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so welcome gentle listener i am voldemort your faithful servant here is a compilation of one of the ongoing plot lines of my fan fictions that are used to explore and demonstrate the setting of warhammer 40k the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war minion entry is the result of a vote as i will leave them on a cliffhanger and then get the gentle listeners to forge the narrative by voting in the comments so i can control the direction and events of the story so if you enjoy any of these stories then do watch the weekly entries on the guide and prepare to exert your own influence and vote on the storylines now i very much hope you enjoy the following compilation lead up to my campaign at abundance tertius we are beings of anger we were designed this way forged this way by our history our lineage by the choice of others by the will of the emperor with the agreement of his son the angel our father for anger is necessary and we have so many layers built one upon the other stacked like bricks to form a mighty tower of our rage our fury it starts at our birth and continues to grow more calcified with each year each stage it is our armor and it is our spur it is our weapon and it is our curse sometimes i remember the tapestry of my life intertwined in ways that did not happen could not happen my dreams are struggle sometimes but others they are a clear pathway a straight road but always vivid and potent i find it difficult to sleep outside my sarcophagus i find it impossible not to dream when within it i'm not strange amongst my kind in this regard this harkens back to the first time of course for us it all begins in the sarcophagus our new bodies our new lives and new dreams our new duty for i am a son of sanguinius and his blood flows through my veins i am an astartes of the blood angels my dreams often take me back to that moment the moment i knew i would be a blood angel or that i would die trying to become one the moment my brother died it all happened so quickly we were stood atop one of the many crags of our red world up high to see our prey alas as i leaned forward i slipped i should have plunged to my death down into the red sands hundreds of meters below instead luca's face passed mine as he left and grabbed at me and hauled me back to safety but in this he over balanced teaching at the edge on his tiptoes before failing his battle with gravity and plunging over the edge himself i scrabbled forward only to watch his face get smaller as his arms fumbled in the air but he did not flash his face was almost calm he made a choice but he was at peace with his decision it was luka's wish always his greatest dream to be one of the sky warriors he would not go a day without proclaiming it so bold was he that soon none doubted it the day of his sacrifice was the day the sky chariots proclaimed the time of challenge had come and the pilgrimages to angels fall would begin the irony i told my father of the events of the day and packed only that which i would need to travel the rad deserts to angels for my mother was silent my father merely nodded his agreement the dream had to be made real if luca's memory was to be upheld he understood despite me only being a boy he understood those days were hard i was scrawny yet strong but burned and blackened by the sun and the sand i was only barely recognizable as human then the trials were unlike anything i had ever experienced so bloody so brutal so uncompromising me if 50 of us were chosen and of all of the hundreds who came of those who survived those bloody days but the fire of luca was with me i had somehow caught it when he grabbed me when he saved me his fire passed to me his anger his anger joined my own and it burned all at which we threw it it is how we passed the trials against those larger or faster those older or stronger we beat them down with our joined rage more and more trials and tests continued within the fortress of the blood angels we were all a gog at the magic of the chapter then being little more than feral nomadic plains people but we were not given time to ponder the training was intense and often deadly all the while we the denizens of baal were small and often misshapen parked or affected by the horrors of existence on baal yet the trainers were all statuesque chiseled demigods who seemed like animated marble masterpieces they were so noble of bearing so handsome so perfect none of us aspirants could understand how we would turn into things such as they but eventually we learned the final stage that triggered our gene seed would be the last and most daunting trial before we would all be injected with the blood of the primarch sanguineas and then placed in my supporting sarcophagi for a full year to permit the change to take effect as stated i was scorning and misshapen as were we all so you can imagine the changes were drastic took time and were excruciating our bodies were changed slowly over that year our bones lengthened our muscle mass exploded our skins became calm and clear and our very facial structures altered endless months of slow agony and endless screaming the kind of screaming that makes your throat and even lungs burn on your head feels it is about to burst through the lava hot sensation being chowed to it by the nerves such pain without escape but the pain was not the only bedfellow locked into our sarcophagi with us there were the dreams dreams of beauty world so various and splendid that it strikes one dam visions of the crusade and the angel himself our father sanguinius nightmares of betrayal and siege and final failure of battle and of death for with the blood and its changing ways also come the memories of our primark sanguines his struggles his joys his victories and his final death at the hands of the arch traitor horus book carl the images the dreams the memories the pain that changed the year locked away you go through