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[Music] la [Music] all [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] hey seor you want a guide hotel seor hotel this a cathedral show you around the town seor [Music] prison get [Music] pap [Music] Pap all this food for your precious the paper he's only got to us to [Music] live he had want to paper a month we could feed the whole prison [Music] [Laughter] and to pepp Men to pepp Men there wasn't a gun in the whole crowd completely unarmed beautiful they make wonderful [Laughter] targets scared we couldn't move from the distance of course they all looked alike only a paper he was different like a crazy Eagle among [Music] scarecrows to bamper he didn't know I gave orders not to shoot him he kept coming on I gave you C I kill you I kill you I'll kill [Music] you he's dead [Music] you you Americo no English huh I think maybe we spoil your lunch in your doctor Dr Henry Price dror mdo sit down I'm sorry we meet under such unpleasant circumstances yes so am I but I hope I may still profit from the opportunity I would like to ask a favor let's have a look at him this Easter paper so if I understand you right doctor according to this scientist she was speaking of the is LOM broso you can tell who's a criminal just by the shape of his face the criminal type can be identified Colonel cranial circumference cheekbones ear loes teeth what about the rear end from comparative observation of these features the trained eye can usually detect criminal tend es well that could make my job very easy doctor all persons with certain facial characteristics subject to immediate arrest my studies hardly include such assumptions Colonel could you arrange for my consultations with the prisoner to be in more suitable surroundings how about the cemetery he's going there tonight 6:00 comp can you popone the execution well do it's not up to me it's the law the law is just for the people who can read he's the law he's the law the new government is M's law M doesn't know anything then M would never do this to me you are the one mother doesn't know anything about it I follow his orders but Haron a traitor he would never be a traitor my he signed the death sentence personally that's the true you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar that's not true liar [Music] la platon oh SC the and car Rec [Music] [Applause] [Music] got Hy [Music] he [Music] go after it don't s there like [Music] [Music] [Applause] idiots [Music] hey everything yellow okay Bonito pH in the SK here Wait don't Tell with a pist well [Music] well go [Music] go [Music] set the you that side y with [Music] me uh don't worry I'm going to speak with President moo my pistol please H hey what are you doing I want to kill you but have you saved me before because I want to kill you myself go oh keep [Music] moving done done St through them fore fore [Music] americ yeah Will Bast doctor what's the matter with you [Music] doctor uh tell me what do I have to do here what do I have to touch come on what do I have to do here what do I have to do the brakes the what are the brakes where are the [Music] Blasted put the brakes on put the brakes [Music] [Music] on you are alone yes you are North American no and you like Mexico no [Music] seor do you like Mexico forito don't disturb the [Music] gentleman boys never seen a doctor you ask too many questions [Music] always to some questions it is better not to know the answers do you understand seor you know what they call me senor the because I can't wash myself I can't even scratch comend this don't you like Mexico Sergeant Sergeant s no news seor the British Embassy has made no answer I can't stay here you've got to put me in another cell there are no other cells seor I'll pay no how much dollar seor yes dollars MTO seor government pay isn't much and there are six in my family [Music] oh [Music] but I my wife is old seor like an old mother you can get in next to her I guess I don't have to worry do I [Music] seor adios [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] don't [Music] is on my is as [Music] a congratul already married where res down here Thea wait oh don't you see I'm busy theppa let indro IND wow Dynamite speaks louder than my voice I thought you didn't want to go back I [Music] it [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Peppa doesn't forget his [Music] [Music] friends who are you Amigo belongs to you my son MH and his mother dead well you're not doing too bad anyway how did it happen Alis stealing [Music] see damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it I needed your hands Pedro the Peppa [ __ ] Pedro theppa [ __ ] [ __ ] B [Music] h [Music] take paper take [Music] paper wait [Music] what of the doctor did you leave your wife already Amigos this blond man is an English [Music] daughter he wants to kill [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] come on that's enough that's enough got enough get [ __ ] Monita hey doctor [Music] yeah I kill him to be no he's just a very very sentimental Mandy doctor for spee [Music] foreign [Music] speech who did who who did it Los