Bloodborne Gameplay: Luke Plays Bloodborne for the First Time - THE ONE REBORN

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Here’s me getting irritated at him dying to three hunters a few times as if I’m not stuck on Father Gascogne

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chaos-11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does this link work for other people? When I follow it I get a restricted content message

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sprocket444 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey gang hey welcome along welcome welcome my name's luke uh welcome to another bloodborne live stream where we play bloodborne um if this is the first one you're catching uh this is the first time that i uh have played through bloodborne um and we are doing a playthrough in live streams uh today we are going back to what's it called yag yagool i think it's called yagool the unseen village um everyone in the chat saying watch out for moles including cookie cat 94 watch out for moles watch out for the moles oh my gosh i don't know now i don't know if that's like you've been sent from another stream with that stream invasion message or whether that is something to do with the area that we're going to i don't know i don't know welcome along new member michael van supranez great to have you with us uh row 617 says rey sunshine on an outside stream and raise the sunshine outside what more could you possibly want good luck with the blood warning today luke thank you tell you what i could possibly want for it to be a bit cooler it is incredibly hot here in london today sorry if i get a little perspiring perspiring says it's bloodborne mode baby that's right so what is um what is the deal uh we're playing bloodborne that's the deal um let's get right into it in fact let's not get right into it you'll remember that last time i was from dice breaker watch out for moles that's good because i was worried there were going to be like moles in the game i'm glad that there aren't going to be moles in the game so that's a plus um on the uh so if you remember last time um uh we finished the stream while i was still mid uh encounter with an enemy and i said i'm gonna complete this off stream because i just can't be bothered to do not gotta be bothered i just don't wanna i i thought it was a fight that could go on for absolutely ages because it seemed totally hard as nails so i didn't want that to um uh i didn't want that to like take up the whole next stream basically uh so i did that off stream in fact i did it in the eight minutes aft immediately after the last live stream so if we kept going for another 10 minutes i think i would have got it um but we i'll show you that now so that you can see you can see it because i did say that i would record it uh so um this is some crow jerk up in the cathedral that i was fighting take it away let's play luke doing this again always having fun fighting this guy there he is hanging around this time i've got my two-handed axe what's it gonna be oh okay okay okay the two-handed axe strategy has not had early success okay but now look he's now he's oh [Music] yes that hit him pretty hard okay good good and he's i think he's gonna have a hard time countering that potentially nice okay wow that was good okay all right but look he's changing his weapon up again back to this one back to this one two-handed acts come on here we go that's what i'm talking about yeah you don't like that do you come on oh okay call that one a draw ah okay you're you you win that one yeah nice good good good it's it's the fact that he doesn't the other hunters that i've been fighting they just like constantly shoot the gun whereas this guy at least does not do that oh no he just healed up massively good good good good all good and fine no no no no okay right what's it gonna be then sword attacks here we go oh choppy chop good but here's the thing he can heal he can heal so although he appears to be down to half health teleport will you let's we'll see about that now that that was pretty much that was pretty much perfect that's what you want there we go there's the heel i wonder how many times he can do that hopefully just not very many he is quite easy to sort of back away from that's ah said luke failing to back away okay here he comes nice whoa bad times ah a lot of teleporting around there cool cool knocks him down knocked him down cool two-handed axe still still feeling like the best way because i have to keep my distance and i and i have to be sparing with my attacks because otherwise he's just gonna hit me with uh he's just gonna counter me and that is a one-hit kill with me at least at this current level you oh that's new i don't know what that was okay here we go no too crafty too crafty but now he's got the uh now he's got the red sword out so he's coming in he's rushing in yes that's right not such a crafty teleporter after all are you here we go come on oh that was close that was close that was a bit too close for comfort fingers crossed it's very hard it's very hard but look i don't if he doesn't heal again then we're doing okay i'll be kind of annoyed if i get him this time because this is like literally 10 minutes after that first stream after the stream where i was like i'll do this offline oh nuts no no no although that said i take it all back i want to kill him i want to kill him yep done okay all right just patient no so brutal thought that would have been a thought he would have got the visceral there okay he is i wonder if he's changed tactics or if i've just gotten a bit unlucky he's got the sword out again now so here we go yes yes looks good come on come on one more of those one more of those and we could be all right here we go come on yay let's go talk to eileen come on eileen i did it but it wasn't live there's no live chat celebrating my achievements head on out to that rocking chair overlooking rom's ocean this is gonna be good isn't it this is gonna be good cool the hunter rune that's got to be good don't die just retire okay but don't die are you gonna dissolve okay well we did it so that was good that's it from me let's play luke now back to you live luke thanks let's play luke it's present luke here again hi and look in the time that that was playing i moved ray sunshine to uh the unseen village look it's like tv we've got we got v cut to vt roll tape back to studio i'm the studio and look here's the there's the the thing uh yeah so got a cool rune for doing that which i've equipped um i've leveled up a little bit as well since the last um since the last uh stream um cool i got some super chats came in while that was playing gentleman drill says hi luke so the one reborn is your next victim poor fella um also bloodborne to be wild is a brilliant pun should be the name for this series thanks i did that on instagram uh patrick long says previously on game of thrones nice um and uh what else have we got we've got oh here we go uh super captain skittle says hey luke athena the wilds message about starting hrt the other day inspired me and made me truly realize how everyone at ox just being themselves gives us a platform to be ourselves keep being awesome love you guys that's a super nice uh comment super captain skittles thank you so much i really appreciate it um zanzibar white says have to watch later i'm buffering like a dial-up caveman thanks for the stream and welcome along new member jordan jessup and hippo gaming says hi hi hippo hi hippo gaming uh so um so there we go uh we are um ready to fight uh we're in we're in yeah let's go let's let's just frickin go this is the next area i haven't explored it yet look it's got a cthulhu on it which i disapprove of heartily oh said a bang yep that's a gut someone's shooting a gun at me but me ray sunshine the new burger king of yharnam who would dare look there's an item down here let's get that a bloodstone chunk excellent that's what we need we need we need them right so i'm not really sure where i'm going here but this is a new area that i've not really delved into yet so i think we should just sort of crack on oh there we go here's trouble right let's try and uh deal some damage to these chumps see if i can get to fight them one at a time without getting a gunny gun idiot two involved there we go nimbly dodge out your way didn't expect that did you didn't expect me to nimbly dodge out the way whoa the amygdala is kicking off big time in the background there you should have you should have died right now blood vials good yeah nice try whoa okay i think i should i think i should try and press on a bit because look no no can easily get overwhelmed by gunfellows and that's not going to happen not to raise sunshine not today not today man no no what do we tell the god of death no thank you please sir i think that's a direct quote from the game of ah look i remember you guys from the last area you're the ones who make make everyone respawn so kill you ah yeah you didn't like that did you yeah your bell person's gone yeah no oh wow a lot weaker after the build person right gosh everyone in the chat saying kill the the bell person it's all right we figured it out we got