Killer Calibro 32 | Western | HD | Full Movie in English

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[Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh what's going on got him out of here and the rest of you don't stop your work you hear me you lazy bunch of helenas start working hey you there are you death huh answer me when I'm talking to you if you're speaking to me then use my name it's Mister he wants us to call him Mister he must be something special and above all take your hat off what's so funny get back to work all of you come on move or I make you wish that you'd never been born good that's how to treat him you know how hard it is to get work out of these lazy Fons I can see it's a strain on you but you seem to be pretty successful at it they're working for you what about telling me what you wanted no nothing now that I see that you a gentleman perhaps you don't know that you're in the land of seor masteron he is a gentleman like you are however well of course I'll rest for a moment then I'll go all right take your time come on put some muscle into it here comes seor masteron now you ought to be ashamed to let him see how lazy you are this work should have been finished by now we can't keep the railroad waiting any longer I know your master done but these are all lazy dogs that is not true seor we have been working like slaves for you you are demanding too much from us be quiet that's enough out of you hey you there you behave like that with men who can defend themselves who are you someone who was able to defend himself very well we shall see about that well now you've seen or better yet felt huh and perhaps seeing that you're a gentleman you like a dud with pistols isn't that what gentlemen do yeah but you've done already you're going to kill me why don't you [Music] drw too bad you could have had this one I was planning to kill you off with a high class Silver Bullet like a g gentleman deserves but you prefer the lead one it's modesty for you you feel a bit better now yes we all lose in your silver and here is your $1,000 we collected we give it to you gladly 1,000 good Alonzo you're a man of your word like I as w [Music] n [Music] oh here's my wallet sorry I ain't got nothing in my pockets just holes why bust up everything you're looking for something in my coach just ask me about it quiet look Mr Sullivan they know everything can't you see that by now [Music] sh [Music] [Music] don't you dare you thinking it fool I told you the things stolen from the passengers can identify us take your stuff back I know that [Music] boys why I'm sorry Isabelle you shouldn't have done [Music] that stop that whistling idiot if you hadn't tried to steal our necklace we wouldn't have had to kill him who she sh that's the daughter of old Sullivan the bank CL poor [Music] thing [Music] [Music] quick give me a shot give me a shot you got the money the pot is mine that's all for me oh no it ain't when people play here with us they stay into their last $5 and that's what you'll do we were just passing through thought we'd play a game or two when to lose a few bucks you understand nobody told us you had rules here I wish we had known before by me I'll stay I'm out three kings wait just a moment Freeman I got a straight was you watching Jose yes we caught you cheating you'll be my witness won't you Amigo you saw him didn't you yes I did Mr Freeman get out of here fast if cheated I can put you in prison [Laughter] [Music] [Music] right hey stranger but I don't have my gun a come I'm sorry Freeman but I wasn't cheap I wasn't fairly same as [Music] [Music] always self-defense that'll be for the judge to decide well as they say justice will try well we finally got rid of that Freeman yeah but not counting repairs you know what it cost $1,000 [Music] [Music] hey here here's your lunch Mr Silver you can have that too boy if you could pay would you like to join me there's enough for two surely you aren't going to eat that dog food I can't even watch you eat it in short though our stages have been held up four times this last year you you still don't know why this time all the passengers were killed I have an idea how it happened obviously someone must have recognized one of those Bandits and was silly enough to talk about it but this doesn't help us a damn bit the question is what are we going to do now we'll do everything we can post a reward ah Parker's always the man for brilliant ideas posting a reward is of no value whatsoever if we don't know who we're looking for then you tell us what we're supposed to do will you that's just what I've been waiting to do I have decided gentlemen that to solve this case we're in need of the John Pinkerton agency that's no solution Finley can't you see that the Pinkerton agents will find themselves facing exactly the same problem that confronts our friend the sheriff F at that they have to respect the law there are limits to their work every move is written in the records they have to find proof that cannot be questioned and then bring the guilty man to trial that's right I don't