Bloons TD 6 - The Best Hero - *Max Upgrade* Tank Captain Churchill | JeromeASF

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you know that of all the times I play bloons tower defense six I have almost always used Benjamin as my hero that's all changing today because I'm using captain Churchill and his tank I mean take a look at how awesome this guy is so pretty much right here we have armor-piercing shells so shots could pop black balloons and do extra damage to ceramic balloon duration increases as he levels up and then we have the Moab barrage which would basically allow you to launch an attack at 10 of Moab balloons and deal a massive amount of damage also I just went ahead and bought these send ty Churchill skin I mean that looks awesome he looks like a space hero more than anything like Master Chief from Halo in order to make this easier as well I did buy 10 cash drops to start us off and of course we are gonna use our banana farms in order to help us make enough money that we can kind of keep buying in more and more levels so I think the perfect level for this to test it out would be park pants let's go ahead try it out and that way I can put my tank in the front and then put my backup towers in the back that way in case things get a little crazy we'll be able to take them out so let's go ahead we have our Churchill tank right there and boom we needed the first bit of money here so we can afford it because unlike the other towers it is $1700 which is a tough look at it go oh my gosh umm well that is certainly awesome what's his first ability and his armored battle take the captain is a no-nonsense power us in the battlefield number two increased popping power per shot all right well let's go ahead and let's get as much cash in here as possible going and then we'll get the banana farms up and run making sure we're getting all the money because in order to max one out like let's say from scratch that costs a lot more money than you may even be aware typically speaking that could run you probably close to about 250,000 literally just from right off the bat scratch so we're gonna need a lot of money because I'm not that many monkey dollars to buy that many cash drops so yes that's uh it's kind of how we're doing things here alright so let's go ahead we'll put a banana farm back here this one will be our Bank guy right there like so perfect and the rest of these all will be going well a bunch of these will go up I guess these will all be going the upward pathway and then we'll make sure that at least one of ours an extra one off the side will be go to the Central Market way that we're making as much money as possible you know we're doing good things here but anyway he's still level one he's not level two just yet so we got to wait it out a little bit he'll get there though in due time in due time and all right keep on saving up all the money we can here thank you thank you let's get this guy up to the 2500 mark here level up there we go so increased popping power per shot the next one armor-piercing shells shots can pop black loads into extra damage to ceramic so wait a minute that he gets his ability at level three that is so early that's incredible I mean this guy is Opie if that's the case I had no idea it that early on in the game like think about how crazy quickly that is all right well let's go ahead and save up our money here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and use the ability that I have which will allow me to get $10,000 super quick and easy so I can make that into an immediate central market there and actually I unfortunately messed that one up big-time I should have gone the middle route for valuable bananas there we go Sammy's collecting it on his own he's hanging out having a great old time there and okay let's just keep on storing up all the cash that we can here and I guess look at the central market next look at this tank go he's the only popping tower that we have and he's just killin the game right now like absolutely crushing it his range is also just super incredible I'm kind of curious to find out if maybe he also will unlock a better range over time I don't know he doesn't necessarily need it either but it's a thing that I'm pondering that's for sure okay let's get the max value bananas here that way we're getting the most bang for our buck with those we also have four grand stored up in this Bank here which we can collect at any time there we go level three those next one it's in Crete literally as I was questioning it next one is increased attack range well that's really good to know at the moment he's only popping through one layer blue at a time though which is surprising for a tank you would think that it would deal a lot more damage than that but it does have a good AoE so I mean that does make up for it I suppose good ol explosion never hurt anybody except hurt everybody also we have our ability here I kind of wanna put this to the test so let's give it a go here can I use it okay it wouldn't let me use it on once they're out of range but there it is everyone it just basically deals a ton of extra damage which is super nice now a huge hole in my plan I do realize is that I have no way at all to hit camo balloons so I will at some point go ahead and put down