5-5-5 Druid HACKED Bloons TD 6! (Stacking Tower Challenge)

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ah yes the druid monkey one of the newer additions to the balloon series it is incredibly powerful with the top path having lightning bolts hurricanes plasma balls and a super storm that blows all balloons all the way back to the exit and a middle path drew to the jungle which summons vines to pop balloons and then spirit of the forest which generates lives and lays down vines all over the track for ultimate popping potential and not to forget the crazy bottom tier avatar of wrath the more balloons there are the more damage it does today we're going to be merging all three tiers of towers together to create the ultimate 5-5-5 druid monkey i was wondering what would the ultimate drood look like so i've hacked the druid to make him have insane hypersonic attacking ability i've ultra boosted him 10 times i added obin which gives all droods and magic monkeys increased range attack speed everything i've added five poplus monkeys on top of that and on top of that i have him up at avatar of wrath which increases the damage for more balloons there are and of course the village and we're going to send 100 bad balloons stacked exactly on top of each other guys if you guys want to see what this looks like hit that like button on the count of three and we'll do this guys okay on one two three okay guys thank you so much for liking the video let's do this guys all right what oh my gosh look at this i'm so ready what's it gonna do endless attack speed ready oh my gosh look at him look at his pops look at his pumps he's insane oh my gosh that's 100 bad balloons guys all right guys let's get started on our 5 5 5 so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to start and i'm going to put down just one cash drop the reason i want to put down one cash drop is that way i can put down all of the druids let's put the druids here so one two three okay i'm actually really excited to see the power of the five five five troops it seems like they're gonna just be insane so with this druid let's get hard thorns and then with this drood we can get thorn swarm and then with this guy let's get drew to create we now have a one one one droot guys so we're already off to a great start i think getting heart of thunder is also gonna be really good because heart of thunder is gonna look at that look at that zap zap zap he's gonna be very powerful i think it's going to be i think we're easily gonna get to round 100 with this strategy i think there's no way we don't get toronto hunter right they m actually it might be problematic against like camo balloons and stuff so we might need to get a village so they might need a little bit of help but i'm not entirely sure so let's also get heart of oak and then we can get drood of the jungle and that's gonna be really nice because he's just gonna go ahead and constantly grab things so heart of engine so gains ten percent attack speed and one percent for every life loss from starting value after the upgrade so it's going to be good but the problem is balloons are never really going to get by gains attack speed during the round as long as droot is popping balloons that's also going to be nice we're also going to want to get pop lust boost attack speed for other droods in the radius so it's not just it's not just you know populist it's it's all types of druids so that's gonna be really nice because if we get that it'll boost our other judes make them making it even more powerful drewed so we're gonna want that i wonder if it affects all abilities of the drug let's see so the tangle thing so one two three four five six one two three so it doesn't seem to increase the attack speed of that at all but they do have the the druid attack speed so maybe it doesn't affect the ability that's interesting the thing is these upgrades are going to be relatively cheap until we get to the later stages where the upgrades become crazy expensive once fifty thousand one's like a hundred thousand there it's not okay there we go now we have the storm i'm gonna be i'm a little interested so it's super storm spirit of the forest and then avatar of wrath so it's gonna be spirit of the super storm wrath how's that sound guys so jungle's bounty so it gives us five thousand five thousand four hundred dollars oh no we can't get camo balloons this is a problem we need a village guys we need a village if we're gonna hit camo blues we can hit camo boons once we get the vines but the problem is we don't we don't have vines yet so we need to get radar scanner which costs 2 100 oh no oh no we need we need to be able to pop these camo balloons all right we can hit plasma balloons which is good we need radar scanner there we go we just got radar scanner so now we can hit camera blue so one camo balloon just got by that was a good reminder that these guys can't hit camo balloons until we get the 55 the 50 000 upgrade ball lightning the ball lightning shoots additional balls of lightning i didn't know that that's whack that's gonna be so good wait i didn't know the vine actually completely crushes the balloon that's really nice that he's just like yeah it's time for you to go now so we do want to get bald lightning though so we're gonna get ball lightning ball lightning is good and then super storm which is 97 000 so more balloons there are the more damage it does so that's gonna be really nice to get i'm really looking forward to getting the avatar path but like for now we need to focus on it's always so hard to click on this guy so we want jungle's bounty and then we're going to want to get the vines because the vines are really nice oh my gosh that ball lightning is insane look at it go [Music] i'm very glad that we got that okay now we got jungles bounty so we can work on getting the vines because the vines are really strong i mean it gives it gives us a global attack constantly right so it's definitely gonna be worth getting look at that look at the the ball lightning and it's gonna work really well because i love how it only gives us 200 but it's 200 that we didn't have so you know what i'll take that and i'll make sure we we work on clicking that so here's here's the big the big question can we deal with a moab will we be able to deal with the moab i don't know because we have all t4s right now but is it enough to deal with the moab i i want to say yes i would like to say yes oh man oh man oh man no