care a hoot about the rules I just want the dollars consigned to this bank to get here safe then what do you do now Mr ail though I don't think that you'll be in agreement with me Sheriff I have a plan I'm putting into action right away I'll offer a reward but not to everyone one man alone he'll take the responsibility for whatever he's doing not a bad idea Wells Fargo would be willing to contribute but who is this man I'm told that you got a real rambunctious fell on your lock up yeah he killed that Freeman who was always causing us trouble in the saloon and he's really good what happens now is the judge going to try him I'll have to let him go self-defense have you gone crazy April you want to hire a professional killer for this let's have your suggestion you advise giving the job to our preacher can you tell me how it is I'm given the honor of having you as a guest at my table here ah you want to know why I'm in prison nothing serious well I beat a guy up they let me out today what did you go and get get yourself arrested for not Shaman but it was done in self-defense and it was legitimate therefore why you mean that you was forced to do it no I mean I was paid to do it my fees $1,000 but I only kill criminals and even if they are I give them a chance a chance to defend themselves what's happened sheriff is my innocence touched your heart you clear out of here too hold on a minute silver there's a job for you really don't tell me you need my help it's Mr ail he's over at the bank my fee is $1,000 ahead boy that's a lot of money what do you want Mr Finley the world's full of troublemakers people who want to get rid of them if I didn't keep my prices up I'd have to work from morning till night it's a tough job believe me as my granny used to say after bringing up 15 children she leave your grandmother out of this and let's talk like men silver it's Mr Silver all right Mr Silver $1,000 ahead is it a deal not yet you see I'm forced to ask for an increase I don't understand why because in this case I not only have to eliminate the bandits I also have to find them and that takes time we're businessmen Mr Parker and we know that time is money all right silver Mr Silver 2,000 ahead with a $10,000 bonus as soon as you wipe out that bunch of Bandits that's a deal all right I thank you gentlemen and I hope that I won't let you down oh of course I have exclusive rights exclusive rights I don't want competitors what's that supposed to mean I don't like competition one is forced to get there first makes one very nervous all right I'll give you exclusive rights for two weeks that enough yeah that's enough you see [Applause] [Music] I'm putting down a lot of money on this game so you just be sure and give me some good cards you hear give me a shot will you no you're joking ain't you you've already had your $3 worth you think I ain't got no more cash that's right ah you're making a great mistake everyone gives me credit give me the bottle now give me the bottle no then you forc me to take it I'm giving you one more chance to give me that bottle no then I'm going to have to beat you to a p give me you here what's this what's going on let go me I'll have the law on you put me down you here I'll come to the management let go me Let Go me let me go let me go evening Mr Sila evening let me [Music] [Music] go [Music] it cost a lot but I guess it was worth it that's an efficient little police force you got there they belong to Mr Parker they cost much less than $1,000 must you go away I'll stay around there why you doing that have you won it should I have with what 38 but I had a full house there next time keep your eyes on the cards another the girls like ain't as easy to find as young women especially those over there stop that you thickheaded cow calm down it is your deal this is yours with the compliments of the house Mr Silver there's no charge and come again now wait guys now how is it to when I turned to look at a girl I lose even when I'm holding a winning [Laughter] [Music] hand [Music] no he's wrecking the place finish him go on I'll give you $1,000 for him it wouldn't be self-defense where are they ah there's one of them I'll teach you not to throw self-respecting men out in the sidewalk I'm going to break you in too one [Music] [Music] two [Music] ah hey pin head you'll have to pay for my suit [Music] with the compliments of the house all right get up come on on your feet where it seems that as well as half a chicken I owe you my life silver nonsense I'd have thrown the chicken away you don't owe anything to me hey there spot yeah you forgetting our Game of Poker come on we want to finish it tonight coming will you look at the condition they left this place in Fred let's clean up this mess will you give us a hand here what's wrong you getting soft why didn't you kill him so is not to give you the chance to pull me in right now I have a job to do I'd like a word with you silver Mr Silver all right then Mr Silver I want you to cooperate and I'll share what I know with you why do you think I come here every night H to Feast your