Demon's Souls PS5 Livestream: Luke Plays Demon's Souls Remake - FIND THE MANEATER

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so hello friends hello and welcome back to demon souls with me luke and ray sunshine the second and patches look there's patches hanging out as well having a rare old time hello everyone good to see you all in the chat i've been observing you observing all of the messages you've been typing been enjoying enjoying it enjoying it for the most part sorry i'm enjoying it wholeheartedly that was just a i don't know why i put that slightly menacing message in there um yeah hello everybody uh well it's the last demon soul stream of the year because um i'm off the christmas break um not straight away but um after uh you know i won't be here next thursday basically welcome along new member morag hart um uh dark jokes says hey luke it's my birthday can i get a shout out of course dark joker hello happy birthday from me and my mickey mug um i'm enjoying love the coffee and my charming mickey mug just enjoying the good times before we plunge wholeheartedly into the mess delicious pointless says wait this isn't cyberpunk 2077. do other games still exist well this one does welcome to me luke the only person not currently playing cyberpunk probably i should be playing cyberpunk and then a lot more people will be watching this stream but demon souls it is right you're probably wondering what's been going on since last time so uh [Music] well here's his here's the traditional it was another farming quest but this time for shards but getting enough was proving pretty frankly upsetting i had to watch ray burn alive a lot but greystone shards and chunks were eventually got i poured them all into the claymore so it's strong as hell and ed the grumpy blacksmith said give me a blacksmith i've gotta stop skipping the dialogue [Music] it makes the catch-up songs harder to make and now you're all caught up so uh yeah weapons got upgraded which is cool which is cool which is exciting nick jeffrey says cyberpunk looks even grim than i expected and far less futuristic oh wait you're not on cyberpunk is that even legal who knew yeah that's right we're breaking all the rules here by not playing cyberpunk uh yeah so i've upgraded um i've upgraded uh the um the claymore um which amazingly now is my small weapon um in my sort of like when i've been farming i've taken to calling it little squish and this one big squish so let's see if that sticks big squish and little squish well the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take big and little squish back to um where we were questing before which was gosh was it was it this fellow yes upper latria because at the end of the last stream we um we like we we cut up a big heart or something um which was which was a good time so now i have to find my way back to where that was which i'm not super um confident about doing to be honest i wish i could remember was it over there was it in that thing was it in that thing i think it was it was somewhere over here look i'm sure i'm sure it'll be obvious if we just wander around um minmax says skipping dialogue be like bear seek seek lest seek seek lest i don't get it i don't get it but but but i will um i'm sure it'll look at me later christian suddenly says been watching the breath of the wild mastermind streams and missing the before times thank you for the lockdown company as always hope you're well and joyful uh thanks very much kristen sidman i'm not doing too bad um are either you coming to life everything comes to life around here it's kind of it's uh shtick um but they didn't they did not come to life right i think it was down here where the where the heart was before um gentle mandrel says luke you have us you don't need other people i only want cyberpunk i'm here for the great demon souls i hope the boss is prepared for you oh boy uh ginger hoesley says good morning luke thanks for all the entertainment this year did you know there is a tumblr blog called relatable pictures of luke westaway it's good congrats on making it to reaction image status i've arrived i've arrived that's great and natalie says just finished uh binging the entire bloodborne playthrough great time to catch the stream you always brighten my day look natalie thank you and thanks for hoping i'm glad you enjoyed the bloodborne ones i remember bloodborne that was a good time and when things were cheerful right you then come on let's let's have a let's have a are we are we doing this oh i'm okay to do this but oh god neil just nearly just blunted straight off the edge where are you going what the hell are you doing oh ah taste that upgraded claymore and you what if whatever you are no patience to find out great lovely what did i get our unknown warrior soul tremendous okay was this the thing that had the was this the thing that had the the beating heart in it oh gosh all right let's just get let's just i just want to get my eye in with big squish as well don't fly away amazing crumbled into into into pieces wow they always do that miramax says when things were cheerful visions of bolt paper um christopher edgar says yay luke managed to anxiety and panic attack myself into skipping a gastros gas come on luke a gastroscopy earlier and i've been waiting for you and ray to brighten up my day oh christopher ed come sorry that sounds like a rough time i hope you feel better soon um oh what a what a um what a what a rough hand to be dealt um today but yeah i hope things brighten up and growly says hi luke getting my neighbor interested in you guys by making her watch you she really likes it say hi to katrine katrine hello welcome aboard welcome aboard the good ship ox great to have you great to have you um right oh i think ellen's in the chat um right so yeah this was the yes look there it is there's the heart okay okay good now did i go up here before um i can't remember if this is the way i'm supposed to go or if i've wandered off or if i've wandered away from the tour well let's let's just press on see what we've come across welcome along new member uh elsa mcclock uh mclaughlin um i hope i didn't uh mangle the name there sorry uh who also says i've spent the last week binging your plates of bloodborne and play along with it playing along with it for the first time now at abrea task wish me luck oh my gosh good luck you'll need it i hated abreath ass that was an absolute nightmare um so grim so difficult uh right right right right right right okay okay okay okay now where am i oh i don't think i've been up there i think i would remember going up there that's that's a memorable staircase mate potentially oh and there's an item over here which means i haven't been around this way so that's that's good that's handy i just spotted that before i think i see folks in the chat making mention of ellen's uh unfortunate uh nudity-centric glitching in the cyberpunk stream the other day which had me absolutely howling um so great i don't know if that stream got like demonetized whatever as a consequence but but it was great well okay well gosh is that okay i think right things are getting sick what a phantom okay right focus up luke this is a big squish situation i think we want to try and kill the singing one if we can roll out oh no no no okay we failed that roll but we won't fail the next one oh no are we not rolling oh boy mom oh no no it's gonna eat my heart and soul ray leave leave me be oh thank god i've got that one come on oh yikes okay well the plan to like kill adam one which was a solid plan but if you the thing is with big squish is if you if you don't get the kill in one you can really end up in really wind up in a rough situation yikes anyway onwards and upwards right shift around get comfortable all right what do we got who's up here it's awfully dark which is not helpful or appreciated can i go around here is there a thing what was that what's that message run straight run straight okay [Music] ah cool nice what's this storied warrior soul brilliant that's that's a large amount of uh that's a large amount of soul currency so that's that's good okay uh okay have i oh a fog door the true demon soul starts here that's what you said about the other thick things i'm sure that's what i'm sure that we've seen that exact message before not impressed um okay well folks should we just face what's what's