Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player God Boosted Bomb Shooter Challenge | JeromeASF

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well I'm so excited for this explosive episode of blue tower defense 6s today we're gonna be pushing the bomb tower to its absolute limit Britta use all three different forms of the tier 5 bomb shooter tower and we have tons of ways to get them ultra boosted we're talking submarines we're talking monkey villages rip me to music striker Jones who has hidden abilities that boost the speed of Bob towers themselves that's just scratching the surface there's so many different ways that we could boost these towers and we're gonna see how far it can make it as a minimum our goal is gonna be to get to wave 100 but I think as long as we can beat that challenge we can keep going to 130 let's find out okay now obviously there's gonna be some overlap of the towers that we put down to boost the bomb towers so just as a general rule of thumb the best of our ability we need to get them out of the way in doing the least amount of damage that way it's more fair challenge the bomb towers on top of that also we realized it's gonna be a very expensive thing so everyone's gonna be allowed one cash drop one guys drop okay there we go and Bob tower all right let's see if you didn't get a cash trial there you go yeah I'm gonna now go ahead i won put yourself in some of those good old banana farms and we'll go from there and now I also just got some cluster bombs to start look at that looking good looking good or Rooney alright alright looking very good okay so we got one going that way now what do I want the next one to go that's the bottom root do I want like let's say I go in the top urge I get missile launchers or frag bombs I feel like getting frag bombs at top but missile launchers is also fast to reload that's real it's very nice yeah reload is definitely a good one to have okay this Warriors gonna be my middle root thingy there we go look at that we're gonna have all three of them down soon enough so the goal is once again just to beat level 100 but we want to see how far past that we can get as well if we could beat the challenge so it's gonna be tough so we're really tough it's arranged I can't wait to see how fast these things shoot - oh man I'm trying to find a place to put my hero down probably I would have to have been the top right or bottom left corners that people put thanks um okay maybe by the sewer grating that might not reach it to the left of it a little yeah yeah like down here dad that shouldn't that doesn't reach yeah you're good unless it increases right put our guy in my farm area no I'm kidding hmm yes okay I'm pretty good with these for now so the cool part about frag bombs everyone is that these can pop black balloons which is obviously one of the biggest problems when you're using it all explosive Tower is popping explosive resistant blues so that's a big help for now as in terms of hitting camos though that's not gonna be possible until we get a monkey village online so that should be semi a priority but that's in like 13 weeks I'm not not too worried about it why why drop see you missed an episode the other day by the other I mean yesterday that was that was it was absolutely horrible matt reum episode for me it was the Gotham challenge all about but I'm Batman Matt accused Batman of being a tax evader and roomed the whole episode really yeah he really did well he loves his city so he definitely pays his taxes that's what I'm saying also look to get the striker Jones symbol above them so it's already working I think yeah level for you guys already get the boost which is like right there nice and assured there's level four and then where's the other one level eight gets bombed shooters near the hero oh it's only nearly here okay so we can't do that one that's also not for speed either this is the speed challenge the not really you know the rest of it so that's fine but they could keep on increasing it over time I know like level 18 has all bomb shooters and border monkeys get an additional 10% faster so by the end of it striker Jones gonna be helping us big time big it's a biggie time I mean oh yes I mean it Steve guy make it big time drop see I'm gonna give you money towards upgrading to monkey intelligence bureau I think that that could be really important for $1,500 yeah when you Stan a set that be Megan I think we all should just kind of funnel our money for that cuz the blacks are already coming it's 6300 yeah there you go I have eggs online there we go let's go get out of town yes all right come on I can leave that alone for a little bit yeah yeah what does I have striker Jones yet I can give you some money Oh me I was just cuz I was dealing with that I can put it down now though okay not down there though Kazuya we'll hit the track right we're going down together three no I can't he'll hit the well maybe if I hold on come on okay - monkey bank's online nice way to go Val Lucas Lord of the Vale Lucas's keep mine order get the ultra boost engineer that's like a hundred grand so we're not talking cheap we ain't talking cheap out here yeah we're not we're not talking about your about your grandma's day engineer engineer yeah we're talking about this is a fresh hot new engineer he looks at means doesn't really what kind of means oh yeah oh man he's a big boomer dude joy like he loves it alright alright I need two hundred and fifty dollars like at Moab mahler which will really help us out for wave 40 with the Moab psin lettuce just three Bob towers alone I feel like they're really underappreciated bomb towers like one of these challenges it's show the best side of them when you boost them all right now everybody most underrated tower in the game what is your pick hi smokey likes monkey I'm serious I think I I think he can become really powerful and everyone thinks he's terrible Steve Steve yes specifically Steve bad underrated clearly just the plain dark monkey people see on the dark monkey all the time I didn't till blade show me the crossbow master and now I'm like oh my gosh this thing is insane yeah he's so good Oh Opie we're chipping away at them all so just one tier five of each I'm nowhere near that right now they're all just so three two and then even one of these is only two to one way not even three the other so I have a long way to grind but it'll hold down the fort a long enough to protect you guys to get as much money as possible so I'm not too worried about it all I mean we're looking pretty good to be honest yeah a lot of farms out there we really are this is this is