there okay all righty all righty how we doing i'll tell you what it's so bright outside today the menses ritual must be stopped unless we all become beasts all right noted uh bolt down blood gem good that sounds electrifying um it is so bright out today i'm actually struggling to see see this see the screen see my own monitor but um but that's fine we've we've come through worse travails um all right okay who else wishes to chat with mr bloodborne oh okay secret passage in hit so view the notes please beware of ambush okay that's good so we've got a door here is this going to be locked it doesn't operate okay so this this is the only way for now well easy oh that's that's someone that's a that's a a bell ringer person well i want to get to them oh no they're ringing the bell um that's bad that's bad oh crikey oh crikey here we go it's all popping off right let's see if i can fight my way over to her that's not a door thought it was a door okay i think we've got i think we gotta fight these chumps even though i think they're gonna respawn aren't they no i thought i had my gun but i'd have a stupid oh tasty little tasty there we go okay kill you and then in the gap that that creates time wise ow no no no don't do that i was i was very much on top there right now in in the time that that's allowed me can i find figure out a way yes that's a door oh my gosh this area is a nightmare get out of it get out get out of it absolute jokers right you'd like that wouldn't you that would suit you down to the ground well not today friends what do we tell the god of death i'm busy today i'm washing my hair oh my gosh right that was intense okay who's still alive because we need to address that you you're still alive not for bloody long you're not um blood vial good this blood is vile i accept your surrender crikey right is that everyone i think everyone's dead i think everyone's dead okay good now my job is to search around try and figure out where we go next what's the story with you don't you dare look at me are you oh creepy creepy creepy are you what are you you're nothing nothing you're nothing to me uh michael van soprano says the burger king will be my companion tonight past 11 p.m in the philippines excited to see you dm the next doc's venture and do origami again question mark oh man probably not anytime soon after the way it went last time i think i've been banned from origami um oh wait look is this a that's just that's just the door that i just came around there so that's opened that's a small shortcut so that's appreciated thanks game um [Music] michael says good luck with derailments and dragons tomorrow you'll do great yes that's right i am dming the uh oxventure tomorrow and i cannot wait uh nick jeffrey says i hope ellen is fully prepared for 100 foot tall zombie wear spiders in tomorrow's ox venture new new noon it's all going to be it's all going to be a good time a good time irritating 105 says hi luke oxbox not to live streams are practically the only tv i watch these days in the midst of crazy workloads sending some snack money your way thank you for your hard work thank you really appreciated and welcome along new member william symes okay okay okay here we go here we go let's press on look at this an item it's frenzied cold blood that's good that's good man my stomach is really rumbling i had a huge lunch and yet and yet i got the rumbly tumblies how did that happen never mind we've we've we've faced tougher challenges folks we'll rise till it will rise to the challenge um okay nothing around here uh okay well okay two parts now let's take this one to the right first i hear gruesome moaning yeah okay cool place is full of enemies okay now look let's talk about it okay there's they are they're making the different sort of death noise i've noticed that the sound effect is a bit different when they die which makes me think that there's a um bell ringer person around here somewhere but where i don't want to run too far and run into even more enemies but at the same time it must be some must be somewhere around here can't be too far away surely hello person ringing the bell it's not you is it no you're just a dried up old corpse he's down long here i really don't see anywhere where they could be around here uh so let i will press on just a little further down even though that feels a little risky okay i'll just just take care of this one who's following me still no sign of still no sign of ah can you not can you oh look there's treasure in here uh you're not treasure though are you okay all right there is now quite a lot of stuff going off in here um so i'm gonna back out this room if if the lock-on will let me and try and take care of everything here from a distance [Music] now hopefully i know they respawn but maybe they respawn a bit like further away there's someone there's a dude with a gun in there yes i okay and there's the big giant right so let's let's try and sort him out no i'm go actually i'm gonna run over try and take out the guy with the gun because they're pretty weak normally why have i got my axe out i didn't mean that i wanted my there we go okay right here we go oh there's two of them good that's delightful news no no no no no no no no no okay here's the plan we roll around we find the one who's hurt we kill them with cool parries and viscerals and then then we find this one who's foolishly ignoring us ah okay let's try and kill this one with a wind up it didn't work it went real bad it went real bad folks the plan was a terrible failure okay no this is not the right tool that was bad that was terrible wow you this this tell you what don't underestimate this particular giant okay here we go wow you were you were a tough one oh my gosh you're going to regenerate that's terrible news right well let's get out of here fast i think they're going to regenerate anyway i'm pretty sure that's what that sound means yet look in that time mr [Music] okay all right no worries learning experience learning experience didn't realize they were respawning ah there we go oh christo malkiv says the bell lady is at the upper path you will need to drop onto a ledge to the right of course of course it's so obvious now that i think about it right well look we made a little progress there let's see if we can um let's see if we can sort of jaunt quick did i go this way already is this the way up is this the way oh wait oh god this is a whole different way i didn't go tell you what i will just quickly pop in here just because that's an item items are good traditionally that is the view held what's up there this is bad i should i should be sticking to the path i was on because otherwise something kills me here i'm gonna lose all my uh my blood however i do think it's probably worth just seeing if that door is locked oh it's not even a door oh oh okay right okay cool it's a shortcut that we can't get to yet cool fine fine fine fine and good fine and good well we'll want to come back there later um but for now i don't like this respawning thing because the game is so hard to explore anyway that the um the sort of pace not today not interested no thank you i will not be subscribing to your newsletters goodbye i say good day sir you stole fizzy lifting drinks uh now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i get it i get it look we're all upset we're all upset okay gosh there's lots lots of um now down now let's see my stuff is anyone following me i think they all gave up good now my stuff is going to be down there so i want to i kind of want to head down there and see if i can hmm but here's the thing if i can go this way and kill the bell person then everything down that way will be easier so they say so what folks will say i can hear the i can hear i can hear the bell ringing oh no look i've got a little crocodile of baddies following behind me now oh no there's so many of them and now a laser a laser now i don't think that's the way oh my god this area what is going on why is there a laser involved now heal up peel up ray heal up and back up all right let's just buy ourselves a little bit of thinking time wow the whole gang's all here eh okay there we go right now quickly quickly quickly let's find what that person was talking about with the if we can with the drop down path is it is it down here this is a drop down path screw it i'm healing up and i'm going for it oh no not ideal not ideal at all can you come outside do you want to you do good i really needed that parry to land there we go good use that little gap of time to heal up again and maybe just try and oh my god look at that absolutely devastating damage where where are you bell woman where where where where where i hear people running towards me i'm in desperate danger are you down here are you down like round down there are you are you definitely not in here somewhere there's okay right so there's that's right down right where i was ah look oh my gosh relish that relish that kill oh okay okay okay right right right right right try try try try it totally unacceptable behavior from all involved look there's there's that giant and there's my souls i mean shards you know what you all you all know what i mean okay here we