the midst of madness his deepest darkest well only then to rise and go through to the other side all the while the angel is there from the second the blood is transmitted he is there for it is the angel his memory his spirit that meets us at the end of this journey welcomes us back to the light of sanity oft just before the sarcophagus is opened not all survived the ordeal many an aspirin has passed their last seconds enclosed in the sarcophagus none have ever gone through the experience easily or have at least once in all of that time wish for it to be over irrespective of how when that lid is finally lifted slid off by a coterie of sanguinary priests what comes out does not even mildly resemble that which went in either physically mentally emotionally or spiritually when i awoke i was calm and greeted those who exhumed me as brothers i soon looked upon my new visage the perfect form the incredible height and power the clear skin the golden hair yet my mind had changed as much as my body my interior now matched my exterior in every single way i had been born anew if you talk of it few acknowledge it the rage inside that box not just due to the inherited feelings of our gene father not only due to the curse of our seed and the subsequent curse from the forces of the enemy no also simply by being locked in a box and left in agony for a year being shut away in the dark with nothing but pain and majesty like a thousand-folded blade these layers of anger were not only added but hardened forged into our very souls our life had been pain our emperor had been betrayed and our father slain the bright dream of a utopia stolen the knowledge that the people of baal were left in our misery just to provide better candidates the knowledge that we would know no other joy than to fight and then die for the emperor our people in our chapter we sacrifice our humanity our place amongst our people for one reason alone to defend them rage we are the directed rage of the father betrayed the angel slain a dream destroyed a people in danger by rubio misano captain of the blood angels a true son of sanguinius will never cease in my vigil nor would any of my brethren are studies of the blood angels for without us without the blood angels without our constant vigil without our constant war without our constant rage surely imperium nihilus nearly a full half of the imperium of man would fall the captain passed his blood red helm to his subordinate and began to slowly trudge down the hill alone his footstools were heavy and his shoulders down he looked at points as if he would fall to one side or the other side gainly was his stagger down that hill toward the place he never thought he would stand to the place he never wanted to be to her dead body as he approached he felt all of the weight of the years on his shoulders every last decade every last second of his long long life felt like a mountain on his back this day he looked at anything but her his pauldrons with the blood red tear on them his mighty gloves one being a power fist to the sky above covered in pillars of smoke from lingering fires as it was but calm and tranquil it only made things worse he had not been able to do it even after baal the disconnect to reality was too stark the skies filling with zenos of a blinding array not when they hit and so many of his brothers died not then why now he did not know and he did not want to know the grinding emptiness of chairs around tables names ceremoniously erased from lockers the list of his brethren who would never raise bolter or chainsaw in the name of the angel and the imperium again he had witnessed it all understood it all accepted it all but this this was the final straw the day he never thought he would see the day he never imagined would come and the floodgates opened centuries of conflict of madness and battle and loss now overwhelmed him the lone armored man approached his destination and like a martinet with its strings cut he toppled forward onto his knees like all vitality had been removed from him washed away by the outpouring of grief he could walk no further now now that he could see her now that he could not avoid seeing her as he rested his head against her cold form now that he could not avoid seeing what they had done to her and it began quietly at first tears begin to leak then more and more like a river his breathing escaped his control and came in shudders as he opened his arms to place his open palms on her as he tried to hug her with all of his remaining might she was gone he began to whisper knowing she would never answer him never show sign of life again do you remember how we met that day on the flight deck preparing for the drop when you would not let me aboard not until i had proven myself to you the others laughed so hard at me i admit i started embarrassed and then turned angry but you always knew how to make me laugh in the end how long we played together until the final classroom went off our first campaign barely knew my bolter from my braces then how many times did you save me just in that one campaign and every campaign since it's why i refused promotion or transfer time and again old girl so i could be with you but baal changed everything you have to know that there were simply so few of us left that i had no choice if the decision led to this then i swear i will hate every day i have to wear the mantle of captain i wish you could hear me and tell me it isn't so some thought anything you turned the tide again old girl like so many times before you turn the tide we're on our knees but you came and bitten but you came as always we were pinned down and our attack had faltered decapitating strike turned into a pitch battle i underestimated their will we were low on ammunition and you came i know it was you who led the rest despite being left behind he saw we were protecting you but should have known you'd not be left out know why we were dying [Music] if you