Hero ONLY Challenge! 2 Play BTD 6 Hero Challenge!

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what is going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan attorney and today I'm joined by saber and we're going to be kicking some butt because normally heroes are pretty powerful but what happens when you get a lot of them in a single game today we're gonna be using the two hero challenge I decided I wanted to use Gwendolyn and he's going to use the Churchill I want to say striker Jones but that's not they both blow stuff up so if you guys enjoy you wanna see more make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications and make sure to go down in description down below and check the sabre out I'm gonna start it off and immediately I'm just gonna drop cash drop because I need to be able to buy my hero and I also really go oh thanks for doing that for me ya know oh oh that was yours yeah here I'll buy yours okay thanks man oh my gosh if I put her down she perfectly fits in the circle of not hitting anything okay well I've also gotten a couple of supply drops myself yours that I can actually I really hope her range goes up because right now she can't hit anything okay level seven she gets a range boost click on my guy no 11 has increased attack rate like my range it's garbage Lucy no don't tell me it doesn't go up it Evette yeah why would she it's like level 11 you know you're gonna need a couple of supply drops we have to complete this challenge with just our heroes alright bro okay okay what if I can I get a village cuz that might increase my range go ahead and get a village me yeah okay let's do this our own way if you want to upgrade your person just only use support towers and a total okay I thought it's not even gonna really level or up that much is it I'm gonna put down two banks because then I can get some money and then I'll use it to upgrade er yeah do you have it no no no I was gonna say you probably have a free dart monkey too but I would just say no offensive towers okay okay okay there we go so let me supply drops that you put down I'm just gonna use all mine right now a lot I think I use like six and something like that okay I just use three and then I'm gonna use that to get a farm immediately I feel like I should really this carriage move this character it's all up to you man you probably should be but hey my guys leveling up quite fast because you're not doing it so I won't question him in C yeah your little do I do I dare just sell her oh I'm gonna I there's no way her to do it man you know yeah her range is not gonna go up that much if you sell them at like level 10 and then you replace them are they gonna be a zero again or that 10 yeah oh that's rough man I'm sorry for your loss bro are you okay you want hard about it where do I put her though I think I would put her it near the intersection no because she can't hit them when they're going under so I feel like that's missed opportunity anyway I'm just gonna look at them put her in the top left so that's right there we go I'm so upset okay every chance I get I think I'm just gonna invest in Thanks and then cuz I need we have to level her up oh and your hero up as quickly as possible right because I know I'm just literally I might just get more supply jobs for a quick second here man worried that like come round like 20 we're well what line dude we're fine no need to panic alright okay how about this some of this we'll get to it we'll see if we can get to 60 men but if it's for some reason too easy we gotta just go to 80 as if we were on hard absolutely boom come on Churchill you did great for Britain now do great for us I have $5,000 in the bank I'm just not to flex on you or anything but I'm told you're all over me bro like at least your hero can you know hit the mask see like you have 300 pops I only have oh I'm actually catching you I have 200 pops but yeah it's cuz now you're hitting him first so yeah you got it you're good that sounded so salty yeah but obviously yeah it's cuz you know you're kind of like stealing the thunder but it's all good it's gonna be great though cuz I'm gonna take out a big bunch of balloons and then they're gonna come back around to you and then we will be fine oh dude I have a banana farm like insta monkey instant hour should I just use it why not Yolo am i right okay it's like a super good one do I have like instant villages in so [Music] one of those that's great holy cow okay all right we're good we're good okay so we'll be bro dude that's awesome you get I want to see you if I really hope arrange just something useful because if it doesn't work well we haven't been playing on double-speed I was like this is going oddly slow I was gonna say man like are our guys just that's not popping balloons or so no it took you like five shots to hit that one balloon hey men listen listen I don't know I have no rebuttal to that he just sucks I mean I guess okay there we go $22,000 I'm rich yeah I'm gonna do I'm just gonna get it even though I'm kind of blown through cash it's what it's worth it it's worth it bro well it trust me trust me it's worth the dog trust me none trust me okay I don't need this thing to be near my guy right I can just so satisfying I literally had the perfect amount to get all those bangs even though they're kind of crooked but they're kind of I'm glad I put that Bach down because I would not have remembered to use that all the time my next level is gonna be huge though because it adds up lingering burn effect on the balloon so they're just always gonna be burning now I'm gonna wait for the end of this round and if he doesn't get to level five I'm just gonna Courage's it Oh perfect yeah oh no you'll be you might not get it but oh my goodness this is so scary did you get it uh no oh no I meant like that the next round like 24 I'm just trying to buy as many makes as possible right now yeah no I oh oh that is cam oh thank goodness it dies yeah that's what yours hits can't Oh mine does no mine my my my ability hits camo balloons dude I just realized yeah wait hang on I didn't really think about the camo stuff we might need to get a village down I don't know if mine does but I guess as long as yours does then we should be okay for a little while I can't hit those can you pop those you can't pop those okay okay I'm good okay I can't hit plasma types of bullying I'm just gonna oh I can't upgrade the guy bro oh I'm collecting all real quick and upgrading him yeah it's probably a