go action stations oh i forgot about the guy with the gatling gun again he killed me before he's gonna kill me twice kill me twice shame on me what an absolute mess there we go right back on top good and now that the bell person is gone a bit easier to take down and can i get my this stuff back please yes you know that's probably enough to level up again looking at it here in the cold light of day um can i get in there would i've had to drop down from the room i was in oh hang on open door oh doesn't it okay i bet i could have dropped down and got that i wonder if it's good and important well we'll try and get it we'll try and get it okay okay right so now there's gonna there's a whole load of enemies up here but they're gonna be a bit easier to kill let's try and um clear some of them out with the with the big old axe i haven't been able to stop and read the chat for for a while just the sort of oh they're all no one's here oh maybe they all cropping or maybe i killed them all when they all crocodiled after me i do hear someone trotting you hello come on lock on please i know i know we're all upset we've all had a drink oh and you and you as well oh your trouble your big trouble okay all right they are going down easy now they must be they must be linked if that's the right phrase to the same bell mate right now you're gonna shoot a laser at me you big ugly cthulu so i'm not going down i'm going down here again to try and get that item that i missed getting so if i roll that yeah okay here we go gosh a lot of backtracking here upper cathedral key good that's that that'll be useful that will be useful christopher malkov says now get back where the bell lady was and get the key in the middle cage that i've done it i've done it it's done folks done and done richard chalgar says hey luke are you planning to play through the dlc as well uh it's too much fun watching you play i will try to yeah i think so um if it like as far as i understand it is incredibly hard and so i'm i'm probably gonna like save it to last uh if that's the thing i can do if it doesn't like lock off at any point um right now i think i've done every i think i've done every route down that way oh gosh look at this guy how absolutely foul right so i think now this way forward where the laser was is my only path obviously i'm not too hyped about that because of the aforementioned laser situation uh cool oh there it is what the heck is that now when that when that hit me before it was like the laser didn't hurt me it was like the exploding stuff afterwards hurt me oh no what do you what even are you where's your oh yeah yeah i think that's the case that thing doesn't seem like it's killable is that a glitch i feel like that's maybe a glitch are you a glitch you're not a glitch with the lasers but that thing there whatever it is didn't seem like it could bring um all right well are you i don't know okay it seems like it i think that's a glitched enemy because i feel like they're throwing stuff out and no it's you who's throwing stuff at me up here if i just make sure i'm not where if the lasers if i dodge the laser then i should also dodge the fire okay right here we go jeez it cheese it ray cheese it can you get me down here are we safe ha ha your lasers are nothing you didn't think to come down here you didn't think to turn your head around did you foolish cthulhu foolish amygdala i've made you look a fool in front of all your amygdala friends what do you have to say to that okay i feel like we're making some progress uh ultimate exercise here's something for being so calm in this nightmare village luke my own playthrough involved a lot more swearing well i won't lie oh my thank god there has been a little bit of self-censorship uh a couple of times on these streams right let importing back reporting back and i'm um um you know doing the thing leveling up that's what i'm doing if i can i think i probably can what is it you desire to channel my blood echoes yes look at that okay so yeah i leveled up a few times i did some i did some blood echo farming i was farming in the lecture room okay um what to boost though um obviously i've got strength up quite high now uh vitality i generally so far and it has been serving me well i've had vitality a little way out in front of all these other stats i feel like it might be time to pop pop one in skill because i am i'm getting some scaling with for the but no vitality i think it's right i want to keep vitality up out and out in front farewell to you too the doll um right yahgal chapel that's probably where it was brendon wake says my man go get ludwig's holy blade i've got it i don't like it very much i just don't dig the um i don't know i just it's it's slow it bugs me because it's slow i like the two-handed version but i've also got the hunter's axe as my kind of offhand weapon if you like um and that's you know that's amazing um so i feel like i've got that when i need to like kill everything in a wide radius and this this combo it's just does so much damage i love it and i've got the muscle memory in now and you know the weapon's scaling up pretty good so now hang on i don't know if it's safe to chase it but i saw one of those crystal lizards go over here crystal lizard where be oh okay well now i hear a bell ringing and i've lost the crystal lizard what on earth are you wow a bad end for this little boy prince um okay there are several routes that i'm looking at here because i could also have gone down here right or can i or is that just oh no it looked like i could get down here but actually i can't good good i like it when there's only one path here we go here we go rey bloodborne there's an item over there how will i get it maybe i can fall off something over here oh look look at that bit of masonry that i can fall off that should get okay i right right now look can i see the bell ringer in advance can i scope out the location of the bell ring that would be real helpful real helpful um the answer i can hear it i can hear it i feel like it's down there oh there's dogs oh my gosh there's all sorts over here let's not overthink it shall we should we just crack on christo malkov says fyi the key picked up owns a cool area up in the tower of the cathedral ward if you remember where you went down for the source of the dream but up ah the cathedral well it's a key right to the the upper what was it upper cathedral ward i'll go don't worry i'll go there we'll get it we'll cross it all off i do some like light googling between streams to sort of make sure that oh dog to make sure that i'm not like missing anything come on then i know i know fido i'm not happy about it you're not happy about it tell your dog mates ow that was annoying that that wrecked my combo oh you okay right well i am going to fall down now onto that thing just to get the drop on this this jerk can i lock on here we go surprise i felt good now i know that that only made a cool sound because actually they are going to respawn but it still felt awesome to be honest okay right now now quite a lot of tasty things happening here what is the strategy for me let me see if i can first kill kill the gun idiot because i hate him i hate him wow he's strong strong because oh is that wait is that that's the bell right there right there come on come on let me get the charge in yes and we just got to get out of there now there we go they don't like that they didn't like that they're all weak and stunned i know oh how are you still a thing in my life and you and oh and the dog is back how i don't oh gosh right let's focus on the big guy because if i can just there we go that should do for him right dog you've seen what i did to that big giant has it put you off fighting me it has not but to be fair you kicked my ass there so fair play okay welcome along new member angela sanchez hi uh okay here we go here we go that's good we killed the bell that was a difficult oh oh buddy i don't know what to tell you friend the war's over the war's over your side lost all right cool cool cool cool and good cool and good let's press on i don't think there's anything else around here i don't see anything i don't see any like things i can fall through i think we're good i think we're good to continue i look forward to dying and running past all of that please be open you are open good okay something maybe something really really unpleasant in here isn't there just just clicking the right stick which i do sometimes just oh my gosh what is going on in here this oh my god this seems really this i know where i am hey i know where i am this is the jail but now it's got an now it's different yeah i killed like those dudes with the bags a bunch of them around here okay so so that means i should be able to what's this nightmarish rituals crave a newborn find one in silence it's harrowing cry okay well that sounds really unpleasant i probably will have to do that but it doesn't sound like a very nice job does not open from this side okay okay right well look there's an enemy over there wait there's two enemies in here look can you can you guys see that i think there's a hunter oh that looks like a hunter and that looks like a hunter as well um maybe i can just