eyes at your age it's quite normal those Bandits I'm looking for someone thrown away his money but they're much too smart oh too far away seems impossible that all seven of them can be so smart it's enough for one of them to be smart and to have convinced the others not to divide the loot till the noise dies down because they must be from these parts they were much too careful not to be recognized unfortunately it's a kind of a blind alley then what good this cooperation you [Music] offered what are those two teeth they were found where those four people were killed they were lost by one of the bandits if you could check over men's teeth like horses you'd be one step ahead but I don't need these things to find them you don't say I sure do I already know two of them who are they you got to tell me Silver h it wouldn't be of any use I have no proof and names without proof don't interest you you've said it yourself [Music] right Mr Silver are you sleeping stop where you are come here shut up I'm protecting you this is the only Corner that's safe what do you mean it's safe [Music] a I'll be right back I have something to do now do you know what I me that's safe it's Austin go on don't stand around here go on home he needs an Undertaker not a doctor go call [Music] Chang get going will you heard what I just said go on now go ahead self-defense there's no doubt about this is there nice work silver he was the only lead I had sorry I didn't let myself be used for target practice in the cause of Justice Sheriff but don't you worry I still know that other pair go on all of you go on this ain't none of your fair get on home now come on here I am where is the unfortunate body where please this man he has some relatives here you mustn't mind my asking but the county P are so poly give him a hand now then does anybody recognize me not even you doll you should know just about everybody around here hey Jud take over here right Sher all of you clear out go on home [Music] have you a connection with the deceased sir it is my humble opinion that every human being alive is entitled to a decent funeral but it may not yet be understood that each profession has its rights and its requirements even though they are you shall see sir that with only small expense we shall provide a most tasteful funeral for your unfortunate friend do you agree to this sir roll the body over I said roll him [Music] over so what we do now to who your unlucky friend whatever you want you at my friend well now why didn't you wait for me I acted like a fool I should never have come let go of me not before you tell me what you were doing in my room my name is Janet Sullivan my father was the bank clerk who was killed last Friday I'm sorry how can I help you I've been told that you were given the job of finding the who killed my father perhaps I can help you a little my father knew all along he was going to be murdered no Janet this was an accident the bandits had no intention of killing anyone someone forced them to do it for a while before he died PA was worried and nervous Janet he said once I'm an honest man you'll always remember that won't you he was honest don't those words have any meaning for you not much I just wish your father had talked a bit more uh take a look among his papers maybe if he didn't talk much he wrote I've looked and found nothing but you've an idea who's guilty haven't you I have yes I heard you tell the sheriff as I passed by a while ago I wish you were right but I'm still completely in the dark you know how mice are caught by setting up a trap with cheese well I'm supposed to be the cheat and now Janet it's late you better go [Music] home [Music] [Music] oh wait hold on one oh you here all ready to collect look who says that that man was one of those baders a sh even has the proof two decayed teeth very well I'll have a check made out to you for $22,000 I don't want it what's that I don't want the money why not I didn't earn it because it wasn't me who killed him someone else shot him from the back I've been cheated someone else was hired I was given exclusive rights Mr a am I wrong you follow on me you mean you noticed whatever gave you such an idea idea orders from the shareff huh sharff persistent did give you orders to shoot me in the back if you can huh what do you mean by that hey spot come here will you I want to talk to you I'd like you to do a small job for me it's sure thing Mr Silver be glad to hello Jen hello Janet where you heading to the bank Mr ail said he wants to see me let's go together wish I could but I'm on duty um by the way may I ask you why you were talking last night with that killer Silva is this an official inquiry or could it be personal [Music] [Music] [ __ ] sh somebody cut my saddle strap Dar [Music] it [Music] howy you here to collect uh-uh it's all right you did a good job getting rid of that pest Jud for me oh I ain't asking to be paid Mr Silver I'm just glad that I had this chance to be a better health to you what do you want then to give your hand if you let me how do you want to do that well don't