through here with with an open and an honest heart a terrifying boss the man-eater okay what up what are you some kind of lion beast whoa nice oh whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that what the heck come on then all right oh okay all right okay well look [Music] what are you doing stop it all right we're trading blows at the moment it's going okay and then it went not well oh boy where are you going oh massively screwed up that door just coming down on top of me isn't he okay he's over there come on that's okay should we should we try with big squishy oh too much of a wind up oh but it did hit it that did actually hit i don't like it i need my i want my shield up i want the shield up come on come on no no no what's he doing that looks like that looks like some kind of power what did you see that health there's another one where is that where there aren't really two are there okay okay okay okay okay now now we're wrestling now we're now it's now and now we're wrestling folks come on come on oh no if that is landed landed everything could be different but instead everything is bad if i got time to heal potentially a small amount where where is the other one is that it is that it heal heal come on yes all right that's one down that's one down yeah i'd be on set two mate that's my concern right got to heal as soon really scared about just wandering off the side where you going dude come back the fight remember the boss fight i know it's easy to forget but we were boss fighting okay well do you want to stop doing that for one thing oh no [Music] [Music] how stuck on the scenery is he right now real talk um okay i think the game was like just trying to put him back where he was supposed to be hey demon vanquished man eater indeed awesome awesome oh that was cool was a good fight that was nice that no puzzling no no puzzle boss there just a just a classic ruck uh i oh when the second one showed up i thought there's gonna be a trick to this and i'm not gonna figure it out and but they were just too awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome ah cool cool oh man thirsty all of a sudden mickey ease my troubled throat in my time of need oh hand a little trembly there i got lucky because i don't know what that thing it is where it like where he's like ah is doing but whatever it was it wasn't and it was probably charging up an attack or something but whatever it was it didn't uh it took long enough that i could get a hit and i felt like the claymore was doing some staggering there as well which is always appreciated full moon grass oh four of them wow what a special treat uh general manager says well boss wasn't prepared just as i expected i'm gonna be like crying and screaming now what was that i picked that up they didn't say what it was oh warrior souls okay well look checkpoint mixed demon soul um let me just pop back to the nexus and see if that's enough to level up dude where are you lady with the stick and the poop eyes hey stop they stick a bit skipping the dialogue i can level up again brilliant okay well when i get strength to 30 i can wield big squish with one hand so that's obviously exciting but i don't want i don't want health to lag too far behind and i'm thinking as well about endurance hmm um [Music] well i tell you what i always let some let's let's eat all the souls i just got because i feel like i just picked up a few mixed demons so we're not eating that one legendary warrior solo we can eat that that's edible and storied we can eat that as well whoa and i thought well let's see everything renowned hero renowned warrior unknown warrior eat them all oh wow okay i'm suddenly then what will that will that let me level up twice oh my okay that's annoying that'll let me level up nearly oh damn it didn't do the maths will on that one fine um all right let's put one in let's put this one in strength just for funsies because it would be fun to how far am i off getting to okay so i need like a really really really small amount of souls um you know what screw it let's let's farm it i'm gonna go to my favorite farming location um and i should be able to i should be able to pick up enough in just to just a couple of minutes in the meantime we'll check in with the chat nikki sorry says with cyberpunk glitches i'm imagining ellen like a teacher stepping in front of a projector when there's a surprise nude scene nothing to see here it was a little like that everybody oh pal we had fun we have fun do it see that see these these folks get like pretty healthy times uh lester's drink says why do you only use heavy slashes well i mean do i maybe i've only used them in this stream i feel like i use the the light slashes enough um i mean i think in in the boss fight like that it made sense to to use um to use heavy ones because you know you've only got a small opening um you don't want to get stuck in a in a light attack animation especially like this follow up on this one like that you don't want to be you know be caught in the middle of that yeah much better to get a quick quick one of them in in my in my earnest opinion right can i smash you back in one foot hey bal hit smashy flat in one and you lost i know i know it's fun to think back to how much trouble you all gave me right so that's um is that going to do it i probably should have looked at exactly how much was necessary it was something like 15 000. wait can i see can i see it on me somewhere um how do i how do i see me next oh yeah we're good we're good oh i should die in the nexus as well um uh yeah i should um i should level up then uh die in the nexus because if you die in the nexus you die in real life um there we go ah but if i put the strength up to 30 then right here on the stream we can one screw it the things i do for you lot then we can now we can one hand the uh now we can one hand big squish cool cool oh that's cool a lot of time for that that looks pretty good what's the heavy heavy follow-up that's pretty good and that's that's not actually too slow you know that one and then gosh right oh wait hang on i've come to i've climbed up the bit that's not high enough to to jump off [Music] hey ray sunshine the second why did you do it oh ray can you not how hard is it oh my god sorry folks this is not what you wanted this is not how you want to spend it look we already did a boss fight okay so look anything from here on anything from this point is just gravy it's just [Laughter] how i might get it right that should that's got to do it good um winter mccool says i just watched watched one of your show of the weekends uh and laughter hides the panic is amazing we need a t-shirt after this i don't remember saying that shall i be really um shall i be really indulgent and not even go and get those what 700 souls that i left up there i mean it's pretty small change at this point but it just doesn't feel right it just feels somehow obnoxious to not pick these up it feels arrow it feels it feels arrogant it's it's a level of hubris that i don't i don't that i don't want for ray uh right now we can crack on let's let's let's let's find out what's up that tower um i mean maybe we should do another arch stone but but like we can we can poke our nose in poke our nose in the ivory tower uh mr lenny shelby says isn't the quota two bosses per stream yes but oh oh dear uh-oh folks saw that too right are we still live i think we're still alive i think that wow wow the ps5 just died massively yikes i mean like it just died well you saw just like no warning cut to black all right i'm gonna try and boot it back up that's not good that's not what you want okay it's powering up oh boy oh boy are we getting something jameson edger says the ps5 did a sopranos which is a brilliant reference um oh oh boy why are you what are you doing down there buddy it's kind of flashing blue flashing blue doesn't seem good that's not what you want is it or do we have do we have do we have we have an image back a problem occurred in the system software reporting this error to sony interactive entertainment helps improve ps5 hardware software and services this report might include personal information oh now the controller's not connected don't report ps5 is advertising for xbox says patrick long hard to argue with that well look at least we get to see some exciting playstation boot up stuff now i think the only