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hey everyone wolf lro here today we're discussing the Lion's reunion with Gilman as we ask if the lion will tell the truth regarding caliban's fall will he reveal the existence of the Fallen General spoiler warning to begin as today we will be referencing events from across the Warhammer 40K universe so you have been warned and with that said let's just jump straight in with the Dark Angels codex looming ever larger on the horizon the questions regarding El Johnson's reunion with his brother become ever more important and one of the questions I'm extremely interested to see answered is how El Johnson will handle his disappearance the Fallen fate of calaban and the existence of the Fallen will the lion reveal the truth to Gilman that a large portion of his Legion betrayed him betrayed the Emperor or will he keep it secret if this was the Lionel Johnson of old this wouldn't even be up for debate but this isn't The Old Lion l Johnson and this most certainly isn't the old Imperium so it's most definitely one of the many things I'm eagerly awaiting on anwers too so will El Johnson tell the truth to Gilman or will he hide it will he lie well let's begin with the truth the lion l Johnson we saw awaken within the novel The Lion Son of the forest while still having the Hallmarks of the man of old was quite clearly a man scarred by his past upon sight in the Fallen zabel his memories flooded back into his mind and the lion initially acted with the expected rage the Wrath at Luther's betrayal however in learning zabel and many of the calaban based Marines had no idea what was going on and was simply defending themselves believing it was their Primark who was in fact the betrayer we saw a far more accepting Primark one who was still rif with the scars of the heresy the pain the guilt who saw only the tragedy this Lionel Johnson would be one who would offer his son's Redemption a chance to rejoin his service rejoin the fight to protect Humanity only those truly fallen would feel the edge of his blade so why not tell the truth yes there was betrayal a betrayal of the most painful kind in luur yet there was far more tragedy the lion returned to calaban came under Fire believed the whole Garrison had betrayed him and so opened fire and commenced the assault yes luffer was a traitor yes some of your sons sided with him with Horus over you but that doesn't mean the whole bloodline is tarnished jagti had to put down a rebellion and attempted coup by some of his sons within his Legion some legionaries of the traitor Legions opposed their own primarch and were trusted by the emperor and malador even Gillman's line has had those that have fallen to chaos no one and no bloodline is immune the heresy proved that Horus lupal proved that yes it's embarrassing yes it's a blow to El Johnson's Infamous Pride that there are traitor Dark Angels out there that there were those within the first who betrayed them but he was by Gillman's side for much of the heresy he came to mccraig to eliminate Gilman if he was a traitor for all their differences for all their arguments if there was any brother who could vouch for El Johnson's loyalty who could be certain lion El Johnson would never betray the emperor it would be route Gilman so El Johnson has no reason to lie to hide the truth in this era of darkness in in this new struggle for survival there is no room for lies there can be only Unity complete and utter trust the angel has fallen the rest are gone only gilan is here don't let shame ego of Pride Triumph simply tell Gilman the truth the full truth and get on with the job saving the Imperium tell Gilman the reason calaban was destroyed and the truth of Luther and the fallen and your quest now to offer redemption or execution Gillman may be shocked by the knowledge of Luther's fall that even the proud sons of the lion could turn but in revealing the truth to him showing the lion trusts him he will in turn trust El Johnson back trust was always the issue between Gilman and El Johnson and ironically El Johnson showing a little trust now could make their relationship stronger than ever all both primarch have sought and craved was to have a brother alive out there somewhere some form of kinship and now they have so again why lie well as much as El Johnson has emotionally changed in some ways that Primark pride is an insatiably powerful thing having to admit to Gilman of all of his brothers that his own Sons betrayed him betrayed the emperor that's a big thing to do because yes sure many didn't it was indeed a tragedy but the truth is many did many of Johnson's sons and his closest Confidant turned from the emperor's light they fell to chaos they fired first as much as the brothers will be relieved to have another primarch alive there will still be that part of them that says why did it have to be him and it'll be the true Testament on how much of the Old Lion remains within if he can bring himself to confess it all to Gilman if he can trust his brother enough their relationship has been Rocky over their history to say the least and we don't know yet why El Johnson leaves Terror so quickly after the siege of Terror why he is not there when Gilman unveils his plans for the breaking of the legions and the future of the