Most OVERPOWERED Hero EVER! *UPDATE 20.0* (Etienne, Mesa Map, Dread Pirate Brickell)

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ah the new updates out everyone let's go update 20.0 is out for balloons td6 right now and i am so incredibly excited okay guys this update adds a new hero new skins new maps general changes and fixes a whole bunch of super awesome things and we're going to be talking about all of them in today's video so get yourself something to drink a nice cup of tea maybe glass of milk glass of chocolate milk whatever works for you and buckle in because today's video is gonna be awesome all right guys so the drone operator looks amazing this high-tech hero could pursue the balloons wherever they go with this remote control drone so he so he doesn't really move but he has a remote controlled drone that he gets to use all right we're gonna have to unlock him oh my gosh he's amazing okay so let's look at all of his ability flies a deadly little drone around to shoot at the balloons so the drone operator launches four more temporary drones to wreak some balloon popping havoc that seems amazing so drone increases in popping power a drone increased attack speed an infrared camera allows shooting of camo balloons uh now controls two drones at once at level seven so at level seven his power doubles all monkeys gain camo balloon detection at level eight all monkeys that is so good what okay that's that seems crazy to me level 10 you see av high altitude surveillance drone becomes devastating combat drone for a short time gains a third drone drone damaged increased level 19 now controls four drones all the time in level 20 perma-ucav surveillance drone becomes permanent ucav when activated becomes even more powerful for a short period of time this guy seems absolutely insane and i can't wait to try him out something to point out is admiral brickell actually got a brand new skin where she becomes a pirate instead of a navy captain and honestly i love the route they took with it she kind of looks like jack sparrow i mean she definitely looks like jack sparrow she's even got like the jack sparrow pistol and everything it looks absolutely amazing and i love the route they took for this let's test out this new admiral brickles getting real fast so that looks super cool i love it she drops like little bombs in the water that looks super duper cool okay so let's send like a practice balloon at her i love it okay so let's level her up let's get her level 10 so she gets the new upgrades all right that looks pretty cool i'm about it what is like the what is the really big bomb gonna look like though what is the so it's just like one giant like doom barrel okay what happens when we level her all the way up and get her max level at level 20. so there she goes she looks so cool let's see let's send that like uh let's send just like a moab batter that looks amazing this is a super cool admiral brickell skin this is definitely going to be the one that i use from now on another giant update they added is for odyssey mode odyssey now has extreme mode when set to extreme mode once you use your monkeys and place them down they're used up for the rest of the run oh my gosh they added a whole bunch of new stuff so they added a steampunks omg a sci-fi bfb they added top hat for balloons monkey pop fx so they added new music sparkling hearts a zealy frog pet look at all these super new awesome things that's so cool they also added an adora avatar engineer avatar i love the anime brickle avatar that one's super duper cool all of these new editions are awesome and it's just i need guys i only have four trophies i want the steampunks omg and the sci-fi i need the top hats guys i need it right now those are so cool but i don't have any odyssey events bring me odyssey events so i can have new trophies please alright guys so there's a lot of things in this update such as general changes and fixes and patch notes for each individual monkey so they've added just a little things tweaks and balance changes for almost every single monkey in the game the list is quite long now do you guys want me to talk about this you want me to show what all the changes are what they potentially mean for balloons and maybe some possible new strategies that can be implemented now this is what you can do if this video gets 5 000 likes today on the day that it's uploaded i will live stream and talk about all of the changes today so we'll have a video as well as a live stream today as well so if this video can get 5 000 likes i'll do a live stream guys so make sure to hit that like button there is a new map mesa that's just been released as well but i'd rather talk about just the hero and how the hero implements the game instead of trying them out on a new map i'd love to see just what he does on a map i already know all right let's start it off guys he cost 825 dollars so that's a little expensive but it's fine he does have a he so we're gonna put him down right here so he does have a range but look he's got his little drone that's so sweet can the drone fly anywhere so it looks like the drone is only available to stay in this little area right like it looks like he can't go anywhere i haven't seen a move anywhere but i don't know does this guy attack anything i don't think so he doesn't attack oh we got let's see oh my gosh that ability's so cool so it's a drone just fly everywhere i love that it's a drone operator that is so cool to me like that is so sweet i can't wait to see how powerful it is i don't think he has the the power to pop like you know lead balloons i think i think it talked about him being able to pop camos but he doesn't have any potential for popping lead balloons which i'm not super excited about so drones increase and popping powers i'm very excited to