thing that i'm really concerned about here is you know save data feeling good that was wild i've not seen that before continue that's good i have not seen that crash nothing like that i've had this game crap okay good we're fine i've had this game crash um once before but it wasn't like that that was really quite dramatic wasn't it is that a crystal lizard right right let's crack on anyway nelson says with the one-handed smasher you remind me of daruk oh yeah that's cool oh hello folks oh wow okay oh no now hmm classy rec says tbf luke i know what's coming next the ps5 might have been doing you a favor well that is ominous oh this bit says angel b what are you all beware of black phantoms ahead all right i will oh there's one oh my god what's that health bar though [Music] ow out get out of there ray because that's gonna that's gonna kill you if you're not careful okay that health or this well at least i've got a little squish to keep me company oh what oh okay oh my god are we in another boss fight hey you know when you go to the tailor and you're like are you sure this is the right fit they're like yeah yeah yeah because it's friday afternoon what is happening is that me is that no that's that oh oh the clothes came off well that's a theme okay what the heck am i not even in the room yet oh my god there's another one do the green attack do the green attack do the green attack that i know how to block all right fine how about next no okay fine i've only yourself to blame i didn't go too badly okay bring on the friends time for dueling i think bring on the friends means that i should basically be doing this in co-op but i'm not old monk oh oh my god chairs wait i saw [Music] okay oh what's that that attacks their attacks we're doing all right here wow let's try big squish [Laughter] oh my god oh my god that was brilliant okay if i i would i desperately want to do that attack again [Laughter] into the chairs [Laughter] bonk oh my god this should not be as funny as it is sorry i need to focus i need to focus what am i doing ah oh my god he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me come on luke focus up focus up he'll heal quickly no no oh oh damn it oh man oh oh oh the chat's saying this is a oh god i died there i had that i had that i threw it away the chat's saying that um the chat's saying that the chat's saying that this is a pvp boss but that that wasn't pv is this was i suppose was my game supposed to get like invaded there because that didn't feel like another player another i wish i'd i wish i'd just focused up a little bit at the end there because i could have had that i could do this stairwell again is that if you're online i am online aren't i i'm sure i'm online i mean i usually am um how do i tell just tell me if i'm online obviously that you log into the server when you go in it normally is like you're not online do you want to proceed offline it didn't do that um let's try i'll tell you what let's let's just boot out to the main menu because like if this is an npc boss and i'm miss and i'm missing some fun then oh he is online because there are the game just crashed you saw that right oh my god i cannot catch a break today [Music] that wasn't good [Music] gameplay recording renewed what is going on with you today logging into the servers okay well look i'm definitely online so maybe maybe just i mean they must have to like maybe turn password off is that was that a thing network password requirement off invasion limit on enable disable yeah password password is off so that's fine so no one needs like a password to enabling the password restricts network play to users who enter the same password whoa did we just crash again is that the cut scene that was the cut scene i'm way confused right now i can't figure out i feel like maybe the game crashing is like some meta mind trick or something i imagine there's a long queue chugging the service to invade luke's world says ryan gray sarah grey says i don't know maybe no one is playing it you know what that's probably the simplest explanation if the game can't find a person it just loads itself all right okay well maybe is it a player this time i can't skip the cutscene i have to watch this every time if this is a player this time then i will be glad that i didn't succeed and that i died because i would if if this is like an npc duel sorry a pvp duel then like that actually sounds kind of fun and unique so i would be up for that in principle yes okay well yeah but now i need to survive up there because there are two there because there are there are like quite a few enemies between me and me and that other player so i need to actually get there isn't there going to be some cthulus yes oh not come on but i was thought i was rolling the right way there but i wasn't simply was not come on come on quick quickly quickly no no oh my god got my heart sucked out no worries no worries no worries swap to the big squish says zero yeah i will do this time i will do i want is my is that player is that invading player still there i wonder sorry if you have to like wait ages mysterious invading player should be doing this two-handed anyway tasty amount of damage right there's my stuff which means right around the corner is right now quickly dodge out the first one quickly dodge out the way the first one i say and then whammo okay how about this oh no no right that was okay i had a method that person won't make wait much longer says son of liberty i mean maybe they knew they were i yeah i was i was doing better with i was doing better with little squish i need the speed but at least i can at least two handing it i can like take these things out in all one and then sprint my way up i don't want to arrive at this jerk with no stamina though so let's stop sprinting now if i can just roll under that first attack everything's everything's gravy there we go that's more like it and then back up and then back towards good uh athena the world is uh super chatting for big squish because that's the best thing i've heard all month and there's no way my day can be unmade oh good uh the one who snacks is luke can you please take a minute during today's stream to use the photo mode to take a christmas card photo with ray little squish and big squish the whole family yes i will i mean i will definitely try and remember to do that that is i know that sounds like a kind of hedging promise but i'll do what i can not yeah not in a corridor now are you a jack okay so so hopefully now this time it's a player should we try a big squish again the wind up is huge it could really backfire let's try it why can't i go through let me in the hell does a yellow gate mean beware of chairs ahead oh oh wait we have to have a different cutscene probably close that tip now but now i can skip this cut scene which is weird oh wait hang on does this mean that the does this mean that that player left hmm that's weird the player leaves when you die oh so this one's the npc boss shall i die on purpose yeah this is the npc isn't it well look one one one let's play let's play baseball one time donk okay now i'm gonna let you i'm gonna let you kill me because i kind of want to try this npc situation come on free shot free shot on ray come on well done okay the cutscene disguises the player loading if you can skip it's an npc that's a good that's a helpful tip right let's try let's try again so what i've got to do really is get up here get invaded but not die to the squids this gives me more practice with the cthulhu's as well which is nice come on someone invade me come on failed to create the session i guess that we'll try again again oh no no no i i dodged that can we agree i dodged that most people prefer to do this offline i miss you said that in the chat sorry because i'm a bit distracted with these jerks i mean doing it online just sounds fun though you know it sounds like a unique bit in the game i don't do a lot of pvp no item should i die on purpose should we try this one more time yes oh wait it's letting me skip oh which means it's the npc right maybe we should die one more time on purpose all right not to you though if i can help it i need every bit of prac there we oh oh my god the game just crashed again cut me some slack i wonder if this is happening because i'm doing this like bit of this little online bit [Music] oh the true boss the chat