Imperium at this point there's every chance he could leave in protest against Gilman becoming Lord Commander I don't think he will but you never know we know he would have opposed the legion's breaking and was irate to find out Gilman had done it stating he should have dealt with him on mcra and wished it was him who fell rather than sanguinius those teases and hints are there for a reason it wouldn't be the Imperium and 40K without that tension underneath I wouldn't be surprised for El Johnson to have every intention of telling Gilman the truth only to not be able to bring himself to do so when finally standing before his brother that there's just that nature of old that prevents him instead to cast it off as caliban was under sieg by a trait of forces when he returned a colonel of Truth perhaps in Ravel in a lie or a twisted version of the truth but aside from the underlying trust issues amongst the prim marks there is also maybe a more practical concern that will hold the lion's tongue and that is of his sons the current day Dark Angels and Unforgiven these are the men who have prosecuted and hunted the Fallen for 10,000 years more importantly these are the men who have had to hide the truth of the Fallen their existence for all of that time as well Lionel Johnson may know his brother but he doesn't know this Imperium how paranoid and uncompromising it has become it was only in the final passage of the son of the forest that he even found out that the Imperium still exists for sure even if Gilman accepted his brother's Revelation which you would assume he would the Imperium around him absolutely not the lion is yet to meet the Inquisition if the truth is unveiled that the Dark Angels Legion fell to chaos turned traitor no matter how many of them it would be a deal breaker the Inquisition would come even more so now that their primarch has returned that the threat is even greater azreal and The Unforgiven would undoubtedly press how important it is to maintain the secret from escaping why they have had to do what they have had to do for 10,000 years because with this Imperium there is no other option no compromise Redemption of the Fallen or persecution regardless The Hunt For the Fallen the truth of the fate of the Legion must remain a secret a lie for their own Survival perhaps El Johnson will confide in his brother the time for lies and secrets between them over however the wider Imperium cannot and will not know of the legion's fate of the existence of the Fallen The Unforgiven hunt and so the secrets of the Dark Angels will remain so yes or no will El Johnson tell Gilman the truth or not will he keep his secrets well for a storyline perspective it would be far more interesting for him to not reveal it to as I said just have that part of himself that can't bring himself to tell the the full truth to Gilman however there are enough things and history between them to keep that tension beneath without having to lie about this we know El Johnson isn't happy about Gilman breaking the legions and I have no doubt he will absolutely tell him so for example with the Li and secret of the Fallen still clearly having to be kept in place I don't know I could equally see him just being honest with his brother just telling him the full and complete truth that he returned to calaban and found luffer had betrayed him and in his anger and rashness ended up turning yet more sons against him by mistake that he'll trust Gillman to keep his secret but H even saying that out loud just brings it home how hard it would be for the lion of old to admit that he truly needs to be a fully changed man to confess it in my opinion and yes son of the forest showed a man who had grown in many ways but again he did only find out for sure that the Imperium still exists right at the very end and he did only find out that it was gilan of all his brothers who lived so for now I'm going to say no with the hunt and the truth of the Fallen still needing to be kept secret from The Wider Imperium I'm going to say the lion won't choose to reveal it to his brother I think I just need to see more of this returned l Johnson before I can truly see and accept how much of the Old Lion remains within the more time he spends around his brother Gillman I can't help but feel The More The Old Lion the old rivalries will emerge there are some things in nature that just can't be changed but as always everyone what do you think do you feel the lion will reveal the full truth to Gilman the Betrayal of Luther and some of his Legion his quest now to redeem those he can and execute the others or do you feel the lion will still kill keep secrets from his brother that with the existence of the Fallen still needing to be kept secret from The Wider Imperium that in truth there's no real reason to tell everything to Gillman that it actually would be a risk to do so but as always everyone leave your thoughts in the comments below huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow and and if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said I am off and I'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 48,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5T14d7OSLPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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