see how he goes into the late game though so far he seems kind of just like meh right like he just right now it's not that great but once he starts getting more and more drones and hopefully he's going to get some more range soon because like we're at round nine and this guy is struggling like he is i don't is any balloons gonna get by i hope not uh use our abilities okay so far he's doing okay we need so drone increased attack speed and infrared allows shooting so i want to see what the increased attack speed means for this guy wait let's go ahead let's give him we're going to go ahead and give him an energizer i'd love so let's give him an energizer let's see so now he attacks a little bit faster and imagine if we ultra boosted him i can't wait to see like the true power of this guy i think what i want to do is i want to get a village down just to see how powerful he's going to be right i think the whole idea is to see can he get to round 80 just just him i mean he's pretty sick the drone is doing a pretty good job once he gets i think level seven he gets two drones so he's we need we need a couple more levels but once he gets two drones i think it's gonna be a walk in the park honestly i think it's gonna be super easy uh oh oh we gotta use our ability yeah let's go yeah so far he can't go out of this range so we need to get drone swarmability cooldown reduced that's going to be really nice uh-oh uh oh is he going to be able to get all the balloons oh just barely just barely so i want to get a village down and i want to start using a village when i can so we're gonna put a village down and we can do uh jungle drums and then we're gonna start working on getting uh mib because i want the drones to be able to pop everything i think i'm gonna have to put a uh like some kind of bomb shooter down or something to deal with the lead balloons when they show up but other than that i want to give this guy as little assistance as possible i want to see just what his true potential is just as a hero right so he now controls two drones at once but we need to get him up to level seven once he gets to the point where he controls two drones at once that's going to be super nice so round 25 round 28 is when we're gonna have to deal with that the uh oh uh oh uh oh we're losing lives actually you know what i want to do guys we're going to get a couple of cash drops just to get mib just for mib so we're going to drop these down and one more and then oh we can here we can use our drone swarm now go drone swarm there we go oh now he's level seven here now oh wait we know we don't have mib oh my gosh we need like look out we only need like a little bit of money that's so unfortunate here wait what if we use what if we use like uh what watch this watch this look at this okay come on there we go okay now we have mib okay now we can bob everything that was so ridiculous no wait we need okay so we now can he needs to control true two drones at once he's so close we're starting to lose lives we're only down to like what 17 lives no we need to level them up it costs 200 to level them up come on there we go okay so now he permanently has two drones which is gonna be really nice we need to start focusing on money i think because we need to start getting like some monkey farms or something down yeah he's starting he's starting to struggle here all right all right all right we're gonna start giving this guy a little bit of help he needs he's gonna need a little bit of help i think giving him just like one little dart monkey's gonna help him out so so far he doesn't give any buffs to flying towers which i find a little bit interesting i was expecting them to give some buffs to flying towers but i would really like to get some money because i definitely want to get them to max level right we're obviously going to get them to max level and once we do that i think it's going to be super sweet there we go use this drone ability go drone go what's the next upgrade uav all monkeys gain camouflage detection and that seems really strong to me like just that alone seems like worth it for this character the fact that all monkeys everywhere get camo detection yeah there it is oh look at the uav that looks so cool near and we can use our drone ability because the drone ability is like way better i should have gotten an energizer so that i could um well with an energizer he gets xp 50 faster oh i love the red shades that he gets will we be able to deal with a moab class balloon that's the real question how well will this guy deal with the moab class balloon i don't know i'm very excited to see though uh oh well we might not even be able to get to the moab class balloon we're gonna have to use the ability again okay there we go and what's yet so drones pop an extra balloon layer uh oh how's he bearing we might need here this guy's gonna need a little bit more help okay let's put this guy down oh we have three lives left okay we only have three lives left we're not doing very good so how's this guy doing drones pop an extra layer okay let's deposit our money into the bank so we need to start getting him a higher level even faster i wonder what would happen if we got a uh a brewmaster and we put a brewmaster on him does i wonder if he's gonna be affected by a brewmaster like of all the guys have the like the brewmaster stuff on them that'd be really interesting to find out wouldn't it okay so let's go ahead and let's put a bomb tower down here we're gonna put a bomb tower down right here actually we'll put a bomb tower down over here there we go and then we can try to get him some cluster bombs just just so we're uh because we're in trouble right now we're not doing we're not doing that great we're at round 43 there we go how much money is in this guy five thousand dollars okay we need