Love and Blood Itacon 3D : Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt

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allora primitive Pilar I believe a dreg la la bodega Marin kbreeze Oh Londo but the ghost of Ian Somerhalder haunts me every minute of every era model over seguida poutine Amenti a gotcha said emotion Chatham initial dome initial panel a Impala boosted a a questura McKenna television is yeah a yes by the way has beautiful fingernails I want to I want to point out beliefs you may even post fingernails are beautiful here's a wonderful penis dangdut okay pull a deli onion Laura men pray Pola response ok Daniella una Casa Felicia it's true it is beautiful it's beautiful I you never ever have a kiss so talking about qualcuno ask for someone's out of the graph no but I've asked for a picture I guess when I remember in samehada oh yeah Madonna Mia what cosa to this pain T first of all I want to compliment Italian women on being a so gorgeous and B so well dressed there was dress so cool what the hell amazing style here when I had a complimentary ragazzo italiano Vera Saragosa ballet a pervasive sec go see Benny Oh Oh Thank You bizarre first of all I'd like to say sorry that boy took me away from you anybody hardly what I didn't screws up an insanity Minnesota make they're gonna make the bomb for what did Tom Marino Cara Bello bruto said a baby was cute when he was obviously ugly a lot faithful wait not with my children Daniel whoa whoa my Bambino game yet bambini stare Oh bellissimo bambinos I don't believe it she's gonna be coming on a ball no no my mentee tubercular in lavoro yeah definitely lie to get a job all actors do that because they ask you can you can you horse ride can use hula-hoop and you say yes to everything even if you can't do you mean are you Chinese yes yeah yes okay I'll be are you black I'm obviously black oh yeah I'm a geek on petit cadeau no cossetti cosas and are a caballo safari Lula opportu dvd-r bur forces is a non on tip ren-dono session essays yo via meant a say I say narrow CC chart oh come on never ever have a minty - I knew Bannen lied in a Q&A he here with pants pianist oh oh oh I don't think so I haven't but no I koala segundo boy deverson auntie devon purred is a derogatory app you bellow you're tryin T Daniel no responder a polar bear favorite which throughout the Vampire Diaries and the original is the most handsome don't say don't don't say Paul like it oh I'll tell you the handsomest guys hands down hands down handsome students ever been on both shows Taylor Kinney kidding definite look late Lady Gaga Lady Gaga's boyfriend yeah that's the Hat dude yeah cuz I remember I just started doing the Vampire Diaries and he came in just to pick up like he'd finished his episodes and he came in to grab some stuff and it's that one of the only times in my life I've ever gone he's so wise he's so handsome right down to the little gap in is that guy is that guy's the handsomest dude I've ever seen obsessed every Monday - you know I look a business would set a portal for yes I'm notorious could see a young car to bellissimo veramente sobrang k molto Humira ETA Laura and curable estúpido Dada - not a Fermi duty one of you badly up here maybe say Taylor Kinney you know Alka la entrada sunset penofin IDO desire Navy so do de entrado Sabah Brando delle cose asado luna cobalt equally remaster tsukada dato Oh mio dijo que no te sugimoto-san fatto GABA a low spot sudra don t ab yahweh Seagoville impossible my boyfriend will be joining us a little bit later Allah Allah it's not funny he's the real deal what the hell oh thank you thank you Vala voce dirty Casa Foresta sequester for sale to Ultimo Giorno whoa whoa what would you do get out of here get out of here now oh yeah goose is down so what would you do if this was your last day well I think we switch it switch it up for once I'd finally be on top you if you would finally get your moment I then because I never let him and yeah just want to make you happy on your life on my last day wherever Andre Danielle Felicia Carlos sorry sopra Bruna Valka Blatt hold to Daniel Gillies thank you got to wow that was amazing Wow what is this Daniel Chappell look whenever he added because i-vt penteado de la troll aqui owatta heavy shot a horseshoe t okay she wants to know what do you think of each other for the first time you saw each other Oh first impression I remember the vs time reside it was a long time a long time ago actually I'd heard a lot about Paul this is true story I know we say a lot of up here but this is true so I'll do it in pieces so I had gone to I had a television career in New Zealand but I was tired of it and I ended up going to Canada when I was about 25 and I just got to Canada and I was trying to make some money so I became a waiter in a Planet Hollywood like in a restaurant let's see something contrary tanti an ephah yo-yo una carrera de torre invalids ananda professor a stupid the queen is yatra spirito in kannada a other ferret comedian Planet Hollywood if I don't hear and so I'm working in Planet Hollywood it's 2001 and I mean I won't know and a mutual friend of mine came in of ours rather was out to dinner with Paul and they came in and I served I said Paul and as his friend Paul was doing a show called called Wolf Lake like Wolf Lake back back in back in there this is 2001 and so and he ordered some food and he was really really nice to me because because because it was quite hard to get tips in Canada cos Canadians are cheap I didn't know he was I didn't know he wasn't Canadian at that point actually I was like wow that's a good tipper for a Canadian and he he ended up Paul gave me one of the biggest tips I've ever received and he was only like 19 again he gave me a big tip after I served the meal because I think Paul I will pay him a compliment he recognized that I was an actor and that I was there trying to make ends meet and it was hard for me to be waiting tables and I like I like to think that he respected that a little bit and then I thought you were cute that's what he does okay a lesson in contradictory do I wear a become a comedian at Planet Hollywood perk you know Moscow enemy go gammon communi and that watch Cena transcoding sciama Louie Louie la survivial todo el estado multi-sim patio Berk a pole yeah Lozado una deli man save user eros a gap Jia mahisha Goudeau a Quimby Sega Segundo Louie Louie Lada been sada beat okay Louie Aaron iturra gustaba sir condo di Vaar carrier a Bassanio diesel de la Sol de grasa Monza air a stop in saga first show you know that is the truth isn't he a nice man right as I said is a nice unbelievable Oh like me and Emani diaper Danielle a Volvo superior say cousin a pencil we de la historia con le what do you think our Elijah's relationship with Haley I don't like it I don't know piata Nonya Beato I look I I only have one complaint about my relationship with Haley on the show and it's just not enough sex when Phoebe comes home she comes home and I go that did you kiss Daniel break that yeah quando PB turn a casa naked SF attitude and my mother brush your teeth brush your teeth but meanwhile it's worse for her I mean she is she's owners to kiss she likes to kiss him she's vomiting while she's a certain element Ella Michigan chattri Papago zetsu trailer door help me Santino Marella enamorada Louie as soon as parada this morning she fell in love with you and now she's really that's great me or him ah forget him me me he main take it alone man don't love with me Italy needs to add condition its world muchacha de lys ADT Savona para la cámara de Loup in ela support Quran xenon day could you please say runs in ante in your ear accent ah Rocinante leaving on the run driving in the Sun looking after none
Channel: Fantasy Events
Views: 229,441
Rating: 4.9696336 out of 5
Keywords: claire holt, daniel gillies, the vampire diaries, the vampire diaries convention, tvd italia, the vampire diaries italia, tvd family, claire holt italy, daniel gillies italy, ian somerhalder italy, italia the vampire diaries convention, love&blood itacon, love blood itacon tvd, itacon, fantasyevents, roma, ian somerhalder, paul wesley, convention, meet and greet
Id: _z-7TiKorh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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