had not hit that flank girl we could have been wiped out so many of my brothers live today because of hugo why did she then do it why take on the night i take on the night why we were saved and you could have taken this out of there i know you could have seen things better than us knew what was happening better than us with your eyes but why [Music] a glorious kill old girl but the cost was too high too high glue a quart i have done to you the warrior pushed his head up against the metal sides of what remained of a thing that had fought with his chapter from before the angel himself was found during the great crusade the mangled and melted wreckage of the mutilated land reader still smoked but no spark no light no single sign of activity of life came from what remained and he wept like he had not been allowed permitted or felt possible to weep for centuries she was gone i will miss a girl [Music] so captain rubio masaro stood from his place next to an ancient and now wrecked land raider his countenance somber is bearing a regal as he proceeded to rejoin his men waiting quietly at the edge of the bowl he looked each man in the eye as he spoke now we finish this we take our wrath to the very heart of this incursion this invasion we strike at the dragon in his lair there was no cheer from his gathered marines there were but stoic nods of ascent hours passed and the battle had been intense the marines pushing further and further into the last conurbation that had not been purified and pacified heading towards the center of the disruption the thing that had called so many forces of the dark powers to its cancerous collapsion yet the enemy would not go down so easily demons stream towards the blood angels ranks despite all the pinpoint accuracy of their bold shots culling the throng yet still they would hit unlike many other chapters other legions who would perhaps fall back in orderly squads or stand their ground and fire until they had no further choice not the sons of sanguinius the blood angels counter-charged a tactical squad no chainsaws or jump packs they charge nonetheless using their bolters as precise bludgeons and all of the strength of their armor and skill they fought forward the red demons in front of them met them with all of the force and rage of an ocean yet they fell back under the punishment these red-clad marines were dishing out to them every sword swing parried every barb blocked with counter strikes that destroyed the beings first time every time but they were just awake not a prow at the tip of the v the top of their spare point was captain rubio with his power sword crackling blue energy and his inferno's pistol blazing captain rubio masala strolled forward never missing a step never slowing never relenting like a god of war he felt all before him in the center of it all his rhythm set his mind blank the captain heard what at first seemed like the beginnings of an auditory hallucination but then it became clearer a voice in his mind one he had never heard before yet recognized immediately my curse grows within you within you all one day i will have you all one day you will be lost within your range so much that you walk into my realm from which you will never escape one day the blood angels will fight for that black god one day the blind angels will collect skulls for the skull throne give in be the first but you will not be alone for every one of your brothers will join you in their trickles and then their [Music] my curse grows within you be the first and you will be the mightiest can you hear me when i think while i destroy your minions as you hear so are you heard then i shall give my response how dare you how dare you put out such a fetid fair as if it were a banquet before you stand the son of the angel a silent sanguineous and i know thee to bander proclaim minion servant lickspittle of corn yay but lickspittle is too high an episode for thee you are an echo of an echo you are nothing i shall explain it to thee once alone for there is something you cannot understand can a fan cannot grasp not if i gave you all of the experiences the lies the achievements the senses of every being who ever lived from the first sea beings who gazed up into the first sun to the final sentience that will witness the last starburn cold not if i gave you a thousand thousand lifetimes to ponder these experiences not if i gave you until the end of time could you possibly understand you think yourself a mighty demon prince yet i know thee for what thou art you protest the power and infallibility but if that was so why hound my door with your begging bowl for supplication and service i know you to be an echo of an echo a dream of a being that calls itself a god but in reality it is nothing more than a collection of the misery of everyone's bad days we have something you will never experience never possess we are the sons of the angels i the sons of the emperor's design despite having greatness running through our veins we are but human and we have something you will never ever have a choice so i say to the annual master and all of the cohorts of his minions i say it but once and once alone for now and for all time get ye heads take thyself from my door demon for i choose to be a true son of the angel and i will never bow to the likes of thee and come what may i am at peace with this decision the storm raven hurtled to the skies towards its target like a lightning bolt through fields of fire flack and small arms aimed up at it most was evaded by the furious action of the incredibly skilled pilot he was used to the task delivering his fallen brothers to the very center of the fray it's very hard but he always kept the comms from the central section turned off on his first drop he'd kept them on but the lesson had been learned oh how it had been learned for he had heard what they said he heard what was being spat at them by the legendary lamartes guardian of the lost and on