rurales what for because he was a friend of the paper spee [Music] for [Music] [Music] all right right all right I give you the pistol you write the letter and then you try to kill me come [Music] on no no no no no uh do you remember the 23rd of November uh 1909 uh in the Border mountains in that cabin at utso where you were hiding waiting for my father Jus J Moran Jesus Jose Moran that was my [Music] father um in that place in that place that was mine do you remember my father with a letter from Pancho [Music] via with a letter from Pancho via the rurales shot him on the way but he brought you the message just the same SEO seoro [Music] where is he M he's here he's here parito where he writing a letter boy he's calling you [Music] go do you know where your father went and do you know how to get there too SE then go many things depend on [Music] you [Music] for [Music] spee well [Music] well where [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] foree [Music] let us continue doctor do you remember the 30th of January 1911 outside Mexico City and we were the victors there what you [Music] doing remember me J Maria Moran called Remember see pres I took this rifle from the Army to fight against the Army and now I have to give it back to the Army who won the revolution of the army the Revolution and the Army the Army is at the service of the state the state the organization of all the citizens rur richan we have made a mistake uh seor president because everything is like before no the rich will be less rich and the poor less poor how are you going to do that with new laws enforced by the Army by the same Army we fought against yes then say gentlemen I think now is an excellent time for you to tell us what you think Hey general a general doesn't think seor Presidente he obeys he does not obey the rich nor the poor he obeys his country I'm sorry presid there are many things I don't understand anyway it's a Pity because it's it's a very beautiful rifle I want you to keep it and uh if someday we need it you give it back everything will be all right you will see but it wasn't all right compo Madero you don't remember August 22nd 1911 August 22nd 1911 because you weren't there and I am sure nobody told you about it but I was there that day working on the aenda you see compo before the Revolution the place belonged to Don kixo During the Revolution it belonged to the peons After the Revolution it belonged to Don Kalisto again you should all be happy to see that Don Kalisto here has returned from Europe but maybe you're not happy too bad he's back anyway naturally will take possession of his house again and his lands all of it is that clear no seor who are you quite a name Cho but what does it mean this land of liberty taking the land from those it belongs to ask president bad what it means I wouldn't dream it Chico I'm not as impertinent as you are but we must all of us obey the law M we you don't seem to agree m- no no why there is a new law Presidente madero's Land Reform it's not a law yet Cho first it must be drafted and presented to Parliament the parliament must discuss it then maybe approve it till that happens the law will continue to protect private property the landowners will go on owning their own land no seor see seor no no that is not possible seor first because we fought the Revolution and second because we W it times have changed I am the law Chico and you you are nothing and you are starting to bore me you're under arrest now I me nothing you're a man who be sentenced to death we better get out of here for our friend starts to get Reckless and us you go with him don't kixo relaxed unisto you'll be back at your convenience adante back on the and in fact they did come back all those pons are [Music] dead because the machete is one thing and the rifle is another Tran tranos I was alone and it seemed impossible that the revolution had served nothing compo we must meet and if you don't call us out again then this time I I must i k you I kill you [Music] [Music] sign us [Music] here you come me or [Music] not wait and all the time Gra [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] for [Music] speeech [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] for [Music] Fore like who you [Applause] [Applause] say where [Music] [Applause] [Music] a oh he got who this [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey so s to he franisco [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] fore fore [Music] [Applause] spee foreign speech foreign speech [Music] speech fore spee for foreign she needs plenty of rest wet her forehead and lips but don't let her drink you see doctor look look at that line and M is important here I've never seen a doctor in their Liv you just stay we need you here doctor come here for how stupid can I person be to want to kill a man he doesn't know don't you agree are you sure I am the man you want because I've never seen you huh Jes mariaan call to Peppa no no no no just a moment because because there are two different things Jesus Maran Peppa the [Laughter] Peppa that's why Mexico is full of theer in Santa Cruz is Thea in