more banks though we definitely want to keep leveling this guy up so as soon as he hits level 10 he gets that high altitude surveillance drone uh becomes devastating combat drone for a short period of time i'm very interested to see what that means what does that mean that like it's going to become a like a high like a super powerful combat drone i'm like that seems really cool like really really cool how much money is that going to be worth wait that's 7 000 it's almost maxed out and then once there we go okay so let's go ahead and let's grab ourselves another bank and we should be able to go ahead and just try to grab like another bank too getting a brewmaster brewmaster is going to be really nice how many pops this is 4 000 pops this guy is 14 000 pops let's see like i love summoning all the drones let's see so we need to get them to level 10. level 10 let's go i think having a brewmaster right here is gonna be good okay larger potions acidic berserker brew now let's also give him password throwing so does he give the ability it doesn't is he in range he should definitely be in range okay let's sell it here let's let's put him right here let's just see he's definitely in range there it doesn't look like you can put berserker brew on them look at that so he's not affected by berserker brew that's very sad i guess he probably shouldn't be drinking and flying at the same time though that seems like a bad idea we only have three lives which is a little bit scary too oh we have the ability he just hit level 10. all right let's try it out guys ready here's a moab and okay that is so so cool that abilities insane i was not expecting that that ability is so overpowered what even what even okay we need more banks we're actually now we're starting to like get some money and that's good so yeah i'm very grateful that we have this guy that's popping a very a large majority of it so and you can kind of just look at that he literally he just spawns in and just shreds balloons he should reads them look at that i can't we gotta get this guy to level 20 to see his true power his true potential so gains a third drone to control that's what i'm looking forwards getting that third that third drone to control let's just focus on getting as many banks as possible it's gonna be nice once we have all these banks mainly because we're finally gonna be i wanna get him to level 20 right that's the main goal is getting this guy to level 20. i wonder if ultra boosting him is also going to help right it's it'll be interesting to find out i think so right drone upgrade increased so now he so now he has three permanent drones and look at this so we can summon that that's so many drones look at that that's amazing okay round 60. all right here we go look at a deal with a bfb that ability can solo a bfb are you kidding me what his level 10 ability solos bfbs that seems a little crazy if you ask me guys that seems a little little powerful so far he doesn't have global range but he still seems really strong he has a lot of range i'd love if we we have to god boost in one episode guys all right how are we doing for money-wise i think every time oh whoops that's a lot of that's a lot of balloons so that's a lot of balloons right around 65. hopefully by the time we hit round if he's definitely going to be max level by round from 100 so let's just start let's just start upgrading this guy or do we want to try to ultra boost them i say we just get them to level 20. all right there we go look at that ability okay so it's this is how long the ability so let's see how long the cooldown so drones damaged increased greatly that's what i'm looking forward more drone damage please so far his range he doesn't have global range i don't think he's ever going to have global range which i'm a little upset at i'm a little sad but he definitely makes it up for having just being so crazy so now the drone damage oh yeah look how cool the drones look now the drones are beefy the so the uca okay let's look at the the refresh the cooldown is definitely a whole lot slower or yeah a whole lot faster sorry so it looks like he has oh my gosh it might be able to get to a point where it has a 50 up time 50 wait i'm pretty sure once he's max level isn't the drone always attacking isn't the drone always attacking at level 20 this guy is gonna be overpowered when he's max level how much money we have all right we can collect now okay so level 15 so range drone popping power and drone storm cooldown all improved all right so what's the range increase that's a big range increase the ucav damage increased again and drone damage increased now controls four drones okay perma ucv surveillance drone becomes permanent when activated so literally this ability i don't even i don't need these guys anymore we can sell that and we can sell that guys look how crazy this thing is are you guys kidding me so what happens if i use the ability wait let's see that's literally its own hero this plane is its own hero wait also so the ability is global but like he literally he does become a global hero this guy is so overpowered are you guys kidding me look at how strong this guy is i don't even need to god boost them guys i i genuinely believe we'll be able to get to round 100 with just a hero with without even like having to ultra boost him this guy is insane this guy is actually insane okay and we can do this to get four more drones look at that look at that insanity round 95 up to like 100 is what i'm really interested in seeing can he actually solo that here let's get rid of the energizing totem too the only thing he has is mib literally it might be you know what just just for just to see i've taken out everything everything that gives this guy a bonus so he has nothing it's literally just a level 20 hero he's got