tell me it's gratitude because I won't believe you well the truth is I'm hankering to learn your profession you want to be an apprentice well for today come along with me the road's long and I get bored when I travel alone take it away hello there Alonzo hello senor SE how things going better thanks to you things are going well for us I'm glad alono you worked the land around here for years you think you could tell me where one finds blue clay ah I can tell you when you dig down deep in a well you find clay like this I hear that the Southern Pacific Railroad has dug one just recently it is at Williamstown they wanted to set up a water tank of the station there for their locomotives thank you Alonzo I was sure you'd know ask Lista Sil [Music] there's the road to Carson City yeah I know well then take it and you I things to do but you promised you teach I didn't promise a thing but if you wanted a lesson here's one when you've got things to do never let anyone get in your [Music] way Alonzo is right [Music] oh what a surprise Sheriff you sure can be dramatic I sure can I swear I didn't never expect to find you here instead I was waiting for you Mr Silver as you can well see it's been a waste of time getting rid of Jud come in and keep your hands up well isn't he aside my Chinese friend would be quite Disturbed who is he you should know his name was kic he was Austin's partner the other Watchman of the well Austin the man you killed last night don't talk nonsense your Deputy should have told you wasn't me who killed him yeah he told me and he told me too what it was you found under the Dead Man's Souls that's why I'm here actually I should thank you I was able to identify him my compliments you left after me and arrived before me he says you arrived first of course and then as every respectable murderer does I came back to the scene of the crime so you could catch me look at that sheriff this time you can't plead self-defense you're even a bigger fool than I thought to make that hole it takes at least a 45 a gun I've never used take a good look at it it's not a vulgar Cannon like yours it's a 32 with a long barrel it makes neat clean wounds a joy to behold and cheaper too my grandmother used to say never waste money someday silver I might lose my [Music] patience hey Jud give me a [Music] hand Chang here's another customer for you you don't mean that but he was Sheriff here years ago when our town first started now that's why he could have become bored after all being Sheriff isn't amusing but he was one of my father's best friends that doesn't mean anything or it could mean a lot you see there's one thing that has me worried last night I set up that trap for his benefit only and shortly afterwards I was shot at from the roof I heard you say in public you knew who two of the bandits were afterwards beside Austin's budy but I had said it before to the sheriff alone talking about Austin and a certain craic have you noticed these names in your father's papers I don't recall but I'll look again if it's important it could be what are you doing here Jud don't be so impolite I was discussing some very important matters with Mr Silver you don't know silver when he's got nothing better to do he just loves to play stupid jokes if you come here for this wait outside if I don't want to well that would mean you came for another moot you stop it J right now stop it I told you yeah to punch you well if you put it that way hey J what's wrong I was saying it could be important to find out something about those [Music] two [Music] it's still chasing Big Spenders how's your Chase going bad very bad as soon as I find the right guy someone sees to it that I find him dead so I've decided to start the beginning and find the chief you know who their boss is well let's put it that I know all about him as I was saying I know all about he must be someone with a certain standing here otherwise after having done the job he would have left don't you think and he must also have been a man of a certain reputation or he couldn't have convinced his men to let him hold the money and last but not least he must be a very capable man because I'm sure only one or two of his men knew his identity the two that are dead let's say what do you think seems to me like you were painting my portrait you think so this is old Granddad specialty my grandma used to be crazy about [Music] it [Music] Aces and eight the dead man's hand the dead man's hand of the cards that Wild Bill Hickock was holding when someone snuck in and shot him in the back it brought bad luck to him but to me no with these cards I win every time whose deal is it gentlemen I don't know how you can drink this stuff silver it's a matter taste Sher I like it it stimulates my imagination yeah that I've noticed good evening Mr Silver oh good evening to you how are things just fine I've been waiting for you seems I can't walk into my room without finding a woman in it and you don't like that well that depends the last lady that I found here had a rather mysterious story to tell me what about you isn't