scooch past them do you think i can just scooch past them oh my god i think that worked i mean i'll probably have to go over through that door right but at least at least we have a look down here while it's quiet oh so no i hate this there's too many doors now oh hello hello here's trouble i think they've seen me is there anyone else around i don't see anyone okay all right sorry i've gone very quiet because this area is very tense just wonder if i can cool ah okay right it's on it's on it is on oh no that's bad you're on you've got fire powers oh oh no oh no okay okay well ray sunshine has lost control of the situation um that these are the ones who are up here okay i okay okay okay okay fellas fellas i want to talk about okay i've died right right okay okay okay okay right here's the plan get down hit that guy in the back throw a pebble at him instead of getting that cool attack because the attack was cool oh look hang on there's the crystal lizard again bloodstone chunk oh my gosh that's great that i'm going to be able to level up next time for sure right running past everything here because yeah frank frankly frankly friends frankly look i don't care i don't care for you all i don't care for your manner and care for your rude attitudes now are they going to follow me down here i sure hope not is anyone following me in no i think we're good i think we're good okay i'm going to try that okay i'm going to try that again oh wait hang on that was that one just going down there okay all right i think we think we made it okay what's in here is in here a place i could bring one of them i'll try to maybe where's my pebble okay all right here we go right now now we'll find out if what if one of them brings all of them because that was i thought that was pretty stealthy as as it goes nope i can hear footsteps they're coming for me they're coming for me oh no no no no no oh no there's a werewolf in here oh my gosh this room is this room is nightmare hard um okay hmm wow okay all right we'll try it we'll try that again um what's that what does the chat say you can't visceral because of the stairs okay yeah i did think because i knocked him down the one on the stairs i did try and tap the visceral button but i don't know if i've not really been doing much of this like backstabbing stuff um regular charged axe will open the guy up for a visceral yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe i should just um cheese it past um hmm or or just try and like or just try and fight them all you know maybe the three of them aggro at the same time hmm [Music] ah this is interesting james mccannon says the trio doesn't respawn so focus on one on each attempt now that is a cool tip okay let's try that seeing as i can't it feels like i like that i like that strategy just try and speed kill one then it doesn't matter if i die and then just press on okay all right no one's following me in here okay you are i wish you hadn't and you okay right and in fact it looks like that giant may be interested as well if i hold hide back here he'll lose interest surely yeah i think i don't think he would even fit through the door right um okay i'm going to try and kill the one who came up the stairs i'm just going to try it i'm going to try and sneak sneak sneaky sneaky sneak pass like i did just down right down here that took a lot of damage when i did the charged up r attack oh look blood echoes retrieved all hardly any of them okay so hmm i try and hit this one hard you know what this game is all about like experimentation and trying and failing so i'm not gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna try stuff i think that's the right idea okay oh cool that time i got in the backstab but i don't have long yep okay there they are there they are there's the gang okay so let's focus on johnny electric maybe i can run up here where are you johnny electric you're not johnny electric you're some dude with a gun you're johnny electric no too many too many around here heal up heal up ray get up that hill get up there we've done some damage to johnny electric oh no look i'm broke i hate him oh man this is really tense uh all right here they come down down down okay okay come on johnny how do you feel about just like getting out ahead of your friends feel pretty good about it i bet there we go good damn no that that's unfair okay all right he is he is weakened come on ah no charge attack bad idea did not have time oh dear this is bad get out of there ray get around this is a object lesson in like enemy placement damn okay all right just be cool have you tried just being cool where am i going i wish i wasn't having to kill you first because you tend to you seem to tend to want to fight at the back come down here buddy come down here and show your friends who's the real bloodborne no no no no no bad bad bad bad easier upstairs easier upstairs running out of healing items wow that's how bad this has gone okay but he is nearly hurt he is nearly dead if only i can just get oh my god are you serious here we go come on yes damn he's so good a whirly opponent yep damn damn down down down down down oh my god no am i still alive oh my god how am i still alive i thought i was dead i thought i was dead for sure okay here we go right i don't mean to yes surely dead surely dead somehow alive and me no no no no no no no no no oh annoying annoying annoying annoying all right that's fine that's the game that's the point of the game um stick with the saw cleaver after that first attack um i thought the extra reach would be helpful it was the worst thing i could have done friends all right that's okay that's okay we learn we get by we learn we make do we grow as people ah yep yep yep yep i know i know oh man that's so annoying i was so close if i'd if i'd have been a bit calmer if i'd have had my wits just oh no they're aggroed they're right i think they're aggroed yeah all right well you know what we're going for it you are you seem a lot weaker i'm going to try and kill you first you're health buzz oh no you're just a you're just a farmer you're just a farmer i thought you were one of the no just even more enemies that somehow i have right i'm gonna have to try this charge attack because i need to sort of clear out some of these farmers in the process okay all right come on oh no no no this is a this is this attempt is this attempt is a write-off unbelievable all right all right it's cool it's cool you don't live and learn in bloodborne you die and learn says him ladder yes so true so true it's all right i'm ready to do this all stream all stream all right and i started freaking out right need to get in there and hide quicker because i can't have i can't have these chumps following me in so i need to need to really cheese it to behind this wall and then just get down here and then hope that they just lose track farmer up there i think he's lost interest losing interest yeah he's lost he's lost interest all right we're good we're good i mean we're good in the in the absolute loosest sense of the word like there's nothing good about this situation all right here we go let's try it again shall we maybe i can get that visceral again that would be lucky there we go we got it all right now different weapon please no no no different weapon i say if i can just i'm slightly no i'm spamming here right get out of it get out of there ray get up get up on top and here we go back to the back to the old dance where are you that's not you there you are okay nice and quick nice and quick no no no no no no no no don't get gosh look at look at the state of this unbelievable i can't where am i what am i even on stuck on some scenery that's not good one hit's gonna kill me maybe i can back up i just about can okay good right oh that should have been a visceral come on cut me some slack game cut me uh just a little just a little little what is happening now oh thank god i've got as much stamina as i do okay he's so quick he's like the quickest one i think no no no no no no no okay this game will not cut you slack [Laughter] yeah um audiophile key says i think the problem is the game is cutting you a lot yeah already dead okay um i'm gonna try killing a different one first um maybe also someone in the chat suggested molotov's that's a good idea for when they're all like clustered up together like that um so let's give that a go cheese them all the way back to the lamp and take them on one by one okay that's a technique to have in the back pocket i don't want to be trying the like running them back cheese techniques first off i wanna i wanna take a few more runs at it yeah anzonk says when they're all clustered try throwing a molotov maybe great advice great advice i intend to follow that advice have you okay all right we need to take care of some farmers and that one's that one's wandering off good okay okay right now this one down here seems like he's not wearing very much so maybe he is going to be easier to kill should we try that one now the dude's not there right okay so i could run up just hit this one who's not wearing very much should we just try it should we try it i feel like we got to try some stuff right we got experiment we got to try