wait oh my gosh they dealt with it not a single balloon got through yes i thought we i thought we were doomed for sure but we're okay that's so crazy i don't know if we're gonna be able to deal with any more moabs especially not like a bfb maybe poplus is the way to go but like the thing is if we can get the vines that's gonna do a lot of damage to all the balloons just over time but that's 54 000 this is gonna be interesting guys i feel like we might lose but it's okay remember if we lose we're just going to give them some bonuses like we're going to level up our village a little bit we're going to kind of just give it a chance to kind of deal with it right so we're not going to just immediately lose but i'd like to see if these guys can kind of just do it by themselves oh man oh man this is close i do not like how spicy this is getting we're at thirty thousand dollars luckily we haven't had to deal with any moabs yet we don't have to deal with the bfb until round 60. so i know we can't deal with a bfb normally so i'm okay with that i'm i'm confident that we're gonna be able to get the vines but will we be able to deal i don't know if we can deal with like as omg even like a bad balloon with these guys now that i think about it if they're having troubles with a moab we're at 38 000 so far so good oh man ah that might have been it that oh that was it guys that was it so those guys were not able to deal with all of that we really we only need to get spirit of the forest which cost 54 000. so what we're gonna do is we're gonna kind of cheat here guys we're gonna just call in two cash drops which gives us spirit of the forest and we're gonna see so ideally he's not gonna be able to win but if we give him spirit of fours we're just gonna see how much easier that makes it because we were so close anyways i think if i had been a little bit smarter with my spending we might have been able to get it especially if we got like banks and stuff okay yeah look how much ease look how much easier it is to pop a mo up now that we have this so i feel much more confident now now that we have this it's gonna be much much easier but we still have two very expensive towers that we're gonna need to upgrade the first one being avatar of wrath avatar of wrath is going to be not great to get that's gonna be one problem is getting avatar of wrath like holy cow already looks pretty cool i like how it's a mixture of blue green and black that's a pretty cool color combination like a really cool color combination look at it oh my gosh it's so good i love vines i love spirit of the forest we only need 8 000 more dollars will we be able to deal with the bfb i think once we get the avatar wrap i think it's going to be a lot easier i'm really sad i don't think they can hit right here can they maybe not i should have moved them down just a little bit we're so close to getting avatar wrath and avatar of wrath look at him he's awesome look at him go he's beautiful boom for something he doesn't have like the fire maybe he needs more balloons around him so he gains like more damage what is his range does he get like way more range so there's the druid that's given us wait why do why isn't it given wait every round oh every round it gives us a thousand dollars i'm very i forgot about that all right here's the bfb look the bfb is already damaged look at that that's so nice oh man okay we might have a chance of beating around 100 with this then we just got to get super storm super storm is crazy it also costs so much super storm blasts all balloon types for massive damage and blows them away from the exit so that's gonna be really really nice to have i think it's probably like what the fourth most expensive upgrade in balloons because the fourth one is probably or maybe the fifth maybe the fifth most expensive so it's it's the sun temple then then super mines then ultra boost oh then and then there's also um flying fortress the sun god temple and then probably super storm right i don't think there's anything more expensive than that oh wait no there's also monkey central so it's probably like the sixth or seventh most expensive either way it's still really expensive out of you know what 30 or 70 ish t5s being like the seventh most expensive i am not confident in these guys ability to be able to win i think we might have to give them some sort of boost for it to work i love the fact that we just happened to put the ball lightning and it just right there look at how good that is okay so the druid has 27 000 pops this guy only has 9 000 pops what is our spirit of the four staff there he is a hundred thousand pops with twenty one thousand dollars made i knew this guy was going to be like the main guy that we wanted to get right he's doing all of this by himself by the way like all of that is just him i wonder if it's the more balloons just on the screen or the more balloons around him so you can see how much damage he does depending on the color so watch so he you see how it's like gray or like gray darts that he sends out right there like gray lightning bolts so the more red and fire like they are the more balloons that are on screen so watch so now we have a bunch of we have some bfbs on screen here we go see look and see how they're red now and now they're turning more and more gray that's because less and less balloons are being on screen eventually when you have like max balloons they turn like red and orange which looks really cool we oh we only need like a few thousand more dollars we might be able to get it before around 80 which could be really nice like right before we hit round 80 we're gonna get this that would be really really nice and then super storm will change our lives okay we're gonna get super star with this round even yep super storm boom so now we've got super storm so now we have the five five five druid guys we have just i can't look at super storm guys look at it whoosh oh man we won we won there's nothing to worry about guys look at that it just even pushes back the bfb's oh my gosh it takes so long because it pushes the balloons back so it like guarantees that we win but it definitely takes a lot oh here we go all right zoem g time will we be able to deal with this omg i like to think so let's see we're fine the fact that it pushes back as omg look at that it pushes this omg like literally back to the start look at that boom back to the start buddy oh you want to you want to try it you want to try to get by