Bloons TD 6 - The Avatar Of WRATH - Tier 5 Druid Tower | JeromeASF

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because technically the banana farm want to get more money's there but otherwise not oh not go over our webcam oh ma today we're gonna be taking a look at some of the coolest tier 5 towers that bloons tower defense 6 has to offer those three towers are all tier 5 towers for the druid now the tier 5 druid towers occlude the super storm the spirit of the forest and last but not least the avatar of wrath specifically the super storm version of the druid tower draws the most interest to me because it reminds me of one of the tier 4 towers from bloons tower defense 5 with a monkey apprentice that's because this one's similar to that one will spawn at a tornado that'll send all balloons in its path from the exit all the way back to the very beginning next up we have the super awesomely powerful spirit of the forest which grows thorn vines along the path length which will deal not only damage to the balloons but also help you regenerate lives and give you money every single wrap and last but not least we have the avatar of wrath which doesn't really explain a lot about it I mean all it really says is that the more blues there are the more damage it does on top of that he just looks downright evil huh frightened to be completely honest with you guys I don't really know what to expect with this one nord helped us out along the way we're gonna use 10 cache drops as very beginning that way we can easily buy out some monkey farms and eventually just get as many druid towers as possible there is one big thing to note and that is that to my knowledge the druid towers can't hit camel bones so for that reason we're going to have to go ahead and use some monkey village just to help us out all right well let's throw them on the hedge here and let's see what we can pull off hopping right on in so first things first let's get down our very front druid Tower which we will put down right about there and then we'll be able to start off the way all while calling in our ten cache drops in order to get ourselves ready with those banana farms the next thing we also want to get as well that'll help us generate as much income as possible is of course our pal Benjamin in the backfield you don't have to put him up close anywhere it doesn't matter where you put him but he will be a big help now from here I'm gonna go ahead and put down some of our banana farms and I am putting them in a place for my webcams covering them that's because well to be frank they don't really matter that much oh I suppose I could do I'll move the webcam over why not well movies like right there that shouldn't interfere with anything at least not for a very long while here alright so we got now one two three is that still with it okay those are all still within range so we want to have three of them going to the top way like so and then what we want to do from there is we want to have one off to the side that's gonna be a bank because that doesn't hurt us at all just to put it off to the side there like that and then we also are going to want to have one right here that's going to be going the market way and now we'll be all set and ready to go and of course you want to get your more valuable bananas up and running as soon as possible and there we go not too much more money's needed for this and boom alright we are slowly but surely and making our way through the ranks so becoming one of the richest monkeys in town now on top of this all for the first little bit until it's absolutely necessary we're only gonna put down the one druid tower there and we're just gonna spend all of our time really saving up the money now in terms of which Oh actually come to look at it now we need to go and put down this next one here now this one it's gonna be the very back he's gonna go the superstorm way because he's able to send balloons all the way back from whence they came so he's a good one to go in that direction that being said and the very front we'll put down a jungle bounty ones so that'll be going in the middle direction here for upgrades so there we go and calls a vine from the ground let's let's buy that one I know I said I was gonna spend too much money on it but there you go look at that so that's a minor version of what you can expect to see later on from that tower so nothing too crazy to opie but definitely cool nonetheless I'm gonna give this IMF loan ability as well that way we can borrow ten thousand dollars at a time and that means we get within six thousand dollars we can buy that right there with the snap of a fingers also those of you that can't see it obviously no one can underneath my webcam is where the monkey banana farm is right there so thanks for that guys chillin case you see that randomly pop up on screen you don't know where it's coming from because it's invisible it doesn't actually exist okay does it it does exist but it's not exactly an eye sight um now the question is why don't get Central Market or do I want to get I've been at a research facility if I had to pick one of them I would say banana research facility so there we go got that one down pat now this next one up here is super cool because it makes us you don't actually have to pay back the $10,000 loan you just get to keep the money so it's a free way to make like 10 grand every couple rounds probably it's like 1 or 2 rounds really now the one thing I don't know is if this vine will be able to hit cow balloons I don't think it will as I warned you guys at the very beginning so because of that we might have to eventually put down the monkey villages now let's see here what do we want to I go down this way gain attack speed for up to 1 our lives lost ever get in this upgrade lives above maximum do not count hmm probably would rather go heart of thunder let let's do heart of thunder if I had to pick a single one of those well bring it up to the top here and jungles bounty generates extra cash per banana farm near the druid oh well I wish I had thought of that when I was putting down my banana farms unfortunately I wasn't so none of them are exactly quote unquote next