some things oh he's not that weak okay he's not weak at all oh okay i was needing your health bar to to go down a lot faster buddy and now i've lost the visceral advantage that i had so not not keen not sure this is a winner a winning strat it's all right we'll figure out the winning strap wow wow wow wow wow zowie i must be tense and under pressure because i just said wowie zowie oh my gosh how are they so quick like i am sort of getting hits in i feel like even if i manage to oh no there it is all right that's cool that's cool not the not the that's not the way i don't think that's i don't think that's the way maybe maybe the way we were doing it was the way but i need a bit more luck as per the chat is full of helpful i'm sure but utterly conflicting advice so i am just going to if it's cool with everyone get killed by dogs um i'm gonna keep doing what i was doing before uh because in these games you can't give up on a strategy just because you get killed once or twice like the you like you can you can have the right strategy you can you can have the right strategy and still get killed because the games are hard so you gotta you can also run just just run past them says clara wolfenstein well that's helpful oh you know again i'm not like i'm not getting wound up i'm not not having fun i don't i'm this probably isn't so much fun to watch but but like this is the game right you know oh nuts didn't land if i could just parry you i would be a happy happy as a clam oh no probably don't want to be running down here do i hello hello everyone hey friends now look let's ah one of them fell down a thing how can i use this to my advantage i just wanna just wanna parry your stupid whip yeah nice try come up on the stairs come up here buddy i have a high ground now that should have okay look we've hurt we are hurting if i can get out of here alive no no where even am i on the scenery ah come raw camera all right folks suggesting molotovs folks suggesting spin to win which i take it means the axe uh all right all right i didn't use the molotov enough there i should have thought to use it but you know you don't you know you don't have you're not you're not thinking that you're clearest are you that's annoying hate to get stuck on the camera like that you've got to use your axe as cody l um along with 50 percent of people who believe i am doing would do better with the axe and in opposition to the fifty percent of people who insisted i switch back to the to the thingy all right all right oh wow took a lot of damage there ye but that's fine good job i farmed some miles killed my dog all right all right all right all right okay that means i'm getting careless focus up luke focus up okay i could use the molotovs in a couple of places there [Music] how how bad was that shot right that took like almost all my health okay sway raccoon says use the force luke luke you've turned off your targeting computer you know what if the targeting computer is this game's lock-on camera then yeah i'm turning off my targeting computer bye everybody good got my zero echoes back that's important right did i make it through with nothing chasing me i think maybe i did yeah okay then we got a clean run nope not quite not quite foul beast mr harry gray says bloodborne is less grim if you pretend it's boats love you guys and all your work keep on keeping on thank you all right here we go here we go 18th times a charm all right i've got my got my molotovs equipped good what do you think i didn't hurt him much folks but i do appreciate that i can hit a bunch of them a bit from there using these molotovs right now the camera are you going to be my friend are we going to be friends or are we going to have a falling out no all right wrong place to use the old molotov problem is i keep i know exactly where i'm going wrong here no that's not true i don't know exactly where i'm going wrong ah how can you hit me from there buddy okay all right what's happening to the frame rate folks and what's happening to the camera get down the stairs right i gotta i gotta stop i'm not sure about these stairs because the molotovs they say use the molotovs use the monitor i'm just kidding i'm just kidding all right that was going okay until it didn't this is going to be fine once we get that one down we can come back and then we've only got to kill two it's all right we're doing the hardest bit of this right now norsen says how about switching back to let's play luke oh my gosh i would love to do that let's play luke is an absolute beast at this game i'll tell you what he would have this he would have this he would have this fight done how who's who's who's joined me you and you and the dog all right cool cool and good here we go again it might be time let's try let's try using some items i'm pretty sparing with items in these games generally like what have we got we could use uh don't i have like some bolt or fire paper or something i've got lots of bolt paper let's try that let's try just popping that on the old thing here we go i've never used bolt paper before is he not gonna hear that electrical crackling it's because it's pretty loud oh he did he did cool cool cool oh also it's applied to the wrong weapon okay here we go you're in the great game now nice try nice try all right we're gonna fight out here thought i was maybe inside of his reach there wrong come on nearly got me while i was uh healing there oh just if i don't get in a in a hit i have to back out i have to get out of there because it's not going to happen because they're just going to hit me so much all right oh no no no no no no no no no no no how about this and this is that is that is that doing anything it's hard to tell might be hurting him a bit it's not hurting him enough how are you doing that from up there cheating tactics i call it okay should we try yes good good good the old dodge and thrust with the axe it's quick it's quick that's it look that attack is so quick i think we're on to something here folks yes that's how we're gonna do it that's how we're gonna win what do we say to the god of death poke you with an axe he is he dead he's not dead he's not dead now he's dead he's not dead he's not dead he's not dead folks how is it that he's not dead he's dead he's dead we did it we killed one all right let's see if we can use this same technique to get another one oh good good good good good good good good good all right come on come on i'm feeling feisty now you're gonna wish she hadn't tangled with ray [Music] until one he is dead get back here whoa okay you weren't really messing around with that were you good good dodge and no that attack is quick it's the quickest attack i've found with the axe yes it even beat him to even beat his m his move there speed wise dodge and thrust yes it's good it's good it's a good attack it's a good attack guys and i won't have you bad mouthing it it's a good attack and it helped this is pure soul spawning you're seeing right now try and try again until you get lucky with one thing that just gives you a small edge man this is a it's not easy but this is easier all right come on then oh i shouldn't have shouldn't have had that happen to me and yet here we are right running out of healing items so let's really focus on trying to kill another one of them if the camera will uh grant me a small amount of respite from its nonsense here we go done parry thrust this fight looks ridiculous these hunters don't look cool right now everyone looks dumb in this fight all just like ah oh he's got the gun out no all right last healing item that's it really want to kill another one really would like to get kill this one if i can if i can this is this is already a success because oh no no no no no oh darn oh well never mind never mind close i was close close never mind never mind uh harrison parker says luke as a lifelong gamer who's absolute trash at souls like games i applaud your ability as a first on a first playthrough of bloodborne and the demeanor you maintain throughout keep it up thanks thank you that's kind okay all right look one is dead one is dead um i i don't know which one to is the smart one to focus on now these dogs all right yep my god we gotta we got a visitor now um who to pick on uh i feel like this one probably does have less health even though it was still a massive amount of health i wonder if i can sneak attack it if i'm real this is ray bloodborne being quiet good okay tasty uh all right let's try and get a few more hits in with the cleaver good all right yes all right well litty welty welty i'm not going to make the mistake of underestimating you because you have absolutely destroyed me several times fast firing i keep shooting you it's not going it's not going to do any better is it your attacks are very quick hard to parry right that's cool that's cool get out one hit if i can do that again i'll try my transforming combo [Music] good that was good i'm gonna keep you in the mid-range i don't want you to when you feeling empowered to use your cannon oh this is a fight for the ages okay there we go let's have a like spike for that claw mark whew we did it we did it we did it i'm sure there was an item i'm sure there was an item on