nothing else he's got no villages he's got no boosts he's got nothing and he's still this strong are you kidding me i don't understand why they put this guy into the game don't they know how powerful this is zone defense divide and conquer oh okay first zone defense so there's so divide and conquer so there's different like ways to go about the attacking i kind of like divide and conquer or first let's do divide and conquer so look at that and we can just spawn in more drones like this guy's doing fine by himself and then as soon as we add in like use some of his abilities he's just fine wait can he just he can always have his drones up for the cooldowns are you kidding me what about this how long does this ability last for that was round 80 guys but we're still we have to go to round 100 to see like the true potential of it so we're going into free play we we got to see the true true potential of it i want to get an energizer so we're going to go ahead and get an energizer and then we'll then what i want to do is i'm actually going to go ahead and get i'm going to cheat a little bit here guys okay where is i want to get a tech bot i'm going to get a tech bot and then i'm going to link the tech bot up with this guy there we go and so that way all all the drones are always going to be out think about that now literally with an energizer you have 100 drone up time 100 drone up time you were pretty it was pretty close anyways but now you actually have 100 for drone up time look at this look at this guy's pops he already has 300 pops this is the strongest hero in the game this is like undoubtedly the strongest hero in the game there's no like he doesn't have any boost whatsoever if he needs it i i'm more than happy to give him like a village or or something but like he just doesn't need any any type of boost so he's kind of struggling now he's starting to struggle up to like around 85. so let's just see where like what round he can get to on his own that's what i'm gonna be interested in at so he's doing okay like what where is his pops but keep in mind he doesn't have any like bonuses like watch this what if we just what if we just used a monkey boost [Music] like it does increase this guy's attack speed it looks like it does seem like that's the case which is not okay at all if we god boost this thing i think it might be the strongest tower in the game besides like eventual sun god temple oh oh oh will they they're dealing with everything so he doesn't have global range but he has like close to global range as with that i mean he probably takes up like a fourth of the map i would say oh oh okay okay yep so they he can't deal with ddt's by himself so let's continue and now let's okay so he can't deal with ddt's on his own so let's give him mib or we can just go ahead and get that all right there we go now we should be able to deal with ddt's and now for the giggles let's give him let's give him his energizing totem back let's just give him justin and just an energizing totem and this guy look at this using this ability oh my gosh it just melts blues oh no i totally realized i didn't have the hero audio on there we go i love his voice i love the way they went with his voice it's so good i really really like his accent hey i like it he's cute he's adorable he's not cute he's adorable i love him he's bo he's got a little antenna on his head it's so adorable oh oh all right let's boost that uh oh how is he doing he's doing fine he's doing more than fine that was around 95 by the way guys he has over a million pops guys he has got over a million pops i can't like i'm i'm like almost like dumbfounded about how overpowered this is like truly this this guy is insane on how powerful he is we're gonna have to god boost him one day and just see like just just how overpowered he could be just his true potential of insanity round 99 you have fortified ddt balloons uh oh uh oh uh oh he wasn't able to deal with the fortified ddt balloons okay so let's go ahead and then he's probably gonna want a monkey boost if i get a monkey boost i think that's gonna help him out all right there we go oh wow that was that all right round 100 guys oh he even says it tracking b.a.d oh man come on come on come on i want him to do it oh yeah as soon as he gets this upgrade he just does so much damage all right more attack speed come on come on take out the b.a.d come on take out the b.a.d he might not be able to do it oh wait wait we'll see we'll see and now that he gets this upgrade oh we're fine we're fine there we go and the bad was defeated guys this guy is absolutely insane guys that was round 100 and as you can see he pretty much soloed it like he pretty much loaded this is probably one of the strongest heroes in the game right now highly recommend it he's crazy i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did leave a like on the video like i said if this video gets over 5 000 likes i'll do a live stream today where i talk about all the super cool updates and possible new things and i just kind of go through the change log and we can do like a patch notes and stuff like that
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 387,908
Rating: 4.9218712 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, bloons tower defense 6, Bloons TD 6 Etienne, Etienne, bloons td 6 new map, funny, gaming, Tewtiy, Tewiy, Tewtiy bloons td 6, btd 6 tier 5, bloons, btd mesa, bloons td, BTD 6 update, Mobile, Mobile game, Gaming, bloons td battles, bloons td 6 update, BTD update, new hero, Etienne New Hero, bloons td 6 20.0, Bloons TD 6 Drone Operator, bloons td 6 odyssey update, Etienne Drone Operator, Drone Operator, BTD6 Etinne, BTD6 UCAV, BTD6 Drone Swarm
Id: CekrUsV_cyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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