good call okay I'm gonna put a one of my villages my life way easier I keep collecting too early on my banks but I just need to to upgrade him enough I'm gonna go ahead and put a village down man I too scared right now oh yeah okay down $40,000 let's go okay alright alright you can pop camo balloons for sure now so we're good okay Oh Oh we can both get led so that's super nice Oh perfect okay I didn't know if your hero did so most stuff with fire does cuz it like melts it I'm just gonna keep waiting for my farms and my banks on my way I can't put the last your domain is good actually yeah you know what just just because I'm cooler than you man I'm gonna go ahead and put a banana bag up there okay I don't I don't I don't there we go look at that burning effect okay I need to look at some of my abilities what do I get you know my next my next level up I shoot you who blasts instead of one that's literally double the firepower what that's literally double the firepower Oh increases attack speed oh my god okay I just upgraded the village so he give his attack speeds even faster now that's no cool that he um he can shoot the missiles and the minigun and you see he literally just has two guns like right off the bat it's so good okay two rounds we're gonna go up against our first Moab I don't know how I feel about this I think we can do this bro we got this weekend outfits mm okay I've put my characters level no nine my own he's doing really well my banks has 61 thousands right now it mines at 33 yeah 30 okay yeah I just gotta have patience man I know it's so it's so tempting to take it out fairly and just use all the money like right now right but look I'll be halfway oh yes I'm super close I'm at 9,000 right now so it's about to jump up to 9500 and that's gonna be so much money it's gonna be perfect and all of it goes into the air literally every single penny of it I want to just put it on the farm down you know I'm just gonna I'm gonna save my money oh oh hang on we're fine okay okay all right here we go you just cashed out now just cash out it hit the max eight ninety five hundred or close all right I got away Oh two more okay one or two look I have like the crazy hair now dude you ready for my new ability today I just got you what you got bro okay wait I want to wait ready let's do this and boom double shots now easy dude Oh have you been I don't even know if you've been I think I just got it okay okay increase the tax speed nice like twice the amount of levels new what you're getting up so fast so just because I I just spent seventy thousand dollars to upgrade up dude yeah yeah no I do I put over like two hundred thousand dollars into the hero so far I'm putting up money I get into it that makes a lot more now let's put it all into your hero and I'm just gonna upgrade the village one more time we're good bro dude his range is increased even more he can shoot right past that little uh right before they go underneath in the tunnel that's insane what are you talking about okay I'm gonna keep putting - oh I almost put a village instead of a farm I'm gonna keep putting banks down Rob's you can take up all the space I have a lot more space for I know we need to save up money yeah we should have done this a little bit sooner but I'm a little we should have gotten I think we would about this all wrong so what we're done yeah we wrote about this all wrong we should have in the very beginning get submarines and put the submarines right now Kevin none of this you're right I'm gonna get a pontoon submarine and upgrade the entire top but yeah because it gives us 50% extra XP good well we do it now but I guess it doesn't I think I don't think it really matters anymore I think we're still we're just doing we're doing that's right we're doing just fine but if you guys want to see us do this again with two different heroes let us know because we're super down to try this challenge out yeah this is actually this is so satisfying with just heroes like ah right okay nice keep going nice dude can you place a farm top right or in the middle rate I got cheese I can't place mine there I got you there you go there you go no reason for me to do that but I got you do it anyways we have so many banana this is so ridiculous okay let me make sure it's all upgraded real quick why would you put the fire down there ding dong don't be bad man they're trying their best soo thank you wait wait no way hang on wait what what are you good you're good huh am i right I guess so thank you for putting the fire in the right place this time dude Yolo man can I put it on the window no doubt in mind if you want to Tom about to hit max level oh hey Ryan yeah thanks for lending me your space then you'd bite at the bottom of you I I can't no cell you're here oh no I got I got you I got you I got you it's just a prank calm down calm down dude gwyndolin is kicking butt dude I definitely have I've maxed out my bank space man don't look at Glendon go dude your guys taking all the credit over here man put me to shame do I have an idea I have a really really bad idea okay what do you got you say it's a bad idea it's probably a great idea okay I got a little rough with all my money we got yikes dude she's only level 17 now anymore hikers oh no bro dude why'd you move her the Blues now we can both attack them at the same time now that we're both like in radius at the exact same time so we just annihilate them okay you know what that's a good point that is very good call okay here we go oh my goood you see him shooting that Miss Lee just cleans them out dude right okay I'm gonna I gotta sell all my stuff now just to get the money I'm gonna upgrade the one banana farm and then after that I'll just only put the money in a Churchill here okay we got the 60 no problems I think we'll get to 80 we can do this you want to go straight to 80 that's what you want I say we just go straight 80 because this was way too easy growing this was even a struggle as I sold all my banana farms thinking that where I gotta take all my money I don't need it anymore I'm going to little we cool oh-ho good that means I could just sell that upgrade this and now I can only focus on Churchill here yeah boy okay I want dude where's where'd you put your robot buddy I put him in the top left it creates just super out of the way now my robots gonna hear it fine I'm gonna put my own way down here got in the opposite corner there we go non-stop feels pretty good what is the so the banana farm that I upgraded