some things that will be able to hit them now obviously I do recognize that is a big failing on my part but yeah but yes otherwise though things are looking very very good for us here so I'm gonna go ahead as soon as I can actually which will be probably next wave I'll be able to take out the ten thousand borrow ten thousand as well in order to get two of these upgraded ASAP alright in fact there's the ten thousand right there so let's go ahead boom banana research facility thank you very much and then actually what I can do is I can borrow the money get a central market look at that getting away with just borrowing our way to success here that's why I always like that Bank although you do have to pay the money back borrowing it early on is very very very useful um so there we go keep it up guys keep it up or just guy there it is increase range so as a fast firing machine gun attack no way so you don't just have to explosion attack them you also get a rapid fire attack I mean who knows how little or much damage you would do but still that's crazy to know that that is something you get I didn't realize that until now and that is very very impressive that is gonna be a huge game-changer for us to say the very least alright well as soon as we pay off that amount we can borrow the rest of it and and then get the next thingy online that's banana research facility online oh they're starting to try and get through so we'll use our ballistic ability here come on magic tank so so far we've 2000 look at that now that is a bad bad sign for us now I believe now I could be wrong here but I think this ability here does pop black balloons so weird you have to wait to use it again but that is a very scary thing that if we don't have that ability active at that exact moment you know we're just in trouble time really that's what it comes down to and that's see that's unfortunate there so we are gonna have to start getting a little wiser with how we're using our money but otherwise though I guess things are looking good so let's see oh yeah the tank tanks not holding up entirely here so what we're gonna do instead is let's go ahead and which was the wind one is that the druid who now got the suit okay druid got the super storm back to the exit all right so we'll put a druid in the back here and his job will just be the super storm guy he'll just send them all back to the beginning you know it when when and if we need that ability to be used so here we go let's go and borrow or not borrow just take out our funds there and now we're gonna borrow our way to getting this next one here boom we have all the banana research facilities and we start focusing on the tier 5 levels of the banana farm that oh I forgot to use my ability there so that was a big shortcoming on my part which is why I really need to start paying attention to that you do you have anything that can hit camos you do not okay so that's another shortcoming that we have we're gonna need to get something that can pop the camo boon so we can just put him in the back there at least he can always pop them and we'll focus him on grand master ninja ability there you go so your job is to go and hunt those balloons down there's the machine-gun though the next one binoculars last Churchill a pop count you're kidding me this guy is so Oh P that's insane I love it and the machine guns also awesome literally every time we have a problem he just swoops in and goes I got you buddy I got this figured out for you what a no P tower I just love it I absolutely love it all right well we're popping on through here and how much is the cheapest one fifty one thousand there's eighty five thousand and then there's another eighty five thousand for that well save up for the cheapest one I suppose probably the smartest move here and then we could go on from there alright all right and things are looking good well that's an interesting one does the machine gun the machine gun on him allows them to pop black balloon so you don't even need the ceramic explosion wait a minute wait a minute that is vastly different than my understanding shots can pop black plumes and do extra damage yeah but it's machine gun pops them anyway so that virtually doesn't even Matt oh my goodness this guy's Opie this tank is ridiculous here and now that he could pop callable ensue I don't even know what to say I'm very curious if one individual tank like this will be able to carry me to victory look there's a lead balloons which are a joke to him he just goes get out of the way get out of my way I don't even need I don't even need this ninja monkey back here anymore let's just get rid of him until we absolutely need them because we're trying to make this into a challenge of sorts and not even of sources supposed to be like a challenge and don't want to be you know taking any unnecessary handicaps that we don't need so there we go keep it up keep it up keep popping them yes sir all right oh the balloons are coming round and round the way stop them dude these tanks are so I want to try out the other heroes now now I like need to try out the heroes because this is just getting ridiculous and all right so what I can do is if I take that and borrow that boom buy that now we have the bank and every time we want to get that bonus therefore 