it obvious what do you want is your welcome to visitors always this warm that depends depends on what Mr Silver on what they want you for example what have you come here for I've got something might interest you what money all you could want at least for a few years and I know you like money why kill for 2,000 ahead when for doing much less you can get a great deal more than that where is it I'll tell you silver you got to find the leader of those Bandits whoever he is the money hasn't been divided he must have it all how do you know this uh well that's what they're saying and who are they oh everybody there's a couple of friends of mine who'd be willing to help you it's better than your old Bounty killing will you do it silver couple of friends who could help me where are they then you're with us not so fast first of all I want to see your friends all right I'll take you to meet them this is the place stop [Music] here there's nobody around in the shack there huh this is getting to be monotonous get in there you did it good for you Beth it was simple he's as stupid as the day he was born one way or another we've caught you silver that's a matter of opinion if I'm not mistaken it was me that was looking for you and don't look so smug miss you didn't fool me for one second that's enough of your smart talk silver now there's something we want to find out from you which is who's the Bandit leader sorry I'm not able to tell you that I'm afraid you've all been wasting your time Miss give it to him rege now maybe you'll change your mind and talk a little you sure ask funny questions you're part of the band you ask who your leader is don't play the fool silver both of us was brought in by our friend Austin and when we saw the others they had their masks on the two of us we only knew Austin but you know who the leader was what makes you think that I heard you speaking about it tonight you told the sheriff I don't believe you you mean you listen to what the customers have to say why don't you stop you ain't very funny pretty clever your boss he convinced you to leave the money with him and then you'd made your last big hole that's what he said and in instead of that he eliminated the only person among you who would know him so there was no chance of your finding that's why Austin was killed who's foolish now me or you this way we aren't getting any anywhere I propose we pull our information and go to work together on it quit Stalin silver we're asking for the name of the boss for example we could try and calculate how the band was made up two are dead and two are you one is the boss and two are missing there's only one I'd say we already know who the other is really yeah it's you me we both of us recognized you but didn't you tell me your gang met already masked there's some piece that you keep whistling when you get nervous Sandy and me recognized you right away now we want to know who the leader is so that after I told you you can kill me right perhaps even with my own gun so that you could say I committed suicide smart aren't you now that wouldn't be a bad idea at all I never thought of that tell us we'll let you go free in fact we'll give you a share how can I be sure you got my word for it that's the best one I heard since my granny used to tell me fairy stories that's enough of your foolishness we want action from you why not why you I'm Sorry Miss but I have no choice and now it's your turn I've got some questions for you I told you I could be of use to you didn't I Mr Silver this time you didn't get rid of me like you thought you see I followed your buggy tracks out here it was easy yeah you've helped me all right I wanted one of them alive but he was going to kill you Mr Silver and the pistol wasn't loaded I guess I shouldn't count on anything going right when I've got a young idiot following me [Music] around get them good funeral here they've got enough money on them to pay for the best oh go and cash in your dead man that's what you wanted to do wasn't it I sure have exclusive rights yes sir if I were you I'd lock this young lady up Sheriff why just a precaution I don't think she knows too much but people could think otherwise and there's too many bullets flying around these days she's a bit dishonest sorry to say and she keeps bad company but nevertheless we shouldn't waste good merchandise and your grandmother couldn't abide waste I know you're working for the bank but Janet we're going to get married you know when you're able to support a family we'll start talking about marriage until then I work Janet is following people your specialty now don't lose your temper Jud I want to talk to Mr Silver alone are you working at the bank yes Mr ail gave me the position that used to be held by my father is that what you wanted to talk about no thinking things over I had an idea to recheck your father's papers mm it was something else [Music] good evening will you gentleman allow me yes you can take that seat there that's kind of [Music] thanks you're going in for high stakes this evening I see if the stakes aren't High