going well Stephen King swimmingly there are increased production helped accrue more money for a bank yeah I think so whose production which one is that that's it's the first one you get top top route 1 for banks for ok banana oh yeah look at us go popping them nice yep and we made it past round 40 all right 60 more waves to go on this but I'm feeling very lucky punk as they would say yes yes I'm running at really big bombs going and then I feel like I'll feel very secure for at least a good amount of time once I get that one Moab mauler is there to save us we got cluster bombs and really big bombs that blow up a huge area so big AoE but not much more you can really ask for every go isn't is there boom and we got one okay I think it's a bad time I start to actually get some big upgrades here so let's get recursive cluster oh wow someone immediately is starting to D see what's going on here p3 disconnecting again I wouldn't give it to me but veil up there actually has an engineer monkey who's Tier four he's one away from ultra boost so if you guys want to team up to get him a hundred thousand dollars then he could start doing the most expensive part of this and then from there maybe you guys could start supplying somebody get the monkey Alchemist and then for their supply of someone to get the submarine and then from their supply of someone to get the banana Marine yeah well I just sent Vale like $30,000 we're getting there wait what is this ability oh that's from my striker Jones it's like why do I have an active ability I can use like I'm not at a level where that's nothing yet rounds and all have enough money I think nice dice and I just got the Moab assassin ability so I don't have tear for of every single tower there well that'll hold this out for a bit not forever but you know you know it'll be okay that'll do okay and keep mine Celtics for what is it 80% of their values so once vales done eventually up boosting everything we could sell that make a hundred grand or 80% of that so 80 grand yeah a lot of money there's a lot of money you're almost there Vail especially if Steve's got 15 2000 you guys I don't know pass it over to Kate I'm working on it time to blast gems like I know you just took out that loan but sender design that paperwork okay so I still have 11,000 who am i handing it to after this so Steve er drop see which of you wants to be the the alchemist yes I'll be alchemist all right okay drop see it is drop sees the night there we go and then do you guys mind about maybe getting me to eventually uh my first tier I guess not now but soon enough to my tier five okay cool cool drop see you might have enough to start boosting that Alchemist to a bit oh nice nice and he's almost that permanent brew oh man which Steve give drops to your money well a permanent brew yeah never happens for Steve good good okay what other thing is do we need now is there any others really we're missing one we certainly right I got the sub down here for the ability cooldown monkey village all the way yes this might be it really there's no way homeland defense and totem the totem and homeland defense and I think that might be it how did we just like annihilate that there's such loads needed well speaking of which to keep mind we still need a lot of money I need 28 grand for one night zero fives 44 for the other I need 20 for the other you know it's no joking matter we need cash solace lots of cash Shola's okay okay looking good good job oh we all see a bite ear 24 all of our heroes to Steve there's plenty of work to be done right then I'll keep upgrading my hey Anna stuff plenty of work to be done yes and would anyone mind Oh Steve actually you're the sub right yeah uh oh you just spent all the money on the upgrade I was gonna say it energizer because that gets our heroes I believe we get 50% more XP with that so that'll help speed that up yeah yeah I'll save up for that we're doing it everyone we're gonna break the game we actually might though I can't imagine how fast these things are gonna be shooting it's gonna potentially break the game maybe and I think the game doesn't go good enough job breaking itself on its own every once in a while it does seem that way doesn't it yeah there you go Steve nice and now these people will be leveling themselves up ha ha ha ha here's the little bit of money back term thanks buddy ok I've got 30 grand dropsies over there were 63 guys look on the yellow tower look at all the boots he has right now there's so many types of boots the games like the other boosts that we can put on in the just the total I believe which we can do right is there a way to get all three of these in the totems range just gonna go ahead and uh I wish I would tell you I think that's that's in the totems range yeah it's definitely in the totem range thank God wrong when I get monies oh wow all the buddies so here's Bob but Bob blitz here's bloom crush and all that's left less a little all that's left is the Moab Eliminator which is 21 grand not too bad I just can't believe what I'm looking at here is that that's literally everything yeah it's just up to Vail to keep boosting right Oh actually I apologize edie of course buying out our heroes levels well that'll be good I mean this is insane and whenever you use your homeland defense ability the speed at which they fire right now is crazy and bail still hasn't even finalized getting all them to tier 10 boost the Moab Eliminator here hasn't been touched at all yet so we got a long way to go on the plus side we can also start buying some stuff for striker Jones unless someone has another idea for a boost now I know obviously we could use the Sun Temple in order to boost the speed so the surrounding towers however that would also take away most of the challenge because that's a sudden Ted bolt like so it leaves us in a weird place so unfortunate we'll never really know the full potential of that with boost but that's fine I don't think we need to know to understand how incredible this would be but we're eight waves away from beating the challenge so I'm sure you hit that like button if you haven't done so already and we're gonna see how far we could push it after that fact I don't think we gonna have much trouble at all by the way guys are this bought out level 11 I can almost buy a little 1200 i guy do you guys have yeah oh I'm fully maxed out jewelry next year's out oh yeah yes I suppose that's where the money's been going oh man level 20 level 20 Wow well 16 now thanks to Steve's uh cash influx 15 no I said it's got to 18 oh I mean oh my goodness no problem and the crazy part you see how fast it's shooting