yukatan is theppa in gu is the MEO City there atas in this town is ATA it's full all over the place m m how many theas are in Mexico City many only one want to beer forth the revolution in Morelos I have never been in Morelos never never never never you don't believe it h Francisco see the paper what the paper Francis we have fought the revolution together right true and uh uh we have been always together right yes uh have we ever been in Morelos Francisco H nevera never you please don't believe me okay I don't know what you think about your mother but to me my mother's important I swell my mother's head wherea m is here where is he he'll meet us on the road to Toca he me us on the road to TOA on the road to TOA maretta maretta Mara Pito pakito pakito papit a present for you let's go f Yoo what are you waiting for come on Pito I want him to beet Madero Madero can't wait for this nonsense come on no I must wait for the boy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's exactly exactly like [Music] m [Music] and who is Manda we Morelos before he died the bast said via Viva long live the navyy I'm 1 2 3 [Music] 4 [Music] are you poo take your time poo my there is not in a hurry the longer he waits the happier he is what's the matter with you huh come on give me pakito come on I'll carry him no we are almost there wait theppa there he is no escort just Madero I see why did you say he doesn't have escort because there is none that's what you wanted no yeah that's what I wanted it's very difficult for a father without hands to feed a boy without mother right yo I think so it is very difficult right yo huh see and it's more difficult to find a bigger idiot than me R me no [Music] [Music] fore foree s go to head bastard to H I see I see I see no I [Music] [Music] a [Music] for speech speech fore speech [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] for must [Music] amen oh oh Yen where where [Applause] where St you st you MO [Music] St [Music] your father dead thealis the [Music] why the paper I sh allll of my bullets the paper betrayed us Y no not him someone more important unfortunately in a much higher [Music] position [Music] republ Don Francisco Madero I've betray all of you Mexico and the Revolution and as long as one single p in Mexico one of you doesn't have a piece of land it is madero's fault and as long Us in Mexico just one just one rich landowner is left in this country it is madero's fault and as long as in Mexico just one rural shoots killed and bured like here it is madero's fault and if Madero doesn't know the fault is his all the same and more he doesn't know the fault is Mo compos you think it's right if Madero betrays the revolution should we betray it too no do you think that is right that is M lays down should we lay down too no do you think that is right that M squats do we squat with him no no if squats we should squat [Music] Maro [Music] well I think they won't find us here at least for a while doctor if you take that road straight ahead you won't miss you that harees don't worry Pito he's coming with me going with you yes to America but if you're going to America you're going to need money pakito this belong to your father so now it's yours take it take it pakito take it that's it ah what a life a doctor we come we go one thing I'm happy though that you change your mind about me I haven't changed my mind about you let's say there's a reasonable doubt that's all where there's a doubt there's a [Music] hope one and now the paper fine men find weapons and fight again like before Dr Price the train for California leaves at 5:30 this afternoon thank you come would you make out my bill please oh yes sir you're thinking of leaving us doctor so soon you didn't have a pleasant stay in Mexico was an interesting and instructive experience I might suggest a longer stay 20 years maybe if I remember the criminal code correctly on your studies onto paper the cheekbones they fored the ear logs of the Peppa contradictory the lamb brosan theory is not absolute certain physical characteristics do not always correspond to a criminal tendency is that so doctor yet police records always correspond to the truth who's this what's your name Pereira per I knew your father he did his best too bad and the money did B no why not his father took it good boy's father took it for him bito all right wait for me upstairs I won't be long you won't be long oh no I made quite a trip here to speak with you I wouldn't want to think I was wasting my time might as well be [Music] comfortable Jus Maria Moran called the paper you're sure we're speaking about the same person yes January 15th 1910 Morelos asend of danan cons the corun witness eduard Pon it was 4 in the afternoon that morning we had refused to work over there in line the head of the guards didn't explain anything they just picked out five of us they stripped him they always did that when they were going to whip us a few days before one of us died from it whipping etc etc etc the rest is a no interest oh yes here it is witness Carlos Sant on they had already whipped the first four now it was Juan's turn ET Etc that's