to it which means we're not gonna be able to get it all right there we go collect all the cash there thank you very much and we're almost in a position where we can borrow once we pay back the loan at the top there which is just about done we can borrow the money needed to actually might I mean need to borrow any money for it we can just save up want to save up we're basically there in a second anyway and then we'll borrow money for the very last one all right come on boom got that one this should be more than enough in terms of monkey money in order to get us everything it's only gonna cost us I'm the most expensive one is 480 thousand but let's see for the Druids it is right here it goes 76040 two thousand thirty eight thousand seventy-six is pretty much 80 thousand it's not nothing too outlandish I would say but there we go we now have all three of them upgraded we need one get to a tier five but you know everything in due time everything in due time indeed Central Market upgrade here is coming in soon as well so that's always a plus ok come on keep fighting them whoa some of them are starting to break through a little bit here I would be much more concerned if it wasn't for the fact that we've only got two towers down so I'll be much more concerned otherwise all right and come on boom central market now something interesting was that the vine popped up wall was over here which means his vine ability can reach anyone virtually anywhere which is pretty Opie now we could keep saving up our money here and oh oh we got a couple of them trying to break through Druitt of the storm here there we go look so the storm ability already starts sending them that back which is really cool now we can either save up eighty five thousand for that one fifty one thousand for monkey wall street or eighty five thousand for that I think we save up for monkey wall street cause it is the cheapest one for us at the moment and look that's just a little glimpse of how powerful that drew towers gonna be when it sends them back like that like that's just the tiniest little glimpse and oh if six thousand dollars waiting right there as well if we end up needing that at any point and there he goes our first camel blue and that unfortunately is gonna be breaking through and is the reason why we need to get for ourselves the monkey village it's sad I always hate when we have to break from our norms you know like in terms of trying to beat the game only using one type of tower it does Santa me because technically it sort of is like cheating but unless you come with a better solution let me know otherwise I don't know there's nothing we could do there might be like there used to be a meerkat I don't know if he exists anymore there's be a meerkat in your monkeys here that would let you pretty much just see any type of camo balloon without actually having a camo tower up so that was really cool but I don't think they have that anymore that being says get a heart of thunder here to help us out no they are really starting to break through here so let's go ahead and keep getting them that way Wow okay with that really stopped them in their tracks not bad at all I guess the next thing we're gonna buy is gonna be monkey Nanak stright there so we'll borrow the money the last 10,000 in order to get it and that won't be well on our way oh whoa the vines are able to pop through lead balloons look at that that's so cool dude that's honestly so rad I love it absolutely love it what a cool upgrade okay and boom oh we're so close to getting the big bucks here come on get us close enough in on this and there it is so now if we call in boom borrowing money and then we got that upgrade now so now we have the top level banks so whatever that goes around we don't owe money anymore we just collect the ten grand and call it a day and how nice is that free cash don't thing anyone's ever gonna complain about that one okay now there is another druid tower that we still need to get I mean technically none of these are even level five so we do need to start saving up for those along the way but there we go boom cashing that 10 grand thank you very much and we'll make this one right here the eighty-five thousand bananas central one smack dab in the middle of the other ones and look at these bad boys go oh my goodness just shattering through him and we're gonna need a camel one in the back there - look at that he's only three to the up tier and he sent all of those balloons back that's epic that is really really epic and you don't need much more money for this come on get me to the eighty-five thousand mark and then we can start spending money as soon as we get it because money will no longer really matter in the game to us outside of just being something to buy more druid towers all right and could you get the rest of that money out of that Bank there and there we go we can now afford to do whatever we want so blue the ball whoa okay that ball lightning is pretty cool actually let's get the jungle bounty there and then we'll save up for spirit of the forest which is apparently inability something to think about anyway and wait a minute could I get big increased influence radius of the village Oh doesn't increase the radius of your tower though I was really hoping to make my tower shoot out further which would be mad cool to see alright let's get that one here let's save up for super storm actually next I think super storm might be the move to make and wait a minute did that work did he just get I think he did get money for that and uh oh this tower literally might just break right through we'll see in a second if it does then no way he just zapped the tower I mean the tower the Moab bloonan exploded it I really thought we'd have to use some monkey dollars there to get us out of actual trouble but apparently that's not the case well time to get the super storm ability now for real anything that even tries to come remotely close just look at decimate it oh my gosh that literally just tears through the middle of the map alright let's go ahead and get monkey intelligence bureau there so that's a good one and same here let's get monkey intelligence bureau so they could