all the way it has an ability what's the ability to do the monkey nah mixability um basically it literally just gives you twelve thousand gold every time it's off the cooldown for free wait what yeah it just gives you twelve thousand gold really just give me twelve grams for nothing for nothing no yeah so I should just always use it yes literally always use it you money non-stop that was easy okay yeah yeah yes look at the next one though yo machine gun and main gun pops two layers per shot Oh easy bro no no no oh my gosh we annihilate thunk OH oh I almost feel bad for these little baby there we go don't look into recharge your totem thank you sir kind sir dude imagine being a knight in your name being prized and you're just scaring people all the time wait here we imagine you being a knight in your name prized yeah why did you be surprised I never wanted to feel like this guy again he's like sorry I was born with his name guy yeah sorry I didn't choose I have a question right what okay can I ask you a question yeah of course alright thank you that was that was really killing me deep down oh that was the question no not at all the real question is so that Moab's are airships right yes does that mean that someone's controlling the airships yeah smaller balloons okay and so the balloons like do they have like do they have a mind like do they know that their balloons don't then like who's who's making the blue enemy that's why I want to know I've never been given this information also I want to point out that you're firing and like going through all of these balloons and just annihilating look like 71,000 balloons already what can I say man when you're looking at you'll just wipe them out Boosh whoosh whoosh dude should I just use this I'm gonna use it I use the call the ARBs thing it's like spraying about that's Oh be my lawn mower broom cutting them down dude imagine doing this challenge but we have four people and four individual heroes run yeah we would win so easily man that's like not even a question at that point it would be great I feel like you'd have to do like around a hundred though right yeah you'd have to you'd have to go like oh yeah you definitely have to try and get to 100 at that point the balloons aren't even able to go all the way around it they literally only get to that one like exit out of the arena right as they exit the tunnel they just undo their death dude look look at that mo for me it's about to pop just from me using my ability in it probably looks about Ashley I wasn't already on fire what happened did I use my ability that covers like the whole screen dude I'm waiting for my banks to get to 9000 and then as soon as they do I'm gonna pay out an upgrade my guy all the way for the last couple of rounds dude I'm so ready for that I really know yeah I only have 12,000 so I can't really give you anything I know I got nothing here yeah oh my gosh I have this one break that at $9,000 in it yay yay oh yeah I forgot that was did you just sell it yeah you know just like I don't need it anymore we drew the money yeah yes yeah we really don't need it we're definitely a call to arms also I'm really sad that our I feel like our heroes should have been placed together because my hero has a buff that increases you're damaged and I like if I'm within the vicinity of your head radius yeah I feel like that would be super feet we probably should have just put them in the same circle maybe next time I feel like if we do this again we should get heroes that complement each other because I know um the hero pat busty is you're like gives you extra damage when cuz he has like rallying boy that makes you do extra damage and he stuns balloons as well so like all the balloons are stun not going anywhere and if you had a hero that could just like destroy them it'd be insane okay yeah yeah next time if if the audience wants to see us do this again next time we'll be here as a complement each other and we'll be in the same circles oh my gosh that's a lot of ceramics don't try to sell all this man I almost have 300k that's so good I have 300 K all right oh great among all the way holy cow this is gonna be Opie dude he's gonna go ham bro dude this is amazing okay now I don't even need to recharge that on this thing this is so good arms wait give me all them yep give me all your money I need oh yeah you think all my buddy now news go thank you now I can get this now I got that so we know I can use that here and you're gonna have it back there you go oh thank you man I really we're just changing the money around take all of it it's all yours now okay this is it bro we got to or yeah two more rounds dude you pop double life Bob you popped like a 150,000 balloons there's just cuz my guys ranges in steak like think about how crazy this is you have your guy right and my guy and your guy has can hit the Boone's before my character still well yeah but you moved him for the record you could have easily just like captive in the spine yeah I mean maybe probably not no I 100 i I think this might be upside a little crazy but I think if I sold my character right now and replace him I think I'd have more cops by you really I think so it's it's it'd be close dudes I think just my guy could win if you sold a character right now and he did the last year and I'm gonna recharge the totem now because now I'm just the one hero with the hardest last two rounds do I'll put a dart buggy down in the radius I can't put him in a radius where you can I guess think I put them in the top dude that's old people I put a dart no you guys just the very awesome I saw it fall playing a couple of those like wait a minute the range is okey the ice monkeys got all aw oh it's Eskimo lucky bro radius is larger [Music] I'm gonna just sell this dar buggy you're just wasting resources on the barrel no nothing I sold him you're fine dude you David didn't even stand a chance that was so easy wow I'm Haiti all right everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did consider leaving a like comment down below head over to sabor channel check him out remember we upload daily care hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome content bye
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 926,102
Rating: 4.9029899 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons td, btd, challenge, gaming, bloons, btd challenge, Hero only challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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