that day he near lost the command of his faculties he nearly fell into the chasm that was the rage now he thought only on his task had to concentrate on this one moment for even the memory of those words would threaten his soul again inside the main compartment of the specially altered assault vessel the same thing was happening as it always did when it was deployed lamartes was with his brothers of the death company he was whipping them into a froth of rage that would make even a coordinate berserker take pause in the forces of our enemy the great betrayer await us brothers we have but moments before we are unleashed remember the faces of the foes you slay today remember when you strike what they have done they have betrayed the emperor they have betrayed the crusade they have betrayed humanity these lap dogs and lick spittles of horus and his vile ilk these traitors deserve the fullest extent of our wrath the sons of the angel the sons of the emperor these vile curse are without honor without courage without virtue without glory without any redeeming feature for they the bassist of all things they are vile and deserve our righteous fury they deserve the cut of our chain swords the blessing of our bolters they deserve to be crushed underfoot and we shall give it to them for they are the most despicable thing ever to arise from the human race they are traitors [Music] they betrayed our lord the angel they betray our master the emperor they betray our entire race they cavort there beneath the very walls of the imperial palace looking for a way in looking to slay and slaughter our brothers who guard that mighty and hallowed wall they look to lay their rough and unclean hands on the emperor himself shall we allow this do we permit these vast scum to pray and blaster at our very walls do we allow them the nefarious scheme do we allow them to defile the halls of the emperor do we allow them to hack and claw and spit on our very primark our father on sanguinius himself do we allow them to trample his image to wipe their boots on his wings do we allow them to defecate on his body do we allow them to then slay our emperor do we then buckle your bolters and let's rip thy swords and change thy fury thy wrath for this day we will destroy the traitors the cabin hummed with the whir of chainsaws as the light turned green at the hatch and it was swiftly thrown open some fifty feet beneath were densely packed a veritable sea of enemies none wore the power armor of the named traitors none the emblems of chaos but to the men who jumped from the stormraven right into their midst there was nothing but the images of the sons of horus overlaid onto their true visage as the death company carved a bloody path through their opposition their arms moving faster than was deemed possible by their foe wounds that would have killed even astartes severed limbs broken bones did nothing but fuel of their rage nothing stopped them as they carved through the madness induced illusions of what they now saw as the traitor mass forms that would soon all be dead as a wrath of the death company chewed through their ranks like whirlwinds of unstoppable rage [Applause] [Music] it had been hard fighting and it had been long this sight this mausoleum to martyrdom was where they had drawn a line in the sand and decided to make their stand where once they caped and rutted where they performed their debased hedonistic foulness now this is where they fought for their guard they fought for their lies this is where they beseeched their foul master and their throats ran horse from the screaming of its name but this was where the angels of midnight had also decided to end the mata and was going a pace as intended to schedule but that was the lie the patterns of madness allow these angels to justify what they were doing for there could be no other word for it than extermination from the one perspective the sight of the people of isakari and alpha this was unjustified slaughter they had been alone they'd been cut off from the rest of the distant imperium they've been beset for months tortured and hunted and destroyed the city smashed their entire people on the brink for when the great tear across reality had opened the lights went out and the xenos aliens had swept in with the imperium was napping and they had harvested humans like cattle on this world they had swept across the world and killed or harvested all before then mastering just outside of the range of the last remaining human weapons of any note just outside of their main capital and to the zenos it had been more a celebration a gathering for a festival before their attack they've been so certain of victory that they celebrated it before the deed was even done but none who huddled in that last city could see any way that they would fail they had little in the way of defenses few tanks or materials of war remaining and nothing they had done before had availed them any good the zenith had been too much for them even when they could field entire regiments of planetary defense forces but on that last day when only this the capital survived it was then that the people of isikarian were saved in their darkest hour on the very dawn of what considered most to be their last day their deliverance had come for storms has arrived out of nowhere as the enemies gathered around for their arsenal sod those storms covered all before and around the city the last human sanctuary on all of isakarian they raged for six days and six nights and when they abated when their fury was finally blown out the xenos were gone all was scoured from the planet all the people of isakarian were then informed instructed instilled with the faith of the being who had saved them and it was not the emperor some of the new priests stated it was the prince of pleasure slaanesh he'd been contacted by a single man one who would later be made king in all but name this man had prayed for his entire world his