annoying just let continue ah here it is suddenly a band of Horsemen rod in the one called tppa fired the first shot [Music] witness Moreno bookkeeper I saw Miguel die and I saw who killed him I ran to warn Don Juan in his house close by Don M's men they kill Miguel there is there's no need to shout how many are [Music] there witness seora Maria V Escalante housemid I was in Sita Consuelo's room she had just finished her bath [Music] one of the got the daughter of the owner get out of here why am I dirty or something of course you don't mind do you by [Applause] that's it you pig [Music] Francisco take her away the old witch no [Music] no [Music] Frisco I said to take her away [Music] [Music] witness Sergeant Luis SOS chief of police of coronia [Music] there was nothing we could do for senorita consell deonia I knew she was going to do something we arrived too [Music] late Sorita senorita this is all doctor this is other pepper if you're still interested in it maybe we can reach in [Music] agreement [Music] why not of your fr the [Music] fra Pito what are you doing here come inside come in my wives upstairs huh sit down oh so can [Music] [Music] for foreign [Music] fore I take that Mr Chu what I can't pay you the boy has already paid me so you bought me all this with with your own money it was money from the government and um how do you know it was a money from the government casoro said so uh Juan take for men and uh have a look around the mountains by where do you see kasoro with the Greeno come back listen go everything we have to get out of here cascar is coming uh sñ true where are you going to sud Oh no just staying here we are going to need water save all the water you can every single drop come see what is the most important thing for a man who wants to cross the desert water and uh if a man makes a big supply of water what does it mean that he's going to cross the desert yeah if you understood that gcor will understand it too how because it's the only thing that Mr Shu told him and if seor Chu didn't tell him he told him he told him [Applause] [Music] [Music] got po oh oh [Music] capan look there they're in the desert 2 miles out we saw them Corel [Music] AE you got a right [Music] C [Music] I know it's not part of the bargain but how do I take any risks [Music] [Applause] oh oh oh stop the motor they don't use their hands these men they are noises and they worry because they don't know what it is you see it's only goats and they stop weing but where do the goats come from nobody seen seems to wonder about that instead there's a great deal to wonder about kill those women shoot [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] get out there start the [Music] [Applause] C [Applause] let's kill that traitor no he's a prisoner me him all [Music] Pizer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] w my how [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's broken good get out we must go go where well for what we have to do we don't want to be [Music] alone I'm sorry me Coronel but I don't have another [Music] [Music] horse don't be pathetic now me Coronel do you want to make me cry but I [Music] want [Music] come here for a reason he would like to make a speech and talk to you about yeah doctor Thea wants to live Thea wants to live Thea wants to live the paper wants to live excuse me doctor I I wanted to talk to you about about that girl in Morelos we didn't know each other then so I didn't know that girl was was yours doctor I just didn't do anything bad I did what what a man does with a woman is EMP things you did you see doctor what I mean is that all women are alike and uh God has made them all the same way right and then what is a girl compared to Revolution doctor I'm sorry I I didn't mean to doctor just a moment doctor must save right I'm sorry I know I know stupid question I'm sorry I I know I doctor must say of course A doct M safe yes M safe a Dr must Dr MFE do must do how stupid how stupid do you imagine doctor if you would have killed because of aorita [Music] for for that he's dead [Music] for [Music] h Greeno [Applause] [Music] oh why didn't you like the Greeno no that Gringo didn't like Mexico [Music] h oh [Music] Mexico [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mexico [Music] me me [Music] need people [Laughter] [Music] people [Music] Mex [Applause] [Music] mexo [Music] Mex [Music] oh he will [Music] PR
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Keywords: western action movies, western movies full, western movies with john wayne, best western movies, spaghetti western movies, full western movies, new western movies, free western movies, spaghetti western full movie in english, spaghetti western movies clint eastwood, spaghetti western movies lee van cleef, spaghetti western movies free, western netflix, western hulu, wild west, cowboy movies in english, spaghetti western, best old west movies of all time, action, full movie
Id: 13QOEd7PvLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 1sec (7561 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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