then we'll go for the other one and here's that cool we can do everyone ready so we ran it play borrow then boom get that next upgrade and now we managed to get it all the way up to its final tier using pretty much just borrowed money which is pretty awesome oh now they're starting to break through a lot so we got to go ahead and start specializing this guy in the back here now I don't want to put them at actually we could put them in let's put the balloon trap in the front just simply because that will actually produce extra money for you so the cool part of the balloon trap that it doesn't really go into Seto tap to empty full trap 4k oh never mind it does actually tell you about isn't it certainly I don't think it does but it does so yeah it's pretty much what he's known for being good at so plant is always good what is the construction do nail gun shots do extra damage to Moab glass and fortify well we like the sound of that especially being he's gonna be in the front hopefully helping us take out those Moab's with his awesome trap ability that'll eat the Moab's alive which I can't wait to see that a tier 5 that'll literally just eat Moab balloons that's crazy and oh I just realized we're actually closing in right now in our first Moab blue and round we're gonna need him to be level 51 if we want the best you know let's see what happens that we don't do it let's see what happens if we don't get that first cuz I'd rather just keep saving up the money just for a little longer till we can get one last one right there - banana central and then kind of seen from there how it all goes okay well keep it up keep it up also we got to keep reminding Pierre ourselves periodically we can get that ten thousand dollar bonus there and we'll be looking all pretty oh wow look at that look at that Plus this balloon traps make it extra cash for us gotta love it got to love it alright 2,400 in there not enough okay oh man that trap even eating okay it is it is periodically eating them I was like I don't even know if it's actually working right now and oh there it is it looks like they were able to stop it temporarily here but I don't think that's gonna be enough so we're gonna have to do a little bit of this and oh man well we risked it but we're just gonna keep continue because that literally just lasts as more so a test than anything else to see if we could do it without getting that so let's go ahead then and boom and there we go good enough replay now alright yeah free play alright this is where it really all matters so let's go ahead and save up to get an XXL trap like I said I know it technically that was game over for it but like I said I was just we're experimenting here so there we go now this is the super large trap I can only imagine how much more can fit in there besides just know a balloon so let's see what she's gonna sell for in the end I'm actually curious I'm really curious I'm keying on it it's also filled up yet though how is the trap not filled up yet alright well while we're waiting for that let's go ahead and get our overclocked friend there oh he's just outside you know what actually those is a bold move but I'm selling them because I want him to be closer to the other one so that way we can get yeah now he's inside of the area and that way we're doing a lot more with him because I want him to be able to overclock this guy for a permanent boost I want to see what that looks like because that sounds really cool to me okay so we're actually pretty close to being able to afford that so that's good and we're gonna want to go ahead and get more of these which by the way the bottom route gets double double gun sounds cool but I only know how much I want to do that just yet let's get an overclock ability right there in the front though just in case we need and oh my gosh the fortify was just eating a lot of the trap I still haven't seen it being cleared yet I really want to know how much money that goes for and ultra boost there it is so that is another tier 5 right there ready to go let's see the ultra boost abilities select a monkey so now he is now overclocked and technically speaking shippi progressively more and more powerful permanently even after the overclock ability goes away that's what it said now I don't know if it's taxed or not but I'm gonna hope that it does and we're gonna keep on using that on that same exact tower just repeatedly over and over again so there we go one tier 5 here one tier 5 there now we have only one more tier 5 to go which is one that's going all the way up the roots so let's see do we want we probably want that gotta be deconstruction when we get to him so let's go ahead then I'm gonna put him right here so he's also within the overclock abilities range and let's go ahead boom the century Paragon and then we're going to want to give him deconstruction ability so that he does extra damage to the Moab balloons there he is look at him in all of his glory look at all these engineers in all their glory they're just all killing the game right now all right anyone else can we get no that can't be upgraded it can't be upgraded okay they all can't be upgraded this guy right here though most certainly can be upgraded so let's go ahead and do that a little bit and she's they're just getting wiped out here well I'm