all right here here no it's fine it's oh my gosh it literally pushes it all the way back to the start oh my oh my gosh that is crazy is that oh you want to get by okay here yeah i'm going to let you by this time i'm going to psych get back to the start you weenie oh my gosh this is so crazy look at that and then it just pops his omg that must be so annoying for the balloons we're going to round 100 guys look at that we have two we have 300 lives so wait so this gives you lives every time you use it wait how many lives does it give us let's use it it gives us 25 lives i'm assuming once we get to like you know a thousand lives it it cuts off and doesn't let us get any more lives which would be unfortunate i bet it's a very slow and painful process for these balloons like a very very slow and painful process okay let's get mib mib allows them to hit all different types of balloons which makes it way better guys could you imagine if i put these guys at the end of the track literally and then you just had to wait for him to go all the way through the track again just to get pushed back that must be so annoying imagine being a balloon guys could you imagine how silly that would be i'm tempted to reposition these guys so we don't have to sit here and wait for this i'm tempted guys so i'm confident that we can get all the way to round 100 with a strategy but there's no way a bad balloon is gonna be affected by this right the bad balloons are just gonna be like ha nice nice gust of wind once the ddt starts showing up that's when it's gonna be i think we can blow back ddt's as well right at least we should be able to also you guys see the um avatar rusty it's like red and orange now because there's so many balloons on screen wait so this guy has only 50 000 pops i feel kind of bad because like this guy is a really strong tower but he doesn't ever get a chance to like try to pop balloons i feel like we're pranking balloons i feel like we're actually just trolling the balloons at this point guys i feel like i need to prank somebody in balloons i don't know how but i'm gonna find a way guys i always find a way oh my look at the ddt's the ddgs can't get by oh maybe they can they actually got close he got all the way around here we're gonna give them jungle drums so they attack i wonder if i got a bunch of those drews could let's see how many lives we're getting with these drews we're gonna i just want to get a bunch of jungle bounties that's it that's that's all i want i'm not gonna really use my money for anything else and then if i need it i can sell it but okay oh oh oh it literally blew all the dd okay look so let's ready for our lives guys oh interesting so only one of them gave us lies look at that can only one of them give us lives is it only is it only this guy wait spirit of the force let's look let's look at spirit of the forest um and generates lives and monies when uh lives and money when ability is activated but luckily we have a hack that gives us infinite t5s so i wonder if we could make like a crazy money farm with that or a live farm with that that would be very oh man look at that oh some balloons are trying to get by you're not allowed to get by i've come too far to lose get back to the start all the way back all the way back you're not going anywhere you're not going anywhere's omg i love what it's like we're about to lose and then we're like how about we just say no and send all the balloons back to the start so we'll try to beat the bad balloon and then if we're not able to beat the bad balloon we'll try again and with that we'll just go all out right we'll get pro uh permanent brew we'll also get oh man uh oh oh no no round 95 we can't beat guys so that means we need to go all out so let's try so they're a magic tower so let's get let's get an alchemist and get perma-brew and then there's no way these guys are gonna beat them so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get thorn storm especially with this guy we need we need thorn swarm and then uh yes and then heart of thunder alright guys let's see if this is gonna be possible will that be enough that might not be enough but we're about to find out so they both have perma-brew and they've gotten some upgrades so round 95 was the deciding factor oh oh man that makes a world of difference look at that it pushes the dd oh that was just barely enough guys that was just barely enough to be able to get by i don't know i think i don't think it would have been possible without either one without either without either upgrade there so a 555 drew technically would have lost at round 95 it attacks so fast now it's amazing oh right i totally forgot we can go ahead and just get home later and then we can just boost the attack speed whenever we want to right say like boom boost the attack speed and then look whoosh oh my gosh the truth of wrath is insane when he's crazy boosted i want to see what these the hacked druid of wrath looks like that could be so satisfying okay oh man oh no no we lost at round 99 how unfortunate okay so basically that tells me guys we need to go all in if we want this to work we're gonna have to give them a boost and then once it gets a little bit crazy so we're gonna we're gonna boost this yeah that's more than enough look at that so that just keeps them all way way back all right round 100 here comes the bad balloon let's see guys we gotta get an extra 25 lives in case the bad balloon gets by and let's oh man look at that the bad balloon got melted yeah that worked out really well for us that worked out really well so we ended up beating round 100 so unfortunately a 555 druid monkey isn't enough to be able to beat the game by itself so it's not as powerful as some other 555 towers but it's still incredibly crazy guys so thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome videos bye guys whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 930,813
Rating: 4.9287887 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Druid, BTD 6 Druid, Bloons TD 6 Druid, 555 Druid, 555 Tower, Bloons TD 6 555, BTD 6 555, 5-5-5, Tier 5-5-5, 555 upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Druid hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Superstorm, Spirit of the Forest, Avatar of Wrath, Druid Monkey, Druid Monkey Hack, 5-5-5 druid, Tewtiy Druid, Bloons TD 6 druid, BTD 6 druid
Id: KPxMwuIvhBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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