it's only been a boosted four times by Vail mm-hmm really that's not at max that is not max how crazy is that all right let's all give Vail the rest of our money because he's gonna need to get his guy all the way up and then I guess if someone else wants to start getting an engineer down to help Vail boost things quicker because we can boost the alchemists after the bomb towers we could boost the monkey village and we can freeze my sub to get crazy he's got it caught up what did you just say you want to boost the sub - what a boost everything Steve he wants everything all right I'm starting to put down my gosh I don't know what happens if you boost the Boosters I don't really know but I think it goes crazy I'd like to imagine anyway speaking of crazy look at how fast those missiles are firing I'm hitting the track a little bit that's okay it's only mistress thing yeah it's also just bubbles yeah boobs wait his art and so striker Jones artillery command also gives double damage baby and pops per shot - all bomb shooters for ten seconds that's insane that's actually insane if it does that also that'd be a do is nothing challenge we didn't we beat it let's keep on roll with this let's see how far we can push this thing to the limit and also artillery command is that the name of his main ability I am I don't really know if that's it or not I think that's artillery command the one on the right there and it does double David that's crazy if so what's his first ability to fires of Zuka to explode the balloons okay it doesn't really do anything I think cuz oh no it does actually so we shouldn't do that then it's it stuns things yeah no matter guys take a look at how fast it is now so that is with everything more or less max boosted look at the tremendous speed these towers are firing at holding their own up to wave 109 and now an interesting thing that I found out was this tower right here the bomb shooter and then of course he went he was the most important when this bomb should write here the bomb blitz version however over time the Moab eliminators started to come more more important as these waves come very heavily Moab dominated waves the one in the back field here though the balloon crush one is virtually garbage I mean he stuns the Moab's which is nice but besides that he has not even done one third of the amount of damage that the other ones have done in fact actually taking a look at it he's done looks like compared to the assassin a quarter of the damage that the assassin has done so do not think that it's very important that's done stunned what is there not moving it is it could be just that it's a thankless job I suppose I feel I feel what you're saying Steve but either way everyone take your guesses I'm thinking wave 125 and that's it what do you guys thing uh 140 140 okay I'll go 130 130 all right so we're now nearing on wave 120 here with very very limited problems there was a BAE D that tried to sneak on through made it decently farmed with a couple of moab assassin abilities it was kind of just no match and in fact and that is one thing that I wouldn't like to hook up to a tech bot here so let me go ahead and link him up here to our good old pal the blowout Eliminator and now it'll fire it pretty much instantly every single time whenever it gets the chance to do so which is awesome now as for this one I don't want to hook it up to our good guy striker Jones here because unfortunately the first ability as you see right there fires a rocket it kind of makes it unfair but its second ability is super good because it does double the damage of bombs ours which is pretty wild but it's kind of like one of those in-between things right I don't really know how to fairly take care of it so just periodically when I remember I'll be clicking on the button there to help move us along it along but I think at this point it's safe to say I'm probably gonna end up being wrong about my guest for round 125 we might make it a lot for oh wait the beat is here Duncan come here oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that oh and he just got demolished like just completely lush well that was embarrassing I I'm telling you as soon as they start getting stunned that is when they just stop in place they never move after that this is crazy well this is the round that I guess we'd lose at and oh how horribly wrong I was this is we're gonna be here for a long while I can assure you guys of that much this is oh yay we're in for something okay well here's a big update coming at you on a wave 129 still not much has changed I'll say that much it's uh just pretty hectic out here but we'll see it through to wave 130 and then at that point if it still manages to crush wave 130 then I'll probably instead of cutting in every 10 waves might even just wait to wave 150 and see but I'm not gonna lie I'm shocked I mean I knew that this would be very effective but this is something else entirely let this assassin literally has 10 million pops bonuses oh my goodness yeah 10 million just for that one tower that's pretty insane but this is wave 130 here and I think short of a bunch of be a DS trying to swoop in at the same time this is not gonna be a pretty one for the balloons that is but actually this is not gonna be pretty for them they bit they don't stand a chance out here this challenge is captain blasts them approved yeah right captain blast them you tell them okay everyone so wave 137 we literally almost died we had 17 lives left so I'm gonna go on a limb and assume this is the RAM we're meant to lose we'll play it out we'll see who knows could have been a fluke round but I don't really think so also this ability right here is awesome because not only does it increase our speed range etc etc for the bomb towers and damage it also does a super big thing where it'll actually recharge the ability which I didn't know about that but it'll recharge your bomb tower and if you have motor towers abilities and make it so you could use it instantly again so approach as soon as you fire the assassin ability hit this button you're ready so assassin fired hit the button resets it fires the assassin again and just an added way to get an extra little assassin ability in there but I have a hunch this is going to be it here let's see let's see yeah Oh striker Jones get a little involved there not good enough and that's gonna do it wave 138 for the bomb towers
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 327,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: u2sD21s_miE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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