gonna go ahead and put down another guy right here I'm really curious how long this charade can last because I don't really know oh my gosh it literally crashed the entire game I've been playing a lot of Blues side up at 6 I've just never had the entire game crash on me it looks like luckily it had my saved game here so let's see if it's actually there it is well I don't know what it is but I think well I I'm trying to think back in my head I think what last thing we did was do ultra boost and that happened so I mean well try it again I don't see why that would cause that to happen it really shouldn't but all right there we go well let's just stay to ourselves in here let's just keep on fast-forwarding through the waves the next big one up is 60 which will be the medium wave for us but if we can beat that that means technically we could use these towers as they are to get to at least wave 60 but I'm curious we can get to wave 80 that's really the big test alright a little update here still going a wave 62 haven't even bothered putting any more down which is pretty shocking and in reality if you look this how powerful it is that trap is picking up the reinforced Moab balloons and just eating them alive I mean we've yet to have anything even come close to passing that and we're on wave 63 so just to give you an idea of how powerful these things are that that's pretty much it right there look the only time to get past it is when the I momentarily has to unfortunately disappear but there we go he has now been he's been overclocked here again it says times one is that the number of times that he's been actually like extra overclocked at times two it says wait a minute so it does keep track so maybe it doesn't raise it by like a permanent like 10 percent or something and keep on going from there I'm actually really curious what that means I'm gonna tack another one on here just to see if that is the kick oh my god there's actually a problem with overclocking well luckily again it did save where we last left off I'm gonna try and overclock it just to prove the point and then other that I am I am done with it I don't want to be messing around crashing every five seconds for whatever known reason I mean it just came out like a day or two ago so it doesn't surprise me that there are some bugs around it but our maybe is unlucky me I'm not sure but either way that was times two let's see once it's done with its boost will it permanently have a times three marker on it or not that's the big question if it doesn't then why why doesn't it because I feel like it should us I'm crazy alright so it's a new wave let's see and it does times three so I guess it does stack no one's gonna I don't know how much of a difference it makes probably if I had to even dig a stab at it maybe like 10% each time but we'll leave it alone for now simply so we don't crash again for edit protection in the back here even though I really don't need it I'm gonna go ahead and just put a bunch of traps down like I said I mean it's it's highly unnecessary but it'll catch anything that kind of comes through so it's I mean it's it's more or less just a why not I really don't think anything's even gonna make it that far and of course these ones unlike the tier 5 won't collect any kind of Moab balloon or anything like that however that being said I mean they still have value in case like ceramic balloons try to sneak past or something like that I think there's definitely lot of value at still so there we go let's put down another one well back up right here know a lot of Moab loons trying to sneak by none of them even really came close so there's that alright everyone so we actually did just tactically lose on round 78 and I'll let you know why a bunch of camo ceramic loons came out and they just kind of wiped right past us so this time I put down more cleansing foam balloons so that way they are more cleansing foam monkey engineers I should say that way they can find the ceramic balloons that are camo and make us that the rest of the towers could actually defeat them so we're gonna see that actually in action this wave here and oh man here we go the big red Moab and knock him down right where the crazy ceramic balloons that just made a mockery of my defenses here let's see and there they are and luckily enough were those enough camos I think that was enough cleansing foam it was there we go so two more waves left 79 and then 80 and that'll hopefully prove our point that these monkey engineers art very powerful and you could literally just use specifically only them not even using any other kind of boost at all you don't need to use a support tower like the monkey village you don't need even your hero out there you literally just need the monkey engineers and you can technically beat wave 80 I mean that being said if you want money I mean obviously the banana farms help things out but here it is everyone the final wave of it all against the zombie balloon can we get it the trap can eat evens on balloons that is so Opie I love the engineer tower
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 510,335
Rating: 4.8550353 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 8yJ-Lf3iiC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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