the game's no [Music] fun [Music] I open with 20 you're 20 and I raise you 20 but don't you look at your down card for your bed mind your own business boy you staying in I raise it [Music] $50 another 50 to stay in or 50 and another 100 I'm out I see you there's the hund you're real happy with your two Aces aren't you Ramirez another king isn't that nice now something told me hey come over [Music] here I'll make it a 100 your 100 and uh two more if you'll allow me Mr Ramirez you haven't looked at your down card why not this way it's more fun I wait for that final surprise you aren't going to look at it even now why should I I won didn't I gentlemen who's dealing [Music] [Music] I'll stay now it's just you and me spot what are you making 200 I'm going to trust in my luck tonight you're 200 and [Music] 5 [Music] ah you have three queens and uh here ohuh we have a [Music] stray [Music] [Music] I'm in look at that down card of yours sorry [Music] 300 I see that Lex's still with me don't you dare do that [Music] again Katie things don't look good go call the sheriff plan High State quick you're getting that dead man's hand of yours again Ramirez I'm told that it brings you good luck I heard it from your friend Austin I don't know anyone with the name of Austin really that's strange deal the cards 350 good for you you've decided to make the game exciting 350 here 350 and 1 [Music] th000 [Music] you are cheating I've watched you I don't know how you do it but I know that you've been cheating if your downard a king I'll kill you and I'll have every right to do so sorry but they brought you here for nothing Sheriff there's not a chance that you can pull me in it's a clear case of self-defense maybe there's something you could do search this man's belongings I'll bet you anything you'll find a gray shirt like the one you found in the room of those two Saloon guards keep him for me tomorrow I'll go to the bank and cash him in [Music] silver wait a minute I have to talk to you go ahead not here silver it's important and later I have to put a piece of cheese in a trap all right then the saloon closes in an hour I'll wait upstairs will you be there yes I'll be [Music] [Music] there [Music] [Music] h [Music] drop that gun and stay where you are silver you ain't in your room it doesn't look like it does it spot one can enter and can also get out of Windows I wanted to see you without anyone knowing about it I can believe that the fact is you were planning to shoot me full of lead what are you saying silver a shotgun you got up there what's that for to play me a serenade the shotgun yeah that's what I want to talk to you about you remember how some of them passengers on that coach was riddled with shotgun bullets well I found that shotgun guess where it was where you hit it and now you were planning to use it again oh be reasonable the last few days I've had lots of chances to sneak up on you and kill you and I don't mean through Windows why didn't I do it then silver you were waiting to hear from me who your bosses but instead tonight something happened I had to be killed isn't that the truth you knew I was dangerous when I saw you drop on the table that bullet you picked up last night what made you take the bullet because it sha in the Moonlight I like the looks of it does that mean something yeah you knew my gun had been unloaded so you shot the saloon bouncer before he could talk like you shot CTIC could only been you because you were the only one there yesterday when Alonzo told me about the well now you're going to say I killed Austin no you didn't kill Austin you were all of you too anxious to keep him in good health all but you're Phantom like boss no silver no please don't shoot me no no please don't I can still help you no silver you're no good boy you're the worst of them all the other ones were just Bandits but you also a traitor I swear it wasn't none of it my fault it was that Ramirez who you killed he was the one who gave the orders and I Obed them when I realized that I was a part of it it was already too late I think you knew about this silver you could have killed me just now but no you didn't you only wounded me that means that you understood or else or else you understand me would you that's exactly what I was asking myself but I guess it was just a case of bad shoot alive you weren't worth a dime but dead you're worth $2,000 what do you want with Janet leave her alone and get on your way oh it's you yes I heard a sound here a rather strange one oh it was me nin it did sound kind of funny well come in please thank you some good words of advice and I hope I can use them sit down silver and I'll fix you some [Music] coffee [Music] for [Music] [Music] all [Music] I have to go now I have things to [Music] do Jud did he attack you again what a fool he's no fool he's in love and men in love behave like fools you talk as though you'd also been in love I was but now for companion I have a friend named C marry him Janet I'm sure he'll make you happy he has a habit of losing battles with time you realize this isn't a bad