saying ah just kill the npc boss yeah you know what you know what like at this point with all the crashes i just want to i just want to get through it i just want to get through i just want to get through this bit of okay so right we've remembered that these things are dead what was the last thing you remember game do you remember a dead cthulhu you seem to yes but presumably this one is still a no this one is okay here we go oh it's not skippable okay okay i think this means i'm getting invaded by a person please don't crash again please don't crash again just let me is this the tower is this is this the like tower of lottery a bit of the game that's like infamous because you have to like [Music] crunch through it again and again and again and again fingers crossed folks please don't crash please game do not crash on me let me have a call let me have a cool duel that i that i will not win probably because well it's hard isn't it i don't do anything i'll probably just roll around the back of me and backstab me easily but if i can get into the fight i would be happy with that i'd be happy with that because it could be fun but am i going but am i going to have to am i going to have to defeat cthulhu first on the way okay yes i'm gonna have to defeat something but yeah there's a good there's a catholic i need to get past first i really really really want to not screw this up come on there we go right now double quick ray get in there if you can here we go hello [Laughter] oh boy okay how about this oh okay tasty all right all right we're dealing with dueling we're dueling what do you got what do you got what do you got what you got timing off there exactly sure what is happening here nigel then now that that should have been hit come on why did you heal oh wow that hurts oh no oh oh damn it i guess that's what they were going for oh it was a regen build the chat says cool well i mean well i mean i guess it paid off right i thought i was doing right for a while never mind false sense of secure loading being led into a full sense of security yeah i think so all right oh well it was kind of fun oh so will i get invaded by a different player now or oh no no no no no oh god we did you know what we didn't need that camera angle three hits and done op regen with quick weapons ah demon souls pvp now he's done it once the npc fight is fine sir sarah grice yeah i agree if it's the npc this time i'm not gonna like die and die again to reload i'm not so desperate to like defeat a real person you're not gonna make it over to me mate you're not gonna make it you're not gonna make it you're not gonna make it oh you actually didn't tremendous nearly right so will this be oh i can't skip it which makes me think it's another invader interesting there's a witch healing the monk kill the watch okay nimble attack says other players in pvp are ricky solo play only i mean hard to disagree there well the chat is really not keen on this pvp thing i thought it was i thought we were having fun i think it's kind of i think it's a nice break i feel like okay all right okay now i can skip it so let's see what we're dealing with is this another player uh no i don't think so that's baseball if i time this right i should be able to do just this [Laughter] feels good oh no screwed up time in there screwed up the timing and now i need to heal for his lasers souls if i can at some point you know but it's not the most the most important thing is baseballing this dude into the war what's he doing now donk [Laughter] this is this sword too strong [Laughter] sorry buddy i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry did we do it is that it demon vanquished i guess i mean body restored souls returned oh wow a lot of souls save my clip for that okay cool um i mean that was a that was a frankly baffling chapter in my demon souls journey and i do not know what to make of any of it um cool room though big squish wow you really came through for me there golden demon soul there's no way to go from here does that mean i finished this world because i would be so happy to not come back here again although if we are not coming back why don't we just like take a minute just appreciate the art i would say that this is the coolest boss arena to lamest boss ratio i have seen in a souls game i think i'm willing to make that i think i'm willing to make that claim the chairs are cool this carpet is cool everything about this is absolutely gorgeous but that boss was kind of lame um angelbeat says yup you finished latria wow photo of the squishies here says dan lingard yes so glad i saw that just before let's do our photos here also while i'm in human form um all right photo mode so let's get here we go it's mary actually you know what i want to do it back in the nexus because i want ostrava to be in the christmas picture okay martin romero says luke if you go down to the bottom of the stairs and invade you can be the boss [Music] it is a cool fight if you get a good player cesaro grice roller dragon says says bad ratio and he didn't fight pvp i did though i did and i got my butt kicked remember remember just now when i got my butt kicked it's pretty memorable um yeah i mean i i remember like in dark souls if you got invaded by someone and you had like a really good fight that was really close it felt awesome but um but you know you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there and a lot of people are very satisfying to fight cool cool cool um [Music] right what am i doing [Music] photo mode oh yeah we're doing christmas cards nexus christmas cards there we go strava and ray best pals let's get first let's get let's get a nice we need it we need the weapon to be out what's the most christmasy pose do you think probably not that that like bowing to christmas hooray christmas hello christmas hey christmas forget about it uh moody christmas oh that's no pose sadness sad christmas collapse collapsed christmas disbelief christmas again ostrava i didn't get you anything it's got to be gratitude right giving thanks for christmas uh good all right expression angry let's remove the helmet it's got to be uh it's got to be a happy expression and then i can i make you can i make you look at the look at here we go why can't i do why can't i change look at oh is it because i'm posing yeah so we can look at the camera maybe that's better actually the neutral pose but looking at the camera no it's not better that's better um fov zoo film grainy crank up the film grain come on we're trying to try to do something a little classy here roll we could level we could level out that um that bridge in the middle yeah kind of like that i hope this is the demon souls um gameplay that you came here for that's that's pretty that is strong that is that is that is strong work um can you look at ostrava's adam adam i don't i don't think i don't think you can uh focus focus on the player get nice out of focus going on there focus on the player yeah then we get a nice tasteful depth of field a vignette you never don't want a vignette always vignette filter what's the most christmasy one maybe that one that's kind of like rosie sort of holly jolly antique persistent game god no uh and let's let's let's just fiddle with the levels a little because i think the contrast could probably come down a smidge um the brightness i want to bring a little bit up color balance i might just bring the highlights up ah that's fine bloom oh yes please bloom is very christmassy let's turn the threshold down so we get more bloom oh look at that look at that beautiful increase the strength of the bloom fall off uh no we don't really want any fall off i could desaturate it so it's kind of like nice and white that's kind of christmassy actually oh we could saturate that looks a bit more i think that's a bit more christmassy lens debris oh whoa um a little a little we can do a little lens debris let's hide the graphic user interface and just pose that up merry christmas from ray in australia um i'm not super happy with the framing it's the only thing there's they're a bit small in the frame that let's try let's try it like that if i turn the pose off and then i make you look at camera ray i was just looking at just looking at a strava yeah okay that's that's that's perfect well i love i simply love it okay and if you want to get your christmas screenshot let me just