10,000 now it's not a loan it's just a bonus so we don't have to pay it back ever so just free $10,000 every like two rounds which is really Opie are things are heating up here so we're gonna go ahead and get our explosion or yeah our ceramic explosion ability there and it looks like he was able to embarrass those balloons that were trying to sneak around he leveled up there we go tsuki now pop kammo's shells could explode four times instead of three so he basically becomes 33% more powerful with explosive damages Wow Wow Wow is all I have to say about that that is just what in turn and a good way in a very good way okay keep popping these guys keep popping them some monkey wallstreet $51,000 for that one which isn't that bad well we'll be able to afford that one in just a moment here we're also almost coming up on the end of the easy waves which is really impressive stuff actually I'm shocked at how quickly were getting through these waves Oh things are speeding up there so I used the ceramic popping ability there and whoa the black balloons are trying to break on through which are a big threat to a spot oh and he pulls through he's able to even beat wave 35 and pretty soon once the guys are all good there's nothing left to waste my money on except for dyeing his levels so what was be able to pay and keep getting him more and more powerful speaking of which let's get her 10,000 there and now banana central is the next big one and I've got this red balloon trying to sneak his way all the way around he's not gonna make it though whoa come on keep popping the black balloons there nice work on Churchill's part look at him go alright alright uh-oh things are now officially heating up again things are looking bad for a second year let's see though he's pulling through though he's hope he's hot he held it he literally just held it together now I don't know how he's gonna fare against Moab balloons if he doesn't have his bow ID popping ability and he doesn't exactly get that until looks like 10 somebody gets Moab barrage alright well we got to save up for that then let's get you to wave ten short chill and we'll just keep on using that ability there boom and well those ceramic balloons are really pushing it he they did get through there I'm not gonna lie they did break through our lines which is scary so that means what I'm gonna have to start doing is in the back here I will start getting this guy up to using his super storm pushback abilities which I know is kind of annoying but unfortunately if we want any chance at this we're gonna have to do it heart of vengeance gains attack speed for up to a hundred lives lost after getting this upgrade okay part of it I guess we'll just get harder vengeance then just in case alrighty keep on holding true no here's the tank let's see can he do it on his own if he doesn't that's ok that just means that after this what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to go ahead and so if we lose we'll just you know we'll restart the level I'm not restarted level we'll just you know pay the money to continue the round but luckily we didn't even lose anyway so that means we're cleared for now for the fun I'm gonna buy this one it was a holy $127 shells can split four times as more powerful we can increases attack speed for an additional 14000 which is uh let's do it we increased attack speed level eight there just to help him out a bit cuz he really desperately needs it as you can see alright and Churchill holding strong now out here what's his next one shells key explode five times all right let's get that then more shell explosions moab barrage is up next launch the bra okay so that'll help us have to kill those Moab ones I like that I like that a whole lot oh we have some dangerous camos trying to break through but and they did and they did break through it's a little bit stressful for us but that's alright let's go ahead and let's get this ability 23,000 increased popping power per shell boom we'll buy that one for twenty nine thousand shells can explode six times his explosion is now twice as good as when it started if not even more than that but that's good that's really really good I am gonna start saving up my money though because I do want to get this got a super storm just in case we're gonna need that now with that barrage ability okay it literally only works on Moab balloons I didn't know if we would just target the most powerful balloons which also included Moab's or if it was strictly only Moab's and is strictly only Moab so that is something to note it won't just target the most powerful balloons on screen otherwise so still good though still good I wasn't really expecting that to work to be honest right thank you and our backup man right here the super storm himself and then we're also gonna put this in the back here to make sure they can hit all types of balloons so he's gonna have to get the radar scanner all right come on go radar scanner and then we're gonna pay that for the monkey telogen bureau so he can push back anything so while we're doing this experiment we now have a backup yeah there you go see and then it tries to break through we can just kind of back up while we're doing this experiment which is very very useful this one armor-piercing shell pops