virtue for a [Music] husband you sure took your time what do you think you're doing playing hard to get well for sorry I had things to take care of oh nothing very exciting you know how it is Duty before pleasure yeah that's what my granny always say let's forget your granny and let's forget pleasure we have to talk business really then let's talk I'll soon be out of the job so I could do with a new one it's not a new job I'm talking about it's the job that you're doing now how much more do you think you'll collect why you want me to invest it here uh let me think I should collect another 16,000 three corpses and of course the final bones what would you say to 25,000 on condition that you'd leave everything and go away $25,000 that's quite a su and who would be the benefactor that's none of your business do you take it sorry it's quite a nice suffered though but it's not enough don't be so greedy why isn't it enough for you it's much more than you'd make from your work that's true but the shall I say benefactor will make much more to be exact $286,000 43 the hall from the coach robberies which will be his now that I've helped him do away with all the men that were with him there what can you do about it nobody knows who he is I know who he is don't talk nonsense at times like this I never talk nonsense then I'm sorry for you silver after all you were a good friend you sound as if you're bidding [Music] farewell come on now get up I don't hold with shooting people in the back anyway all right out of there after all we don't have to be introduced do we we're old friends aren't we Mr ail for some time now I've been suspecting that it was either you a sheriff or parker you three were the only ones who knew which coaches were carrying the cash tonight I learned for sure that it was you you see when you took on Janet Sullivan it wasn't to do a good deed it was to put your bank's accounts in the hands of someone incompetent who wouldn't notice the shortages that you'd been covering hastily whenever you had the cash only you didn't know that old herb Sullivan had trained Janet to be a first class accountant strange isn't it a girl who keeps books looks like poor j doesn't know what he's in for he'll be lucky if he gets money for cigarettes as for poker that's enough silver drop your gun and don't move how stupid I was I should have gotten rid of you before but unfortunately I I just can't shoot a woman I admire them too much I'm paying for it drop your gun I said looks as if you've won Mr ail why don't you shoot you're not going to die right now and especially not here of course we might uh compromise the young lady and we are gentlemen aren't we [Music] oh Mr Silver I started to work on oh well if it isn't my most loyal employee loyal and industrious you just keep them up friend now I don't have to waste time dragging her down [Music] it'd be just as well if this stuff disappeared there we are hide this first then call the sheriff he will be told that our friend here was caught in the act of stealing the bank's money but he'll talk no he won't talk he'll make a run for and I'll find it necessary to shoot him down and the girl it's too bad but I'm afraid the poor young lady was killed by silver when she caught him rifling the safe remember to say that she was dead when we got here he's right though you've gotten into this so you have to get out of it by killing the girl no evil we can't do that we'll do as I say there's no other way we can save things the cash and your respectability right yeah but this is going too far and you mustn't do it don't worry Mr ail I've got everything under control joh do you know what you've done stop him J oh how is it possible that one man can be so stupid you R everything you know that I never want to see you again never never tell dare come near you think fool you block I do let him go take a good look at him do that's the Man For Whom you've given up everything look at that he's running you're getting away he's leaving you holding the [Applause] bag [Music] [Applause] for all right silver now we'll see which one of us is [Music] smarter [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no what's going on Jud ask [Music] Silva I killed April case of self-defense well if you want to look in the bag that April was taken with him you'll find the money and the proof and if that's not enough the lady here will tell you the rest she's all yours Sheriff thank you Mr Silver thank you Miss Janet don't forget what I told you last night and hurry up with your investigation in a hurry to collect not in the least Mr abil paid me in advance he sure was a [Music] gentleman [Music] [Applause] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] okaye [Music] [Applause] for [Music] Beau [Applause] [Music] whis oh solo [Music] [Applause] [Music] foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] got
Channel: Django360
Views: 171,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 49sec (5449 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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