hide my webcam there you go so you know screenshot that get that beautiful beautiful stuff and then can i change my weapon from here uh i don't i i don't i don't know if i how do i get bit how do i get big squish out weapons show weapons don't tell me i have to leave photo mode to just to to switch weapons i think i'm gonna have to that's annoying but it but we'll do it i'm i'm determined to meet the brief um oh it's remember good it's remembered the filter and and my and the bloom and all those settings and stuff so that's that's nice helmet off of course look at look look at camera or rather actually you're supposed to be looking at ostrava why are you blinking oh my god we've got ray blinking [Laughter] that'll do it that'll do it you know it's just a little glitched one of many glitches today uh right and there and there you have it with um and there you have it with with with big squish um beautiful so if you want to get that screenshot again of of best friends ray sunshine in australia great great that's that's beauty how charming how simply lovely um good well there's my new desktop wallpaper tremendous um do you will tizzy and sega can i actually can i actually do that i suppose i can actually if i unequip if i put the claymore here oh my what well we have to get one more we have to get one more while with the dual wielding i didn't even realize i could do wield these now little squish and big squish together in this in the same in the same lovely picture gosh i mean this is what luck what a merry christmas ray looks a little threatening is the only the only thing that i don't like he does like he's kind of poised to poise to kill what if i what if i just sort of just slightly oh just turn slightly away just so it's a little less threatening i don't want to look at the number of viewers on the stream right now because i'm quite certain that it's completely collapsed since since last time since we were actually doing any playing of the game look at player yep that's it that's it look at camera by camera i mean strava perfect perfect expression just neutral is nice christmas my christmas boys all right turn my webca webcam webcam on uh in a moment just give you a moment just to snap that if you want to for the old christmas car something to send to grandma okay and i'm back right i can't believe i'm dual wielding that would that would hurt that would really hurt right but enough enough silliness can i equip the what's my words do i have my regen shield with me i don't i should get it out though i should withdraw it because i don't need this purple flame thingy as far as i know that was what he'd say uh right organized storage drop this off and then where's my one that does re regenerates me is it this one yeah this one yeah i'll have that out retrieve we are indebted good good oh hang on i have to die again before we can go out into the world also oh wait wait wait wait let's level up i should remember to level up whoa yes i can level up twice brilliant um well putting it both in vitality putting it both in vitality and not overthinking it um good look at that health bar that's lovely uh i'm about to give some of it up oh now that that's sorted equip the hats you got from the boss for the love of odin says smash brand dick smash brandy's cooch which is a rather lewd last of us two easter egg reference your pal krause says luke we watch andy spending half a stream making outfits we're all about this type of content that is that is fair um i i don't think i got did i get a new hat i didn't see a new hat i really didn't see a new hat maybe i had to do like maybe had to win in pvp or something to qualify for that i don't know right you're gonna need to fall a bit further than that mate right there we go um okay all right run get my stuff back and then we can go on a fun adventure i will always always always take the wrong staircase there oh you haven't got the hats as clear to your ex i can get it if summoned all right well should we should we press on should we should we try and find somewhere to go we've still got an hour we've done we've done two bosses and we've got an hour an hour on the stream still um where to go next let me just look at that spoiler-free wiki root thing i've been using oh ritual oh god ritual path grim okay well it's got to be done i suppose is that this one is this one i think no that one that one's broken so it must be yeah it's this one ritual path all right let's figure out what's going on here the ritual path oh yeah this is where we did the adjudicator precious memories okay right new area this i got so lost here i really hope it's a bit less maze-like oh god these things is this my least favorite area no because i just remembered the the one that's like what actually no i hate i hate these things shooting at me this is the worst you can just it's just done so that you can never relax mind you that's quite pretty good right where are we going though storied warrior song oh wait oh god into this crypt presumably this isn't gonna be good what do we got blue skeletons oh is that an npc hello hello there we meet again yes i definitely remember you cheer up life is an adventure oh you're you're a shop brilliant um actually how am i doing on you know i might just buy a whole load of health items it's not a great way to spend your souls but just because just because we're on stream yeah what the heck let me just check you didn't have any like cool weapons for sale or anything i mean i can't afford them now if you did leather stuff we're good we're good i think right what's going on here time for soul draining what what the hell okay oh my god it's you from the trailer surely not another boss oh this isn't gonna be nice oh boy okay where are they oh my god look at these things here they're not very nice i don't seem too bothered by my attacks either let's try a big squish yep good one hit kill with big squish nice oh wait there's another one are they they're gonna spawn endlessly aren't they ow can you not congratulate myself on defeating these things but i i think they're just going to respawn and respawn in these corners yeah look there's another oh my god it's annoying to do nearly enough damage on me oh what no no not a fan is there is there like another staircase i could be using or something maybe attachment behind them probably survive that drop it's all right if i get if i get into the rhythm here i can i can make progress i think okay that one died in one which is good because it gave me is that a thing not a thing okay they're still respawning heavy hit once roll back and that's heavy again it's fine and now do you like lead to something someone oh my god okay right probably to you wow yikes oh my god right okay it's trying to take these out and then roll out the way the magic right okay let's it's the actual grim reaper brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant okay what's the plan more magic do more magic and then i pop out oh he's not so strong he's not so strong yes moon's shade stone shard is that the only one of you oh we're cutting all we're cutting um okay that so that opened a path good good good see game you can be linear no one's gonna be mad if you're linear not certainly not me um okay okay now can wander around here oh this is the this was the this probably somewhere no i couldn't have gone here is this going to bring me out by that item i saw secret secret is that is that basically just a lie oh no oh my god okay well first let's pop up here because i think that's that item what the hell what the hell okay all right i triggered a trap there fine um should we explore the to explore down here the secret what is it going to be oh oh what a great secret what a special what a special treat oh my god this one is strong that was that should have been a backstab that was only there rob come on oh i'm coming back for you we're not done we're not done okay hopefully though that like grim reaper dude was a one-off enemy though right right the secret was bad says claire t-rex i should say oh god these things are back oh no he's respawned and there's an item i missed down there as well look oh this is a disaster can i just cheese it down there though because that door must be open still i think the doorway is still open god right commence operation jesus i do want my stuff back though i want my souls for that i have