a on the first one's corpse that obviously i didn't pick up i here it is it's gone where it goes to stand out it's a madman's knowledge nice first try we did it folks first try can you believe it um okay right where to explore now um that was hard hard hard hard how long did that take me half an hour maybe a bit more okay i've got a werewolf in here um let's just try and kill the werewolf it's strong it's a strong werewolf but not too strong not strong like what i've been putting up with upstairs okay what's wrong what else is down here information mad mentor surreptitiously and rituals back in the moon uncover their secret all right i'll get right on it um there's an item down there cool um wow those three were rock hard rock hard but you know what i'm glad that i stuck with it i'm glad i didn't run past them or do it in a let's play because that was a more should i progress down here or go back upstairs well it's all got to be explored in the end so um that was a more sort of regular souls-born experience i think that we got there it was very hard it seemed undoable by degrees it became doable and now it's done and we're never gonna do it again bloodstone chunk oh wow good items down here glad i'm glad i bothered popping down frenzied cold blood oh yeah i think we're i think we're gonna be able to level up a weapon you know maybe even two all right not much else popping off down here which doesn't make much sense but of course remember remembering that this was a different area of the game previously um makes it make a little more sense uh all right so now next route is down here where we have another i'll just just stop it just stop it bloodstone chunk nice chunks galore i remember this i remember exploring this when it was the jail there were two dudes with bags here bloodstone chunk yeah this path leads out to the pumbaas to to the pumbaas pumbaa town um okay so here's the deal oh look he isn't his root outside item over there vaguely remember what's up there but only very vaguely um let's keep going let's keep going i've probably got enough to level up probably just enough but let's keep going because we haven't actually encountered like now that we because we won't have to do those we don't have to get past oh my god what the hell is that well it's seen me oh it's just a roiling mass of heads this isn't gonna be good this is gonna be very bad in fact can i get free okay that actually didn't hurt me too bad how how much strong are you not too strong not too terribly strong oh no no no okay wrong wrong assessment with the not too terribly strong get out of here yikes wow okay they weren't messing around cool new enemy type uh cuny guard screaming bird says i know lots of people in here love animal crossing new horizons and now custom designs are searchable uh oh but there are oh oh dear all right cooner guard screen bird is letting us know that on animal crossing on new horizons people are um putting nasty designs up there and asking us to report them things like nazi stuff that sounds very bad we don't want that oh look this is where i was this is where i came out we don't want that do report that if you see it um cool right this is the room so in fact i did not uh um in fact i have i am up to date with my exploring so that's good what's this fiery thing oh okay okay dude with a gun dude with a gun oh these feel like yeah they're build man the guns hit so hard they're bell ringy people so that was only a temporary reprieve um okay slice and ice now there was a pumbaa down there in a in a previous life in happier times oh i know oh yes this is what i think it is device is not currently operable operate it ray yes shortcut shortcut great great great great great great wonderful stuff where does it take me to don't don't remember where this is bye was that maybe that was the one that um oh i think that guy followed me and squished himself whoops that's good that's good shortcut i can't see where it was going though also it looks like that that looks like a rooftop that i've not been to so where is this again oh i know near the starting area now i can level up and i'm gonna do it you better believe i'm gonna do it excuse me folks just me ray sunshine popping through covered with blood see uh yeah that's where i've gone invisible yeah that's gotta be annoying for them great great great shortcut i love the shortcut dole i have had such a time of it such a time of it um all right what's a level up i feel like i feel like health still isn't very far out ahead maybe skill um but then the blood cleaver it doesn't help the axe really much at all i don't know and and in terms of like scaling it up percentage-wise i don't know you know what i'm gonna let the chat decide this one what a terrible idea this is um let's see bearing in mind that probably for the rest of the game now i'm going to stick with the blood good with the saw cleaver and that and the axe what do we want i'm just going to look i'm going to just see the general vibe here they come here they come endurance skill vitality literally three different ones in a row endurance endurance endurance strength endurance get mercury counter that's good oh my god it's literally split like between skill and endurance or like completely a lot of people saying endurance let's go endurance what the heck uh right back to it let's not waste any time um so i want to go to the village right yes i think i think i want to go to the village yes because the shortcut was by the first bonfire mistake to ask chat says joke444444 yeah very much so oh remember remember to upgrade your weapon ah damn should have all right all right i'm going back i'm going back what's the time 524 all right all right all right i want to crack on because i want to i want to i want to get to the boss fight of this area if we can and i don't know where that is uh we haven't got to it yet do do do do quite a lot of people in the chat real upset that i leveled up insurance you just can't honestly like there's no no one no one is sure okay i can level up the hunter axe or the saw cleaver um uh can i do both i think i can you know all right well let's put let's get the axe up because i love the axe let's get the cleaver up as well tasty all right that's a big boost i've recently done the like off stream what i did i redid my gems in my rooms runes so i'm pretty sure they're kind of like up to scratch but i just got a new one didn't i visceral attacks grant more blood echoes oh look and i've got two of two of those so i could stack them no i like all my runes all right onwards we crack radioactive cat says i thought the three amigos were the boss yeah you would have thought so equip eileen's rune i did i think i've got it yep there it is the hunter hunter rune okay right now where was that shortcut i have to refine it cool cool cool cool and then it was up here oh yes i remember you i'd better oh oh no still still alive you're tough device is not current oh yeah that's right okay let me see if i can get onto that rooftop i saw was it over here nope guess it was this it was no it was this way okay dangerous okay well that didn't go great okay well now i'm stuck can i get down here yes good okay that one that didn't go very well i'll try that again that guy hasn't noticed that i'm here oh no he has now okay let's try that again oh there it is hey nice so what's out here then an evil dog another evil dog whatever the heck that is uh all right we'll look at that in a minute because oh my god oh no this is a oh crystal lizard think get back here get back you get back here don't you go on you don't you can't don't you do it don't you do it bloodstone chunks that's what we like to see and we gotta wear will fear guarding an item all right well what is it bloodstone chunk cool the bath it's glowing touch it what could possibly go wrong folks that glowing bath thing here i you're all telling me i should interact with it but i'm gonna be completely upfront when i say i don't necessarily trust all of you because i think you all would think it was pretty funny if something really terrible happened to me also i think these dogs are clearly respawning um and i cannot find okay look what's the what's the messenger note take a step forward this is going to be this is a bad idea isn't it here we go inspect um inspect bath what is it gonna do okay everyone in the chat is saying to do this it's a bad idea isn't it but what am i gonna do it's a glowing bath am i gonna not inspect it okay that's bad okay where am where am i now there's a there's a woman glitched into the wall here oh or they're not glitched into his deliberate decoration which i frankly don't think much of there's a werewolf over there there was another path though here that felt like a real sort of obvious like go this way path it's you you're ringing the bell not for long you're not nearly fell down that hole really nearly fell down that hole so what's down here then oh i'm just okay i'm like beast weights ahead okay fine i don't mind beasts just feeling a bit boss area you know folks i don't want to be the one to say it oh i think i know where i am isn't this where isn't that where that big bug monster was yeah it is all right here we