two layers of balloons and you do extra damage of ceramic that is awesome so now he's attack attacks are twice as good then remember I was saying on the explosion only although it made a good AoE only did one layer well now it sounds like it's doing two layers so that's pretty bit an extra damage to surrounding and higher so if I see this around I guess it just does I don't know like three or four layers a mattress or how that works now it's machine gun a main gun can pop two at a time there now so now it's machine gun actually is twice as good oh my gosh this this thing just keeps getting better all Tech's do extra damage verse four to five balloons got that one increasing its attack speed for thirty thousand is the next big one that we need and we're gonna see how this guy fares soon enough I want some Moab's try and sneak on through because I want to be able to use his abilities you know the Moab barrage one specifically and see how it does against all the different types of balloons and oh gosh luckily we use his power up there is ceramic powerup when used is very very good and looks like it recharges extremely quickly as well oh my and that was just charging mega quick there wait do we need again let's use it right there look at that with that powerup buff wait Moab's boom got him out of there give me the money there perfect and increasing attack speed don't mind if I do our prison shells are even more damaged don't mind if I do on that one as well all shells pop an extra layer it's weird how he just only attacks the Moab balloons he doesn't attack the smaller balloons when they come through still though good to know sure chills got this one for us I'm very curious to see how far we could push this thing alright wave it's our way 51 now he's level 17 we've almost maxed him out 18 boom she'll ski smokes seven times geez how many times how many times we're gonna upgrade that specific ability about him like gzr DS killing him already mob robbed shells and main gun to massively increased damage per it never go my way I just use my Moab Mirage ability and off-screen it just killed him so just basically push cross here's like dumb you know just leave them alone alright there we go awesome stuff awesome stuff and now here we go how much for the next one and there we go he is now level 20 maxed out looking absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself like and that is incredible look at look at him look at how awesome he looks I mean he's just absolutely killing the game here like that is so sick all right I love it it I'm loving it I am loving it 100% here okay there we go and oh my gosh look at him go look at him go all right well now that he's going to go in and going I'm gonna go ahead and do something crazier I'm gonna sell off this tower in the back and we're just gonna wing it here let's see if Churchill can survive wait 56 on his own with nothing else so just uh nade and he just destroyed that way oh they're still okay there's still some trying to come through all right what if I use my barrage ability oh my gosh well see you later wave 56 bolt I'm just gonna let it roll we're just gonna see how long he'll survive on his own here of course I'll be running the special abilities when necessary but oh my gosh he's just crushing him he's literally just crushing him out here wait 57 wave 60 keep in mind is the last level of medium mode if he can crush out medium mode on his own that is just absolutely insane alright there we go come on and dude he's just he's just crushing him out here he's just absolutely crushing him boom use the Moab ability also I want to see can I use that ability when they're off screen as well I'm pretty sure it seems like even one thing he doesn't direct contact but then this Moab Mirage ability works so he doesn't have to be in his AoE in order to use that but oh my gosh look I'm gonna wait 59 now this is insane this is absolutely insane that unaided he's made it this far right use our super ability there there we go to pop through those regrow cama balloons let's see without using any real abilities here will he be able to take that out oh my gosh he just took out the red part of it okay so they're out of his view oh my gosh that just crushed that now use his special he just beat it he literally just beat medium mode on his own this this guy is unstoppable he's just genuinely unstoppable out here alright and let's use that ability and fire the mega cannons oh my gosh it's just it's just too easy Churchill is insane oh alright this has got to be the best hero out there that you can use like all around this is just the best hero there is in the game without a doubt oh and the four to five ones just don't even stand a chance either I just I'm speechless I don't even know what to say alright well let's keep it up then Churchill Churchill Churchill okay there you go use our special ability right there just for a second and up things are starting to get a little crazy not too bad though way he might and there it is wave 63 what a hero
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 341,199
Rating: 4.8222036 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: KPez5HWDe-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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