to run down here down here oh what the hell patches patches i really can't think about you right now am i under attack i don't think they're coming any closer i hesitate to describe this as a safe room no patches oh hello again hey don't turn a cold shoulder i didn't mean to do you wrong really come on now we've got better things to fret about that pit there is filled with treasure but uh i'm having a little trouble getting to it myself oh patches take a look oh patchy is having a little bit of trouble getting to the treasure himself oh doesn't that just break your heart patches i would love to help you out whereabouts is this treasure exactly let me just peek down i don't see it patches actually patches now that you mentioned it it just looked oh it against oh patches take your time starving to death then i'll sell every last trinket of your corpse click that it's famous uh what a phantom okay okay look one thing at a time first items this brand random npc i guess heavens did you fall for that little devil's trap yes i did well i did the same he fooled me and now i am stuck here the reverberations seem to suggest that we are connected to the outside a fearsome dark phantom stands between us and freedom but have no fear god will cleanse us of evil yeah god will cleanse us of evil or i'll do it ambassa ambassa what if i do the prayer gesture is that it's a gesture if i imagined it offering um here look at this in my hand okay fine um right well i guess i have to defeat this phantom then which obviously i'm not super jazzed about but so it goes i guess it was what happened when weasley patches tricks you come on then measure it just get get the measure of you oh all right we're quick quick quick old fella but you haven't reckoned on me cheesing you around this thing in the middle have you okay right let's to hand this and try and do it with rolling in heavy attacks yeah that's the good stuff should we try it with uh should we try it with big squish just gonna have to line this up as he's coming big squish come through yes big squish yes absolutely love it oh buddy oh it's you did you cleanse the world of the aforementioned phantom yes didn't you see it happened just now like three feet from you but we are thankful um do you want to not do you not want to like escape or ambassa there it is ambassador i guess he's not i guess maybe we'll see him later somewhere right where's patches i wish to have words harsh ones you hey i'm really sorry i didn't mean what i said well a man's gotta make a living right here look i can make up for it there aren't many humans like us we need to stick together i know i have this as a token of my friendship not bad right claire t-rex cash register uh clarity rex says patches say hello to big squish i think patches should meet big squish says lucas g let's be friends what are you gonna do am i gonna kill patches no need to drag each other down no of course i'm not gonna kill patches patches is iconic this is what patches does and it's hard to be mad about it now where but that said all right so i dodge out the way of the reaper my souls are still with the red terminator right no it wasn't exactly like a king's ransom but yeah okay right let's let's try this again um i do want to try and get the backstab in and i am gonna use the shield a bit more there it is good i should be able to get another follow-up hit all right it has to be backstab so i think oh my god that was the blooming manta ray are you serious right can i back up and can we can we talk about it buddy we just maybe just you're really menacing is the thing in this corridor that's dead oh god no way i can't even hit you out in here no there it is no no you don't want to come any further through the wall through the wall he got me there's only one kind of ray we like in this game and it's not the manta kind i'm gonna keep i'm gonna keep doing this um hit look the situation is i we've done two boss fights on this stream i'm feeling hello death it's the grey sunshine i'm feeling no pressure to like i'm happy to i'm just i just want to have fun with this one we've done a lot of exploring we've done quite a few areas and we've still got 40 minutes and look now i've figured out the correct way to to cheese my way through to this right backstab good but don't get don't go out too far because the mantas will get you [Music] they just like in around here no not about oh you gonna jump you're not gonna jump i'm gonna let you get me through the wall again oh red terminator oh you know what you're about don't you about 6-2 oh oh my god how am i still alive more importantly how am i going to stay alive i all right all right no worries we're doing it again we're doing it again i'm doing it again i i shouldn't have got backed back up into the corridor i should have stayed outside and let's try getting the backstab with um big squish no hello death oh death don't you do it let's try getting the backstab with big squish [Applause] be patient just be patient there's no rush this is literally the game this is the point of the game if you don't like doing this okay all right that was pretty good oh that really that like knocked him down properly all right come on come on oh okay oh wow cool that is actually taking him down proper to keep moving though man too slow too slow back around yes yes sent it chef you absolute jerks leave me alone while i can i is this a path this is a path let's just quickly let's just take a minute if i can oh it is a delicious i know i know can you not though where is this going to take me where on earth am i is [Music] there's an item though oh the white bow and this and this oh it's led me around in a circle cool well that was cool very nice bunk for the win says josh sherbard that rolls one's pierrini that was cool and i got a look i got it the white bow of legend you do not have enough dexterity to wield it it's made of old branches with like some elven nonsense said to be impossible for a human to handle extremely long range well that's awesome kill the reaper luke says our guaran but i did didn't i i killed the reaper i did it i killed the reaper should we do it again i guess i need to kill the reaper because i need to get like through the through the door so i wonder if i can do like a drop attack from here no no don't maybe it's not a thing in this game oh stop it stop it sir wow really unlike my buddy big squish then a lot of folks don't like don't like big squish good and now look at this we've got out oh wow do it again many souls says claire t-rex oh yeah i've got like ten thousand which suggests that this is a prime farming location which is awesome awesome news uh because i haven't really found i mean you already saw on this stream my favorite farming location which is killing those two don't don't just don't oh god what am i supposed to do now though where is where is the root from here sound oh my god can we can we not do this sarcastically unpleasant situation oh that's rey hit me right i'll be ready for that whole situation next time already dead right well let's get let's get out there quickly now which is brilliant and yeah wow that is so many souls brilliant that's so many souls that i'm not even too fussed about how many i'm gonna be losing which is a lot right now the rays are really doing my head in patrick long says you just got a bow there's just an enemy shooting at you maths i can't equip that though i can equip a different bow can i equip no because i don't i can equip my compound longbow which is a you know which is a bow right okay should we should we see what we can do damage wise to these things good shot ray well done and now it's gone oh no it shot me oh my god is that that where's who did that own up oh right you're all going on the naughty list this is embarrassing that i thought that would have been a hit quite quite a fall off on these this is one of those things where i was like i wish i was aiming with a mouse i think are they even am i even hurting them at all like even like oh look there we go i landed a hit hooray i i'm not doing this i don't know i don't have the time or the patience not bothered i'll just i'll just win easily against these skeletons that's my new strategy we need okay okay operation win easily has not mate says paul stewart that's not that's that's a good tip because that lace um become harder for enemies to