go [Music] what have we got what's going on in here good stuff i hope yeah this couldn't be a boss area could it all right okay i'm hearing a lot of weird whispers okay ghostly alright so there are bell ringers oh good yeah put the bell ringers in the boss fight that's cool a cool and good idea they're fun they're like hey you know these bell ringers that we've had through the through this section of the game they seem pretty irritating should we put them in the boss fight yeah okay oh my it's coming out of the void that's um that's prudence's spell that's hunger of radar and look here's the milky tendrils oh [Music] okay here it comes hey it looks like it already died which would be good which would be ideal you know what it sort of looks like grave lord nito it's big it's huge it's like amygdala big please don't be really fast the one reborn cool camera put me there okay all right spitting stuff at me cool all right he's not very quick though so that's good i can hear the bell ringing where are the where the there they are there's one up there how do i find them where are they oh okay all right cool attack me with your attacks will you all right i just kind of want to heal but i'm gonna cheese it over here and then stop and then heal up and again this up here surely leads to the to the yeah there any more yes there's one over there oh my gosh there are loads of them and they're really hit they they hit hard stop it they're more more on the other side okay gosh i kind of hope that maybe when we hit them it would take away from the boss's hp but that's not happened you can't always get what you want oh an item cool item mid boss fight it's weird good and you right is that all of them one more one more one more uh okay i think we're done okay let's talk about it the one reborn oh can i get a cool drop attack okay uh get out of there ray what's he doing this feels like a wind up for an attack okay all right he's quite slow moving which means he's probably gonna hit really hard wow his legs hurt oh that's it yeah yeah felt that feel that in the morning ray just trying to get in oh get out of there stuck on a leg stuck on a leg oh killed killed stuck under a leg that's not cool okay all right okay he's all right fine it's not very fast uh it's not very tough uh well it is tough um i guess we gotta kill the chime maidens again as the chat is calling them cool okay all right no worries no worries let's get back at it uh all right it's fine we got a sh we got shortcuts we've got shortcuts of plenty excuse me fellas now should i use that like glowing bath again i guess so i feel like it saved me oh going down ow oh my god all right props to you buddy you showed great stamina and hutzpah oh god is that that's the boss down there right all right let's just cheese it into the boss area wait is that the boss area i think so i'm a bit turned around though no we haven't been here before oh wow i must have skipped that's oh oh my god okay i guess that portal skipped me through a whole lot of other mess okay this isn't good ray ray this is bad this is ray bad born heal up quick and get rolling and prepare to enter the boss fight with only 17 healths ow and not much health never mind okay okay yep i hear the ringing bells they're back at it they're still a thing okay here we go all right so if i die again which i mean let's face it i probably will i want to um use that portal again for definite hello yes it's me yes hi hi hi all right it's assuming all goes well with killing the um maidens then um what what am i going to do different this time i guess i'm going to try and it's not very quick so i guess i should like pop in get a few hits back out maybe or like maybe maybe maybe my placement wasn't great i don't want to try and get that drop attack again if that's doable oh no okay fair play mate fair play all right let's just try and let's try aoe it's all right that's okay stamping with the legs oh it's raining bits i don't want to be on this side of you i'm getting a bit distracted at looking at the um i want to say the driver would you would you call him oh oh no could have think i could have gotten a visceral attack there what am i doing just changed all my weapons to the wrong weapons i just pressed all the wrong buttons in quick order there just when you even just touch him it hurts a lot and he can get stuck on his legs and on the scenery all right oh that's a there it is it's probably a bit too obvious to like stick up close to its butt right although i can't really because it is trying to turn around and get me yeah raining entrails i recognize that i get yeah ah man hit me with the entrails will you okay i've used half my health items but i have got him down to about half health so maybe we're not doing two toe oh there we go there we go right right buttons this time right buttons yeah that hurt that hurt that hurt lots good good oh oh you're so unpleasant the one reborn does that even mean i'm sure there'll be some comments on this video explaining the law uh uh blood from the sky it's gross grow sicky blood um he's so slow why don't i try another one of these wind-up attacks oh no bad idea oh actually no that was okay here we go here we go folks one more once more wind it up wind it up can we get one more hit come on that's gonna do it that's gonna do it one reborn redead cool slow down because the playstation can't quite handle it yellow backbone is that i feel personally attacked by that item cool we did it awesome thanks very much folks cool cool weird boss weird boss um i feel like for all the cutscene that reminded me of um what was it the one that we did last that reminded me of ron the vacuous spider in that it wasn't very terrifying um because it wasn't very fast um so although i feel like the difficulty in that boss was in just like getting hit once was just like we'll knock you out um okay cool all right oh look there's a thing there's a thing up here uh all right few notes madness weights ahead good when does it not in this horrible game oh look it's more of these oh man it's supposed to be something i just did a boss fight this is supposed to be something nice i feel like you're not nice though have audience with madman oh i can't wait here well i'm well look what look look if i inspect this is something bad can happen should i should i go back and level up but like did that did was there a um normally oh yeah there is a lamp there is a lamp okay let's level up let's level up and then we can inspect mr mr hat cool do the one reborn how did you like it when i killed jah uh yeah that reminded me a lot of rom except not cool like rom i kind of liked rom on a sort of personal level not my favorite boss that one the one reborn okay um this time let's pop up strength uh see if we can level up the weapons i oh i can level up the axe again hello hello oh that is gonna hit real hard now yeah let's do it beautiful i probably should repair them i think they've been taking quite okay no it's fine okay so christo melchev says remember that key you got now would be a good time to go to that area okay so obviously like the plot game plot wants me to inspect that dude in the hat because it was the thing right after the boss fight but last time when we did rom we didn't go straight to the one reborn we did a bunch of other stuff so i'm up for doing some other stuff um um oh we didn't do yosefka's clinic did we from last time maybe we could go do that see see what's going on there um [Music] but boy i'm not sure i can wait first floor sick room that's where that is right okay here we go upper cathedral ward yeah we could do the upper cathedral award um all right if someone could just in the chat concisely let me know how to get there i would appreciate that let me know which i'll tell you what just let me know which um lamp to to to travel to and then we'll figure it out from there cool cool cool um right where am i now i've been here in a long time this is the door that i opened oh man i saw everyone in the chat in the comments of a previous stream telling me that the blue alien i killed around here was actually the real yosefka and that made me feel really terrible okay hmm is that the right way i feel like i've left this game is a maze it's hard to see everything is dark [Music] okay okay okay okay oh oh it was this way it was this way it was this way david smith packing a lot of information into this chat uh next area just leads to upstairs electric building oh yeah we've been there before uh also only hit the spider guy wants to talk to him 15 plus insight makes enemies tougher spend it oh i've got like 52 in sight how do i ok oh no i can't didn't i she's closed the door okay right we've got to find an alternative way in then uh we must have to head outside but that's cool we'll do that we'll figure it out that that door was definitely open before which makes me think that this is like the right sort of that i was supposed to go up there find it shut and then figure something else out i hear something here's something big thudding towards me what's this not a thing not a thing okay fine oh hello could this be a way in or something else no no no no no i know where this is this is this is the acid