entire people he had prayed for deliverance and they had received it at first the rights and ways of worshiping their new god seemed a massive festival a carnival of colors and music and song for their new lord the new protector he was unlike the dour emperor of mankind he was a lord of life love and laughter and he celebrated them all to abundance yet as time went on as it always does the rights became more involved less structured more bacca now more extreme and as the years passed hedonism and debauchery became the norm the cavorting couplings went from private affairs to rising carpets of sweaty granting animalistic rutting across every road and alleyway on high days the gutters running with blood when the sunset and a red moon layered down on the horrors they performed upon one another in the name of their dark benefactor and none saw how far they had fallen how far they had stooped until they were confronted by the returning extended family of humanity who were quite rightly utterly repulsed and they saw in one brief look that the people had turned to chaos from the perspective of the imperium the world had been left to its own devices left to look to its own defenses because there was simply no way to get to them in time the war groups had been cut off the galaxy darkened for a time and when the lights went back on communications were possible again then the galaxy was a blaze worlds encountered had been attacked entire sectors would be ravaged and in that time it was only those worlds that kept beaming out their distress cause they were placed on priority as they were the only worlds that the overstretched forces of the imperium could guarantee still had any populace left to defend so isakarian was presumed lost and when the combined force led by the angels of midnight reached the world they are expected to drop off the contents of a colony ship and move on but instead they found that the world had not been washed keen of humanity quite the opposite it had been contaminated by them when their twisted heretical beliefs the deliberation was less than a heartbeating coming to decision and so a zakarian alpha was then beset by an almost identical event so similar in nearly every way the forces of the imperium hit and hit hard they set about scouring all humans life from the globe and it was again the capital alone had held out or at least it did now it was on the verge of its final destruction for the commandment of the chapter master of the angels of midnight had been as predictable as it was complete all human life on izakayan was to be wiped out of course but this place the sea to power was to be flattened and the ground salted and glassed but as with everything the angels of midnight did it would be thorough they had to make sure that every single last chaos worshippers dealt with before they took to orbit again and laid it waste every single last one purged in the name of their father the angel forever was the angel known to give warning then if ignored today utter waste to any who denied the power and righteousness of their cause and thus did his sons the angels of midnight set about their bloody task the poor defenseless people of eskarian were not to be underestimated however or more to put it their dark lord and master was not because they marched into the place after the guard had shelled it for a week without break the chaos forces had twisted many a normal human cultist into a travesty creatures came charging out of every angle what were once human now all were rising screaming things of flesh horrors to be put down and in these engagements the bolter had as always reigns supreme yet it was when they came closer to the center of the place that things got worse for as a last resort a desperate gamble the people there had sacrificed a huge proportion of their remaining number in the most terrible ceremonies any had yet performed but the angels at midnight were ready their deep midnight blue power armor was no longer proof to every attack from the resisting cultists no for now deaths took the city in the form of the never born as well creatures of the warp permitted to gain entrance to the material world by this dark ritual the tactical squad had moved forward thrusting into this last seat of impurity along with the rest of their company the sergeant finished scanning around him and ducked down behind the wrecked walls again between the house of pain and pleasure that echoed around the entire landscape there had been deeper rumblings something big was on its way but it was not demonic it was a very old battered and barely serviceable demon rust tank behind it crept entire walls of twisted scum for its lack of shield and polish the battle cannon on its top was no less lethal no less destructive far from its one large gun barked out and removed much of the cover that it was pointed at the sergeant knew his men could handle the hordes of scum knew they would furnish them all eventually be it by bolter or by fest if necessary but here in the silken darkness was where the angels of midnight had learned to be lords fighting their twisted brothers of the night for centuries uncounted on a world cut off by the murder storm they had learned all right now they were the kind of terror that usually found itself in the clutches of the via ones the corrupting powers but despite this unceasing hell that they lived in they are never broken had never devolved never become creatures of unreasoning slaughter also most believed their millennia along isolation by warp storm cleared by the tear across the galaxy but when they were found by the indomitus crusade they were nearly wiped out themselves until their true nature was discerned for they appeared so much like those that they had learned to fight the masters of the shadows no raven guard were they certainly but of all of the sons of sanguinius they were those who dwelt in shadows gained strength from its dark embrace and they