detect i'm getting shot out here now harder for enemies to detect so maybe they won't see me now maybe that maybe i'll be far enough away that the rays won't bother thank you very much the chat that seems like a really solid tip i am very appreciative hello oh my gosh can you not do that please thank you now hopefully they won't even notice me because i'm wearing my thief oh wow it really does really does help out oh no no oh no no don't follow him right [Laughter] oh oh you know what i haven't asked for a like spike yet on this live stream because i'm a reasonable gentleman but i think i want one for that please hey hey i think we talked about oh my god okay okay okay okay look we can come back here and farm that reefer fellow for souls that is fine so i'm not going to kill it every time anymore in fact can i survive this what's the soonest i can just hop off here that's fine this is this is this is the family hike off price says jesus christ that's 15 000 souls gone yeah but that's just three reaper reaper kills doesn't even matter doesn't even matter not even that much right i wonder if i can charge down there like get amongst them and not fight them okay great what's behind you oh my gosh i'm i'm um that's the destination um uh cedarius of the fallen says look for the love of all gods known to man learn magic and start using bows hello this i've it's a we're a melee strength build and that mean that means that some parts of the game are easy and it means that some parts of the game are hard i'm not gonna lose i'm not gonna lose my temper just because i'm in one of the hard bits this is the game this is this is what we all signed up for right now unfortunately though i've diagnosed what was going on there because of this thief ring situation i was rolling heavy so i've i've briefly unequipped big squish and then that might make it a bit easier to like roll through this slot that's good right heel up heel up heel up because you managed to kill one skeleton luke so this is the best you've ever done i'm going for the archer hopefully you're together don't mind if i do package deal delicious what value oh look there's some souls good and now we know oh boy it's the big fellas they are strong kind of wish i had a big squish with me now but they are they i could okay i can i can two hand through their through their guard which is helpful and they don't hit that hard yeah got them they they're easier they're easier believe it or not than the others right well that was that was a miserable state of affairs what's through here a dark tunnel just for a change a lot of blood stains oh boy okay all right we got we got some got some more of these i guess that means there might be another reaper down there somewhere these ones are quite a lot stronger can i quickly re-equip this there aren't any on the horizon take off the thief ring actually let's keep on the thief ring but where's my herculean strength was it this one nope wrong ring great strength yep that's the one oh item management on the fly gotta love it oh right we're not one who killing you you folks which is fine you don't seem to be spawning as ruthlessly there must be another uh reaper down here or maybe not i've got very very i'm not wearing the ring i need i screwed up the ring thing because look look at my health the health is bad the health is bad and you should feel bad right got to get it back on um i guess where was it there it is oh no don't do it okay right let's try and squishy before we do that again okay please don't do it right well i guess they respawn then because that's the spot the last one was in so let's crack on ow what the hell you okay this one has stretchy arms and laser feelings is back okay okay okay okay oh my god right from the beginning that's okay that's fine the game is testing us and we're going to pass the test hmm right before we go anywhere let's just have a real hard think about this so i need the thief's ring harder for enemies to detect i don't need the bow what's my quip rate wrong button i am slow rolling which is annoying um but i don't need i kind of clicked the wrong one i can do this all with the claymore i need the cling ring i need the thief ring yeah okay here we go here we go back at it back to it feeling good probably should get my sword out hey okay all right all right all right all right now one at a time please lads hope you come right let's see if i can hang with the archer first try and line them up good great all right we're improving at this cloud saves in your brain and all that stuff okay now we've got slicey and bitey yikes slicey and oh god i think i was about one pixel away from from the edge there that would have been very that would have made me a very unhappy ray sunshine it's all about depth perception it's all a matter of perception that was so close right good so now we're back to here um nick de jega says uh luke may i ask why you haven't upgraded big squish yet um it needs a special soul i did take it to the blacksmith but it was like i can't remember what it's called but it needed something any oh missed you it needed an item that i did not have right let's try and move through here a bit faster um i assume you died try and move through here a bit faster because it seems like they all can do lasers [Applause] taking the laser on the shield was a good idea there right keep moving keep moving grab the arms somewhere get my stuff back oh hello this is nice bit of spit of shield haven't used the shield this much in a while right proceed downwards oh a fog door no lasers not lasers good now what is down here there's some items there's a fog door obviously that's where we're headed can we pick up these before the one crescent moon grass two crescent moon glass that is a joke that is the game being really sarcastic and mean where am i okay what's this tip time for running away hmm well that doesn't make me feel good it makes me feel the opposite of good it makes me feel bad what's this one this place again oh there's something behind me no no no oh my god was that the reaper behind me so uncool human souls was it really i thought i saw the side oh my god the absolute state of you game the absolute state of you but i got a scythe so that's kind of cool mark smith's great entertainment luke all the oxbox extra content you guys really make my week slash day so i have uh five pounds of christmas present by the way i am not addicted to among us because of you guys more i'm now addicted to among us because of you guys uh more please um thanks mark smith uh and that was a 15 pound superchat thank you very much let's have a look at that scythe war scythe um well it's not for me it's a dexterity weapon but that sounds cool wait hang on isn't this what that um is that is this what the the demon who you can take a look at it is this what the demon the the the invader in that boss fight is that what they have seems cool use the scythe says grace sardothien i probably won't because it's not it's not my build um i don't have the dexterity to wield it if you don't give up you can proceed um okay that's vague that's real vague i don't give up people have died here but how i don't see any enemies what the hell is that don't stop does that mean sprint i think that means just i think that means just maybe sprint through i'm gonna try and take the advice and what that is whoa okay right okay i sort of rolled on instinct there and i think maybe it was a good idea wow this place is absolutely bonkers don't go forward without stealth i have some stealth i have the ring on right that person is delusional look for sign are we boss fighting i think we might be boss fighting oh boy um or maybe not legendary warrior soul this room seems quite chill and peaceful imagine if this game had shortcuts imagine if imagine if i had a feeling that i had made any progress at all what is happening here this is what something bad is going to happen to me oh yeah there it is okay wow we're getting in another boss fight his eyes are oh that is freaking rad uh okay okay okay bosses do you think i'm not over there is this boss blind that would explain the wraps and the clue and the like you stealth clue so i mean i have to be like really quiet good job luke maybe i don't need my shield i'm still crawling heavy the claymore don't need to play more let's get the shield back nice and quiet that would be