all hit it and now I guess we'll save up to get this one right here Thank You spirit of the forest ability and look at it women is the spirit of the forest why not to activate that I guess I don't actually have to actively activate it I guess it just has the ability symbol next to it because technically the banana farm want to get more money's there but otherwise Oh knocked over our webcam alright so over time the vines have grown and grown and grown very rapidly to its lumping like a round or two and now there's just vines literally everywhere on the map like this is getting ridiculous looking but there we go so that's a tier 5 there that's a tier 5 there last but not least we got one more tier five that we could set up and let's put them right here at the beginning let's just have fun with them ready avatar of wrath now his ability pop Plus down here boost attack speed for others routes in the radius can stack up to 5 times on any single druid so pretty much he'll be helping him out in doing more damage which is super opie but let's take a look oh my he's just he's just crushing through them and now that I know that they have that one as well let me go ahead should let's see how just three of them will do so all it to your 5s and then we'll start adding in more and more and more druid towers for now that will just keep it with them and all the while will be collecting up cash here too to help us out but my bet means that we'll probably only get to wage 73 towers but we'll try and see maybe we get further and further wave 40 was obviously less than easy then wave 60s coming up for the last of medium then wave 80s the ultimate goal which is where hard mode inevitably ends and look at that he just evaporated that Moab literally the snap of fingers it's just God alright here we go the last wave for medium mode and we just crushed the red Moab I really think my estimation of getting to wave 70 without really any trouble at all is gonna be an accurate one because by the looks of this I don't see any sign of us really stopping this is actually just getting kind of brutal out here I mean look at it go look at it go alright well we'll use up some more monk Kimani there and boom get the cash coming through oh we leveled up too we'll look at that we gots a little 41 already it's nice and let me collect the cash from there we have half a million dollars waiting for us if we absolutely need but I just don't see us actually needing the money call launched but I just don't really think we're gonna need it at least not that much we might need like a hundred thousand but wow there we go we had some starting to break through they just immediately got crushed I mean this is just ridiculous out here there is absolutely getting demolish before anything at all can really happen to him all right well keep it up I guess I don't know what to say around 65 still going as strong as one could ever need look at it go crush them here's Oh double red Moab's and just demolish jeez what is going on out here here it is wave 70 let's see if my prediction is correct I mean this is pathetic I don't I don't understand how our three towers is good I mean not only are these some of the coolest looking towers I'm starting to think that perhaps the druid tower is just the most op1 out there I mean look at this all these mobs coming through just decimated just absolutely and entirely just decimated there we go send some more through why don'tcha jeez I mean let alone all this we're gonna end with literally like a million dollars left over I haven't even been really clicking on all the money making things that I could be doing I've just not been paying attention at all here we go though waves seventy-three and killing them all thank you oh no cavalry grow balloons whatever will we do except literally just exist like that's literally all it takes just that okay well wave 74 now coming in hot and oh and stop those ones too okay well I don't really know what more to say about that okay good good good good good I mean jeez if we end this with a million dollars left over which we are actually I mean we can easily do that just sell that literally just take from there sell that and now we're about to have 1 million dollars there we go a million dollars just three towers not even bothering with everything else I'll just keep just keep these around I guess I never know what to say well three more waves until we would officially be in hard mode with three towers so if you're wondering if you could do it the druid tower is the one I mean granted you do need the camo which does make it a little less powerful the fact that you do need a support tower however is not always a bad thing to have one of those anyway because you can get them other boots like being able to it faster and it affects other towers and its range and you could also give it things I like and those are the big ones really monkey town also makes you more money so there's that I don't know what what I'm getting at is there's there's plenty of good that comes from them is there one ability at a is there one that actually Oh monkey Appa loves that sounds awesome absorbs all in your a banana farms in their income that's mega o P may not know about this now you just put down more in its place oh my that might be the secret to getting I mean like just millions and millions I heard it the five million dollar challenge but maybe if I ever did the ten million dollar challenge that would be my my secret my secret recipe if you will alright well two waves left in the mix here alright destroyed them this one here ears appeasing and the Restless blooms are going down down down I hope yeah dead red Moab blue get that trash out of here another reinforced red Moab balloon get that trash out of here boom the final wave here it is the song balloon versus our army here let's see what they will do can they defeat it with just three tier five druid towers yes they can there it is everyone the most o p tower in bloons tower defense
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 961,644
Rating: 4.8633852 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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