had been absorbed into the crusade brought back into the imperium proper given new primaries marines and equipment enough to return them to full chapter immaterials and ships and all of the resources of war they would require to lead their own splinter crusade force but now their age and passion the love of lord and race and tyre meant that they were the hammer of the emperor and they indeed walked where other angels feared to tread when the tank rumbled to the neck of the road which they moved up the tactical squad broke and scattered like shadows they moved while one always made distraction and drew the eyes of all but from one to another would the watcher be drawn as it took it in turns to scattle creeps skulk and then charge out for a second or was confusing the enemy until they were closer all the while the tactical squad's one heavy weapon was firing down on the tank missiles hitting more often than not but then usually seeping into a colored mist around the tank little damage it was piling up but it was slow going a glamorous field erected by the twisted power of its dark master and it was a distraction as well after the first missiles were on target and failed to [ __ ] the old fossil the sergeant knew he would have to get up close and personal with it hence the firing of their missile launcher the bolt arounds the dooring of attention this way and that all of it was done by his squad so the sergeant could get into position he more than managed this of course he was an angel of midnight and thus it was he found himself four stories up looking down at the rear of the tank as it passed beneath him he only had one shot at this it had to be good the sergeant slowly exhaled raised his bolter up but it was not the bark of the emperor's own wrath the bolter that finally rang out before the sergeant squeezed the trigger on his weapon he switched it to its secondary mode for the gun was rare and although not as old as many it had an underslung attachment a single shot of a powerful melted charge just a one for situations just like this and when his shot flew out and vaporized the air between him and his target he knew it would run true the one melter shot slammed into the back of the tank exactly where he had wanted it to be and the effect went into its armor and superheated it until it literally melted burning liquid metal dropped into the tank instead of a chain reaction that led to it exploding on the spot the sergeant stepped back from the window as the tank exploded then returned again to look down at his handiwork the vehicle was gone taking over a score of vast scum with it but now since gone were nothing more than a million confused mass and the sergeant drew out his chainsaw hitler one chevron ordering his men to attack then put his foot on the windowsill and stepped out he fell down amongst the milling crowd of tainted heretics and cut loose as he did his men all nine of them appeared out of corners and shadows and alleyways none would escape their ass this day none the lieutenant held his rage in check but only barely he knew it was wrong he knew he was incorrect but his eyes told him a different story despite the protestations of his mind his heart rebelled they were being left to die he had seen the bloody mess that was his captain who had returned from his first meeting with the chapter master the legendary gabriel seth what a possessed a madman to beat his new line officer to within an inch of his life what kind of general will he be to these men the primaries that just so happen to have the blood of the angel there's very seed in them for most reunification with their designated chapter had been a moment of celebration of camaraderie of homecoming but not so for those primaries who had been sent to wear the colors of the flesh terrors they had been viewed with suspicion sneered at openly or even ignored when they first arrived then their captain had been dragged out of his first meeting with the chapter master in a bloody mess there was real concern amongst the primaris and the lieutenant was now seeing all of their fears come true his captain had been leading from the front and was heavily engaged so he left his number two in charge of the field oversight the tactical overview so it was the lieutenant could see the battle progress could see its ebb and flow and the xenos tidied filth appeared in numbers far greater than had been projected far greater he had informed his captain but was met with a snapped answer to inform central command nothing more and thus lieutenant had done so but received no response nothing it had been minutes and in a battle sphere as complex as this one was turning out to be even seconds could make all of the difference his hand hovered over the button that would reissue the message everything told him to hammer down that button again and again until his communication was at least confirmed as received the bugs were not as stupid or animalistic as standard citizenry were told not one bit he knew that they could have disrupted communications but if he did hammer away at the button did send the message again and again then he could be sent again into a room full of laughing first born he could be seen as weak desperate unable to hold a line in the face of the enemy without panic and that would translate to all of his primary brethren neither option was worthy of him sending it again but what if they had not received the one message at all would he doom his entire company out of hesitation and pride alone his hand continued to hover for another whole minute but then the decision was finally taken out of his hand as a new chevron appeared on his screen at first he thought it would be the precursor to a wave of them but it was only one no more the drop pod slammed through the atmosphere and landed directly in front of the main thrust of the enemy where the lieutenant had stated we'd be the most hazardous and vulnerable zone of the