good that was a good amount of damage i mean i say a good amount of damages didn't do loads still i'm still slow rolling at the moment that seems to be okay is it like he really can't see me this is cool i don't remember a boss fight like this in like dark souls or you know or any of the other to be honest i know buddy i know i know oh no i'm between your legs oh gosh oh no get out of there ray get over there because he hits real hard it turns out okay new plan never ever ever get hit again by this by this vote by this folk singular one here one hit and um i've never heard of ray sunshine but he sounds like a cool fella that's okay after the first attack that's the point also but look he's nearly there he's nearly there he's nearly there wow that was maybe like the best [Music] single tip i've ever seen i mean i already had that ring on anyway all right great great awesome um that three bosses three bosses that didn't that was weird that was a weird one well we've done three bosses but i'm gonna be completely honest they were apart from the man-eater at the beginning like that fight was weird and the old monk fight was fundamentally weird as well it's a very different experience without the thief ring says awesome opossum i yeah i bet altar of storms oh wait hang on look how much i'm carrying we should yeah i mean that was i mean that was not a difficult that was not a difficult boss fight but um that's you know but yeah but that's the game right they put it in the game uh right for goodness sake let's get my let's get the thief ring off even though and pop back on my what was that cling ring where's my providential ring for item pickup lovely then we can have my lovely dragon bone smasher and wait hang on i am puzzled why i'm heavy roll is it because i'm is it because i'm is it because like i've picked some stuff apples is it this ammo is all dump a bunch of stuff in uh storage and see if that helps us out because i must have picked up a load of rubbish yeah like this sort of stuff but this this is different right this kind of this counts as like a different weight age spice don't need that fire bombs never going to use them kunai they're heavy get rid of them arch stone shard don't know what that is that's cool though transport oh transports the user back to the nexus not gonna need that actually i might need that let's get there gonna have that back please where did it go there just give just give me one for emergencies um and then if i use it i can right hero demon soul deposit that demon soul wasn't that golden demon soul wasn't that legendary keep them did i not have my i guess i guess i must have been wearing i thought i was wearing the providential ring to be honest uh when i was like grinding for items and stuff but i guess maybe i had the [Music] um i guess maybe i had the uh bring a great strength because yeah that's because that's what i need um right well let's level oh up was what he'd say also i can i'm sure i picked up some weapons that i don't want to be carrying around like this dagger and this war scythe cool as it is um oh and the white bow again cool but i can't i don't have the stats to wield it so maybe you know come back another day oh did that um did that npc show up the one who we like got out of patches is hell prison oh yes amazing thanks to you i was able to seek refuge in this nexus you're welcome stay here and pray along with my disciples for the heroes facing the demons if you wish for benevolent protection in your fight against the demons then bring me demon souls i will cleanse them and create miracles with their power okay learn miracle whoa oh there's a healing miracle god's wrath second chance second revive user from death once the sakiro miracle that's tremendous hero demon soul i have one of those memory slots oh god right you know what this is something for me to look up off the stream um maybe this is an over christmas project figuring those out figuring out how to come back to life because that would be useful um right let's level up and then that is going to do it for the stream probably three times you are you serious its vessel let's get health uh let's get endurance time is lagging a little bit so let's bring endurance up so the world might be mended that's a lot of souls you need to check memory and faith stats gosh second chance is not needed if you don't die says david dwan that's awesome um good point good point um the thing that's making me hesitate about spending these is if i do want to figure out that miracle situation it might be that i need to like quickly put a few points in one of the stats that i completely ignore like ugh magic and faith and intelligence so um so i will i will figure that out by myself off stream um right good times good times three boss fights three boss fights um happy with that happy with that i think that will see me that'll see me clear through to the new year now i just hope that all you regular viewers appreciate that over the christmas period when i go to play demon souls it's not going to be exploring new areas doing exciting boss fights exploring as many areas and having fun surprises it's going to be just grinding just just because the problem with doing a demon souls play through online one per week is that for all those other hours i want to be playing demon souls but i can't so there's there's no end to that sentence actually um but there it is we got some christmas cards we did a few boss fights um and we had it we had a we had a wonderful time um the game crashed a whole bunch so that was exciting um the grind is real says should i violet have a very grindy christmas as ed webb it's going to be a very grindy christmas um uh oh i missed a few i missed a few chats over here um um josh abbard that rolls once purini says it's easier to parry him than block him can't remember what that was in reference to prop maybe the red-eyed terminator patrick long says uh you just got a bow there's just an enemy shooting at you maths oh yeah i remember that one gentle mandrel says luke please with love of god play the game the way you enjoy it no need to change your playstyle you first tried more than half of the bosses thanks gentleman that's that's kind of you patrick long says you probably won't need your bow anymore that's true and mark smith says um i already read mark smith's uh comment it was the lovely one about um being addicted to among us because of our streams which is awesome i mean not you know not awesome hope you managed to cut down on the among us eventually uh right thanks everyone this cuts this cut scene i might turn off the i'm just gonna take my headphones off and turn it down um thanks everyone for tuning in let's talk about christmas because the outside extra christmas challenges are imminent um christmas challenges uh where if you have only just joined the channel this year where ellen and i compete in a best of seven competition on subsequent days to be crowned the king or queen of christmas uh we are going to start putting those out on the 18th which is next friday so mark your dance cards for the christmas challenges and we've got all sorts of stuff planned some tabletop stuff about which i would love to say lots but i'm going to keep my lips sealed for now um a lot of awesome stuff coming up um citr says luke wanted to get this in right at the end bye [Laughter] well mission accomplished um uh yeah cool cool cool cool um ginger hosley says there's always a pikachu drawing challenge it's going to be great um right okay i mean so i i don't i'm not sure i'll be on another uh live stream before i'm off for the festive period but um yeah happy holidays everyone if i if i don't see you you'll see plenty of me because there's a lot of pre-recorded stuff that's going to be going up over christmas um and uh yeah look after yourselves look after each other and um yeah have a lovely time take it easy folks see you next time bye you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 65,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, demons souls, demon's souls ps5, demon's souls boss fight, playthrough, ps5, 60fps, performance, cinematic, demon's souls gameplay, demon souls gameplay
Id: KPYg-kqLWiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 15sec (7515 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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