lake this i've i came up here oh nearly went all the way back down to the that place with all of the acid um all right it's very quiet around here is this have i gone completely the wrong way oh it's one of those categories i feel like wasn't there a way to like get on the roof or something okay yeah i remember this this is this is ringing a bell we've got crows up here and there's a door just past here that i think will get me in how crows are you still a thing in my life beware of bird okay cool all right yes it's here this way that's right because that's right we came in this way and in here was the alien i killed that everyone made me feel bad about let's go see if it's corporate yeah there's the oh no there's the corpse oh no well that's not good yeah and here's the door ah that's the right okay there's the shortcut well i wish i'd done that last time i was here okay it's all right this game is a big old puzzle box okay so but that means that there is a path now that i haven't taken which is over here put my torch away there and then realize i definitely need it hello anyone there i was told to come here by youtube chat hello hello anyone around anybody here good it's very quiet it's very quiet a lot of sp ah here we go here we go this is gonna be a fight isn't it i'm not i'm not sure i don't know what happens go yeah oh i thought you were a goodie but you're not doing good things you're like no that's the opposite of what we want have unfortunately found this it's progressing i can see things i knew it i'm different i'm released right inside my head it's rather rapturous okay i feel like they've gone evil and maybe this is the time to hit them with a weapon what do we think folks i feel like this is yeah yeah okay all right here we go committed now oh third umbilical cord hey that's a super important item nice okay i thought that would be a fight okay cool cool cool cool cool all right how did all these people die maybe she's i don't know okay good good good good all right we did that we did it we got two we've got two on built two third umbilical cords now um and i know from pop culture that i need three to get the right ending to the game uh and i'm so we're doing good well that was horrible and disturbing i'm annoyed that you all made me go and do that that was very horrible never mind um at least now i can make use of this shortcut right should we try and find that uh cathedral ward um place okay okay did he find the old abandoned workshop says glyph like 99 yes that's where i found my first third umbilical cord okay right let's um um cathedral ward or grand cathedral because these reward i think cool all right thanks i did read those chat messages earlier about where to get to get the get the thing um so yeah i think we're good to like head towards the um use that cathedral ward key would be nice should be nice um [Music] oh yeah i should have spent some of that insight you know what i'm going to spend my insight off stream just because that's not super fun um and yeah i'd rather i want to get to the next area before the stream finishes if we if we can cool right now some very helpful chat folks up the elevator inside the cathedral ward we can do that we've done that now we've been up here before this is where we like fell down a whole bunch of stuff well guess what since then i killed what's his name uh that man on a castle roof yeah you with the gun ah nostalgic almost remember just like old times feels like a very long time ago now um i will i will spend my insight between streams i i did i just didn't really know if it was something i should be spending uh like the game doesn't obviously give you many clues as to what's a good you know what's good to spend and what like you absolutely will need later in the game if it's not so if it's not important in fact if it's better to have less then yeah i'll spend it i'll tell you what like while we're talking about things being completely impenetrable um between streams i had a little uh go on the first like chalice dungeon and that was just oh totally like just and then but just trying to figure out like how you get into them how they work it's absolutely nuts like you've got there's like root chalices and then like a different chalices and i was like okay i'm not understanding this so i'll look it up and i looked it up and honestly i'm none the wiser i'm like oh hello i'm like on the wiki and it is just so baffling all this oh cool all right nope okay walks right into that one bye cool i'm not sure if this is the um i'm not sure if this is the way um oh give the kane her summons to alfred as well that's the other thing we haven't done um yeah all right some side questing to be done oh i think we'll have to do that next on stream if i can get to another lamp i'm assuming by the way that like i want to be heading up okay here we go as i'm assuming at some point here i'm going to find like a locked door that i can now open hopefully oh i haven't been in there yet hey folks i know i know i'm as upset as you oh look at that that if ever i saw it that's a momentous door come on this has got to be the place yeah awesome woohoo upper cathedral ward oh it's horrible the choir [Music] what the heckins are you oh there is there did i miss a lantern i didn't miss a lantern did i i don't think there was one in this room unless it's hidden in all these urns okay let's keep going let's keep going [Music] now if i was making this game i think i would put a lantern here oh oh okay okay you're stronger than your friends downstairs congratulations how about this ow okay touche good oh nice to get some blood vials oh no there's more of them is it like a baby amygdala oh sorry they're not even i haven't even attacked me oh look there we go bam magnificent cool all right well um that was okay that was okay we got we we made some we made some reasonable progress there folks um [Music] and next time we've got this whole situation to uh look into i'm like i like the music here uh it's about all i can say that i like um it's cool to be this high up in the game that's cool are these all places that i've been in that soulsy sort of dark souls kind of way cool cool cool cool cool cool cool bizarre silver says hi luke one of my close friends and i bought this game thanks to your series here we're both currently racing each other to the end as first time players and i wanted to wish you luck in your hunt as we do ours yeah good luck okay so uh before the next stream i will spend my insight um i will do some other stuff i won't um i won't go see alfred we'll save that for the stream uh that thing give him the way to get to the castle um we'll we'll do that first we'll do that first next time we kick off next time and then we'll um press on through this uh through this through this area i'll spend some of my insight i'm gonna do some googling around that because it's it's not it's not for you guys to worry about i'll figure it out off stream um cool um now tomorrow we've got some fun stuff coming up we are on outside extra we are going to do some smash brothers uh personality quizzes um just you know me and ellen having uh some fun doing some nonsense doing some quizzes um and what else uh oh yeah how could i forget and then after that 4 p.m tomorrow on outside xbox an ox venture an ox venture that will be dm'd by me uh starring johnny chiardini as a player um amazing um i'm really really looking forward to that um i'm hecking nervous folks um i it's the kind of thing that like i've done a little bit of prep but there's not not any point in doing very much prep i'm just gonna have to deal with it in the moment um but it's gonna be really really fun i'm really looking forward to it i just i love playing ox venture in whatever role i'm in i'm sure and yeah i hope johnny is going to be kind to me as a player and not remember all of the things that i do when i play the game with him so um i'm gonna i will pop a link right now to the ox venture tomorrow so you can set a reminder right now there you go um and let's see if outside xbox has published their video they have uh so go check that out um oh yeah it's a good one i've been looking forward to this seven vehicle sections better than most driving games here we go i'll just call that driving games in the chat there we go pop a link in there uh right ellen um yeah so yeah enjoy the uh enjoy the enjoy the ox venture tomorrow i'll see you there um uh keep spoilers and discussion out of the chat if you can that would be cool and um yeah see you next time thanks everyone one reborn sorted those three dudes whose name i didn't even know i'm gonna look it up on the wiki now so that i can write it down in my little book of victories cool all right take it easy have a great evening see you tomorrow for some dnd bye [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 83,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne boss fights, bloodborne blind, bloodborne longplay, walkthrough, old yharnam, dark souls, bloodborne bosses, blind, bloodborne walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 42sec (7542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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