battle the cracks point other primaries in front of the line look to the skies scanning for more pods but saw nothing not until the drop pod opened its tentacle like coverings jettisoning off from well-placed charges on its hull the ramp slammed down hard revealing its contents and each primaries on that gun line took in a sharp intake of breath in sheer shock and horror a wave of chlorine chittering and screeching tyranny turned themselves forward crashing towards the drop pod so many but inside the doctor were only five marines four elite first company veterans the best the chapter had to provide the sanguinary guard in their golden armor and the one man none of them had expected to see for in the midst of the four sanctuary guard walking down the drop pod ramp and then immediately beginning to pick up speed as he seemed to charge directly into the very heart of this oncoming tsunami of flesh it was him it was the chapter master it was gabriel seth himself he had come personally and something the lieutenant did not expect then happened it happened spontaneously it happened all across the line and it happened with such speed that he could scarce believe it for the chapter master charged headlong into his foes and began to cut a huge sway through them it began a little rumbling at first then louder and louder until he filled every comm signal every helmet a bellow of anger a bellow of rage as one the primaries units across the sector stood and bellowed their rage as they left over their defenses abandoning their codex compliant positions they charged the lieutenant could not believe his eyes and ears as there were 13 millions charged as one to save a man who they thought despised them who they thought had led them into a trap who they thought would never ever accept them but despite it all there was one thing more powerful than any of that any concern suspicion or doubt the one and only thing that actually mattered at all the primera saw the chapter master was in danger their lord was amongst his enemies and in danger of drowning amongst these filth a fellow space marine a human a hero of the imperium was about to die unless they acted and thus it was that the primaries marines broke every level of subconscious training they had received from their previous tutors smashed every tenant in control allowed the blood to sing in their ears and to guide their very actions like sons of sanguinius they charged gabriel seth was like a force of nature his two-handed giant chain sword blood reaver carving out such a tally of destruction that it was hard to keep up with him his every movement his every action twist or sweep every single last motion was an attack he was unstoppable as the primary slammed into the tyranids trying to encircle the chapter master in his guard they turned the tide very quickly and in mere moments chapter master sangri guard and primaris marine were all fighting side by side shoulder to shoulder tearing the flesh of the enemies of the imperium the enemies of humanity as one none who fought that day would forget it and none of the warriors and the primaries who saw their chapter master in action doubted anymore for he had come he had come and he had fought for them with them he had bled with them and they had bled for him he had taught them without sermon without lecture but by action what it was to be a true son of sanguinius he had shown them the way and from that day forward there will never be any doubt anymore for in that moment when the blood was up in the phone number these men these primaries they had proven that they were not shallow clones or cuckoos in the nest for they had proven themselves true sons of the angel they were flesh terrors now and proud of it and all due to one man gabriel seth chapter master of the flesh terrors i am a captain have fought for humanity for centuries but had never wanted this and never sought it with the tyranids they killed so many of us on baal the flower of the chapters the vast majority of the successes of the lesion of the blood were gone yes we had new blood new replacements new astartes primaries but they were larger different from vast stasis crypts they fought bravely like sons of the angel they were faster than us stronger so sure of themselves so effective at first i thought they were here to replace us shattered as we were but with the word of the chapter master dante and the avenging son of the emperor rebuked german himself to support them they were blood angels now but were they the blood angels now and so it began but had to be done swiftly we integrated them did so as fast as we could but there was something that came out in the wash in the observations in the meetings and the measuring they were warriors born well-equipped hardened over the duration of a crusade they were marines but they were missing something they were not fighting at their potential because they were walking codex astartes they fought like ultramarines not entirely but far too much so we taught them but it was abundantly clear they could not be given leadership positions in the highest tiers yet one day definitely but not yet they did not have the experience to command with the new tweets to their doctrines they were not yet adapted our way of war so it was those of us that were left those with the talent if not the desire we were promoted there were so few of us left you see and i could not deny my duty any longer so rubrio massaro became a lieutenant and swiftly after a captain i was there when my predecessor was cut down by the most horrific of battles i had ever yet witnessed and today i am reminded of it more than any before because today is a very special day as our battle barge slows to approach the station i'm aware that everything will now change again for with them amongst us i can do note but try even harder and compare to failure in their presence but why does my mind wander so because i explained to myself i justify why i a captain of the blood i'm secretly more than a tiny bit of awe and i hope it does not show to the men i was promoted quickly to lieutenant then a field promotion to captain only a decade later in that fateful event so i had not been off high station for long and the chapter had been at constant war constant crusade constantly moving pushing out into the imperium nihiris reclaiming worlds in the name of the emperor and the regent our own chapter master dante had been named the regent of the entire northern half the dark half of the imperium the pressure i can only imagine we all now feel it slightly more though but not like normal men might not to the point where we can be paralyzed or become ill or inadequate to the point where we all are more aware no we set a higher standard we were the chapter the marines the heralds and representatives of the regent himself we were his angels of death we had to lead the way not just to our successors not just to the greater wider brethren of all of the chapters in the northern half of the imperium to every guardsman every tank column every naval formation every planet every man woman and child under our ages our protection we were now a symbol in the north whereas the ultramarines and others were the symbol in the southern greater imperium and we had to win always now more than ever and it could be hard but we were astartes all of us old and new we stepped up but due to my brevity of tenure the inevitable had never happened until this day until this new briefing this new quest for it cannot be named anything other than that and i'm nervous as that word could actually be attributed to any of my kind it is what i would call it anyway but i am also filled with quiet joy for what we have been tasked to do will acquire the best out of every one of my men and me and their mere presence will bring it in abundance from that basis a full squad of them the legends the heroes of our chapter the sanguinary guard each one a fabled warrior vague cream of not only the chapter but of its most illustrious most skilled most powerful veterans and then the blood runs so pure the resonance of the angel soul reflects so brightly i've only witnessed them in battle but once the reason for all of my explanation of my unwanted yet meteoric promotion i had never had them attached to my units before let alone attached to me but now we were approaching but never planning to stop the stormraven and its escorting storm talents were the only things in the void between us and the station replacement for losses we had sustained on campaign prioritized to us due to the import of our mission but it was the stormraven we all watch even i all my brother and by the lieutenants and i had their helms on they could mask their ore we could not discipline the raven lands they walk down out of it each moving so smoothly they seem more to glide than walk it is not ephemeral or feminine it is more like a hovering forwards not like ghosts but like that which they are beautiful but powerful warrior angels their golden armor shines and their masks those metal death masks that burn with the light of the emperor the light of the angel they are resplendent everything we feel we should all aspire to be but they are also the most deadly of all of us the most powerful astartes the emperor commands outside of the grey knights some say and today i believe it i believe and they are here to guard me to protect me as captain both physically morally and with the priesthood spiritually their example alone their presence amongst the men the army the company it will show all of the brethren that we are in the right that we are righteous for how could such as they fight for anything other than the most pure of causes the most noble of quests and goals and everywhere we go the men and women of the imperium from the meanest higher to the most exalted planetary governor will know that they are blessed for the truest sons of the angel are with them they stand forward and take their oaths to defend me for the duration of this campaign and all cheer when it is done they cheer something i have not heard in many a long month and year already their glory their presence begins to shine through us all with them with us with me we cannot fail we cannot for we go to a crux point in the schemes of time i am told one of the great battles that defines the future the path of the galaxy itself not forever of course but for a time a crux point at which the blood angels must be present or all as lost himself has foreseen it and now for the first time since i received these orders now i feel we may just win because the chapter ancient of the sangre guard has in his hands towering over all of us filling us all with even greater pride he has a sign he carries a banner from the arks sent by the regent himself we will go to war under the banner of the chapter of the blood angels entire we will not lose i have been baltimore your faithful servant i hope you've enjoyed the story so far and will join us on the weekly entries as a result and will like and subscribe if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out and so from both myself and mrs b no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun too glue so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 84,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldemort, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, Balder, Mort, Inquisitor, inquisition, Warhammer Audiodrama, Warhammer 40000, Grim Dark Tales, Grimdark Stories, Warhammer for dummies, Baldermort Stories, THE STORY SO FAR, THE GRIM DARKNESS OF THE IMPERIUM, GRIM DARKNESS, THE IMPERIUM, Imperium of Man, Guides to Warhammer, Imperium of Mankind, History of the Imperium of Man, BLOOD ANGELS, SANGUINIUS, 9TH LEGION LORE, BLOOD ANGELS The Story So Far, Black Rage, Red Thirst, Angels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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